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Psychological Disorders Seminar and Paper

We will conduct a 2-day seminar while we study abnormal psychology. During the seminar, each student
will present and lead a short discussion on a different psychological disorder. To help prepare for this
discussion, you will write a brief paper on your selected topic. Your paper should be one page, single spaced,
in a regular 12-point font, and have one-inch margins.

For this paper, you will research your assigned psychological disorder in your textbook, in the DSM, in the
DSM Case Book, in abnormal psychology textbooks, etc., citing all sources properly. Be sure to address the
following topics:
• Etiology of the disorder
• Symptoms from the DSM
• Case studies that explain how the disorder impacts functioning
• Typical treatment methods
• Other interesting or pertinent information

Each person in the class will choose a different disorder. These are the options:
1. Phobias 16. Conversion disorder
2. Panic disorder 17. Hypochondriasis
3. Generalized anxiety disorder 18. Substance-related disorders
4. Stress disorder 19. Paranoid personality disorder
5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder 20. Schizoid personality disorder
6. Social anxiety disorder 21. Schizotypal personality disorder
7. Major depression 22. Borderline personality disorder
8. Seasonal affective disorder 23. Narcissistic personality disorder
9. Bipolar disorder 24. Histrionic personality disorder
10. Disorganized schizophrenia 25. Avoidant personality disorder
11. Catatonic schizophrenia 26. Dependent personality disorder
12. Paranoid schizophrenia 27. Antisocial personality disorder
13. Dissociative amnesia 28. Anorexia nervosa
14. Dissociative fugue 29. Bulimia nervosa
15. Dissociative identity disorder 30. ADD/ADHD

Seminar Participation Guidelines

1. Honor human dignity. Do not dehumanize, and do not make light of others’ struggles.
2. Demonstrate respect for the learning process. Place distracting items away.
3. Talk to each other, not the teacher. If others have not spoken, invite them into the conversation.
4. Listen to each other respectfully.
5. Everyone must speak during the class period.
6. When possible, insert yourself into the conversation at natural pauses. Raising your hand is not
always necessary.
7. There are times when we will need to be silent to think.
8. Only one person should speak at a time.
9. Find your voice, and feel as if you deserve to be heard.
10. Respect others’ ideas. Be kind when you disagree.
11. If you need clarification, ask for it.
12. Please do not talk too much or too softly. You want to be sure your classmates understand you, but
provide space for them to speak too.
13. Take notes on your classmates’ comments, your thoughts, and your questions.

The guidelines are partially adapted from: and

Brooks/Greene Beyond the Board 2009

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