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The Educational Forum

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C. M. Smith & Allan Shields
University of Northern Iowa
Published online: 30 Jan 2008.

To cite this article: C. M. Smith & Allan Shields (1970) ART AND MUSIC, The Educational Forum,
34:3, 417-417, DOI: 10.1080/00131727009339914

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Book Reviews
Book Editor

ART AND MUSIC The work is the result of extensive prac -

THE MUSICAL IDEA, A CONSIDERATION tical use in th e classroom , and is obviously
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OF M USIC AND ITs W AYS by Walter E . the pro duct of very car eful editing an d se-
Nallin. N ew Y ork: Th e M acMillan lection. A t every turn, th e studen t, general
C ompany, 1968.65 0 pp. $7. 95. read er, and teacher will find all th e neces-
sary bibliographical a nd reference assista nce
This work, an intro ductio n to m usic for
needed to pursue m usical prob lems in fur th er
th e nonmusician, displays a very broa d con-
spectus on th e world of mu sic. The exemp-
A distinctiv e feature of this work is th e
lars are sufficiently replete to len d th e book
refusal to wri te dow n to th e reader while
the ad van tages of a compendi um . T hough
avoiding th e temptation to write incisively
not a history of mu sic th e work appr oaches
for th e specialist. The auth or's vocabulary
many of its topics ch ronologically, and
issues fr om a devotion to th e art and its in-
prog ress and developm ent of the forms,
str uction. H is assessmen ts and descript ive
styles, and instru mentatio n of music get
phrasings of musical styles and similar mat-
deftl y in terwoven with th e inst ructiona l
ters mani fest a deep concern for th e ora l
mat er ials.
an d written expression of th e musical idea.
Impressed by th e myriad ways in which
T o the exte nt that books such as th is can
m usic has been rela ted to extra -musical
bring the m usical idea to th e nonm usician ,
huma n affairs, th e author makes frequent
to the appreciator who is not a participant,
and profitable use of th ese relationships.
this work can be a ready resou rce.
Still, since th e orienta tion is basically to-
ward m usic-as-h eard, w ith all discussion
University of N or the rn I owa
about mu sic dir ected to this objective so far
as possible, this cannot be claim ed to be a
wo rk in humanistic intermedia, nor a wo rk T EACHING ART IN THE ELEMENTARY
in th e hum anities. It isn' t m eant to be. SCHOOL by Phil H. R ueschoff and
The most obvious shortcoming of the M . Evel yn Swa rtz . New Y ork : T he
work is its failure to stress any modern R onald P ress C omp an y, 1969 . 33 9 pp.
idiom. Though it m ay be necessar y, wh en $8.00 .
faced with space choices, to defe r to the Social and civic pur poses for art in
towering t radit ion s, a new wor k could be schools, in addition to objec tives of person al
expected to pay mu ch mor e attention to th e gro wth, are evident in th is text for prospec-
probl ems of education in the cur rent lingua tive and practicing elemen ta ry and a rt
franc a of modern music in its ma ny experi- teachers and ad ministra tors. I t is a response
mental an d established form s. to cr iticisms of art progr am s as lacking sig-

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