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The Ohio State University

Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering

Spring Semester, 2018


Due Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018 (or possibly after spring break)
Homework #7 (15 points)
Column and beam deflections due to flexure and slip

Lateral strength and flexural response of Column B3 (or B10) in the first story of Thompson
Library building on the OSU campus will be analyzed and determined. The basic information
about the building is shown below. As illustrated below, central portion of the library is a multi-
story reinforced concrete beam-column frame structure with seven transverse frames (axes 3 to
10) and four longitudinal frames (axes A to D). Some of the floor plans and more information
about the building are uploaded to Carmen.

Column B3 (or B10) has 20 in. square cross section with 10 longitudinal bars (4 bars at each end
and 2 bars in the middle of the section) in the first story. Column is designed per ACI 318
(1947). Longitudinal rebar has square shape (each side is 1.0 in.). Transverse steel has 3/8 in.
diameter (#3) bars spaced at 14 in. Assume there are three legs of #3 bars at each level, i.e.,
horizontal steel area = 3 times area of #3 bar.

Specified 28-day (unconfined) concrete strength, f’c is 5000 psi and assume εcu = 0.0045.

Assume all steel has fy = 50 ksi; ultimate strength of 70 ksi; εsh = 0.008; 1% slope for the yield
plateau; εsu = 0.10; and rupture strain εrupture = 0.15.

Column is 15 ft long in the first story and is connected to rigid beams at the top and bottom, and
is allowed to move laterally at the top. You can represent this fixed-ended column as a
combination of two cantilevers each with half the total column length (7.5 ft).

Problem 1
Model the 20 in. square column cross section using the following (possibly two different)
tools/software to determine and compare/validate the moment-curvature response:
• your own program written in homework 6 (e.g., in Matlab) only if it is working properly. NO
new Matlab program writing is desired in this homework!
• CSI’s Section Builder, which is available in SAP2000, ETABS, CSiBridge, or CSiCOL.
OSU has the site license to all of these programs from CSi.
• Xtract, which may not work on some computers (to be uploaded to Carmen)
• Any other computer program; some are available for free online, e.g.,

Provide moment-curvature response of this cross section for two cases: axial load is zero (bema
case) and constant compressive axial load of 200 kips (column). Not that some of these programs
will not use Mander’s model and results may be somewhat different (but not significantly
different) due to various assumptions involved in calculations. Briefly comment on those
differences and the assumptions involved in your analysis.
Problem 2.

Problem 3.
When the column B3 (or B10) in the first story of the Thompson library building is used as a
beam (no axial load) and as a column (under a constant axial load of 200 kips) the moment-
curvature relations were obtained in Problem 1.

Calculate the lateral load-lateral displacement relationship for the 15 ft tall fixed-ended column
B3 (very similar to first part of Problem 2) for two cases when the axial load is zero and 200 kips
in compression:
a) by integrating the curvatures along the length (plot #1)
b) using the plastic hinge method (plot #2)
Calculate column lateral displacement caused by bar slip at the both ends versus lateral load on
y-axis (plot #3). Provide plots (plot #4 and #5) of total column lateral displacement vs lateral
load, including flexure and slip effects (sum of plots #1, #2 and #3).

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