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This is in response to letter no 17-78/M.Phil.

(Cli Psy)/RCI regarding extreme low scores in the

parameters of Human resource(47.5%),Curriculum Transaction(42.5%),Research and
Development(55%) and Barrier-free environment(60%).

2. Human resource (47.5%)

6. Curriculum Transaction (42.5%)

Under this section obtained score is very low across all the domains. The reason seems to be
unexplained and biased since the teaching methods were lecture, discussion and demonstration as
per standard protocol. These methods were used either for clinical teaching or teaching in any core
subject of the RCI proposed curriculum maintaining the academic calendar and time table. Here,
few evidences to show that the curriculum transactions are more than obtained score like 73 cases
were presented in case conferences, 29 different types of journal out of which more than 100
published papers and 60 different topics of seminar were part of academic calendar 2016-2017.In
all the above mentioned academic programme, clinical teaching, practical demonstration and
supervision is very much evident. In the same academic years (2016-2017), there were also more
than 80 classes at the level of institution as a whole. However, the number of classes( on RCI
approved syllabus)conducted in the department of Clinical Psychology were near about 160 by
existing faculty while 180 classes were taken by guest faculty in last two academic year(2016-
2017).It is important to emphasize that the curriculum transaction for such course is incomplete
without core clinical cases. So, in last two academic sessions (2016-2017) more than 20000 cases
were seen for the purpose of therapy or assessment. This big number is certainly indicating that
curriculum transaction is more than what might be expected along with supervision, clinical
teaching and practical demonstration.

7A. Research and Development (55%)

Low score is evident in this section also. While, the statistics is showing 21 publications, 16
scientific presentations, 16 participation in seminars, 14 workshop/seminar were conducted and
35 in house training were conducted in last two academic sessions (2016-2017).There is also a
need to emphasize about the two awards (T. B. Singh and best paper in National conference on
addiction Psychology)after presentation in national conference in the year 2017.Although, this
statistics might not be excellent but certainly more than the obtained marks.

8. Barrier-free environment (60%)

Low score is accepted hence the environment is not completely barrier-free.

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