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k, 1983)

Ujian yang anda ambil tadi menentukan sama anda mempunyai gaya
pembelajaran yang elaboratif atau tidak.

Skor yang tinggi dikaitkan dengan gaya pembelajaran yang mengutamakan

proses pembelajaran yang kompleks dan elaboratif. Proses pembelajaran
yang elaboratif termasuk "deep processing" dan "elaborative processing".
Ini bererti usaha digunakan untuk menghubungkan isi pembelajaran
dengan aspek linguistik, visual, sensasi dan emosi.

Skor yang rendah dikaitkan dengan gaya pembelajaran yang

mengutamakan proses pembelajaran yang rutin dan agak cetek. Biasanya
ia berbentuk "fact retention" dan "methodical study".

Kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat korelasi di antara pencapai

akakemik dengan gaya pembelajaran yang mengutamakan proses
elaboratif. Semakin tinggi proses pembelajaran elaboratif, semakin tinggi
pencapaian akademik.

"For some students, simply going to their classes and doing their
homework will result in good grades. Other students spend hours reading
and writing and rereading and rewriting, only to eke out an average grade.
For those who spend so much time toiling over the books, it can be quite

"But the time spent in studying isn't the only thing that determines test
performance. Two Virginia Tech psychology experts said the amount of
studying isn't as important as the quality of the studying.
"Helen Crawford, associate professor of psychology, said, "We do not all
study or comprehend information in the same manner."

"Some people tend to think deeply and elaborately while others think in
shallow manner. Crawford said studies indicate those who study by simply
repeating information over and over again don't do as well on tests as
those who evaluate the meanings and associations of what they study.

"Marshall Tessnear, assistant director of University Counseling Services,

agreed. 'I think one of the students biggest problems is that they don't
read actively,' Tessnear said. 'Instead of just letting the words hit your
eyes and hoping they'll land somewhere in your brain, you should ask
yourself questions about what you read, as you read it.'

"Tessnear added that comparing sections of notes and text to each

other helps the student gain a better understanding of the concepts
involved. 'Sometimes the student will get confused because the (test)
question is worded differently that what the student is used to. If they
just learn the concepts, they don't have to worry about that,' he said.

"Crawford said instead of relying on (just memorizing) ... it is better to

study with what is called 'elaborative processing.' She said there are
four main types of learning styles: deep processing, elaborative
processing, fact retention, and methodical study. The former two are
more desirable than the latter two.

"According to Crawford's report, there is a correlation between people

who score high on elaborative methods and people with high quality
credit averages (QCAs). There is also a connection between those who
scored high on methodical study and low-scorers on the American College
Testing Assessment scores."

Extracted from an article by Dave Nicks

in the Collegiate Times,Virginia Tech, Friday, October 27, 1989.
Dimensi Extrovert-
Dimensi Sensate-
iNtuition Dimensi ini menjelaskan bagaimana kita menilai dunia
Dimensi Thinker-
Feeler persekitaran: dengan cara lojik atau tindak balas diri
Dimensi Judger-
dan orang lain.

Ujian yang anda ambil tadi menentukan sama anda

mempunyai gaya pembelajaran Thinker (pemikiran)
atau Feeler (perasaan). Semakin tinggi peratus anda,
semakin tinggi darjah sifat Thinking dan semakin
rendah sifat Feeling. Anggapkan diri anda bersifat
Thinker sekiranya skor anda melebihi 50%.
Sekiranya skor anda kurang daripada 50%
kemungkinan besar anda digolongkan dalam kumpulan
Jadual berikut menyenaraikan sifat-sifat pelajar
Thinker dan Feeler.

THINKER (@55% FEELER (@65%

daripada lelaki: 35% daripada wanita: 45%
daripada wanita) daripada lelaki)
lebih berminat dengan lebih berminat dengan
idea-idea mempersonakan manusia daripada idea (is
(more interested in more interested in
fascinating ideas) people than ideas)
mahu bertindak adil dan memfokus lebih kepada
munasabah (wants things hubungan personal
to be fair and (focuses more on
reasonable) personal relationship)
suka harmoni benci
konflik (likes harmony
(stands-up for what
dislikes conflict)
he/she thinks)
prihatin akan ketekalan prihatin akan perasaan
lojik (is tuned in to orang lain (is tuned in to
logical consistency) others' feelings)
tenang fikiran dan tidak
peramah dan
memihak dalam parti-
memberansangkan (is
parti konflik (is cool-
warm and arouses
headed and impartial in
membuat keputusan
membuat keputusan
berdasarkan pemikiran
berdasarkan rasa hati
rasional (makes decisions
(makes decisions based
based on rational
on his/her heart)
Cuba ujian dimensi-dimensi lain untuk mendapatkan
gaya pembelajaran pada keseluruhannya dengan link-
link berikut.

| Inventori Gaya Pembelajaran Paragon |

| Dimensi Extrovert-Introvert | Dimensi Sensate-
iNtutive | Dimensi Thinker-Feeler | Dimensi Judger-Perceiver |
| 16 Gaya Pembelajaran |

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