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1. Version History \ | 2. Introduction and Character Bios | |
3. Game Systems | | A. Controls | |
B. The Main Menu and World Map Interface | | C. Camping |
| D. The Battle Menu and System | | E. Battle Formations |
| 4. Rules of Thumb | | 5. The Walkthrough | |
I. Hoodlums in the Woods | | II. The Balio and Sunder Saga | |
III. Journey to Angel Tower | | IV. Revenge | |
V. Problems at the Plant | | VI. Freeing Deis | |
VII. To Cross the Sea | | VIII. Technology of the Lost Shore | |
IX. Dragnier | | X. The Desert of Death | | XI.
Myria Station | | XII. Eden | | XIII. The
Final Confrontation | | 6. Dragons and Their Genes | | 7.
Spells | | A. Character Spells | | B.
Spell List | | 8. Masters | | 9. Enemy
Encyclopedia | | 10. Game Lists | | 11. Side
Quests | | A. Fishing | | B. Faerie
Village | | C. Hide & Seek | | D. The
Tower's Crystal Challenge | | E. Long Trips in the Desert | |
F. Challenge Monsters | | G. Other Challenges | |
12. Balio and Sunder: The Age Old Question | | 13. Frequently Asked Questions
| | 14. Tricks and Glitches | | 15. Notes on the PSP Version
| \ 16. Acknowledgments and Closing /

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