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Tim** Herald, Carroll, la., Monday, November ! • , I t 7?

- »af* 11

nfWItl r w VfaTfW 63 I Aaartmont N r Kent 68 U f a Cow * Trucks 71 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 S -

1 P.M. House, lot It household
HAVING PROBLEMS LARGE 2 bedroom downstairs 1972 FORD Gran Torino 4 dr..
items. 303 North Whitney. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
apartment. 714 N. Adams. power steering, air. 2*9 motor,
GETTING A LOAN? Responsible adults. No pets. new paint. Red title. '600 or Carroll. Florence Gephart.
Deposit. 65-224-Mc best offer 792 5611 71 226 Stc Owner. Mescher 6 Rupiper.
BETTER CHECK Auctioneers.
THISONE! B E A U T I F U L > bedroom, 1973 C I I E V E L L E SS/power SUNDAY, NOVEMBER tt-
fireplace. 1100 sq ft., all ap­ steerinR 6 brakes, a i r .
, <»i, Income Property pliances. 1 full bath*. '375 90 a u t o m a t i c . S l i g h t body
1 P.M. Complete closing out
farm sale. Located 4 mites ACROSS 54 Sharp ridges UNITED Feature Syndicate
2 unit apt. 792-5555 After • p.m. damage. Red title. * 0 0 or best west. I mile south. '? mite 1 Wound 58 Disciplinari­
H O U M located clot* to down­ 791-9573 65-223 tfc offer 792 M i l 71 226 Me
Friday's Puule Solved
west of Coon Rapids or 3 5 West and ans
t o w n . Conlracl a v a i l a b l e , Murray
T A K I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S for 1966 MUSTANG Good condition miles south. 2*t mites east of 62 Globe
ftoducad to toll. Only M0.900. 9 Guide
new 2 bedroom apt* Available Pony interior, spoke hubcaps Dedham Mike Wiltenborg. 63 More
•6,000 down — 9% interest. 14 Allot 64 Put back
»225 monthly payment*. Jan. 3 M79.90 • up. must 792-3001. 7l226-3tp Owner. Kerkhoff. Kerkhoff 6
qualify. Between 9:6} and 5:09. Kasperbauer. Auctioneers. 15 "Kubla 66 Bay
Ph.: 7924656 66-223tfc 1970 GTO 400 4 spd 950 or best Khan" river 67 Hence
HALBUR REALTY B E D R O O M upstairs apart­
offer. 792-I3M. 7l22Mtp
I P . M . 40 acres. Carroll 16 Flavor 68 Robt.
1977 FORD pickup/camper. Has County land 2 miles south of 17 Differently 69 Perishers
792-2866 umru ment. Close to downtown.
everything, sharp '599500 Carroll Country Club. Bill 19" of 70 Minister
Available Nov. I 792-2931 after Old Smoky"
I D E A L FOR Busy folks Want Glidden Auto Sales 71-227-ltc Siepker and Bill Bohling. 71 Dare: Dial.
6 p.m. 65-213 tfc
Ads serve you at YOUR con­ Owners. Grote and Kasper­ 20 Composer
1975 E L Camino 350. power Ferde — DOWN
venience. Read 'em to fill your CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE to bauer. Auctioneers.
steering 6 brakes, automatic, 21 Sleds 1 Smaies
needs. your advantage. radial tires, new Winnebago SUNDAY. DECEMBER « - 23 Mouth water 2 Four: Prefix
topper.'2900 Ph : 669 3396 100 PM. 4 bedroom novae *
STOP! LOOK! SAVE! SEE US! 25 Girts name 3 Mass. town
Halbur Reahy Co.. Carroll. Ua—1 Cow 6 Trucks 71 71223 5tp lot. 215 N Main. Carroll.
26 Roman 4 Complaining
Lloyd Neppte. Owner. McCar- emperor 5 Gullet
u-antc 1974 BUICK Electra 225. Custom ville. Scharfenkamp * 28 Banged in 6 CAfTW down
4 door, full power, red 6 white. center 47 Folded
LET US do your homework for
you. M k N Real Estate. Local trade. McCarvllle 6 Son Calendar of Rupiper. Auctioneers.
32 Hand cover­ 7 — salts 27 Egg shaped 49 — Diego
ings: 2 words 8 Queen of — 29 Lacerated
Motors. 71-227-ltc
Sale Dates ft- 37 Reserve 9 Cigars 30 Great Lake
French cap
Cubic meter

TO BUY or sell homes, farms,

1977 PONTIAC Grand Prix 2 dr
h'dtop. air. cruise. UK. PS.
Claimed 12:30 P.M. Closing out farm
38 — Lupino
39 Hebrew high
10 Touching
11 This: Sp.
31 Negotiate
32 Jokes
55 Musical
PB. metallic brown, tan cloth and sale Located from Glidden priest
acreages, commercial — 12 English 33 Icon 56 Feminine suf­
Wilson Real Estate. 7R-974 interior. 40-60 seat. Excep­ Vi mites south •« east or 41 Inlet school
•3-IWtfc tionally clean, reasonable. Auction Sales from Coon Rapids 6 mites 42 Univ bldgs 13 Agts
34 Defy
35 Before 57
40.000 miles. 792-9551 after All types of auctions will be run north 6 l*« mites west. Oscar 45 Fruit rind 18 Festivity
EASTGATE REAL Estate and 36 Any 58 Lass
4. 71-224-Otc in this Auction Calendar FREE if 11 D a l e L l o y d . O w n e r s . 2 words 22 California
Insurance. Insure with con­ 40 Girl's name 59 Hindu god
we have the advertising copy of Rupiper. Scharfenkamp * 48 Rests tort 43 Pithier
fidence. 7KS27S M-123tfc 1972 SS El Camino. 52.900 miles, 60 Rattle
your ad in our office. Kerkhoff. Auctioneers. 50 Epochal 24 Venezuelan 44 Dashes 61 Gesture
rebuilt carb.. cruise, snow
S E R V I N G T H E Carroll area t i r e s . Good c o n d i t i o n . SUNDAY. DECEMBER ft- 51 Semites copper 46 Nostrils 65 Bow
o v e r 30 y e a r s . P u d e n z - 1963-4451. 7l-224-5tp EVERY THURSDAY— I P.M. Complete closing out
Kunecke Real Estate. Hwy. 30 1:00 I ' M Carroll Livestock farm sale It household items
West. Erv Pudeni. 7H-M40; I960 VW. Beetle. Good shape, Sale Located from Arcadia Oil
Gary Kunecke. 7K-323). runs good. Just been repain­ Station: 2 miles east * I ' « m i .
M 221 tfc t e d . 712 652-3938 a f t e r 6
EVERY SATURDAY— north. W i l l i a m Nobtling. NO, I THINK HE'S
p.m 7l-223-5tc O w n e r . G e r k e n . Schar­
CALL US to buy or sell your I P.M. Farmer's Livestock
fenkamp It Rupiper. Auc­
home, farm or commercial 1973 T Bird, exceptionally clean. Sale
property. Fleshner Family Michelin tires, loaded, with FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2 3 - tioneers. HISHVPOCHONPRIACT.'
Realty. 7WI5I3 M 137 tfc trailer hitch. Call 792 1554 or 1 P.M. Farm machinery auc> FRIDAY. JANUARY 4 - IT
792 9037 after 5:30. 71 223 I5tc tion. From Itreda 2 miles 12 30 P M Val Zinke farm
c i a l . r e s i d e n t i a l , rentals 1976 DODGE Colt 2 dr. h'dtop. 4 s o u t h At '.• m i l e E a s t sale 4 miles east. I'« south It
792-5555 USS-ttc cylinder, auto., bucket seats, Clarence Schapmnn. Owner east of Hamlin. IA. Mervl
vinyl roof, near new Goodyear Grotc * Gerken. Auctioneers. Kerkhoff and Lloyd
COMES REAL Estate 7HMS5 tires. Plenty of economy left Laugherv. Auctioneers.
or 792-1679 to buy or sell
here. 1975 Datsun Station 24- SUNDAY. JANUARY 6 -
homes, acreage*, farms. . Wagon. 4 cylinder. 4 speed, I P.M House, lot l> household 12 30 P M Clarence Fteddrr
631«Mfc bucket seats Super sharp in
Roods. 614 North Crawford man farm sate. Located south
side and out. Witt rock Motors. of Dedham Jet 161^141.'. mi
Houses N r Rant Carroll. Mrs. Arnold Fischer
71-21* tfc southeast on pavement I J 2' i
Estate Owner. Rupiper It
4 BEDROOM house. Deposit TO FINANCE your new or used Scharfenkamp. Auctioneers. mi. cast on gravel road. From
Year lease. No pets. 7*2-4778 car see Personal Lenders Coon Rapids — 6 mi. west on
after 6:30. M 225 tic
Thomas Plata. Carroll. Call Hwy 141. Vi mi north * >4
3 P.M. 4 bedroom home on a
792-2555 71 233 tfc mi west Auctioneers: Spor-
3 BEDROOM home. Available large kit In Itreda M r
immediately. Attached rer. Dave It Mervl Kerkhoff It
G R I F F I T H FORD MERCURY Mrs Glen Koster. Owners
Karagc. central a i r . very Irlhcck
Inc Authorised sales 6 ser­ G e r k e n . Schartcnkamp
economical lo heat. Located vice. Jet Hwv 71 6 30 - Car Rupiper. Auctioneers
close to Hot Center. '350 mo roll. 792-1505 71 IS tfc
No pets. 712-563-4154 . 64-225-3tc
IN AUBURN 2 bedroom brick
house — new furnace, at
tached RaraRe George N
authorized G M dealer in Car­
roll. Top dollar paid for used
cars. 7929236 71 124 tfc
Wernimont. 792-4229 64-176-tfc 1V2 Acres
3 bedroom home with family room.
Furnace with central air. Fully carpeted. */a
mi. north of Ralston on hard surfaced road.
Lots of new trees. Large garden spot. 2
small outbuildings.
792-1513 Phone 659-2150 after 6 p.m.
Immediate P«M«lBn on this lovely 3 bedroom ranch. * J » H Stc
Gas furnace, C/A, garage, south front. Nice area.
Contract financing.*
We or.e members of Carroll Multiple Listing Service ond we
have listings of Carroll and outside areas. Glidden, Arcadia,£
Lidderdale, Lanesboro, Scranton, and Audubon. Call
Harvey Fleshner 79MS13or Pat Johnston 792-2305

Don't Forget
New Listing — Spotless near new ranch, 4 in order for you to get your
bedroom, IV* baths, 1st floor utility room, phone ringing for the best
spacious oarage with storage area. Family room, DEAR VtfcEL, T H A T I * Y O U R YOU A R E P S PLEASE S E N D M E
results on your classified ads we I* Y O U W A N T T H E BUSINESS... C A R T E R R I G H T A N D A W A R S O U V E N I R
fireplace. Near St. Lawrence. Low *70's. Call MUST have your ad copy for R U S S I A N S I N CUBA T O H A S N O R I G H T C A R T E R IS P R O M A F R I C A .
today. classified ads and classified display D E P E N D Y O U P R O M M E D D L I N G I NT H E W R O N G UOVt,
ads in the Times Herald Office by 4 THE. I M P E R I A L I S T W A R -
90 M I L E S A W A Y
P M - the day before publication
OfCtCflMeA ttMtoa*
Monday through Friday.

Q9«ncij insurance
r e a l estate
792-5050 Dial 792-3573
704 w . h i g h w a y 30
Classified D e p a r t m e n t
BobGreteman 792-243S Helen Nieland 792-2344
MikeGreteman 792-4938
W a y n e C h a n d lee
LouGreteman 792-4737
792-4599 our *
Carroll Daily Times Herald <«/«•


MINK A M 4 U C . . . M
0 U 5 I N C 9 3 U N M R
INV»»TI<3vATION . . .

'4 ••


LOOK* LIMB P U K N N C A K ...mO W H « N YA # M ' I M ,
mmX'BOPY IM TOWN S A A / K H I M • I V t t ' I M MY Ninm BUCK* YOU C A W . [•ACK AT THE V HC-

root ~ wtmwxr HIS W A V



In South Ameri­ hundred. Their diet usually POU'T Bi.AMe y o u /
''WHY A M IrO^ can rivers consists of other fish. But if L w x y you MiStfD

Q m PIRANHA BlfH _, * swims one of

the world's
an animal happens to be in
the water near a school of

moat dangerous fish — the hungry piranhas, they

piranha. This savage fish is attack and devour it
only ten or so inches long, instantly. Animals as big
but its teeth are so sharp as a horse have been eaten
WlNf A PWZftfOR and its jaws are so strong, down to a bare skeleton in
THIf> (PUMDON. it can chop a piece of f lean only a few minutes.
from an animal or a V M cia • BWW 4Ja»
human as neatly as a r U ywr wMlita It • l t d -

razor. Piranhas often trav­ I* JOHNNY WONDC*. c7*

Um i i P.O. S M
O t t n UnNtri r«Mw« Syn«caM.
I M m> m m an n / ^
el in schools of several liM.luUCm.CAMM!

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