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Illu st ration 17.3. A water-cooling tower of the wood­

slat, forced-draft, countercurrent-flow design cools water
from I IOoP to 80°F when the ambient air is at 90°F with
wet-bulb temperature of 60°F. Previous experience wi
towers of this design leads the engineer to predict tha
hLo/kyo = 145 and that kyO = 0.2V'. A liquid rate
1500 Ib/hr sq ft of tower cross section will be used.
(0) Determine the minimum gas rate. At this rate, there
will be a zero driving force somewhere in the column, and
infinitely high tower will be necessary. Usually, at minim
gas rate, the exit gas will be in equilibrium with the inlet water,
(b) Determine the necessary tower height if a gas flow ra
is used which is twice the minimum found in part (0).
SOLUTION. This problem can be solved using the graphi
method outlined above . For this, an enthalpy-temperature"
plot must be made, and the locus of interface condi tio
must be plotted on this diagram. This plot is made fro
Appendix D-14 by replotting the curve of saturated-air
enthalpy as a function of temperature.
The inlet and outlet known conditions are shown 0
Figure 17.19. The enthalpy of the moist air can be determined
Figure 17.18. Graphical representation of adiabatic gas­ from the humidity diagram by taking advantage of the fact
liquid contactingoperation. that adiabatic-saturation curves are lines of nearly constant
enthalpy. Thus, the inlet-air enthalpy is the same as that
on it was obtained from data on the air-water psychro­ saturated air at 60°F. From Appendix D-14, ' H y = 54~
m etric chart, Appendix D-14. On this curve are located Btu/lb mole dry air. The conditions at the bottom of the
tower (Hy 1 , TLl ) can now be plotted and are shown at point C
all possible conditions of T i, Hi throughout the column.
on Figure 17.20. .
Li ne ABC is the operating line containing all values of
The Ho, TL operating line will be straight and have a slope
H y corresponding to liquid temperature (TL ) throughout of LaveLl VI. For the minimum gas rate called for in part (a),
th e column. This line could have been obtained from this line will be tangent to the equilibrium curve, at some point
kn owledge of the two end conditions, (TL 1, H y 1) and between inlet- and outlet-column conditions or will intersect
(TLZ' H yz), or from either one of these two plus the slope the equilibrium curve at one of these end conditions. Here,
(LavCL/V ) . On this line, point B represents an arbitrary tangency with the equilibrium curve occurs at TL2 ' the inlet
point in the column at - which the liquid temperature water temperature. Thus, at the top of the tower, the gas
and gas enthalpy have the values of T L n and Hyn' The stream is saturated at the liquid temperature. This results
interface conditions at this point can be found by using. in line en' on Figure 17.20.
Equation 17.53. Thus, a tie line starting at point B
and having a slope equal to -hLa/kya will intercept the
equilibrium curve at the interface conditions corre­ Water, 110°F = TL 2
sponding to point B. Point [represents the interphase
conditions designated by (Tin, H i n ) . In this way,
interface conditions can be found corresponding to ~ = 83.3 Ib moles/hr sqft
any point between A and C on the operating line. Of hLQ
- = 145
course, values of ,'~ya and hLa applicable to the column
conditions are necessary. Usually, these values must k ya = O.2V'
be obtained experimentally.
From this construction, Equation 17.51 can now be
integrated graphically. The necessary driving force in
terms of enthalpy is determined for representative points
throughout the column. For point B on Figure 17.18, this
would be (Hi n - H yn). Values of V'/Skya(Hi - H v) . Moist air
are then plotted against H y and the area under this TVl = goOF, 71.1 = 80°F

curve determined between the limits of H Vl and H yz in TW1 =


order to find the column height (z). Solutions of this sort (H V 1 = 543)

in terms of temperature and concentration driving forces Figure 17.19. Column conditionsfor

have been carried out in Chapters 14, 15, and 16. Illustration 17.3.



o 2200 I
.D j!
<; 2000


\ )f
::t:- 1800
\ \'
i curve ~ ,

ro~ 1600
Operating line

lY ~\ I \ y f-
Ql \ \ )
~ 1400

n I):



\ 1 ~O
Q pe!lineati ng

-: P

800 V
/\V I

600 \ //u

80 90 100 110
Liquid temperature <n or T; J. of

Figure 17.20. Graphical representation of dr iving forces , Illustration 17.3.

From the slope of this line shown as CC;, BB ;, and PP;, QQ;, RRi , 55;, and UU; in
Figure 17.20.
L "yc£ 1850 Corresponding values of H v and H ; can n ~w be taken from
y;-:- = 30 = 61.9
the diagram, and the design equation integrated graphically
as ~shown on Figure 17.2 I.
V~ i n 83.3 X 18 VI
= 24.2 Ib molesjhr sq ft
S- = 61.9 H;

. h is the answer of part (a).

For a gas-fiow rate VI = 2 V~in = 48.4, the slope of the 80 543 960 417 0.0120

ling line is
85 690 I I 10 420 0.0119
90 840 1290 450 0.0111

L"yC£ 61.9 95 990 1480 490 0.0102

---v' = 2"" = 30.9
100 1150 1680 530 0.00945
the plotted line CB results . The position of point B 105 1300 1920 620 0.00807
H V 2 = 1450, but tells nothing about Tn. From H V 2
110 . 1450 2185 735 0.00680
value of (T"')v2' the exit-air wet-bulb temperature, equals

_ F. From which z = area under curve 1-2 = 9.27 ft.

ince the operating-line position is fixed, tie lines running

any point on the operating line to the equivalent inter- In Illustration 17.3 the specification of a hotter inlet
o condition on the equilibrium curve can be plotted . water temperature would have complicated the solution
Equation 17.53, these tie lines will have the slope of part (a), the determination of minimum vap or rate.
- La/k y a, which here equals -145. Such tie lines are Sup po se the inlet water temperature had been 120°F,



~ 0.010
~ 157 x 0.01215
>.. = 1.91
~ 150 x 0.01l46
~ 0.009 =1.72
200 x 0.01065
= 2.13
200 x 0.00936
0.008 = 1.97

500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Gas-phase enthalpy tHy )

Figure 17.21. Graphical integration of the design equation, Illustration 17.3.

and consider the situation as the vapor rate is decreased accuracy for all humidification problems. For instance,
from 1500 Ibj hr sq ft with the tower bottom conditions the relation
fixed as given in Illustration 17.3 (point C on Figure
17.22). Initially, the operating line would be almost
Hi = 2295 - 63.85Ti + 0.598Tl (17.57)
identical to line CB. Of course, it would extend past represents the equilibrium curve between 60 < r, < 120
B to 120°F. As point D, the top end of this new within about ±3 per cent. Using Equation 17.57 along
operating line, is moved toward the equilibrium curve, with the tie-line equation,
an increasing column height would be necessary to hLa H v - Hi
balance the decreasing transfer driving force: Eventu­ (17.53)
- kya = T L - T i
ally, the line CD would become tangent to the equi­
librium curve at some point such as E. Point D would
not yet be coincident with F, but an infinitely tall column
would be required because of the zero driving force at
the point of tangency. This slope fixed the minimum
gas rate, for with any steeper operating line the specified
end conditions could not be obtained, even with an
infinitely high column. This condition of minimum
vapor rate is shown schematically in Figure 17.22.
In Illustration 17.3, integration of Equation 17.51
to get the required tower height was done graphically.
In contrast to other rate operations, the analytical
integration of the design equation for humidification is c
not very difficult. The reason is that all information
necessary for the solution is given in equation form
Liquid -phase temperature (TL )
except the equilibrium curve. Since this curve is always
........ _­ the same for the air-water system, it can be represented . Figure 17.22. Minimum gas rate with zero driving force
by one empirical equation to any desired degree of between the column ends.
*~~~h oW _1fI~ ~+:_
~~~et~"{MM1'~ ~~~ ~ cit 1tof-~ <gDF,
:t~lo cJ~ ~~ VJ ~.;u. ~ ~ q,ftt=~
rbij::60·F. ~F'~\~ F'cw ~ ~ o1J~ ~ T~ ~
cJ ijttM'~ o: ~. r' hta,/kJ4- 'Its-'d. r /!get-=: O.2q~

d " rk ~ o: ~ ~ ~ foYY'e ~ k IS-DO IbjntF~

Ca) J>A~~ .J rwJwvw,o Pi' rhr. (Aht f1u kh~'
~~~~.~~~'{l«' oJ?ldo) fJ M~'
~·h~ ~;6:,vrt (1tf1ll1~ ~k. ~tM~Jt\
~ ~rvtA'
em ~

. d-<
ndtart-i: ~Jk oW ~ ~ ~ -rII 'i~

1/ ·
, ' . ~ ..
(b) j) ~uJ w. k Jtt ~1tt/1!k:JtiM'~ c4 !A foyt'f- 9J ~ H '
& OfA~re )JJJ~rL, ~ d»: ~ J~t,M~ ~~di ~~~l ,


------ -----...
~&kc/~ ~
6Yt( ~~ ~~~~)M~~~(~~~f~.
f~ .u; ~ ILUJi~ ~ ~'(A~ fA ~1r~::r7 )
~+eov{ /k ~\/~ dA ~ ~'.unw 0& ~ 1~~~ I( (~~
t-r:»: lor ~~ly )M~ ~cJf'~ dR airl ~ruk
. 0Jw.o }AMA Fu ~ dr. ~ ~ aiM,rr-.).
iV) ~1M)~' ~'~ ~ .AMltwk I ~'~ tU ~~ ~
10, T·L'~0
4-r'wpJld~r r - ~ ·
II '- 1 Ho F -e 1L.z.



... '

. BS -= 1:-]OF

1311-=- '0'1=

(~ = .2(,,2/i BTu: i-bo .2q r$TfJ

1:, y~J' lb Ik Ibvw-f A1
T ~ (1/ o'p:) . .
IIuJ(JJ1ZI).· H~ O.ZV(T)+ Y[(01r,f+O.1b{T-3i}
.~ ~k~~ ~ ~~~ h C,'l ~k,,04 D~


p~ Co ~f'~ 0 b~ ~ ~~e~v1e (~~)).

La.. _ ZC.K-1bo.,zq = b3.82 ~TU

G~ f 10- ~o l~'-tt
LCl-. ~ (, 3. <is 2 ~T\J · CL:: 1~:I I ~ ItA::: I2 ~J\)
~' ~ tb~F ~) j.\6·F \~ l~F

---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - -

\ ~ ...v,B, £.tlt... de 0'/

eo flD

--~ t ".
1 2000 ~ ---:-. ---t-
, ~ ,

L_ 7 .1: -----_ • .
1': 'I \
C5 I" ' y
1\ \.
:t;- 1800
o -t--- \
Equilibrium 'Qi / \ I "
curve ~ i \ / "
j .' V \ _.. _~ - \
I ~ ,-~~ ~ j ~ ' -I \ ~ - ~ --- ~
IOperating line
at V~ ln
i u, / \

: \ I \ : \ I

~ 1400 _._ ._ - + --
, 4 / ', : --~" l­
~ "
! ) / \

<''"3 \ I \ p
1200 .. ,' - -\ -·I ·- - --' -\ ~ -~ i
\XII' '\, !
1000 I I \ : \'
~ ~- \ ~-; -\ . --
- -.j.--- ­
- R
1 / I,
I , '

\ :
-~.~----. ~ ' j/ ·f

-+-- I
--t-- ~-__r .. - -----t-- -..--r---.


400 L..-_--'_ _-'- .:.- ---.l

70 80 90 100 110
Liquid temperature (TI • or ~ J, of

Figure 17.20. Graph ical representation of driving forces, Illustration 17.3.

F rom the slope of th is line show n a s CCi , BB I , a nd pp /. QV.. , RR i • SSt. a nd UUi in

F igure 17.20.
L",.cJ- 1850 Correspon di ng values of HI' a nd H i ca n now be taken fro m
F-:- = 30 = 61.9
the diagram, a nd the design equat ion integra ted gra phically
::nd as shown on Figure 17.21.
83.3 X 18 V'
= 24.2 lb molesjh r s'l ft

',\ hieh is the ans we r of part (a) .

Fo r a gas-flow rate V ' = 2 VI:1in = 48.4, the slope of the
80 543 960 417 0.0120
o pera ting line is 85 690 1110 420 0.011 9

90 840 1290 450 0 .0 111

L al,CL 61.9 95 990 1480 490 0.010 2
-V = T = 30.9
100 1150 1680 530 0.00945
:.nd the plo tted line CB results. The pos ition of po int B 105 1300 1920 620 0.00807
giles HI'2 = 1450, but tells no thing abo ut Tn . Fro m H I'2 110 1450 2 185 735 0.006 80
.hc va lue of (T,,·)r-2. the exit-air wet-bu lb temper at ure , equa ls
~ 2 F. From which c "'" urea u nde r cur ve 1- 2 = 9.27 ft.
Since the ope ra ting-line posit ion is fixed, tie lines runn ing
fro rn any poi nt on the operating line to the equivalent inter­
In Illustration 17.3 the specification of a hotter inlet
:';lce con d itio n on the equilibrium curve can be plotted. water temperature would have com plicated the solution

From Equation 17.53, these tie line s will ha ve the slope of part (a), the dete rmination of minimum vapor rate .

-hLajkya, which here equals -145. Such tie lines a re Suppose the inlet water temperature had been 120°F,

Problema 17.3, Tomado del Alan Foust, ;'Princ iples of Unit Operations", 1960

ltL Reference:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\CARTA DE HUMEDAD.xmcd

13 Ecuaci6nes para constfu ir la curva H vs TL

E1 Ecua c i6 '1~ara construir la curva H v§ T'-OL=-- _

3000r---:-­ - - - - - - - - - - - -..,.-­ - - - - - -----;n


CI) 2220


H(Td 1700




400L--­ - - - - - -­ - - - - - - -­ - -­ - - - -'
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115

Temperatura, of
Ubicando el Punta 1 (Fonda de la torre, TL1 Y H1 )

"BS" "BH" "PR" "Y" "%HR" "Vah" "Hah" "Tsat" "Ysat")

BSBH(90,60) =
( 90 3
60 35.002 4.19 x 10- 14.03 13.937 26.217 60.239 0.011

Hrondo BTUxLbmol:= 26.217·29 H 1 := Hfondo BTUxLbmol

HI = 760.293
- -

2675 - 760.293

LOmin(TL) := 760.293 + .(TL - 80)

110 - 80

2675 - 760.293 = 63.824

110 - 80

IB Calculo de M (Maxima pendiente en la linea de operaclon , correspondiente a Gmin), M(H1 ,TL1) - - - -­

"Ti" "H(Ti)'''' "LCP/Gmin"")

M(H1 ,80) = ( 107.404 2510.145 63.853

k= 1500{ /8) Cp:= ­
L ·Cp
G · .= - ­
nun : 63.853
Gmin = 23.491

Como G' =2*G'min Mv:= 2.Gmin G = 46.983

RUl(TL) := L0(80) - 145.(TL - 80)

RU2(TL):= L0(85) - 145.(TL - 85)

RU3(TL):= L0(90) - 145.(TL - 90)

RU4(T L):= L0(95) - 145.(TL - 95)

RU5(TL):= LO(100) - 145.(TL - 100)

RU6(TL):= LO(105) - 145.(TL - 105)

RU7(TL):= LO(I10) - 145.(T L - 110)

EI Rectas de Union , RU
3000.....----,------- - ---;------:---- - --T.1
\ \
\ \
\ \
H(TL} 2740 \ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ .\ \
--- -- 2480
\ \
\ \
\ \
g RU1(Td 2220

00 \ \ \
, ,,
~ RU2(Td 1960 \ \ \
< \ \
\ ,f

~ RU3(Td 1700 \ \
," \
] RU4(Td \ \
\ ,
~ 1440 ,,
~ RU5(Td \'
,'\ \
c:o RU6(Td 1180 \ " \
," \
,\ \
RU7(Td 920 \
, \
-: \
\ \
\ \
660 \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115

Given T:= 0

H(T) = RU1(T)

T i := Find(T)

EI CaJ~ IQ d~as-':!L. . . . _

80 L0(80) 1178.031
85 L0(85) 1334.439
90 L0(90) 1507.22
95 L0(95) 1697.606
100 LO(lOO) 1906.747
105 LO(105) 2135 .683
110 LO(llO) 2385.323
Ubicando el Punto 1 (Fondo de la torre, TL1 Y H1 )

"BS" "BH" "PR" "Y" "%HR" "Vah" "Hah" "Tsat" "Ysat" )

BSBH(90 ,60) = _3
90 60 35.002 4.19 x 10 14.03 13.937 26.2 17 60.239 0.011

Hrondo BTUxLbmol:= 26.217·29 H I:= Hfondo BTUxLbmol HI = 760.293

- -

2675 - 760.293
LOmin(TL) := 760.293 +
110 - 80
.(TL - 80)

2675 - 760.293 = 63.824

110 - 80

[E Calculo de M (Max ima pendiente en la linea de operaclon, correspondiente a Gmin) , M(H1 ,TL1) - - ­

"Ti" "H(Ti)"" "LCP/Gmin"")

M(H I ,80) = ( 107.404 2510.145 63.853

L:= 1500.(_1) Cp : = ­
MN 18 I
G· .= - ­
rmn : 63.853
Gmin = 23.491

Como G' = 2*G'min J;i:= 2·G min G = 46.983

8 Rectas de Union, RU

RUl(TL) := L0(80) - 145.(TL - 80)

RU2(TL) := L0(85) - 145 o(T

L ­ 85)

RU3(TL) := L0(90) - 145.(TL ­ 90)

RUt(TL) := L0(95) - 145.(TL - 95)

RU5(TL) := LO(100) - 145.(TL ­ 100)

RU6(TL):= LO(105) - 145.(TL ­ 105)

RU7(TL):= LO(IIO) - 145.(TL ­ 110)

EI Rectas fi e Un,-"-i0:<.on.:...,-C..'R-""U _ ----- _._- - _ .._ -­
8 Calculo del NTU

NTU(A) :=
80 760.293 1178.031
85 919.926 1334.439
"Calculo del area"
90 1079.558 1507.22
n ~ rows(A)
A= 95 1239.191 1697.606
100 1398.823 1906.747
for i E I .. n - I
105 1558.456 2135.683
110 1718.088 2385.323 8.1+ I+B.)
S~S+ . A
. ( 2 ( i+I,2 - Ai, 2)

- - - _..__ - ---<- - _._- - . - -­

NTU(A) = 2.008

Z := -·NTU(A) Z = 10.041

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