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Postkolonijalna kritika – osnove

The term Western was used by Europeans to distinguish their society and culture from that of
the Middle East and East Asia – a region they refered to as „The Orient“. Termin Zapadni
koristili su Evropljani za razlikovanje njihovog društva i kulture od onih sa Bliskog istoka i
istočne Azije - regiona koji oni nazivaju "Orijent".

1. In what ways does a text bring to light the colonizers' oppression of the colonized?
1. Na koji način tekst donosi na vidjelo kolonizatorsko ugnjetavanje koloniziranih
2. In what ways does the text subvert colonial power dynamics? 2. Na koji način tekst ruši
dinamiku kolonijalne moći?
3. In what ways is this author's perspective still influenced by the cultural values of a
colonising power?
3. Na koji način je perspektiva ovog autora i dalje pod utjecajem kulturnih vrijednosti
kolonizatorske moći?

Binaries: oppositions created between sets of the words

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