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YEAR 2017

Dewi Rahmawati1, Anisa N. Sulistiyowati2, Fitria Rahmaningrum3

Background: Abortion is a threat or expenditure of conception before the fetus can live outside
the womb. Part of the limit is pregnancy less than 20 weeks or less than 500 grams of fetus weight.
At the Nabire District General Hospital in 2015 there were 211 abortus cases, consisting of 162
incomplete abortions and 49 other abortus, with 67 higher education levels, and 144 lower
education and when viewed from the status Work that work as many as 4 soul and do not work as
much as 207 soul. Whereas in 2016 cases of abortion as many as 141 souls, with abortus
incomplete counted 107 soul and abortus 34 others soul. High education level 55 soul, and low
education 86 soul seen from work status which work as many as 9 soul and do not work as many
as 132 soul.
Objective: to know the correlation between education level and work of mother with incomplete
abortus incident In Maternity Room BLU RSUD Nabire Year 2017.
Method: the type of analytical research, the location of research in the Medical Record RSUD
Nabire in June of 2017 with the total population of 141 and the number of samples 141 by using
the technique of Total Sampling, the research tool used is checklist table and data recapitulation
computer to help In data processing, the data used is secondary data taken from the system of
recording and reporting of medical record and Maternity Room BLU RSUD Nabire, data analysis
used is univariate data analysis and bivariate data analysis.
Result : from statistics test result by using test chi-square and spss show there connection between
education level with abortion incident inkomplit where is value x2 count (12,5) > x2 table (3,841)
abortion and p ( 0,043) < (0,05) and there is connection between job with abortion inkomplit
where is value x2 count (0,48) < x2 table (3,841) and p (0,694) > ( 0,05).
Conclusion: There is a significant (significant) correlation between education level with abortion
incident inkomplit at speace Bersalin BLU RSUD Nabire year 2016 and there is connection
between job with abortion incident inkomplit at speace Bersalin BLU RSUD Nabire year 2016.

Keywords: Level of education, occupation, incomplete abortion incidence

1. Student : Dewi Rahmawati
2. Counselor I : Anisa N sulistiyowati, S, SiT, M.Kes
3. Supervisor II : Fitria Rahmaningrum S.ST


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