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What is a thyroid problem ?

Kailash ch sanbat-7207884783-9439664529

You can acrivate your chakras by activating the astral body as


Dr. K srinivas ,senior endocrinologist says life style and diet may
cause thyroid problem in an article published in Decan chronicle.

He says why the thyroid gland produces more or stops producing is

not known.We supplement chemicals from outside so that the level
is mentioned and the body functions properly.Thyroid is commonly
seen in women that result in severe hair hall-fatigue,weight
gain,mood swing and anxiety.

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Hyperthyrodism is called overactive thyroid disease where the thyroid gland secretes too
many hormones from morning making the person restless.

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If you compare sarvangasana and shirshasana there is an important difference.Because
your weight lies on your skull you need thurst of oxygen for breathing.

Shirshasana makes heart pumping better as unlike in sarvangasana there is neck block
and blood flow into brain needs urgent oxygen in the former posture.

That makes heart pump the best and is a sure shot against heart problem.

Wrong Memory

Violent movies-porn movies create wrong memory and stays in our

mind like a block of cracker.

On minor occasions it bursts out to push us into a no where

situation.Abnormal activity –anger more of sex are like fire to
these crackers.Silence and inactivity practice may help you out of


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A father saw his son is not picking up fast.He told one of his friends to instigate his son
for water flowing from tanker into the road.

The son getting instigated did so.

Father asked why are you doing so.

Flow of ganga –answered the son.

Stop this at once.

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The son stopped.

After one hour the father came and saw-there is no water in the pipeWhy. The father
asked his Son.

No the son said.There is no water in water tank above.He replied.

After stopping the unnecessary flow you should haveflown it upward.The father

So mula bandha is stopping of unnecessary water flow and long breathout holding
pranayam is like moving water upward for a yoga practitioner.

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An article by kailash

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