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Topic: Cellular Respiration A) by the transfer of a phosphate group from a fragment

1. A molecule is oxidized when it _____. of glucose to ADP (substrate level phosphorylation)
A) changes shape B) using energy from the sun to perform photosynthesis
B) gains a hydrogen (H+) ion C) by the transport of electrons through a series of
C) loses a hydrogen (H+) ion carriers
D) gains an electron D) when electrons and hydrogen atoms are transferred
E) loses an electron to NAD+
E) as a product of chemiosmosis
2. In cellular respiration, _____ is oxidized and ___
is reduced. 11. A chemist has discovered a drug that blocks
A) oxygen ... ATP phosphoglucoisomerase, an enzyme that catalyzes
B) ATP ... oxygen the second reaction in glycolysis. He wants to use
C) glucose ... oxygen the drug to kill bacteria in people with infections.
D) carbon dioxide ... water But he can't do this because _____.
E) glucose ... ATP A) bacteria are facultative anaerobes; they usually don't
need to perform glycolysis
3. Most of the ATP produced in cellular respiration B) glycolysis produces so little ATP that the drug will
comes from _____. have little effect
A) glycolysis B) chemiosmosis C) human cells also perform glycolysis; the drug might
C) lactic acid fermentation D) biosynthesis also poison them
E)the Krebs cycle D)bacteria do not perform glycolysis
E) glycolysis can occur without the action of enzymes
4. Which one of the following best describes the
electron transport chain? 12. In glycolysis, the glucose splits into two 3-
A) Electrons are pumped across a membrane by active carbon compounds: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
transport. and 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid. Which of the
B) Acetyl CoA is fully oxidized to CO2. following statements is true?
C) Hydrogens are added to CO2 to make an energy- A) Only one of these compounds is used, which
rich compound. explains the low efficiency of energy retrieval of cell
D) Electrons pass from one carrier to another, releasing respiration.
a little energy at each step. B) One of the compounds goes through the Krebs cycle
E) Glucose is broken down to a three-carbon compound and one becomes lactate.
in preparation for the Krebs cycle. C) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and 1,3-
diphosphoglyceric acid are interconvertible.
5. An electron carrier acts as an energy-storage D)All of the carbons in glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate are
molecule when it is ______ (for example, _______). immediately converted to carbondioxide.
A) reduced ... NAD B) oxidized ... NAD E) None of the above. Campbell Biology Chapter
C) oxidized ... NADH D)reduced ... NADH
E) oxidized ... FADH2 13. Of the metabolic pathways listed below, the only
pathway found in all organisms is _____.
6. The function of cellular respiration is to __. A) cellular respiration B) the Krebs cycle
A) reduce CO2 C) the electron transport chain
B) extract CO2 from the atmosphere D) glycolysis E) fermentation
C) extract usable energy from glucose
D) synthesize macromolecules from monomers 14. Of the following molecules in the glycolytic
E) produce carbohydrates pathway (the process of glycolysis), the one with
the most chemical energy is __________.
7. Which of the following substances, if any, is NOT A) pyruvate
involved in oxidative phosphorylation? B) glucose
A) ADP B) oxygen C) fructose-6-phosphate
C) ATP D) Pi D) fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
e) All of the above are involved in oxidative E) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
15. During respiration in a eukaryotic cell, reactions
8. During the reaction C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 of glycolysis occur, or are located, in or on______.
H2O, ___________. A) the cytosol
A) oxygen becomes reduced B) the matrix of the mitochondrion
B) glucose becomes reduced C) the cristae of the mitochondrion
C) CO2 becomes reduced D)the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion
D) water becomes reduced E) across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion
E) both glucose and CO2 become reduced
16. Which of the following molecules, if any, is NOT
9. The principal hydrogen-atom-carrier molecules in a reactant or product in the first step of glycolysis?
cells are composed of ___________. A) ATP
A) amino acids B) fatty acids B) glucose
C) nucleotides D) sugars C) glucose-6-phosphate
E) phospholipids D) ADP
E) All the above are reactants or products in the first
10. A small amount of ATP is made in glycolysis__. step of glycolysis.

anaerobically. They could do this by checking for a

17. Most of the NADH that delivers high-energy buildup of _____.
electrons to the electron transport chain comes A) ATP B) lactate C)carbon dioxide
from _____. D) ADP E) oxygen
A) chemiosmosis
B) the cytoplasm 25. How much ATP can a cell make from one
C) glycolysis glucose molecule in the presence of carbon
D) biosynthesis monoxide?
E) the Krebs cycle A) none B) 2 ATP C) 4 ATP
D) 38 ATP E) 18 ATP
18. In an experiment, mice were fed glucose
(C6H12O6) containing a small amount of radioactive 26. In glycolysis in the absence of oxygen, cells
oxygen. The mice were closely monitored, and in a need a way to regenerate which compound?
few minutes radioactive oxygen atoms showed up A) ethanol B) carbon dioxide
in _____. C)NAD+ D) lactate
A) carbon dioxide B) NADH E) glucose
C) water D) ATP
E) oxygen gas 27. Muscle tissues make lactate from pyruvate in
order to _____.
19. In preparing pyruvate to enter the Krebs cycle, A) enable you to get drunk
which of the following steps does NOT occur? B) get rid of toxic pyruvate
A) It is oxidized by reducing an NAD+ C) utilize the energy in pyruvate
to an NADH. D) utilize the released CO2
B) A carbon atom is released in carbon dioxide. E) regenerate (oxidized) NAD+
C) A compound called coenzyme A binds to a two-
carbon fragment. 28. In brewing beer, maltose (a disaccharide) is __.
D) Oxygen must be present for the pyruvate to enter the A) a flavoring ingredient
Krebs cycle. B) the substrate for aerobic respiration
E) The two-carbon fragment formed after a carbon atom C) the substrate for alcoholic fermentation
is released as carbon dioxide is called lactate. D) one of the enzymes for alcoholic fermentation
E) the organism that carries out alcoholic fermentation
20. Why is the Krebs cycle called a cycle?
A) Glucose is cycled around and resynthesized. 29. When protein molecules are used as fuel for
B) NAD+ and FAD are recycled. cellular respiration, _____ are produced as waste.
C) The two-carbon acetyl CoA binds to a four- carbon A) amino groups
molecule that is restored at the end of the cycle. B) fatty acids
D) Carbon dioxide is cycled back to photosynthesis. C) sugar molecules
E) NADH is cycled down the electron transport chain. D) molecules of lactate
E) ethanol and CO2
21. In the Krebs cycle, the energetic production per
glucose molecule is _____. 30. A gram of fat oxidized by respiration produces
A) 2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2 approximately _____ as much ATP as a gram of
B) 38 ATP carbohydrate.
C) 4 ATP, 8 NADH A) half B) twice C)4 times
D) 2 ATP, 6 NADH D) 10 times E)100 times
E) 1 ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2

22. What is the name of the process in which

glucose is converted to pyruvate?
A) chemiosmotic theory
B) fermentation
C) glycolysis
D) the Krebs cycle
E) none of the above

23. Fermentation is essentially glycolysis plus an

extra step in which pyruvate is reduced to form
lactate or alcohol and carbon dioxide. This last
step _____.
A) removes poisonous oxygen from the environment
B) extracts a bit more energy from glucose
C) enables the cell to recycle NAD+
D) inactivates toxic pyruvate
E) enables the cell to make pyruvate into substances it
can use

24. Sports physiologists at an Olympic training

center wanted to monitor athletes to determine at
what point their muscles were functioning

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