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EDI Examples

of practical business transactions in
into Standard EANCOM

UNA:+.? 'UNB+UNOC:3+4304984000008:14+4007731000008:14+0908
20090824:102'RFF+XA:DE87654321'NAD+SU+4101740000001::9'RFF Ohmstraße 1
GLN 40 07731 00000 8 77694 Kehl (Germany)
Post box 77691 Kehl (Germany)
Document: EDI-EXAMPLES-DE-2010-05-15.DOC Phone : +49 (0) 78 51 94 90
Issue: May 2010 E-Mail:
EDI Examples

Table of Contents

1 STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF EDI FILE ............................................................... 3

2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

3 EANCOM’02 (D.01B): DOCUMENT EXAMPLES ................................................................ 5

3.1 EXAMPLE INVOICE-1 (SIMPLE INVOICE) ......................................................................... 6
3.2 EXAMPLE INVOICE-2 ......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 EXAMPLE INVOICE-3 ......................................................................................................... 8
3.4 EXAMPLE CREDIT NOTE-1 ............................................................................................... 9
3.5 EXAMPLE INVOICE-4 ....................................................................................................... 10

4 EANCOM’02 (D.01B): EXAMPLES CONVERTED TO EDI ............................................... 11

4.1 EDI INVOICE-1 (SIMPLE INVOICE) .................................................................................. 11
4.2 EDI INVOICE-2 .................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 EDI INVOICE-3 .................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 EDI CREDIT NOTE-1......................................................................................................... 23
4.5 EDI INVOICE-4 .................................................................................................................. 26

5 EANCOM’97 (D.96A): DOCUMENT EXAMPLES .............................................................. 30

5.1 EXAMPLE INVOICE-1 (SIMPLE INVOICE) ............................................................................ 31
5.2 EXAMPLE INVOICE-2 ............................................................................................................ 32
5.3 EXAMPLE INVOICE-3 ............................................................................................................ 33
5.4 EXAMPLE CREDIT NOTE-1 ................................................................................................... 34
5.5 EXAMPLE INVOICE-4 ............................................................................................................ 35
5.6 EXAMPLE INVOICE-LIST (PAPER FORM) ............................................................................ 36

6 EANCOM ’97 (D.96A): EXAMPLES CONVERTED TO EDI .............................................. 37

6.1 EDI INVOICE-1 (SIMPLE INVOICE) .................................................................................. 37
6.2 EDI INVOICE-2 .................................................................................................................. 39
6.3 EDI INVOICE-3 .................................................................................................................. 45
6.4 EDI CREDIT NOTE-1......................................................................................................... 49
6.5 EDI INVOICE-4 .................................................................................................................. 52
6.6 EDI INVOICE-LIST ............................................................................................................ 56


EDI Examples

1 Structure and Composition of EDI File

UNA Service String Advice

UNB Interchange Header
UNG Functional Group Header (INVOIC)
UNH Nachrichtenbeginn
Message Header - INVOICE
first invoice
BGM Rechnung/Gutschrift-Kopfteil
Begin of Message - first invoice
::: :::
LIN Rechnung/Gutschrift-Positionsteil
Detail Section - first invoice "single
invoice or
::: :::
credit note"
LIN Rechnung/Gutschrift-Positionsteil
Detail Section - first invoice
::: :::
::: (1)
UNS Rechnung/Gutschrift-Fußteil
Summary Section - first invoice
::: :::
UNT Nachrichtenende
Message Trailer - first invoice

list unit (optional)

UNH Message Header - last invoice

first invoice
BGM Begin of Message - last invoice
transmission file (mandatory)

::: :::
LIN Detail Section - last invoice
file unit (optional)

::: :::
invoice or
LIN Detail Section - last invoice


credit note"
::: :::
UNS Summary Section - last invoice (n)
::: :::
UNT Message Trailer - last invoice
UNH Message Header - first invoice list
BGM Begin of Message - first invoice list
::: ::: "invoice
UNS Summary Section - first invoice list list"
::: :::
UNT Message Trailer - first invoice list
UNH Message Header - invoice
list unit (optional)

BGM Begin of Message - invoice

further invoice

::: :::
UNT Message Trailer - invoice
UNH Message Header - invoice list
::: :::
UNS Summary Section - invoice list
UNT Message Trailer - invoice list
UNE Functional Group Trailer (INVOIC)
UNZ Interchange Trailer


EDI Examples

2 Introduction

This document ”EDI Examples INVOIC” is to be seen as a supplement to our “EDI Guidelines
INVOIC”. It intends to help the supplier converting his inhouse data into EANCOM format.
Since 01.01.2009 the hardcopy invoice list is no more legally required and has therefore not be
sent anymore in EDI invoice processing with METRO MGP as of 31.08.2009. All information,
segments or data elements regarding the invoice list are accordingly marked in grey in this

The following examples show typical business transactions in invoicing and their conversion
into EDI. Especially allowances or charges related to either the entire document or the line
item, trade units, mixed assortments, documents containing more than one tax rate and credit
notes are dealt with.

For allowances/charges there are data elements on different levels having influence on
whether the value is negative or positive. Basically the same keys are used for allow-
ances/charges in invoices and credit notes. Whether the values are positive or negative will be
decided by the data element BGM 1001 = 380 (invoice) or 381 (credit note)!

Special care is requested, if additional credit items occur in an invoice. (Attention: this is not
accepted by all Metro sales lines!). In this case the keys for quantity and line items amount
change from positive to negative.

For trade units or mixed assortments there are two possibilities: either the trade unit or
assortment can be invoiced as a whole, or else the sublines are invoiced.

Invoice lists containing only credit notes will have negative values in the summary, invoice lists
containing credit notes and invoices may have negative values as well, if the sum of the credit
notes’ and invoices’ amounts is negative.


EDI Examples

3 EANCOM’02 (D.01B): Document examples

This file contains the following examples:

1. Document:
Invoice with one VAT rate, simple invoice (one item discount).
2. Document:
Invoice with 3 VAT rates, trade unit, mixed assortment and assortment invoiced.
3. Document:
Invoice with one VAT rate, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.
4. Document:
Credit note with one VAT rate, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.
5. Document:
Invoice with 2 VAT rates, credit position, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.


EDI Examples

3.1 Example Invoice-1 (Simple Invoice)

Supplier VAT registration No.: D E121285 949

ILN : 433076600 0003 Documen t No.: 9088811 Document date: 28.0 9.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 D elivery note No. 888999001 Delive ry date: 27.0 9.09
Fiscal No.: 123/4 567/8 910 Order No.: 8 889980001 Date of order: 24.0 9.09

Buyer Delivery p arty

VAT registration No.: ILN 43041 71088154
ILN 43041 71000002

Supplier's Quan- Allo- L in e item
Item de scrip tion EAN Package Gross price N et price Tax
item N o. tity wan ce amount
49111 A-item-1 43049844 91110 1 10 5,00 -0,75 4,925 49,25 19
1. discount: -1,5 % (amount = -0,75 €; basis = 50 €)
49112 B-item-2 43049844 91127 1 20 8,50 8,500 170,00 19
49113 C-item-3 43049844 91134 1 30 1 2,30 12,300 369,00 19

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusve reinbarung en.

Allowances/Charge s
Total line Ta xable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
588,25 58 8,25 111,77 1 9% 700,02 19
588,25 0 ,00 58 8,25 111,77 700,02


EDI Examples

3.2 Example Invoice-2

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285949

ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 9077711 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No..: 319953 Delivery note No.: 777999001 Delivery note date: 26.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: 7779980001 Date of order: 23.09.09
Date of delivery: 27.09.09

Buyer Delivery party

VAT registration No.: DE195285523 ILN 4304171088154
ILN 4304171000002

INVOICE Internal buyer No.: 88888888

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
item No. Item description EAN Package tity Gross price wance Net price amount Tax
Currency unit: €

47110 E-Item-1, CA 4304984471105 1 20 5,00 -3,00 4,850 97,00 7

Buyer's part No. 876543210, Item group=1147, Customs tariff No. 78787878, Colour = dark blue, Size = 50
1. discount: -0,5 %, 2. discount -0,10 €/unit, 3. discount -0,50 €, retail price = 7,00 €

47120 G-Item-2, CT 4304984471204 10 50 10,00 -24,70 0,951 475,30 7

Buyer's part No. 43298705, EAN subline item 4304984471211
1. discount: -3 %, 2. discount: -2 %, retail price = 13,00 €
47130 D-Item-3, DPE 4304984471303 1 30 6,00 -5,40 5,820 174,60 19
Buyer's part No. 12345678, Item group=5555
1. discount: -2 %, 2. discount -1,80 € (Basis amount = 174,60), retail price = 7,50 €
*** Begin of Display ***
47131 DUP-item-3a 4304984471310 1 150 0,00 19
47132 DUP-item-3b 4304984471327 1 300 0,00 19
*** End of Display ***
47400 tax free item-4 24304984474008 1 120 2,50 -15,00 2,375 285,00 0
1. discount: -4 %, 2. discount: -1 % (Basis amount = 300,00)
this item is tax free
A0-47000X free goods item 0 4304984470009 1 5 0,00 19
Buyer's part No. 44447777000

free text related to summary

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 41,00

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Packing 26,50
3. Invoice discount -8,18 Insurance 7,40

Total retail amount of goods 1.270,35 €

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
285,00 -7,80 11,30 -5,77 282,73 0,00 0% 282,73 0
572,30 -19,94 41,00 -11,87 581,49 40,70 7% 622,19 7
174,60 -6,09 22,60 -3,82 187,29 35,59 19% 222,88 19
1.031,90 -33,83 74,90 -21,46 1.051,51 76,29 1.127,80


EDI Examples

3.3 Example Invoice-3

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285 949

ILN: 433076600 0003 Documen t No.: 9066611 Document date: 29.0 9.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No.: 666999001 Delive ry date: 27.0 9.09
Fiscal No.: 123456789 10 Order No.: 66699801 Date of order: 23.0 9.09

Buyer Delivery p arty

VAT registration No.: DE195285 523 ILN 43350 85000857
ILN 43330 99000009

INVOICE Internal buyer number: 666 888

Supplier's Quan- Allo- L in e item
Item de scrip tion EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item N o. tity wan ce amount
Free te xt related to document head er
47110 F-item-1 8x5 43049844 71105 1 20 5,00 -3,00 4,850 97,00 19
Buyer's part No. 87654 3210, Item group=1 147
Grade = Navel, Size = 75 er, Quality = Ia, 500 gram, special allowance amount = 0 ,22 €
1. discount: -0,5 % , 2. discount -0,10 €/ME, 3. discount -0,50 €, Total retail amount = 1 33,20 €
Free text fresh goo ds item
48110 RC-item-1, BO 43 0498448111 1 L 1 120 0,30 0,300 36,00 19
Buyer's part No. 87654 3211, Item group=1 148
Free text for returnable container
48111 RC-item-2, BC 43 0498447120 4 L 12 10 9,60 0,800 96,00 19
EAN-su bline item: 43 0498448110 4
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471 303 1 30 0,00
Buyer's pa rt No. 111 15678, Item group=44 44
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 43049844 71310 1 150 0,70 0,700 105,00 19
retail price = 0,95 €
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 43049844 71327 1 300 0,25 -5,40 0,232 69,60 19
Buyer's pa rt No. 111 5678, Item group=555 5
1. discount: 5 % , 2. discount 1,65 € (b asis = 75,00), re tail p rice = 0,40 €
*** End of Display ***

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusve reinbarung en.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 22,50

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Pa cking 10,80
3. Invoice discount 6,43 Insura nce 2,70

Total reta il amount 580,3 3 €

Allowances/Charge s
Total line Ta xable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
403,60 -3 ,60 36,00 -8,70 427,30 81,19 19% 508,49 19
403,60 -3 ,60 36,00 -8,70 427,30 81,19 508,49


EDI Examples

3.4 Example Credit Note-1

Supplier VAT registration No.:

ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 66111 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No: Delivery date: 27.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: Date of order:
Orig. doc. No.: Orig. doc. date:
Return goods No 9800032 Complaint No.:
Buyer Delivery party
VAT registration No.: ILN 4335343003439
ILN 4333099000009

C R EDIT N OT E Internal buyer No.: 666666

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
Item description EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item No. tity wance amount
Credit note for returnable containers
48110 RC-item-1, BO 4304984481104 L 1 -120 0,30 0,300 -36,00 19
Buyer's part No. 876543222, Item group=1148
Free text returnable container
48111 RC-item-2, BC 4304984481111 L 12 -10 9,60 0,800 -96,00 19
EAN-subline item: 4304984481104
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471303 1 -30 0,00
Buyer's part No. 11115678, Item group=4444
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 4304984471310 1 -150 0,70 -0,023 -105,00 19
information price = 0,95 €
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 4304984471327 1 -300 0,25 5,40 -0,008 -69,60 19
Buyer's part No. 11115677, Item group=4455
1. discount:- 5 %, 2. discount -1,65 € (basis = 75,00), information price = 0,40 €
*** End of Display ***

Free text related to summary

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 22,50 €

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Packing 10,80 €
3. Invoice discount +6,02 € Insurance 2,70 €

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
-306,60 1,60 -36,00 8,70 -332,30 -63,14 19% -395,44 19
-306,60 1,60 -36,00 8,70 -332,30 -63,14 -395,44


EDI Examples

3.5 Example Invoice-4

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285949

ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 9855511 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No. 666555333 Delivery date: 27.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: 777001 Date of order:

Buyer Delivery party

VAT registration No.: ILN 4330553081024
ILN 4330553000001

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
Item description EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item No. tity wance amount
47110 E-item-1 4304984471105 1 40 5,00 -10,00 4,750 190,00 19
1. discount: -1,5 %, 2. discount: -7,00 €
48111 RC-item-1, BO 4304984481111 L 1 -120 0,30 0,300 -36,00 7
Returned containers
47120 RC-item-2, BC 4304984471204 L 6 100 6,60 1,100 660,00 7
EAN-subline item: 4304984481104
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471303 1 20 0,00
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 4304984471310 1 200 0,70 -4,20 0,679 135,80 19
1. discount: 3 %
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 4304984471327 1 400 0,30 -5,93 0,285 114,07 7
1. discount:- 2 %, 2. discount: -3 %
*** End of Display ***

1. Invoice discount -2,50%

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
738,07 -18,45 719,62 50,38 7% 770,00 7
325,80 -8,15 317,65 60,35 19% 378,00 19
1.063,87 -26,60 1.037,27 110,73 1148,00

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EDI Examples

4 EANCOM’02 (D.01B): Examples converted to EDI

4.1 EDI Invoice-1 (Simple Invoice)
4.1.1 Header Section for Invoice-1 (1 VAT rate)

UNA:+.? ' # List of separators (mandatory)

UNH+1+INVOIC:D:01B:UN:EAN010' # 1st document header
BGM+380+9088811+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090928:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agree-
ments; ST1,ST2,ST3)
RFF+DQ:888999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:8889980001' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090924:102' # Date of order
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+YC1:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4304171000002::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
NAD+DP+4304171088154::9' # Delivery party’s identification number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

4.1.2 Line Item for Invoice-1: item discount

LIN+1++4304984491110:SRV' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+49111:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::A-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:10:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:49.25' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-0.75' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:0.75' # 0,75 € amount of allowance
MOA+25:50' # Basis of allowance

EDI-EXAMPLES-DE-2010-05-15.DOC (C) METRO MGP Page 11

EDI Examples

4.1.3 Line Item for Invoice-1

LIN+2++4304984491127:SRV' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+49112:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::B-item-2' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+66:170' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:8.50:::1:PCE' # Calculation net price
LIN+3++4304984491134:SRV' # 3rd item, EAN
PIA+1+49113:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::C-item-3' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:30:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+66:369' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:12.30:::1:PCE' # Calculation net price

4.1.4 Summary for Invoice-1

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:700.02' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:588.25' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:111.77' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:588.25' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
UNT+52+1' # End of 1st invoice

EDI-EXAMPLES-DE-2010-05-15.DOC (C) METRO MGP Page 12

EDI Examples

4.2 EDI Invoice-2

4.2.1 Header Section for Invoice-2 (3 VAT rates)

UNH+2+INVOIC:D:01B:UN:EAN010' # 2nd document header

BGM+380+9077711+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+SUR+++free text related to summary +DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agree-
ments; ST1,ST2,ST3)
RFF+DQ:777999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:7779980001' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090923:102' # Date of order
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+YC1:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4304171000002::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+IT:88888888' # Internal buyer number
RFF+VA:DE195285523' # VAT registration number (buyer)
NAD+DP+4304171088154::9' # Delivery party’s identification number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

EDI-EXAMPLES-DE-2010-05-15.DOC (C) METRO MGP Page 13

EDI Examples

4.2.2 Allowances/Charges related to Invoice-2

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 7%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:8.58' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 7%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 7%
MOA+25:572.30' # Basis of allowance
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:24.70' # Amount of freight
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of freight
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:11.20' # Amount of packing
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of packing

EDI-EXAMPLES-DE-2010-05-15.DOC (C) METRO MGP Page 14

EDI Examples
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 7%
MOA+25:255.55' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:5.1' # Amount of insurance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of insurance
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:11.87' # Amount of early payment discount
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of early payment discount
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 0%

4.2.3 Line Item for Invoice-2: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:SRV' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA+876543210:IN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1147:GN+78787878:HS' # GS1 item group classification/customs
tariff number
IMD+A++:::E-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+B+35+:::dark blue' # Item colour
IMD+B+98+:::50' # Item size
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:97.00' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-3.00' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
PRI+AAE:7.00::SRP' # Information price
PAC+++CA' # Package type
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Line item’s tax rate (7%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:0.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
RTE+1:0.10' # 0,10 € allowance per measure unit
ALC+A+3++2+DI' # 3rd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:0' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:0.50' # 0,50 € amount of allowance

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EDI Examples

4.2.4 Line Items for Invoice-2: 2nd Trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+2++4304984471204:SRV' # 2nd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
PAC+++CT' # Package type
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to item
PCD+3:3.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to item
PCD+3:2.00' # Percentage of allowance
LIN+3++4304984471211:SRV+1:2’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+2)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:10' # Quantity of consumer units/invoicing unit

4.2.5 Line Items for Invoice-2: 3rd mixed assortment

LIN+4++4304984471303:SRV' # 3rd item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number of assortment
PIA+1+12345678:IN+5555:GN' # Buyers’s item number/GS1 classification
IMD+C++IN::9' # Assortment is invoicing unit
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+47:30:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments
MOA+203:174.60' # Line item amount
PRI+AAB:6.00:::1:PCE’ # Calculation gross price (mixed assortment)
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:2.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:174.6' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.80' # Amount of allowance
LIN+5++4304984471310:SRV+1:4’ # 1st subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+45E:150:PCE' # Quantity of all assortments delivered,
which means here: 30 assortments, contain-
ing 5 items each = 150)
LIN+6++4304984471327:SRV+1:4’ # 2nd subline item related to 3rd line item
IMD+A++::: DUP-item-3b'

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4.2.6 Line Item for Invoice-2: 4. tax free single item

LIN+7++24304984474008:SRV' # 7th item, DUN-14

IMD+A++IN:::tax free item 4'
FTX+ZZZ+++this item is tax free+DE'
PRI+AAB:250:::100:PCE’ # Calculation gross price per 100
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax free item
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:4.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.00' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+25:300' # Basis of allowance

4.2.7 Line Item for Invoice-2: 5th item free of charge

IMD+A++:::free goods item 0'
QTY+192:5:PCE' # Free goods quantity
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # TAX segment in line item only, if item’s
tax rate differs from that given in the
document header

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4.2.8 Summary for Invoice-2

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:1127.80' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:1031.90' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:76.29' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:1051.51' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
MOA+131:19.61' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
for all tax rates (allowances related to
document, freight, insurance, packing,
early payment discount)
MOA+402:1270.35' # Invoice total monetary amount of sold
goods for all tax rates
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax rate 0%
MOA+79:285.00' # Total line items amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+124:0' # Tax amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+125:282.73' # Taxable amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+131:-2.27' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax
rate 0%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate 7%
MOA+79:572.30' # Total line items amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+124:40.70' # Tax amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+125:581.49' # Taxable amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+131:9.19' # Total amount, of allowances/charges, tax
rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate 19%
MOA+79:174.60' # Total line items amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+124:35.59' # Tax amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+125:187.29' # Taxable amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+131:12.69' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax
rate 19%
UNT+211+2' # End of 2nd invoice

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4.3 EDI Invoice-3

4.3.1 Document Header for Invoice-3 (1 VAT rate)

UNH+3+INVOIC:D:01B:UN:EAN010' # 3rd document header

BGM+380+9066611+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+ZZZ+++free text related to document header+DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agree-
ments; ST1,ST2,ST3)
RFF+DQ:666999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:66699801' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090923:102' # Date of Order
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+YC1:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4333099000009::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+VA:DE195285523' # VAT registration number (buyer)
NAD+DP+4335085000857::9' # Delivery party’s identification number
RFF+IT:666888' # Internal customer number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

4.3.2 Allowances/Charges in Document Header for Invoice-3

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:6.05' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+C+3++3+SH' # 3rd allowance (charge), tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis of allowance
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:22.50' # Amount of freight
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of freight
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:10.8' # Amount of packing
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of packing
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:2.70' # Amount of insurance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of insurance
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:8.7' # Amount of early payment discount
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of early payment discount

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4.3.3 Line Item for Invoice-3: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:SRV' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA+876543210:IN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1147:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::F-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+B+98+:::75er' # Item size
IMD+B+38+:::Navel' # Grade
IMD+B+13+:::Ia' # Quality
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:KGM' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++ free text fresh goods item+DE'
MOA+203:97.00' # Line item amount
MOA+204:0.22' # Special allowance amount
MOA+402:133.2' # Total monetary amount of sold goods
MOA+131:-3.00' # Line item total allowance/charge
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:KGM' # Calculation gross price
PAC+++:::8x5' # Package type
MEA+AAI+AAA+GRM:500' # Weight per unit in gram
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:0.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
RTE+1:0.10' # 0,10 € allowance per measure unit
ALC+A+3++2+DI' # 3rd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:0' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:0.50' # 0,50 € amount of allowance

4.3.4 Line Item for Invoice-3: 2nd single item

LIN+2++4304984481104:SRV' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+48110:SA+876543211:IN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1148:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++free text for returnable container+DE'
MOA+66:36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:300:::1000:PCE' # Calculation net price (per thousend)
PAC+++BO' # Package type

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4.3.5 Line Items for Invoice-3: 3rd trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+3++4304984481111:SRV' # 3rd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+4++4304984481104:SRV+1:3’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+3)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:12' # Quantity of consumer units/invoicing unit

4.3.6 Line Items for Invoice-3: 4th assortment /mixed assortment

LIN+5++4304984471303:SRV' # 4th item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA+11115678:IN+4444:GN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:30:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments delivered
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+6++4304984471310:SRV+1:5’ # 1st subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:150:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+66:105' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAA:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
LIN+7++4304984471327:SRV+1:5' # 2nd subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
PIA+1+1115678:IN+5555:GN' # Buyer’s item number/GS1 classification
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
QTY+47:300:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+203:69.60' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.25:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to item
PCD+3:5.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to item
MOA+25:75' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.65' # 1,65 € amount of allowance

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4.3.7 Summary for Invoice-3

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:508.49' # Invoice total monetary amount
MOA+79:403.60' # Total line items amount
MOA+124:81.19' # Total tax amount
MOA+125:427.3' # Total taxable amount
MOA+131:23.7' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
(allowances related to invoice, freight
,insurance, packing, early payment dis-
MOA+402:580.33' # Invoice total monetary amount of sold
UNT+134+3' # End of 3rd invoice

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4.4 EDI Credit Note-1

4.4.1 Document Header for Credit Note-1 (1 VAT rate)

UNH+4+INVOIC:D:01B:UN:EAN010' # 4th document header

BGM+381+66111' # Credit note, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102’ # Delivery date
FTX+ZZZ+++credit note for returnable containers+DE'
FTX+SUR+++free text related to summary+DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agree-
ments; ST1,ST2,ST3)
RFF+ASI:9800032' # Return-of-goods-number (Returnable
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+YC1:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4333099000009::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+IT:666666' # Internal buyer number
NAD+DP+4335343003439::9' # Delivery party’s identification number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

4.4.2 Allowances/Charges for Credit Note Header

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:4.60' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
PCD+3:1.00' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:3.02' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of allownce
ALC+C+3++3+NAA' # 3rd charge for non-returnable container
MOA+25:100' # Basis of charge
MOA+8:6.02' # Amount of charge
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:22.50' # Amount of freight
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:10.8' # Amount of packing
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:2.70' # Amount of insurance
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:8.7' # Amount of early payment discount

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4.4.3 Line Item for Credit Note-1: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984481104:SRV' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+48110:SA+876543222:IN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1148:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++free text returnable container +DE'
MOA+66:36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:300:::1000:PCE' # Calculation net price per 1000
PAC+++BO' # Package type

4.4.4 Line Items for Credit Note-1: 2nd trade unit including one single consumer

LIN+2++4304984481111:SRV' # 2nd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+3++4304984481104:SRV+1:2’ # Subline itemrelated to line item (LIN+2)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:12' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing

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4.4.5 Line Items for Credit Note-1: 3rd mixed assortment

LIN+4++4304984471303:SRV' # 3rd item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number of assortment
PIA+1+11115678:IN+4444:GN' # Buyer’s part number/GS1 item group
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:30:PCE' # Quantity of assortments delivered
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+5++4304984471310:SRV+1:4' # 1st subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:150:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+66:105' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAA:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
LIN+6++4304984471327:SRV+1:4' # 2nd subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
PIA+1+11115677:IN+4455:GN' # Buyer’s part number/GS1 item group
IMD+A++::: DUP-item-3b'
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:300:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+203:69.60' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.25:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to subline item
PCD+3:5.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to subline item
MOA+25:75' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.65' # Amount of allowance

4.4.6 Credit Note Summary

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:395.44' # Credit note total amount
MOA+79:306.60' # Total line items amount
MOA+124:63.14' # Total tax amount
MOA+125:332.3' # Total taxable amount
MOA+131:25.7' # Credit note total amount of allow-
UNT+106+4' # End of credit note

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4.5 EDI Invoice-4

4.5.1 Document Header for Invoice-4 (2 VAT rates)

UNH+5+INVOIC:D:01B:UN:EAN010' # 5th document header

BGM+380+9855511+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agree-
ments; ST1,ST2,ST3)
RFF+DQ:666555333' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:777001' # Order number (buyer)
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+YC1:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4330553000001::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
NAD+DP+4330553081024::9' # Delivery party’s identification number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

4.5.2 Allowances/Charges related to Document Header, Invoice-4

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 7%

PCD+3:2.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:18.45' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, 19%
PCD+3:2.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:8.15' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate of allowance

4.5.3 Line item for Invoice-4: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:SRV' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::E-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
QTY+47:40:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:190.00' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-10.00' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Line item’s tax rate (19%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
MOA+8:7' # 7 € amount of allowance

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4.5.4 Line Item for Invoice-4: 2nd single item (credit item)

LIN+2++4304984481111:SRV' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+48111:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:-120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++returned containers+DE'
MOA+203:-36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAB:0.30:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
PAC+++BO' # Package type

4.5.5 Line Items for Invoice-4: 3rd trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+3++4304984471204:SRV' # 3rd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+4++4304984481104:SRV+1:3’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+3)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:6' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing

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4.5.6 Line Items for Invoice-4: 4th mixed assortment

LIN+5++4304984471303:SRV' # 4th item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:20:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+6++4304984471310:SRV+1:5’ # 1st subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:200:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+203:135.80' # Subline item amount
MOA+131:-4.20' # Subline item total monetary discount
PRI+AAB:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Calculation gross price
PAC+++BG' # Package type
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Subline item’s tax rate (19%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to subline item
PCD+3:3.00' # Percentage of allowance
LIN+7++4304984471327:SRV+1:5’ # 2nd subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:400:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assort-
ments delivered
MOA+131:-5.93' # Subline item total monetary discount
MOA+203:114.07' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.30:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI’ # Percentage of allowance

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4.5.7 Summary for Invoice-4

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:1148.00' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:1063.87' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:110.73' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:1037.27' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
MOA+131:-26.6' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
for all tax rates
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7+S’ # Tax rate 7%
MOA+79:738.07' # Total line items amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+124:50.38' # Tax amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+125:719.62' # Taxable amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+131:-18.45' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax
rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19+S’ # Tax rate 19%
MOA+79:325.80' # Total line items amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+124:60.35' # Tax amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+125:317.65' # Taxable amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+131:-8.15' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax
rate 19%
UNT+111+5' # End of 4th invoice

UNZ+5+07100201' # End of physical file

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EDI Examples

5 EANCOM’97 (D.96A): Document examples

This file contains the following examples:

6. Document:
Invoice with one VAT rate, simple invoice (one item discount).
7. Document:
Invoice with 3 VAT rates, trade unit, mixed assortment and assortment invoiced.
8. Document:
Invoice with one VAT rate, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.
9. Document:
Credit note with one VAT rate, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.
10. Document:
Invoice with 2 VAT rates, credit position, mixed assortment and sublines invoiced.
11. Document:
Invoice list corresponding to invoices 1 to 5.

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EDI Examples

5.1 Example Invoice-1 (Simple Invoice)

Supplier VAT registration No.: D E121285 949 Invoice-list No.: 1237 Date of invoice-list 01.1 0.09
ILN : 433076600 0003 Documen t No.: 9088811 Document date: 28.0 9.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 D elivery note No. 888999001 Delive ry date: 27.0 9.09
Fiscal No.: 123/4 567/8 910 Order No.: 8 889980001 Date of order: 24.0 9.09

Buyer Delivery p arty

VAT registration No.: ILN 43041 71088154
ILN 43041 71000002

Supplier's Quan- Allo- L in e item
Item de scrip tion EAN Package Gross price N et price Tax
item N o. tity wan ce amount
49111 A-item-1 43049844 91110 1 10 5,00 -0,75 4,925 49,25 19
1. discount: -1,5 % (amount = -0,75 €; basis = 50 €)
49112 B-item-2 43049844 91127 1 20 8,50 8,500 170,00 19
49113 C-item-3 43049844 91134 1 30 1 2,30 12,300 369,00 19

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusve reinbarung en.

Allowances/Charge s
Total line Ta xable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
588,25 58 8,25 111,77 1 9% 700,02 19
588,25 0 ,00 58 8,25 111,77 700,02

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EDI Examples

5.2 Example Invoice-2

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285949 Invoice-list- No.: 1237 Dato of invoice-ist: 01.10.09
ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 9077711 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No..: 319953 Delivery note No.: 777999001 Delivery note date: 26.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: 7779980001 Date of order: 23.09.09
Date of delivery: 27.09.09

Buyer Delivery party

VAT registration No.: DE195285523 ILN 4304171088154
ILN 4304171000002

INVOICE Internal buyer No.: 88888888

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
item No. Item description EAN Package tity Gross price wance Net price amount Tax
Currency unit: €

47110 E-Item-1, CA 4304984471105 1 20 5,00 -3,00 4,850 97,00 7

Buyer's part No. 876543210, Item group=1147, Customs tariff No. 78787878, Colour = dark blue, Size = 50
1. discount: -0,5 %, 2. discount -0,10 €/unit, 3. discount -0,50 €, retail price = 7,00 €

47120 G-Item-2, CT 4304984471204 10 50 10,00 -24,70 0,951 475,30 7

Buyer's part No. 43298705, EAN subline item 4304984471211
1. discount: -3 %, 2. discount: -2 %, retail price = 13,00 €
47130 D-Item-3, DPE 4304984471303 1 30 6,00 -5,40 5,820 174,60 19
Buyer's part No. 12345678, Item group=5555
1. discount: -2 %, 2. discount -1,80 € (Basis amount = 174,60), retail price = 7,50 €
*** Begin of Display ***
47131 DUP-item-3a 4304984471310 1 150 0,00 19
47132 DUP-item-3b 4304984471327 1 300 0,00 19
*** End of Display ***
47400 tax free item-4 24304984474008 1 120 2,50 -15,00 2,375 285,00 0
1. discount: -4 %, 2. discount: -1 % (Basis amount = 300,00)
this item is tax free
A0-47000X free goods item 0 4304984470009 1 5 0,00 19
Buyer's part No. 44447777000

free text related to summary

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 41,00

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Packing 26,50
3. Invoice discount -8,18 Insurance 7,40

Total retail amount of goods 1.270,35 €

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
285,00 -7,80 11,30 -5,77 282,73 0,00 0% 282,73 0
572,30 -19,94 41,00 -11,87 581,49 40,70 7% 622,19 7
174,60 -6,09 22,60 -3,82 187,29 35,59 19% 222,88 19
1.031,90 -33,83 74,90 -21,46 1.051,51 76,29 1.127,80

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EDI Examples

5.3 Example Invoice-3

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285 949 Invoice -list-No.: 1237 Date of invoice-list: 01.1 0.09
ILN: 433076600 0003 Documen t No.: 9066611 Document date: 29.0 9.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No.: 666999001 Delive ry date: 27.0 9.09
Fiscal No.: 123456789 10 Order No.: 66699801 Date of order: 23.0 9.09

Buyer Delivery p arty

VAT registration No.: DE195285 523 ILN 43350 85000857
ILN 43330 99000009

INVOICE Internal buyer number: 666 888

Supplier's Quan- Allo- L in e item
Item de scrip tion EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item N o. tity wan ce amount
Free te xt related to document head er
47110 F-item-1 8x5 43049844 71105 1 20 5,00 -3,00 4,850 97,00 19
Buyer's part No. 87654 3210, Item group=1 147
Grade = Navel, Size = 75 er, Quality = Ia, 500 gram, special allowance amount = 0 ,22 €
1. discount: -0,5 % , 2. discount -0,10 €/ME, 3. discount -0,50 €, Total retail amount = 1 33,20 €
Free text fresh goo ds item
48110 RC-item-1, BO 43 0498448111 1 L 1 120 0,30 0,300 36,00 19
Buyer's part No. 87654 3211, Item group=1 148
Free text for returnable container
48111 RC-item-2, BC 43 0498447120 4 L 12 10 9,60 0,800 96,00 19
EAN-su bline item: 43 0498448110 4
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471 303 1 30 0,00
Buyer's pa rt No. 111 15678, Item group=44 44
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 43049844 71310 1 150 0,70 0,700 105,00 19
retail price = 0,95 €
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 43049844 71327 1 300 0,25 -5,40 0,232 69,60 19
Buyer's pa rt No. 111 5678, Item group=555 5
1. discount: 5 % , 2. discount 1,65 € (b asis = 75,00), re tail p rice = 0,40 €
*** End of Display ***

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusve reinbarung en.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 22,50

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Pa cking 10,80
3. Invoice discount 6,43 Insura nce 2,70

Total reta il amount 580,3 3 €

Allowances/Charge s
Total line Ta xable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
403,60 -3 ,60 36,00 -8,70 427,30 81,19 19% 508,49 19
403,60 -3 ,60 36,00 -8,70 427,30 81,19 508,49

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5.4 Example Credit Note-1

Supplier VAT registration No.: Invoice-list No.: 1237 Date of invoice-list 01.10.09
ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 66111 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No: Delivery date: 27.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: Date of order:
Orig. doc. No.: Orig. doc. date:
Return goods No 9800032 Complaint No.:
Buyer Delivery party
VAT registration No.: ILN 4335343003439
ILN 4333099000009

C R EDIT N OT E Internal buyer No.: 666666

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
Item description EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item No. tity wance amount
Credit note for returnable containers
48110 RC-item-1, BO 4304984481104 L 1 -120 0,30 0,300 -36,00 19
Buyer's part No. 876543222, Item group=1148
Free text returnable container
48111 RC-item-2, BC 4304984481111 L 12 -10 9,60 0,800 -96,00 19
EAN-subline item: 4304984481104
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471303 1 -30 0,00
Buyer's part No. 11115678, Item group=4444
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 4304984471310 1 -150 0,70 -0,023 -105,00 19
information price = 0,95 €
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 4304984471327 1 -300 0,25 5,40 -0,008 -69,60 19
Buyer's part No. 11115677, Item group=4455
1. discount:- 5 %, 2. discount -1,65 € (basis = 75,00), information price = 0,40 €
*** End of Display ***

Free text related to summary

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

1. Invoice discount -1,50% Freight 22,50 €

2. Invoice discount -1,00% Packing 10,80 €
3. Invoice discount +6,02 € Insurance 2,70 €

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
-306,60 1,60 -36,00 8,70 -332,30 -63,14 19% -395,44 19
-306,60 1,60 -36,00 8,70 -332,30 -63,14 -395,44

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5.5 Example Invoice-4

Supplier VAT registration No.: DE121285949 Invoice-list No.: 1237 Date of invoice-list 01.10.09
ILN: 4330766000003 Document No.: 9855511 Document date: 29.09.09
METRO supplier No.: 319953 Delivery note No. 666555333 Delivery date: 27.09.09
Fiscal No.: 12345678910 Order No.: 777001 Date of order:

Buyer Delivery party

VAT registration No.: ILN 4330553081024
ILN 4330553000001

Supplier's Quan- Allo- Line item
Item description EAN Package Gross price Net price Tax
item No. tity wance amount
47110 E-item-1 4304984471105 1 40 5,00 -10,00 4,750 190,00 19
1. discount: -1,5 %, 2. discount: -7,00 €
48111 RC-item-1, BO 4304984481111 L 1 -120 0,30 0,300 -36,00 7
Returned containers
47120 RC-item-2, BC 4304984471204 L 6 100 6,60 1,100 660,00 7
EAN-subline item: 4304984481104
47130 D-item-3, DY 4304984471303 1 20 0,00
*** Begin of Display: ***
47131 DUP-item-3a, BG 4304984471310 1 200 0,70 -4,20 0,679 135,80 19
1. discount: 3 %
47132 DUP-item-3b, CX 4304984471327 1 400 0,30 -5,93 0,285 114,07 7
1. discount:- 2 %, 2. discount: -3 %
*** End of Display ***

1. Invoice discount -2,50%

Es bestehen Rabatt- oder Bonusvereinbarungen.

Total line Taxable Tax Total
Freight/Packing Early payment Tax rate Tax
item amount Discount amount amount amount
Insurance discount
738,07 -18,45 719,62 50,38 7% 770,00 7
325,80 -8,15 317,65 60,35 19% 378,00 19
1.063,87 -26,60 1.037,27 110,73 1148,00

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5.6 Example Invoice-List (Paper Form)


S A M M E L A B R E C H N U N G S L I S T E (INVOICE LIST) Page: 1 / n

Postal recipient: Please fill in completely:

MGP GLN supplier: 4330766000003

Ohmstraße 1 Supplier no.: 319953
77694 Kehl (Germany)
Postal address: 77691 Kehl (Germany) Suppliers VAT identification no.: DE121285949

Fax-No. +49 (0) 7851 949 172 (Live run Metro)

Name and address of supplier:

Industriestraße 45
77115 Musterhausen
Number of inclosed invoices: 5 Invoice list no.: 1237
Currency unit: € Date of invoice list: 01.10.2009
Billing period: 28.09.09 – 29.09.09

Invoice Invoice Invoice recipient Net VAT Total

no. date (GLN) amount amount amount
1 9088811 28.09.09 4304171000002 588,25 111,77 700,02
2 9077711 29.09.09 4304171000002 1051,51 76,29 1127,80
Sub-total 1639,76 188,06 1827,82
3 9066611 29.09.09 4333099000009 427,30 81,19 508,49
4 66611 29.09.09 4333099000009 -332,30 -63,14 -395,44
Sub-total 95,00 18,05 113,05
5 9855511 29.09.09 4330553000001 1037,27 110,73 1148,00
Sub-total 1037,27 110,73 1148,00

Invoice list toals 2772,03 316,84 3088,87

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EDI Examples

6 EANCOM ’97 (D.96A): Examples converted to EDI

6.1 EDI Invoice-1 (Simple Invoice)
6.1.1 Header Section for Invoice-1 (1 VAT rate)

UNA:+.? ' # List of separators (mandatory)

UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 1st document header
BGM+380+9088811+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090928:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agreements;
RFF+DQ:888999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:8889980001' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090924:102' # Date of order
RFF+ABO:1237' # Invoice-list number
DTM+171:20091001:102' # Date of invoice list
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4304171000002::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
NAD+DP+4304171088154::9' # Delivery party’s identification number (ILN)
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

6.1.2 Line Item for Invoice-1: item discount

LIN+1++4304984491110:EN' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+49111:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::A-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:10:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:49.25' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-0.75' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:0.75' # 0,75 € amount of allowance
MOA+25:50' # Basis of allowance

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6.1.3 Line Item for Invoice-1

LIN+2++4304984491127:EN' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+49112:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::B-item-2' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+66:170' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:8.50:::1:PCE' # Calculation net price
LIN+3++4304984491134:EN' # 3rd item, EAN
PIA+1+49113:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::C-item-3' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:30:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+66:369' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:12.30:::1:PCE' # Calculation net price

6.1.4 Summary for Invoice-1

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:700.02' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:588.25' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:111.77' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:588.25' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
UNT+54+1' # End of 1st invoice

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EDI Examples

6.2 EDI Invoice-2

6.2.1 Header Section for Invoice-2 (3 VAT rates)

UNH+2+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 2nd document header

BGM+380+9077711+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+SUR+++free text related to summary +DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agreements;
RFF+DQ:777999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:7779980001' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090923:102' # Date of order
RFF+ABO:1237' # Invoice-list number
DTM+171:20091001:102' # Date of invoice list
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4304171000002::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:88888888' # Internal buyer number
RFF+VA:DE195285523' # VAT registration number (buyer)
NAD+DP+4304171088154::9' # Delivery party’s identification number (ILN)
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

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6.2.2 Allowances/Charges related to Invoice-2

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 7%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:8.58' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 7%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 7%
MOA+25:572.30' # Basis of allowance
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+A+3++1+DI' # 3rd allowance, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:24.70' # Amount of freight
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of freight
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:11.20' # Amount of packing
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of packing

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EDI Examples
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 0%
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 7%
MOA+25:255.55' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:5.1' # Amount of insurance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of insurance
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 0%
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 7%
MOA+8:11.87' # Amount of early payment discount
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of early payment discount
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 0%

6.2.3 Line Item for Invoice-2: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:EN' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA+876543210:BP' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1147:GN+78787878:HS' # GS1 item group classification/customs tariff
IMD+A++:::E-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+B+35+:::dark blue' # Item colour
IMD+B+98+:::50' # Item size
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:97.00' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-3.00' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
PRI+AAE:7.00::SRP' # Information price
PAC+++CA' # Package type
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Line item’s tax rate (7%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:0.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
RTE+1:0.10' # 0,10 € allowance per measure unit
ALC+A+3++2+DI' # 3rd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:0' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:0.50' # 0,50 € amount of allowance

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6.2.4 Line Items for Invoice-2: 2nd Trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+2++4304984471204:EN' # 2nd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
PAC+++CT' # Package type
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to item
PCD+3:3.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to item
PCD+3:2.00' # Percentage of allowance
LIN+3++4304984471211:EN+1:2’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+2)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:10' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing unit

6.2.5 Line Items for Invoice-2: 3rd mixed assortment

LIN+4++4304984471303:EN' # 3rd item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number of assortment
PIA+1+12345678:BP+5555:GN' # Buyers’s part number/GS1 item classification
IMD+C++IN::9' # Assortment is invoicing unit
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+47:30:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments
MOA+203:174.60' # Line item amount
PRI+AAB:6.00:::1:PCE’ # Calculation gross price of mixed assortment
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:2.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:174.6' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.80' # Amount of allowance
LIN+5++4304984471310:EN+1:4’ # 1st subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+45E:150:PCE' # Quantity of all assortments delivered, which
means here: 30 assortments, containing 5
items each = 150)
LIN+6++4304984471327:EN+1:4’ # 2nd subline item related to 3rd line item
IMD+A++::: DUP-item-3b'

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6.2.6 Line Item for Invoice-2: 4. tax free single item

LIN+7++24304984474008:EN' # 7th item, DUN-14

IMD+A++IN:::tax free item 4'
FTX+ZZZ+++this item is tax free+DE'
PRI+AAB:250:::100:PCE’ # Calculation gross price per 100
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax free item
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:4.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.00' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+25:300' # Basis of allowance

6.2.7 Line Item for Invoice-2: 5th item free of charge

IMD+A++:::free goods item 0'
QTY+192:5:PCE' # Free goods quantity
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # TAX segment in line item only, if item’s tax
rate differs from that given in the document

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6.2.8 Summary for Invoice-2

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:1127.80' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:1031.90' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:76.29' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:1051.51' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
MOA+131:19.61' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
for all tax rates (allowances related to doc-
ument, freight, insurance, packing, early
payment discount)
MOA+11E:1270.35' # Invoice total monetary amount of sold goods
for all tax rates
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax rate 0%
MOA+79:285.00' # Total line items amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+124:0' # Tax amount, tax rate 0%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax rate 0%
MOA+125:282.73' # Taxable amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+131:-2.27' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax rate
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+79:572.30' # Total line items amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+124:40.70' # Tax amount, tax rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+125:581.49' # Taxable amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+131:9.19' # Total amount, of allowances/charges, tax rate
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+79:174.60' # Total line items amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+124:35.59' # Tax amount, tax rate 19%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+125:187.29' # Taxable amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+131:12.69' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax rate
UNT+216+2' # End of 2nd invoice

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6.3 EDI Invoice-3

6.3.1 Document Header for Invoice-3 (1 VAT rate)

UNH+3+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 3rd document header

BGM+380+9066611+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+ZZZ+++free text related to document header+DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agreements)
RFF+DQ:666999001' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:66699801' # Order number (buyer)
DTM+171:20090923:102' # Date of Order
RFF+ABO:1237' # Invoice-list number
DTM+171:20091001:102' # Date of invoice list
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4333099000009::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+VA:DE195285523' # VAT registration number (buyer)
NAD+DP+4335085000857::9' # Delivery party’s identification number (ILN)
RFF+IT:666888' # Internal customer number
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

6.3.2 Allowances/Charges in Document Header for Invoice-3

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:6.05' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
ALC+C+3++3+SH' # 3rd allowance (charge), tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis of allowance
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:22.50' # Amount of freight
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of freight
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:10.8' # Amount of packing
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of packing
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:2.70' # Amount of insurance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of insurance
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:8.7' # Amount of early payment discount
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of early payment discount
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6.3.3 Line Item for Invoice-3: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:EN' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA+876543210:BP' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1147:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::F-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+B+98+:::75er' # Item size
IMD+B+38+:::Navel' # Grade
IMD+B+13+:::Ia' # Quality
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is also consumer unit
QTY+47:20:KGM' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++ free text fresh goods item+DE'
MOA+203:97.00' # Line item amount
MOA+204:0.22' # Special allowance amount
MOA+11E:133.2' # Total monetary amount of sold goods
MOA+131:-3.00' # Line item total allowance/charge
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:KGM' # Calculation gross price
PAC+++:::8x5' # Package type
MEA+PD+AAA+GRM:500' # Weight per unit in gram
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:0.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
RTE+1:0.10' # 0,10 € allowance per measure unit
ALC+A+3++2+DI' # 3rd allowance related to line item
MOA+25:0' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:0.50' # 0,50 € amount of allowance

6.3.4 Line Item for Invoice-3: 2nd single item

LIN+2++4304984481104:EN' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+48110:SA+876543211:BP' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1148:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++free text for returnable container+DE'
MOA+66:36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:300:::1000:PCE' # Calculation net price (per thousend)
PAC+++BO' # Package type

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6.3.5 Line Items for Invoice-3: 3rd trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+3++4304984481111:EN' # 3rd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+4++4304984481104:EN+1:3’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+3)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:12' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing unit

6.3.6 Line Items for Invoice-3: 4th assortment /mixed assortment

LIN+5++4304984471303:EN' # 4th item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA+11115678:BP+4444:GN' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:30:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments delivered
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+6++4304984471310:EN+1:5’ # 1st subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:150:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+66:105' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAA:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
LIN+7++4304984471327:EN+1:5' # 2nd subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
PIA+1+1115678:BP+5555:GN' # Buyer’s part number/GS1 item classification
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++TU::9' # Subline item is trade unit
QTY+47:300:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+203:69.60' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.25:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to item
PCD+3:5.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to item
MOA+25:75' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.65' # 1,65 € amount of allowance

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6.3.7 Summary for Invoice-3

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:508.49' # Invoice total monetary amount
MOA+79:403.60' # Total line items amount
MOA+124:81.19' # Total tax amount
MOA+125:427.3' # Total taxable amount
MOA+131:23.7' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
(allowances related to invoice, freight
,insurance, packing, early payment discount)
MOA+11E:580.33' # Invoice total monetary amount of sold goods
UNT+137+3' # End of 3rd invoice

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6.4 EDI Credit Note-1

6.4.1 Document Header for Credit Note-1 (1 VAT rate)

UNH+4+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 4th document header

BGM+381+66111' # Credit note, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102’ # Delivery date
FTX+ZZZ+++credit note for returnable containers+DE'
FTX+SUR+++free text related to summary+DE'
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agreements;
RFF+PDR:9800032' # Return-of-goods-number (Returnable contain-
RFF+ABO:1237' # Invoice-list number
DTM+171:20091001:102' # Date of invoice list
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4333099000009::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:666666' # Internal buyer number
NAD+DP+4335343003439::9' # Delivery party’s identification number (ILN)
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

6.4.2 Allowances/Charges for Credit Note Header

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 19%

PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:4.60' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance, tax rate 19%
PCD+3:1.00' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:3.02' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of allownce
ALC+C+3++3+NAA' # 3rd charge for non-returnable container
MOA+25:100' # Basis of charge
MOA+8:6.02' # Amount of charge
ALC+C++++FC' # Freight, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:22.50' # Amount of freight
ALC+C++++PC' # Packing, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:10.8' # Amount of packing
ALC+C++++IN' # Insurance, tax rate 19%
MOA+25:100' # Basis for Insurance
MOA+8:2.70' # Amount of insurance
ALC+A++++EAB' # Early payment discount, tax rate 19%
MOA+8:8.7' # Amount of early payment discount

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6.4.3 Line Item for Credit Note-1: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984481104:EN' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+48110:SA+876543222:BP' # Supplier’s item number/buyer’s part number
PIA+1+1148:GN' # GS1 item group classification
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++free text returnable container +DE'
MOA+66:36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAA:300:::1000:PCE' # Calculation net price per 1000
PAC+++BO' # Package type

6.4.4 Line Items for Credit Note-1: 2nd trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+2++4304984481111:EN' # 2nd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+3++4304984481104:EN+1:2’ # Subline itemrelated to line item (LIN+2)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:12' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing unit

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6.4.5 Line Items for Credit Note-1: 3rd mixed assortment

LIN+4++4304984471303:EN' # 3rd item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number of assortment
PIA+1+11115678:BP+4444:GN' # Buyer’s part number/GS1 item group classifi-
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:30:PCE' # Quantity of assortments delivered
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+5++4304984471310:EN+1:4' # 1st subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:150:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+66:105' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAA:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
LIN+6++4304984471327:EN+1:4' # 2nd subline item related to 3rd line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
PIA+1+11115677:BP+4455:GN' # Buyer’s part number/GS1 item group classifi-
IMD+A++::: DUP-item-3b'
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:300:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+203:69.60' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.25:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to subline item
PCD+3:5.00' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++1+DI’ # 2nd allowance related to subline item
MOA+25:75' # Basis of allowance
MOA+8:1.65' # Amount of allowance

6.4.6 Credit Note Summary

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:395.44' # Credit note total amount
MOA+79:306.60' # Total line items amount
MOA+124:63.14' # Total tax amount
MOA+125:332.3' # Total taxable amount
MOA+131:25.7' # Credit note total amount of allow-
UNT+108+4' # End of credit note

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6.5 EDI Invoice-4

6.5.1 Document Header for Invoice-4 (2 VAT rates)

UNH+5+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 5th document header

BGM+380+9855511+9' # Commercial invoice, document number
DTM+137:20090929:102' # Document date
DTM+35:20090927:102' # Delivery date
FTX+AAK++ST3++DE’ # Text key (legal hint to account agreements;
RFF+DQ:666555333' # Delivery note number
DTM+171:20090926:102' # Date of delivery note
RFF+ON:777001' # Order number (buyer)
RFF+ABO:1237' # invoice-list number
DTM+171:20091001:102' # Date of invoice list
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
RFF+FC:12345678910’ # Fiscal number (supplier)
RFF+VA:DE121285949' # VAT registration number (supplier)
NAD+BY+4330553000001::9' # Buyer’s identification (ILN)
NAD+DP+4330553081024::9' # Delivery party’s identification number (ILN)
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit

6.5.2 Allowances/Charges related to Document Header, Invoice-4

ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, tax rate 7%

PCD+3:2.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:18.45' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate of allowance
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance, 19%
PCD+3:2.50' # Percentage of allowance
MOA+8:8.15' # Amount of allowance
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate of allowance

6.5.3 Line item for Invoice-4: 1st single item

LIN+1++4304984471105:EN' # 1st item, EAN

PIA+1+47110:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::E-item-1' # Item description (long format)
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
QTY+47:40:PCE' # Quantity
MOA+203:190.00' # Line item amount
MOA+131:-10.00' # Line item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:5.00:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Line item’s tax rate (19%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI' # 1st allowance related to line item
PCD+3:1.50' # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI' # 2nd allowance related to line item
MOA+8:7' # 7 € amount of allowance

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6.5.4 Line Item for Invoice-4: 2nd single item (credit item)

LIN+2++4304984481111:EN' # 2nd item, EAN

PIA+1+48111:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+A++:::LG-item-1' # Item description (long format
IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Item is consumer unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
QTY+47:-120:PCE' # Quantity
FTX+ZZZ+++returned containers+DE'
MOA+203:-36.00' # Line item amount
PRI+AAB:0.30:::1:PCE' # Calculation gross price
PAC+++BO' # Package type

6.5.5 Line Items for Invoice-4: 3rd trade unit including one single consumer unit

LIN+3++4304984471204:EN' # 3rd item, EAN

IMD+C++IN::9' # Item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++RC::9' # Item is returnable empty (NRC = non-
returnable empty)
PAC+++BC' # Package type
LIN+4++4304984481104:EN+1:3’ # Subline item related to line item (LIN+3)
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+59:6' # Quantity of consumer units per invoicing unit

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6.5.6 Line Items for Invoice-4: 4th mixed assortment

LIN+5++4304984471303:EN' # 4th item, EAN

PIA+1+47130:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++SG::9' # Item is mixed assortment
QTY+46:20:PCE' # Quantity of mixed assortments
PAC+++DPE' # Package type
LIN+6++4304984471310:EN+1:5’ # 1st subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47131:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:200:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+203:135.80' # Subline item amount
MOA+131:-4.20' # Subline item total monetary discount amount
PRI+AAB:0.70:::1:PCE’ # Calculation gross price
PAC+++BG' # Package type
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Subline item’s tax rate (19%)
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # 1st allowance related to subline item
PCD+3:3.00' # Percentage of allowance
LIN+7++4304984471327:EN+1:5’ # 2nd subline item related to 4th line item
PIA+1+47132:SA' # Supplier’s item number
IMD+C++IN::9' # Subline item is invoicing unit
IMD+C++CU::9' # Subline item is consumer unit
QTY+47:400:PCE' # Quantity of subline items in all assortments
MOA+131:-5.93' # Subline item total monetary discount amount
MOA+203:114.07' # Subline is invoiced
PRI+AAB:0.30:::1:PCE’ # Subline is invoiced
ALC+A+1++1+DI’ # Percentage of allowance
ALC+A+2++2+DI’ # Percentage of allowance

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6.5.7 Summary for Invoice-4

UNS+S' # Begin of summary

MOA+77:1148.00' # Invoice total monetary amount for all tax
MOA+79:1063.87' # Total line items amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:110.73' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
MOA+125:1037.27' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
MOA+131:-26.6' # Invoice total amount of allowances/charges
for all tax rates
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+79:738.07' # Total line items amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+124:50.38' # Tax amount, tax rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+125:719.62' # Taxable amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+131:-18.45' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax rate
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+79:325.80' # Total line items amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+124:60.35' # Tax amount, tax rate 19%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+125:317.65' # Taxable amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+131:-8.15' # Total amount of allowances/charges, tax rate
UNT+115+5' # End of 4th invoice

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6.6 EDI Invoice-List

UNH+6+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' # 6th document header

BGM+393+1237' # Invoice-list, document number
DTM+137:20091001:102' # Invoice-list date
NAD+SU+4330766000003::9' # Supplier’s identification (ILN)
RFF+API:319953' # METRO supplier number
NAD+CPE+4007731000008::9' # Invoice-list recipient’s identification
number (ILN) = MGP
NAD+PE+4330766000003::9' # Payee’s identification number (ILN) =
NAD+PR+4007731000008::9' # Payer’s identification number (ILN) = MGP
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate (default)
CUX+2:EUR:4’ # Currency unit
UNS+S' # Begin of invoice-list summary
MOA+86:3088.87' # Invoice-list total monetary amount
MOA+125:2772.03' # Total taxable amount for all tax rates
MOA+124:316.84' # Total tax amount for all tax rates
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax rate 0%
MOA+124:0' # Tax amount, tax rate 0%
MOA+125:282.73' # Taxable amount, tax rate 0%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::0+E' # Tax rate 0%
MOA+86:282.73' # Total amount, tax rate 0%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+124:91.08' # Tax amount, tax rate 7%
MOA+125:1301.11' # Taxable amount, tax rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::7' # Tax rate 7%
MOA+86:1392.19' # Total amount, tax rate 7%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+124:225.76' # Tax amount, tax rate 19%
MOA+125:1188.19' # Taxable amount, tax rate 19%
TAX+7+VAT+++:::19' # Tax rate 19%
MOA+86:1413.95' # Total amount, tax rate 19%
UNT+30+6' # End of invoice-list

UNE+6+07100201' # End of logical file

UNZ+1+07100201' # End of physical file

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