You are on page 1of 140


" Actual Point Count:\t\t%d" ""

" Header Point Count:\t\t%d" ""
" +-> flagged as keypoints:\t%d" ""
" +-> flagged as synthetic:\t%d" ""
" +-> flagged as withheld:\t%d" ""
" Actual number of points by return is different from header (actual, header):"
" Bounding Box:\t\t\t%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f" ""
" Classification:\t\t\t%d, %d" ""
" File Creation Day/Year:\t\t%d/%d" ""
" File Name:\t\t\t%s" ""
" Flightline Edge:\t\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Generating Software:\t\t'%s'" ""
" Header Size:\t\t\t%d" ""
" Header Summary" ""
" Intensity:\t\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Max X Y Z:\t\t\t%.6f %.6f %.6f" ""
" Maximum Color:\t\t%d %d %d" ""
" Min X Y Z:\t\t\t%.6f %.6f %.6f" ""
" Minimum Color:\t\t\t%d %d %d" ""
" Minimum and Maximum Attributes (min, max)" ""
" Number Var. Length Records:\t%d" ""
" Number of Point Records:\t%d" ""
" Number of Points by Return" ""
" Number of Points by Return:\t%d %d %d %d %d" ""
" Number of Returns by Pulse" ""
" Offset X Y Z:\t\t\t%.6f %.6f %.6f" ""
" Offset to Point Data:\t\t%d" ""
" Point Classification Histogram" ""
" Point Classifications" ""
" Point Data Format:\t\t%d" "Punktdaten Format:\t\t%d"
" Point Data Record Length:\t%d" ""
" Point Inspection Summary" ""
" Point Source Id:\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Project ID/GUID:\t\t'%s'" ""
" Reserved:\t\t\t%d" ""
" Return Count:\t\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Return Number:\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Scale Factor X Y Z:\t\t%.6g %.6g %.6g" ""
" Scan Angle Rank:\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Scan Direction Flag:\t\t%d, %d" ""
" Source ID:\t\t\t%d" ""
" Spatial Reference:\t\t%s" ""
" System Identifier:\t\t'%s'" ""
" Time:\t\t\t\t%.6f, %.6f" ""
" Total Points:\t%ld" ""
" Total Pulses:\t%ld" ""
" Version:\t\t\t%d.%d" ""
"%.0f points from %d dataset(s) written to output grid %s."""
"%d points from %d dataset(s) written to output point cloud %s." ""
"%d points from %s written to output %s." ""
"%d points out of %d extracted." ""
"%d points out of %d reclassified." ""
"%d. %s" ""
"%s_DISP_VEC" ""
"%s_colorised" ""
"%s_merged" ""
"%s_stats" ""
"(Tw) wetness decline time constant" "(TW) Feuchtigkeitsr�ckgang zeitkonstant"
"(Tw) wetness decline time constant [lower bound]" "(Tw) Feuchtigkeitsr�ckgang
zeitkonstant [untere Grenze]"
"(Tw) wetness decline time constant [upper bound]" "(Tw) Feuchtigkeitsr�ckgang
zeitkonstant [obere Grenze]"
"(a)" ""
"(a) [lower bound]" "(a) [untere Grenze]"
"(a) [upper bound]" "(a) [obere Grenze]"
"(b)" ""
"(b) [lower bound]" "(b) [untere Grenze]"
"(b) [upper bound]" "(b) [obere Grenze]"
"(c) Parameter [lower bound]" "(c) Parameter [untere Grenze]"
"(c) Parameter [upper bound]" "(c) Parameter [obere Grenz]"
"(f) Temperature Modulation Factor [lower bound]" "(f) Temperaturregulierungs
Faktor [untere Grenze]"
"(f) Temperature Modulation Factor [upper bound]" "(f) Temperaturregulierungs
Faktor [obere Grenze]"
")" ""
"*" ""
"* 83.50 percentile: %.2lf K" ""
"* 97.50 percentile: %.2lf K" ""
"* 98.75 percentile: %.2lf K" ""
"* Cloud cover: %.2lf %%" ""
"* Cold cloud: %.2lf K" ""
"* Desert index: %.2lf" ""
"* Histogram classes: %d" ""
"* Mean temperature: %.2lf K" ""
"* Skewness: %.2lf" ""
"* Snow cover: %.2lf %%" ""
"* Standard deviation: %.2lf" ""
"* Temperature of clouds:" ""
"* Warm cloud: %.2lf K" ""
"** Error : Wrong outlet point selected **" "**Fehler : Falscher Ausgangspunkt
ausgew�hlt **"
"** Maximum: %.2lf K" ""
"** Mean (%s cloud): %.2lf K" ""
"** Minimum: %.2lf K" ""
"** Warning : Number of events might not be representative.\nMinimum number
recommended: " "**Warnung : Anzahl der Ereignisse ist nicht repr�sentativ.
\nMinimale Anzahl erforderlich:"
"** Warning : Outlet point was modified **" "**Warnung : Ausgangspunkt wurde
ver�ndert **"
"...anteilig aus Rasterzellen der Teileinzugegebiete" ""
"...anteilig aus den Flussrasterzellen" ""
"...anteilig aus den Hauptgerinnerasterzellen" ""
"...genau den entsprechenden Wert aus der jeweiligen Rasterzelle entnehmen" ""
"0" ""
"0 - 1" ""
"0 - 1.0" ""
"0 is horizontal, 90 is vertical." "0 ist horizontal, 90 ist vertikal"
"0-50 mm/day" ""
"01: A Simple Litter System" "01: Ein einfaches M�llsystem"
"01: My first tool" ""
"02: Carbon Cycle Simulation for Terrestrial Biomass" ""
"02: Pixel by pixel operations with two grids" "02: Pixel f�r Pixel Operationen
mit zwei Rasterdatens�tzen"
"03: Direct neighbours" "03: Direkte Nachbarn"
"03: Spatially Distributed Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Dynamics" "03:
Fl�chendifferenzierte Simulation der Stickstoffdynamik im Boden"
"04: Direct neighbours - more..." "04: Direkte Nachbarn- mehr..."
"05: Direct neighbours - slope and aspect" "05: Direkte Nachbarn - Neigung und
"06: Extended neighbourhoods" "06: Erweiterte Nachbarschaft"
"07: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (trace flow)" "07: Erweiterte
Nachbarschaft - Einzugsgebiet (Spurenfluss)"
"08: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (parallel)" "08: Erweiterte
Nachbarschaft - Einzugsgebiet (parallel)"
"09: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (recursive)""09: Erweiterte
Nachbarschaft - rekursiv"
"1" ""
"1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area)" ""
"1 / cell size (specific catchment area)" "1 / Zellgr��e (spezifisches
"1 Byte Integer (signed)" ""
"1 Byte Integer (unsigned)" ""
"1 arc-second" "1 Bogensekunde"
"1 bit" ""
"1 byte (0-255)" ""
"1 byte signed" ""
"1 byte signed integer" "1 Byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"1 byte unsigned" ""
"1 byte unsigned integer" "1 Byte Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"1-parameter friction model (Scheidegger 1975)" ""
"1. Attribute" "1. Attribute"
"1. quadrant (upper right)" "1. Quadrant (oben rechts)"
"1.0" ""
"10 parameter 3rd order polynom (Haralick 1983)" ""
"100-200 mm/day" ""
"10: Dynamic Simulation - Life" "10: Dynamische Simulation - Lebensdauer"
"11: Dynamic Simulation - Soil Nitrogen Dynamics" "11: Dynamische Simulation -
Stickstoffdynamik im Boden"
"128x128" ""
"12: First steps with shapes" "12: Erste Schritte mit Vektordaten"
"13: Reprojecting a shapes layer" "13: Neuprojektierung einer Vektorebene"
"14: Vectorising channel lines" "14: Vektorisierung von Kanalsystemen"
"16 bit" ""
"16 bit signed integer" "16 bit Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"16 bit unsigned integer" "16 bit Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"16x16" ""
"1st Lines Layer" ""
"1st Order Polynomial" ""
"1st Std. Parallel" ""
"2" ""
"2 Byte Integer (signed)" ""
"2 Byte Integer (unsigned)" ""
"2 byte (0-65535)" ""
"2 byte integer" "2 Byte Ganzzahl"
"2 byte integer|4 byte floating point|" "2 Byte Ganzzahl|4 Byte Flie�kommazahl|"
"2 byte signed" ""
"2 byte signed integer" "2 Byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"2 byte unsigned" ""
"2 byte unsigned integer" "2 Byte Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"2 x 2" ""
"2-fold" ""
"2. Attribute" "2. Attribut"
"2. quadrant (lower right)" "2. Quadrant (unten rechts)"
"2.0" ""
"200-400 mm/day" ""
"256x256" ""
"2nd Lines Layer" ""
"2nd Order Polynomial" ""
"2nd Std. Parallel" ""
"3" ""
"3 X 3" ""
"3 arc-second" "3 Bogensekunden"
"3 parameters (translation only)" "3 Parameter (nur Konvertierung)"
"3 x 3" ""
"3. Attribute" "3. Attribut"
"3. quadrant (lower left)" "3. Quadrant (unten links)"
"32 bit floating point" "32 bit Flie�kommazahl"
"32 bit signed integer" "32 bit Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"32 bit unsigned integer" "32 bit Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"32x32" ""
"3306" ""
"3D Image" "3D Bild"
"3D Image Height" "3D Bild H�he"
"3D Image Width" "3D Bild Breite"
"3D Shapes Viewer" "3D Vektorbetrachter"
"3D View" "3D Ansicht"
"3D View Sequencer" ""
"3D Viewer" ""
"3D Viewer." ""
"3D-View" "3D-Blick"
"3rd Order Polynomial" ""
"4 (von Neumann)" ""
"4 Byte Floating Point" ""
"4 Byte Integer (signed)" ""
"4 Byte Integer (unsigned)" ""
"4 byte float" "4 byte Flie�kommazahl"
"4 byte floating point" "4 Byte Flie�kommazahl"
"4 byte floating point number" "4 Byte Flie�kommanummer"
"4 byte integer" "4 Byte Ganzzahl"
"4 byte signed" ""
"4 byte signed integer" "4 Byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"4 byte unsigned" ""
"4 byte unsigned integer" "4 Byte Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"4. quadrant (upper left)" "4. Quadrant (unten links)"
"5 X 5" ""
"50-100 mm/day" ""
"6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Bauer, Rohdenburg, Bork 1985)" ""
"6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Evans 1979)" ""
"6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Heerdegen & Beran 1982)" ""
"64 bit floating point" "64 bit Flie�kommazahl"
"64x64" ""
"7 X 7" ""
"7 parameters" "7 Parameter"
"8 (Moore)" ""
"8 Byte Floating Point" ""
"8 bit" ""
"8 bit unsigned integer" "8 bit Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen"
"8 byte float" "8 byte Flie�kommazahl"
"8 byte floating point" "8 Byte Flie�kommazahl"
"8 byte floating point number" "8 Byte Flie�kommazahl"
"9 parameter 2nd order polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987)"""
":-( :-( you are a loser :-( :-(" ":-( :-( Du bist ein Versager :-( :-("
":-) :-) you are a winner :-) :-) Time:%ds\n" ":-) :-) Du bist ein
Gewinner :-) :-) Zeit:%ds\n"
"<" ""
"<=" ""
"<all grid systems>" "<alle Rastersysteme>"
"<create>" "<erzeuge>"
"<default>" "<Voreinstellung>"
"<no attributes>" ""
"<no choice available>" "<keine Auswahlm�glichkeit>"
"<no items>" ""
"<none>" ""
"<not set>" ""
"=" ""
">" ""
">400 mm/day" ""
">=" ""
"?" ""
"A" "A"
"A SAGA tool to create transects through polygon files." ""
"A Simple Litter System" "Ein einfaches Lebensdauersystem"
"A grid providing information about the channel network. It is assumed that no-data
cells are not part of the channel network. Vice versa all others cells are
recognised as channel network members." ""
"A grid that contains elevation data." "Eine Rasterdatei die H�hendaten
"A set of basic SAGA tool programming examples." ""
"A space separated list of key-value pairs (K=V)." ""
"A text file with the full path to an input point cloud on each line" ""
"A threshold between 0 and 1 used to save computational time. Set this parameter to
0 to turn off this functionality." ""
"A3 Landscape" "A3 Querformat"
"A3 Portrait" "A3 Hochformat"
"A4 Landscape" "A4 Querformat"
"A4 Portrait" "A4 Hochformat"
"A:Garden|Imagery" ""
"A:Grid|Analysis|Macroecology" ""
"A:Grid|Distances" ""
"A:Grid|Filter" ""
"A:Grid|Gaps" ""
"A:Grid|Grid System" ""
"A:Grid|Tools" ""
"A:Grid|Values" ""
"A:Imagery|Analysis" ""
"A:Imagery|Classification" "A:Bildverarbeitung|Klassifizierung"
"A:Imagery|Classification|Machine Learning" ""
"A:Imagery|Fourier Analysis" ""
"A:Imagery|Segmentation" ""
"A:Shapes|Construction" "A:Vektoren|Konstruktion"
"A:Shapes|Conversion" "A:Vektoren|Umwandlung"
"A:Shapes|Selection" "A:Vektoren|Auswahl"
"A:Shapes|Table" "A:Vektoren|Tabelle"
"A:Shapes|Tools" "A:Vektoren|Werkzeuge"
"A:Simulation|Hillslope Evolution" ""
"A:Simulation|Hydrology" ""
"A:Spatial and Geostatistics|Geographically Weighted Regression" ""
"A:Spatial and Geostatistics|Points" "A:Raum und Geostatistik|Punkte"
"A:Table|Construction" "A:Tabelle|Konstruktion"
"A:Table|Selection" "Tabelle|Auswahl"
"A:Table|Tools" "Tabelle|Werkzeuge"
"A:Terrain Analysis|Climate and Weather" "A:Reliefanalyse|Klima und Wetter"
"A:Terrain Analysis|Hydrology|Flow Accumulation" ""
"A:Terrain Analysis|Preprocessing" ""
"A:Terrain Analysis|Terrain Classification" "A:Reliefanalyse|
"ADDR" ""
"AFAC(" ""
"AFAC()" ""
"AOI" ""
"AOI Input Settings" ""
"AOI Shape" "AOI Vektor (Automatische Optische Inspektion)"
"AOI does not intersect bounding box of SPCVF, nothing to do!" ""
"AOI does not intersect with any bounding box of the SPCVF datasets, nothing to
do!" ""
"AOI does not intersect with any point of the SPCVF datasets, nothing to do!"
"AOI_Cutter" ""
"AQ(" ""
"AS(" ""
"ASCII" ""
"ASCII Decimal Separator" "ASCII Dezimaltrenner"
"ASCII Grid Options" "ASCII Rasteroptionen"
"ASCII Precision" "ASCII Genauigkeit"
"ASCII file with columns degree, order, c_lm, s_lm (separated by space)" ""
"ASPECT_1" ""
"ASPECT_2" ""
"ASPECT_3" ""
"AWM1 Grid" "AWM1 Raster"
"AWM2 Grid" "AWM2 Raster"
"AWT Grid" "AWT Raster"
"Abflussmanipulation Rasterzelle 1... " ""
"Abflussmanipulation Rasterzelle 2... " ""
"About SAGA" "�ber SAGA"
"Above Elevation" "�ber Anhebung"
"Above this threshold snow will start to melt" "�ber diesem Schwellenwert beginnt
Schnee zu schmelzen"
"Absolute" "Absolut"
"Absolute Area" "Absolute Fl�che"
"Absolute Height" "Absolute H�he"
"Absolute Value" ""
"Absolute Water Level" "Absoluter Wasserstand"
"Absolute Water Levels" "Absolute Wasserst�nde"
"Absolute Weighting" ""
"Abstract" ""
"Acc. Area" "abgesch�tzte Fl�che"
"Acceleration" "Beschleunigung"
"Access" ""
"Accessing PostgreSQL databases." ""
"Accumulated Cost" "Akkumulierte Kosten"
"Accumulated Cost Surface" ""
"Accumulated Material" ""
"Accumulated Material (Left Side)" ""
"Accumulated Material (Right Side)" ""
"Accumulated cost" "Akkumulierte Kosten"
"Accumulation Functions" ""
"Accumulation Target" ""
"Accuracy" ""
"Acknowledgements" "Danksagungen"
"Acquisition" ""
"Action" ""
"Activate Grid File Cache?" "Dateipuffer f�r Raster aktivieren?"
"Activate file caching automatically, if memory size exceeds the threshold value."
"Dateipuffer f�r Raster automatisch aktivieren, wenn Speicherbedarf
Schwellenwert �berschreitet."
"Activation Function" ""
"Activation function" ""
"Active Variable Count" ""
"Add" ""
"Add All" ""
"Add All Fields" ""
"Add Attribute to Clipped Points" "F�ge Attribute zu ausgeschnittenen Punkten
"Add Base Map" ""
"Add Border" "F�ge Grenze hinzu"
"Add Cells" "F�ge Zellen hinzu"
"Add Center" "Erg�nze Mitte"
"Add Coordinates to points" "F�ge Koordinaten zu Punkten hinzu"
"Add Field" "Feld hinzuf�gen"
"Add Frame" "F�ge Rahmen hinzu"
"Add Graticule" ""
"Add Grid Values to Points" "Weise Rasterwerte Punkten zu"
"Add Grid Values to Shapes" "F�ge Rasterwerte in Vektor ein"
"Add Identifier" ""
"Add Indicator Fields for Categories" ""
"Add Link to Files" "Erzeuge Verkn�pfung zu Dateien"
"Add Location Info" ""
"Add Overlap" ""
"Add Part" ""
"Add Point Attributes to Polygons" ""
"Add Point Order" ""
"Add Polygon Attributes to Points" "F�ge Polygonattribute Punkten hinzu"
"Add Position [Ctrl + A]" ""
"Add Project" ""
"Add Record" ""
"Add Shape" ""
"Add Source Information" ""
"Add Volumes Below Base Level" "F�ge Volumnia unter Ausgangsniveau hinzu"
"Add an entry for all recognized files." ""
"Add layer to selected map" "F�ge Ebene zu ausgew�hlter Karte hinzu"
"Add location information from points (x,y,(z,m))" ""
"Add overlap to AOI" ""
"Add point order as additional attribute." ""
"Add to Map" ""
"Add to Table" ""
"Add unique identifier attribute field to output, ID resembles processing order."
"Added" ""
"Addition" "Addierung"
"Additional Output" ""
"Additional Point Clouds" "Zus�tzliche Punktwolken"
"Additional Values" "Zus�tzliche Werte"
"Additional point clouds to merge with main point cloud." ""
"Additional values that shall be saved to the output table." "Zus�tzliche
Werte, die zu der Ausgabetabelle gesichert werden sollen."
"Addition|" "Addierung|"
"Adds a field with the name of the original input data set." ""
"Adjust" "Einstellen"
"Adjust Histogram Stretch to Map Extent" ""
"Adjustment" ""
"Advanced Settings" "Erweiterte Einstellungen"
"Aerosol Resistance Coefficient (Blue)" ""
"Aerosol Resistance Coefficient (Red)" ""
"Affine" ""
"Aggregate" "Anh�ufung"
"Aggregate Point Observations" ""
"Aggregated" ""
"Aggregation" "Vereinigung"
"Aggregation Index" "Zusammenf�hrungsindex"
"Aggregation Size" "Anh�ufung Gr��e"
"Air Humidity (2pm) [%%]" "Luftfeuchte (2pm) [%%]"
"Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content" "Luftdruck, Wasser und Staub Inhalt"
"Albedo" ""
"Albers Equal Area Conic" "Albers fl�chentreue Kegelprojektion"
"Alessandro Perego" ""
"Algorithm" ""
"Algorithm Type" ""
"Algorithm for the detection of Surface Specific Points" "Algorithmus f�r die
Erfassung charakteristischer Oberfl�chenpunkte"
"Alignment" ""
"All Files" "Alle Dateien"
"All Files|*.*|" "Alle Dateien|*.*|"
"All Levels" ""
"All Recognized File Types" "Alle erkannten Dateitypen"
"All Recognized Files" "Alle erkannten Dateitypen"
"All Times" ""
"All Variables" ""
"Allgemeine Parameter" ""
"Allocation" "Zuweisung"
"Allocation Grid" "Zuweisungsraster"
"Allow Edge Pixels to be Seeds" "Erlaube Kantenpixel Keime zu sein"
"Allow longitudes outside -180 to 180 Range" "Ber�cksichtige L�ngen au�erhalb
-180 bis 180 Bereich"
"Allow multiple observer positions." ""
"Allow tools to change data set colors programmatically." ""
"Allows one to scale shade brightness [%]" ""
"Allows one to scale shade brightness [percent]" ""
"Allows writing cell values from additional grids to the output" ""
"Alpha" ""
"Alpha Max (Degree)" "Alpha Max (Grad)"
"Alphanumeric Sorting" ""
"Alternatives" ""
"Altura de llama" ""
"Altura de llama (m)" ""
"Always use cloud signature (step 14)" ""
"Ambient Occlusion" ""
"Anaglyph" "Anaglyph"
"Anaglyph [S]" ""
"Analysis" ""
"Analytical Hierarchy Process" "Analytischer hierarchischer Prozess"
"Analytical Hillshading" "Simulierter Schattenwurf"
"Anchor Point" "Ankerpunkt"
"Angle" "Winkel"
"Angle (in degrees)" "Winkel [Grad]"
"Angle Calculation" ""
"Angle X" ""
"Angle Y" ""
"Angle Z" ""
"Angle [Degree]" "Winkel [Grad]"
"Angle in degrees, clockwise around x axis" ""
"Angle in degrees, clockwise around y axis" ""
"Angle in degrees, clockwise around z axis" ""
"Angle in degrees, counting clockwise from north" "Winkel in Grad, Z�hlung im
Uhrzeigersinn von Nord"
"Angular Distance Weighted" ""
"Angular Second Moment" ""
"Angular Step Size (Degree)" ""
"Annual" ""
"Annual Course of Daily Insolation" ""
"Annual Mean Temperature" ""
"Annual Precipitation" ""
"Annulus" ""
"Appearance" ""
"Append Fields from another Table" ""
"Append Rows from ..." ""
"Applies a majority filter with given search radius to the segments grid. Is
skipped if set to zero." ""
"Applies also to the binary format header file." "Anwendbar ebenfalls f�r die
bin�re Formatkopfdatei"
"Apply" "Anwenden"
"Apply Move" "Wende Bewegung an"
"Apply changes?" "�nderungen anwenden?"
"Apply post-processing filter to remove small holes" ""
"Approx. Terrain Slope" "ungef�hre Gel�ndeneigung"
"Approximate Coordinates of Projection Center" ""
"Approximate Coordinates of Target Point" ""
"Approximate Terrain Slope [%]" "ungef�hre Gel�ndeneigung [%]"
"April" "April"
"Arc Vertex Distance [Degree]" ""
"ArcGIS MapServer Tiles" ""
"Arccosine" ""
"Arcs to polygons" "Kreissegmente zu Polygonen"
"Arcsine" ""
"Arctangent" ""
"Arctangent of x/y" ""
"Area" "Fl�che"
"Area +" "Fl�che +"
"Area -" "Fl�che -"
"Area Conversion" ""
"Area [km2]" "Fl�che [km�]"
"Area [km2] Subbasin(" "Fl�che [km�] Teilbecken("
"Area of Coverage" ""
"Area of the Watershed in [km2]" "Fl�che des Wassereinzugsgebietes in [km�]"
"Area of the Watershed in [km2] used for unit conversion" "Fl�che des
Wassereinzugsgebietes [km�] die f�r Bereichsanpassung genutzt wird"
"Area to Length Conversion" "Fl�che f�r L�ngenanpassung"
"Area[%]" "Fl�che[%]"
"Areal average of ln(T0) = ln(Te) [ln(m^2/h)]" "Fl�chendurchschnitt von ln(T0) =
ln(Te) [ln(m^2/h)]"
"Arithmetic Mean" "arithmetrisches Mittel"
"Arithmetic mean (version 1)" "arithmetriisches Mittel (Version 1)"
"Arithmetic mean (version 2)" "Arithmetrisches Mittel (Version 2)"
"Arrange Icons" ""
"Artificial Neural Network Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Aspect" "Standpunkt"
"Aspect Units" ""
"Aspect grid, in radians and 360 degree from north." ""
"Aspect grid, in radians." "Blickpunkt der Rasterdaten, in Radian."
"Aspect-Slope" ""
"Aspect-Slope Grid" ""
"Assign" "Zuweisen"
"Assign ..." ""
"Assign attributes to shapes..." "Attribute Vektordaten zuweisen..."
"Assume a given minimum slope for each cell." ""
"At-Sensor Radiance" ""
"At-Sensor Reflectance" ""
"At-Sensor Temperature" ""
"At-Surface Radiance" ""
"At-Surface Reflectance" ""
"Atlas Boundary Files" ""
"Atlas Boundary Files (*.bna)" ""
"Atmospheric Correction" ""
"Atmospheric Effects" "Atmospherische Effekte"
"Attribute" "Attribut"
"Attribute (Size)" "Attribut (Gr��e)"
"Attribute Field" ""
"Attribute Field to Grid" ""
"Attribute Identification" ""
"Attribute Table" "Attributtabelle"
"Attribute Values" ""
"Attribute field number to copy is out of range!" ""
"Attribute field number to grid is out of range!" ""
"Attribute fields one to three (x;y;z) are mandatory!" ""
"Attribute to process." "Attribute zum Bearbeiten"
"Attribute used for naming the output file(s)" ""
"Attributes" "Attribute"
"Attributes Table" ""
"Attributes to add. Select none to add all" ""
"Attributes to import besides x,y,z ..." "Zu importierende Attribute au�er
"August" "August"
"Ausgabedaten" ""
"Ausgangsrasterzelle Flusseinzugsgebiet [Default: Elbe5000]" ""
"Auswahl der Art der anteiligen Flaechenwasserwasserentnahme." ""
"Auswahl der Art der dynamischen Flaechenwasserwassernutzung (WUse). ACHTUNG:
Funktioniert ggf. nur bei bereits initiierten Systemen bzw. nach Vorlauf" ""
"Author" "Autor"
"Authority" ""
"Authority Code" ""
"Authority code error" ""
"Automated Cloud Cover Assessment" ""
"Automatic" ""
"Automatically adjust control points to grid's data range" "Automatische Anpassung
der Kontrollpunkte an den Wertebereich der Rasterdaten"
"Automatically normalise attributes by standard deviation before clustering."
"Automatisches Normalisieren der Attribute mit Standardabweichung vor der
"Automatically normalise grids by standard deviation before clustering."
"Automatisches Normalisieren der Rasterdaten mit Standardabweichung vor der
"Available Choices" "Auswahlm�glichkeiten"
"Available Clay" ""
"Available Connections" "Verf�gbare Verbindungen"
"Available Libraries" ""
"Available Projections:" "Verf�gbare Projektionen:"
"Available Sand" ""
"Available Silt" ""
"Available Tools" "Verf�gbare Werkzeuge"
"Average" "Durchschnitt"
"Average 2 With Thereshold for Grids calculates average in X and Y distances unsing
only the values that differ form central pixel less than a specified threshold.
Each value has a weight which is inversely proportional to the distance (method
1)." "Durchschnitt 2 Mit Schwellenwert f�r die Rasterberechnung in x und y
Entfernung, der nur Werte benutzt die sich weniger als der spezifische
Schwellenwert vom zentralen Pixel unterscheiden. Jeder Wert hat eine Gewichtung die
invers proportional zu der Entfernung ist (Methode 1). "
"Average 3 With Thereshold for Grids calculates average in X and Y distances unsing
only the values that differ form central pixel less than a specified threshold.
Each value has a weight which is inversely proportional to the distance (method
2)." "Durchschnitt 3 Mit Schwellenwert f�r die Rasterberechnung in x und y
Entfernung, der nur Werte benutzt die sich weniger als der spezifische
Schwellenwert von dem zentralen Pixel unterscheiden. Jeder Wert hat eine Gewichtung
die invers proportional zu der Entfernung ist(Methode 3)."
"Average With Mask 1" "Durchschnitt mit Maske 1"
"Average With Mask 1 calculates average for cells specified by a mask grid. Cell
excluded by the mask grid are NOT used in the average calculation."
"Durchschnitt mit Maske 1 kalkuliert den Durchschnitt f�r Zellen innerhalb
eines Schablonenrasters. Zellen au�erhalb des Schablonenrasters werden nicht f�r
den berechneten Durchschnitt herangezogen."
"Average With Mask 2" "Mit Maske 2"
"Average With Mask 2 calculates average for cells specified by a mask grid. However
cell excluded by the mask grid are used in the average calculation for right
pixels." "Duurchschnitt mit Maske 2 berechnet den Durchschnitt f�r Zellen
innerhalb des Schblonenrasters. Allerdings werden Zellen au�erhalb des
Schablonenrasters f�r die Berechnung des Durchschnitts richtiger Pixel
herangezogen. "
"Average With Thereshold 1" "Durchschnitt mit Schwellenwert 1"
"Average With Thereshold 2" "Durchschnitt mit Schwellenwert 2"
"Average With Thereshold 3" "Durchschnitt mit Schwellenwert 3"
"Average With Thereshold for Grids calculates average in X and Y distances unsing
only the values that differ form central pixel less than a specified threshold.
It's useful to remove noise whit a known maximum reducing the loss of informations"
"Durchschnitt Mit Schwellenwert f�r die Rasterberechnung in X und Y
Entfernung, der nur Werte benutzt die sich weniger als der spezifische
Schwellenwert vom zentralen Pixel unterscheiden. Es ist sinnvoll Noise mit einer
bekannten Gr��e vorher zu entfernen um Informationsverlusten vorzubeugen."
"Average slope of watercourse: %.2f m/m" ""
"Average velocity in watercourse: %.2f m/min" ""
"Averaged Connectivity" ""
"Averages" ""
"Avg. Curve Number" "Durchschnittliche Kurvennummer"
"Avg. Manning's N" "Durchschnitt Manning�s N"
"Avg. Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)" "Durchschnittliche Niederschlagsintensit�t
"Azimuth" "Azimuth"
"Azimuthal Equidistant" "azimuthale �quidistanz"
"B" ""
"B-Spline" ""
"B-Spline Approximation" "B-Spline-Interpolation"
"B-Spline Interpolation" "B-Spline Interpolation"
"B.Bechtel, O.Conrad (c) 2013" ""
"B45 Ratio: Desert detection (step 10)" ""
"B56 Composite (step 6)" ""
"BD, Bulk density of the top layer [Mg/m3]" ""
"BFAC(" ""
"BLUH" ""
"BQ(" ""
"BSL" ""
"BSL Files (*.bsl)" "BSL Dateien (*.bsl)"
"BSL Script" ""
"BSL from File" "BSL aus Datei"
"Back Slope" ""
"Background Color" "Hintergrundfarbe"
"Background Sample Density [Percent]" ""
"Backpropagation algorithm" ""
"Backpropagation parameters" ""
"Backward" "R�ckw�rts"
"Backward Diagonal" "R�ckw�rts diagonal"
"Backward [Page Down]" ""
"Backward diagonal hatch" "Diagonal r�ckwarts schraffiert"
"Band" ""
"Band 1" ""
"Band 2" ""
"Band 3" ""
"Band 4" ""
"Band 5" ""
"Band 61" ""
"Band 62" ""
"Band 7" ""
"Band 8" ""
"Band Name Field" ""
"Band Width" ""
"Band Width for Seed Point Generation" ""
"Bands" "Banden"
"Bandwidth (Cells)" "Bandbreite (Zellen)"
"Bare Earth" "kahle Erde"
"Barometric Pressure [mbar]" ""
"Bars" "Balken"
"Base 10 Logarithm" ""
"Base Level" "Ausgangsniveau"
"Base Map" ""
"Base Name" ""
"Base Probability" "Basis-Wahrscheinlichkeit"
"Basic Terrain Analysis" ""
"Basic measures for spatial point patterns." "wesentliche Ma�einheiten f�r
r�umliche Punktmuster"
"Basin Type (Gravelius)" "Becken Typ (Gravelius)"
"Basins" "Becken"
"Be sure to read and understand the usage agreement or terms of service before you
use a base map server." ""
"Beep when finished" ""
"Begin Transaction" ""
"Below this threshold precipitation will fall as snow" "Unterhalb dieses
Schwellenwertes f�llt Niederschlag als Schnee"
"Beruecksichtigung der Hauptgerinnerasterzellen?" ""
"Beta" ""
"Bicubic Spline" ""
"Bicubic Spline Interpolation" "Bikubische Spline Interpolation"
"Bifurcation" "Verzweigung"
"Big Endian (Motorola)" ""
"Bilinear" ""
"Bilinear Interpolation" "Bilineare Interpolation"
"Binary Byte Order" "Bin�rer Byte-Befehl"
"Binary Encoding" "bin�res Verschl�sseln"
"Binary Erosion-Reconstruction" ""
"Binary object mask" ""
"Bioclimatic Variables" ""
"Bioclimatology" ""
"Birth Rate of Fishes" "Geburtsrate von Fischen"
"Birth Rate of Sharks" "Geburtsrate von Haien"
"Blending Distance" ""
"Block Kriging" "Block Kriging"
"Block Matching" ""
"Block Size" "Block Gr��e"
"Blocks" "Bl�cke"
"Blue" "Blau"
"Blue (TM 1)" ""
"Blue Reflectance" ""
"Board" "Tafel"
"Boehner & Selige 2006" ""
"Boehner's Simple Language (BSL) is a macro script language for grid based
calculations." "Boehner`s Simple Language (BSL) ist eine Macroscriptsprache f�r
rasterbasierte Berechnungen."
"Bonne" ""
"Boolean" ""
"Boost Type" ""
"Boosting Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Border" "Grenze"
"Border Color" ""
"Borders" "Grenzen"
"Bottom" "Basis"
"Bottom to Top" "Unten bis Oben"
"Bottom-Top" ""
"Boundary Effect" ""
"Boundary Effect Color" ""
"Boundary Layer" ""
"Bounding Box" "Rahmen"
"Bounding Box [B]" ""
"Branches" "Fachgebiete"
"Branches to Litter" "Abfallgebiete"
"Braunschweiger Reliefmodell" "Braunschweiger Reliefmodell"
"Breaks" "Unterbrechen"
"Brightness" "Helligkeit"
"Buffer" "Puffer"
"Buffer Distance" "Pufferdistanz"
"Buffer Grid" "Pufferraster"
"Buffer Size MB" ""
"Buffer Size [MB]" "Puffergr��e [MB]"
"Buffer distance" "Pufferdistanz"
"Buffer distance (grid units)." "Pufferdistanz (Rastereinheiten)."
"Build Histogram..." ""
"Buildings" ""
"Bulk density top layer" ""
"Burn Stream Network into DEM" ""
"Burned Streams" ""
"Button" ""
"Bypass second-pass processing, and merge warm (not ambiguous) and cold clouds"
"Byte Order" "Byte Abfolge"
"Byte order when writing floating point values in binary format" "Byte Abfolge,
wenn Flie�kommazahlen im bin�ren Format geschrieben werden"
"Bytewise Interpolation" ""
"C" ""
"C Correction" "C Korrektur "
"C Factor" "C Faktor"
"C-SVC" ""
"CC, canopy cover expressed as a portion [between 0-1] of the soil surface
protected by vegetation or crop" ""
"CCD Physical Pixel Size [micron]" ""
"CFAC(" ""
"CFit\n(created by SAGA Wizard)." "CPassend\n(durch SAGA Wizard erzeugt)."
"CRS Database" "CRS Datenbestand"
"CRS Dictionary" "CRS Verzeichnis"
"CRU Data File (*.dat" ""
"CSV Files (*.csv)" "CSV Dateien (*.csv)"
"CUMUL" ""
"CV Folds" ""
"Cache" ""
"Cache Directory" ""
"Cache Size" ""
"Calculate distribution quantiles. Value specifies interval (median=50,
quartiles=25, deciles=10, ...). Set to zero to omit quantile calculation."
"Berechne Verteilungs-Quantile.Werte spezifizieren Intervall (median=50,
quartil=25, decil=10,...).Eintragen von 0 verhindert Quantilberechnung."
"Calculate the volume under the grid's surface. This is mainly useful for Digital
Elevation Models (DEM)." "Kalkuliere das Volumen unter der Rasteroberfl�che.
Dieses ist haupts�chlich sinnvoll f�r Digitale Gel�ndemodelle (DGM)."
"Calculates the gradient based on the values of each triangle's points.\n\n"
"Berechnet den Gradient basierend auf dem Wert eines jeden
"Calculates weights for distance plus one, avoiding division by zero for zero
distances" "Berechnet die Gewichtung f�r Distanzen plus eins, Teilen durch null
wird bei 0-Distanzen vermieden"
"Calculating Catchment Area..." "Berechne den Einzugsbereich..."
"Calculating Contributing Area" ""
"Calculating danger..." "Berechne die Gefahr..."
"Calculation" "Berechnung"
"Calculation Error" ""
"Calculus" ""
"Calculus BSL" ""
"Calibrated Digital Number" ""
"Calibrated Scaling Factor" ""
"Calibrated scaling factor used in the wind effect correction." ""
"Calibration Constants" ""
"Camera" "Kamera"
"Can't execute a tool while another runs" "Werkzeugausf�hrung ist nicht m�glich,
w�hrend bereits ein anderes l�uft."
"Cancel" "Abbrechen"
"Canny" "schlau"
"Canopy Background Adjustment" ""
"Canopy Cover" ""
"Canyons, Deeply Incised Streams" ""
"Carbon Cycle Simulation" "Simulation Kohlenstoffkreislauf"
"Carbonization Factor" "Inkohlungsfaktor"
"Cartesion Coordinates" ""
"Cascade" ""
"Case Sensitive" "Gro�-/Kleinschreibungssensitiv"
"Case Sensitive String Comparison" ""
"Case of contiguity" "im Fall von N�he"
"Cassini" ""
"Catchment Area" "Einzugsbereich"
"Catchment Area Calculation" ""
"Catchment area" "Einzugsbereich Fl�che"
"Catchment slope" "Einzugsbereich Gef�lle"
"Categorical Coincidence" ""
"Categorical Features" ""
"Categorical Grids" ""
"Categories" ""
"Category" ""
"Cell Balance" "Zellen Gleichgewicht"
"Cell Count" "Zellen Anzahl"
"Cell Count (X)" "Zellen Z�hlen (X)"
"Cell Count (Y)" "Zellen Z�hlen (Y)"
"Cell Height" "Zellenh�he"
"Cell Reference" ""
"Cell Size" "Zellen Gr��e"
"Cell Sizes" "Zellengr��e"
"Cell size" "Zellgr��e"
"Cells" "Zellen"
"Cellsize" "Zellgr��e"
"Cellsize of the output grid [map units]" ""
"Cellular Automata" "Zellul�re Automaten"
"Celsius to Fahrenheit" "Celsius zu Fahrenheit"
"Center Versus Neighbours" "Mitte versus Nachbarn"
"Center of Triangles" "Mitte des Dreiecks"
"Centered" "Zentriert"
"Central" ""
"Central Distance" ""
"Central Meridian" "Zentralmeridian"
"Central Parallel" "Zentral Parallel"
"Central Projection" "Zentralprojektion"
"Central Projection Distance" ""
"Centre" "Zentrum"
"Centroid X" "Schwerpunkt X"
"Centroid Y" "Schwerpunkt Y"
"Centroids" "Schwerpunkt"
"Centroids for each part" "Schwerpunkt f�r jeden Teil"
"Change Cell Values" "�ndere Zellwerte"
"Change Color Format" ""
"Change Data Storage" ""
"Change Date Format" "�ndere Datenformat"
"Change Field Type" "�ndere Feldtyp"
"Change Grid Values" "�ndere Rasterwerte"
"Change Grid Values - Flood Fill" "�ndere Rasterwerte - Fl�chenf�llung"
"Change Longitudinal Range for Grids" ""
"Change Time Format" "�nder Zeitformat"
"Change Vector" "�ndere Vektor"
"Change Vector Analysis" "Ver�nderungsvektor Analyse"
"Change a Grid's No-Data Value" ""
"Change all values within radius." ""
"Changed" ""
"Changed Grid" "Ge�ndertes Raster"
"Channel" ""
"Channel Definition Threshold (ha)" "Gew�ssernetz Definition Schwellenwert (ha) "
"Channel Density" ""
"Channel Direction" "Gew�sser Richtung"
"Channel Initiation Threshold" ""
"Channel Mask" ""
"Channel Network" "Gew�ssernetz"
"Channel Network Base Level" "Gew�ssernetz Ausgangsniveau"
"Channel Network Distance" ""
"Channel Network and Drainage Basins" ""
"Channel Network: Pass 1" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 1"
"Channel Network: Pass 2" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 2"
"Channel Network: Pass 3" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 3"
"Channel Network: Pass 4" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 4"
"Channel Network: Pass 5" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 5"
"Channel Network: Pass 6" "Gew�ssernetz: Durchlauf 6"
"Channel Skeleton" "Gew�sserger�st"
"Channel definition threshold" "Gew�ssernetz Definition Schwellenwert"
"Channel network, all other cells NoData" ""
"Channel side slope(m/m)" "Gew�sserseite Neigung (m/m)"
"Channels" "Gew�sser"
"Channels (Raster)" "Gew�sser (Raster)"
"Channels (Vector)" "Gew�sser (Vektor)"
"Charcoal to Environment" "Holzkohle zur Umwelt"
"Chart" ""
"Chart (bars):" "Diagramm (Balken)"
"Chart (sectors):" "Diagramm (Sektoren)"
"Chart Type" "Diagrammtyp"
"Check Point Validity" "Kontrollpunkt G�ltigkeit"
"Check Vertices" ""
"Check for Building Parts" ""
"Check the fields to export" ""
"Check this in order to include NoData cells in the calculation." ""
"Check this in order to include NoData points in the calculation." ""
"Check this parameter to constrain the query by an attribute range." ""
"Check this to create a new attribute with the reclassification result. If
unchecked, the existing attribute is updated." ""
"Checked" ""
"Chessboard" "Schachbrett"
"Children" ""
"Chip size of reference chip to be found in search chip" ""
"Chip size of search chip, used to find correlating reference chip" ""
"Choice" "Auswahl"
"Choose 'slim' to trace grid node's shadow, 'fat' to trace the whole cell's shadow,
or ignore shadowing effects. The first is slightly faster but might show some
artifacts." ""
"Choose 'slim' to trace grid node's shadow, 'fat' to trace the whole cell's shadow.
The first is slightly faster but might show some artifacts." ""
"Choose Cut from ..." "W�hle Zuschnitt von.."
"Choose Directory" "Wechsle Verzeichnis"
"Choose Time Range" "W�hle Zeitspanne"
"Choose a deposition model." ""
"Choose a flow routing algorithm that shall be used for the overland flow distance
calculation:\n- D8\n- MFD" "W�hle einen Flu�routingalgorithmus der f�r die �ber
Land Flie�distanzberechnung genutzt werden soll:\n- D8\n- MFD "
"Choose a friction model." ""
"Choose a method" "W�hle eine Methode"
"Choose a process path model." ""
"Choose case: Rook's case contiguity compares only cell wich share an edge. Queen's
case contiguity compares also cells which share just corners." "W�hle einen
Prozess: Rock�s Prozess der N�he vergleicht nur Zellen die Kanten teilen. Queen�s
Prozess der N�he vergleicht auch Zellen welche auch Ecken teilen,"
"Choose cell wise, if you have not many polygons. Polygon wise will show much
better performance, if you have many (small) polygons." ""
"Choose how to aggregate the values" ""
"Choose how to align the ouput grid system to the AOI" ""
"Choose how to apply the new value." ""
"Choose how to handle file paths. With relative paths, you can package the *.spcvf
and your point cloud tiles easily." ""
"Choose how to handle the NoData value of the output grid."""
"Choose how to sort the elevation dataset before sampling" ""
"Choose if you want to segmentate either on minima or on maxima." "W�hle bei
einer Aufteilung entweder minima oder maxima."
"Choose the Point Data Record Format you like to use" "W�hle das zu benutzende
Punktdatenaufzeichnungsformat "
"Choose the activation function used by the neronal network." ""
"Choose the classification constant to use" ""
"Choose the filter method." ""
"Choose the map type to generate." ""
"Choose the method how to insert additional points." ""
"Choose the method to apply." ""
"Choose the mode of motion on hillslope with the 1-parameter friction model."
"Choose the mode of operation" ""
"Choose the operation to perform." ""
"Choose the processing order." ""
"Choose the shape of the filter kernel." ""
"Choose the training method used for the neronal network." ""
"Choose the type of data used in this model." ""
"Choose the velocity calculation on slope impact with the 1-parameter friction
model." ""
"Choose whether the input file's NoData value or a user specified NoData value is
written" "W�hle ob der NoData-Wert der Eingabedatei oder ein vom Benutzer
definierter NoData-Wert geschrieben werden soll. "
"Choose whether to reclassify a Point Cloud or to extract a subset from a Point
Cloud." "W�hle ob Punktwolken reklassifiziert oder eine Teilmenge einer
Punktwolke ausgew�hlt werden soll"
"Circle" "Kreis"
"Circle Point Distance [Degree]" "Entfernung der Kreislinienpunkte [in Grad]"
"Circles" "Kreise"
"Circular" "Kreisf�rmig"
"Citation" ""
"CityGML file import failed" ""
"CityGML import failed" ""
"Class" "Klasse"
"Class 1" "Klasse 1"
"Class 2" "Klasse 2"
"Class Definition File" ""
"Class Identifier" "Klassenidentifizierer"
"Class Name" ""
"Class Selection" "Klassenauswahl"
"Class Values" ""
"Classes" "Klassen"
"Classification" "Klassifizierung"
"Classification 1" ""
"Classification 2" ""
"Classification Constant" "Klassifizierung Konstant"
"Classification Method" ""
"Classification Quality" "Klassifizierungsqualit�t"
"Classification Type" "Klassifikationstyp"
"Classification tools for grids." "Klassifikationswerkzeug f�r Raster."
"Classify" "Klassifiziere"
"Claudy 3" ""
"Clay" "Ton"
"Clay Loam" ""
"Clear" "L�schen"
"Clear Fast Representativeness" "L�sche Schnelle Vertreter"
"Clear Generalisation" "L�sche "
"Clear History" ""
"Clear Reference Points" ""
"Clear Selection" ""
"Climate" "Klima"
"Climate Data" "Klimadaten"
"Climate parameters" "Klima Parameter"
"Climate|Tools" ""
"Climatic Precession" ""
"Clip Features" ""
"Clip Grid with Polygon" "Schneide Rasterdaten mit Polygon zu"
"Clip Grid with Rectangle" ""
"Clip Grids" ""
"Clip Points with Polygons" "Schneide Punkte mit Polygon aus"
"Clip to Extent" ""
"Clipboard" ""
"Clipped Grids" ""
"Clipped Points" "Ausgeschnittene Punkte"
"Clipping Options" "Ausschneide Optionen"
"Close" "Schlie�en"
"Close All" "Alles Schlie�en"
"Close All But This" ""
"Close Gaps" "Schlie�e L�cken"
"Close Gaps with Spline" "Schlie�e L�cken mit Spline"
"Close Gaps with Stepwise Resampling" ""
"Close One Cell Gaps" "Schlie�e Einzellenl�cken"
"Close Project" ""
"Close all data sets" ""
"Closed Depressions" ""
"Closed Gaps Grid" "Raster mit geschlossenen L�cken"
"Closing" "Schlie�en"
"Closing Gaps..." "Schlie�e L�cken..."
"Cloud Cover" ""
"Cloud Settings" ""
"Cluster" "Gruppe (Cluster)"
"Cluster Analysis" "Clusteranalyse"
"Cluster Analysis (Shapes)" ""
"Cluster Analysis PC" "Clusteranalyse f�r Punktwolken"
"Cluster Analysis for Point Clouds" "Clusteranalyse f�r Punktwolken"
"Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K<=maxCategories clusters
to find a suboptimal split." ""
"ClusterID" "Cluster ID"
"Clusters" "Cluster"
"Clusters, which are closer than this distance to each other, are merged." ""
"Coarse Resolution" ""
"Coefficient 0" ""
"Coefficient of Determination" "Bestimmtheitsma�"
"Coefficient of Variation" ""
"Coincidence" ""
"Cold Cloud" ""
"Coldest daily minimum temperature of all frost change days." ""
"Collect values" "Sammele Werte"
"Collpase Options" ""
"Color" "Farbe"
"Color Attribute" "Farbattribute"
"Color Blending" "Farbe Mischung"
"Color Palette" "Farbverlauf"
"Color Palette Rotation" "Farbe Palettenwechsel"
"Color Stretch" "Farbverlaufsstreckung"
"Color Triangle Composite" "Farbe Dreiecksgemisch"
"Color by Attribute" "Farbe durch Attribut"
"Coloring" ""
"Colorisation (PC)" ""
"Colorised Point Cloud" ""
"Colors" "Farben"
"Colors Value Range" "Farbwertebereich"
"Colors file could not be exported." "Farbdatei konnte nicht erstellt werden."
"Colors file could not be imported." "Farbdatei konnte nicht geladen werden."
"Colour" ""
"Colour Attribute" ""
"Colour Normalized Brovey Sharpening" ""
"Colour Normalized Spectral Sharpening" ""
"Colouring" ""
"Colours" ""
"Colours Palette" ""
"Columns" "Spalten"
"Combination" ""
"Combination A" "Kombination A"
"Combination B" "Kombination B"
"Combine Classes" ""
"Combine Grids" "Verbinde Raster"
"Combined Classes" ""
"Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing" "kombinierte Minimalentfernung /
"Combined Shading" "Kombinationsschummerung"
"Comma Separated Values" "durch Kommata getrennte Werte"
"Command Line" ""
"Command Line Arguments" "Kommandozeilenargumente"
"Command Line with Header" ""
"Commands" ""
"Comment" "Kommentar"
"Commit" "�bergeben"
"Commit/Rollback Transaction" ""
"Common Edge" ""
"Common Edge Type of Face Neighbourhood" ""
"Common Vertex" ""
"Compare with..." "Vergleiche mit.."
"Completed Grid" "Vervollst�ndigtes Raster"
"Component" "Komponente"
"Composite" "Gemisch"
"Compound Analyses" ""
"Compound Probability" "komplizierte Wahrscheinlichkeit"
"CompuServe Graphics Interchange" "CompuServe Graphics Interchange"
"CompuServe Graphics Interchange (*.gif)" "CompuServe Graphics Interchange (*.gif)"
"Computed flow directions, 0=N, 1=NE, 2=E, ... 7=NW" "Berechnete Flie�richtung.
0=N, 1=NE, 2=E, ... 7=NW"
"Concentration" ""
"Concentration Approximation Threshold" ""
"Concentration time (h)" "Sammlungszeit (h)"
"Condition" "Bedingung"
"Cone (Down)" "Kegel (abw�rts)"
"Cone (Up)" "Kegel (aufw�rts)"
"Cone (down)" "Kegel (abw�rts)"
"Cone (up)" "Kegel (aufw�rts)"
"Confirm" ""
"Confirm file caching" "Dateipufferaktivierung jedesmal best�tigen"
"Confusion" ""
"Confusion Index" ""
"Confusion Matrix" ""
"Confusion Matrix (Polygons / Grid)" ""
"Confusion Matrix (Two Grids)" ""
"Connect to Database" ""
"Connect to ODBC Source" ""
"Connect to PostgreSQL" ""
"Connected" ""
"Connection to database failed" ""
"Connections" ""
"Connectivity" ""
"Connectivity Analysis" ""
"Connectivity Index (Pff)." "Konnektivit�t Index"
"Connectivity Neighbourhood" ""
"Connectivity Weighting" "Konnektivit�t Gewichtung"
"Connectivity [Percent]" "Konnektivit�t [Prozent]"
"Constant Grid" ""
"Constant Histogram Stretch" ""
"Constant Lapse Rate" ""
"Constant Scaling Factor" ""
"Constant Value" ""
"Constant Variation Range [Degree]" "konstanter Streubereich [Grad]"
"Constant Wind Direction" ""
"Constant scaling factor used in the wind effect correction." ""
"Constant variation range" "konstanter Streubereich"
"Constrain" ""
"Constrain Query" ""
"Constrain model through central window cell" ""
"Constraining attribute field number is out of range!" ""
"Constraints" "Einschr�nkungen"
"Contour" ""
"Contour Lines" "Isolinien"
"Contour Lines from Grid" "Isolinien von Rasterdaten"
"Contour Lines from Points" ""
"Contour lines equidistance [map units]." ""
"Contours" ""
"Contrast" ""
"Contributing Area" ""
"Convergence" "Ann�herung"
"Convergence (FD8)" "Ann�herung (FD8)"
"Convergence Index" "Ann�herungsindex"
"Convergence Index (Search Radius)" "Ann�herungsindex (Suchradius)"
"Convergence factor for Multiple Flow Direction Algorithm (Freeman 1991).\nApplies
also to the Multiple Triangular Flow Directon Algorithm." "Ann�herungsfaktor f�r
den multiplen Flie�richtungsalgorithmus (Freeman 1991). \nAnwendbar auch beim
Multiplen Triangularen Flie�richtungsalgorithmus."
"Convergence factor for Multiple Flow Direction algorithm" "Ann�herungsfaktor f�r
den multiplen Flie�richtungsalgorithmus"
"Convergence factor for Multiple m_Flow Direction Algorithm (Freeman 1991)" ""
"Convergence factor for the \'Multiple Flow Direction\' algorithm (after Freeman
1991)" "Ann�herungsfaktor f�r den \'Multiplen Flie�richtungs\'algorithmus
(nach Freeman 1991)"
"Conversion" "Umwandlung"
"Conversions" ""
"Convert Lines to Points" "Wandle Linien in Punkte um"
"Convert Lines to Polygons" "Linien zu Polygonen umwandeln"
"Convert Multipoints to Points" ""
"Convert Points to Line(s)" "Wandle Punkte in Linien um"
"Convert Polygon/Line Vertices to Points" "Polygone/ Linienpunkte zu Punkten
"Convert Polygons to Lines" "Polygone zu Linien umwandeln"
"Convert Table to Points" "Tabelle in Punkte umwandeln"
"Convert To Table" ""
"Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D)" ""
"Convert a shapes layer to a TIN\n\n" "Wandelt eine Vektorebene in ein TIN
"Convert routes" "Wandle Strecken um"
"Convert track points" "Wandle Streckenpunkte um"
"Convert way points" "Wandle Wegpunkte um"
"Converted Grid" "Umgewandeltes Raster"
"Converting ..." ""
"Converts a TIN data set to shapes layers.\n\n" "Wandelt einen TIN-Datensatz in
eine Vektorebene um.\n\n"
"Convex Hull" "Konvexe H�lle"
"Convexity" ""
"Conway's Game of Life" ""
"Coordenada X" "Koordinate X"
"Coordenada X del punto de ignici�n (s�lo si no se usa grid de puntos de ignici�n)"
"Koordinate X des Z�ndpunktes"
"Coordenada Y" "Koordinate Y"
"Coordenada Y del punto de ignici�n (s�lo si no se usa grid de puntos de ignici�n)"
"Koordinate Y des Z�ndpunktes"
"Coordinate Precision" ""
"Coordinate Reference System Picker" ""
"Coordinate System" ""
"Coordinate Transformation (Grid List)" "Koordinatentransformation (mehrere
Rasterdatens�tze) "
"Coordinate Transformation (Grid)" "Koordinatentransformation (Rasterdatensatz)"
"Coordinate Transformation (Point Cloud List)" ""
"Coordinate Transformation (Point Cloud)" ""
"Coordinate Transformation (Shapes List)" "Koordinatentransformation (mehrere
"Coordinate Transformation (Shapes)" "Koordinatentransformation
"Coordinate Transformations based on the GeoTRANS-Engine of the National Imagery
and Mapping Agency (NIMA)." "Koordinatentransformation basierend auf der
GeoTRANS-Engine der National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)."
"Coordinates" "Koordinaten"
"Coordinates of target point outside of DEM!" ""
"Copied Selection" ""
"Copy" "Kopieren"
"Copy Attributes" ""
"Copy Grid" ""
"Copy Legend to Clipboard [Ctrl+L]" ""
"Copy Legend to Clipboard..." ""
"Copy Map to Clipboard [Ctrl+C]" ""
"Copy Project to Database" ""
"Copy Project to..." ""
"Copy Selected Shapes" ""
"Copy Selection" ""
"Copy Selection to New Shapes Layer" "Kopiere Auswahl zu Neuer Vektorebene"
"Copy Settings from other Layer" ""
"Copy Settings from..." "Kopiere Einstellungen von.."
"Copy attributes from input to output point cloud." ""
"Copy existing Attributes" ""
"Copy to Clipboard" ""
"Copying original data..." "Kopiere Originaldaten?"
"Copyrights (c) 2003 by Andre Ringeler" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2003 by Olaf Conrad" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2003 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2004 by Victor Olaya" "Copyrights (c) 2004 by Victor Olaya"
"Copyrights (c) 2005 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2006 by Victor Olaya" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2006 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2007 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2008 by Olaf Conrad" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2009 Johan Van de Wauw" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2012 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Copyrights (c) 2014 by Volker Wichmann" ""
"Core" "Kern"
"Corrected Image" "Korrigiertes Bild"
"Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index" "korrigierter umgewandelter
"Corrected Wind Effect" ""
"Correlated Points" ""
"Correlated points with displacement and correlation information" ""
"Correlation" "Korrelation"
"Correlation Matrix of the Fit Parameters:\n" "Korrelationsmatrix der geeigneten
"Corresponds to delta_max. Must be > 1" ""
"Corresponds to delta_min. Must be > 0" ""
"Cosine" ""
"Cosine Correction (Civco 1989)" "Kosinus-Korrektur (Civco 1989)"
"Cosine Correction (Teillet et al. 1982)" "Kosinus-Korrektur (Teillet et al. 1982)"
"Cost Analysis" ""
"Could not connect to data source." ""
"Could not create dataset." "Datensatz kann nicht erzeugt werden."
"Could not initialize grid projection." ""
"Could not load project." "Kann Projekt nicht laden."
"Could not save project." "Projekt kann nicht gespeichert werden."
"Count" "Anzahl"
"Count No Data as Zero" ""
"Count Only Above Base Level" "Z�hle nur �ber Ausgangsniveau"
"Count Only Below Base Level" "Z�hle nur unter Ausgangsniveau"
"Count Points in Polygons" "Anzahl Punkte in Polygonen"
"Covariance" "Kovarianz"
"Covariance Surface" "Kovarianz Oberfl�che"
"Coverage" ""
"Covered Distance" "zur�ckgelegte Entfernung"
"Create 3D Image" "Erzeuge 3D Bild"
"Create Chart Layer (bars/sectors)" "Erzeuge Diagrammebene (Balken/Sektoren)"
"Create Database" ""
"Create Graticule" ""
"Create Grid System" "Erzeuge Rastersystem"
"Create KML File" "Erzeuge KML Datei"
"Create Lookup Table" "Nachschlagetabelle erstellen"
"Create New Shapes Layer" "Erzeuge neue Vektorebene"
"Create New Table" "Erzeuge neue Tabelle"
"Create Normalised Classification" ""
"Create Output of Quarter Cell Grids" "Erzeuge Ausgabe des Viertelzellen-
"Create PDF Docs" "Erzeuge PDF Dokumente"
"Create PDF Documents" "Erzeuge PDF Dokumente"
"Create Point Grid" "Erzeuge Punktraster"
"Create Propabilities" ""
"Create Raster Catalogue from Files" ""
"Create Raster Catalogues from Directory" ""
"Create Reference Points" "Erzeuge Referenzpunkte"
"Create Script Command File" ""
"Create Single Multipart Polygon" ""
"Create TIN from shapes" ""
"Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud" ""
"Create Tool Description Files" "Erstelle Werkzeugbeschreibungen als Dateien"
"Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset" ""
"Create Web Content" "Erzeuge Web-Inhalt"
"Create X/Y Grids" "Erzeuge X/Y-Raster"
"Create borders between segments as new grid." "Erzeuge Grenzen zwischen Segmenten
als neues Raster."
"Create index" "Index erstellen"
"Create new Attribute" "Erzeuge neues Attribut"
"Created from file" ""
"Creates a color animation based on the values of selected grids.\n" "Erzeuge
eine Farbanimation auf der Basis der Werte des ausgew�hlten Rasters.\n"
"Creation Options" ""
"Creation option(s) not supported by the driver" ""
"Croke et al. (2005)" ""
"Croke et al. (2005) !!! not yet implemented !!!" "Croke et. al. (2005) !!!noch
nicht umgesetzt !!!"
"Crop Coefficients" "Ernte-Koeffizient"
"Crop Statistics" ""
"Crop to Data" "Auf Daten zuschneiden"
"Cropped Grids" ""
"Cross" "Gekreuzt"
"Cross Diagonal" "Diagonal Gekreuzt"
"Cross Profiles" "Querprofil"
"Cross Sections" "Kreuzsektion"
"Cross Validation" ""
"Cross Validation Residuals" ""
"Cross Validation Subsamples" ""
"Cross Validation Summary" ""
"Cross hatch" "Kreuzschraffur"
"Cross-Classification Grid" "Kreuzeinteilung Raster"
"Cross-Classification and Tabulation" "Kreuzeinteilung und Auflistung"
"Cross-Sectional Curvature" ""
"Cross-Tabulation" "Kreuzauflistung"
"Cross-Tabulation Table" "Kreuzauflistungstabelle"
"Cross-diagonal hatch" "diagonale Kreuzschraffur"
"Crossings" ""
"Cubic Spline Approximation" "kubische Spline-Angleichung"
"Cubic: a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3" "Kubisch: a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3"
"Culmination" ""
"Cum.Covar." "Kumulative Kovarianz"
"Cum.Var." "Kumulative Varianz"
"Cumulative" ""
"Curvature" "Kr�mmung"
"Curvature Classification" "Kr�mmungsklassifikation"
"Curvature Thresholds [1 / m]" ""
"Curvature Tolerance" ""
"Curvature tolerance that defines 'planar' surface" ""
"Curve Number" "Kurve Nummer"
"Cut" "Schnitt"
"Cuts" "Schnitte"
"Cutting %s resulted in an empty point cloud, skipping output!" ""
"Cycles" "Zyklen"
"Cylindrical Equal Area" "Zylindrisch Fl�chentreu"
"D, Average diameter [m] of the individual plants elements (stem, leaves) at the
ground surface" ""
"D/A" ""
"D/sqrt(A)" "D/Quadratwurzel (A)"
"D8" ""
"DBMS" ""
"DBase" "DBase"
"DBase file could not be opened." ""
"DBase file does not contain any records." ""
"DD_FAC(" ""
"DEM without Sinks" ""
"DEMON - Min. DQV" ""
"DEMON - Minimum Drainage Quota Volume (DQV) for traced flow tubes" ""
"DN" ""
"DSN" "Datenbank Server Name (DSN)"
"DTM 1" ""
"DTM 2" ""
"DTM Filter (slope-based)" "DGM Filter (Neigungsbasiert)"
"DTM, digital terrain model [m]" "DTM, digitales Gel�ndemodell [m]"
"DXF" ""
"DXF Files (*.dxf)|*.dxf|All Files|*.*" "DXF Dateien (*.dxf)|*.dxf|Alle Dateien|
"Daily" ""
"Daily Data" ""
"Daily Insolation over Latitude" ""
"Daily to Hourly ETpot" ""
"Danger" "Gefahr"
"Dark Object Subtraction" ""
"Darkness Digital Number (DN)" ""
"Data" ""
"Data History" ""
"Data Manager" "Datenverwaltung"
"Data Object" ""
"Data Objects" ""
"Data Offset (Bytes)" "Daten Versatz (Bytes)"
"Data Source Name" "Name Datenquelle"
"Data Sources" ""
"Data Storage Type" "Datenspeichertyp"
"Data Table" "Datentabelle"
"Data Type" "Datentyp"
"Data completion..." "Daten ausf�hren?"
"Data options" ""
"Data storage type" "Datenspeichertyp"
"Data type" ""
"Database" "Datenbank"
"Database Name" ""
"Database access through the libmysql.lib interface." "Datenbank-Zugriff durch das
libmysql.lib Interface."
"Database with Coordinate Reference System (CRS) definitions. You need to restart
SAGA to apply the changes." ""
"Database|ODBC" ""
"Database|PostgreSQL" ""
"Dataset creation failed" ""
"Date" ""
"Date Column" "Datumsspalte"
"Date Field" "Datenfeld"
"Date/Time" ""
"Datum Definition" "Bezugspunkt Definition"
"Datum Shift" "Bezugspunkt Verschiebung"
"Datum Shift Grid" "Bezugspunkt Verschiebungsraster"
"Datum Shift Grid File" "Bezugspunkt Verschiebungsrasterdatei"
"Datums (3 Parameters)" "Bezugspunkt (3 Parameter)"
"Datums (7 Parameters)" "Bezugspunkt (7 Parameter)"
"Day" "Tag"
"Day Length" ""
"Day of Month" "Monatstag"
"Day of Year" "Tag des Jahres"
"Day-Degree Factor" "Day-Degree Faktor"
"Day-Degree Factor (lower bound)" "Day-Degree Faktor (untere Grenze) "
"Day-Degree Factor (upper bound)" "Day-Degree Faktor (obere Grenze)"
"Day-Degree Factor depends on catchment characteristics" "Day-Degree Faktor h�ngt
von der Einzugsscharakteristik ab"
"Dead Fuel Moisture 100H" "Dead Fuel Feuchte 100Std."
"Dead Fuel Moisture 10H" "Dead Fuel Feuchte 10 Std."
"Dead Fuel Moisture 1H" "Dead Fuel Feuchte 1 Std."
"Dead after" "tot nach"
"December" "Dezember"
"Decimal Precision" ""
"Decimals" ""
"Decision" ""
"Decision Tree" ""
"Decision Tree Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Decrease" ""
"Decrease Diagram Size" ""
"Decrease Exaggeration [F1]" ""
"Decrease Eye Distance" ""
"Decrease Factor" ""
"Decrease Legend Size" ""
"Decrease Perspectivic Distance [F5]" ""
"Decrease Size Scaling Factor [F7]" ""
"Decrease Size [F5]" ""
"Decrease factor" ""
"Decrease factor n_minus. Must be < 1." ""
"Deepen Drainage Routes" "Vertiefen der Entw�sserungsrouten"
"Default" "Voreinstellung"
"Default Colors" ""
"Default Filter Matrix (3x3)" "Voreinstellung Filter Matrix (3x3)"
"Default Latitude" ""
"Default Number of Neighbours" ""
"Default Reference Height" ""
"Default Rotation" ""
"Default Size" "Vorgegebene Gr��e"
"Defaults" "Vorgaben"
"Defaults for New Maps" ""
"Define AOI by ..." "Definiere AOI durch.. "
"Define Georeference for Grids" ""
"Definition" ""
"Degree" "Grad"
"Dekang Lin" ""
"Delete" "Entfernen"
"Delete All Positions" ""
"Delete All Positions [Ctrl + X]" ""
"Delete All Records" ""
"Delete Associated Files" ""
"Delete Fields" "Felder l�schen"
"Delete History Entries" ""
"Delete Last Position [Ctrl + D]" ""
"Delete Selected Part" "Entferne ausgew�hlten Teil"
"Delete Selected Point" "Entferne ausgew�hlte Punkte"
"Delete Selection" ""
"Delete Selection from Shapes Layer" "Entferne Auswahl aus Vektorebene"
"Delete selected point(s)." "Entferne ausgew�hlte Punkte."
"Delete selected shape(s)." "Entferne ausgew�hlte(n) Vektor(en)."
"Deleting raster band" ""
"Deleting table" "Entferne Tabelle"
"Delineated process area with encoded transition frequencies [count]." ""
"Delineated watershed basins" "eingezeichnete Wassereinzugsgebiete"
"Delivery Index" ""
"Denoised" ""
"Denoised Grid" ""
"Denormalisation" "Denormalisierung"
"Density" "Dichte"
"Density Index (Pf)." "Dichteindex (Pf.)"
"Density [Percent]" "Dichte [Prozent]"
"Density from Neighbourhood" "Dichte aus Nachbarschaft"
"Dependent" ""
"Dependent Variable" "abh�ngige Variable"
"Dependent Variables" "Abh�ngige Variablen"
"Dependent on chosen method, these are distances or probabilities." "Abh�ngig
von der gew�hlten Methode sind dieses Entfernungen oder Wahrscheinlichkeiten."
"Dependent on the chosen 'Initiation Grid' and 'Initiation Type' this value
controls under which condition a channel is initiated." "Abh�ngig von dem
gew�hlten 'Initierungsraster' und 'Initierungstyp' kontrolliert dieser Wert unter
welchen Konditionen ein Gew�sser initiiert wird."
"Depending on mode of operation either transport capacity, transport fraction,
threshold value or trigger value." ""
"Deposition" ""
"Deposition modelling based on velocity requires an appropriate friction model!"
"Depression-free digital elevation model" "Senkenfreies digitales H�henmodell"
"Depth" "Tiefe"
"Depth to which data history is stored. Set -1 keeps all history entries (default),
0 switches history option off." "Tiefe bis zu der die Datengeschichte
gespeichert wird. -1 beh�lt alle Eintr�ge (Voreinstellung), 0 schaltet die Funktion
"Der Gerinne- bzw. Hauptgerinneabfluss kann mit dieser Methode fuer Rasterzelle 1
manipuliert werden. " ""
"Der Gerinne- bzw. Hauptgerinneabfluss kann mit dieser Methode fuer Rasterzelle 2
manipuliert werden. " ""
"Derivation of slope lengths from catchment areas. These are rough approximations!
Applies not to Desmet & Govers' method." "Abweichung der Hangl�nge vom
Einzugsgebiet. Dieses sind grobe Absch�tzungen! Entspricht nicht der Methode von
Desmet & Govers."
"Derive contour lines." ""
"Description" "Beschreibung"
"Descriptive name for the grid system" "Anschaulicher Name f�r das Rastersystem"
"Desmet & Govers" ""
"Desmet & Govers 1996" ""
"Destandardisation" "Destandardisation"
"Destination Points" ""
"Destinations" ""
"Destriped Grid" "Gestreiftes Raster"
"Destriping" ""
"Destriping with Mask" ""
"Details: Coefficients" ""
"Details: Model" ""
"Details: Steps" ""
"Detector type" "Detectortyp"
"Determination" ""
"Determination Coefficients" ""
"Determines how the graticule is aligned to the extent, if division sizes do not
fit." ""
"Deterministic 8" "Deterministisch 8"
"Deterministic 8 (D8)" "Deterministisch 8 (D8)"
"Deterministic Infinity" "deterministische Unendlichkeit"
"Deviation" ""
"Deviation from Arithmetic Mean" "Abweichung vom arithmetrischen Mittel"
"Deviation from Mean Value" "Abweichung vom Mittelwert"
"Diagram" ""
"Dialog" "Dialog"
"Diameter plant elements" ""
"Dictionary Files (*.dic)" "W�rterbuch Dateien (*.dic)"
"Dictionary Files (*.lng)" "Sprachdateien (*.lng)"
"Dictionary for Proj.4/OGC WKT translations. You need to restart SAGA to apply the
changes." ""
"Dictionary for translations from built-in (English) to local language (editable
text table). You need to restart SAGA to apply the changes." ""
"Difference" "Differenz"
"Difference (A - B)" "Differenz (A-B)"
"Difference Entropy" ""
"Difference Variance" ""
"Difference Vegetation Index" ""
"Difference from Arithmetic Mean" "Differenz vom arithmetrischen Mittel"
"Difference from Mean Value" "Differenz vom Mittelwert"
"Difference from all neighbour's mean" "Differenz vom Mittel aller Nachbarn"
"Difference to left neighbour" "Differenz zum linken Nachbarn"
"Difference to left neighbour (using a while loop)" "Differenz zum linken
Nachbarn ( Gebrauch w�hrend Schleife)"
"Difference to local gradient." "Differenz zum lokalen Gradient."
"Diffuse Insolation" "Diffuse Einstrahlung"
"Diffuse Pollution Risk" ""
"Diffusive Hillslope Evolution (ADI)" ""
"Diffusive Hillslope Evolution (FTCS)" ""
"Diffusivity [m2 / kyr]" ""
"Difuse Pollution Risk" ""
"Digital Elevation Model that has to be processed" "Digitales Gel�ndemodell dass
berechnet werden soll"
"Digital Terrain Model" "Digitales Gel�ndemodell"
"Digital elevation model" "Digitales H�henmodell"
"Digital elevation model [m]." ""
"Digital elevation model." ""
"Dilation" "Streckung"
"Dim" ""
"Dim Colours" ""
"Dim Range" ""
"Dip slope" ""
"Direcci�n del viento" "Windrichtung"
"Direcci�n del viento (grados desde el norte en sentido antihorario)"
"Windrichtung (Grad von Nord abweichend gegen den Uhrzeigersinn)"
"Direcci�n del viento (grados desde el norte)" "Windrichtung (Grad von Nord
"Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Photographs" ""
"Direct Insolation" "Direkte Sonneneinstrahlung"
"Direct to Diffuse Ratio" "Direkt zu diffus Verh�ltnis"
"Direction" "Richtung"
"Direction Difference" ""
"Direction [Degree]" "Richtung [Grad]"
"Direction into which the wind blows, starting with 0 for North and increasing
clockwise." ""
"Direction of Maximum Cost" ""
"Direction of Measurement" ""
"Direction of Minimum Standard Deviation" "Richtung der minimalen
"Direction of Plane [Degree]" "Richtung der Fl�che [Grad]"
"Direction of the light source, measured in degree clockwise from the North
direction." ""
"Directional Average" ""
"Directional Statistics" "Gerichtete Statistik"
"Directional Statistics for Points" "Gerichtete Statistik f�r Punkte"
"Directional Statistics for Single Grid" "Gerichtete Statistik f�r Einzelraster"
"Directory" "Verzeichnis"
"Directory, where temporary cache files shall be saved." "Verzeichnis, in dem
tempor�re Dateipuffer gespeichert werden sollen."
"Disconnect All" ""
"Disconnect from ODBC Source" ""
"Disconnect from PostgreSQL" ""
"Discrete AdaBoost" ""
"Discrete Colors" ""
"Discretization" ""
"Discretization Threshold" ""
"Disparity Image" ""
"Disparity Smoothness Parameter 1" ""
"Disparity Smoothness Parameter 2" ""
"Displacement Vector" ""
"Displacement vectors between correlated points" ""
"Display" "Anzeige"
"Display Resolution" "Aufl�sung Anzeige"
"Display Type" "Anzeige Typ"
"Display mouse position in status bar as geographic coordinates." ""
"Display selected extent in map." ""
"Dissolve Buffers" "Aufgel�ste Puffer"
"Dissolve Clip Features" ""
"Dissolve Field(s)" ""
"Dissolve..." "Aufl�sen..."
"Dissolved" "Aufgel�st"
"Dissolved Lines" "Aufgel�ste Linien"
"Dissolved Polygons" "Aufgel�ste Polygone"
"Dist." "Entfernung"
"Distance" "Entfernung"
"Distance (ViGrA)" ""
"Distance Grid" "Distanzraster"
"Distance Overland" "Entfernung �ber Land"
"Distance Range" ""
"Distance Threshold" "Entfernungsschwellenwert"
"Distance Weighted (inverse distance)" "Entfernung Gewichtet (Invers distance)"
"Distance Weighting" "Entfernungs Gewichtung"
"Distance Weighting Exponent" ""
"Distance between points (grid units)." "Entfernung zwischen Punkten (in
"Distances" ""
"Distinct" "Deutlich"
"Diurnal Anisotropic Heating" "T�gliche anisotrope Erw�rmung"
"Divergence" "Abweichung"
"Diversity" "Diversit�t"
"Diversity of Categories" ""
"Dividend" ""
"Division" "Division"
"Division Height" ""
"Division Width" ""
"Division by zero is not allowed !!!" "Division durch null ist nicht
zul�ssig !!!"
"Divisor" ""
"Do you really want to delete the table" "Wollen Sie die Tabelle wirklich l�schen"
"Do you really want to delete this raster band" ""
"Do you want to delete the selection?" "Soll die Auswahl entfernt werden?"
"Do you want to exit SAGA?" "Wollen Sie SAGA beenden?"
"Dominance" "Dominanz"
"Dominance of Majority" ""
"Dot And Dash" ""
"Dot and dash style" "Punkt-Strich-Stil"
"Dotted" ""
"Dotted style" "Gepunktet"
"Double Edges" ""
"Down" "Ab"
"Down [+]" ""
"Down [End]" ""
"Downhill flow is bound to preferred routing cells, where these are not no-data.
Helps to model e.g. small ditches, that are not well represented in the elevation
data." ""
"Downscaling Method" ""
"Downslope Area" "Hangfl�chengebiet"
"Downslope Basins" "Hangfl�chenbecken"
"Downslope Curvature" ""
"Downslope Distance Gradient" "Hangfl�chendistanz Gradient"
"Drainage Basins" ""
"Drainage Network" "Entw�sserungsnetzwerk"
"Drape Map" ""
"Draw Box" ""
"Draw Faces" ""
"Draw Nodes" ""
"Draw Style" "Zeichenstil"
"Draw Wire" ""
"Draw a section each n points" "Zeichne einen Streckenanschnitt f�r jeden n-
ten Punkt"
"Driver" ""
"Driver does not support file creation." "Der Treiber unterst�tzt nicht die
"Drop" ""
"Drop Database" ""
"Drop Point Cloud Attributes" ""
"Drop Table" ""
"Dropped Attributes" ""
"Dummy Grid" "Attrappenraster"
"Duplicated Points" "Duplizierte Punkte"
"Duplicates" "Duplikate"
"Duration of Insolation" "Dauer der Sonneneinstrahlung"
"Dust [ppm]" "Staub [ppm]"
"Dust factor: 100 ppm (standard)" "Staubfaktor: 100 ppm (standard)"
"Dynamics" ""
"Dynamische Flaechenwassernutzung und Abflussreduktion" ""
"Dynamische Flaechenwassernutzung..." ""
"E-W" ""
"EHD, Effective hydrological depth of the soil [m]" ""
"ENUM_ID" ""
"EPSG Code" "EPSG Kode"
"ERDAS files other than version 7.4 are not supported." "ERDAS-Dateien mit
Ausnahme der Version 7.4 werden nicht unterst�tzt."
"ERROR" ""
"ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grids (*.asc)" "ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Rasterdateien (*.asc)"
"ESRI Arc/Info Binary Grids (*.flt)" "ESRI Arc/Info bin�re Rasterdateien
"ESRI Arc/Info Grids" "ESRI Arc/Info Rasterdateien"
"ESRI E00" ""
"ESRI E00 Files|*.e00|All Files|*.*" "ESRI E00 Dateien|*.e00|Alle Dateien|*.*"
"ESRI Shape Files" "ESRI Vektordateien [.shp]"
"ESRI Shapefiles" "ESRI Vektordateien"
"ESRI WKT Files (*.prj)" "ESRI WKT Dateien (*.prj)"
"ETM+ Gain" ""
"ETpot (after Hargreaves, Grid)" ""
"ETpot (after Hargreaves, Table)" ""
"Each Line as new Profile" "Jede Linie als neues Profil"
"Earth's Orbital Parameters" ""
"Earth-Sun Distance" ""
"East" "Ost"
"East []" "Ost []"
"Eccentricity" ""
"Eccentricity (e)" "Exzentrizit�t (e)"
"Eckert IV/VI" ""
"Edge" "Rahmen"
"Edge Cells" ""
"Edge Connectivity" ""
"Edge Contamination" "Flankenkontamination"
"Edge Detection (ViGrA)" ""
"Edge Points" ""
"Edge Segments" ""
"Edge threshold for nonlinear smoothing" "Grenzschwellenwert f�r nichtlineare
"Edges" "Kanten"
"Edit" "Bearbeiten"
"Edit 3D-View Sequencer Positions" ""
"Edit Point Cloud" "Bearbeite Punktwolke"
"Edit Positions" "Positionen bearbeiten"
"Edit Selection" ""
"Edit Shapes" "Vektoren bearbeiten"
"Effective Air Flow Heights" "Effektive Luftflussh�hen"
"Effective Flow Length" ""
"Effective Rainfall" ""
"Effective hydrological depth" ""
"Eigen Vectors" ""
"Eigen reduction failed" "Eigen Reduktion fehlgeschlagen"
"Eigenvalue" "Eigenwert"
"Eigenvectors" "Eigenvektoren"
"Eingangsdaten" ""
"Einheit in der die WUse Daten vorliegen" ""
"Einlesen der NCache Textdatei" ""
"Element Shape" "Element Vektor"
"Elements" "Elemente"
"Elevation" "H�he"
"Elevation Averaging" ""
"Elevation Difference" ""
"Elevation Grid" "H�henraster"
"Elevation Range" "Erhebungsbereich"
"Elevation Threshold" ""
"Elevation [m]" "H�he [m]"
"Elevation at Reference Station [m]" "H�he an Referenzstation [m]"
"Elevation grid" "H�henraster"
"Elevation range (zMax (%.2f) - zMin (%.2f)) is equal or lower than zero!" ""
"Ellipsoid Definition" "Ellipsoid Definition"
"Ellipsoid Height [m]" "Ellipsoid H�he [m]"
"Ellipsoids" "Ellipsoide"
"Empty file!" ""
"Enable local disk cache. Allows for offline operation." ""
"Encountered invalid path description in *.spcvf file!" ""
"Encountered invalid path description in *.spcvf_tile_info file!" ""
"Energy" ""
"Energy Reduction (Scheidegger 1975)" ""
"Enforce True Color" "Erzwinge Echtfarben"
"Enhanced Vegetation Index" ""
"Entropy" ""
"Enumerate Table Field" ""
"Epsilon" "Epsilon"
"Equals" "Gleich"
"Equation" "Gleichung"
"Equidistance" "�quidistanz"
"Equidistant Cylindrical" "Streckentreu Zylindrisch"
"Equivalent Moisture" "�quivalente Feuchtigkeit"
"Equivalent Rectangle (A)" "gleichwertiges Rechteck (A)"
"Equivalent Rectangle (B)" "gleichwertiges Rechteck (B)"
"Erdas LAN/GIS files (*.lan, *.gis)|*.lan;*.gis|All Files|*.*" "Erdan LAN/GIS
Dateien (*.lan, *.gis)|*.lan;*.gis|Alle Dateien|*.*"
"Erosion" "Erosion"
"Error" "Fehler"
"Error : Wrong table. Check table dimensions" "Fehler : Falsche Tabelle. Pr�fe
"Error : Wrong weights table. Check table dimensions" "Fehler : Falsche
Wichtungstabelle. Pr�fe Tabellenabmessunge"
"Error Change (Epsilon)" ""
"Error change (epsilon)" ""
"Error in Formula" "Fehler in Formel"
"Error in Trend Calculation" "Fehler in Trendberechnung"
"Error in formula" "Fehler in Formel"
"Error parsing attribute field index" ""
"Error parsing attribute fields: can't convert to number" "Fehler beim Analysieren
der Attributfelder: Umwandlung in Zahl nicht m�glich"
"Error parsing attribute fields: can't convert to number!" ""
"Error parsing attribute fields: field index out of range" "Fehler beim Analysieren
der Attributfelder: Feldindex au�erhalb des Wertebereiches"
"Error parsing attribute fields: field index out of range!"""
"Error: Continue anyway ?" "Fehler: Trotzdem fortfahren?"
"Errors" "Fehler"
"Estimated Noise (absolute)" "abgesch�tztes Rauschen (absolut) "
"Estimated Noise (relative)" "abgesch�tztes Rauschen (relativ) "
"Estimated noise in units of input data" "abgesch�tztes Rauschen in Einheiten der
"Estimated noise relative to mean standard deviation" "abgesch�tztes Rauschen
relativ zur mittleren Standardabweichung"
"Estimated relative tree line height." ""
"Et/Eo, ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration" ""
"Euclidean" "Euklidisch"
"EvP1 Name" ""
"EvP2 Name" ""
"EvP3 Name" ""
"Evaluierungspunkt 1 [Default: Elbe5000]" ""
"Evaluierungspunkt 2 [Default: Elbe5000]" ""
"Evaluierungspunkt 3 [Default: Elbe5000]" ""
"Evapotranspiration" ""
"Evapotranspiration [m / dt]" ""
"Exact" ""
"Exaggeration" "�berh�hung"
"Exaggeration Factor" "�berh�hung"
"Exaggeration Z" ""
"Exclude NoData Cells" "Zellen ohne Wert ausschlie�en"
"Execute" "Ausf�hren"
"Execute SQL" ""
"Execute Tool" "Werkzeug ausf�hren"
"Executing tool" "Werkzeug wird ausgef�hrt"
"Execution" "Ausf�hrung"
"Execution has been stopped by user!" ""
"Exit" "Beenden"
"Exit SAGA" "SAGA beenden"
"Expand" "Erweitern"
"Expand Options" ""
"Expand and Shrink" ""
"Exponent" "Exponent"
"Exponent for distance weighting (0.0-4.0)" "Exponent f�r Distanzgewichtung"
"Exponential" ""
"Export" ""
"Export Atlas Boundary File" "Export Atlas Boundary Datei"
"Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid" "Export ESRI Arc/Info Rasterdaten"
"Export GPX" "Export GPX"
"Export GStat Shapes" "Export GStat Vektordaten"
"Export GeoTIFF" ""
"Export Grid to KML" ""
"Export Grid to XYZ" "Export Raster zu XYZ"
"Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)" "Export Bild (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)"
"Export LAS Files" "Export LAS Dateien"
"Export Point Cloud to Text File" ""
"Export Polygons to HTML Image Map" ""
"Export Raster" ""
"Export Raster to PostGIS" ""
"Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File" "Export Scalable Vector Graphics
(SVG) Dateien"
"Export Shapes" ""
"Export Shapes to Generate" "Export Vektoren die zu erzeugen sind"
"Export Shapes to KML" ""
"Export Shapes to PostGIS" ""
"Export Shapes to XYZ" "Export Vektoren als XYZ"
"Export Simple Features to Well Known Text" ""
"Export Surfer Blanking File" "Export Surfer Blanking Dateien"
"Export Surfer Grid" "Export Surfer Rasterdaten"
"Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL)" "Export TIN zu Stereo Lithography
Dateien (STL)"
"Export Table" ""
"Export Text Table" "Export Textabellen"
"Export True Color Bitmap" "Export Echtfarben Bitmap"
"Export WASP terrain map file" "Export WASP Gel�ndekartendateien"
"Export WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) terrain map file" ""
"Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format" ""
"Export to File" ""
"Expression" "Ausdruck"
"Extended Neighourhood" "erweiterte Nachbarschaft"
"Extension" ""
"Extensions" ""
"Extent" "Umfang"
"Extent Definition" ""
"Extent [Cut]" "Umfang [Zuschneiden]"
"Extents" "Umfange"
"Exterior Orientation Parameters" ""
"Extreme" "Extrem"
"Eye Distance" "Augendistanz"
"Eye Distance [Degree]" "Augendistanz [Grad]"
"F-statistic" ""
"FS 1-1.5" ""
"FS 1.5-3" ""
"FS 3-6" ""
"FS <1" ""
"FS >6" ""
"Faces" ""
"Factor" "Faktor"
"Factor [-] used as weight for the current flow direction. A higher factor reduces
abrupt changes in flow direction." ""
"Fade Color Count" "Bleiche Farben Z�hler"
"Fahrboeschung Principle (Heim 1932)" ""
"Fahrenheit to Celsius" "Fahrenheit zu Celsius"
"Failure" ""
"False Easting" "unechte Ostrichtung"
"False Easting [m]" "unechte Ostrichtung [m]"
"False Northing" "unechte Nordrichtung [m]"
"False Northing [m]" "unechte Nordrichtung [m]"
"Fast Representativeness" "Schneller repr�sentativer Charakter"
"Feature" ""
"Feature Importances" ""
"Feature Probabilities" ""
"Feature Selection" ""
"Features" "Merkmale"
"Features Grid" "Merkmalsraster"
"Features are all pixels different not representing no-data." "Merkmal ist, dass
alle unterschiedlichen Pixel keine No-Data-Werte repr�sentieren."
"Features per Node" ""
"February" "Februar"
"Feigenbaum's Bifurcation" "Feigenbaum�s Verzweigung"
"Ferhat Bing�l (c) 2009" ""
"Field" "Feld"
"Field %d: Name=\"%s\" " ""
"Field (ID)" "Feld (ID)"
"Field (Name)" "Feld (Name)"
"Field Calculator" ""
"Field Capacity [mm]" "Feldkapazit�t [mm]"
"Field Definition" "Feld Definition"
"Field Description" "Feld Beschreibung"
"Field Identifier" ""
"Field Name" "Feld Name"
"Field Names" "Feldnamen"
"Field Naming" "Feldbenennung"
"Field Properties" "Feld Eigenschaften"
"Field Separator" "Feld Trennzeichen"
"Field Statistics" ""
"Field Type" "Feld Typ"
"Field Types" "Feldtypen"
"Field data type" "Feld Datentyp"
"Field for Summary" "Feld f�r Zusammenfassung"
"Field numbers (starting from 1) of the attributes to copy, separated by semicolon;
fields one to three (x;y;z) are mandatory." ""
"Field with identifier." "Feld mit Identifizierer"
"Field with measure information." ""
"Field with x-coordinate." "Feld mit X-Koordinate"
"Field with y-coordinate." "Feld mit Y-Koordinate"
"Field with z-coordinate information." ""
"Field with z-coordinate." "Felt mit X-Koordinate"
"Fields" "Felder"
"Fields Visited" ""
"Fields for diagram" "Feld f�r Diagramm"
"Figure" "Bild"
"File" "Datei"
"File Cache" "Datei Speicher"
"File Cache [MB]" ""
"File Caching" ""
"File Name" "Dateiname"
"File Paths" ""
"File System" "Dateisystem"
"File contains headline" "Datei enth�lt Kopfzeile"
"File does not exist:" "Datei existiert nicht:"
"File error" "Dateifehler"
"File path" "Dateipfad"
"File signature is not 'LASF'!" "Dateikennzeichnung ist nicht �LASF�!"
"File with Coefficients" ""
"Filename" ""
"Filepath" ""
"Files" "Dateien"
"File|ESRI E00" "Datei|ESRI E00"
"File|GPS Import" "Datei|GPS Import"
"File|Grid" "Datei|Raster"
"File|Reports" "Datei|Berichte"
"File|Shapes" "Datei|Vektordaten"
"File|Table" "Datei|Tabelle"
"File|Tables" "Datei|Tabellen"
"File|Virtual" ""
"Fill Color" "F�llfarbe"
"Fill Color 1" ""
"Fill Color 2" ""
"Fill Gaps in Records" ""
"Fill Increment" ""
"Fill NoData" "F�llen der NoData-Zellen"
"Fill Sinks" "F�lle Senken"
"Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)" "F�lle Senken (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)"
"Fill Sinks (QM of ESP)" ""
"Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu)" "F�lle Senken (Wang & Liu)"
"Fill Sinks XXL (Wang & Liu)" "F�lle Senken XXL (Wang & Liu)"
"Fill Style" "F�llstil"
"Fill Value" "F�llwert"
"Filled DEM" "gef�lltes DGM"
"Filling small holes in clouds..." ""
"Filter" "Filter"
"Filter (Perego 2009)" ""
"Filter Clumps" "Filter Klumpen"
"Filter Criterion" "Filterkriterium"
"Filter Matrix" "Filter Matrix"
"Filtered" "Gefiltert"
"Filtered DTM" "Gefiltertes DGM"
"Filtered Grid" "Gefiltertes Raster"
"Filtered Grids" ""
"Filtered Image" ""
"Filtered Points" "Gefiterte Punkte"
"Filtered mask will be created automatically ..." ""
"Final Parameters" "endg�ltige Parameter"
"Final State" "Endzustand"
"Final aspect-slope grid." ""
"Final processing..." "Endg�ltige Berechnung..."
"Finalize" "Abschlie�en"
"Find Field of Extreme Value" "Finde Feld extremer Werte"
"Find Outlets" "Finde Abfluss"
"Find Pits" "Finde Gruben"
"Find and Run Tool" "Finde und starte Werkzeug"
"Fire Length" "Feuerl�nge"
"Fire Length (min)" "Feuerl�nge (min)"
"Fire Risk Analysis" "Feuer-Risikoanalyse"
"Fire Spreading Analysis" ""
"First Class" "Erste Klasse"
"First Day" "Erster tag"
"First Derivative is singular! Probably the shape containes consecutive identical
points.\n\n" ""
"First input grid" "Erstes Eingaberaster"
"Fit" "Passend"
"Fit Color Palette to Grid Values" "Passe Farbpalette an Rasterwerte an"
"Fit Column Sizes" ""
"Fit Diagram to Window" "Diagramm an Fenster anpassen"
"Fit Map Scale" "Kartenmassstab anpassen"
"Fit N Points to shape" "N Punkte an Vektor anpassen"
"Fit Row Sizes" ""
"Fit Scale..." "Massstab anpassen..."
"Fit Size to Window" "Gr��e an Fenster anpassen"
"Fitting range" "Anpassungsbereich"
"Fixed Interval (Degree)" ""
"Fixed Maximum" ""
"Fixed Minimum" ""
"Fixed Time Span (minutes)" ""
"Fixed Time Span Offset (minutes)" ""
"Fixed angle" "Fester Winkel"
"Fixed buffer distance given in map units." ""
"Fixed value to be replaced" "Auszutauschender fester Wert"
"Flaechenverbrauch-Auswahl (FvA)" ""
"Flame Length" "Flammenl�nge"
"Flame Length (m)" "Flammenl�nge (m)"
"Flat Area Threshold" ""
"Flat Area Values" "Wohngebietwerte"
"Flat Areas" "Wohngebiete"
"Flat Detection" "Flacherkennung"
"Flats" "Wohnungen"
"Flatten Polygon Layer" ""
"Flattening" "Abplattung"
"Flattening (f)" "Abplattung (f)"
"Floating Point (4 byte)" "Flie�kommazahl (4 Byte)"
"Floating Point (8 byte)" "Flie�kommazahl (8 Byte)"
"Floating Point Numbers" ""
"Floating point" ""
"Flooded digital elevation model" "�berflutetes Digitales H�henmodell"
"Flow" ""
"Flow Accumulation" "Str�mung Akkumulierung"
"Flow Accumulation (Flow Tracing)" ""
"Flow Accumulation (Mass-Flux Method)" ""
"Flow Accumulation (Parallel)" "Str�mung Akkumulierung (Parallel)"
"Flow Accumulation (QM of ESP)" ""
"Flow Accumulation (Recursive)" ""
"Flow Accumulation (Top-Down)" ""
"Flow Accumulation (Trace)" "Str�mung Akkumulierung (Spur)"
"Flow Accumulation Unit" ""
"Flow Algorithm" "Str�mung Algorithmus"
"Flow Connectivity" "Str�mung Konnektivit�t"
"Flow Correction" "Str�mung Korrektur"
"Flow Depth" "Str�mung Tiefe"
"Flow Depth (actual flow velocity)" ""
"Flow Depth Grid (m)" "Str�mung Tiefenraster (m)"
"Flow Direction" "Str�mung Richtung"
"Flow Direction (up and down)" "Str�mung Richtung (auf und ab)"
"Flow Direction Algorithm" ""
"Flow Directions" "Str�mung Richtungen"
"Flow Distance" "Flie�entfernung"
"Flow Distances" "Flie�entfernungen"
"Flow Distribution" ""
"Flow Line Curvature" ""
"Flow Lines" "Str�mung Linien"
"Flow Path Length" "Str�mung Bahnl�ngen"
"Flow Path Profile" "Str�mung Wegprofile"
"Flow Routing" ""
"Flow Routing Algorithm" "Str�mung Routingalgorithmus"
"Flow Sinuosity" "Str�mung Sinusit�t"
"Flow Split Method" "Str�mung Aufteilungsmethode"
"Flow Threshold" ""
"Flow Travel Time" ""
"Flow Width" "Str�mung Breite"
"Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area" ""
"Flow at Gauges" "Str�mung an Messlehren"
"Flow threshold, given as amount of cells, above which flow transport is unlimited.
Ignored if range equals zero." ""
"Flux" ""
"Flux out of each cell, i.e. everything accumulated so far." ""
"Flying Height" ""
"Focal Length [mm]" ""
"Focal PCA on a Grid" ""
"Folder" "Ordner"
"Folder for PDF Files" "Ordner f�r PDF-Dateien"
"Following raster formats are currently supported:" ""
"Following vector formats are currently supported:" ""
"Font" ""
"Font size given as percentage of map size." ""
"Foot Hollow" ""
"Foot Slope" ""
"Foot Spur" ""
"Format" "Format"
"Formula" "Formel"
"Forward" "Vorw�rts"
"Forward Diagonal" "Vorw�rts Digonal"
"Forward [Page Up]" ""
"Forward diagonal hatch" "Diagonalschraffur vorw�rts"
"Fourier Filter (ViGrA)" ""
"Fourier Transform (Real, ViGrA)" ""
"Fourier Transform (ViGrA)" ""
"Fourier Transform Inverse (ViGrA)" ""
"Fourier Transformation (Imaginary)" "Fourier Transformation (Imagin�r)"
"Fourier Transformation (OpenCV)" ""
"Fourier Transformation (Real)" "Fourier Transformation (Real)"
"Fractal Dimension" "Fractale Dimension"
"Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface" "Fractale Dimension der Rasteroberfl�che"
"Fractal Type" "Fractal Typ"
"Fractals" "Fraktale"
"Fragmentation" "Fragmentierung"
"Fragmentation (Alternative)" "Fragmentierung (Alternative)"
"Fragmentation (Standard)" "Fragmentierung (Standard)"
"Fragmentation Analysis" ""
"Fragmentation Classes from Density and Connectivity" "Fragmentierungsklassen aus
Dichte und Konnektivit�t"
"Fragmentation Index" "Fragmentierungsindex"
"Frame" "Rahmen"
"Frame Coordinates" ""
"Frame Size" ""
"Frame Width" "Rahmenbreite"
"Frame Width [Pixels]" "Rahmenbreite [Pixel]"
"Freezing" ""
"Frequency" "Frequenz"
"Friction Angle" ""
"Friction Parameter Mu" ""
"Friction angle [degree] used as Geometric Gradient, Fahrboeschung's angle or
Shadow Angle." ""
"From" ""
"Frost Change Frequency" ""
"Frost occurence" ""
"Frost occurence as binary factor." ""
"Fuel Model" "Treibstoff Modell"
"Full path to the directory for the output grids of each model step" ""
"Function" "Funktion"
"Function Fit" "Funktionsanpassung"
"Function Fitting Range" "Funktionsanpassungsbereich"
"Function Parameters" "Funktionsparameter"
"Function Plotter" ""
"Function failed because no attributes are available" "Funktion schlug fehl, weil
keine Attribute verf�gbar sind."
"Function's Alpha" ""
"Function's Beta" ""
"Fuzzified" "unscharf"
"Fuzzified Grid" "unscharfes Raster"
"Fuzzify" "Unsch�rfe"
"Fuzzy Intersection (AND)" "Fuzzy Schnittmenge (AND)"
"Fuzzy Landform Element Classification" ""
"Fuzzy Logic" "Fuzzy Logik"
"Fuzzy Union (OR)" "Fuzzy Vereinigung"
"G" ""
"GC, Ground cover expressed as a portion [between 0-1] of the soil surface
protected by vegetation or crop cover on the ground" ""
"GDAL Formats" ""
"GE / GR" ""
"GE / V" ""
"GE / X" ""
"GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)" "GPS Austausch Format (*.gpx)"
"GPS Tools" ""
"GPSBabel" "GPSBabel"
"GPSBabel path" "GPSBabel Pfad"
"GPX Import" "GPX Import"
"GPX file" "GPX Datei"
"GPX files (*.gpx)|*.gpx|All Files|*.*" "GPX Datei (*.gpx)|*.gpx|Alle Dateien|
"GPX to shapefile" "GPX zu Vektordatei"
"GStat Files (*.gstat)" "GStat Dateien (*.gstat)"
"GStat shapes format export." "GStat Vektorformat Export."
"GStat shapes format import." "GStat Vektorformat Import."
"GWR" ""
"GWR Intercept" "GWR Achsenabschnitt"
"GWR Quality" "GWR Qualit�t"
"GWR Regression" "GWR Regression"
"GWR Slope" "GWR Neigung"
"GWR for Grid Downscaling" ""
"GWR for Multiple Predictor Grids" ""
"GWR for Multiple Predictors" ""
"GWR for Multiple Predictors (Gridded Model Output)" ""
"GWR for Single Predictor (Gridded Model Output)" ""
"GWR for Single Predictor Grid" ""
"Gain" ""
"Gain (H/L) of all Landsat ETM+ bands (1-5,61,62,7,8)" ""
"Game Level" "Spielstufe"
"Games" "Spiele"
"Gamma" ""
"Garden" ""
"Garden|Introducing Tool Programming" ""
"Garden|Recreations|Fractals" "Testversionen|Erholung|Fraktale"
"Garden|Recreations|Games" "Testversionen|Erholung|Spiele"
"Garden|Tool Chain Examples" ""
"Garden|Web Service Data Access" "Testversionen|Web Service Datenzugriff"
"Gauges" "Ma�e"
"Gaussian" "Gau�sche"
"Gaussian Filter" "Gau�filter"
"Gaussian Filtering" ""
"Gaussian Landscape" "Gaussche Landschaft"
"Gaussian Landscapes" "Gaussche Landschaften"
"Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth" "Gaussche und exponentiale
gewichtete Bandbreite"
"Gc" ""
"General" "Allgemein"
"General Curvature" ""
"General Settings" "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
"Generalisation" "Generalisierung"
"Generalization" ""
"Generalized Surface" ""
"Generate Shapes" "Erzeuge Vektoren"
"Generated Shapefile." "Erzeuge Vektordatei."
"Gentle AdaBoost" ""
"Geo-Reference" "Georeferenz"
"GeoTIFF (*.tif)" ""
"GeoTIFF Files" ""
"GeoTRANS" ""
"GeoTRANS engine initializing error!\n\nPlease check your data path settings!"
"GeoTRANS modul Initialisierungsfehler!\n\nBitte die Einstellungen des
Datenpfades �berpr�fen!"
"GeoTrans (Grid)" "GeoTRANS (Raster)"
"GeoTrans (Shapes)" "GeoTrans (Vektoren)"
"Geocentric Coordinate System" "Geozentrisches Koordinatensystem"
"Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction" ""
"Geodetic" "Geod�tisch"
"Geographic Coordinate Grids" ""
"Geographic Coordinate System" "Geographisches Koordinatensystem"
"Geographic Coordinate Systems" "Geographische Koordinatensysteme"
"Geographic Coordinates" ""
"Geographic Distances" ""
"Geographic Distances (Pair of Coordinates)" ""
"Geoid" "Geoid"
"Geometric Figures" "Geometrische Figur"
"Geometric Gradient (Heim 1932)" ""
"Geometry Collection" ""
"Geometry Collection (2.5D)" ""
"Geometry Table" ""
"Geometry Type" ""
"Geometry and join table must not be identical." ""
"Geomorphology" ""
"Geoprocessing" "Geoverarbeitung"
"Georeferencing" ""
"Get CRS Definition from..." "Hole CRS-Definitionen von...."
"Get Extent for ..." ""
"Get Grid from Virtual Point Cloud" ""
"Get Heights from ..." ""
"Get Independent Variable from ..." ""
"Get Shapes Extents" "Nimm Vektorausdehnung"
"Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud" ""
"Get table from MySQL server.\n" "Hole Tabelle vom MySQL-Server.\n"
"Get the current cell's column/row index" ""
"Get the x/y coordinates for the current cell" ""
"Gini Decrease" ""
"Global Irradiation" ""
"Global Moran's I for Grids" "Globales Moran�s I f�r Raster"
"Globe Viewer for Grids" ""
"Gnomonic" "Gnomonisch"
"Google Hybrid" ""
"Google Map" ""
"Google Satellite" ""
"Google Terrain" ""
"Google Terrain, Streets and Water" ""
"Gpx2shp path" "Gpx2shp Pfad"
"Gradient" "Gradient"
"Gradient Calculation" "Gradientkalkulation"
"Gradient Difference" "Gradient Differenz"
"Gradient Vector from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates" "Gradient Vektor von
kartesischen zu polaren Koordinaten"
"Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates" "Gradient Vektor von polaren
zu kartesischen Koordinaten"
"Gradient Vectors" "Gradient Vektoren"
"Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length" ""
"Gradient Vectors from Directional Components" ""
"Gradient Vectors from Surface" ""
"Gradient threshold" "Gradient Schwellenwert"
"Gradients" ""
"Graduated" ""
"Graduated Colors" ""
"Graduated Colours" ""
"Graticule" "Gitternetz"
"Gravitational Process Path Model" ""
"Gray Scale Image" ""
"Great Elliptic" ""
"Greater than" "Gr��er als"
"Green" "Gr�n"
"Green (TM 3)" "Gr�n (TM 3)"
"Green-Ampt Infiltration" "Gr�n-ampt Infiltration"
"Greenness" ""
"Grid" "Raster"
"Grid 1" "Raster 1"
"Grid 2" "Raster 2"
"Grid Buffer" "Rasterpuffer"
"Grid Calculator" "Raster Rechner"
"Grid Cell Area Covered by Polygons" ""
"Grid Cell Index" ""
"Grid Classes" ""
"Grid Classes Area for Polygons" ""
"Grid Classification" ""
"Grid Difference" "Raster Differenz"
"Grid Division" ""
"Grid Generation" ""
"Grid List" ""
"Grid Manager" "Rasterverwaltung"
"Grid Masking" "Raster Abdeckung"
"Grid Normalisation" "Raster Normierung"
"Grid Proximity Buffer" "Raster Nachbarschaftspuffer"
"Grid Skeletonization" "Raster Ger�st"
"Grid Spacing (Map Units)" ""
"Grid Standardisation" "Raster Standardisation"
"Grid Statistics" ""
"Grid Statistics for Points" ""
"Grid Statistics for Polygons" "Rasterstatistik f�r Polygone"
"Grid System" "Rastersystem"
"Grid System Extent" "Raster Ausdehnung"
"Grid System Fit" ""
"Grid Systems" "Rastersysteme"
"Grid Tools" ""
"Grid Type" "Rastertyp"
"Grid Value Request" "Rasterwertabfrage"
"Grid Values" "Rasterwerte"
"Grid Values [Cells]" "Raster Werte [Zellen]"
"Grid Values [Nodes]" "Raster Werte [Knoten]"
"Grid Values to Points" "Rasterwerte zu Punkten"
"Grid Values to Points (randomly)" "Rasterwerte zu Punkten (zuf�llig)"
"Grid View Settings" ""
"Grid Volume" "Raster Volumen"
"Grid based or related calculations." "Rasterbasiert oder �hnliche
"Grid defining the zones to analyse. This grid also acts as a mask. Coding:
NoData / categorial values." ""
"Grid describing the AOI." ""
"Grid describing the state of each cell at timestep t + 1."""
"Grid describing the state of each cell at timestep t." ""
"Grid file could not be saved." "Rasterdatei konnte nicht gespeichert werden."
"Grid list" "Rasterliste"
"Grid range" "Raster Bereich"
"Grid spacing used for the construction of correlated points [map units]" ""
"Grid system" "Rastersystem"
"Grid to TIN" "Raster zu TIN"
"Grid to TIN (Surface Specific Points)" "Raster zu TIN (Oberfl�chenspezifische
"Grid to filter" "zu filterndes Raster"
"Grid to reclassify" "neueinzuteilendes Raster"
"Grid with category of nearest source cell [Category]" "Raster mit Gruppen
n�chster Ausgangszellen [Kategorie]"
"Grid with euclidian distance to nearest source cell [grid units]" "Raster mit
euklidischer Entfernung zu n�chsten Ausgangszellen [Rastereinheiten]"
"Grid with features to be buffered [Category/NoData]" "Raster mit Merkmalen die zu
puffern sind [Kategorie/NoData]"
"Grid with the input values to accumulate." ""
"Grid(s)" "Raster"
"Gridding" ""
"Gridding of Points" ""
"Grids" "Raster"
"Grids Product" "Raster Produkt"
"Grids Sum" "Raster Summe"
"Grids from classified grid and table" "Raster von geordnetem Raster und
"Grids from different Systems" "Raster von unterschiedlichen Systemen"
"Grids to analyse" "zu analysierende Raster"
"Grids to request" "abzufragende Raster"
"Grids used to delineate the UCUs. Coding: NoData / categorical values." ""
"Grids with continuous data, statistics are calculated for each grid. Coding:
NoData / continuous values." ""
"Grid|Analysis" "Raster|Auswertung"
"Grid|Analysis|Travel Time Analysis" ""
"Grid|Calculus" "Raster|Berechnung"
"Grid|Export" ""
"Grid|Filter" "Raster|Filter"
"Grid|Gridding" "Raster|Rastern"
"Grid|Import" ""
"Grid|Tools" "Raster|Werkzeuge"
"Ground cover" ""
"Group A" "Gruppe A"
"Group B" "Gruppe B"
"Group by" "Gruppe von"
"Grow Factor" ""
"Growing Season Length" ""
"Growing season length given as number of days of a year." ""
"Gs" ""
"Gz" ""
"HH" ""
"HTML" ""
"HTML File (*.html)" ""
"Hafer" "Hafer"
"Half the size of the moving window [vertex count], controls smoothing
sensitivity." ""
"Halo Width" ""
"Has Field Names" "Hat den Feldnamen"
"Hauptgerinne-Parameter (erweitertes HD-Modell)" ""
"Having" "Haben"
"Header Lines" ""
"Headline" ""
"Heads" "K�pfe"
"Height" "H�he"
"Height (Cells)" "H�he (Zellen)"
"Height Threshold" "H�he Schwellenwert"
"Height given as percentage of map size" ""
"Height of Atmosphere [m]" "H�he der Atmosph�re [m]"
"Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure" "H�he der Atmosph�re und
"Height of material available in each start cell [m]." ""
"Height of material deposited in each cell [m]. Optional output in case a grid with
material amounts is provided as input." ""
"Height of the light source above ground." "H�he der Lichtquelle �ber der
"Height of the light source, measured in degree above the horizon." ""
"Height of view point" "H�he des Blickpunktes"
"Height threshold for optimal profile calculation" "H�he des Schwellenwertes f�r
eine optimale Profilberechnung"
"Hein Bloed's tools." ""
"Hello World" ""
"Help" "Hilfe"
"Hemisphere" "Hemisph�re"
"Herbaceous Fuel Moisture" "krautige Brennstofffeuchte"
"High Pass" "Hochpass"
"High Pass Filter" "Hochpassfilter"
"High Resolution" ""
"High Resolution Grid System" "Hochaufgel�stes Rastersystem"
"High Ridges" ""
"High variation for low sizes" "Hohe Variantionen f�r kleine Gr��en"
"Higher" ""
"Highest to Lowest" ""
"Hilditch's Algorithm" "Hilditch�s Algorithmus"
"Hill Height" ""
"Hill Index" ""
"Hill Radius" ""
"Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967)" "Bergsteigeralgorithmus (Rubin 1967)"
"Hillslope Index" ""
"Histogram" "Histogramm"
"Histogram Stretch" ""
"Histogram Stretch Dialog" ""
"Histogram Stretch to Minimum/Maximum" ""
"Histogram Stretch to Percentile" ""
"Histogram Stretch to Standard Deviation" ""
"Histogram Surface" "Histogram Oberfl�che"
"Histogram cloud signature:" ""
"History" "Entstehung"
"History Depth" "Stufen der Entstehung"
"Hofierka and Suri" ""
"Hollow" ""
"Homepage" ""
"Homogenous" "Homogen"
"Horizontal" ""
"Horizontal Align" ""
"Horizontal Interpolation Method" ""
"Horizontal Offset" ""
"Horizontal Overland Flow Distance" "Horizontale �ber Land Str�mungsdistanz"
"Horizontal Range" "Horizontaler Bereich"
"Horizontal hatch" "horizontale Schraffur"
"Horizontally" ""
"Host" ""
"Hourly Data" "St�ndliche Daten"
"How many trees to create?" ""
"Hull Construction" "H�llenkonstruktion"
"Humedad del combustible herb�ceo vivo" ""
"Humedad del combustible le�oso vivo" ""
"Humedad del combustible muerto en 1-hora" ""
"Humedad del combustible muerto en 10-horas" ""
"Humedad del combustible muerto en 100-horas" ""
"Humification Factor" "Humifizierungsfaktor"
"Humus to Charcoal" "Humus zu Kohle"
"Hydrology" ""
"Hydrology: IHACRES" ""
"Hydrology|Flow Accumulation" ""
"Hydrology|Topographic Indices" ""
"Hypsometric Curve" "Hypsometriekurve"
"Hypsometry" "Hypsometrie"
"I'm diggin'..." "Ich bin am graben..."
"I'm fillin'..." "Ich bin am auff�llen..."
"I, rainfall intensity [mm/h]" ""
"I1: unrecognizable operator" "I1: nicht erkannter Operator"
"I2: too many parameters" "I2: zu viele Parameter"
"I3: corrupted buffer" "I3: besch�digter Pufferspeicher"
"I4: size estimate too small" "I4: Gr��e falsch eingesch�tzt"
"ID" "ID"
"IF" ""
"IHACRES Basin" "IHACRES Becken"
"IHACRES Basin (Dialog 2)" "IHACRES Becken (Dialog 2)"
"IHACRES Calibration (2)" "IHACRES Kalibrierung (2)"
"IHACRES Distributed Input Dialog 2" "IHACRES Verbreiteter Eingabedialog 2"
"IHACRES Elevation Bands" "IHACRES H�hengruppen"
"IHACRES Elevation Bands (Dialog 2)" "IHACRES H�hengruppen (Dialog 2)"
"IHACRES Elevation Bands Calibration" "IGACRES H�hengruppen Kalibrierung"
"IHACRES Input Table" "IHACRES Eingabetabelle"
"IHACRES Model Parameters" "IHACRES Modellparameter"
"IHACRES Model Parameters (Calibration)" "IHACRES Modellparameter (Kalibrierung)"
"IHACRES Version" "IHACRES Version"
"IHACRES Version 1.0" "IHACRES Version 1.0"
"IHACRES_Basin_output" "IHACRES_Becken_Ausgabe"
"IHS Sharpening" ""
"IHS to RGB" ""
"IMCORR - Feature Tracking" ""
"ISODATA Cluster Statistics" ""
"ISODATA Clustering" ""
"ISODATA Clustering for Grids" ""
"ISODATA Clustering tools" ""
"Ice" "Eis"
"Identifier" "Bezeichner"
"Identity" ""
"If CVFolds > 1 then algorithms prunes the built decision tree using K-fold cross-
validation procedure where K is equal to CVFolds. Default value is 10." ""
"If checked the snow module is active" "Wenn abgehakt ist das Schneemodul aktiv"
"If checked, it means there is no external inflow to the subbasin" "Wenn
abgehakt, gibt es keinen externen Zustrom zu dem Teilbecken"
"If checked, snow-melt module is used." "Wenn abgehakt wird das
Schneeschmelzmodul benutzt."
"If checked, then a second output table with all Time Series data is created."
"Wenn abgehakt wird eine zweite Ausgabetabelle mit allen Zeitseriendaten
"If checked, then temperature data are used." "Wenn abgehakt werden die
Temperaturdaten benutzt."
"If false, the training algorithm normalizes each input feature independently,
shifting its mean value to 0 and making the standard deviation equal to 1." ""
"If false, the training algorithm normalizes each output feature independently, by
transforming it to the certain range depending on the used activation function."
"If no field is selected statistics will be built from all numeric fields." ""
"If not set points will be removed from the input data set." ""
"If not set property attributes will be added to the orignal layer." ""
"If not specified the cache will be created in the current user's temporary
directory." ""
"If set, output is given about the number of fields a flow path visits downhill.
For D8 only." ""
"If table exists..." "Wenn Tabelle existiert..."
"If the number of samples in a node is less than this parameter then the node will
not be split." ""
"If true then a pruning will be harsher. This will make a tree more compact and
more resistant to the training data noise but a bit less accurate." ""
"If true then pruned branches are physically removed from the tree. Otherwise they
are retained and it is possible to get results from the original unpruned (or
pruned less aggressively) tree." ""
"If true then surrogate splits will be built. These splits allow to work with
missing data and compute variable importance correctly." ""
"Ignition Points" "Z�ndungspunkte"
"Ignore Defaults" "�bergehe Vorgaben"
"Ignore Input Lists" ""
"Ignore Lakes" ""
"Ignore No Data" ""
"Illumination calculation" ""
"Image" "Bild"
"Image (Blue Channel)" "Bild (Blauer Kanal)"
"Image (Green Channel)" "Bild (Gr�ner Kanal)"
"Image (Red Channel)" "Bild (Roter Kanal)"
"Image Acquisition Date" ""
"Image Creation Date" ""
"Image File" "Bild Datei"
"Image Files" "Bild Dateien"
"Image Grid" "Bild Raster"
"Image Import/Export." "Bild Import/Export"
"Image Properties" ""
"Image Resolution" ""
"Image Rotation [Degree]" "Bild Drehung [Grad]"
"Image Sharpening" ""
"Image acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd)" ""
"Image creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)" ""
"Image processing and analysis tools." ""
"Image segmentation algorithms." "Bild Segmentierungalgorithmus"
"Imagery" ""
"Imagery|Classification" "Symbolik|Klassifikation"
"Imagery|Photogrammetry" ""
"Imagery|Segmentation" "Bildverarbeitung|Segmentierung"
"Imagery|Tools" ""
"Imagery|ViGrA" "Bildverarbeitung|ViGrA"
"Images" ""
"Images|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.png;*.tif|HTML Files|*.htm|All Files|*.*" "Bilder|
*.bmp;*.jpg;*.png;*.tif|HTML Dateien|*.htm|Alle Dateien|*.*"
"Imaginary" "Imagin�r"
"Import" "Import"
"Import Atlas Boundary File" "Import Atlas Boundary Datei"
"Import Binary Raw Data" "Import bin�re RAW Daten"
"Import Building Sketches from CityGML" ""
"Import CRU Grids" ""
"Import DB Table from MySQL" "Import DB Tabelle von MySQL"
"Import DXF Files" "Import DXF Dateien"
"Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid" "Import ESRI Arc/Info Raster"
"Import ESRI E00 File" "Import ESRI E00 Dateien"
"Import Erdas LAN/GIS" "Import Erdas LAN/GIS"
"Import Extents" ""
"Import Filter" "Import Filter"
"Import GPX" "Import GPX"
"Import GStat Shapes" "Import GStat Vektoren"
"Import Grid from Table" "Import Raster von Tabelle"
"Import Grid from XYZ" "Import Raster von XYZ"
"Import Grids from KML" ""
"Import Image (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif, pnm, xpm)" "Import Bild (bmp, jpg, png,
tif, gif, pnm, xpm)"
"Import LAS Files" "Import LAS Dateien"
"Import MOLA Grid (MEGDR)" "Import MOLA Raster (MEGDR)"
"Import NetCDF" ""
"Import Point Cloud from Shape File" ""
"Import Point Cloud from Text File" "Import Punktwolken von Textdateien"
"Import Raster" ""
"Import Raster from PostGIS" ""
"Import SRTM30 DEM" "Import SRTM30 DGM"
"Import Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File" "Import Scalable Vektor Graphics
(SVG) Dateien"
"Import Shapes" ""
"Import Shapes from PostGIS" ""
"Import Shapes from XYZ" "Import Vektoren von XYZ"
"Import Shapes with Joined Data from PostGIS (GUI)" ""
"Import Simple Features from Well Known Text" ""
"Import Single Raster Band from PostGIS" ""
"Import Stereo Lithography File (STL)" "Import Stereo Lithography Dateien (STL)"
"Import Surfer Blanking Files" "Import Surfer Blanking Dateien"
"Import Surfer Grid" "Import Surfer Rasterdateien"
"Import TMS Image" ""
"Import Table" ""
"Import Table from SQL Query" ""
"Import Table from SQL Query (GUI)" ""
"Import Tables" "Import Tabelle"
"Import Text Table" "Import Texttabellen"
"Import Text Table (Fixed Column Sizes)" "Import Texttabellen (Feste
"Import Text Table with Numbers only" "Import Texttabellen nur mit Zahlen"
"Import Tick Points" ""
"Import USGS SRTM Grid" "Import USGS SRTM Rasterdaten"
"Import WASP terrain map file" "Import WASP Gel�ndekarten Dateien"
"Import WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) terrain map file" ""
"Import WKT from string instead of file. Just paste the WKT." ""
"Import WRF Geogrid Binary Format" ""
"Import a Map via Web Map Service (WMS)" "Importiere eine Karte mittels Web Map
Service (WMS)"
"Import and export filter for ESRI's E00 file exchange format." "Import und Export
Filter f�r ESRI�s E00 Dateiaustauschformat."
"Import from File" ""
"Import from Open Street Map" "Importiere von Open Street Map"
"Import, Clip and Resample Grids" ""
"Import/Export" ""
"Importing" "Einlesend"
"Importing data ..." "Daten einlesend..."
"In case the local slope is greater as this threshold [degree], no lateral
spreading is modeled." ""
"In this section you can define the topology of the neural network." ""
"In/Out" "Eingabe/Ausgabe"
"Include Center Cell" ""
"Include Unclassified Cells" ""
"Include X Coordinate" ""
"Include Y Coordinate" ""
"Include a category for cloud shadows" ""
"Include diagonal neighbour relations" "Einschlie�lich diagonaler
"Increase" ""
"Increase Diagram Size" ""
"Increase Exaggeration [F2]" ""
"Increase Eye Distance" ""
"Increase Factor" ""
"Increase Legend Size" ""
"Increase Perspectivic Distance [F6]" ""
"Increase Size Scaling Factor [F8]" ""
"Increase Size [F6]" ""
"Increase and Decrease" ""
"Increase band width to get less seed points." ""
"Increase factor" ""
"Increase factor n_plus. Must be > 1." ""
"Independent Variable (per Grid and Cell)" "Unabh�ngige Variable (f�r Raster
und Zelle)"
"Independent Variable (per Grid)" "Unabh�ngige Variable (f�r Raster)"
"Index" ""
"Indicatrix" ""
"Indices" ""
"Infiltration excess runoff [m/dt]" "Versickerungs�berschuss Abfluss [m/dt]"
"Infiltration rate [m/dt]" "Versickerungsrate"
"Informe" "Benachrichtigen"
"Init Fast Representativeness" "Initialisiere die schnelle Repr�sentativit�t"
"Init Generalisation" "Initialisere die Generalisierung"
"Initial Deposition on Stop" ""
"Initial Litter Storage [g/m\xb2]" ""
"Initial Nitrogen Content [kg/ha]" "Anfangsstickstoffgehalt [kg/ha]"
"Initial Number of Clusters" ""
"Initial Number of Distance Classes" "Anf�ngliche Anzahl von
"Initial Number of Fishes [%]" "Anfangsanzahl von Fischen [%]"
"Initial Number of Sharks [%]" "Anfangsanzahl von Haien [%]"
"Initial State" "Anfangszustand"
"Initial Threshold for Slope" "Anfangsschwellenwert f�r das Gef�lle"
"Initial Update Value" ""
"Initial Velocity" ""
"Initial root zone storage deficit [m]" "Anfangswurzelzonen Speicher Defizit [m]"
"Initial subsurface flow per unit area [m/h]" "Anf�ngliche unterirdische Str�mung
pro Fl�cheneinheit [m/h]"
"Initial update value" ""
"Initial value delta_0 of update-values delta_ij." ""
"Initialisation" "Initialisierung"
"Initialization" ""
"Initialization Value" "Initialisierungswert"
"Initializing ..." "Initialisierend..."
"Initializing Fields" ""
"Initializing direction matrix..." "Initialisere Richtungsmatrix..."
"Initiation Grid" "Startraster"
"Initiation Threshold" "Anfangsschwellenwert"
"Initiation Type" "Anfangs Typ"
"Inlet Concentration" ""
"Inner Buffer" ""
"Inner Kernel Radius" ""
"Input" "Eingabe"
"Input Features" ""
"Input File List" ""
"Input File's NoData Value" "Eingabedatei�s NoData-Wert"
"Input Files" "Eingabedatei"
"Input Format" "Eingabeformat"
"Input Grid" "Eingaberaster"
"Input Grid 1" "Eingaberaster 1"
"Input Grid 2" "Eingaberaster 2"
"Input Grids" "Eingaberaster"
"Input Specification" "Eingabevorgabe"
"Input Type of Destinations" ""
"Input data for the trained network." ""
"Input data to train the network." ""
"Input file" "Eingabedatei"
"Input file list could not be opened!" ""
"Input for Mean over Catchment" ""
"Input for tool calculations." ""
"Input format" "Eingabeformat"
"Input grid" "Eingaberaster"
"Input grids to train the network." ""
"Input has to be provided on a monthly (12) or daily (365) basis." ""
"Input point shapefile" ""
"Input polygon shapefile" ""
"Input shape is empty!" ""
"Input table is empty!" "Eingabetabelle ist leer!"
"Input table or shapefile" ""
"Insert" "Einf�gen"
"Insert Additional Points" "Zus�tzliche Punkte einf�gen"
"Insert Method" "Einf�gemethode"
"Insert Position" "Einf�geposition"
"Insert Record" "F�ge Datensatz ein"
"Insertion" ""
"Insertion Distance" ""
"Integer" ""
"Integer (1 byte)" "Ganzzahl (1 Byte)"
"Integer (2 byte)" "Ganzzahl (2 Byte)"
"Integer (4 byte)" "Ganzzahl (4 Byte)"
"Intensidad" "Intensit�t"
"Intensidad (Kcal/m)" "Intensit�t (kcal/m)"
"Intensity" "Intensit�t"
"Intensity (Kcal/m)" "Intensit�t (Kcal/m)"
"Interactive tool execution failed" "Ausf�hrung vom interaktivem Werkzeug schlug
"Interactive tool execution has been started" "Interaktives Werkzeug ist
"Interactive tool execution has been stopped" "Interaktives Werkzeug wurde
"Interactive version (left mouse clicks will trigger the calculation for the
selected cell)." "Interaktive Version (die linke Maustaste l�st die Berechnung f�r
die ausgew�hlte Zelle aus)."
"Intercept" "Schnittpunkt"
"Intercept of Soil Line" ""
"Interface to Frank Warmerdam's Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)." ""
"Interflow" ""
"Interior" "Inneres"
"Interior Orientation Parameters" ""
"Internal Orientation Parameters" ""
"Internal subcatchment routing velocity [m/h]" "Routinggeschwindigkeit des
Internen Teileinzuggebietes [m/h] "
"Interpolated Colors" "Interpolierte Farben"
"Interpolation" "Interpolation"
"Interpolation Scale" ""
"Interpolation Steps" "Interpolationsschritte"
"Interpolation from Points" ""
"Intersect" ""
"Intersection" "Schnittfl�che"
"Interval" "Intervall"
"Interval between points (in grid units)." "Intervall zwischen Punkten (in
"Intervalo de tiempo entre capas (min)" ""
"Introducing Tool Programming" ""
"Invalid Buffer Distance" "Unzul�ssige Pufferentfernung"
"Invalid File Format." "Unzul�ssiges Dateiformat."
"Invalid Shapes" "Unzul�ssige Vektordatei"
"Invalid data set!" "Ung�ltiger Datensatz!"
"Invalid data!" "Ung�ltige Daten!"
"Invalid display size!" "Ung�ltige Anzeige Gr��e!"
"Invalid points layer." "Nicht zul�ssige Punktebene"
"Invalid polygon layer." "Nicht zul�ssige Polygonebene"
"Inverse" "Invers"
"Inverse Diff Moment" ""
"Inverse Distance" ""
"Inverse Distance Offset" "Inverse Distanz Versatz"
"Inverse Distance Weighted" "Inverse Distanzgewichtung"
"Inverse Distance Weighting Power" "Inverse Distanz Gewichtungskraft"
"Inverse Grid" ""
"Inverse Principle Components Rotation" ""
"Inverse transformation not available for selected projection type." "Inverse
Transformation nicht verf�gbar f�r den gew�hlten Projektionstyp."
"Invert" "Umkehren"
"Invert Data/No-Data" "Umkehr Daten/No-Data"
"Invert Grid" ""
"Invert Selection" "Invertiere Auswahl"
"Invert Selection of Shapes Layer" "Invertiere Auswahl der Vektorebenen"
"Invert selection." "Auswahl umkehren."
"Inverted" ""
"Is the subbasin upstream (no external inflow)" "Ist der Teilbecken gegenstrom
(kein externer Zustrom)"
"Isochrones Constant Speed" "Isochrone konstante Geschwindigkeit"
"Isochrones Variable Speed" "Isochrone variable Geschwindigkeit"
"Isothermality" ""
"Iteration" "Iteration"
"Iterationen" "Iterationen"
"Iterations" "Iterationen"
"Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965)" "Iterative Minimalentfernung (Forgy
"JPEG - JFIF Compliant" "JPEG - JFIF konform"
"JPEG - JFIF Compliant (*.jpg, *.jif, *.jpeg)" "JPEG - JFIF konform (*.jpg, *.jif,
"Ja, Abfluss manuell vorgeben: res. Abfluss = Speicherinhalt * q + a" ""
"Ja, TestRoutine1 fuer Flusseinzugsgebiet bis zu der HG-Rasterzelle" ""
"Ja, TestRoutine1 nur fuer Teileinzugsgbiet der HG-Rasterzelle" ""
"Ja, berechneten Abfluss veraendern: res. Abfluss = berechn. Abfluss * q + a"
"Jakeman & Hornberger (1993)" ""
"January" "Januar"
"Johan Van de Wauw (c) 2009" ""
"Join Attributes from a Table" "F�ge Attribute aus Tabelle an"
"Join Attributes from a Table (Shapes)" ""
"Join Segments based on Threshold Value" "F�ge Segmente hinzu die auf dem
Schwellenwert basieren"
"Join Table" "Verbinde mit Tabelle"
"Join segments based on threshold value." "F�ge Segmente hinzu die auf dem
Schwellenwert basieren."
"Julia" "Julia"
"Julia - X" "Julia - X"
"Julia - Y" "Julia - Y"
"Julia Set" "Julia Zusammenstellung"
"Julian Day" ""
"July" "Juli"
"Junction" ""
"Junctions" "Verbindungen"
"June" "Juni"
"K Factor" ""
"K-Means Clustering for Grids" ""
"K-Nearest Neighbours Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"KD Tree" ""
"KE" ""
"KML file creation failed" ""
"KML files (*.kml)" ""
"KML/KMZ File" ""
"KML/KMZ Files" ""
"KMZ Files" ""
"Kappa" ""
"Kappa Offset [degree]" ""
"Kappa [degree]" ""
"Kartoffeln" "Kartoffeln"
"Keep All" ""
"Keep Base Level below Surface" "Halte das Ausgangsniveaul unter der
"Keep Boundaries" ""
"Keep Ridge Level above Surface" ""
"Keep Vertices on Straight Lines" ""
"Kelvin" ""
"Kernel" "Kern"
"Kernel Density" "Kern Dichte"
"Kernel Density Estimation" "Kern Dichteabsch�tzung "
"Kernel Direction" ""
"Kernel Radius" ""
"Kernel Size" ""
"Kernel Tolerance" ""
"Kernel Type" ""
"Kernel radius in cells." ""
"Kernel specification used to request observations for local scaling factor
calibration." ""
"Key" ""
"Kinematic Routing Algorithm" "kinematischer Routing Algorithmus"
"Kinematic Wave Overland Flow" ""
"Known Crops" ""
"Known X" ""
"Known Y" ""
"Kriging" ""
"Kriging - geostatistical procedures for the gridding of irregular distributed
point data." "Kriging - geostatistische Verfahren f�r das Rastern irregul�r
verteilter Punktdaten."
"LAS" ""
"LAS File" "LAS Datei"
"LAS Files (*.las)|*.las|All Files|*.*" "LAS Dateien (*.las)|*.las|Alle Dateien|
"LAS Files (*.las)|*.las|LAS Files (*.LAS)|*.LAS|All Files|*.*" "LAS Datei
(*.las)|*.las|LAS Datei (*.LAS)|*.LAS|Alle Dateien|*.*"
"LAS Info" "LAS Info"
"LAS header exception: %s" ""
"LAS reader exception: %s" ""
"LCZC" ""
"LCZC (Filtered)" ""
"LP, Saturated lateral permeability of the soil [m/day]" ""
"LS" ""
"LS Calculation" ""
"LS Factor" ""
"LS-Factor" "LS-Faktor"
"Label" ""
"Label Field" ""
"Labels" "Etiketten"
"Lag Classes" ""
"Lag Distance" ""
"Lag Distance Classes" ""
"Lag Subbasin(" "Verz�gerung Teilbecken("
"Lag coefficient" "Verz�gerungskoeffizient"
"Lake" "See"
"Lake Flood" "See Hochwasser"
"Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel)" "Lambert konformer Kegel (1 parallel)"
"Lambert Conformal Conic (2 parallel)" "Lambert konformer Kegel (1 parallel)"
"Land Cover" ""
"Land Cover ID" ""
"Land Cover Scenario Offset" ""
"Land Cover Weights" ""
"Land Surface Temperature" "Bodenoberfl�chentemperatur"
"Land Surface Temperature [Deg.Celsius]" "Bodenoberfl�chentemperatur (Grad
"Land Use" "Landnutzung"
"Land Use ID" "Landnutzungs ID"
"Land Use Scenario" ""
"Land Use Scenario Generator" ""
"Landform" ""
"Landforms" ""
"Landsat" "Landsat"
"Landsat Band 2" ""
"Landsat Band 3" ""
"Landsat Band 4" ""
"Landsat Band 5" ""
"Landsat Band 6" ""
"Landsat Import with Options" ""
"Landsat Satellite (1-5)" ""
"Landsat-1 MSS" ""
"Landsat-2 MSS" ""
"Landsat-3 MSS" ""
"Landsat-4 MSS" ""
"Landsat-4 TM" ""
"Landsat-5 MSS" ""
"Landsat-5 TM" ""
"Landsat-7 ETM+" ""
"Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS" ""
"Language Translations" "Sprach�bersetzungen"
"Laplace Filter" "Laplace Filter"
"Laplacian Filter" "Laplace Filter"
"Laplacian Filter Kernel" ""
"Lapse Rate Based Temperature Downscaling" ""
"Lapse Rates" ""
"Large Scale" ""
"Largest Circles in Polygons" ""
"Last Day" "Letzter Tag"
"Lat" ""
"Lat. of True Scale" "Breitengrad des genauen Massstabs"
"Latitude" "Breitengrad"
"Latitude 1" "Breitengrad 1"
"Latitude 2" "Breitengrad 2"
"Latitude 3" "Breitengrad 3"
"Latitude B" "Breitengrad B"
"Latitude Increment [Degree]" ""
"Latitude Pole" "Breitengrad Pol"
"Latitude [Degree]" ""
"Latitude/Longitude Graticule" ""
"Latitudinal Statistics" ""
"Layer" ""
"Layer A" "Ebene A"
"Layer B" "Ebene B"
"Layer of extreme value" "Ebene extremer Werte"
"Layers" "Ebenen"
"Layout" "Layout"
"Leading zeros for data set numbering. Set to -1 for not using numbers at all."
"F�hrende Nullen f�r Nummerierung der Datens�tze. Setze auf -1 wenn keine
Nummerierung gew�nscht ist."
"Leaf Area Index" "Blattfl�chenindex"
"Leaf Size (for Speed Optimisation)" "Blattgr��e (f�r
"Leafs" "Bl�tter"
"Least Cost Path" "Weg geringster Kosten"
"Least Cost Paths" "Wege geringster Kosten"
"Least cost path profile lines" ""
"Least cost path profile points" "Geringste Kostenpfadprofil Punkte"
"Leaves" "Bl�tter"
"Leaves to Litter" "Bl�tter zu Abfall"
"Lee Filter" "Lee Filter"
"Lee Filter - Direction" "Lee Filter - Richtung"
"Lee Filter - Standard Deviation" "Lee Filter - Standardabweichung"
"Left" "Links"
"Left Border" ""
"Left Border (X)" "Linke Grenze (X)"
"Left Half" "Linke H�lfte"
"Left Image" ""
"Left [/]" ""
"Left [F3]" "Links [F3]"
"Left [Ins]" ""
"Left-Right" ""
"Left/Right" "Links/Rechts"
"Legend" "Legende"
"Legend: Save" "Legende: Speichern"
"Legend: Zoom" "Legende: Vergr��erung"
"Length" "L�nge"
"Length of Growing Season" ""
"Length of the Gaussian window:\t %d" ""
"Less than" "Weniger als"
"Let pixel stay unclassified, if maximum likelihood probability value is less than
threshold." ""
"Let pixel stay unclassified, if minimum euclidian or mahalanobis distance is
greater than threshold." ""
"Let pixel stay unclassified, if spectral angle distance is greater than
threshold." "Lasse Pixell unklassifiziert, wenn die spektale Blickwinkelentfernung
gr��er als der Schwellenwert ist."
"Level" "Stufe"
"Level Aggregation" "flache Anh�ufung"
"Level Heights" ""
"Level of Detail" "Detaillierungsgrad"
"Level of Generalisation" "Stufe der Generalisierung"
"Libraries" ""
"Library" "Bibliothek"
"Life" "Leben"
"Life Cycle" "Lebenszyklus"
"Life Cycles" "Lebenszyklen"
"Light Source A" "Lichtquelle A"
"Light Source B" "Lichtquelle B"
"Light Source Direction" ""
"Light Source Height" ""
"Lighting and visibility calculations for digital terrain models."
"Beleuchtungs- und Sichtbarkeitsberechnungen f�r Digitale Gel�ndemodelle."
"Lighting, Visibility" ""
"Line" "Linie"
"Line (2.5D)" ""
"Line Color" "Linienfarbe"
"Line Colour" ""
"Line Crossings" ""
"Line Dissolve" "Linie aufl�sen"
"Line Endset (Bytes)" "Linie Endset (Bytes)"
"Line Offset (Bytes)" "Linie Versatz (Bytes)"
"Line Order" "Linie Abfolge"
"Line Properties" "Linie Eigenschaften"
"Line Simplification" "Linie Vereinfachung"
"Line Size" ""
"Line Smoothing" ""
"Line Style" "Linienstil"
"Line Transect(s)" "Linie Transsekte"
"Line or polygon shapefile to simplify." ""
"Line with less than 2 vertices encountered!" ""
"Line(s)" "Linie(n)"
"Line-Polygon Intersection" "Linie-Polygon Schnittpunkt"
"Linear" ""
"Linear Flow Control Grid" ""
"Linear Flow Threshold" "Lineare Str�mung Schwellenwert"
"Linear Flow Threshold Grid" "Lineare Str�mung Schwellenwert Raster"
"Linear Tool" ""
"Linear: a + b * x" "Linear: a + b * x"
"Lines" "Linien"
"Lines (extended)" ""
"Lines and Points" "Linien und Punkte"
"Lines with Property Attributes" ""
"Link" ""
"Link Prefix" ""
"Link Suffix" ""
"Linke Turbidity Coefficient" ""
"List" "Liste"
"List ODBC Servers" ""
"List Order" ""
"List PostgreSQL Connections" ""
"List Table Fields" ""
"List Tables" ""
"List of Grids" "Rasterdatens�tze"
"List of Measured Points as PC" ""
"List of Shapes Layers" "Vektordatens�tze"
"Listing" ""
"Litter to Humus" "Abfall zu Humus"
"Litterfall Rate [g/m\xb2/a]" ""
"Little Endian (Intel)" ""
"Load" "Lade"
"Load Colors" "Lade Farben"
"Load Grid" "Lade Raster"
"Load Parameters" "Lade Parameter"
"Load Point Cloud" "Lade Punktwolke"
"Load Project" "Lade Projekt"
"Load Settings" "Lade Einstellungen"
"Load Shapes" "Lade Vektor"
"Load Statistics from File..." ""
"Load TIN" ""
"Load Table" "Lade Tabelle"
"Load Text" "Lade Text"
"Load Tool Library" "Lade Werkzeugbibliothek"
"Load all bands" ""
"Load from File..." ""
"Load from Workspace" ""
"Load grid" "Lade Raster"
"Load library" "Lade Bibliothek"
"Load point cloud" "Lade Punktwolke"
"Load project" "Lade Projekt"
"Load shapefile" "Lade Vektordatei"
"Load shapefile after conversion" "Lade Vektordatei nach Umwandlung"
"Load shapes" "Lade Vektoren"
"Load table" "Lade Tabelle"
"Load tool chain" ""
"Loaded Grid" ""
"Loaded Shapes" ""
"Loading GSTAT-File" "Lade GSTAT-Datei"
"Loam" "Lehm"
"Loamy Sand" "lehmiger Sand"
"Local Cartesian" "�rtlich Kartesisch"
"Local Climate Zone Classification" ""
"Local Cost" ""
"Local Curvature" ""
"Local Downslope Curvature" ""
"Local Maxima" "Lokales Maximum"
"Local Minima" "Lokales Minimum"
"Local Minima and Maxima" "Lokale Minima und Maxima"
"Local Ridges" ""
"Local Ridges, Hills in Valleys" ""
"Local Rotation Base Level" "Lokale Rotation der Grundlinie"
"Local Rotation [Degree]" "Lokale Rotation [Grad]"
"Local Sky View Factor" "Lokaler Himmelsblickfaktor"
"Local Statistical Measures" ""
"Local Upslope Curvature" ""
"Locate STRM30 Data File" "Lokalisiere STRM30 Datendateien"
"Locate..." "Lokalisiere..."
"Location" "Position"
"Locational Risk" ""
"Locations" "Orte"
"Logarithmic (down)" "Logarithmisch (abw�rts)"
"Logarithmic (up)" "Logarithmisch (aufw�rts)"
"Logarithmic Scale Factor" ""
"Logarithmic Stretch Factor" ""
"Logarithmic Transformation" "Logarithmische Transformation"
"Logarithmic: a + b * ln(x)" "Logarithmisch: a + b * ln(x)"
"Login" ""
"LogitBoost" ""
"Logo" "Logo"
"Lon. Down" "L�ngengrad abw�rts"
"Long Dashed" ""
"Long dashed style" "lang gestrichelt"
"Long text" ""
"Longest watercourse length: %.2f m" ""
"Longitude" ""
"Longitude 1" "L�ngengrad 1"
"Longitude 2" "L�ngengrad 2"
"Longitude 3" "L�ngengrad 3"
"Longitude Pole" "L�ngengrad Pol"
"Longitudinal Curvature" ""
"Longitudinal Grid Statistics" ""
"Longitudinal Profile" "l�ngslaufendes Profil"
"Look Up Section" ""
"Look up table (Points)" "Nachschlagetabelle (Punkte)"
"Look-up Table" "Nachschlagetabelle"
"Look-up table for classification of travel time zones." ""
"LookUp Table" "Nachschlagetabelle"
"Lookup Table" "Nachschlagetabelle"
"Lookup table used in method \"table\"" ""
"Lookup table used in method \"user supplied table\"" ""
"Lookup table." "Nachschlagetabelle."
"Loop" ""
"Loss through Negative Weights" ""
"Lotsa" "Viele"
"Low Pass" "Tiefpass"
"Low Pass Filter" "Tiefpassfilter"
"Low Resolution" ""
"Low Resolution Grid System" ""
"Low moisture (WI <= 0.1" ""
"Low variation for low sizes" "Wenige Variationen f�r kleine Gr��en"
"Low-pass 1" "Tiefpass 1"
"Low-pass 2" "Tiefpass 2"
"Lower" ""
"Lower Alpine" ""
"Lower Border" ""
"Lower Border (Y)" "Untere Grenze (Y)"
"Lower Montane" ""
"Lower Tolerance" "Untere Toleranz"
"Lower Value Update Limit" ""
"Lower left corner" "Untere linke Ecke"
"Lowest to Highest" ""
"Loxodrome" ""
"Loxodromes" ""
"Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance" "konzentrierte atmosph�rische Durchl�ssigkeit"
"Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance [Percent]" "konzentrierte atmosph�rische
Durchl�ssigkeit [Prozent]"
"Luv Factor" "Luv Faktor"
"M" "M"
"MDE" ""
"MFD" ""
"MLRA Coefficients" ""
"MLRA Model" ""
"MLRA Steps" ""
"MMF-SAGA Soil Erosion Model" ""
"MOLA Grids (*.img)|*.img|All Files|*.*" "MOLA Raster (*.img)|*.img|Alle Dateien|
"MORAN_I" ""
"MRRTF" ""
"MRVBF" ""
"MS Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files|*.*" "MS Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
Alle Dateien|*.*"
"MS, Soil moisture at field capacity [% w/w]" ""
"MSE" ""
"MSL Height [m]" "MSL H�he [m]"
"Maehweide" "M�hweide"
"Magnitude" ""
"Mahalanobis Distance" "Mahalanobis Entfernung"
"Main" ""
"Main Basin ID" "Hauptbecken ID"
"Main Point Cloud" ""
"Main Radius" "Haupt Radius"
"Main channel routing velocity [m/h]" "Hauptgew�sser Routinggeschwindigkeit
"Main layer. The output layer will have the same fields in the attribute table as
this layer." ""
"Majority" "Mehrheit"
"Majority Filter" "Mehrheit Filter"
"Majority Filter Radius" ""
"Make sure that the files\n" "Stelle sicher dass die Dateien\n"
"Manager" ""
"Mandelbrot" "Mandelbrot"
"Mandelbrot Set" "Mandelbrot Zusammenstellung"
"Manhattan" "Manhattan"
"Manipulation des Gerinne- bzw. Hauptgerinneabflusses: Rasterzelle 1" ""
"Manipulation des Gerinne- bzw. Hauptgerinneabflusses: Rasterzelle 2" ""
"Manning Roughness" ""
"Manning's N" "Manning�s N"
"Manning's Roughness" "Manning�s Rauhigkeit"
"Manning-Strickler Coefficient" ""
"Manning-Strickler coefficient for flow travel time estimation (reciprocal of
Manning's Roughness Coefficient)" ""
"Map" "Karte"
"Map Drape Resampling" ""
"Map Draping" ""
"Map Draping Interpolation" ""
"Map Extent" ""
"Map File" "Karte Datei"
"Map Height [Pixels]" "Kartenh�he [Pixel]"
"Map Layer" "Karte Ebene"
"Map Manager" "Karte Verwaltung"
"Map Scale" "Kartenmassstab"
"Map Selection" "Kartenauswahl"
"Map Units" "Karte Einheiten"
"Map Width [Pixels]" "Kartenbreite [Pixel]"
"Map Window Arrangement" ""
"Map/Table Size Ratio [%]" "Karten/Tabellen Gr��enverh�ltnis [%]"
"Maps" "Karten"
"March" "M�rz"
"Margin in percentage by which the best (minimum) computed cost function value
should \"win\" the second best value to consider the found match correct. Normally,
a value within the 5-15 range is good enough." ""
"Mark Highest Neighbour" "markiere h�chsten Nachbarn"
"Mask" "Abdeckung"
"Mask Grid" "Abdeckung Raster"
"Mask Max" "Abdeckung Max"
"Mask Min" "Abdeckung Min"
"Mask value" "Abdeckung Wert"
"Masked Grid" "Abgedecktes Raster"
"Mass Balance Index" "Massenbalanceindex"
"Mass to Drag Ratio" ""
"Massivity Coefficient" "Massivit�tskoeffzient"
"Match" ""
"Match Fields by Name" ""
"Material" ""
"Material for Accumulation" ""
"Matrix signular\n" "singulare Matrix\n"
"Max" "Max"
"Max Iterations" "Maximale Iterationen"
"Max Lamda" "Max Lamda"
"Max. Number of Classes" "Max. Anzahl der Klassen"
"Max. Starvation Time for Sharks" "Maximale Hungerzeit f�r Haie"
"Max.Distance" "Max. Distanz"
"Maxima" "Maxima"
"Maximal Curvature" ""
"Maximal Number of Points" "Maximale Anzahl der Punkte"
"Maximimum Number of Samples" "Maximale Anzahl Proben"
"Maximum" "Maximum"
"Maximum Angle" ""
"Maximum Categories" ""
"Maximum Cells (C Correction Analysis)" "Maximum Zellen (C Korrekturanalyse)"
"Maximum Contour Value" "Maximaler Isolinienwert"
"Maximum Curvature" ""
"Maximum Deposition along Path" ""
"Maximum Deviation between estimated excess rainfall and observed streamflow
volumes" "Maximale Abwewichung zwischen abgesch�tzten Niederschlagsereignissen
und beobachteten Abflussvolumina"
"Maximum Deviation: ExcessRain-Streamflow [%]" "Maximale Abweichung:
�berschussregen-Abfluss [%]"
"Maximum Disparity Difference" ""
"Maximum Distance" "Maximale Entfernung"
"Maximum Distance [Cells]" "Maximale Entfernung (Zellen)"
"Maximum Entropy" ""
"Maximum Entropy Classifcation" ""
"Maximum Entropy Presence Prediction" ""
"Maximum Expansion Distance" ""
"Maximum Flow Distance" "Maximale Flie�entfernung"
"Maximum Flow Path Length" ""
"Maximum Height" ""
"Maximum Iterations" "Maximale Iterationen"
"Maximum Level" "Maximalpegel"
"Maximum Likelihood" "Maximale Wahrscheinlichkeit"
"Maximum Membership" ""
"Maximum Number of Categories" ""
"Maximum Number of Clusters" ""
"Maximum Number of Iterations" ""
"Maximum Number of Points" "Maximale Anzahl der Punkte"
"Maximum Overestimation of ExcessRain [%]" "Maximale �bersch�tzung von
�berschussregen [%]"
"Maximum Points" "Maximale Punkte"
"Maximum Resolution (Percentage)" "Maximale Aufl�sung (Prozentual)"
"Maximum Scale" ""
"Maximum Scaling Factor" ""
"Maximum Search Distance" ""
"Maximum Search Radius" "Maximaler Suchradius"
"Maximum Search Radius (cells)" "Maximaler Suchradius (Zellen)"
"Maximum Selection" ""
"Maximum Slope" ""
"Maximum Standard Deviation within a Cluster" ""
"Maximum Sum of overestimated ExcessRain to total ExcessRain in [%]" "Maximale
Summe von �bereingesch�tztem �berschussregen zu totalem �berschussregen in [%]"
"Maximum Temperature" ""
"Maximum Temperature Span" ""
"Maximum Temperature of Warmest Month" ""
"Maximum Time Span (Seconds)" ""
"Maximum Total Order" "Maximale Gesamtanordnung"
"Maximum Tree Depth" ""
"Maximum Tree Line Height Difference" ""
"Maximum Value" "Maximaler Wert"
"Maximum Velocity" ""
"Maximum X Order" "Maximum X Reihenfolge"
"Maximum Y Order" "Maximum Y Reihenfolge"
"Maximum allowed difference (in integer pixel units) in the left-right disparity
check. Set it to a non-positive value to disable the check." ""
"Maximum angular difference as degree between adjacent segment points." ""
"Maximum daily temperature span of frost change days." ""
"Maximum deviation allowed between original and simplified curve [map units]."
"Maximum disparity minus minimum disparity. The value is always greater than zero."
"Maximum disparity variation within each connected component. If you do speckle
filtering, set the parameter to a positive value, it will be implicitly multiplied
by 16. Normally, 1 or 2 is good enough." ""
"Maximum distance parameter is ignored if set to zero (default)." "Maximaler
Entfernungsparameter wird ignoriert wenn auf null gesetzt (Voreinstellung)."
"Maximum entropy based classification and prediction." ""
"Maximum number of classes in entire grid." "maximale Anzahl der Klassen in
vollst�ndigem Raster"
"Maximum number of classes in the entire grid." "maximale Anzahl der Klassen in
vollst�ndigem Raster"
"Maximum number of grid cells used for trend analysis as required by C correction."
"Maximale Anzahl von Rasterzellen die f�r die Trendanalyse benutzt werden wie
erforderlich f�r C Korrektur."
"Maximum number of iterations" ""
"Maximum number of rows/columns in selection of grid cells." ""
"Maximum resolution as percentage of the diameter of the DEM." "Maximale
Aufl�sung als Prozentsatz des Durchmesser des DGM."
"Maximum root zone storage deficit [m]" "Maximales Wurzelzonenspeicherdefizit
"Maximum size" "Maximalgr��e"
"Maximum size of smooth disparity regions to consider their noise speckles and
invalidate. Set it to 0 to disable speckle filtering. Otherwise, set it somewhere
in the 50-200 range." ""
"Maximum temperature:" ""
"Maximum value of the range to be reclassified." "Maximaler Wert des
neueinzuteilendes Bereiches"
"Maximum velocity observed in each cell [m/s]. Optional output of the 1-parameter
friction model and the PCM Model." ""
"Maximun" "Maximum"
"May" "Mai"
"Mean" "Mittel"
"Mean Average" "Mittelwert Durchschnitt"
"Mean Centre" "Mittelwert Zentrum"
"Mean Distance" "Mittlere Entfernung"
"Mean Diurnal Range" ""
"Mean Elevation" "Mittlere Anhebung"
"Mean Elevation [m.a.s.l]" "Mittlere Anhebung [m.a.s.l] "
"Mean Flow Distance" "Mittlere Flie�entfernung"
"Mean Minimum Temperature" ""
"Mean Solar Irradiance" ""
"Mean Squared Error" ""
"Mean Temperature" ""
"Mean Temperature Span" ""
"Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter" ""
"Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter" ""
"Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter" ""
"Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter" ""
"Mean Value" "Mittlerer Wert"
"Mean Value (cell area weighted)" "Mittlerer Wert (Zellbereich gewichtet)"
"Mean daily minimum temperature of frost change days." ""
"Mean daily temperature span of frost change days." ""
"Mean less Standard Deviation" "Mittelwert abz�glich Standardabweichung"
"Mean over Catchment" ""
"Mean plus Standard Deviation" "Mittelwert zuz�glich Standardabweichung"
"Mean runoff" ""
"Mean saturation deficit (in watershed) [m]" "Mittleres S�ttigungsdefizit (im
Einzugsgebiet) [m]"
"Mean soil loss" ""
"Mean temperature" ""
"Mean temperature of the growing season." ""
"Measure Distance" ""
"Measure of Correlation-1" ""
"Measure of Correlation-2" ""
"Measured Points (PC)" ""
"Median" "Medianwert"
"Melton Ruggedness Number" ""
"Memberships" "Zugeh�rigkeiten"
"Memory Compression" ""
"Memory Handling" ""
"Memory Size" "Speichergr��e"
"Menu" "Men�"
"Mercator" "Merkator"
"Merge Layers" ""
"Merge Line Parts to One Polygon" ""
"Merge Point Clouds" ""
"Merge Selection" ""
"Merge Tables" ""
"Merged Layer" "Verbundene Ebene"
"Merged Layers" ""
"Merged Point Cloud" ""
"Merged Table" ""
"Meridional Grid Statistics" ""
"Meridional Statistics" ""
"Mesh Denoise" ""
"Messages" "Nachrichten"
"Metadata" ""
"Metadata File" ""
"Metadata Files (*.met, *.txt)" ""
"Metadata from Header:" ""
"Meteorological data" "Meteorologische Daten"
"Meteorological data for multiple timestep modelling [model step (day); temperature
(Celsius); rainfall (mm), rainfall intensity (mm/h); rainfall duration (day);
timespan (days)]" ""
"Method" "Methode"
"Method (LS)" "Methode (LS)"
"Method (TWI)" "Methode (TWI)"
"Method Impact" ""
"Method for Multiple Values" "Methode f�r multiple Werte"
"Metric Conversions" "Metrische Umwandlung"
"Mid Infrared (TM 5)" ""
"Mid Infrared (TM 7)" ""
"Mid-Slope Positon" "Mittlere Hangposition"
"Midslope Drainages" ""
"Midslope Drainages, Shallow Valleys" ""
"Midslope Ridges" ""
"Midslope Ridges, Small Hills in Plains" ""
"Miller Cylindrical" "Miller Zylindrisch"
"Min" "minimal"
"Min. Flow Speed (m/s)" "minimale Str�mungsgeschwindigkeit (m/s)"
"Min. Segment Length" "Minimale Segmentl�nge"
"Min. Size" "Minimale Gr��e"
"Min. Size (Cells)" "Minimale Gr��e (Zellen)"
"Mine Sweeper" "Mine Sweeper"
"Minima" "Minima"
"Minimal Curvature" ""
"Minimal Number of Points" "Minimale Anzahl der Punkte"
"Minimum" "Minimum"
"Minimum Area" ""
"Minimum Bounding Box" ""
"Minimum Contour Value" "Minimaler Isolinienwert"
"Minimum Curvature" ""
"Minimum Density [Percent]" "Minimale Dichte [Prozent]"
"Minimum Density for Interior Forest [Percent]" "Minimale Dichte f�r inneren Wald
"Minimum Disparity" ""
"Minimum Distance" "Minimaldistanz"
"Minimum Distance Analysis" "Minimale Entfernung Analyse"
"Minimum Exaggeration [%]" "Minimale �berh�hung [%]"
"Minimum Gradient" ""
"Minimum Height" ""
"Minimum Length" ""
"Minimum Magnitude" ""
"Minimum Mean Temperature" ""
"Minimum Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency" "Minimale Nash-Sutcliffe Effizienz"
"Minimum Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency required to print simulation to calibration
table" "Minimale Nash-Sutcliffe Effizienz erfordert, dass die Simulation in
die Kalibrierungstabelle �bertragen wird"
"Minimum Neighbours" ""
"Minimum Node Split Size" ""
"Minimum Number of Dark Object Cells" ""
"Minimum Number of Points" "Minimale Anzahl von Punkten"
"Minimum Number of Samples in a Cluster" ""
"Minimum Overlap" ""
"Minimum Path Length" ""
"Minimum Probability" ""
"Minimum Redundancy Feature Selection" ""
"Minimum Resolution (Degree)" ""
"Minimum Sample Count" ""
"Minimum Scale" ""
"Minimum Segment Length (Cells)" "Minimale Segmentl�nge (Zellen)"
"Minimum Size [%]" "Minimale Gr��e [%]"
"Minimum Slope" ""
"Minimum Slope [Degree]" "Minimale Neigung [Grad]"
"Minimum Soil Water Content (Percent)" ""
"Minimum Standard Deviation" "Minimale Standardabweichung"
"Minimum Temperature" ""
"Minimum Temperature of Coldest Month" ""
"Minimum Threshold" ""
"Minimum Value" "minimaler Wert"
"Minimum Weight" ""
"Minimum and maximum of attribute range []." ""
"Minimum and maximum x-coordinate of AOI." ""
"Minimum and maximum y-coordinate of AOI." ""
"Minimum length (days) of the growing season." ""
"Minimum magnitude as percentile." ""
"Minimum mean temperature (C) for all days of the growing season." ""
"Minimum number of cells in a group of adjacent cells." ""
"Minimum number of neighbouring potential edge cells with similar direction."
"Minimum of Darkness DN Cells" ""
"Minimum pixels to consider digital number as dark object" ""
"Minimum possible disparity value. Normally, it is zero but sometimes rectification
algorithms can shift images, so this parameter needs to be adjusted accordingly."
"Minimum probability to accept a classification result for a cell." ""
"Minimum shade brightness must be lower than maximum shade brightness!" ""
"Minimum size" "Minimalgr��e"
"Minimum size of basin (cells)" "Minimale Gr��e des Becken (Zellen)"
"Minimum slope gradient to preserve from cell to cell; with a value of zero sinks
are filled up to the spill elevation (which results in flat areas). Unit [Degree]"
"Minimaler Neigungsgradient der von Zelle zu Zelle eingehalten werden soll
"Minimum value of the range to be reclassified." "Minimaler Wert des
neueinzuteilenden Bereichs"
"Minimum/Maximum" "Minimum/Maximum"
"Minimun" "Minimum"
"Minnaert Correction" "Minnaert Korrektur"
"Minnaert Correction with Slope (Law & Nichol 2004)" "Minnaert Korrektur mit
Neigung (Law & Nichol 2004)"
"Minnaert Correction with Slope (Riano et al. 2003)" "Minnaert Korrektur mit
Neigung (Riano et al. 2003)"
"Mirror" "Spiegeln"
"Mirror Grid" ""
"Mirror Horizontally" ""
"Mirror Vertically" ""
"Mirrored horizontally" ""
"Mirrored vertically" ""
"Miscellaneous" ""
"Missing Value" ""
"Mixed Flow Threshold (ha)" "Gemischter Str�mungsschwellenwert (ha)"
"Mode" ""
"Mode in Reflectance Histogram" ""
"Mode of DN" ""
"Mode of Motion" ""
"Mode of Operation" ""
"Mode of operation" "Operationsmodus"
"Model" "Model"
"Model Creation" ""
"Model Options" ""
"Model Parameters:" "Modellparameter:"
"Model Resolution" ""
"Model Source" ""
"Model parameter [m]" "Modelparameter [m]"
"Model parameters" ""
"Model step %d/%d ..." ""
"Modelled Elevation" ""
"Modelling erosion processes." ""
"Modelling hydrological processes." "Modellierung hydrologischer Prozesse."
"Modelling the Human Impact on Nature" ""
"Modelo de combustible" ""
"Modifed Quadratic Shepard" "Modifizierte quadratische Shepard-Methode"
"Modified" ""
"Modified Catchment Area" ""
"Modified Hirschmuller" ""
"Modify: post-processing..." "�ndern: Nachbearbeitung..."
"Modify: pre-processing..." "�ndern: Vorbearbeitung..."
"Mollweide" ""
"Moment Term" ""
"Moment [h]" ""
"Moment term" ""
"Month" "Monat"
"Monthly (12) or daily (365) temperature observations." ""
"Monthly Global by Latitude" ""
"Moore" ""
"Moore & Nieber 1989" ""
"Moore (8)" ""
"Moore et al. 1991" ""
"Moran's I" ""
"Morphological Filter" "Morphologischer Filter"
"Morphological Filter (OpenCV)" ""
"Morphological Filter (ViGrA)" ""
"Morphologically filtered binary mask" ""
"Morphology" ""
"Morphometric Features" ""
"Morphometric Protection Index" "Morphometrischer Sicherungsindex"
"Morphometry" ""
"Mosaic" ""
"Mosaicking" ""
"Mountain Tops, High Ridges" ""
"Mouths" "M�ndungen"
"Move" "Verschieben"
"Move Down" ""
"Move Grid" "Verschiebe Raster"
"Move To Bottom" ""
"Move To Top" ""
"Move Up" ""
"Moves" ""
"Moving window size = 1 + 2 * Neighborhood." "Bewegliche Fenstergr��e = 1 + 2 *
"Mu" ""
"Multi Direction Lee Filter" "Mehrrichtungs Lee Filter"
"Multi Level to Points Interpolation" ""
"Multi Level to Surface Interpolation" ""
"Multi Scale Factor" "Multi Scale Faktor"
"Multi-Band Variation" "Multi-Band Variation"
"Multi-Point" ""
"Multi-Point (2.5D)" ""
"Multi-Polygon" ""
"Multi-Polygon (2.5D)" ""
"Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index (TPI)" ""
"Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation" "Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation"
"Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid)" "Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation
(von Rastern)"
"Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation for Categories" ""
"Multiple Flow Direction" "Multiple Str�mungsrichtungen"
"Multiple Flow Direction (FD8)" "Multiple Str�mungsrichtungen (FD8)"
"Multiple Flow Direction (Quinn et al. 1991)" "Multiple Str�mungsrichtungen
(Quinn et al. 1991)"
"Multiple Grids Viewer" ""
"Multiple Input Features" ""
"Multiple Linear Regression Analysis" ""
"Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Shapes)" ""
"Multiple Maximum Downslope Gradient Based Flow Directon" ""
"Multiple Observer" ""
"Multiple R-squared" ""
"Multiple Regression Analysis (Grid and Predictor Grids)" ""
"Multiple Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grids)"""
"Multiple Triangular Flow Directon" "Multiple Triangulare Str�mungsrichtung"
"Multiple m_Flow Direction" ""
"Multiple of Standard Deviation used as default for histogram stretch." ""
"Multiplication" "Multiplikation"
"Multipoint" "Multipoint"
"Multipoints" ""
"Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF)" "Multiresolution Index
f�r Talbodenplattheit (MRVBF)"
"Mutual Information Difference (MID)" ""
"Mutual Information Quotient (MIQ)" ""
"My Menu" ""
"My Tool" ""
"My Tool Libraries" ""
"My Tools" ""
"My Tools|My Submenu" ""
"MySQL Data" "MySQL Daten"
"N-S" ""
"NCache einlesen" ""
"NE-SW" ""
"NO DATA" ""
"NODE_ID" ""
"NRMSE" ""
"NSE|NSE high flow|NSE low flow" "NSE|NSE hohe Str�mung|NSE niedrige Str�mung"
"NTv2 Grid Shift Binary (*.gsb)" "NTv2 Grid Shift Bin�rdatei (*.gsb)"
"NV, Number of plant elements per unit area [number/unit area] at the ground
surface" ""
"NX" ""
"NY" ""
"N\xc3\xbamero of Monte-Carlo events" "N\xc3\xbamero von Monte Carlo
"Name" "Name"
"Name Field" "Namensfeld"
"Name by..." "Name durch..."
"Name des Evaluierungspunktes 1" ""
"Name des Evaluierungspunktes 2" ""
"Name des Evaluierungspunktes 3" ""
"Name of Landsat metadata file (.met or MTL.txt)" ""
"Naming for split lines" ""
"Natural Logarithm" ""
"Natural Neighbour" "Nat�rliche Nachbarn-Methode"
"Navaladi, Schoeller, Conrad (c) 2009" ""
"Near Infrared (TM 4)" ""
"Near Infrared Reflectance" ""
"Near Points" ""
"Nearest Neighbour" "N�chste Nachbarn-Methode"
"Needs less memory, but is slow" "Ben�tigt weniger Speicher, ist aber langsam"
"Needs more memory, but is quicker" "Ben�tigt mehr Speicher, ist aber schneller"
"Negative Openness" ""
"Neighborhood" "Umgebung"
"Neighborhood Type" "Umgebungstyp"
"Neighbourhood" "Umgebung"
"Net Primary Production [Gt Carbon / a]" "Netz Prim�r Produktion [Gt Kohlenstoff /
"NetCDF Files (*.nc)" ""
"Network topology" ""
"Neumann" ""
"Neumann (4)" ""
"Neumann: the four horizontally and vertically neighboured cells; Moore: all eight
adjacent cells" ""
"New" "Neu"
"New Shapes Layer" "Neue Vektorebene"
"New Table" "Neue Tabelle"
"New Value" ""
"New grid filtered with the A1WiTh tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the A2WiTh tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the A3WiTh tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the AvWiMa1 tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the AvWiMa2 tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the destriping1 tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the destriping2 tool" ""
"New grid filtered with the directional1 tool" ""
"New value." "Neuer Wert"
"Newton [A]" ""
"Newton [B]" ""
"Newton-Raphson" ""
"Next" "N�chste"
"Neys (Modified Lambert Conformal Conic)" "Neys (Modifizierter Lambert-konformer
Kegel) "
"Nitrogen in Rainfall [kg/ha/a]" "Stickstoff im Niederschlag [kg/ha/a]"
"Nival" ""
"No Cut" "Kein Schnitt"
"No Data" ""
"No Data Cells" "Keine Datenzellen"
"No Data Value" "Keine Datenwerte"
"No Failure" ""
"No Flats" "Keine Fl�chen"
"No Freezing" ""
"No Height" "Keine H�hen"
"No INPUT vector normalization" ""
"No ODBC connection available!" "Keine ODBC Verbindung m�glich!"
"No OUTPUT vector normalization" ""
"No Options" ""
"No PostgreSQL connection available!" ""
"No Sinks" ""
"No attribute fields selected!" ""
"No attribute fields specified!" ""
"No compatible table has been found." ""
"No data" ""
"No description available" "Keine Beschreibung verf�gbar"
"No duplicates found." "Keine Duplikate gefunden."
"No objects" ""
"No parameters available." "Keine Parameter verf�gbar."
"No path for output files specified!" ""
"No pen is used" "Kein Stift im Gebrauch"
"No projects in directory" ""
"No raster files have been found in directory." ""
"No shapes in selection" "Keine Vektoren ausgew�hlt"
"No sinks have been detected." "Keine Senken gefunden."
"No translation set by user" "Keine �bersetzung durch den Nutzer ausgew�hlt"
"No-Data Value" ""
"No-Data Value Range" ""
"NoData Output Grid" ""
"NoData Value" "NoDATA Wert"
"NoData Value: %.6f" ""
"NoData encountered in input grid %s: x %d (%.2f), y %d (%.2f)" ""
"NoData value of input grid" ""
"NoData value(s) in statistic grid(s)!" "NoData Wert(e) in Statistikraster(n)!"
"Node" "Knoten"
"Nodes" "Knoten"
"Non-Linear Tool" ""
"Non-Sibsonian" ""
"None" "Nichts"
"Normal" ""
"Normal Bayes Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Normal Updating" ""
"Normal escarpment" ""
"Normalisation" "Normalisation"
"Normalise" "Normalisieren"
"Normalised" "Normiert"
"Normalised Grid" "Normalisiertes Raster"
"Normalization" ""
"Normalization (after Civco, modified by Law & Nichol)" ""
"Normalize" ""
"Normalize Features" ""
"Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" "Normalisierte Differenz
"Normalized Height" "Normalisierte H�he"
"Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index" "Normalisiertes Anteil Vegetationsindex"
"North" "Norden"
"North Arrow" ""
"North []" "Nord []"
"North|South|" "Nord|S�d|"
"Not Named" ""
"Not Null" "Nicht null"
"NotNull" ""
"Nothing to do be done. Raster splitting is not supported."""
"Nothing to do! Merging needs more than one input data set." ""
"Nothing to do. No feature has been selected." ""
"Nothing to do. No variation in input grid." ""
"Nothing to do. Raster is already within target range." ""
"Nothing to do: there is no intersection with additional grid." ""
"November" "November"
"No|Yes|" "Nein|Ja|"
"Nu" ""
"Number in Latitudinal Direction" ""
"Number in Meridional Direction" ""
"Number of Attributes" "Anzahl der Attribute"
"Number of Buffer Zones" "Anzahl der Pufferzonen"
"Number of CPU Cores [# physical processors]" "Anzahl der CPU-Kerne [#physische
"Number of Categories" ""
"Number of Cells" "Anzahl der Zellen"
"Number of Classes" "Anzahl der Klassen"
"Number of Clusters" "Anzahl der Cluster"
"Number of Colors" "Anzahl Farben"
"Number of Column Cells" "Nummer der Spaltenzellen"
"Number of Columns" "Anzahl der Spalten"
"Number of Components" "Anzahl der Komponenten"
"Number of Data Cells" "Anzahl der Datenzellen"
"Number of Data Sets" ""
"Number of Different Classes" "Anzahl verschiedener Klassen"
"Number of Directions" "Anzahl der Richtungen"
"Number of Disparities" ""
"Number of Distance Classes" "Anzahl der Entfernungsklassen"
"Number of Elements" "Anzahl der Elemente"
"Number of Events" "Anzahl der Ereignisse"
"Number of Facettes" "Anzahl der Facetten"
"Number of Features" ""
"Number of Fields" "Anzahl der Felder"
"Number of Grids" "Anzahl der Raster"
"Number of Intervals" ""
"Number of Iterations" ""
"Number of Iterations for Normal Updating" ""
"Number of Iterations for Vertex Updating" ""
"Number of Layers" ""
"Number of Maps" ""
"Number of Neurons" ""
"Number of No-Data Cells" ""
"Number of Numeric Value Classes" ""
"Number of Pairs" "Anzahl der Paare"
"Number of Parts" "Anzahl der Teile"
"Number of Points" "Anzahl der Punkte"
"Number of Points for Local Interpolation" "Anzahl der Punkte f�r lokale
"Number of Points in Cell" "Punktanzahl in Zelle"
"Number of Records" "Anzahl der Datens�tze"
"Number of Row Cells" "Anzahl der Reihenzellen"
"Number of Rows" "Anzahl der Reihen"
"Number of Scales" ""
"Number of Sectors" "Anzahl der Sektoren"
"Number of Shapes" ""
"Number of Simulations" "Anzahl der Simulationen"
"Number of Simulations for Calibration" "Anzahl der Simulationen f�r die
"Number of Steps" "Anzahl der Schritte"
"Number of Terrain Classes" ""
"Number of Values" "Anzahl der Werte"
"Number of Variables" "Anzahl der Variablen"
"Number of Vertices" ""
"Number of attribute fields: %d" ""
"Number of atttribute table columns." "Nummer der Attributtabellenspalte"
"Number of cells" "Anzahl der Zellen"
"Number of classes in the cloud temperature histogram" ""
"Number of clusters" "Anzahl der Cluster"
"Number of days of the growing season." ""
"Number of decimals when writing floating point values in ASCII format."
"Anzahl der Dezimalstellen wenn Flie�kommawerte im Ascii-Format gespeichert
"Number of discrete intervals (bins) used for sampling" ""
"Number of examples required for a node to be split. Choose 1 for complete
growing." ""
"Number of fields a flow path visits downhill starting at a cell. For D8 only."
"Number of fields and precisions must be equal!" ""
"Number of horizontal tiles" "Anzahl horizontaler Kacheln"
"Number of iterations, starts with search radius and increments with one cell by
iteration." "Anzahl Iterationen, starten mit Suchradius und Zunahme mit einer Zelle
je Iteration"
"Number of layers" ""
"Number of nearest points, which will be evaluated for filtering. Set to zero to
investigate all points in search radius." "Anzahl der n�chsten Punkte, die f�r die
Filterung ber�cksichtigt werden. Eintragen von null untersucht alle Punkte im
"Number of neurons" ""
"Number of points" "Anzahl Punkt"
"Number of points in the simplified line" "Punktanzahl in vereinfachter Linie"
"Number of points on each side of the section" "Anzahl der Punkte auf jeder Seite
der Sektion"
"Number of points per return:" "Anzahl der Punkte pro R�ckgabe:"
"Number of raindays is greater than model timespan!" ""
"Number of raster files found in directory" ""
"Number of removed shapes" ""
"Number of sub-basins" "Anzahl der Teilbecken"
"Number of the last x Iteration to be plotted." "Anzahl der letzten X Iterationen
die gezeichnet werden sollen."
"Number of tiles" ""
"Number of vertical tiles" "Anzahl vertikaler Kacheln"
"Number plant elements" ""
"Numbering of Data Sets" "Nummerierung der Datens�tze"
"Numeric" "Numerisch"
"Numeric Attribute Values" ""
"Numerical Features" ""
"Numerical Precision" "Numerische Pr�zision"
"O. Conrad (c) 2009" ""
"O. Conrad (c) 2011" ""
"O.Conrad (c) 2010" ""
"O.Conrad (c) 2011" ""
"O.Conrad (c) 2013" ""
"ODBC" ""
"ODBC Database Connection Error" "ODBC Datenbank Verbindungsfehler"
"ODBC Servers" ""
"ODBC Sources" ""
"ODBC source connected" "ODBC mit Quelle Verbunden"
"ODBC source disconnected" ""
"OID" ""
"OSM Areas" ""
"OSM Locations" ""
"OSM Relations" ""
"OSM Ways" ""
"OUTPUT certainty" ""
"OUTPUT classes" ""
"Object Based Image Segmentation" ""
"Object Grid" ""
"Objective Function" "Objektive Funktion"
"Objects" ""
"Objects removed from input grid" "Objekte die aus dem Eingaberaster entfernt
"Oblique Mercator" "schiefer Merkator"
"Obliquity" ""
"Observations" ""
"Observations used for local scaling factor calibration (e.g. precipitation,
cloudiness)." ""
"Observer points." "Beobachtungspunkte."
"October" "Oktober"
"Offset" ""
"Offset Slope" ""
"Offset X" "Verschiebung X"
"Offset Y" "Verschiebung Y"
"Offset Z" "Verschiebung Z"
"Offset and Range (X)" "Verschiebung und Bereich (X)"
"Offset and Range (Y)" "Verschiebung und Bereich (Y)"
"Offset given as percentage of map size" ""
"Ok" "OK"
"Okay" ""
"Old Style Namings" ""
"Old Version" "Alte version"
"Olkin & Pratt" ""
"Omega [degree]" ""
"On Stop" ""
"One Point Cloud per Polygon" ""
"One or several input point cloud datasets to cut." ""
"One per x" "Einer per x"
"Online Help" "Online Hilfe"
"Only Header Info" "Nur Kopfzeilen Info"
"Only List Connected Servers" ""
"Only Process Gaps with Less Cells" "Nur Bearbeitung von L�cken mit wenigen Zellen"
"Only Selected Polygons" ""
"Only Z-Direction Position is Updated" ""
"Opaque" ""
"Open" "�ffnen"
"Open Database Connection" ""
"Open Project" ""
"Open Slopes" ""
"Open Street Map" ""
"Open as data set" ""
"Open with external application" ""
"OpenCV" ""
"Opening" "Er�ffnung"
"Openness" ""
"Operation" "Operation"
"Operation Control" ""
"Operator Type" "Operatortyp"
"Operator scale" "Operator Umfang"
"Opposite Neighbours" "entgegengesetzte Nachbarn"
"Optimised" ""
"Optional Output Filepath" ""
"Optional Target Grids" ""
"Optional Tile Info Filename" ""
"Optional floating-point vector of weights for each sample. Some samples may be
more important than others for training." ""
"Optional integer vector indicating the samples (rows of inputs and outputs) that
are taken into account." ""
"Optional output polygon shapefile" ""
"Options" "Optionen"
"Options:\n - Less than\n - Equals\n - Greater than\nControls under which condition
a channel is initiated." "Optionen:\n -Weniger als\n- Gleich\n - Gr��er
als\nKontroliiert unter welchen Bedingungen ein Gew�sser eingerichtet wird."
"Order" "Reihenfolge"
"Order by" "Sortiert nach"
"Order by..." "Sortiert nach.."
"Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA)" "Sortierter gewichteter Durchschnitt (OWA)"
"Ordern in den alle Ausgabedaten gespeichert werden sollen"""
"Ordinary Kriging" "Ordinary Kriging"
"Ordnerpfad der Surface Runoff- und Drainagerasterdaten des
Landoberflaechenschemas" ""
"Ordnerpfad der WUse Daten" ""
"Ordnerpfad in dem alle zu bearbeitenden WaterGap Raster abgelegt sind" ""
"Orientation" "Orientierung"
"Origin Height" "Originalh�he"
"Origin Latitude" "Original Breitengrad"
"Original" ""
"Original Channels" ""
"Original Image" "Original Bild"
"Orographic Coefficient" "Orografischer Koeffizient"
"Orthoclinal slope" ""
"Orthodromes" ""
"Orthographic" "Orthografisch"
"Ouput" "Ausgabe"
"Outlet" ""
"Outlet Concentration" ""
"Outlet Hydrographs" "Abflussganglinien"
"Outlet X" "Auslass X"
"Outlet Y" "Auslass Y"
"Outline" ""
"Outlines" ""
"Output" "Ausgabe"
"Output Directory" "Ausgabeverzeichnis"
"Output Features" ""
"Output Field Name" "Ausgabe Feldname"
"Output File" "Ausgabe Datei"
"Output Filepath" ""
"Output Format" "Ausgabeformat"
"Output Grid" "Ausgabe Raster"
"Output Lod" "Ausgabe Erfassungsgrenze"
"Output Seeds" "Ausgabe Samen"
"Output Text File" ""
"Output Type" "Ausgabe Typ"
"Output Unit" "Ausgabe Einheit"
"Output Values" "Ausgabewert"
"Output as..." "Ausgabe als...."
"Output at-sensor radiance for all bands" ""
"Output file" "Ausgabe Datei"
"Output file path" ""
"Output format" "Ausgabe Format"
"Output grid" "Ausgabe Raster"
"Output of Change Vector" ""
"Output of Gradients" ""
"Output of Model Parameters" ""
"Output of Regression Parameters" "Ausgabe Regressionsparameter"
"Output of tool calculations." ""
"Output of..." ""
"Output parameters" ""
"Output shapes with field(s) deleted" ""
"Output table with field(s) deleted" ""
"Output will inherit shape type and table structure from the first layer in this
list." ""
"Overall Accuracy" ""
"Overall Bounding Box:" ""
"Overdip slope" ""
"Overland" ""
"Overland Flow Distance" "�berland Str�mung Entfernung"
"Overland Flow Distance to Channel Network" "�berland Str�mung Entfernung zu
"Overlap" ""
"Overlap [map units]" ""
"Overlapping Areas" ""
"Overlapping Cells" "�berlappende Zellen"
"Overlay" ""
"Overlay Image" "Overlaybild"
"Override" "�bergehen"
"Overview" "�berblick"
"Overview Content" ""
"Overwrite" ""
"Overwrite Previous Results" ""
"P" ""
"P/A" ""
"P/sqrt(A)" "P/Quadratwurzel(A)"
"PATB" ""
"PCA Eigen Vectors" ""
"PCM Model (Perla et al. 1980)" ""
"PCP Column: Subbasin: " "PCP Spalte: Teilbecken:"
"PCTL" ""
"PDF" ""
"PDF Docs" "PDF Dokumente"
"PDF Documents" "PDF Dokumente"
"PDF File" "PDF Dateien"
"PDF Files (*.pdf)|*.pdf|All Files|*.*" "PDF Dateien (*.pdf)|*.pdf|Alle Dateien|
"PFAC(" ""
"PH, plant height [m], representing the effective height from which raindrops fall
from the crop or vegetation" ""
"PI, permanent interception expressed as the proportion [between 0-1] of rainfall"
"PT_ID" ""
"Page Setup" ""
"Pairwise Comparisons Table " "Paarweise Vergleichstabelle"
"Pan" ""
"Panchromatic" ""
"Panchromatic Channel" ""
"Panchromatic Channel Matching" ""
"Panorama" "Panorama"
"Panorama Break [%]" "Panoramaunterbrechung [%]"
"Paper Format" "Papierformat"
"Parallelepiped" "Parallelfl�chner"
"Parameter" "Parameter"
"Parameter (a)" "Parameter (a)"
"Parameter (b)" "Parameter (b)"
"Parameter (c)" "Parameter (c)"
"Parameter (c) to fit streamflow volume" "Parameter (c) um das Volumen der
Gew�sserstr�mung anzupassen"
"Parameter (l)" "Parameter (l)"
"Parameter (l) [lower bound]" "Parameter (l) [untere Grenze]"
"Parameter (l) [upper bound]" "Parameter (l) [obere Grenze]"
"Parameter (p)" "Parameter (p)"
"Parameter (p) [lower bound]" "Parameter (p) [untere Grenze]"
"Parameter (p) [upper bound]" "Parameter (p) [obere Grenze]"
"Parameter for KD Tree implementation" ""
"Parameter settings for No-Data and all other values." "Parametereinstellungen
f�r No-Data und alle anderen Werte."
"Parameter settings for the NoData value of the output grid (header)." ""
"Parameters" "Parameterliste"
"Parameters file could not be exported." "Parameterdatei konnte nicht exportiert
"Parameters file could not be imported." "Parameterdatei konnte nicht geladen
"Parameterwerte HD Modell" ""
"Parent Attributes" ""
"Parsing %s ... " ""
"Part" ""
"Partial D." ""
"Partially wet (WI = 0.1 - 1)" ""
"Partition Coefficients" "Abtrennungskoeffizient"
"Parts" "Teile"
"Pass" ""
"Pass (saddle)" ""
"Pass 1" "Durchgang 1"
"Pass 2" "Durchgang 2"
"Pass two processing..." ""
"Password" "Passwort"
"Patch" "Nachbesserung"
"Patch Grid" "nachgebessertes Raster"
"Patch Last Column" ""
"Patching" "Nachbessern"
"Path" "Pfad"
"Path (1-255/233 1-3/4-5" ""
"Path for HTML Files" "Pfad f�r HTML-Dateien"
"Pattern Analysis" "Musterauswertung"
"Peak" ""
"Peak Flow (m3/s)" "Hochwasserspitze (m�/s)"
"Peak Flow (m3/s) at selected outlet cell" "Hochwasserspitze (m�/s) an
ausgew�hlter Abflussszelle"
"Percent" ""
"Percent of solar radiance in path radiance" ""
"Percentage clays" ""
"Percentage of points" "Prozentanteil der Punkte"
"Percentage of points remaining in the simplified line" "Prozentanteil der
Punkte, die in der vereinfachten Linie verbleiben"
"Percentage of standard deviation" "Prozentanteil der Standardabweichung"
"Percentage rock fragments" ""
"Percentage sand" ""
"Percentage silt" ""
"Percentile" "Perzentil"
"Percentile used as default for histogram stretch." ""
"Percentiles" "Perzentil"
"Perforated" "perforiert"
"Perihelion" ""
"Perimeter" "Umfang"
"Permament Interception" ""
"Permanent Wilting Point [mm]" "Permanenter Welkepunkt [mm]"
"Permeability" "Durchl�ssigkeit"
"Permutation Importance" ""
"Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984)" ""
"Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994)" ""
"Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977)" ""
"Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani)" ""
"Persistence Factor" ""
"Perspectivic Distance" ""
"Peucker & Douglas" ""
"Pfad LS-Daten" ""
"Pfad WaterGap Raster" ""
"Phi [degree]" ""
"Photogrammetry" ""
"Photogrammetry tools." "Photogrammetrie Werkzeuge"
"Pit" ""
"Plain" ""
"Plains" ""
"Plan Curvature" "geplante Kurvatur"
"Planar" ""
"Plane" "Fl�che"
"Plane (%.2fDegree)" "Fl�che (%.2fGrad)"
"Plant Height" ""
"Platform" ""
"Play And Save as Images..." ""
"Play Loop [Ctrl + L]" ""
"Play Once [Ctrl + P]" ""
"Play and Save to Image" ""
"Please enter a numeric value:" "Bitte einen numerischen Wert eingeben:"
"Please enter a text:" ""
"Please provide a path for the output files." ""
"Please provide a shapefile with the 'Polygons' parameter!"""
"Please provide a shapefile with the 'Shapes Extent' parameter!" ""
"Please provide a valid *.scpvf file!" ""
"Please provide a valid *.scpvf_tile_info file!" ""
"Please provide a valid AOI!" ""
"Please provide a valid R,G,B fields for this kind of operation!" ""
"Please provide a valid SAGA RGB field for this kind of operation!" ""
"Please provide a valid base name for the output files!" ""
"Please provide a valid output directory for the output files!" ""
"Please provide a valid output file path!" ""
"Please provide an attribute field with z-information!" ""
"Please provide an output file name!" ""
"Please provide at least one column to export!" ""
"Please provide either a file input or WKT as a string!" ""
"Please provide some input files!" ""
"Please stop tool execution before exiting SAGA." "Bitte beenden Sie die
Werkzeugausf�hrung bevor Sie SAGA verlassen."
"Plot Holes" "Zeichnungsl�cher"
"Point" "Punkt"
"Point (2.5D)" ""
"Point Cloud" "Punktwolken"
"Point Cloud %s is empty after removing overlap, skipping dataset!" ""
"Point Cloud Attribute Calculator" "Punktwolken Attributrechner"
"Point Cloud Cutter" "Punktwolken Zuschneider"
"Point Cloud Manager" "Punktwolken Verwaltung"
"Point Cloud Reclassifier / Subset Extractor" "Punktwolken Reklassifizierer /
Teilbereichextraktor "
"Point Cloud Thinning (simple)" "Punktwolken Verd�nner (einfach)"
"Point Cloud Viewer" "Punktwolken Betrachter"
"Point Cloud Viewer Settings" "Punktwolken Einstellungen Betrachter"
"Point Cloud from Grid Points" "Punktwolken von Rasterpunkten"
"Point Cloud from Shapes" "Punktwolken von Vektoren"
"Point Cloud from Table" ""
"Point Cloud list" ""
"Point Cloud to Grid" "Punktwolken von Rastern"
"Point Cloud to Shapes" "Punktwolken zu Vektoren"
"Point Cloud to drop attribute from." "Punktwolken als Ziel f�r Attribute
"Point Cloud to reclassify/extract" "Punktwolken zu reklassifizieren / Auszug"
"Point Clouds" "Punktwolken"
"Point Clouds Viewer" ""
"Point Data Record Format" "Punktdaten Datensatzformat"
"Point Distances" ""
"Point Grid" "Punkt Raster"
"Point Position" "Punkt Position"
"Point Size" "Punktgr��e"
"Point Size: Default" "Punktgr��e: Voreinstellung"
"Point Size: Scaling" "Punktgr��e: Ma�stab"
"Point Statistics for Polygons" "Punkt Statistik f�r Polygone"
"Point View Settings" ""
"Point cloud to drop attribute(s) from." ""
"Point cloud with attribute(s) dropped." ""
"Point clouds viewer." "Punktwolkenbetrachter."
"Point insertion distance [map units]." ""
"Point shapefile with source point(s)" "Punkt Vektordatei mit Ausgangspunkten"
"Point summary contains no points!" "Punktzusammenfassung enth�lt keine Punkte!"
"Point to Keep" ""
"Point(s)" ""
"PointCloud" "Punktwolke"
"Points" "Punkte"
"Points Filter" "Punktfilter"
"Points Thinning" "Punktausd�nnung"
"Points per Cell" "Punkte je Zelle"
"Points per Square" "Punkte pro Quadrat"
"Points to be Colorised" ""
"Polar Angle Units" "Polarwinkel Einheiten"
"Polar Coordinate System" "Polarkoordinatensystem"
"Polar Coordinates" "Polarkoordinaten"
"Polar Stereographic" "Polar Stereographisch"
"Polar to Cartesian Coordinates" ""
"Polyconic" "Polykonisch"
"Polygon" "Polygon"
"Polygon (2.5D)" ""
"Polygon Centroids" "Polygon Schwerpunkt"
"Polygon Clipping" ""
"Polygon Dissolve" "Polygon aufl�sen"
"Polygon Parts" ""
"Polygon Parts to Separate Polygons" ""
"Polygon Properties" ""
"Polygon Self-Intersection" ""
"Polygon Shape Indices" "Polygon Vektor Indizes"
"Polygon Vertex Check" ""
"Polygon outlines of object regions" ""
"Polygon shapefile describing the bounding boxes of spcvf tiles." ""
"Polygon with less than 3 vertices encountered!" ""
"Polygon(s)" ""
"Polygon-Line Intersection" "Polygonlinien Schnittpunkt"
"Polygons" "Polygone"
"Polygons to Edges and Nodes" "Polygone zu Ecken und Knoten"
"Polygons with Property Attributes" ""
"Polyline" ""
"Polyline (2.5D)" ""
"Polylines" "Hilfslinien"
"Polynom" "Polynom"
"Polynomial Coefficient" "Polynomial Koeffizient"
"Polynomial Coefficients" "Polynomial Koeffizient"
"Polynomial Order" ""
"Polynomial Regression" "polynomiale Regression"
"Polynomial Trend from Grids" "Polynomialer Trend von Rastern"
"Polynomial, Order" ""
"Population" "Population"
"Port" "Anschluss"
"Portable Network Graphics" "Portable Network Grafik"
"Portable Network Graphics (*.png)" "Portable Network Grafik (*.png)"
"Position" "Position"
"Position Index Radius" ""
"Position as Geographic Coordinates" ""
"Positive Openness" ""
"Positive values result in a shift in E direction." "Positive Werte resultieren
in einem Verschieben in Ost-Richtung"
"Positive values result in a shift in N direction." "Positive Werte resultieren
in einem Verschieben in Nord-Richtung"
"Possible error" "m�glicher Fehler"
"Post-Processing" ""
"PostGIS" ""
"PostGIS extension added" ""
"PostGIS extension missing or too old" ""
"PostgreSQL" ""
"PostgreSQL Connections" ""
"PostgreSQL Database Connection Error" ""
"PostgreSQL Sources" ""
"PostgreSQL database is already connected" ""
"PostgreSQL source connected" ""
"PostgreSQL source disconnected" ""
"PostgreSQL source is already connected" ""
"Potential Evapotranspiration" ""
"Potential Incoming Solar Radiation" "potentiell ankommende
"Power" "Power"
"Power on soil (p)" "Power am Boden (p)"
"Power on soil (p) [lower bound]" "Power am Boden (p) [untere Grenze]"
"Power on soil (p) [upper bound]" "Power am Boden (p) [obere Grenze]"
"Power on soil moisture" "Power "
"Power on soil moisture (p), lower bound" "Power an Bodenfeuchte (p), untere
"Power on soil moisture (p), upper bound" "Power an Bodenfeuchte (p), obere Grenze"
"Power: a + b * x^c" "Power: a + b * x^c"
"Pratt" ""
"Pre-analyze" ""
"Pre-defined Formulas" "Vordefinierte Formel"
"Precipitation" "Niederschlag"
"Precipitation Column" "Niederschlag Spalte"
"Precipitation Seasonality" ""
"Precipitation [m / dt]" ""
"Precipitation [mm]" "Niederschlag [mm]"
"Precipitation of Coldest Quarter" ""
"Precipitation of Driest Month" ""
"Precipitation of Driest Quarter" ""
"Precipitation of Warmest Quarter" ""
"Precipitation of Wettest Month" ""
"Precipitation of Wettest Quarter" ""
"Precise Datum Conversion" ""
"Precise Tracing" "genaue Spurverfolgung"
"Precision" ""
"Precision used to store coordinates and cell sizes (i.e. number of decimals)."
"Precisions" ""
"Predefined Datum" "Vordefiniertes Datum"
"Predefined Ellipsoids" "Vordefinierte Ellipsoide"
"Predefined Functions" "vordefinierte Funktionen"
"Predefined Standard Ellipsoids" "Vordefinierte Standardellipsoide"
"Predicted responses (probabilities) for corresponding samples." ""
"Prediction" ""
"Prediction INPUT" ""
"Prediction Probability" ""
"Predictor" "Vorhersager"
"Predictors" "Vorhersager"
"Preferred Routing" ""
"Preferred Target Grid Type" "Bevorzugter Zielrastertyp"
"Prefilter Size" ""
"Prefilter Truncation Value" ""
"Prefilter Type" ""
"Preliminary scene analysis:" ""
"Preprocessed DEM" "vorverarbeitetes DGM"
"Preprocessed DEM. If this is not set changes will be stored in the original DEM
grid." "Vorverarbeitetes DGM. Falls dieses nicht eingestellt ist werden die
�nderungen im originalen DGM-Raster gespeichert."
"Preprocessing" ""
"Presence Data" ""
"Presence Prediction" ""
"Presence Probability" ""
"Preservation" ""
"Preserve Data Type" "Erhalte Datentyp"
"Preserved Component of Velocity (Kirkby & Statham 1975)" ""
"Preset Selection" ""
"Presets" ""
"Prevent Negative Flow Accumulation" ""
"Previous" "Vorherige"
"Primary" ""
"Primary Key" ""
"Primary Name" "Prim�rer Name"
"Primary key)" "Prim�rer Schl�ssel)"
"Principal Components" "Grunds�tzliche Komponenten"
"Principle Components" "Grunds�tzliche Komponenten"
"Principle Components Analysis" "Grunds�tzliche Komponentenanalyse"
"Principle Components Based Image Sharpening" ""
"Print" "Drucken"
"Print Layout" ""
"Print Preview" "Druckvorschau"
"Print Setup" "Druckeinstellungen"
"Print only information available in LAS header." "Drucke nur Informationen aus
der LAS Kopfzeile."
"Priority Index" "Vorrangiger Index"
"Probabilities" ""
"Probability" ""
"Probability Estimates" ""
"Probability Reference" "Wahrscheinlichkeit Referenz"
"Probability Threshold" ""
"Process Area" ""
"Process Path" ""
"Process Update Frequency [milliseconds]" "Prozess Update Frequenz [Millisekunden]"
"Processed DEM" ""
"Processing" "Verarbeitung"
"Processing ..." ""
"Processing AOI %d ..." ""
"Processing AOI ..." ""
"Processing Order" ""
"Processing Sinks and Flats" ""
"Processing dataset %d" ""
"Processing first pass..." ""
"Processing observer %d ..." ""
"Product" "Produkt"
"Production" ""
"Profile" "Profile"
"Profile Curvature" "Profile Kurvatur"
"Profile Distance" "Profile Distanz"
"Profile Length" "Profile L�nge"
"Profile Line" "Profile Linie"
"Profile Lines" ""
"Profile Points" "Profile Punkte"
"Profile Samples" "Profile Stichproben"
"Profile [%s]" "Profile [%]"
"Profile from points" "Profile aus Punkten"
"Profiles" "Profile"
"Profiles from Lines" "Profile aus Linien"
"Proj.4" "Proj.4"
"Proj.4 Version is " ""
"Proj4 Parameters" "Proj4 Parameter"
"Proj4 definition string error" ""
"Project" "Projekt"
"Project File" "Projektdatei"
"Project \'%s\'" "Projekt \'%s\'"
"Project has been saved." "Projekt wurde gespeichert."
"Project has been successfully loaded." "Projekt wurde erfolgreich geladen."
"Projected Coordinate System" "Projeziertes Koordinatensystem"
"Projected Coordinate Systems" "Projezierte Koordinatensysteme"
"Projected Height" "Projezierte H�he"
"Projection" "Projektion"
"Projection Parameters" "Projektion Parameter"
"Projection Settings" "Projektion Einstellungen"
"Projection Type" "Projektion Typ"
"Projection routines make use of the Proj.4 Cartographic Projections library."
"Projection_GeoTRANS_Datum_3.dat,\n" "Projektion_GeoTRANS_Datum_3.dat,\n"
"Projection_GeoTRANS_Datum_7.dat,\n\n" "Projektion_GeoTRANS_Datum_7.dat,\n\n"
"Projection_GeoTRANS_Ellipsoid.dat,\n" "Projektion_GeoTRANS_Ellipsoid.dat,\n"
"Projection_GeoTRANS_Geoid_EGM96.dat,\n" "Projektion_GeoTRANS_Geoid_EGM96.dat,\n"
"Projections" "Projektionen"
"Projection|Georeferencing" "Projektion|Georeferenzierung"
"Propability" ""
"Properties" ""
"Protection Index" "Schutz Index"
"Proximity" "N�he"
"Proximity Grid" "N�he Raster"
"Punktuelle Rasterzellenmanipulation" ""
"Pythagoras' Tree" "Pythagoras Baum"
"Python" ""
"Python with Header" ""
"Q, estimation of mean runoff [mm]" ""
"QM of ESP" ""
"QuadTree" ""
"QuadTree Structure to Shapes" "QuadTree-Struktur f�r Vektoren"
"Quadrant" "Quadrant"
"Quadrants" "Quadranten"
"Quadratic" "Quadratisch"
"Quadratic Neighbors" "Quadratische Nachbarn-Methode"
"Quadric: a + b * x + c * x^2" "Quadratisch: a + b * x + c * x^2"
"Quality" "Qualit�t"
"Quality Measure" "Qualit�tsma�"
"Quality assessment is not calculated, because the number of classes in the input
grids differ." ""
"Quantile" ""
"Queen" "K�nigin"
"Queen's case" ""
"Query" ""
"Query Result" ""
"Quotient" ""
"R" ""
"R, height of precipitation in timespan [mm]" ""
"R,G,B to SAGA RGB" ""
"R,G,B value range" "R,G,B Wertebereich"
"R2" "Bestimmtheitsma�"
"R:Import" "R:Import"
"RAs in Parallel per Iteration" ""
"RAs in Sequence" ""
"RAs in Sequence per Iteration" ""
"RGB" ""
"RGB Coded Values" ""
"RGB Composite" "RGB Zusammensetzung"
"RGB Image" ""
"RGB Overlay" ""
"RGB Values" ""
"RGB coded data" "RGB kodierte Daten"
"RGB to IHS" ""
"RMSE" ""
"RPROP parameters" ""
"RTL Compression" ""
"Radial Limit" ""
"Radial search limit for openness calculation." ""
"Radiance" ""
"Radians" "Radiant"
"Radiation" ""
"Radius" "Radius"
"Radius (Cells)" "Radius (Zellen)"
"Radius (cells)" "Radius (Zellen)"
"Radius X" "Radius X"
"Radius Y" "Radius Y"
"Radius [Cells]" "Radius [Zellen]"
"Radius of Variance (Grid)" "Radius der Varianz (Raster)"
"Radius used to trace for shadows (ambient occlusion) [map units]." ""
"Radius with Variance" "Radius mit Varianz"
"Rainfall" ""
"Rainfall Duration" ""
"Rainfall intensity" ""
"Random" "Zufall"
"Random Field" "Zufallsfeld"
"Random Forest Classification" ""
"Random Forest Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Random Forest Classification (ViGrA)" ""
"Random Forest Options" ""
"Random Forest Presence Prediction (ViGrA)" ""
"Random Forest Table Classification (ViGrA)" ""
"Random Forest Tree Count" ""
"Random Terrain" ""
"Random Walk" ""
"Random number, Gaussian distribution with mean x and standard deviation y" ""
"Random number, uniform distribution with minimum x and maximum y" ""
"Range" "Bereich"
"Range of R,G,B values in LAS file." "Bereich der R,G,B Werte in LAS Datei."
"Rank" "Rankzahl"
"Rank Filter" "Rangzahlfilter"
"Raster" ""
"Raster Band Deletion" ""
"Raster Band Identifier" ""
"Raster Catalogue" ""
"Raster Catalogue (unknown CRS)" ""
"Raster Catalogues" ""
"Raster Dimension" "Raster Dimension"
"Raster Resolution (Pixel Size)" "Raster Aufl�sung (Pixelgr��e)"
"Raster Resolution (Pixels Size)" "Raster Aufl�sung (Pixelgr��e)"
"Raster Resolution (Pixels X)" "Raster Aufl�sung (Pixel X)"
"Rasterzelle 1" ""
"Rasterzelle 2" ""
"Rate Constant for Litter Loss [1/a]" "Rate Konstant f�r Abfallverlust [1/a]"
"Ratio Evapotranspiration" ""
"Ratio Vegetation Index" "Verh�ltnis Vegetationsindex"
"Raw Data File" "unbearbeitete Datendatei"
"Ray Tracing" "Strahlverfolgung"
"Rayleigh Scattering" ""
"Rayleigh atmosphere (diffuse sky irradiance)" ""
"Rc" ""
"Real" ""
"Real AdaBoost" ""
"Real Surface Area" ""
"Real-valued Numerical Features" ""
"Recalculate" ""
"Reciprocal Flattening (rf)" "reziproke Abflachung (rf)"
"Reclassification of distance grid to buffer zones with a width equal to the
equidistance value." "Neueinteilung von Entfernungsraster zu Pufferzonen mit
einer Breite entsprechend dem �quidistanzwert."
"Reclassified Grid" "Neueingeteiltes Raster"
"Reclassified grid." ""
"Reclassified or extracted Point Cloud." ""
"Reclassify Grid Values" "Teile Rasterwerte neu ein"
"Reclassify buffer distance to intervals of euqidistance ..." "Wandle
Pufferentfernungen in Intervalle von �quidistanzen ein... "
"Reclassify|Extract Subset|" "Reklassifizieren|Extrakt Teilmenge|"
"Recognized Files" ""
"Reconstruction result" ""
"Record Statistics" ""
"Record Statistics (Shapes)" ""
"Rectangles" ""
"Rectify Grid" ""
"Red" "Rot"
"Red (TM 2)" ""
"Red Reflectance" ""
"Reduction" "Verringerung"
"Reference Chip Size (Cells)" ""
"Reference Points" "Referenzpunkte"
"Reference Points (Origin)" "Referenz Punkte (Original)"
"Reference Points (Projection)" "Referenz Punkte (Projektion)"
"Reference chip size set to %d" ""
"Referenced Grids" ""
"References" ""
"Referencing" ""
"Reflectance" ""
"Refresh" "aktualisieren"
"Region of Interest" ""
"Regression" "Regression"
"Regression Accuracy" ""
"Regression Analysis" "Regressionsanalyse"
"Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grid)" ""
"Regression Details" ""
"Regression Formula" ""
"Regression Function" "Regression Funktion"
"Regression Kriging" ""
"Regression Model" ""
"Regression Parameters" "Regression Parameter"
"Regression with Residual Correction" ""
"Regression: Coefficients" ""
"Regression: Model" ""
"Regression: Steps" ""
"Regularisation" "Regelung"
"Regularization" ""
"Regularization Factor" ""
"Relate position and size to selected map extent." ""
"Relate to Extent" ""
"Relation B / A" "Beziehung B / A"
"Relationship KE - I" ""
"Relationship between kinetic energy (KE) and rainfall intensity (I)" ""
"Relative Area" "Relative Fl�che"
"Relative Height" "Relative H�he"
"Relative Heights and Slope Positions" "Relative H�hen und Neigungspositionen"
"Relative Richness" "relativer Reichtum"
"Relative Slope Position" ""
"Relative from cell value" "Relativ vom Zellwert"
"Relative heights calculation..." "Relative H�hen Berechnung..."
"Relaxation" "Entspannung"
"Release Areas" ""
"Release areas encoded by unique integer IDs, all other cells NoData [-]." ""
"Relief Segmentation" ""
"Reload" ""
"Reload Standard Tool Libraries" ""
"Reload tool chain" ""
"Remove" ""
"Remove Duplicate Points" "Entferne doppelte Punkte"
"Remove Invalid Shapes" ""
"Remove Overlap from Virtual Point Cloud Tiles" ""
"Remove every i-th point." "Entferne jeden i-ten Punkt"
"Removed Objects" "entfernte Objekte"
"Removing ambiguous pixels..." ""
"Rename" ""
"Rename Fields" "Feld umbenennen"
"Rename Raster Band" ""
"Rename Table" ""
"Reopen Database Connections" ""
"Reopen PostgreSQL database connections. Warning: if set to true account
information including unencrypted paswords for automatic connection will be
stored." ""
"Replace Condition" "Austauschbedingungen"
"Replace Text" ""
"Replace first PC with PAN" ""
"Replacement" ""
"Replacements" ""
"Report Unchanged Classes" "Melde unver�nderte Klassen"
"Reports" ""
"Representativeness" "Repr�sentativit�t"
"Representativeness (Grid)" "Repr�sentativit�t (Raster)"
"Resample" ""
"Resampling" "Neuberechnung"
"Resampling Filter" ""
"Resampling method used when projection is needed" ""
"Resampling type to be used, if grid needs to be aligned to coordinate system."
"Rescale Range" "Bereich Massstabs�nderung"
"Rescale Values (0-255)" "Massstabs�nderung Werte (0-255)"
"Rescale to 0 - 1" "Massstabs�nderung von 0 - 1"
"Rescale to 0 - 1.0" "Massstabs�nderung von 0 - 1.0"
"Resection (Terrestrial)" ""
"Reset" ""
"Residual Analysis (Grid)" "R�ckstandsanalyse (Raster)"
"Residual Corrected Regression" ""
"Residual Correction" ""
"Residual Interpolation" ""
"Residual standard error" ""
"Residuals" "R�ckst�nde"
"Resilent propagation (RPROP)" ""
"Resolution" "Aufl�sung"
"Resolution [d]" ""
"Resolution [h]" ""
"Restart SAGA to apply the changes" ""
"Restart now ?" ""
"Restore" ""
"Restore Model from File" ""
"Restricts targeted grid cells to area of the projected bounding rectangle. Useful
with certain projections for global data." ""
"Result" "Ergebnis"
"Result Grid" "Resultierendes Raster"
"Result table" "Ergebnistabelle"
"Result: Scene cloud free" ""
"Result: Scene with clouds" ""
"Resultierendes Raster ueber WasserENTNAHME erstellen" ""
"Resultierendes Raster ueber WasserNUTZUNG erstellen" ""
"Resulting Point Cloud." "Resultierende Punktwolke"
"Resulting Value" "sich ergebender Wert"
"Results" "Ergebnisse"
"Returns resulting grid's no-data value" ""
"Returns the floating point remainder of x/y" ""
"Returns the integer part of floating point value x" ""
"Returns the value of Pi" ""
"Returns true (1), if at least one of both x and y is true (i.e. not 0)" ""
"Returns true (1), if both x and y are true (i.e. not 0)" ""
"Returns true (1), if x equals y, else false (0)" ""
"Returns true (1), if x is greater than y, else false (0)" ""
"Returns true (1), if x is less than y, else false (0)" ""
"Returns x raised to the power of y" ""
"Returns x, if condition c is true (i.e. not 0), else y" ""
"Revert Palette" "Umkehrtabelle"
"Rf" ""
"Rho 8" ""
"Ridge" ""
"Ridge Detection Threshold" ""
"Ridge Level" ""
"Right" "Rechts"
"Right Image" ""
"Right [*]" ""
"Right [Del]" ""
"Right [F4]" "Rechts [F4]"
"Rill/Interrill Erosivity" "Rinnsal/Erosivit�t"
"RivFlow" ""
"RivFlow." ""
"River Heads" "Flussquellen"
"River Mouths" "Flussm�ndungen"
"Rn, number of rain days in timespan [-]" ""
"Road Width" "Strassenbreite"
"Roads" ""
"Roll Left [F4]" ""
"Roll Right[F3]" ""
"Rolling" ""
"Rook" "Saatkr�he"
"Rook's case" "Rook�s Fall"
"Rooke's case" ""
"Roots" "Wurzeln"
"Roots to Humus" "Wurzeln zu Humus"
"Rotate" "Drehen"
"Rotate X" ""
"Rotate Y" ""
"Rotate Z" ""
"Rotation" "Drehung"
"Rotation X" "Drehung X"
"Rotation Y" "Drehung Y"
"Rotation Z" "Drehung Z"
"Rotation angle [Degree]" "Drehwinkel [Grad]"
"Rotation by Attribute" "Drehung durch Attribut"
"Roughness/Smoothness" "Rauhigkeit/Gl�tte"
"Route Soil along Channel Network" ""
"Route soil loss along channel network to outlet" ""
"Routing" "Routenplanung"
"Routing Error" "Routenplanung Fehler"
"Row Order" ""
"Rows" "Reihen"
"Run Once" ""
"Run Tool" "Werkzeug ausf�hren"
"Run-out" ""
"Running Average" "gleitendes Mittel"
"Running Script" ""
"Runoff" "Abfluss"
"S, slope [rad]" ""
"SAGA Colors" "SAGA Farben"
"SAGA Grid Files (*.sgrd)|*.sgrd|All Files|*.*" ""
"SAGA Grids" ""
"SAGA Help" "SAGA Hilfe"
"SAGA Parameter Files" "SAGA Parameter-Datei"
"SAGA Point Cloud Virtual Format (*.spcvf)" ""
"SAGA Point Cloud Virtual Format Tile Info (*.spcvf_tile_info)" ""
"SAGA Point Clouds" "SAGA Punktwolken"
"SAGA Projects" "SAGA Projekte"
"SAGA RGB color" "SAGA RGB Farbe"
"SAGA RGB to R,G,B" ""
"SAGA Tool Chains" ""
"SAGA Tool Libraries" "SAGA Werkzeugbibliotheken"
"SAGA User Group Associaton (c) 2002" ""
"SAGA User Group Associaton (c) 2002-2013" ""
"SAGA User Group Associaton (c) 2002-2014" ""
"SAGA User Group Associaton (c) 2008" ""
"SAGA Wetness Index" "SAGA Feuchtigkeits Index"
"SAGA: Print Map" "SAGA: Karte drucken"
"SAGA\nSystem for Automated Geoscientific Analyses\nVersion 2.0" ""
"SE-NW" ""
"SGBM 3 Way" ""
"SL, estimation of mean soil loss [kg]" ""
"SLOPE" ""
"SLc" ""
"SLs" ""
"SLz" ""
"SPCVF successfully created from %d dataset(s)." ""
"SQL Statement" "SQL Anweisung"
"SQL Statment" "SQL Anweisung"
"SQL execution failed" ""
"SRTM30 DEM Tiles (*.dem)|*.dem|All Files|*.*" "SRTM30 DEM Dateien (*.dem)|*.dem|
Alle Dateien|*.*"
"ST, Percentage rock fragments on the soil surface [%]" ""
"STL Files" "STL Dateien"
"SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics Files (*.svg)" "SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
Datei (*.svg)"
"SVG Interactive Map" "SVG Interaktive Karte"
"SVM" ""
"SVM Classification" ""
"SVM Type" ""
"SVR Epsilon" ""
"Saddle" ""
"Sample Variogram" "Proben Variogramm"
"Sample from training population with or without replacement?" ""
"Sample weights" ""
"Sample with Replacement" ""
"Samples" ""
"Samples in range" "Proben im Bereich"
"Samples per Tree" ""
"Sand" "Sand"
"Sandy Clay" "sandiger Ton"
"Sandy Clay Loam" ""
"Sandy Loam" "sandiger Lehm"
"Sat. lateral permeability" ""
"Satellite Height [m]" ""
"Saturation overland flow [m/dt]" "S�ttigung �berlandstr�mung [m/dt]"
"Saturation zone (WI > 1)" ""
"Save" "Speichern"
"Save As Image" "Als Bild speichern"
"Save Attributes as..." ""
"Save Colors" "Farben speichern"
"Save Configuration" ""
"Save Georeference" "Georeferenzierung speichern"
"Save Georeference (world file)" ""
"Save Grid" "Raster speichern"
"Save Grid Statistics to Table" ""
"Save Grid as Image..." "Raster als Bild speichern..."
"Save Headline" "Speichere Kopfzeile"
"Save History as Model" ""
"Save KML file" ""
"Save LCZC (Filtered) as..." ""
"Save LCZC as..." ""
"Save Map as Image..." "Karte als Bild speichern..."
"Save Map to KMZ" ""
"Save Modified Data" ""
"Save Parameters" "Parameter speichern"
"Save Point" ""
"Save Point Cloud" "Punktwolke speichern"
"Save Project" "Projekt speichern"
"Save Project as..." ""
"Save Settings" "Einstellungen speichern"
"Save Shapes" "Vektoren speichern"
"Save Statistics to File..." ""
"Save TIN" ""
"Save Table" "Tabelle speichern"
"Save Table Header" "Tabellenkopf speichern"
"Save Text" "Text speichern"
"Save Tiles to Disk" ""
"Save To Memory Grid" ""
"Save all" "Alles speichern"
"Save as Image to Workspace" ""
"Save as Image when changed" ""
"Save as Image..." ""
"Save as KMZ..." ""
"Save as Tool Chain" ""
"Save as..." ""
"Save changes?" "�nderungen speichern?"
"Save grid" "Raster speichern"
"Save point cloud" "Punktwolke speichern"
"Save shapes" "Vektoren speichern"
"Save table" "Tabelle speichern"
"Save tiles to disk individually" ""
"Save to Clipboard" ""
"Save to Database..." ""
"Save to File" ""
"Save to File..." ""
"Save to Path" ""
"Save to Script File" ""
"Save to Workspace" ""
"Scalable Vector Graphics Files (*.svg)" "Skalierbare Vector Graphics Dateien
"Scale" "Massstab"
"Scale (Cells)" ""
"Scale 1 : " ""
"Scale Bar" ""
"Scale Factor" "Massstabsfaktor"
"Scale Factor X" "Massstabsfaktor X"
"Scale Factor Y" "Massstabsfaktor Y"
"Scale Factor Z" ""
"Scale Point Size" "Ma�stab Punktgr��e"
"Scale Radius (Cells)" ""
"Scale Range" ""
"Scale X" "Massstab X"
"Scale Y" "Massstab Y"
"Scale Z" "Massstab Z"
"Scale factors" "Massstabsfaktoren"
"Scaling" "Skalieren"
"Scaling Factor" ""
"Scaling Factor for Attribute Value" "Massstabsfaktor f�r Attributwert"
"Scaling Mode" ""
"Scaling factor for perimeter and area (squared). meter to feet = 1 / 0.3048 =
3.2808" ""
"Scaling mode applied to colouring choices (i) grid's standard deviation, (ii)
grid's value range, (iii) specified value range" ""
"Scatterplot" ""
"Score" ""
"Screen" "Bildschirm"
"Search Chip Size (Cells)" ""
"Search Distance" "Suchentfernung"
"Search Distance (Map Units)" "Suchentfernung (Karteneinheiten)"
"Search Distance Increment" "Suchdistanzerh�hung"
"Search Distance [Cells]" ""
"Search Distance [km]" "Suchentfernung [km]"
"Search Mode" "Suche Betriebsart"
"Search Options" "Suchoptionen"
"Search Radius" "Suche Radius"
"Search Range" "Suche Bereich"
"Search Result" ""
"Search Shape" "Vektoren suchen"
"Search chip size set to %d" ""
"Search distance given as number cells." ""
"Search for Projects" ""
"Search for..." "Suche nach..."
"Search radius of kernel in cells." "Suchradius des Kernels in Zellen"
"Search text not found" "Gesuchten Text nicht gefunden"
"Second Class" "Zweite Klasse"
"Second input grid" "Zweites Eingaberaster"
"Secondary Name" "untergeordneter Name"
"Section" "Sektion"
"Sections" "Sektionen"
"Sector" ""
"Sediment Balance" ""
"Sediment Balance Clay" ""
"Sediment Balance Sand" ""
"Sediment Balance Silt" ""
"Sediment Limited [%d], Transport Limited (SL = TC) [%d], Transport Limited (SL =
G) [%d]" ""
"Sediment Yield Delivery Ratio" ""
"Seed Generation" "Keimgenerationen"
"Seed Points" "Saatpunkte"
"Seed Type" ""
"Seed Value" "Keimwert"
"Seeded Region Growing" ""
"Seeds" "Keime"
"Seeds Grid" "Keime Raster"
"Seeds Only" "Keime ausschlie�lich"
"Segment ID" "Segment ID"
"Segmentation" "Segmentierung"
"Segments" "Segmente"
"Select * FROM test" "W�hle * von Test"
"Select All" ""
"Select File" "Datei ausw�hlen"
"Select Format" ""
"Select Grid from List" ""
"Select Look-up Table for Grid Visualization" ""
"Select Points" "W�hle Punkte"
"Select Precipitation Column" "W�hle Niederschlagsspalte"
"Select Shapes from List" ""
"Select Startup Project" ""
"Select Temperature Column" "W�hle Temperaturspalte"
"Select a layer to copy settings from it." ""
"Select a mode of operation" ""
"Select an input table and at least one output feature!" ""
"Select at least one output feature!" ""
"Select by Attributes... (Numerical Expression)" "W�hle durch Attribut...
(Numerischer Ausdruck)"
"Select by Attributes... (String Expression)" "W�hle durch Attribut...
"Select by Location..." "W�hle durch �rtlichkeit..."
"Select by Numerical Expression" ""
"Select by String Expression" ""
"Select class identifier" ""
"Select features (table fields) for classification" ""
"Select file" "W�hle Datei"
"Select from Multiple Bands" ""
"Select from Subdatasets..." "W�hle von Unterdatens�tzen..."
"Select if..." "W�hle wenn..."
"Select operator: eg. min < value < max." "W�hle Operator: z.B. min < Wert < max."
"Select shapes that fulfil this condition" "W�hle Vektoren die diese Bedingung
"Select the Column containing Discharge Values" "W�hle die Spalte die die
Abflusswerte enth�lt"
"Select the Column containing Temperature Values" "W�hle die Spalte die die
Temperaturwerte enth�lt"
"Select the Column containing precipitation Values" "W�hle die Spalte die die
Niederschlagswerte enth�lt"
"Select the column containing inflow data to the subbasin" "W�hle die Spalte die
die Zuflu�werte zu Teilbecken enth�lt"
"Select the column containing the Date" "W�hle die Spalte die das Datum enth�lt"
"Select the column containing the observed streamflow time series" "W�hle die
Spalte die die beobachteten Str�mungs Zeit Serien enth�lt"
"Select the desired method: 1. a single value or a range defined by a single value
is reclassified, 2. a range of values is reclassified, 3. the lookup table is used
to reclassify the grid." "W�hle die gew�nschte Methode: 1. ein einzelner Wert
oder ein durch einen einfachen Wert definierter Bereich wird neu eingeteilt, 2. ein
Bereich von Werten wird neu eingeteilt, 3. die Nachschlagetabelle wird zur
Neueinteilung des Rasters benutzt."
"Select the desired operator (<;.;=; >;.); it is possible to define a range above
or below the old value." "W�hle den gew�nschten Operator (<;.;=; >;.); es ist
auch m�glich einen Bereich �ber oder unter dem alten Wert zu definieren."
"Select the desired operator (min < value < max; min . value < max; min .value .
max; min < value . max)." "W�hle den gew�nschten Operator (min < Wert <max; min
.Wert < max; min .Wert . Max; min < Wert . Max)."
"Select the features that should be used as the OUTPUT features." ""
"Select training areas" ""
"Select training output features" ""
"Selected" ""
"Selection" "Auswahl"
"Selection Color" "Farbauswahl"
"Selection Method" ""
"Semi-Global Block Matching" ""
"Semicolon separated list of band indexes. Do not set to select all bands for
import." ""
"Semimajor Axis (a)" "gro�e Halbachse (a)"
"Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity" "gro�e Halbachse und Exzentrizit�t"
"Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared" "gro�e Halbachse und Exzentrizit�t
"Semimajor Axis and Flattening" "gro�e Halbachse und Abplattung"
"Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening" "gro�e Halbachse und reziproke
"Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis" "gro�e Halbachse und kleine Halbachse"
"Semimajor axis or equatorial radius." "gro�e Halbachse oder
"Semiminor Axis (b)" "kleine Halbachse (b)"
"Semiminor axis or polar radius." "kleine Halbachse oder Polarradius"
"Semivariance" "Semi-Ver�nderungen"
"Sensitivity" ""
"Sensor" ""
"Separate Line/Polygon Points" "Trenne Linien/Polygonpunkte"
"Separate by..." "Separiere durch...."
"Separate points by direction" "Trenne Punkte durch Richtung"
"Separator" "Trennzeichen"
"Separator (other)" "Trennzeichen (andere)"
"Seperate Beruecksichtigung und Berechnung ueber Hauptgerinnerasterzellen - neben
den normalen Gerinnerasterzellen." ""
"September" "September"
"Sequencer" ""
"Sequencer Positions" ""
"Server" "Server"
"Server Connection" ""
"Set Coordinate Reference System" "Setze Koordinaten Referenz System (CRS)"
"Set Custom NoData" ""
"Set Range to Minimum/Maximum" ""
"Set Range to Standard Deviation (1.5)" ""
"Set Range to Standard Deviation (2.0)" ""
"Set \'false\' to execute the calculation for each point in grid. Set \'true\' tu
calculate the flow of one single cell." "Setze \'false\' um die Berechnung f�r
jeden Punkt im Raster durchzuf�hren. Setze \'true\' um die Str�mung f�r eine
einzelne Zelle zu berechnen."
"Set grid extent to grid cells (pixel as area), to grid nodes (pixel as point) or
align to grid system." ""
"Set selected values to no data." ""
"Set true if you want multipart polygons to become separate polygons." "Gebe true
ein wenn mehrteilige Polygone zu seperaten Polygonen werden sollen"
"Settings" "Einstellungen"
"Shade" "Schattierung"
"Shade Brightness" ""
"Shade Brightness [%]" ""
"Shade Transparency [%]" ""
"Shading" "Schummerung"
"Shading Method" "Schattierungsmethode"
"Shadow" ""
"Shadow Angle (Evans & Hungr 1988)" ""
"Shall I activate file caching for new grid." "Soll der Dateipuffer f�r die neuen
Rasterdaten aktiviert werden?"
"Shall execution be stopped?" "Soll die Ausf�hrung gestoppt werden?"
"Shape" ""
"Shape Index" "Vektor Index"
"Shape Layers" ""
"Shape Parameter for Elevation Percentile" "Formparameter f�r H�henperzentil"
"Shape Parameter for Slope" "Formparameter f�r Neigung"
"Shape Type" "Vektortyp"
"Shape Type Manager" "Vektortypverwaltung"
"Shape file could not be opened." "Vektordatei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden."
"Shape type to generate." ""
"Shapefile describing the AOI." ""
"Shapes" "Vektoren"
"Shapes Buffer" "Vektorenpuffer"
"Shapes Extent" "Vektoren Auszug"
"Shapes Layers" "Vektordatens�tze"
"Shapes List" ""
"Shapes Manager" "Vektordatenverwaltung"
"Shapes Report" "Vektorbericht"
"Shapes Summary Report" "Vektordaten �bersichtsbericht"
"Shapes View Settings" ""
"Shapes list" "Liste Vektoren"
"Shapes to Grid" "Vektoren zu Raster umwandeln"
"Shapes to Select From" "auszuw�hlende Vektoren von"
"Shapes to TIN" "Vektoren zu TIN"
"Shapes to project" "abzubildende Vektoren"
"Shapes with Text Replacements" ""
"Shapes|Export" ""
"Shapes|Grid" "Vektoren|Raster"
"Shapes|Import" ""
"Shapes|Lines" "Vektoren|Linien"
"Shapes|Lines|Transects" "Vektoren|Linien|Transekte"
"Shapes|Point Clouds" "Vektoren|Punktwolken"
"Shapes|Points" "Vektoren|Punkte"
"Shapes|Polygons" "Vektoren|Polygone"
"Shapes|Tools" "Vektoren|Werkzeuge"
"Shared Polygon Edges" ""
"Sharpen" "Sch�rfen"
"Sharpened Channels" ""
"Sharpening" ""
"Shear factors" "Abscherungsfaktor"
"Shearing" "Abscherung"
"Shen-Castan" ""
"Shift" ""
"Shift X" ""
"Shift Y" ""
"Shift Z" ""
"Short Dashed" ""
"Short Field Names" "kurze Feldnamen"
"Short Wave Radiation [kW/m2]" "Kurzwellenstrahlung [kW/m�]"
"Short dashed style" "gestrichelt (kurz)"
"Shoulder Hollow" ""
"Shoulder Slope" ""
"Shoulder Spur" ""
"Show" "Zeige"
"Show 3D-View" "Zeige 3D-Blick"
"Show Categories" "Zeige Kategorien"
"Show Cell Values" "Zeige Zellenwerte"
"Show Centroid" ""
"Show Data File Sources" ""
"Show Data Source Window" ""
"Show Edges" ""
"Show Extent" ""
"Show Filled" ""
"Show Horizontal Legend" ""
"Show Layer" "Zeige Ebene"
"Show Legend" "Zeige Legende"
"Show Logo at Start Up" "Anzeige des Logos beim Startvorgang"
"Show Manager Window" ""
"Show Map" "Zeige Karte"
"Show Message Window" "Zeige Nachrichtenfenster"
"Show No-Data" ""
"Show Nodes" "Zeige Knoten"
"Show Object Properties Window" ""
"Show Print Layout" "Zeige Druckvorschau"
"Show Progress" "Zeige Fortschritt"
"Show Regression" ""
"Show Result in Dialog" "Zeige Ergebnis im Dialog"
"Show Scale Bar" ""
"Show Selection" ""
"Show Toolbar" "Zeige Werkzeugleiste"
"Show Vertical Legend" ""
"Show Vertices" ""
"Show a Composite" ""
"Show a confirmation dialog before selection is performed" ""
"Show at all scales" "Zeige bei allen Massst�ben"
"Show data sources tab for file system. Disabling might speed up start-up. Changes
take effect after restart." ""
"Shrink" ""
"Shrink and Expand" ""
"Shrinking" ""
"Sibson" ""
"Side Slope" "Hangkante"
"Sieve and Clump" ""
"Sieved Classes" ""
"Sieving Classes" ""
"Sieving Threshold" ""
"Sigma" ""
"Sigmoid" ""
"Significance Level" ""
"Significance level (aka p-value) as threshold for automated predictor selection,
given as percentage" ""
"Silt" "Schluff"
"Silt Loam" ""
"Silty Clay" "schluffiger Ton"
"Silty Clay Loam" ""
"Similarity" "�hnlichkeiten"
"Similarity Threshold" ""
"Simple" "Einfach"
"Simple Filter" "Einfache Filter"
"Simple Filter (Restricted to Polygons)" ""
"Simple Filter for Multiple Grids" ""
"Simple Kriging" ""
"Simple, flow path and swath profiles." "Einfach, Fliessweg und Bahnprofile"
"Simplified Lines" "vereinfachte Linien"
"Simplify Lines" "Linien vereinfachen"
"Simulaci�n (Viento variable)" "Simulation"
"Simulando..." "Simulieren..."
"Simulate Interflow" ""
"Simulate interflow" ""
"Simulating..." "Simulieren..."
"Simulation" "Simulation"
"Simulation Output" "Simulation Ausgabe"
"Simulation Time" "Simulation Zeit"
"Simulation Time Step [h]" "Simulation Zeitschritte [h]"
"Simulation Time [h]" "Simulation Zeit [h]"
"Simulation Time [kyr]" ""
"Simulation|Cellular Automata" "Simulation|Zellularautomatik"
"Simulation|Ecology|Modelling the Human Impact on Nature" "Simulation|�kologie|
Modellierung des menschlichen Einflusses auf die Natur"
"Simulation|Erosion" ""
"Simulation|Fire Spreading" "Simulation|Feuerausbreitung"
"Simulation|Geomorphology" ""
"Simulation|Hydrology" "Simulation|Hydrologie"
"Simulation|Hydrology|IHACRES" "Simulation|Hydrologie|IHACRES"
"Simulation|Hydrology|RivFlow" ""
"Simulation|Quantitative Modeling of Earth Surface Processes" ""
"Sine" ""
"Single Cell" "Einzelzelle"
"Single Colour" ""
"Single Flow Direction" "Einzelne Flie�richtung"
"Single Storage" "Einzelspeicherung"
"Single Symbol" ""
"Single Value Decomposition (OpenCV)" ""
"Single value" "Einzelner Wert"
"Sink Drainage Route Detection" "Senke Entw�sserungsroutendetektion"
"Sink Filling" ""
"Sink Removal" "Senke Beseitigung"
"Sink Route" "Senke Route"
"Sink Routes" "Senke Routen"
"Sinks" ""
"Sinuosity" "Sinusit�t"
"Sinusoidal" "Sinusf�rmig"
"Size" "Gr��e"
"Size Range" ""
"Size Scaling" ""
"Size by Attribute" "Gr��e durch Attribut"
"Size field" "Feldgr�sse"
"Size given as percentage of map size" ""
"Size of Analysis Window" "Gr��e des Auswertungsfensters"
"Size of processing window (= 1 + 2 * radius) given as number of cells" ""
"Size of smoothing filter" "Gr��e des Gl�ttungsfilters"
"Size relates to..." ""
"Skeleton" "Ger�st"
"Skip" ""
"Skip Lines" ""
"Skip Number" "Auslassungsnummer"
"Skip cells (step value)." "Zellen auslassen (Schrittwert)."
"Skip first line" "Lasse erste Zeile aus"
"Skip first line as it contains column names." "L�st erste Zeile aus wenn sie
Spaltennamen enth�lt."
"Skipping dataset %s because of incompatibility with the first input dataset!"
"Skipping misformatted line" ""
"Sky View Factor" "Himmelsblick Faktor"
"Sky View Factor (Simplified)" "Himmelsblick Faktor (vereinfacht)"
"Sliding" ""
"Slope" "Neigung"
"Slope & On Stop" ""
"Slope Grid Units" ""
"Slope Height" "Neigung H�he"
"Slope Impact Areas" ""
"Slope Index" ""
"Slope Length" "Neigung L�nge"
"Slope Limited Flow Accumulation" ""
"Slope Minimum" ""
"Slope Stability" ""
"Slope Threshold" ""
"Slope Thresholds [Degree]" ""
"Slope Tolerance" ""
"Slope Units" ""
"Slope Weighting" ""
"Slope gradient to left neighbour [%%]" "Neigungsgradient zum linken Nachbarn [%
"Slope gradient to left neighbour [Degree]" "Neigungsgradient zum linken
Nachbarn [Grad]"
"Slope grid, in radians." ""
"Slope impact grid, impact areas encoded with valid values, all other NoData.
Optionally used with the Shadow Angle or the 1-parameter friction model." ""
"Slope of Soil Line" ""
"Slope threshold, given as degree, above which flow transport is unlimited." ""
"Slope tolerance that defines a 'flat' surface (degrees)" ""
"Slope, Aspect, Curvature" ""
"Slopes" ""
"Small Scale" ""
"Smith" ""
"Smooth" "Gl�tten"
"Smoothed Lines" ""
"Smoothing (ViGrA)" ""
"Snap Distance" ""
"Snap Features" ""
"Snap Points to Grid" ""
"Snap Points to Lines" ""
"Snap Points to Points" ""
"Snap to..." ""
"Snow Tool Parameters" ""
"Snow Tool on/off" ""
"Sobel" ""
"Soil" ""
"Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index" ""
"Soil Adjustment Factor" ""
"Soil Analysis" ""
"Soil Moisture" "Bodenfeuchte"
"Soil Moisture Content" "Bodenfeuchte Gehalt"
"Soil Moisture Deficit" "Bodenfeuchte Defizit"
"Soil Moisture Power Eq." "Bodenfeuchte Kraft Eq."
"Soil Nitrogen" "Bodenstickstoff"
"Soil Texture" "Bodentextur"
"Soil Texture Classification" "Bodentextureinteilung"
"Soil Texture Classification for Tables" ""
"Soil Water" ""
"Soil Water Balance" ""
"Soil Water Capacity of Profile" ""
"Soil moisture (at FC)" ""
"Soil moisture index (l)" "Bodenfeuchteindex (l)"
"Soil moisture index (l) [lower bound]" "Bodenfeuchteindex (l) [untere Grenze]"
"Soil moisture index (l) [upper bound]" "Bodenfeuchteindex (l) [obere Grenze]"
"Soil moisture index threshold" "Bodenfeuchteindex Schwellenwert"
"Soil moisture index threshold (l), lower bound" "Bodenfeuchteindex
Schwellenwert (l), untere Grenze"
"Soil moisture index threshold (l), upper bound" "Bodenfeuchteindex
Schwellenwert (l), obere Grenze"
"Soil moisture storage capacity" ""
"Soil parameters" ""
"Soils" ""
"Solar Constant [W / m\xb2]" "Solarkonstante [W / m\xb2]"
"Solar Height" ""
"Solar Position" "Solarposition"
"Solar Radiance" ""
"Solar Radiation" ""
"Solid" ""
"Solid style" "durchgezogen"
"Some Grid Analysis Tools." "Einige Rasterauswertungswerkzeuge"
"Some OGR drivers are unable to determine the geometry type automatically, please
choose the appropriate one in this case" ""
"Sommergerste" "Sommergerste"
"Sort" "Sortieren"
"Sort Fields" ""
"Sort Table" "Tabelle sortieren"
"Sort first by" "Sortiere erst nach.."
"Sort second by" "Sortiere zweitens nach.."
"Sort third by" "Sortiere drittens nach.."
"Sorted Levels" ""
"Sorting Order" ""
"Source" "Quelle"
"Source Coordinate System Error" "Ausgangskoordinate Systemfehler"
"Source Coordinate System Type Error" "Ausgangskoordinate Systemtypfehler"
"Source Datum" "Ausgangsdatum"
"Source Datum Error" "Ausgangsdatumfehler"
"Source Grid" "Ausgangsraster"
"Source Parameter List Initialisation Error" "Ausgangsparameterliste
"Source Parameters" "Ausgangsparameter"
"Source Point(s)" "Ausgangspunkt(e)"
"Source Projection" "Ausgangsprojektion"
"Source Projection Error" "Ausgangsprojektion Fehler"
"Source Projection Parameters" "Ausgangsprojektion Parameter"
"South" "S�d"
"South []" "S�d []"
"South-North" "S�d-Nord"
"Spacecraft Sensor" ""
"Spatial Extent" ""
"Spatial Point Pattern Analysis" "r�umliche Punktmusteranalyse"
"Spatial Reference" ""
"Spatial Reference System Files (*.srs)" "r�umliche Referenzsystem Dateien
"Spatial Reference System: %s" ""
"Spatial and Geostatistics" ""
"Spatial and Geostatistics|Grids" ""
"Spatial and Geostatistics|Kriging" ""
"Spatial and Geostatistics|Points" ""
"Spatial and Geostatistics|Regression" ""
"Spatial and geostatistical analyses of point data." "r�umliche und
geostatistische Analyse von Punktdaten."
"Spatially distributed friction angles [degree]. Optionally used with the Geometric
Gradient, Fahrboeschung's angle or Shadow Angle friction model." ""
"Spatially distributed friction parameter mu [-], optionally used with the 1-
parameter friction model or the PCM Model." ""
"Spatially distributed mass to drag ratio [m], optionally used with the PCM Model."
"Special cases" "Spezielle F�lle"
"Specific Catchment Area" "spezifisches Einzugsgebiet"
"Specific Catchment Area (SCA)" "spezifisches Einzugsgebiet (SCA)"
"Specification" ""
"Specifications" ""
"Specifie options used for the training and test data." ""
"Specifies stratification strategy. Either none, equal amount of class samples, or
proportional to fraction of class samples." ""
"Specifies the fraction of the total number of samples used per tree for learning."
"Specify a threshold value as minimum difference between neighboured segments."
"Benenne einen Schwellenwert als Minimaldifferenz zwischen benachbarten
"Speckle Range" ""
"Speckle Window Size" ""
"Spectral" ""
"Spectral Angle Mapping" "Spektralwinkel-Kartierung"
"Spectral Angle Threshold (Degree)" "Spektralwinkel Schwellenwert (Grad)"
"Spectral Information Divergence" "Spektralinformation Abweichung"
"Speed (m/s)" "Geschwindigkeit (m/s)"
"Speicherordner" ""
"Speicherpfad der dynamischen Wassernutzungsdaten" ""
"Spherical Harmonic Synthesis" ""
"Spline" ""
"Spline Interpolation" ""
"Spline sensitivity, reduce to get smoother results, recommended: 80 < Tolerance <
200" "Splinesensitivit�t, verkleinere f�r glattere Ergebnisse, empfohlen: 80 <
Toleranz < 200"
"Split" ""
"Split Channels" "Trenne Kan�le"
"Split Clusters" ""
"Split Features" ""
"Split Lines at Points" ""
"Split Lines with Lines" ""
"Split Parts" "Trenne Teile"
"Split Polygon Parts" ""
"Split RGB Composite" ""
"Split Shapes Layer" "Trenne Vektorebenen"
"Split Shapes Layer Completely" "Teile Vektorebenen komplett"
"Split Shapes Layer Randomly" "Vektorebene zuf�llig aufteilen"
"Split Table/Shapes by Attribute" "Teile Tabelle/Vektoren durch Attribut"
"Split with Line" ""
"Spring" ""
"Spur" ""
"Square" "Rechteck"
"Square Root" ""
"Squared Correlation Coefficient" ""
"Squared Eccentricity (es)" "quadratische Exzentrit�t"
"Squares" "Quadrate"
"Stability" "Stabilit�t"
"Standard" "Standard"
"Standard (max. 90Degree)" "Standard (max. 90 Grad)"
"Standard Deviation" "Standardabweichung"
"Standard Deviation of Temperature Span" ""
"Standard Distance" "Standard Entfernung"
"Standard Longitude" ""
"Standard Parallel" "Standard Parallel"
"Standard Score" "Standard Punkte"
"Standard deviation" "Standardabweichung"
"Standard deviation of daily temperature span of frost change days." ""
"Standard deviation of the Gaussian filter [-]." ""
"Standard kernel 3" "Standard Kernel 3"
"Standardisation" "Standardisation"
"Standardised Grid" "Standardisiertes Raster"
"Standardize" ""
"Standardized Height" "Standarisierte H�he"
"Start Size" ""
"Start Value" "Startwert"
"Start Values" "Startwerte"
"Start [ka]" ""
"Starting flood fill..." "Beginne Flutf�llung"
"Startup Project" ""
"State t" ""
"State t + 1" ""
"Static table" ""
"Statistics" "Statistik"
"Statistics Field(s)" ""
"Statistics for Grids" "Statistik f�r Raster"
"Std.Dev." "Standardabweichung"
"StdDev" ""
"Steepened escarpment" ""
"Steepest gradient (first version)" "steilster Gradient (erste Version)"
"Steepest gradient (second version)" "steilster Gradient (zweite Version)"
"Stems" "Halme"
"Stems to Litter" "Halme zu Abfall"
"Step" "Schritt"
"Step 1: low-pass of stripe" "Schritt 1: Tiefpass von Streifen"
"Step 2: low-pass between stripe and its surruondings" "Schritt 2: Tiefpass
zwischen Streifen und ihrer Umgebung"
"Step [ka]" ""
"Steps" ""
"Steps to Next" ""
"Stepwidth" "Schrittweite"
"Stereo Anaglyph" ""
"Stereo Eye Distance [Degree]" "Stereo Augendistanz [Grad]"
"Stereo Match (OpenCV)" ""
"Stereographic" "Stereographisch"
"Stop [ka]" ""
"Stop at Edge" ""
"Stop on Error" "Halt bei Fehler"
"Stopping Positions" ""
"Stopping positions, showing cells in which the run-out length has been reached
[count]." ""
"Storage" "Speicherung"
"Storage Configuration" "Speicherungs Konfiguration"
"Store Model to File" ""
"Strahler Order" "Strahler Ordnung"
"Strahler order to begin a channel." ""
"Stratification" ""
"Stream Order" ""
"Stream Power Index" "Str�mungsenergie Index"
"Streamflow (obs.) Column" "Str�mungsenergie (obs.) Spalte"
"Streamflow Column" "Str�mungsenergie Spalte"
"Streams" ""
"Strength of the momentum term (the difference between weights on the 2 previous
iterations). This parameter provides some inertia to smooth the random fluctuations
of the weights. It can vary from 0 (the feature is disabled) to 1 and beyond. The
value 0.1 or so is good enough." ""
"Strength of the weight gradient term. The recommended value is about 0.1." ""
"Stretch Factor" "Dehnungsfaktor"
"Stretch to Value Range" ""
"Strings in Quota" "Zeichenkettenanteil"
"Stripes distance" "Streifen Entfernung"
"Style" "Stil"
"Subbasin " "Teilbecken"
"Subbasin Flow Distance" "Teilbecken Flie�entfernung"
"Subbasin Inflow" "Teilbecken Zufluss"
"Subbasins" "Teilbecken"
"Subdued escarpment" ""
"Subsurface flow [m/dt]" "unterirdische Str�mung [m/dt]"
"Subtitle" "Untertitel"
"Subtract Volumes Below Base Level" "Ziehe Volumen unterhalb der Basislinie ab"
"Subtraction" "Subtraktion"
"Success" ""
"Successfully trained the network and predicted the values. Here comes the output."
"Successive Flow Routing" ""
"Suction" ""
"Sudoku" ""
"Sum" "Sum"
"Sum Average" ""
"Sum Entropy" ""
"Sum Variance" ""
"Sum of percentages" "Summe der Prozente"
"Summary" "Zusammenfassung"
"Summary Table" "tabellarische Zusammenfassung"
"Summary table." "tabellarische Zusammenfassung."
"Summary:\n" "Zusammenfassung:\n"
"Summary_" "Zusammenfassung_"
"Sun's height above horizon in degree" ""
"Sunrise" "Sonnenaufgang"
"Sunrise and Sunset" ""
"Suns's Height" ""
"Sunset" "Sonnenuntergang"
"Supervised Classification for Grids" ""
"Supervised Classification for Shapes" ""
"Supervised Classification for Tables" ""
"Support Vector Machine" ""
"Support Vector Machine Classification (OpenCV)" ""
"Surface" "Oberfl�che"
"Surface Approximation Threshold" ""
"Surface Area" ""
"Surface Specific Points" "Oberfl�che spezifische Punkte"
"Surface and Gradient" ""
"Surface hydraulic conductivity [m/h]" "Oberfl�che hydraulische Durchl�ssigkeit
"Surface roughness" ""
"Surface used to derive the LDD network, e.g. a DTM." ""
"Surface, Gradient and Concentration" ""
"Surfer Blanking Files (*.bln)" ""
"Surfer Blanking Files (*.bln)|*.bln|All Files|*.*" "Surfer Blanking Dateien
(*.bln)|*.bln|Alle Dateien|*.*"
"Surfer Grid" ""
"Surfer's No Data Value" "Surfer NoData-Werte"
"Swath Profile" "Schneisenprofile"
"Swath Width" "Schneisenbreite"
"Swath width measured in map units." "Schneisenbreite gemessen in
"Sweep Angle" ""
"Switch from MFD8 to D8 if linear flow threshold is crossed." ""
"Switch to Linear Flow" ""
"Symbol Image" ""
"Symbol Type" ""
"Symbolic Image" ""
"Symmetrical Difference" ""
"Synchronise Map Extents" ""
"Synchronize Map Extents" ""
"Synchronize with look-up table classification of another grid (gui only)." ""
"Synthesized Grid" ""
"T Curvature" "T Kurvatur"
"T Slope" "T Neigung"
"T Vertical Distance to Channel Network" "T Vertikale Entfernung zum Gew�ssernetz"
"T, mean temperature [degree C]" ""
"TCI Low" ""
"TCc" ""
"TCz" ""
"TFAC(" ""
"TIFF files (*.tif)" "TIFF Dateien (*.tif)"
"TIN Centroids" "TIN Schwerpunkte"
"TIN Edges" "TIN Kanten"
"TIN Manager" "TIN Manager"
"TIN Triangles" "TIN Dreiecke"
"TIN View Settings" ""
"TIN Viewer" "TIN Betrachter"
"TIN Viewer Settings" "TIN Betrachter Einstellungen"
"TIN Voronoi" "TIN Voronoi-Diagramm"
"TIN creation failed" ""
"TIN list" ""
"TIN to Shapes" "TIN zu Vektoren"
"TIN viewer." "TIN Betrachter."
"TIN_Gradient" "TIN_Gradient"
"TINs" "TINs"
"TMP Column: Subbasin: " "TMP Spalte: Teilbecken:"
"TOBIA" ""
"TOPMODEL - Simulation Output" "TOPMODEL - Simulation Ausgabe"
"TPI Based Landform Classification" ""
"TYPE" "Typ"
"T_MELT(" "T_Schmelz("
"T_RAIN(" "T_Regen("
"Table" "Tabelle"
"Table (with Trend)" "Tabelle (mit Trend)"
"Table / Shapes" "Tabelle / Vektoren"
"Table Deletion" "Tabelle Streichung"
"Table Description" "Beschreibung Tabelle"
"Table Field Calculator" ""
"Table Formats (*.txt, *.dbf, *.csv" ""
"Table Manager" "Tabelle Manager"
"Table Name" "Tabelle Name"
"Table field" ""
"Table fields" ""
"Table from SQL Query" "Tabelle aus SQL Abfrage"
"Table list" "Liste Tabellen"
"Table with Text Replacements" ""
"Table with coordinates." "Tabelle mit Koordinaten."
"Table with features, must include class-ID" ""
"Table without Gaps" ""
"Tables" "Tabellen"
"Tables using MySQL native driver" ""
"Table|Calculus" "Tabelle|Rechner"
"Table|Tools" "Tabelle|Werkzeuge"
"Tagged Image File Format" "Tagged Image Dateiformat"
"Tagged Image File Format (*.tif, *.tiff)" "Tagged Image Dateiformat (*.tif,
"Take Formula" "Benutze Formel"
"Tangent" ""
"Tangential Curvature" ""
"Target" "Ziel"
"Target Area" "Zielbereich"
"Target Areas" "Zielbereiche"
"Target Cellsize" "Ziel Zellgr��e"
"Target Coordinate System Error" "Ziel Koordinatensystemfehler"
"Target Coordinate System Type Error" "Ziel Koordinatensystemtypfehler"
"Target Datum" "Ziel Datum"
"Target Datum Error" "Ziel Datumsfehler"
"Target Extent" ""
"Target Grid" "Ziel Raster"
"Target Grid System" ""
"Target Grid Type" "Ziel Rastertyp"
"Target Map" ""
"Target Parameter List Initialisation Error" "Ziel Parameterlisten
"Target Parameters" "Ziel Parameter"
"Target Projection" "Ziel Projektion"
"Target Projection Error" "Ziel Projektionsfehler"
"Target Projection Parameters" "Ziel Projektionsparameter"
"Target Range" "Zielbereich"
"Target System" ""
"Target X coordinate" ""
"Target Y coordinate" ""
"Tasseled Cap Transformation" ""
"Temperature" ""
"Temperature (2pm) [DegreeC]" "Temperatur (14.00 Uhr) [GradCelsius]"
"Temperature Annual Range" ""
"Temperature Column" "Temperatur Spalte"
"Temperature Gradient [Deg.Celsius/km]" "Temperatur Gradient [Grad.Celsius/km]"
"Temperature K1" ""
"Temperature K2" ""
"Temperature Modulation Factor (f)" "Temperatur Modulationsfaktor (f)"
"Temperature Modulation Factor f" "Temperatur Modulationsfaktor f"
"Temperature Seasonality" ""
"Temperature Threshold for Melting" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r Schmelzen"
"Temperature Threshold for Melting (lower bound)" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r
Schmelzen (untere Grenze)"
"Temperature Threshold for Melting (upper bound)" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r
Schmelzen (obere Grenze)"
"Temperature Threshold for Rainfall" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r Regenf�lle"
"Temperature Threshold for Rainfall (lower bound)" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r
Regenf�lle (untere Grenze)"
"Temperature Threshold for Rainfall (upper bound)" "Temperatur Schwellenwert f�r
Regenf�lle (obere Grenze)"
"Temperature at Reference Station [Deg.Celsius]" "Temperatur an
Referenzstation [Grad.Celsius]"
"Temperature at Sea Level" ""
"Temporary files" "tempor�re Dateien"
"Tension Threshold" "Spannungsschwellenwert"
"Tension Threshold [Percentage of Cell Size]" ""
"Termination criteria for regression trees. If all absolute differences between an
estimated value in a node and values of train samples in this node are less than
this parameter then the node will not be split further." ""
"Termination criteria of the training algorithm. You can specify how much the error
could change between the iterations to make the algorithm continue (epsilon)."
"Termination criteria of the training algorithm. You can specify the maximum number
of iterations." ""
"Terrain" ""
"Terrain Analysis" "Reliefanalyse"
"Terrain Analysis: Compound Analyses.\nThis library depends on the following SAGA
tool libraries:\n- ta_channels\n- ta_flow\n- ta_indices\n- ta_lighting\n-
ta_morphometry\n- ta_preproc\n" ""
"Terrain Analysis|Channels" "Reliefanalyse|Gew�ssernetz"
"Terrain Analysis|Hydrology" "Reliefanalyse|Hydrologie"
"Terrain Analysis|Lighting" "Reliefanalyse|Beleuchtung"
"Terrain Analysis|Morphometry" "Reliefanalyse|Morphometrie"
"Terrain Analysis|Preprocessing" "Reliefanalyse|Pr�prozessierung"
"Terrain Analysis|Profiles" "Reliefanalyse|Profile"
"Terrain Analysis|Slope Stability" ""
"Terrain Classification" ""
"Terrain Clustering" ""
"Terrain Map View" ""
"Terrain Path Cross Sections" "Relief Pfad Querprofile"
"Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)" "Relief Rauheitsindex (TRI)"
"Terrain Surface Classification (Iwahashi and Pike)" ""
"Terrain Surface Convexity" ""
"Terrain Surface Texture" ""
"Terrain View Factor" "Relief Sichtfaktor"
"Terrain parameters" ""
"Test- und Monitoring-Routinen" ""
"TestRoutine 1" ""
"Testroutine1 durchfuehren... " ""
"Text" "Text"
"Text File" "Textdatei"
"Text Files" "Textdateien"
"Text Files (*.txt)" "Textdateien (*.txt)"
"Text Replacements" ""
"Text Table (*.txt)" "Text Tabelle (*.txt)"
"Text files (*.txt)" "Textdateien (*.txt)"
"Textdatei (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files|*.*" ""
"Textdatei|*.txt|All Files|*.*" ""
"Textural Features" ""
"Texture" "Textur"
"Texture Threshold" ""
"The (constant) friction parameter mu [-] used with the 1-parameter friction model
or the PCM Model." ""
"The (constant) mass to drag ratio [m] used with the PCM Model." ""
"The (numeric) fields to calculate the statistics for." ""
"The GDAL dataset to be created." ""
"The GDAL datatype of the created dataset." ""
"The GDAL raster format (driver) to be used." ""
"The GeoTIFF File to be created." ""
"The GeoTRANS engine could not be initialized !!\n\n" "Das GeoTRANS-Modul konnte
nicht initialisiert werden!!\n\n "
"The LAS output file." "Die LAS-Ausgabedatei. "
"The SAGA grids to be exported." ""
"The absolute vertical distance to the boundary layer." ""
"The angle between the surface and the incoming light beams, measured in radians."
"Der Winkel zwischen der Oberfl�che und ankommenden Lichtstrahlen, gemessen
in radiant."
"The areas used to train the neural network." ""
"The attribute field to grid. Field numbers start with 1, so elevation is attribute
field 3." ""
"The attribute field to use as constraint. Field numbers start with 1." ""
"The attribute field with the x-coordinate." ""
"The attribute field with the y-coordinate." ""
"The attribute field with the z-coordinate." ""
"The attribute field(s) to drop." ""
"The attribute fields to cluster" ""
"The attribute fields to convert, optional." ""
"The attribute with the class IDs, used to link the table and the grid." ""
"The base name of the tiles" ""
"The buffer distance must be greater than or equal to the cell size!" ""
"The calculated statistics." ""
"The calculated terrain slope [radians]." ""
"The class field used to classify the shape. All classes will be vectorized."
"The clipped grid." ""
"The column holding the X-coordinate." "Die Spalte, die die X-Koordinate
"The column holding the Y-coordinate." "Die Spalte, die die Y-Koordinate
"The column holding the Z-coordinate." "Die Spalte, die die Z-Koordinate
"The converted shapefile." ""
"The cutted output point cloud dataset(s)." ""
"The datatype to use for each field, separated by semicolon, e.g. \"2;2;3;\". The
number equals the choice selection, see GUI version." ""
"The decimal precision to use for each field, separated by semicolon,
e.g. \"2;2;2;0\"" ""
"The delay after the start of rainfall, before the discharge starts to rise."
"Die Verz�gerung zwischen dem Beginn des Regenfalls, bevor der Abfluss zu
steigen beginnt."
"The difference of positive and negative openness." ""
"The distance between two samples." ""
"The energy reduction [%] on slope impact with the 1-parameter friction model."
"The exponent [-] is controlling the amount of lateral spreading in case the local
slope is in between zero and the slope threshold." ""
"The field with B values (0-255)" ""
"The field with G values (0-255)" ""
"The field with R values (0-255)" ""
"The field with SAGA RGB values" ""
"The file to write the Calculation Results to." ""
"The file to write the point cloud to." ""
"The final symbolic image" ""
"The first DTM used to assign height information to grid 1"""
"The first grid to correlate" ""
"The flow depth used to calculate the actual flow velocity [m] (e.g. 0.005
unchannelled flow, 0.01 shallow rills, 0.25 deeper rills." ""
"The full path and name of the .spcvf file" ""
"The full path and name of the spcvf tile info file describing the point cloud
tiles without overlap" ""
"The full path to which the output(s) should be written. Leave empty to output the
datasets as grid list." ""
"The full path to which the output(s) should be written. Leave empty to output the
datasets as point cloud list." ""
"The full path to which the point cloud tiles without overlap should be written."
"The generated contour lines." ""
"The grid coded with the class IDs." ""
"The grid to clip." ""
"The grid to filter." "zu filterndes Raster."
"The grid to modify." ""
"The grids geo-reference must be related either to the center or the corner of its
lower left grid cell." "Die Georeferenz des Rasters muss entweder mit dem Zentrum
oder der Ecke ihrer unteren linken Rasterzelle verbunden sein."
"The improved SIA model requires more than one smoothing iteration!" ""
"The index (starting with 1) of the fields to import, separated by semicolon,
e.g. \"5;6;8\"" ""
"The initial velocity [m/s] used with the PCM Model." ""
"The input line shapefile to smooth." ""
"The input point cloud files to use" ""
"The input shapes list." ""
"The input table" ""
"The input table." ""
"The inverse selection is not implemented for input shapefiles with more than one
polygon!" "Die invertierte Auswahl ist nicht f�r die Eingabe von Vektordateien
mit mehr als einem Polygon geeignet!"
"The kernel radius in cells." ""
"The kernel radius in map units." ""
"The larger the value, the smoother the disparity. Parameter 1 is the penalty on
the disparity change by plus or minus 1 between neighbor pixels. The algorithm
requires Parameter 2 > Parameter 1." ""
"The larger the value, the smoother the disparity. Parameter 2 is the penalty on
the disparity change by more than 1 between neighbor pixels. The algorithm requires
Parameter 2 > Parameter 1." ""
"The length of the Gaussian window is too small, please provide a larger sigma."
"The linear size of the blocks compared by the algorithm. Larger block size implies
smoother, though less accurate disparity map. Smaller block size gives more
detailed disparity map, but there is higher chance for algorithm to find a wrong
correspondence." ""
"The list index of the shapefile to pick. Indices start at zero." ""
"The majority threshold [percent]." ""
"The maximum possible depth of the tree. That is the training algorithms attempts
to split a node while its depth is less than maxDepth. The root node has zero
depth." ""
"The maximum search radius [map units]. This value is ignored if set to zero."
"The merged point cloud." ""
"The method used to identify surface specific points." "Die Methode die zum
Identifizieren spezifischer Oberfl�chenpunkte benutzt wird."
"The minimum path length which has to be reached before material deposition is
enabled [m]." ""
"The minimum slope angle [degree] between start cell and current cell for modeling
free fall with the Shadow Angle or the 1-parameter friction model." ""
"The minimum slope to preserve on sink filling [degree]." ""
"The name to use for each field, separated by semicolon,
e.g. \"intensity;class;range\"" ""
"The number of days to model." ""
"The number of days with frost change." ""
"The number of model runs from each start cell [-]." ""
"The number of smoothing iterations [-]." ""
"The number of supplied grids exceeds the number of variables in formula." ""
"The number of supplied grids is less than the number of variables in formula."
"The number of weak classifiers." ""
"The numbers (starting from 1) of the fields to export, separated by semicolon,
e.g. \"1;2;3;5\"" ""
"The output grid(s)" ""
"The output grids, one grid for each table column." ""
"The output point cloud" ""
"The output point cloud(s)" ""
"The output point cloud." ""
"The output table" ""
"The parameter controls the position of relative height maxima as a function of
slope." ""
"The percentage of available material (per run) initially deposited at the stopping
position [%]." ""
"The percentage of available material (per run) which is deposited at most (slope
or velocity equal zero) [%]." ""
"The point cloud to export." "Die zu exportierende Punktwolke."
"The radius in map units" ""
"The rank [percent]." ""
"The resulting grid gives the altitude above the channel network in the same units
as the elevation data." "Das resultierende Raster gibt die H�he �ber dem
Gew�ssernetz in den gleichen Einheiten wie die H�hendaten aus."
"The resulting table inherits its field structure from the first table in this
list." ""
"The second DTM used to assign height information to grid 2" ""
"The second grid to correlate" ""
"The shaded DTM." ""
"The shape of the filter kernel." ""
"The shapefile picked from the shapes list." ""
"The shapefile to convert." ""
"The shapefile to use for clipping." ""
"The size of the randomly selected subset of features at each tree node and that
are used to find the best split(s). If you set it to 0 then the size will be set to
the square root of the total number of features." ""
"The slope angle below which the deposition of material is starting [degree]."
"The smoothed output line shapefile." ""
"The smoothing preservation factor [-]." ""
"The standard deviation as percentage of the kernel radius, determines the degree
of smoothing." ""
"The standard deviation, expressed as a percentage of the radius." ""
"The start value to use for the identifier." ""
"The table with the (numeric) data values for each class. The tool creates a grid
for each table column (besides the ID)." ""
"The terrain exaggeration factor allows one to increase the shading contrasts in
flat areas." ""
"The transmittance of the atmosphere, usually between 60 and 80 percent." "Der
Durchl�ssigkeitswert der Atmosph�re, gew�hnlich zwischen 60 und 80 Prozent."
"The transparency of the shade [%]" ""
"The unobstructed hemisphere given as percentage." "Die unversperrte Hemisph�re
beschrieben in Prozent."
"The value for the option '%s' must be specified." ""
"The value to apply." ""
"The values in the specified radius is used in the average calculation only if its
difference with the central value is lesser or equal to this threshold." "Die
Werte in dem spezifizierten Radius werden f�r die Berechnung des Durchschnitts nur
benutzt wenn ihre Differenz zu dem zentralen Wert kleiner oder gleich des
Schwellenwertes sind."
"The values of the resultant grid can be either the seed value (e.g. the local
maximum) or the enumerated segment id." "Die Werte des resultierenden Rasters
k�nnen entweder der Ausgangswert (z.B. lokales Maximum) oder die ausgez�hlte
Segment ID sein."
"The values of this grid are checked against the linear flow threshold to decide on
the flow-routing algorithm." ""
"The velocity below which the deposition of material is starting [m/s]." ""
"The x-coordinate of the target point in world coordinates [map units]" ""
"The y-coordinate of the target point in world coordinates [map units]" ""
"Theme" "Thema"
"Theme Field" "Thema Feld"
"There are less predictor variables then dependent ones." ""
"There is no grid to request." "Es ist kein Raster zur Abfrage ausgew�hlt."
"There was a problem printing.\nPerhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"
"Thermal" ""
"Thermal Belts" ""
"Thermic Belt Classification" ""
"These are the probabilities for the winner classes given by the neural network."
"These are the winner class vectors." ""
"Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index" "Thiams umgewandelter Vegetationsindex"
"Thiessen Polygons" ""
"Thin Plate Spline" ""
"Thin Plate Spline (TIN)" "Thin Plate Spline (TIN)"
"Thin Plate Spline: solving matrix" "Thin Plate Spline: L�sungsmatrix"
"Thinned Points" "Ausged�nnte Punkte"
"This Color" ""
"This grid indicates the cells you want calculate the average." "Dieses Raster
zeigt die Zellen an mit denen der Durchschnitt berechnet wird."
"This grid is used to select cells." "Dieses Raster wird benutzt um Zellen
"This is field that will have the prediction results. If not set it will be added
to the table." ""
"This is the alpha parameter value for the sigmoid function." ""
"This is the beta parameter value for the sigmoid function." ""
"This is the horizontal component of the overland flow" "Dieses ist die
horizontale Komponente der �berlandstr�mung"
"This is the vertical component of the overland flow" "Dieses ist die vertikale
Komponente der �berlandstr�mung"
"This library contains tools for the simulation of geomorphological processes."
"This must be your input data of type grid." "Dieses m�ssen Deine Eingabedaten
des Typs Rasterdaten sein."
"This must be your input data of type shapes." "Dieses m�ssen Deine Eingabedaten
des Typs Vektordaten sein."
"This option does not apply to simple point layers." "Diese Option kann nicht mit
einfachen Punktebenen verwendet werden."
"This optional grid output contains the interpolated channel network base level
elevations." "Diese optionale Rasterdatenausgabe enth�lt die interpolierte
Gew�ssernetzwerk Ausgangsh�he."
"This section contains all parameters used by the RPROP algorithm." ""
"This section contains all parameters used by the backpropagation algorithm."
"This shapes layer will contain the resulting channel network in vector format
(lines)." "Diese Vektorebene enth�lt das resultierende Gew�ssernetz im
Vektorformat (Linien)."
"This table supplies average travel times through a cell (in seconds) for each land
cover type" ""
"This will contain your output data of type grid." "Dieses wird Deine
Ausgabedaten vom Typ Rasterdaten enthalten."
"This will contain your output data of type shapes." "Dieses wird Deine
Ausgabedaten vom Typ Vektordaten enthalten."
"Threshold" "Schwellenwert"
"Threshold (Grid Units)" "Schwellenwert (Rastereinheiten)"
"Threshold (Init.)" "Schwellenwert (Init.)"
"Threshold Angle Free Fall" ""
"Threshold Buffer" "Schwellenwert Puffer"
"Threshold Error" "Schwellenwertfehler"
"Threshold Grid" "Schwellenwert Raster"
"Threshold Height" "Schwellenwert H�he"
"Threshold Linear Flow" ""
"Threshold Temperature" ""
"Threshold Type" "Schwellenwert Typ"
"Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Lowness)" "Schwellenwert f�r Erh�hung
Perzentile (Niedrigkeit)"
"Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Upness)" "Schwellenwert f�r Erh�hung
Perzentile (H�henwert)"
"Threshold for Peucker & Douglas Algorithm" "Schwellenwert f�r Peiker & Douglas
"Threshold for automatic mode [MB]" "Schwellenwert f�r automatischen Betrieb [MB]"
"Threshold for different route" "Schwellenwert f�r unterschiedliche Routen"
"Threshold for linear flow, if exceeded D8 is used." ""
"Threshold for plane" "Schwellenwert f�r Ebene"
"Threshold temperature (C) that constrains the growing season." ""
"Thresholded Linear Flow" ""
"Thresholds" "Schwellenwert"
"Thumbnail Size" "Miniaturbildgr��e"
"Thumbnails" "Miniaturbilder"
"Tiempo" ""
"Tiempo de inicio (min)" ""
"Tiempo de simulacion (min)" ""
"Tile Horizontally" ""
"Tile Info File" ""
"Tile Size (X)" "Kachelgr��e (X)"
"Tile Size (Y)" "Kachelgr��e (Y)"
"Tile Size Definition" "Kachelgr��e Definition"
"Tile Vertically" ""
"Tilename" ""
"Tiles" "Kacheln"
"Tileshape" ""
"Tileshape_%s" ""
"Tiling" "Kacheln"
"Tilt" "Verkantet"
"Time" "Zeit"
"Time Delay (Rain-Runoff)" "Zeitverz�gerung (Regenabfluss)"
"Time Delay after Start of Rainfall (INTEGER)" "Zeitverz�gerung nach dem Start des
Regenniederschlags (GANZZAHL)"
"Time Field" ""
"Time Interval [a]" "Zeitintervall [a]"
"Time Out [min]" ""
"Time Out(h)" "Unterbrechung (h)"
"Time Period" "Zeit Periode"
"Time Range" "Zeit Bereich"
"Time Span" "Zeitspanne"
"Time Span Aggregation" ""
"Time Span [a]" "Zeitspanne [a]"
"Time Span [h]" "Zeitspanne [h]"
"Time Stamp without date" "Zeitstempel ohne Datum"
"Time Step" ""
"Time Step [h]" "Zeitschritt [h]"
"Time Step [kyr]" ""
"Time [a]" "Zeit [a]"
"Time interval is to large for a stable solution." "Das Zeitintervall ist zu
gro� f�r eine sichere L�sung."
"Time of Concentration [min]" ""
"Time of Concentration [min] used to estimate flow speed." ""
"Time span used for the calculation of daily radiation sums." "Zeitspanne die
f�r die Berechnung der t�glichen Strahlungssummen benutzt wird."
"Time step exceeds duration" ""
"Time step size for a day's calculation given in hours." "Zeitschrittgr��e f�r
eine Tagesberechnung gegeben in Stunden."
"Time step size for a range of days calculation given in days." "Zeitschrittgr��e
f�r eine Berechnung eines Bereichs von Tagen gegeben in Tagen."
"Timespan (days)" ""
"Tip of the Day..." "Tip des Tages.."
"Tissot's Indicatrix" ""
"Title" ""
"To" ""
"Tolerance" "Toleranz"
"Tolerance (Degree)" "Toleranz (Grad)"
"Tolerance [Degree]" "Toleranz [Grad]"
"Tool" "Werkzeug"
"Tool Bar Button Size" ""
"Tool Chain" ""
"Tool Chain with Header" ""
"Tool Chains" ""
"Tool Description Source" "Quelle f�r Werkzeugbeschreibung"
"Tool Execution" "Werkzeugausf�hrung"
"Tool Libraries" "Werkzeugbibliotheken"
"Tool Library" "Werkzeugbibliothek"
"Tool Manager" "Werkzeugverwaltung"
"Tool Set" ""
"Tool Set Colors" ""
"Tool bar button sizes. You need to restart SAGA to apply the changes." ""
"Tool execution failed" "Werkzeugausf�hrung schlug fehl"
"Tool execution succeeded" "Werkzeugausf�hrung war erfolgreich"
"Tools" "Werkzeuge"
"Tools for (grid based) digital terrain analysis." "Werkzeuge f�r
(rasterbasierte) digitale Reliefanalysen."
"Tools for GPS data handling." ""
"Tools for Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) processing." "Werkzeuge f�r die
Berechnung dreieckiger irregul�rer Netzwerke (TIN). "
"Tools for digital terrain analysis." "Werkzeuge f�r digitale Reliefanalyse."
"Tools for lines." "Werkzeuge f�r Linien"
"Tools for point clouds." "Werkzeuge f�r Punktwolken"
"Tools for polygons." "Werkzeuge f�r Polygone"
"Tools for regression analyses." "Werkzeuge f�r die Regressionsanalyse"
"Tools for spatial and geostatistical analyses." "Werkzeuge f�r raumbezogene
und Geostatistik"
"Tools for table based analyses and calculations." ""
"Tools for the creation and manipulation of tables." ""
"Tools for the georeferencing of spatial data." "Werkzeuge f�r die
"Tools for the gridding of points and other vector data." "Werkzeuge f�r das
Rastern von Punkten und anderen Vektordaten"
"Tools for the handling of virtual datasets." "Werkzeuge f�r die Handhabung
virtueller Datens�tze"
"Tools for the import and export of ASPRS LAS files." "Werkzeuge f�r den Import und
Export von ASPRS LAS Dateien."
"Tools for the import and export of DXF files." "Werkzeuge f�r den Import und
Export von DXF Dateien."
"Tools for the import and export of gridded data." "Werkzeuge f�r den Import und
Export gerasterter Daten."
"Tools for the import and export of tables." "Werkzeuge f�r den Import und
Export von Tabellen."
"Tools for the import and export of vector data." "Werkzeuge f�r den Import und
Export von Vektordaten."
"Tools for the manipulation of gridded data." "Werkzeuge f�r die Manipulation
gerasterter Daten."
"Tools for the manipulation of point vector data." "Werkzeuge f�r die
Ver�nderung von Punktvektordaten"
"Tools for the manipulation of vector data." "Werkzeuge f�r die Ver�nderung von
"Tools for the preprocessing of digital terrain models." "Werkzeuge f�r die
Vorbearbeitung digitaler Gel�ndemodelle."
"Tools for weather and climate data." "Werkzeuge f�r Wetter- und Klimadaten."
"Tools related to gridded and vector data (conversions, combinations, etc.)."
"Werkzeuge f�r gerasterte und Vektordaten (Kombinationen etc.)"
"Top" "Oben"
"Top Soil Water Capacity" ""
"Top of Atmosphere Reflectance" ""
"Top to Bottom" "Von Oben bis Unten"
"Topographic Correction" "topographische Korrektur"
"Topographic Indices" ""
"Topographic Openness" ""
"Topographic Position Index" ""
"Topographic Position Index (TPI)" ""
"Topographic Wetness Index" "topographischer Feuchtigkeitsindex"
"Topographic Wetness Index (One Step)" ""
"Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)" ""
"Topography" ""
"Topograpic Wetness Index Calculation" ""
"Total" "Gesamt"
"Total Catchment Area" ""
"Total Catchment Area (TCA)" "Gesamteinzugsbereich (TCA)"
"Total Catchment Area [km2]" "Gesamteinzugsbereich [km�]"
"Total Curvature" ""
"Total Insolation" "Gesamt Sonneneinstrahlung"
"Total Kinetic Energy" ""
"Total area is zero or minimum elevation is equal or lower than maximum elevation!"
"Total flow (in watershed) [m^3/dt]" ""
"Total flow [m/dt]" "Gesamtstr�mung [m/dt]"
"Total memory size" "Gesamte Speichergr��e"
"Total number of points: %s" ""
"Total number of referenced datasets: %d" ""
"Total soil water capacity (mm H2O)." ""
"Tracing: Convergence" "�berwachung: �bereinstimmung (Konvergenz)"
"Tracing: Max. Divergence" "�berwachung: max. Abweichung (Divergenz)"
"Tracing: Stop after x cells with divergent flow" "�berwachung: Anhalten nach x
Zellen mit abweichender Flie�richtung"
"Tracing: Weight" "�berwachung: Gewichtung"
"Track" ""
"Train INPUT" ""
"Training" ""
"Training Areas" "Trainingsgebiete"
"Training Classes" ""
"Training Method" ""
"Training Options" ""
"Training method" ""
"Transactions" "Transaktionen"
"Transect through polygon shapefile" "Transekte durch die Polygonvektorebene"
"Transects" ""
"Transfer Coefficients" "Transfer Koeffizient"
"Transform Point Cloud" "Wandle Punktwolken um"
"Transform Shapes" "Vektordaten umwandeln"
"Transformation" "Transformation"
"Transformed" "Umgewandelt"
"Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991)" ""
"Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989)" ""
"Transformed Vegetation Index" "Umgewandelter Vegetationsindex"
"Transition" ""
"Transitional" "vor�bergehend"
"Translation" "Verschiebung"
"Translation X" "Verschiebung X"
"Translation Y" "Verschiebung Y"
"Translation Z" "Verschiebung Z"
"Translation: X" "Verschiebung: X"
"Translation: Y" "Verschiebung: Y"
"Transmissivity" "Transmissivit�t"
"Transparency [%]" "Transparenz [%]"
"Transparent" ""
"Transpiration Resistance" ""
"Transport Capacity Clay" ""
"Transport Capacity Sand" ""
"Transport Capacity Silt" ""
"Transport Condition Clay" ""
"Transport Condition Sand" ""
"Transport Condition Silt" ""
"Transpose Grids" ""
"Transpose Table" ""
"Transposed Grids" ""
"Transversal radius" "Transversal Radius"
"Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area" "Transvers Zylindrisch fl�chentreu"
"Transverse Mercator" "Transvers Merkator"
"Travel Time" ""
"Travel Time Analysis" ""
"Travel Time Calculation" ""
"Travel Time Zones Classification" ""
"Travel Times" ""
"Tree" "Baum"
"Tree Count" ""
"Tree Growth" ""
"Tree Growth Season" ""
"Tree Line" ""
"Tree Line Height" ""
"Trend" "Trend"
"Trend Analysis" ""
"Trend Analysis (Shapes)" ""
"Trend Surface" "Trend Oberfl�che"
"Triangles" "Dreiecke"
"Triangulation" "Triangulation"
"True Latitude 1" ""
"True Latitude 2" ""
"True Scale Latitude" "wahrer Massstab Breitengrad"
"Truncate Pruned Trees" ""
"Truncation value for the prefiltered image pixels." ""
"Truncation value for the prefiltered image pixels. The algorithm first computes x-
derivative at each pixel and clips its value by [-preFilterCap, preFilterCap]
interval. The result values are passed to the Birchfield-Tomasi pixel cost
function." ""
"TwFAC(" ""
"Two Parallel Storages" "Zwei parallele Speicherungen"
"Two Storages in Series" "Zwei Speicher in Serie"
"Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!!" "Zwei Speicher in Serie!!!
noch nicht implementiert!!!"
"Type" "Typ"
"Type in a value that shall be used for the chosen mathematical operation." "Gebe
einen Wert ein der f�r die gew�hlte mathematische Operation benutzt werden soll"
"Type of Area" ""
"Type of Output" "Typ der Ausgabe"
"Type of Quality Measure" "Typ des Qualit�tsmassstabs"
"Type of Slope" ""
"Type of distance calculation" "Typ der Entfernungsberechnung"
"Type of smoothing" "Typ der Gl�ttung"
"Type=\"%s\"" ""
"U-shaped Valleys" ""
"USGS SRTM Grids (*.hgt)|*.hgt|All Files|*.*" "USGS SRTM Raster (*.hgt)|*.hgt|
Alle Dateien|*.*"
"UTM North" ""
"UTM South" ""
"Unable to connect to server." "Keine Verbindung zum Server."
"Unable to create filtered mask grid!" ""
"Unable to create grid for the eroded image!" ""
"Unable to get capabilities." ""
"Unable to get map." ""
"Unable to open LAS file!" "LAS Datei kann nicht ge�ffnet werden!"
"Unable to open input file!" "Eingabedatei kann nicht ge�ffnet werden!"
"Unable to open output file %s!" ""
"Unable to read points from LAS file!" "Kann keine Punkte von LAS Datei lesen!"
"Unable to save %s file!" ""
"Unable to save file %s!" ""
"Unclassified" "Unklassifiziert"
"Uncond. stable" ""
"Uncond. unstable" ""
"Undefined" "Undefiniert"
"Undefined Coordinate System" "undefiniertes Koordinatensystem"
"Undefined or binary attribute field types are not supported!" ""
"Underdip slope" ""
"Undetermined" "unbestimmt"
"Uniform" "einheitlich"
"Union" "Verbindung"
"Unique" "eindeutig"
"Uniqueness Ratio" ""
"Unit" "Einheit"
"Unit Name" "Einheitenname"
"Units" "Einheiten"
"Units for output radiation values." "Einheiten f�r die Ausgabe der
"Units of Direction" ""
"Universal Kriging" "Universal Kriging"
"Universal Transvers Mercator (UTM)" "Universal Transversal Merkator (UTM)"
"Unknown" "Unbekannt"
"Unknown Authority Code" ""
"Unknown Error" "Unbekannter Fehler"
"Unknown LAS header exception!" ""
"Unknown LAS reader exception!" ""
"Unreferenced Grids" ""
"Unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit [h]" "Unges�ttigte Zone
Zeitverz�gerung pro Einheit Speicherdefizit [h]"
"Unsorted tool chains" ""
"Unsplit" ""
"Unsupervised" ""
"Up" ""
"Up [-]" ""
"Up [Home]" ""
"Up/Down" "Auf/Ab"
"Update" "Aktualisiere"
"Update Colors from Features" ""
"Update Data" ""
"Update Raster SRID" ""
"Update Shapes SRID" ""
"Update View" "Aktualisiere Ansicht"
"Update Views" "Aktualisiere Ansicht"
"Update the network weights" ""
"Update values lower limit" ""
"Update values upper limit" ""
"Update view during simulation." "Aktualisiere Darstellung w�hrend der
"Upland Drainages" ""
"Upland Drainages, Headwaters" ""
"Upper" ""
"Upper Alpine" ""
"Upper Montane" ""
"Upper Slopes" ""
"Upper Slopes, Mesas" ""
"Upper Tolerance" "Obere Toleranz"
"Upper Value Update Limit" ""
"Upscaling Method" ""
"Upslope Area" "Ansteigende Fl�che"
"Upslope Basins" "ansteigende Becken"
"Upslope Curvature" ""
"Upslope Flow Width" ""
"Upslope Height" ""
"Upslope Height, Slope, Aspect" ""
"Upslope Length Factor" ""
"Upslope Slope" ""
"Upslope Weighting" ""
"Upslope and Downslope Curvature" ""
"Urban" ""
"Use 1SE Rule" ""
"Use 5 percent confidence interval" "Nutze 5 Prozent Vertrauensintervall"
"Use Confidence Interval" "Nutze Vertrauensintervall"
"Use Flow Threshold" ""
"Use Guam elliptical" ""
"Use Label as Identifier" ""
"Use Multiple Cores" ""
"Use NoData" ""
"Use Offset" "Nutze Versatz"
"Use Pyramids" "Benutze Pyramiden"
"Use Surfer's No-Data Value" "Benutze Surfers No-Data Werte"
"Use Surrogates" ""
"Use Target Area Polygon" "Benutze Zielfl�chenpolygon"
"Use Z-Range" "Benutze Z-Bereich"
"Use a user-specified elevation range instead of min/max of the input dataset"
"Use old style namings (e.g. 'modules' instead of 'tools'). Ignored if translation
file is used. You need to restart SAGA to apply the changes." ""
"Use only features selected by the minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR)
algorithm" ""
"Use only seed cells as starting points." "Benutze nur Keimzellen als Startpunkte."
"Use sky view factor based on local slope (after Oke 1988), if no sky viev factor
grid is given." "Benutze Himmelsblickfaktor basierend auf lokaler neigung (nach
Oke 1988), wenn kein Himmelsblickraster gegeben ist. "
"Use the first three features in list to obtain blue, green, red components for
class colour in look-up table." ""
"Use the stipple bitmap" "Benutze die verschattete Bitmap"
"Use the user dashes" "Benutze den benutzerdefinierten Strich"
"Use this option to reclassify No-Data values independently of the method
settings." "Nutze diese Option um No-Data-Werte unabh�ngig von der Methodenauswahl
neu zu berechnen."
"Use this option to reclassify all other values that are not specified in the
options above." "Nutze diese Option um alle anderen Werte die nicht in den
obengenannten Optionen ausgew�hlt wurden neu zu berechnen."
"Use training area labels as identifier in classification result, assumes all label
values are integer numbers!" ""
"Use x -Values" "Benutze x -Werte"
"User" "Benutzer"
"User Defined" "Benutzerdefiniert"
"User Defined Datum" "Benutzerdefiniertes Datum"
"User Defined Extent" "Benutzdefinierter Auszug"
"User Defined Filter" "Benutzerdefinierter Filter"
"User Defined No Data Value" "Benutzerdefinierte NoData-Werte"
"User Defined No-Data Value" ""
"User Defined NoData Value" "Benutzerdefinierte NoData-Werte"
"User Defined Polynomial" "Benutzerdefiniertes Polynomial"
"User Defined Size" "Benutzdefinierte Gr��e"
"User Name" "Benutzername"
"User defined NoData value for output grid." ""
"User defined Orientation" "Benutzerdefinierte Orientierung"
"User defined Zero Direction" "Benutzerdefinierte Nullrichtung"
"User defined range" "Benutzerdefinierter Bereich"
"User defined rank" "Benutzerdefinierte Reihe"
"User defined rescale" "Benutzerdefinierte Massstabs�nderung"
"User defined tool menus" ""
"User defined tool menus." ""
"User specified elevation range" ""
"Username" "Benutzername"
"Using temperature data?" "Nutzung der Temperaturdaten?"
"Using the snow-melt module?" "Nutzung des Schneeschmelzmoduls?"
"V / GR" ""
"V / V" ""
"V / X" ""
"V. Olaya, V. Wichmann (c) 2004-2015" ""
"V. Wichmann (c) 2013" ""
"V. Wichmann, M. Setiawan (c) 2009-2012" ""
"V.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011" ""
"V.Olaya (c) 2004, V.Wichmann (c) 2015" ""
"VAR" ""
"Valley Depth" "Taltiefe"
"Valley Index" ""
"Valley Radius" ""
"Valley and Ridge Detection (Top Hat Approach)" ""
"Valleys" ""
"Value" "Wert"
"Value (Maximum)" "Wert (Maximum)"
"Value Aggregation" "Werte Aggregation"
"Value Count" "Werte z�hlen"
"Value Grid" "Wert Raster"
"Value Interpretation" ""
"Value Maximum" ""
"Value Minimum" ""
"Value Preparation" "Wertaufbereitung"
"Value Range" "Wertebereich"
"Value Type" ""
"Value as RGB" ""
"Value as RGB Code" "Wert als RGB Code"
"Value in Grid 1" "Wert in Raster 1"
"Value in Grid 2" "Wert in Raster 2"
"Value of Majority" ""
"Value of Target Function" "Wert der Zielfunktion"
"Value of right cells in the Mask Grid" "Werte der rechten Zellen im
"Value range" ""
"Value to be replaced" "zu ersetzender Wert"
"Value to reclassify." "neu zu berechnender Wert"
"Value which is assigned to the dummy grid." "Wert der Attrappenraster
zugeordnet ist"
"Values" "Werte"
"Van der Grinten" "Van der Grinten"
"Var.cum." ""
"Variable" ""
"Variance" "Streuung"
"Variance (version 1)" "Varianz (Version 1)"
"Variance (version 2)" "Varianz (Version 2)"
"Variance Radius" "Varianz Radius"
"Variance in Feature Space" "Varianz im Merkmal Raum"
"Variance in Position Space" "Varianz in Position Raum"
"Variogram" "Variogramm"
"Variogram (Dialog)" ""
"Variogram Cloud" "Variogramm Wolke"
"Variogram Model" "Variogramm Modell"
"Variogram Settings" "Einstellungen Variogramm"
"Variogram Surface" "Variogramm Oberfl�che"
"Various Authors" "Verschiedene Autoren"
"Various authors." "verschiedene Autoren"
"Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)" "Vektor Rauheitsmass"
"Vector Terrain Ruggedness (VRM)" "Vektor Terrain Rauigkeit (VRM)"
"Vectorised class as..." "Vektorisierte Klasse als.."
"Vectorising Grid Classes" "Rasterklassen vektorisieren"
"Vectorization" ""
"Vegetation" ""
"Vegetation Index (Distance Based)" "Vegetationsindex (Entfernungsbasiert)"
"Vegetation Index (Slope Based)" ""
"Vegetation Indices" "Vegetationsindex"
"Vegetation parameters" "Parameter Vegetation"
"Velocidad del viento" ""
"Velocidad del viento (km/h)" ""
"Velocity & On Stop" ""
"Velocity Threshold" ""
"Verbose" ""
"Verbose Messages" ""
"Verbose Output" ""
"Version" "Version"
"Vertex Distance [Degree]" "Scheitelpunktentfernung [Grad]"
"Vertex Type" ""
"Vertex Updating" ""
"Vertical" "Vertikal"
"Vertical (drainage) flux [m/dt]" "Vertikaler (Drainage) Fluss [m/dt]"
"Vertical Align" ""
"Vertical Distance" "Vertikale Entfernung"
"Vertical Distance to Channel Network" "Vertikale Entfernung zum Gew�ssernetz"
"Vertical Interpolation Method" "Vertikale Interpolationsmethode"
"Vertical Offset" ""
"Vertical Overland Flow Distance" "Vertikale �berlandflie�entfernung"
"Vertical Range" "Vertikaler Bereich"
"Vertical Scaling" ""
"Vertical hatch" "vertikale Schraffur"
"Vertical scaling factor" ""
"Vertically" ""
"Vertices" ""
"Vertikale Zufluesse" ""
"ViGrA" ""
"Victor Olaya (c) 2004" ""
"Victor Olaya (c) 2005" ""
"View Distance" "Blickentfernung"
"Virtual" ""
"Visibility" "Sichtbarkeit"
"Visibility (points)" "Sichtbarkeit (Punkte)"
"Visibility (single point)" "Sichtbarkeit (einzelner Punkt)"
"Visible Sky" "Sichtbarer Himmel"
"Visualization" ""
"Visualization tools for grids." ""
"Visualization|3D Viewer" ""
"Visualization|Grid" ""
"Vol. +" ""
"Vol. -" ""
"Volker Wichmann (c) 2010, LASERDATA GmbH" ""
"Volker Wichmann (c) 2010-213, LASERDATA GmbH" ""
"Volker Wichmann (c) 2012, LASERDATA GmbH" ""
"Volker Wichmann (c) 2013, LASERDATA GmbH" ""
"Volume: %f" "Volumen: %f"
"Volumes" "Volumina"
"Votes" ""
"W" ""
"WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because of incompatibilities!" ""
"WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because they are empty!" ""
"WARNING: %d invalid points skipped!" "WARNUNG: %te ung�ltige Punkte
"WARNING: particle %zu of release area %d terminated in interation %d in order to
prevent endless loop!" ""
"WARNING: particle of release area %d terminated in sink filling procedure in order
to prevent endless loop!" ""
"WARNING: selected attribute is not numeric; generating unique identifiers
instead." "Warnung: das ausgew�hlte Attribut ist nicht numerisch; erzeuge
stattdessen eindeutige Identifizierer."
"WARNING: skipping non-numeric field '%s'!" ""
"WARNING: smoothing sensitivity is greater than the number of iterations!" ""
"WARNING: unable to smooth line because Gaussian window too large (number of line
vertices too small or sigma too big)." ""
"WASP Map Files (*.map)" "WASP Map Datei (*.map)"
"WAsP - Homepage" ""
"WKT Files (*.wkt)" "WKT Dateien (*.wkt)"
"WKT Import" ""
"WKT String" ""
"WKT: %s" ""
"WMS Import" "WMS Import"
"WMS Map" "WMS Karte"
"WUse Einheit" ""
"W_up" ""
"Wa-Tor" ""
"Waehlen ob TestRoutine 1 durchgefuehrt werden soll... 1) nur fuer
Teileinzugsgebiet der HG-Rasterzelle oder 2) fuer das Flusseinzugsgebiet bis zum
Erreichen der HG-Rasterzelle." ""
"Warm Cloud" ""
"Warning" ""
"Warning: there are more predictor variables then dependent ones, surplus will be
ignored." ""
"Warping Shapes" ""
"Water" "Wasser"
"Water Content [cm]" "Wassergehalt [cm]"
"Water Retention Capacity" "Wasserretentionskapazit�t"
"Water Vapour Pressure [mbar]" "Wasserdampfdruck [mbar]"
"Water content change across the wetting front" "Wassergehalts�nderung �ber die
"Water content of a vertical slice of atmosphere in cm: 1.5 to 1.7, average=1.68"
"Wassergehalt einer vertikalen Scheibe Atmosph�re in cm: 1,5 bis 1,7,
"Watershed Basins" "Wassereinzugsgebiete"
"Watershed Basins (Extended)" "Wassereinzugsgebiete (erweitert)"
"Watershed Segmentation" "Wassereinzugsgebietteile"
"Watershed Segmentation (ViGrA)" ""
"Weak Count" ""
"Weather Records" "Wetterdaten"
"Web Service Data Access" ""
"Weight" "Gewichtung"
"Weight Gradient Term" ""
"Weight Trim Rate" ""
"Weight for grid " "Gewichtung f�r Raster"
"Weight gradient term" ""
"Weighted" "Gewichtet"
"Weighting" "Gewichtung"
"Weighting Function" ""
"Weighting Neighbors" "Gewichtete Nachbarn"
"Weights" "Massen"
"Well Known Text File" "Well Known Text Datei"
"Well Known Text Format (*.wkt)" ""
"Well Known Text file error" ""
"West" "West"
"West []" "West[]"
"West-East" "West/Ost"
"Wetness" ""
"Wetness decline time constant (Tw)" "Feuchtigkeitsabnahme konstante Zeit
"Wetting front suction [m]" "Wasseraufnahmefront [m]"
"Where" "Wo"
"Wherry 1" ""
"Wherry 2" ""
"Width" "Breite"
"Width (Cells)" "Breite (Zellen)"
"Width given as percentage of map size" ""
"Width of gradient filter" "Breite des Gradientenfilters"
"Wind Direction" "Windrichtung"
"Wind Direction (degrees clockwise from north)" "Windrichtung (Grad im
Uhrzeigersinn aus Nord)"
"Wind Direction Units" "Windrichtung Einheiten"
"Wind Effect" "Windeffekt"
"Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index)" "Windeffekt (Windw�rts / Leew�rts Index)"
"Wind Effect Correction" ""
"Wind Exposition" ""
"Wind Exposition Index" ""
"Wind Speed" "Windgeschwindigkeit"
"Wind Speed (m/s)" "Windgeschwindigkeit (m/s)"
"Wind direction (degrees clockwise from north)" "Windrichtung (Grad im
Uhrzeigersinn aus Norden)"
"Wind speed (m/s)" "Windgeschwindigkeit (m/s)"
"Window" "Fenster"
"Windows or OS/2 Bitmap" "Windows oder OS/2 Bitmap"
"Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (*.bmp)" "Windows oder OS/2 Rasterdaten (*.bmp)"
"Windward Factor" ""
"Winner Takes All" "Der Gewinner bekommt alles"
"Wintergerste" "Wintergerste"
"Winterraps" "Winterraps"
"Winterroggen" "Winterroggen"
"Winterweizen" "Winterweizen"
"Wire Frame Color" "Drahtrahmenfarbe"
"Wischmeier & Smith 1978" ""
"Wombling (Edge Detection)" ""
"Wombling for Multiple Features (Edge Detection)" ""
"Wood Fuel Moisture" "Holzfeuchte"
"Workspace" ""
"World File" ""
"World File from Flight and Camera Settings" ""
"Write Field Names" "Schreibe Feldnamen"
"Write Header" "Schreibe Kopf"
"Write all calculated Time Series in a table?" "Schreibe alle berechneten
Zeitserien in eine Tabelle?"
"Write column names." "Schreibe Spaltennamen."
"Write one point cloud dataset for each polygon" ""
"Writing dataset failed." ""
"X" "X"
"X / GR" ""
"X / V" ""
"X / X" ""
"X Axis" "X Achse"
"X Component" "X Komponente"
"X Coordinates" "X Koordinate"
"X Grid 1" ""
"X Offset" ""
"X Position" "X Position"
"X Range" "X Bereich"
"X Values" "X Werte"
"X World" ""
"X is Column ..." "X ist Spalte ..."
"X, Y" ""
"X, Y, Z" ""
"X, Y, Z, M" ""
"X-Coordinate" "X-Koordinate"
"X-Extent" "X-Abmessung"
"X-Range" "X-Bereich"
"X-Rotation" "x-Rotation"
"X11 Pixel Map" "X11 Pixelkarte"
"XML Files" ""
"XML Files (*.xml)" ""
"XMax: %.6f" ""
"XMin: %.6f" ""
"XYZ Files (*.xyz)" "XYZ Dateien (*.xyz)"
"XYZ files (*.xyz)" "XYZ Dateien (*.xyz)"
"Y" ""
"Y = a * X^b (power)" ""
"Y = a + b * X (linear)" "Y = a + b * X (linear)"
"Y = a + b * ln(X) (logarithmic)" "Y = a + b *ln(X) (logarithmisch)"
"Y = a + b / X" ""
"Y = a / (b - X)" ""
"Y = a e^(b * X) (exponential)" "Y = ae^(b * X) (exponentiell)"
"Y Axis" "Y Achse"
"Y Component" "Y Komponente"
"Y Coordinates" "Y Koordinate"
"Y Grid 1" ""
"Y Offset" ""
"Y Position" ""
"Y Range" "Y Bereich"
"Y Values" "Y Werte"
"Y World" ""
"Y is Column ..." "Y ist Spalte..."
"Y-Coordinate" "Y-Koordinate"
"Y-Extent" "Y-Abmessung"
"Y-Range" "Y-Bereich"
"Y-Rotation" "Y-Rotation"
"YMax: %.6f" ""
"YMin: %.6f" ""
"Year" "Jahr"
"Year [ka]" "Jahr [ka]"
"Yoshimasa Tsuruoka" ""
"You can specify the number of layers in the network (including input and output
layer)." ""
"You can specify the number of layers in the network (not including input and
output layer)." ""
"You can specify the number of neurons in each layer of the network." ""
"You canceled printing" "Druck abgebrochen"
"You must specify a reclass table with a minimium (field 1), a maximum (field 2)
and a code value (field 3)!\n" "Du musst eine Neueinteilungstabelle mit
Minimum (Feld 1), Maximum (Feld 2) und Kodewert (Feld 3) ausw�hlen!\n"
"You must specify a reclass table with a minimium of one record!\n" "Du musst
eine Neueinteilungstabelle mit mindestens einem Datensatz ausw�hlen!\n"
"You must specify at least one attribute to drop!" ""
"You need to specify a operation control grid as input!\n" ""
"Z" "Z"
"Z Attribute" "Z Attribute"
"Z Axis" "Z-Achse"
"Z Multiplier" ""
"Z Value" "Z Wert"
"Z Values" "Z Werte"
"Z is Column ..." "Z ist Spalte..."
"Z-Offset" ""
"Z-Range" "Z-Bereich"
"Z-Rotation" "Z-Rotation"
"Z-Scale" ""
"ZMax" ""
"ZMax: %.6f" ""
"ZMin" ""
"ZMin: %.6f" ""
"Zenith" ""
"Zero" "Null"
"Zero as No-Data" ""
"Zevenbergen & Thorne" ""
"Zevenbergen & Thorne (1987) refer to this as plan curvature" ""
"Zevenbergen & Thorne (1987) refer to this as profile curvature" ""
"Zonal Multiple Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grids)" ""
"Zonal Statistics" "Zonale Statistik"
"Zone" "Zone"
"Zone Grid" "Zonenraster"
"Zones" ""
"Zoom" ""
"Zoom To Active Layer" "Zoome zur aktiven Ebene"
"Zoom To Extent" ""
"Zoom To Full Extent" "Zoome zur vollen Ausdehnung"
"Zoom To Next Extent" "Zoome zur n�chsten Ausdehnung"
"Zoom To Previous Extent" "Zoome zur vorherigen Ausdehnung"
"Zoom To Selection" "Zoome zur Auswahl"
"Zoom View" "Zoomblick"
"Zoom to Added Layer" ""
"Zoom to added layer" "Zoome zur hinzugef�gten Ebene"
"Zsoft Paintbrush" ""
"Zsoft Paintbrush (*.pcx)" ""
"Zuckerrueben" "Zuckerrueben"
"[ERR] Could not save PDF file." "PDF-Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden."
"[FLD] Index Layer" "Index Schicht"
"[FLD] SVG File" "SVG Datei"
"[MSG] Save as Interactive SVG" "Speichere als interaktive SVG"
"[deprecated] Neural Networks (OpenCV)" ""
"[deprecated] Point Cloud Viewer" ""
"[deprecated] TIN Viewer" ""
"[not set]|" "[nichts ausgew�hlt]|"
"\n** Error : Invalid parameters **\n" "\n**Fehler : Ung�ltige Parameter **\n"
"\nNumber of Clusters" "\nAnzahl der Gruppen"
"\nNumber of Variables" "\nAnzahl der Variablen"
"\nRMS of Residuals (stdfit):\t%f\n" "\nQuadratwurzel der Reste (stdfit):\t
"\nValue of Target Function" "\nWert der Zielfunktion"
"\n\n ** Error : Could not close PDF engine ** \n\n" "\n\n **Fehler: Konnte PDF-
Modul nicht beenden **\n\n"
"\n\n ** Error : Could not save PDF file ** \n\n" "\n\n **Fehler: Konnte PDF-
Datei nicht speichern **\n\n"
"a * b" ""
"a + b * (1 - exp(-(x / c)^2))" ""
"a + b * (1 - exp(-x / c))" ""
"a + b - a * b" ""
"a + b / x" ""
"a double number of the discretization threshold; set to 0 to make binarization"
"a(q)" ""
"a(q) [lower bound]" "a(q) [untere Grenze]"
"a(q) [upper bound]" "a(q) [obere Grenze]"
"a(s)" "a(s)"
"a(s) [lower bound]" "a(s) [untere Grenze]"
"a(s) [upper bound]" "a(s) [obere Grenze]"
"abort export" "breche Export ab"
"absolute" "absolut"
"absolute catchment area" ""
"access violation" "Fehlerhafter Speicherzugriff"
"accucapacityflux / state" ""
"accuflux" ""
"accufractionflux / state" ""
"accuthresholdflux / state" ""
"accutriggerflux / state" ""
"add" ""
"add buffer (map units) to extent" ""
"add to current selection" "f�ge zu gegenw�rtiger Auswahl hinzu"
"added" ""
"adjusted" ""
"after" "nach"
"aggregated" ""
"align grid to coordinate system" ""
"align to grid system" ""
"all" ""
"all attributes" "alle Attribute"
"all classes" "alle Klassen"
"all directions" "alle Richtungen"
"all entities" "alle Instanzen"
"all lines" "alle Linien"
"all points within search distance" "alle Punkte innerhalb der Suchentfernung"
"all quadrants" "alle Quadranten"
"all shapes" "Alle Vektoren"
"all sides" ""
"already in transaction" ""
"alternating scale bar" ""
"alternative" ""
"always ask what to do" ""
"analyzing" ""
"angle calculation is only available when exact two features are compared" ""
"another grid" "andere Rasterdaten"
"append records, if table structure allows" "H�nge Datens�tze an, wenn die
Tabellenstruktur dieses erlaubt"
"appending to existing table" "an bestehende Tabelle anh�ngen"
"apply coordinate transformation if appropriate" ""
"apply linear flow routing (D8) to all cells, having a flow accumulation greater
than the specified threshold" ""
"approximating points..." "Punkte angleichend?"
"are completely within" "sind vollkommen innerhalb"
"are in the specified directory.\n" "sind in der vorgegebenen Richtung.\n"
"area" "Fl�che"
"arrow" "Pfeil"
"arrow (centered to cell)" "Pfeil (mittig zur Zelle)"
"ascending" "aufsteigend"
"aspect 1" ""
"aspect 2" ""
"aspect 3" ""
"at least two contents (sand, silt, clay) have to be given""mindestens zwei
Inhaltsstoffe (Sand, Schluff, Ton) m�ssen angegeben werden"
"at position" "an Position"
"attribute" "Attribute"
"attribute contains search expression" "Attribute enthalten Suchausdruck"
"attribute is contained in search expression" "Attribut ist im Suchausdruck
"attribute is identical with search expression" "Attribut ist identisch mit dem
"attribute specifying road's type with regard to travel time" ""
"attribute to be searched; if not set all attributes will be searched" "zu
durchsuchende Attribute; wenn nichts eingetragen wird, werden alle Attribute
"attribute to become interpolated" ""
"attributes" ""
"attributes inherited by parent lines layers" ""
"attributes inherited to intersection result" ""
"attributes must be more than 1" ""
"author " "Autor"
"automatically" ""
"average" "Durchschnitt"
"average distance that a cell's accumulated flow travelled"""
"average size of the area covered by each category that occurs within search area"
"average value" ""
"avoids precision problems when source and target crs use different geodedtic
datums." ""
"b(q)" "b(q)"
"b(q) [lower bound]" "b(q) [untere Grenze]"
"b(q) [upper bound]" "b(q) [obere Grenze]"
"back propagation" ""
"backward" "r�ckw�rts"
"band transformation" ""
"band width search" ""
"band width smoothing" ""
"bar" "Balken"
"bar (not outlined)" "Balken (nicht umrandet)"
"basic SIA model" ""
"before" "vor"
"before tool execution check failed" ""
"begin transaction command failed" ""
"between cells" ""
"bi-linear saddle" "bilinearer Sattel"
"bilinear" ""
"binary" "bin�r"
"bit" "Bit"
"black > blue" "schwarz > blau"
"black > green" "schwarz > gr�n"
"black > red" "schwarz > rot"
"black hat" ""
"blend boundary" ""
"blending distance given in map units" ""
"blue channel color" "Blauer Farbkanal"
"both" ""
"bottom" "Unten"
"bottom / left" "unten / links"
"bottom left" "unten links"
"bottom right" "unten rechts"
"bottom up" ""
"bottom-left" ""
"bottom-right" ""
"bounding box for clipping" ""
"bright - dark" "hell - dunkel"
"brute force" ""
"built-in" "eingebaut"
"by area size" ""
"by number of cells" ""
"c, Percentage clays [%]" "c, Prozentanteil Tage [%]"
"c-support vector classification" ""
"cache memory size in MB" ""
"calculate averages" "berechne Durchschnitt"
"calculate from grid system" ""
"calculate gradient magnitude" "berechne Gradient der Magnitude"
"calculate gradients" "berechne Gradienten"
"calculating class areas" ""
"calculating splines..." "Splines berechnend?"
"calculating variance" ""
"calibrate" ""
"cartesian" "kartesisch"
"catchment area and slope..." ""
"catchment length (square root of catchment area)" ""
"catchment slope" ""
"catchment specific parameter for sediment delivery ratio calculation" ""
"categorical" ""
"cell" "Zelle"
"cell area" "Zellfl�che"
"cell center" ""
"cell size of target grid" ""
"cell size to bottom-top extent" ""
"cell size to left-right extent" ""
"cell wise" ""
"cell's value" ""
"cells" "Zellen"
"cells in process" ""
"cellsize and lower left cell coordinates" ""
"cellsize and upper left cell coordinates" ""
"center" "zentriert"
"center cell's aspect direction" "zentrale Zelle Bezugsrichtung"
"centered" ""
"central" "zentral"
"change" "Wechsel"
"check for building parts failed" ""
"check this in case parameter 'water' is absolute water level" "�berpr�fe dieses
f�r den Fall dass der Parameter `Wasser`der absolute Wasserpegel ist"
"check this in case seed cells are coded with absolute water level" "�berpr�fe
dieses wenn die Keimzellen mit dem absoluten Wasserpegel kodiert sind "
"checked" ""
"choose vertex type for resulting contours" ""
"circle" "Kreis"
"circle in rhombus" "Kreis in Rhombus"
"circle in square" "Kreis in Quadrat"
"circle in triangle (down)" "Kreis in Dreieck (Spitze abw�rts)"
"circle in triangle (up)" "Kreis in Dreieck (Spitze aufw�rts)"
"circle with rhombus" "Kreis mit Rhombus"
"circle with square" "Kreis mit Quadrat"
"circle with triangle (down)" "Kreis mit Dreieck (Spitze abw�rts)"
"circle with triangle (up)" "Kreis mit Dreieck (Spitze aufw�rts)"
"class identification" "Klassen Identifikation"
"classification" "Klassifikation"
"clay content given as percentage" "Tongehalt gegeben in Prozentanteilen"
"clean inner rings" ""
"clip extent does not match extent of input grids" ""
"clip extent does not match grid's extent" ""
"clip features" ""
"clipped" ""
"clockwise" "im Uhrzeigersinn"
"closing" "Schlie�en"
"coef0" ""
"coef0 in kernel function" ""
"collecting background data" ""
"collecting presence data" ""
"color" "Farbe"
"colors" "Farben"
"columns" "Spalten"
"comma" "Komma"
"comma (,)" "Komma (,)"
"command execution failed" ""
"commit" "�bergeben"
"commit transaction command failed" ""
"complete input times near points matrix" ""
"completely contain" "vollst�ndig enthalten"
"completely contained" "vollkommen umschlossen"
"concavity" ""
"confirm" "Best�tige"
"confirm with options" "Best�tige mit Optionen"
"constant" ""
"constant direction into the wind blows, given as degree" ""
"constant histogram stretch for all time steps" ""
"constant lapse rate in degree of temperature per 100 meter. used if no lapse rate
grid is specified." ""
"constant latitude" ""
"contain the centeroid of" "enth�lt den Schwerpunkt von "
"continue" "fortsetzen"
"continuous" ""
"conventional eight-neihbourhood" ""
"conventional four-neighbourhood" ""
"convexity" ""
"coordinates (offset, range, cell size, tile size)" "Koordinaten (Verschiebung,
Bereich, Zellgr��e, Kachelgr��e)"
"copying" "kopieren"
"copying polygons" ""
"corner" "Ecke"
"corrected" ""
"correlation matrix" "Korrelationsmatrix"
"corrupted file header" "besch�digter Dateikopf"
"corrupted record header" "besch�digter Datensatzkopf"
"corrupted shapefile." "besch�digte Vektordatei."
"could allocate memory for scaled grid" ""
"could not access raster table" ""
"could not access table" ""
"could not add save point" ""
"could not allocate memory for temporary grid." ""
"could not allocate sufficient memory" ""
"could not commit/rollback transactions." "Konnte nicht �bergeben/wiederhole
"could not connect ODBC source" "kann nicht mit ODBC-Quelle verbinden"
"could not connect to PostgreSQL source" ""
"could not connect to database." ""
"could not create distance grid" "Entfernungsraster konnte nicht erstellt
"could not create geometry field" "Kann kein Geometriefeld erzeugen"
"could not create index on observations" ""
"could not create index: insufficient memory" "Index konnte nicht erzeugt werden:
nicht gen�gend Speicher"
"could not create new PostgreSQL database" ""
"could not create table" ""
"could not create target grid" ""
"could not create weights grid" ""
"could not disconnect ODBC source" ""
"could not disconnect PostgreSQL source" ""
"could not disconnect and drop PostgreSQL database" ""
"could not drop PostgreSQL database" ""
"could not execute tool" "Werkzeug konnte nicht ausgef�hrt werden"
"could not find any numeric attribute field" ""
"could not find tool" "Werkzeug konnte nicht lokalisiert werden"
"could not import random forest" ""
"could not initialize classifier from file" ""
"could not initialize classifier from training areas" ""
"could not initialize cluster engine" ""
"could not initialize data objects" ""
"could not initialize kernel" ""
"could not initialize reference point search engine" ""
"could not initialize search engine for hills" ""
"could not initialize search engine for valleys" ""
"could not initialize search kernel" ""
"could not initialize tool" "Werkzeug konnte nicht initialisiert werden"
"could not load file" ""
"could not load model from file" ""
"could not load raster" ""
"could not locate line string to polygon conversion tool" ""
"could not open GetMap stream" ""
"could not open data source" "kann Datenquelle nicht �ffnen"
"could not open file" "datei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden"
"could not open model file" ""
"could not open table file" ""
"could not read headline" ""
"could not read image" ""
"could not read metadata file" ""
"could not read project file." "konnte Projektdatei nicht lesen."
"could not save image file" ""
"could not save model to file" ""
"could not save shape" ""
"could not start transaction" ""
"counterclockwise" "gegen den Uhrzeigersinn"
"counting cells" ""
"create data source" "erzeuge Datenquelle"
"create from training areas" ""
"create layer" "Erzeuge Ebene"
"create model from training areas" ""
"created from history" ""
"creating batch file example" "erzeuge Batch-Datei als Beispiel"
"creating default configuration" ""
"creating sub script example" ""
"creating tool documentation files" "Erstelle Dateien zur Werkzeugdokumentation"
"crop to data" ""
"cross" "Kreuz"
"cubic convolution" ""
"cubic surface" "kubische Oberfl�che"
"custom" ""
"cyan - white" "cyan - wei�"
"dX" ""
"dX (Map Units)" "dX (Karteneinheiten)"
"dY" ""
"dY (Map Units)" "dY (Karteneinheiten)"
"dZ" ""
"dZ (Map Units)" ""
"dark - bright" "dunkel - hell"
"dark object subtraction 1" ""
"dark object subtraction 2" ""
"dark object subtraction 2b" ""
"dark object subtraction 3" ""
"dark object subtraction 4" ""
"data / no-data" ""
"data file could not be openend" "Datendatei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden"
"data set creation failed" ""
"data set has no attributes" ""
"database table does not exist" "Datentabelle existiert nicht"
"date" "Datum"
"day" "Tag"
"dbf read: could not open file" ""
"dbf read: could not read header" ""
"dbf write: could open file" ""
"dbf write: invalid table" ""
"dd:mm:yyyy" ""
"ddmmyy, fix size" "ttmmjj, feste Gr��e"
"ddmmyyyy, fix size" "ttmmjjjj, feste Gr��e"
"default" "Standard"
"default (same brightness)" "Standard (gleiche Helligkeit)"
"default value if no attribute has been selected" "Vorgabewert wenn kein
Attribut ausgew�hlt wurde"
"default value if no grid has been selected" "Vorgabewert wenn kein Raster
ausgew�hlt wurde"
"defines the maximum resolution [km] for the re-projected distance segments" ""
"degree" "Grad"
"degree in kernel function" ""
"degree to radians" "Grad zu Radians"
"degrees of freedom" "Freiheitsgrade"
"delete data source" "Entferne Datenquelle"
"delete feature" "entferne Eigenschaft"
"delete layer" "Entferne Ebene"
"delivery index calculation failed" ""
"descending" "absteigend"
"diffuse pollution risk calculation failed" ""
"digital elevation model" "digitales H�henmodell"
"digital elevation model [m]" "Digitales H�henmodell [m]"
"digitzing a polygon" "Digitalisiere ein Polygon"
"dilation" "Streckung"
"direction" ""
"direction of scan flag" "Richtung des Scanflag"
"direction of sun (degree, clockwise from North)" "Richtung der Sonne (Grad, im
Uhrzeigersinn von Nord)"
"direction to the center cell" "Richtung zur Mittelzelle"
"directional1 average for Grids" "gerichteter 1 Durchschnitt f�r Raster"
"directory does not exist" ""
"disabling might help to shut down faster, particularly if started from slow
devices" ""
"dissolved inner rings" ""
"distance" "Entfernung"
"distance weighted average catchment slope" ""
"distance weighted average of the number of different categories for distance
classes" ""
"distribution estimation (one class)" ""
"do not confirm" "nicht best�tigen"
"do not join" "nicht verbinden"
"do not sort" ""
"do not update" "nicht aktualisieren"
"down" "herunter"
"downscaling" ""
"downstream" ""
"dragging a box" "Zeichne einen Kasten"
"driver not found." "Treiber nicht gefunden."
"dropping table" "gebe Tabelle ab"
"duplicates have been identified." "Duplikate m�ssen erst identifiziert werden"
"e" ""
"each island as separated polygon" "jede Insel als abgetrenntes Polygon"
"each pair with a single record" ""
"each shape" "jeder Vektor"
"each shape's part" ""
"edge cells" ""
"edge collection" "Eckensammlung"
"edge detection" "Eckenerkennung"
"edge of flight line flag" "Ecken der Flugroute flag"
"effective flow length" ""
"effective friction = stated friction ^f , where f = cos(DifAngle)^k." ""
"eight-neihbourhood" ""
"eight-neihbourhood (distance based weighting)" ""
"elevation" "Erhebung"
"elevation and roughness" "Erhhebung und Rauheit"
"elevation threshold used to identify hills/valleys" ""
"ellipse" "Ellipse"
"empty" "leer"
"empty coded function" "leere Funktion"
"empty look-up table, nothing to replace" ""
"empty or corrupted file" "leere oder besch�digte Datei"
"empty string" ""
"enumeration" "Aufz�hlung"
"epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR" ""
"epsilon support vector regression" ""
"epsilon-SVR" ""
"equal" ""
"equal intervals" "gleiche Intervalle"
"erosion" "Erosion"
"error" "Fehler"
"error in formula" ""
"error loading data file" "Fehler beim Laden der Datendatei"
"error reading index file" "Fehler beim Lesen der Indexdatei"
"error saving data file" "Fehler beim Speichern der Datendatei"
"error saving index file" "Fehler beim Speichern der Indexdatei"
"exclude range" "grenze Bereich aus"
"executing tool" "Werkzeugausf�hrung"
"expand" ""
"expand and shrink" ""
"expected" ""
"expected to be the second of day" ""
"explained cumulative variance" "ausgef�hrte kumulative Streuung"
"explained variance" "Varianzaufkl�rung"
"exponential" "exponential"
"exponential chi2" ""
"export grid" ""
"extent of lake, coded with local water depth" "Ausdehnung des Sees, kodiert mit
lokaler Wassertiefe"
"extent of lake, coded with water depth" "Ausdehnung des Sees, kodiert mit der
"extent to cell size" ""
"faces" "Ansichten"
"faces and wire" "Ansichten und Dr�hte"
"failed" "fehlgeschlagen"
"failed to allocate memory" ""
"failed to create index for table" "gescheitert beim Erstellen eines Index f�r
"failed to create polygon clipping mask" ""
"failed to create searche engine" ""
"failed to estimate target extent" ""
"failed to import subset" ""
"failed to initialise search engine" "Initialisierung der Suchmaschine
"failed to initialize target grid" ""
"failed to launch default application" ""
"failed to load KML ground overlay icon" ""
"failed to load data" ""
"failed to load file" ""
"failed to load georeference for KML ground overlay" ""
"failed to load or parse xml file" ""
"failed to open file" ""
"failed to project target grid" ""
"failed to read header" ""
"failed to retrieve map image data" ""
"failed to save file" ""
"failed to set radius" ""
"failed to store data" ""
"failed to write data" ""
"failed: could not find a suitable import driver" "fehlgeschlagen: konnte
keinen passenden Importtreiber finden"
"fat" ""
"feathering" ""
"feature has been dropped" ""
"feature space" "Merkmal Raum"
"feature space and position" "Merkmal Raum und Position"
"field cannot be mapped to binary object" "Feld kann nicht als bin�res Objekt
abgebildet werden"
"fields layer does not contain any records" ""
"file could not be opened" "Datei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden"
"file could not be opened." "Datei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden."
"file does not exist." "Datei existiert nicht."
"file not found" "Datei nicht gefunden"
"file path, name and type used to save frames to image files" ""
"fill sinks permanently" ""
"fill sinks temporarily" ""
"find inner rings" ""
"find local minima" "finde lokales Minimum"
"first" "zu Erst"
"first point" "Erster Punkt"
"first value" "erster Wert"
"fit histogram stretch for each time step" ""
"fit to each grid" "passe an alle Raster an"
"fit to overall range" "passe an gesamten Bereich an"
"fit to overall standard deviation" ""
"fit to page" "an Seite anpassen"
"fit to value" "passe an Wert an"
"fitted interval" ""
"fitting a polynom of ith order needs at least i + 1 samples" ""
"fix number of decimals" ""
"fixed" ""
"fixed cell height" "feste Zellenh�he"
"fixed interval" ""
"fixed value" "fester Wert"
"floating" ""
"floating point" "Flie�komma"
"flow accumulation threshold (cells) for linear flow routing" ""
"flow depth [m] for flow travel time estimation" ""
"flow directions..." "Flie�richtungen..."
"flow travel time to channel expressed in hours based on Manning's Equation" ""
"flow width (original)" "Flie�breite (original)"
"forward" "vorw�rts"
"found less than two categories, nothing to do" ""
"four-neighbourhood" ""
"from line center" ""
"from list" "von Liste"
"full frame" ""
"function fitting failed !" "Funktionsanpassung fehlgeschlagen!"
"function not found" "Funktion nicht gefunden"
"function table full" "Funktionstabelle voll"
"gamma in kernel function" ""
"gaussian" "Gaussche"
"gaussian kernel" "Gausscher kernel"
"gaussian weighting" "Gaussche Gewichtung"
"geographical" "geographisch"
"give output of an edge twice, i.e. once for each of the two adjacent polygons"
"given as map units or meters if polar coordinates switch is on; ignored if set to
zero" "als Karteneinheiten oder Meter gegeben wenn Polarkoordinaten eingestellt
sind; bei Einstellung 0 ignoriert"
"given in degree clockwise from North direction" "gegeben in Grad im
Uhrzeigersinn aus Nordrichtung"
"global" "global"
"gps-time" "GPS-Zeit"
"gradient (degree)" "Gradient (Grad)"
"gradient (tangens)" "Gradient (tangens)"
"gradients" ""
"green > blue" "gr�n > blau"
"green > grey > blue" "gr�n > grau > blau"
"green > red > blue" "gr�n > rot > blau"
"green channel color" "gr�ner Farbkanal"
"greyscale" "Graustufen"
"grid" "Raster"
"grid cell size" "Gr��e rasterzelle"
"grid cells" "Rasterzellen"
"grid cells array creation" ""
"grid definition for KML2shp conversion" ""
"grid has been dropped" ""
"grid list" "Liste Raster"
"grid name" "Name Raster"
"grid nodes" "Rasterknoten"
"grid number" "Nummer Raster"
"grid or grid system" ""
"grid project" "Rasterprojekt"
"grid system" "Raster System"
"grid system of georeferenced image" ""
"guam" ""
"h" ""
"has already been loaded" "wurde bereits geladen"
"have their centroid in" "haben ihren Schwerpunkt in"
"heads and mouths..." "K�pfe und M�nder..."
"height" "H�he"
"height of sun above horizon (degree)" "H�he der Sonne �ber dem Horizont (Grad)"
"" ""
"hh:mm:ss" ""
"hhmmss, fix size" "hhmmss, feste Gr��e"
"high" ""
"highest" ""
"highest z" "h�chster z"
"histogram intersection" ""
"histogram match" ""
"horizontal" "horizontal"
"horizontally" ""
"hours" "Stunden"
"how to request values if step size is more than one cell" ""
"identity" ""
"if empty shapes layers's name is used as table name" "wenn Name der leeren
Vektorebene als Tabellenname genutzt wird"
"if less than 100, it is distinguished between interior and core forest" "wenn
weniger als 100, ist es kennzeichnend zwischen Innerem- und Kernwald"
"if more than one feature is in selection, this colour is used for the non active
features" ""
"if set, only values with level heights above DEM will be used" ""
"ignore" "�bergehen"
"ignored if set to zero" "ignorieren wenn auf null gesetzt"
"ignored if set to zero (consider all pairs)" ""
"image" "Bild"
"image and polygons do not overlap" ""
"immediate" "direkt"
"importing line strings" ""
"improper function syntax" "unsachgem��e Funktionssyntax"
"improved SIA model" ""
"in the formula these grids are addressed in order of the list as 'g1, g2,
g3, ...'" ""
"in the formula these grids are addressed in order of the list as 'h1, h2,
h3, ...'" ""
"include all" "alles einschlie�en"
"include range" "Schlie�e Bereich ein"
"incompatible file." "inkompatible Datei."
"incompatible items have been removed from input list" ""
"increase band width to get less seed points" ""
"index" ""
"index and attributes" ""
"index creation failed" ""
"index creation stopped by user" ""
"index file could not be opened" "Indexdatei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden"
"index number" ""
"index out of bounds" "Index au�erhalb der Regeln"
"index out of range" ""
"initial map window arrangement after a project is loaded" ""
"initial number of lag distance classes" ""
"initial number of lag distance classes for variogram estimation" ""
"initialisation error" "Initialisierungsfehler"
"initialization" "Initialisierung"
"initialization failed" ""
"initializing" ""
"input" "Eingabe"
"input file" "Eingabedatei"
"input layer is empty" ""
"instable (thawing)" "instabil (auftauend)"
"insufficient training samples" ""
"intensity" "Intensit�t"
"interactive" "interaktiv"
"internal data type" ""
"interpolating" "interpolierend"
"interpolation method to use if grid needs to be aligned to coordinate system"
"intersect" "�berschneiden"
"intersects" "Schnittmenge"
"invalid E00 file" "ung�ltige E00 Datei"
"invalid NetCDF file" ""
"invalid acquisition date" ""
"invalid boolean value ('0', '1', 'false', 'true')" ""
"invalid command" "ung�ltige Anweisung"
"invalid control points" "ung�ltige Kontrollpunkte"
"invalid data" "ung�ltige Daten"
"invalid division size" ""
"invalid extent" ""
"invalid features" ""
"invalid field selection" "ung�ltige Feldauswahl"
"invalid file code" "ung�ltiger Dateicode"
"invalid file name" ""
"invalid filter matrix" "ung�ltige Filtermatrix"
"invalid geogrid file name" ""
"invalid grid system" "ung�ltiges Rastersystem"
"invalid image file path" ""
"invalid input" "unzul�ssige Eingabe"
"invalid input data" ""
"invalid input!" "ung�ltige Eingabe!"
"invalid layer" ""
"invalid lines layer" "ung�ltiger Linienvektor"
"invalid lookup table." ""
"invalid number of features" ""
"invalid number of parameters" "unzul�ssige Zahl an Parametern"
"invalid or empty polygons layer" "ung�ltiger oder leerer Polygonvektor"
"invalid or empty shapes layer" "ung�ltige oder leere Volumenebene"
"invalid or unsupported shape or vertex type" ""
"invalid parameters" ""
"invalid point cloud" ""
"invalid points have been skipped" "ung�ltige Punkte werden �bersprungen"
"invalid points layer" "ung�ltige Punktebene"
"invalid polygons" ""
"invalid production date" ""
"invalid project file." "ung�ltige Projektdatei."
"invalid snap features" ""
"invalid table" "ung�ltige Tabelle"
"invalid target grid" ""
"invalid tool definition" ""
"invalid training data" ""
"invalid user specified value range." ""
"invalid utm zone" "ung�ltige UTM Zone"
"invalid word size" "ung�ltige Wortl�nge"
"inverse" ""
"inverse distance to a power" "inverse Entfernung zu einem Schwerpunkt"
"inverse transformation not available" "inverse Umwandlung nicht verf�gbar"
"is ignored if set to zero" "wird nicht ber�cksichtigt wenn auf Null gesetzt"
"j-shaped" "j-f�rmig"
"ja; bestimmen anhand eines Hauptgerinnerasters (HG Raster)" ""
"ja; bestimmen ueber das Wasserflussvolumen (P:RFlow)" ""
"ja; bestimmen ueber die jeweilige Anzahl der ZuflussRasterzellen
(IR:NumInFlowCells, P:NumCells" ""
"k-fold" ""
"keep maxima (with tolerance)" "benutze Maxima (mit Toleranz)"
"keep minima (with tolerance)" "behalte Minima (mit Toleranz)"
"keine" ""
"kernel radius in cells" ""
"kernel radius in map units" ""
"kernel size defined as radius number of cells" ""
"kml and image files" ""
"kmz file" ""
"kmz, kml and image files" ""
"label minima" "Bezeichnungsminima"
"lapse rates in degree of temperature per 100 meter" ""
"last" "zu Letzt"
"last point" "letzter Punkt"
"last state" ""
"last value" "letzter Wert"
"layer uses undefined coordinate system, assuming geographic coordinates" ""
"learning" ""
"least significant first" "der geringst-signifikante zu erst"
"least squares fitted plane (Horn 1981, Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1996)" ""
"leave one out" ""
"left" "links"
"less than 3 valid points" ""
"less than two classes in model" ""
"less than two polygons in layer, nothing to do!" ""
"level" "Level"
"level 1" "Level 1"
"level 2" "Level 2"
"library " ""
"library name" "Bibliotheksname"
"library path" "Bibliothekspfad"
"line" ""
"line and polygon" ""
"line simplification can only be applied to lines and polygons"
"Linienvereinfachung kann nur mit Linien oder Polygonen genutzt werden"
"linear" "linear"
"linear: u'*v\npolynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree\nradial basis function:
exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)\nsigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)" ""
"lines" "Linien"
"lines with same attribute value(s)" "Linien mit gleichem Attributwert(en)"
"list order" ""
"listing of database tables failed" ""
"listing of table columns failed" ""
"loaded tool libraries" "Geladene Werkzeugbibliotheken"
"loading" "laden"
"loading OSM data" ""
"loading building parts" ""
"loading failed" ""
"loading spatial reference system database" ""
"loading translation dictionary" ""
"local" ""
"local maximum search distance given in map units" ""
"local slope" ""
"local water depth or absolute water level at the user specified cell" "lokale
Wassertiefe oder absolute Wassertiefe in der vom Benutzer spezifizierten Zelle"
"localhost" "localhost"
"logarithmic" ""
"lookup table" ""
"low" ""
"lower and upper thresholds for semantic import model, planar vs. sloped areas"
"lower and upper thresholds for semantic import model, straight vs. curved areas"
"lower cell's value to neighbours minimum value minus epsilon" ""
"lower left and upper right coordinates" ""
"lower left cell coordinates and left to right range" ""
"lower left cell coordinates and lower to upper range" ""
"lower left coordinate and number of rows and columns" ""
"lowest" ""
"lowest z" "niedrigster z"
"m" ""
"m2" ""
"m2/h" ""
"m3/Monat" ""
"m3/s" ""
"magenta - white" "magenta - wei�"
"main basins..." "Hauptbecken..."
"majority" ""
"map units" ""
"mark breaks in first line" "Markierung bricht in erster Zeile"
"masking no data" ""
"masking..." "maskieren?"
"match input data" "�bereinstimmung Eingabedaten"
"matching histogram" ""
"mathematical" "mathematisch"
"matrix initialisation failed" "Matrixinitialisierung fehlgeschlagen"
"matrix inversion failed" ""
"max" "max"
"max(0, a + b - 1)" "max(0, a + b - 1)"
"max(a, b) (non-interactive)" "max(a,b) (nicht aktiv)"
"max. change" "max. Wechsel"
"max_sd" ""
"maxima of variance" ""
"maximum" "maximum"
"maximum difference between original and median filtered elevation (3x3 moving
window) that still is recognized flat" ""
"maximum distance for variogram estimation" ""
"maximum number of calculated first components; set to zero to get all"
"maximale Anzahl der berechneten ersten Komponenten; auf null setzen um alle
zu erhalten"
"maximum number of clusters must be more than 2 and less than number of samples"
"maximum number of initial cluster centers must be more or equal to 0 and less than
number of clusters" ""
"maximum number of iterations, ignored if set to zero (default)" ""
"maximum number of nearest points" ""
"maximum number of significant decimals" ""
"maximum slope (Travis et al. 1975)" ""
"maximum triangle slope (Tarboton 1997)" ""
"maximum value" "Maximalwert"
"maximum value of all duplicates" ""
"mean" "Mittel"
"mean value" "Mittelwert"
"mean value of all duplicates" ""
"memory" "Speicher"
"memory allocation error." ""
"memory allocation failed" ""
"message window" ""
"min" "min"
"min < value < max" "min < Wert < max"
"min < value <= max" "min < Wert <= max"
"min <= value < max" "min <= Wert < max"
"min <= value <= max" "min <= Wert <= max"
"min(1, a + b)" "min(1, a + b)"
"min(Slope,Velocity) & On Stop" ""
"min(a, b) (non-interactive)" "min(a,b) (nicht aktiv)"
"min_sd" ""
"minima of variance" ""
"minimum" "Minimum"
"minimum number of points to use" "minimale Anzahl zu benutzender Punkte"
"minimum number of upslope contributing cells to start a channel" ""
"minimum overlapping area as percentage of the total size of the input shape.
applies to polygon layers only." ""
"minimum requirement" ""
"minimum slope angle preserved from one cell to the next, zero results in flat
areas [Degree]" "minimaler Neigungswinkel der von einer Zelle zur n�chsten
erhalten bleibt, null ergibt eine ebene Fl�che [Grad]."
"minimum value" "Minimalwert"
"minimum value of all duplicates" ""
"minutes" "Minuten"
"mirrored" ""
"missing icon tags" ""
"missing operand" "fehlender Operand"
"model application" ""
"model creation" ""
"moment" "Moment"
"month" ""
"more than one field in selection" "mehr als ein Feld ausgew�hlt"
"morpological gradient" "morphologischer Gradient"
"most significant first" "das bedeutenste zuerst"
"multi scale" "multima�st�blich"
"multiple" ""
"multiple flow direction" ""
"multiplicative" "vielfach"
"n" ""
"n-fold cross validation: n must > 1" ""
"name" "Name"
"nearest neighbour" ""
"needs at least two attributes in selection" ""
"nein" ""
"neon" ""
"new" "neu"
"new selection" "Neue Auswahl"
"new value" "neuer Wert"
"no" "nein"
"no 'get extents' support for single point layers" "keine �get
extents�Unterst�tzung f�r Einzelpunkt-Vektorebenen"
"no PostGIS layer" ""
"no attributes in selection" ""
"no attributes in table" "keine Attribute in der Tabelle"
"no choice available" ""
"no class definitions for final state" "keine Klassendefinitionen f�r
"no class definitions for initial state" "Keine Klassendefinitionen f�r
"no class overlap between polygons and grid" ""
"no classes to combine" ""
"no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area)" "keine Umwandlung
(Gebiete sind bereits als spezifische Einzugsgebiete gegeben)"
"no data entries in project file." ""
"no data in table file" ""
"no data objects" ""
"no data values" "keine Datenwerte"
"no database connection" "Keine Datenbankverbindung"
"no description" ""
"no destination points in grid area." ""
"no distance weighting" "keine Entfernungsgewichtung"
"no edges found" "keine Ecken gefunden"
"no features in input list" ""
"no features in selection" ""
"no features to buffer." "keine Eigenschaften zum Puffern."
"no fields in selection" "Keine Felder in der Auswahl"
"no fields to add" ""
"no gaps" "Keine L�cken."
"no geometry in selection" ""
"no grid in list" "kein Raster in Auflistung"
"no grids have been imported" ""
"no grids in list" "keine Raster in Liste"
"no grids in selection" "keine Raster in Auswahl"
"no histogram for unclassified data" "kein Histogramm f�r unbestimmte Werte"
"no history" ""
"no input" "keine Eingabe"
"no intersection" ""
"no intersection with mask grid." "Keine Schnittmenge mit Maskierungsraster."
"no layers in data source" "Keine Ebenen in Datenquelle"
"no lines for splitting" ""
"no memory" "kein Speicher"
"no name has been specified for new raster table" ""
"no output parameter in selection" "kein Ausgabeparameter in der Auswahl"
"no parameter output specified" ""
"no points in input layer" ""
"no points in layer" "kkeine Punkte in der Ebene"
"no points removed" "keine Punkte entfernt"
"no polygons in input" "keine Polygone in der Eingabe"
"no polygons in input layer" ""
"no predictors available" ""
"no predictors have been selected" ""
"no predictors in selection" ""
"no projection type defined" "kein Projektionstyp definiiert"
"no properties selected" ""
"no records in data set" "keine Datens�tze in Datensammlung"
"no records in file." "keine Datens�tze in der Datei."
"no records in input data" ""
"no records in selection" ""
"no records to append" "Keine Datens�tze zum Hinzuf�gen"
"no scaling" ""
"no seed points identified" "keine Saatpunkte gefunden"
"no self-intersecting polygons detected" ""
"no shapes for intersection found" "keine Vektoren f�r Schnittmenge gefunden"
"no shapes in list" ""
"no shapes in selection" "keine Vektoren in Auswahl"
"no sinks" "keine Senken"
"no spatial intersection between grid and polygon layer" ""
"no spatial intersection between grid system and polygon layer" ""
"no spatial intersection between grid(s) and points layer" ""
"no spatial intersection between grid(s) and polygon layer""keine r�umliche
�berschneidung zwischen Raster(n) und Polygonebenen"
"no statistical measure has been selected" ""
"no target specified" "kein Ziel ausgew�hlt"
"no target variable in selection" ""
"no training areas could be analysed." ""
"no translation available" "keine �bersetzung verf�gbar"
"no valid data found in grid(s)" "keine g�ltige Daten in Raster gefunden"
"no valid grid in features list." ""
"no valid grid in list." ""
"no valid samples in data set" ""
"no variation in point pattern" "keine Unterschiede im Punktmuster"
"no-data cells" ""
"node" "Knoten"
"node detection" "Knoten Erkennung"
"nodes" "Knoten"
"noise variance given as absolute value" "Varianz des Rauschens gegeben als
absoluter Wert"
"noise variance given relative to mean standard deviation" "Varianz des Rauschens
gegeben als Mittelwert der Standardabweichung"
"non-linear response term" "nicht-lineares Zeitverhalten"
"none" "nichts"
"nonlinear" "nichtlinear"
"normal" ""
"normalize (0-1)" ""
"normalized" ""
"normalized response" ""
"normal|down under|" "noormal|umgedreht|"
"not a PostGIS database" ""
"not a valid PostGIS database!" ""
"not enough neighbours" "nicht genug Nachbarn"
"not enough observations" "nicht genug Beobachtungen"
"not enough points" ""
"not enough points for interpolation" "nicht genug Punkte f�r eine
"not enough points to perform pattern analysis" "nicht genug Punkte f�r eine
"not enough reference points" ""
"not in transaction" ""
"not more than one point in layer" "nicht mehr als ein Punkt in der Ebene"
"not supported by PostGIS versions less than 2.1" ""
"nothing to crop" ""
"nothing to do, input data has no variation." ""
"nothing to do, there are less than two grids in input list." ""
"nothing to do. transformation needs at least two components." ""
"nothing to do: input format is same as output format" ""
"nothing to do: no data in selection" "nichts zu tun: keine Daten ausgew�hlt"
"nothing to do: original and desired field types are identical" ""
"nu support vector classification" ""
"nu support vector regression" ""
"nu-SVC" ""
"nu-SVR" ""
"number of added polygons" "Anzahl zugef�gter Polygone"
"number of categories" ""
"number of cells" ""
"number of clusters" ""
"number of different categories (unique values) within search area" ""
"number of dropped observations" ""
"number of dropped shapes" "Nummer der abgeworfenen Vektoren"
"number of first components in the output; set to zero to get all" ""
"number of grid cells per tile" "Nummer der Rasterzellen pro Kachel"
"number of initial and final state grids differs" ""
"number of inner rings" ""
"number of model features do not fit input features list" ""
"number of order" "Nummer des Auftrages"
"number of pits above threshold level" "Anzahl der Gruben zwischen
"number of points" "Anzahl der Punkte"
"number of processed sinks" "Anzahl der berechneten Senken"
"number of replacements" ""
"number of returns of given pulse" "Anzahl der Antworten auf gegebene Pulse"
"number of subsamples for k-fold cross validation" ""
"number of the return" "Anzahl der Antworten"
"number of weight grids have to be equal to the number of value grids" ""
"object" ""
"objects" ""
"offset in minutes relative to 00:00 (midnight)" ""
"okay" "okay"
"old value" "alter Wert"
"on cell" ""
"one catalogue for each coordinate system" ""
"one catalogue using geographic coordinates" ""
"one hull for all shapes" "eine H�lle f�r alle Vektoren"
"one hull per shape" "eine H�lle pro Vektor"
"one hull per shape part" "eine H�lle pro Vektorteil"
"one layer for all points" "eine Ebene f�r alle Punkte"
"one or more grids" ""
"one or more shapes layers" ""
"one single (multi-)polygon object" "ein einzelnes (multi-)polygon Objekt"
"one single class specified by class identifier" "eine einzelne Klasse
spezifiziert durch Klassenidentifizierer"
"one-class SVM" ""
"online" "online"
"only entities with layer definition" "nur Instanzen mit Ebenendefinition"
"only entities without layer definition" "nur Instanzen ohne Ebenendefinition"
"only one class in training data" ""
"only points with given minimum number of points in search radius will be
processed" "nur Punkte mit einer gegebenen Mindestanzahl von Punkten im Suchradius
werden bearbeitet"
"only show within scale range; values are given as extent measured in map units"
"only z" "nur z"
"open transactions committed" "offene Transaktionen �bermittelt"
"open transactions rollbacked" "offene Transaktionen wiederholt"
"open transactions rolled back" ""
"opening" "�ffnend"
"operator" "Operator"
"optional" "optional"
"optional grid providing values to be compared with linear flow threshold instead
of flow accumulation" ""
"optional input" "optionale Eingabe"
"optional output" "optionale Ausgabe"
"orientation" ""
"origin adjustment for Z axis (heading)" ""
"original" ""
"original calculation (Ringeler)" "Originalberechnung (Ringeler)"
"original name" ""
"original name + variable type" ""
"other" "andere"
"other values" "andere Werte"
"out-of-bag error" ""
"output" "Ausgabe"
"output of intermediate results to execution message window" ""
"ovalooblonga-rectangularoblonga" ""
"ovaloredonda-ovalooblonga" ""
"overwrite previous output if adequate" ""
"p-value" ""
"pPolygons" ""
"pPolygons: the simple filter will only operate on grid cells which fall in the
same shape" ""
"parallel" "parallel"
"parameter C (cost) of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR" ""
"parameter not found" ""
"parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR" ""
"parameters" "Parameter"
"pass" "Ablauf"
"patch size" ""
"pdf" "pdf"
"per line" ""
"per line segment" ""
"percent" "Prozent"
"percentage" ""
"percentiles" ""
"perform region growing" "ausf�hren des Regionen wachsen"
"performing distance calculation..." "f�hre Enfernungsberechnung aus?"
"pie" "Torte"
"pie (not outlined)" "Torte (nicht umrandet)"
"point (.)" "Punkt (.)"
"point cloud" "Punktwolke"
"point cloud (centered)" "Punktwolke (zentriert)"
"point cloud viewer can only be run from graphical user interface"
"Punktwolkenbetrachter kann nur von der Grafischen Benutzeroberfl�che
gestartet werden"
"point cloud viewer will not be started, because point cloud has no points"
"Punktwolkenbetrachter kann nicht gestartet werden, weil Punktwolken keine
Punkte beinhalten"
"point source ID" "Punktquelle ID "
"point with maximum attribute value" "Punkt mit maximalem Attributwert"
"point with minimum attribute value" "Punkt mit minimalem Attributwert"
"points" "Punkte"
"points can only intersect with polygons" "Punkte k�nnen sich nur mit Polygonen
"points have been dropped" ""
"points have been filtered" "Punkte wurden gefiltert"
"points have been imported with success" "Punkte wurden erfolgreich eingelesen"
"points layer and grid do not intersect at all" ""
"points read" "Punkte gelesen"
"points written" "Punkte geschrieben"
"polar coordinates given in degree" ""
"polygon" ""
"polygon conversion" ""
"polygon wise" ""
"polygon wise (cell area weighted)" ""
"polygon wise (cell area)" ""
"polygon wise (cell centers)" ""
"polygons" "Polygone"
"polylines" ""
"polynomial" ""
"polynomial trend" ""
"polynomial trend (coefficient interpolation)" ""
"position index radius in map units" ""
"post-processing..." ""
"power of distance" "power of distance"
"prediction" ""
"preparing" ""
"preparing distance calculation..." "bereite Entfernungsberechnung vor?"
"press any key" "Dr�cke eine beliebige Taste"
"processed DEM" "berechnetes DGM"
"processing" ""
"processors " ""
"projection initialization failed" ""
"projection initialization failure" "Projektionsinitialisierungsfehler"
"proportional" ""
"quadrants" "Quadrant"
"quadratic surface" "quadratische Oberfl�che"
"quantiles" "Quantile"
"quartic kernel" "biquadratischer Systemkern"
"radial basis function" ""
"radians" "Radians"
"radians to degree" "Radians zu Grad"
"radius given in map units used to cut hills" ""
"radius given in map units used to fill valleys" ""
"radius in cells" ""
"radius in map units" "Radius in Karteneinheiten"
"rainbow" "Regenbogen"
"random read" "zuf�llig lesen"
"random write" "zuf�llig schreiben"
"range" ""
"range of days" "Bereich von tagen"
"raster" "Raster"
"re-projection" ""
"re-projection to geographic coordinates" ""
"read" ""
"read or write" ""
"ready" "fertig"
"ready ..." "fertig..."
"received empty stream." ""
"rectangle" "Rechteck"
"rectangular" "rechteckig"
"red > blue" "rot > blau"
"red > blue > green" "rot > blau > gr�n"
"red > green" "rot > gr�n"
"red > green > blue" "rot > gr�n > blau"
"red > grey > blue" "rot > grau > blau"
"red > grey > green" "rot > grau > gr�n"
"red channel color" "roter Farbkanal"
"red=this, green=1, blue=2" "rot=dieses, gr�n=1, blau=2"
"redonda-ovaloredonda" ""
"regression" ""
"regression analysis could not detect a significant predictor" ""
"regression model" ""
"regression model applied to predictor grids" ""
"regression model applied to predictor grids with interpolated residuals added"
"relative" "relativ"
"remove above percentile" "entferne oberes Perzentil"
"remove below percentile" "entferne unteres Perzentil"
"remove from current selection" "entferne aus gegenw�rtiger Auswahl"
"remove maxima (with tolerance)" "entferne Maxima (mit Tolernz)"
"remove minima (with tolerance)" "entferne Minima (mit Toleranz)"
"removed" ""
"replace existing table" "ersetze bestehende Tabelle"
"replacements" "Austausch"
"resampling" "Neuberechnung"
"resampling cell size is too large" ""
"rescale to 0 - 255" ""
"resilient propagation" ""
"resolution" "Aufl�sung"
"resolution has to be greater than zero" "Die Aufl�sung muss gr��er als null sein"
"resolution measured in screen pixels" ""
"restore from file" ""
"restore model from file" ""
"restricts extrapolation by assigning minimal allowed weight for a vertex (normally
\"-1\" or so; lower values correspond to lower reliability; \"0\" means no
extrapolation)" ""
"return" "return"
"rgb coded raster map to be draped" ""
"rgb coded values" ""
"rgb color" "RGB Farbe"
"rhombus" "Rhombus"
"right" "rechts"
"rollback" "Wiederholung"
"rollback transaction command failed" ""
"root" "Wurzel"
"rotated" "rotieren"
"rotation around the X axis (roll)" "Rotation entlang der X-Achse (Rollen)"
"rotation around the Y axis (pitch)" "Rotation entlang der Y Achse (Nicken)"
"rotation around the Z axis (heading)" "Rotation entlang der Z Achse (Gieren)"
"rotation clockwise in degree" "Drehung im Uhrzeigersinn in Grad"
"roughness" "Rauigkeit"
"rows" "Reihen"
"s, Percentage sand [%]" ""
"same as in graphical user interface" ""
"same as input grid" "genau wie Eingaberaster"
"same as original" ""
"same as predictors" ""
"samples must be more than 1" ""
"sand content given as percentage" "Sandgehalt gegeben in Prozent"
"save output to file instead of memory" ""
"save point added" ""
"saving building parts" ""
"scale factor must not equal zero" ""
"scale line" ""
"scale to range" ""
"scale to size range" ""
"scan angle" "Scanwinkel"
"search distance is less than half of grid cell size" "Die Suchentfernung ist
kleiner als die H�lfte einer Rasterzellengr��e"
"seconds" "Sekunden"
"sectors" "Sektoren"
"seed cells coded with local water depth or absolute water level, all other cells
NoData" "Keimzellen kodiert mit lokaler Wassertiefe oder absoluter Wassertiefe,
alle anderen Zellen NoData"
"seed to saddle difference" "Keim zu Sattel Differenz"
"seeds difference" "Keimdifferenzen"
"segments identified" "identifizierte Segmente"
"select a library" ""
"select a tool" ""
"select from current selection" "w�hle aus derzeitiger Auswahl"
"selected records" ""
"selected shapes" "ausgew�hlte Vektoren"
"selected table contains no valid records" "ausgew�hlte Tabelle enth�lt keine
g�ltigen Datens�tze"
"selected table does not have numeric attributes" "ausgew�hlte Tabelle enth�lt
keine numerischen Attribute"
"self-intersection" ""
"separate layer for each polygon" "einzelne Ebene f�r jedes Polygon"
"separate lines" ""
"sequential write" "sequentielles Schreiben"
"set" ""
"set greater one for line smoothing" ""
"set input" ""
"shading" "Schummerung"
"shading (fixed light source)" "Schummerung (feste Lichtquelle)"
"shape file could not be opened." "Vektordatei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden."
"shape in process" "Vektor in Bearbeitung"
"shapes extent" ""
"shapes have been dropped" "Vektoren wurden zugewiesen"
"shapes layer extent" "Vektorebenen-Umfang"
"show direct insolation for each time step." "zeige direkte Sonneneinstrahlung
f�r jeden Zeitschritt."
"shows cell values when zoomed" ""
"shrink" ""
"shrink and expand" ""
"sigmoid" ""
"sigmoidal" "sigmoidal"
"signed 1 byte integer" "1 byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"signed 2 byte integer" "2 byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"signed 4 byte integer" "4 byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"signed 8 byte integer" "8 byte Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen"
"silt content given as percentage" "Schluffgehalt gegeben in Prozentgehalt"
"simple and fast" ""
"simple line" "einfache Linie"
"simple planar surface" "einfache planare Oberfl�che"
"simply decrease cell's value by epsilon" ""
"single" ""
"single class" ""
"single flow direction" ""
"single value" ""
"single|range|simple table|user supplied table|" "einzeln|Bereich|einfache
Tabelle|durch Nutzer bereitgestellte Tabelle|"
"size range as percentage of step" ""
"slim" ""
"slope threshold must not be zero!" ""
"slope value has to be greater than zero" ""
"slower but memory saving" "langsamer aber Speicher schonend"
"snap distance in screen units (pixels)" ""
"snap move" ""
"snapped" ""
"soil texture" "Bodentextur"
"solve inner rings" ""
"source" "Quelle"
"space" "Raum"
"specific catchment area" ""
"specific catchment area (contour length dependent on aspect)" ""
"specific catchment area (contour length simply as cell size)" ""
"specify fields with type" "spezifiziere Felder mit Typ"
"spline" ""
"splitting polygon parts" "Polygonteile aufteilen"
"sql excution error" "SQL Ausf�hrungsfehler"
"square" "Quadrat"
"square root" ""
"square root (catchment length)" "Quadratwurzel (Einzugsgebietsl�nge)"
"square root of catchment area" ""
"stable" "stabil"
"standard" "Standard"
"standard deviation" "Standard Abweichung"
"standard kernel 1" "Standard Kernel 1"
"standard kernel 2" "Standard Kernel 2"
"standardize" ""
"standardized" ""
"statistics table does not contain any records" ""
"statistics table is missing required fields" ""
"stddev" ""
"step" "Schritt"
"step size should not exceed number of cells in x or y direction" ""
"stepwise" "Schrittweise"
"stretch to grid's standard deviation" ""
"stretch to grid's value range" ""
"stretch to specified value range" ""
"string" "Zeichenkette"
"subbasins..." "Teilbecken..."
"subtract" ""
"success" "Erfolgreich"
"sum" ""
"sums-of-squares-and-cross-products matrix" "Summe von Quadrat und
Kreuprodukten Matrix"
"surface and result grids have to share the same grid system" ""
"symmetric" "symmetrisch"
"synchronize look-up table classification" ""
"syntax error" "Syntaxfehler"
"system default" ""
"t" "t"
"table" "Tabelle"
"table already exists" "Tabelle besteht bereits"
"table could not be opened." "Tabelle konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden."
"tables" ""
"tabulator" "Tabulator"
"take original value (0 - 255)" ""
"take value from the point to be kept" ""
"target" "Ziel"
"target area is distinct from levels area " ""
"target's spatial reference system is undefined" ""
"text" "Text"
"the lower this value is the stronger is the suction effect" ""
"there has to be one input grid for each month" ""
"theta" "theata"
"thick" "dick"
"thin" "d�nn"
"this is the internal grid cell size determining the precision of contours" ""
"this is the table field that defines the training classes"""
"this operation requires locations to be of type polygon" "diese Operation
ben�tigt Standorte vom Typ Polygon"
"this operation requires selectable shapes to be of type polygon" "diese
Operation ben�tigt ausw�hlbare Vektoren vom Typ Polygon"
"threshold slope" "Schwellenwert Neigung"
"tolerance as absolute values" "Toleranz als absoluter Wert"
"tolerance of termination criterion" ""
"too few parameters" "Zu wenige Parameter"
"too many constants" "Zu wenige Konstanten"
"too many input variables" ""
"too many parameters" "Zu viele Parameter"
"tool " ""
"tool chain library" ""
"tool execution failed" ""
"tool initialization failed" ""
"tool needs graphical user interface" "Werkzeug ben�tigt graphische
"tools" "Werkzeuge"
"top" "Oben"
"top / right" "oben / rechts"
"top down" ""
"top hat" ""
"top left" "Oben links"
"top right" "Oben rechts"
"top-left" ""
"top-right" ""
"top-to-bottom and left-to-right cell sizes differ." ""
"topographic wetness index..." ""
"topography" "Topographie"
"total catchment area" ""
"trace stream network downstream" ""
"training" ""
"training data field must be numeric" ""
"training failed" ""
"transaction started" ""
"translation" ""
"triangle (down)" "Dreieck (Spitze abw�rts)"
"triangle (up)" "Dreieck (Spitze aufw�rts)"
"trying to drop table" "Versuche Tabelle zuzuweisen"
"type -h or --help for further information" "f�r weitere Informationen -h oder
-help eingeben"
"unable to create file." "Datei konnte nicht erzeugt werden."
"unable to load vector data from PostGIS database" ""
"uncheck this means no discretizaton (i.e. data is already integer)" ""
"uncorrected" ""
"undeclared parameter" "nicht bestimmter Parameter"
"undefined" "undefiniert"
"undefined data type" ""
"undefined grid classes" ""
"unexpected error" ""
"unique values" "eindeutige Werte"
"unjoined records have been removed" ""
"unknown" "unbekannt"
"unknown error: execution" "unbekannter Fehler: Ausf�hrung"
"unknown error: user break" "unbekannter Fehler: Abbruch durch Anwender"
"unknown errror parsing formula" ""
"unknown parameter" "unbekannter Parameter"
"unknown projection" "unbekannte Projektion"
"unkown" "unbekannt"
"unmatched parentheses" "verzerrter Einschub"
"unsigned 1 byte integer" "vorzeichenlose 1 byte Ganzzahl"
"unsigned 2 byte integer" "vorzeichenlose 2 byte Ganzzahl"
"unsigned 4 byte integer" "vorzeichenlose 4 byte Ganzzahl"
"unsigned 8 byte integer" "vorzeichenlose 8 byte Ganzzahl"
"unsorted" "unsortiert"
"unsupported file version" "nicht unterst�tzte Dateiversion"
"unsupported shape type." "nicht unterst�tzter Vektortyp."
"unsupported tool chain version" ""
"unsupported vector type" ""
"up" "auf"
"update view for each integration step" ""
"upscaling of predictors" ""
"upsetting model domain" ""
"upstream" ""
"use a zero value for hillslopes, any other value for channel cells." ""
"use look-up table" ""
"use more averaged elevations when looking at increasing distances" ""
"use old version for constant wind direction (no acceleration and averaging
option)" ""
"use this for (linear) flow routing, if the value is a valid direction (0-7 = N,
NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)" ""
"use this grid's system for output grids" ""
"user data" "Benutzerdaten"
"user defined" "nutzerdefiniert"
"user defined NoData value" ""
"user defined kernel" "Benutzerdefinierter Kernel"
"user defined size" "Benutzer definierte Gr��e"
"using cellsize" ""
"valid data cells match original grid extent" ""
"value at mouse position" "Wert an Mausposition"
"value range" ""
"values are class identifiers" ""
"variable and height levels have to be of same number" "Variable und H�henlevel
m�ssen den gleichen Wert haben"
"variable type" ""
"variable type + original name" ""
"variance" "Varianz"
"variance-covariance matrix" "Varianz-Kovarianz Matrix"
"vector" ""
"vertical" "vertikal"
"vertically" ""
"w" ""
"warning" ""
"warning, input uses less than 4 bytes per value" ""
"warning: albedo is ignored" ""
"warning: number of Eigen vectors and components differs." ""
"warning: number of component grids and components differs." ""
"weighting factor for slope in index calculation" ""
"well known text, prj file - workaround for command line" ""
"when using weights without support for negative flow: output of the absolute
amount of negative flow that occurred" ""
"when using weights: do not transport negative flow, set it to zero instead; useful
e.g. when accumulating measures of water balance." ""
"whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates" ""
"whether to use the shrinking heuristics" ""
"white - cyan" "wei� - cyan"
"white - magenta" "wei� - magenta"
"white - yellow" "wei� - gelb"
"white > blue" "wei� > blau"
"white > green" "wei� > gr�n"
"white > red" "wei� > rot"
"wire" "Draht"
"with B-spline refinement" "mit B-Spline-Verfeinerung"
"without B-spline refinement" "ohne B-Spline-Verfeinerung"
"world" ""
"write" ""
"x - Values" "x - Werte"
"x Position" "x Position"
"x, y" ""
"x, y, z" ""
"x, y, z, m" ""
"y - Values" "y - Werte"
"y Position" "y Position"
"yellow - white" "gelb - wei�"
"yellow > blue" "gelb > blau"
"yellow > green" "gelb > gr�n"
"yellow > red" "gelb > rot"
"yes" "ja"
"yymmdd, fix size" "jjmmtt, feste Gr��e"
"yyyy:mm:dd" ""
"yyyymmdd, fix size" "jjjjmmtt, feste Gr��e"
"z values" "z Werte"
"z, Percentage silt [%]" "z, Prozentanteil Ton [%]"
"{STATZONAL_NAME} Zonal Grid Statistics" ""

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