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-Secret History of Atlantis-

Long ago, Atlantis was a thriving civilization. With the island situated in the middle of
what is now the Indian Ocean, between Africa, India and Australia, the great island nation served
as the center of technological advancement and culture. Were there flying cars and unlimited
batteries? No, there were not. Such things are the things of cartoons and fairy tales, nothing
The advances that Atlantis were known for are considered relatively simple now.
Sextants and compasses. Astronomical charts which were more detailed than any pantheon
which was still using the stars for astrology instead. Metallurgy and clockwork mechanics served
as the most potent form of mechanical science for the Atlantean people. But the Atlantean people
were explorers and scientists, not conquerers and warriors. They were not afraid to defend
themselves if attacked, but the Atlanteans were never the aggressors.
More so than any pantheon, the Atlanteans had peaceful relations with all the other
families of gods. Culturally, they were closer to the Dodekatheon and the Pesedjet and there
were more than a few colonies of Atlantean citizens in the Mediteranean and others in the
Caribbean and other oceans further abroad. They spent time trading their metallurgical
knowledge with the Atzlanti. They traded supplies with the Yoruba pantheon of Africa that would
eventually become the Loa. The Devas, Amatsukami and Celestial Bureaucracy were willing to
treat the Atlantean pantheon as their equals and trade freely with them, offering spiritual
enlightment in exchange or scientific knowledge. The Atlanteans were not the oldest of gods.
The Pesedjet, Annuna and the Devas have those distinctions. However, the Atlanteans were
older than many of the other pantheons, having risen to power during the same era as their
Dodekatheon and Pesedjet companions and their civilization had advanced to such a level that
even their elders were left behind them intellectually.
And that, perhaps is why the Titans targetted them during the original Titan War. At that
time, the Atlanteans could have been considered the most powerful of pantheons and if the Titans
could bring them low, they believed that the other pantheons would crumble. The Atlantean
devotion to the ocean and their desire to explore every part of the ocean they could reach made
the dominant Avatars of the Titan of Water most especially focused on their destruction. At that
time, the dominant Avatars were Tethys and her husband Oceanus and in honor of their rule, the
Titan of Water was called Pontus, rather than the Drowned Road. It was Oceanus that
formulated a plan to deal with the Atlanteans. Representing the vast unexplored reaches of the
ocean, Oceanus felt more threatened than any particular Titan Avatar by the Atlantean exploration
and was obsessed with their downfall and destruction.
Oceanus' plan was two-fold. While he dealt with the Atlantean gods himself, one of his
agents would infiltrate the upper echelons of Atlantean mortal society to ensure the downfall of
the civilization that gave the Atlantean gods strength. Tethys was more than willing to aid with the
distraction part of the plan, flooding the Atlantean Overworld with waters that threatened to drag
the gods and lesser immortals below. Oceanus also enlisted aid from the Avatars of the Sky
Titans, as Ouranos and others sent great Overworld storms to batter the great ships of the gods
and assault the canals and dams that kept Tethys water from taking the entire realm.
Oceanus allowed his allies and his minions to strike at the shores of Atlantis almost non-
stop. The Atlantean gods were hard-pressed to defend themselves from these assaults, forcing
them into a defensive position and leaving them little time to interact with the World. And then
Oceanus invited Badarus to a one-on-one challenge. Managing to play upon his honor as head
of the pantheon, he convinced Badarus to accept. The fight lasted for days. The two epically
brilliant fighters playing on each other's tactics and countering them. But finally, Badarus gained
the upper hand using the power of his Avatars. And Oceanus used that moment to cast a spell
he'd developed, just waiting for Badarus to employ that tactic. As the god assumed his Avatar
form, Oceanus' spell grabbed up the unleashed energy, absorbing it within his very essence and
allowing him merge with it and take Badarus' place among the gods of Atlantis.
That act spelled the doom of Atlantis. The moment Oceanus had the power of Badarus,
he took the opportunity to use Badarus' power over the earth and his own magic, transoforming
Kuros, the traveller, into solid stone. Then, by raising storms and water spouts in the great ocean
surrounding the land, making travel impossible, he prevented the other gods from leaving since
they no longer had the aid of Badarus' or Kuros' Psychopomp. With his magic to aid him, he
merged the storms with the essence of the Overworld itself and make the water's chaotic nature
self-sustaining. And thus, Oceanus now controlled the Atlantean Godrealm.
But that wasn't enough. The Atlanteans had a number of minor gods that were still active
in the World. And the Underworld and gods of death would still be a problem. And so, Oceanus
turned his attention to purging the rest of the World and striking against the Underworld. Each
minor god that fell, was then stricken from human and godly memory using the power of Scire.
As they were no longer living, the power of the Atlantean Purview could eliminate their memory.
The Underworld was hit the hardest. Each death god that fell caused chaos to erupt in the
Underworld. Entire sections of it were destroyed. Until only the palace of Versak and the
mountain which served as passage between Overworld and Underworld remained. As a god of
Justice as well, Versak stood defiant against Oceanus. Going so far as to link their fates together.
If Versak fell, then the both of them fell. So he could not destroy Versak. Instead, he bound him.
Crafting a fate prison to seal the god away within his own palace. And then used Badarus' stolen
powers over the earth to suck the palace down within the rocky soil of the Underworld, sealing
away Versak and removing him from the battle and control of the Underworld.
And with Oceanus victorious, the shades of the Atlantean dead who stood against him
were destroyed. Those who joined him, became spectres and were sent out among the living to
spread havoc. The Underworld was emptied as the resistance was destroyed and the rest
Meanwhile, as he struck at the minor gods and cleared out the Underworld and gods of
death, the next phase of his plan was set in motion. Oceanus sent his chief agent to the shores
of Atlantis. Proteus had once been a Scion of Heshon, until he had gone abroad and wandered
into places he was not meant to go. There, he'd encountered Oceanus. Under the tutelage of
the Titan of the Vast Ocean, Proteus had been corrupted to believe that it was a crime to know it
all. Proteus now believed that the wild places of the world that his mother protected were meant
to stay wild. With Oceanus' conniving words, Proteus came to believe that his people were
committing crimes of hubris and needed to be reminded of their place.
Proteus was a skilled shapeshifter. Taking after his mother with his impressive looks and
his skill at changing his appearance, he gained the ability to change into animals with the blessing
of Oceanus. With his talent at appearing as others, he moved into the clergy of Atlantis. It took a
full year for Proteus to become a priest of Atlantis and move his way up the ranks, until he served
as advisor to the great kings of Atlantis themselves.
With the gods no longer in the equation, Proteus was free to guide the people of Atlantis
in his new plans. Under Proteus' guidance, the Atlantean people began to spread their influence
by force. Former explorers became conquerers and former scientists became designers of
weapons of mass destruction.
The other pantheons knew what was going on, but they had problems of their own to deal
with as other Titans ravaged their borders. And besides, the Atlanteans were the greatest at that
time. And so they waited for the Atlantean gods, the most advanced of the gods, to find a way to
turn the tables, take charge and put a stop to it themselves. They could not ignore the invading
people under Proteus' leadership, however. The other cultures treated the Atlantean people as
they would any invading people. They fought them. Many lost because of the Atlanteans'
advanced technology for the time, but they fought anyway.
And then Proteus unleashed his plague upon the world. The gods remember what
happened from then on. The other pantheons realized that the Atlantean pantheon had been
lost. They assumed that there was no coming back from what had happened and the people had
been corrupted beyond redemption. And so the other pantheons swept down upon them,
destroying the island, destroying the people, destroying all records that Atlantis had even existed
(save for the few records that the obsessive Seshat had secreted away).
Proteus managed to escape, predicting the attack and escaping the island before it hit.
He's been in hiding since then, fearing the wrath of the gods and secreting himself away as only a
shapeshifter of his caliber truly can.
Soon after, the other gods managed to imprison the Titans, forcing them down into
Tartarus and sealing them away under the power of the Arbiters and other powerful Avatars. And
it was then that Oceanus realized that his merger with Badarus had unforseen consequences.
Oceanus found the hard way that he was no longer bound as an Avatar of the Greater Titan of
Water. Though still technically an Avatar, his bond with a god has left him tied to the Atlantean
Godrealm instead.
And the Godrealm was left to drift in the Overworld, lost to the rest of the pantheons, cut
off from the World thanks to its now-destroyed Axis Mundi. Oceanus' control over the borders
served as the only thing keeping the other gods from fleeing into the vastness of the empty
Though, he wasn't simply lax with his time in the Overworld. Skaft was the first to be
imprisoned. The Atlantean smith god, master of advanced technology, far beyond what humans
are normally capable of, was put in chains of his own orichalcum and set to work practically non-
stop in the forges of the Atlantean palace. Of course, Skaft, even now isn't known for his stamina.
But he's managed to make due and learn what he needs to in order to keep from getting the whip
from Oceanus and his flunkies.
Amnis has been imprisoned as well. With Oceanus' real wife imprisoned in Tartarus, he
has found that he's been forced to make due with Badarus' wife instead. Trapped in the royal
bedchamber, Oceanus does not allow his new bride to leave. What Oceanus does to her when
he has free time, perhaps it's best not to know. Though the remaining free gods have, on
occassion, still heard screaming coming from the towers of the palace.
And finally, to show that Oceanus had accomplished what he set out to do, he took the
book which he had used to write every name of the fallen Atlantean gods in when he destroyed
them, added his own spell to the book so that none could know how to undo what he had done,
and then cast the book into the fire. Assuring that every piece of information he had hidden away
from the World and the gods would remain hidden. In this way, he destroyed as much of the
Atlantean culture as he possibly could.
Only two goddesses remain free from Oceanus' control and domination. Heshon, the
master of the wild and goddess of luck still has a refuge or two in the Atlantean Overworld that
even Oceanus cannot touch. And the mysterious and ghostly goddess of the moon and
knowledge, Demosia, has taken up residence with her in these hidden glens. Since the fall of the
Atlantean people, the two goddesses of magic have been working and planning. Both knew that
their imprisonment could not last forever. Eventually, the Titans would break free again, and the
walls of their prison would be jarred. So they've been writing spells. Devising tricks that no
magical being has even concieved of until now.
For one, they've discovered a way to perform a Visitation upon latent potential that is
generations old. The Atlantean bloodlines were not completely killed off, though without the
Atlantean pantheon to deliver the Visititations or formally disavow them so others could perform
the Adoption Rite, the other gods were unable to take advantage of their divine blood. And
honestly, most ancient gods did not wish for the "cursed" blood of the Atlanteans to come to
power again anyway. One of the spells which Heshon and Demosia have devised is a way to
awaken the Atlantean potential within Scions descended from those bloodlines and awaken them
as Scions of the Atlantean people. But even so, these descendents must have active divine
blood in them as well. As in, they have to be the Scions of someone else for the goddesses to
draw out the Atlantean power.
Another thing they've discovered is how to perform a Visitation on another god's behalf.
For Atlantis to survive, they will need more than simply the Scions of Heshon and Demosia.
They'll need inventors with the power of Skaft, explorers from Kuros, lawgivers from Versak,
leaders and priests from Badarus and Amnis. But those gods cannot grant the power
themselves. But the two free goddesses have learned a way to perform a Visitation on another
god's behalf. The god must be Atlantean, the spell will not work beyond their own pantheon, and
it comes with a hefty price, but the two goddesses are willing to give what needs to be given in
order to ensure that the Atlantean Scions may be varied enough to see the fight through to the
The two goddesses have also devised a spell which allows them to pierce Oceanus'
shield around the Atlantean Overworld, letting them see the World once more and see what has
become of it. Using this, they're able to find the potential Scions they're looking for, and use
normal magic spells such as Transient Visitation to augment their created spells so that they can
awaken the latent power of the Atlantean lines.
And finally, just as the goddesses predicted, the Titans broke free. The surge of power
from the Drowned Road and it's drawing power on Oceanus has once more caused the Atlantean
Overworld to drift back to the World. And as it draws close once more, Demosia and Heshon
reach out with their spells, awakening Scions and granting them the power of the Atlantean gods.
They Visit them in their sleep and grant them power in their dreams, showing them the true
Atlantean way and awakening them to the Virtues of the Atlantean people.
Many of the gods who have noticed this trend are somewhat disturbed. For the
bloodlines of the Atlanteans to be awakened, the Scion must already have been a Scion who just
happens to have blood that can be traced back directly to one of the Atlantean gods. A rare thing
to be sure, but there are certain gods who notice when their Scions are Visited and their powers
awakened without having done it themselves. At the moment, there are but a handful of
Atlantean gods roaming the World. They have been met with varied reactions, from outright
violence from the gods of war and death who hoped Atlantis would stay dead when they
destroyed it, to curiosity from the more intellectual gods who note that the new Scions are clean
of the Titan's taint and wish to know just how this was accomplished and where this ressurgence
is coming from.
Heshon and Demosia do not believe that Oceanus has noticed that their activities have
awakened Atlantean blood in the World once more. But it's only a matter of time before he begins
to take action, or before Proteus interferes in the World and manages to get information to his

-Terra Incognita - Isle of the Telchines-

Long ago, guardian spirits served to protect the Atlantean Overworld and to guard
entrances to the godrealm. They also served to defend the gods and protect the sacred places.
When the Atlanteans were trapped and their Axis Mundi destroyed, the Telchines were hunted
down and destroyed.
All except for one colony.
This colony was not destroyed, because it was under the protection of Rhea, mother of
the Dodekatheon. Once, she had left her child Zeus to be protected in the hands of these
Telchines. They went by other names among the Greek people. Dactyls. Kuretes. But they
served to raise Zeus and protect him from Cronus until he aged enough to take his father's place.
For their aid, Rhea protected them. She placed their colony on the island of Rhodes
under magical protection, isolating it from the world, shielding it from the other gods and ensuring
that the Telchines who once aided Rhea in the raising of Zeus would be protected for all time.
The terra incognita exists at the edge of the island of Rhodes. A small temple to Rhea
still stands, overgrown with vines and the markings and sacred symbols long worn away. Here, in
that sacred place, a Scion may find passage beneath the island if he knows where to look.
Descending the stairs that open up, the Scion find himself standing above a sprawling
city beneath the ground. Orichalcum buildings can be found spiraling up to the top of the cavern
ceiling. The Telchines, guardian spirits, all of them male and all of them craftsmen, reside here,
building great wonders and constantly improving upon their great city. They are small in number,
only a few dozen of them or so, but these lesser immortals have had a great deal of time to work
and improve their living accomodations.
This city also has one key feature which may interest Scions who have become involved
with the Atlanteans. A temple to Amnis and Badarus still stands in the heart of the city. Though
the gods have not answered the prayers of the Telchines in some time, the craftsman immortals
still worship them. This temple provides perhaps the only working Axis Mundi that still leads
directly to the Atlantean Overworld. It is probably the only thing keeping the godrealm from
simply floating away into the Overworld's depths.

--The Telchines (Guide OOOO)--

Also called the Dactyls or the Kuretes, the Telchines are a class of guardian spirit which
have long served the Atlantean pantheon, much like the Sebettu and Apkallu of the Annuna.
They are beings of advanced civilization and technology and protectors of those who come to
them for aid. Their average stats are presented here.

Virtues: Duty 4, Endurance 3, Piety 3, Valor 3

Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4

Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 4

Academics 4, Art 5, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 2, Craft 5, Empathy 3, Fortitude 4, Integrity 4,

Marksmanship 3, Melee 5, Occult 2, Presence 3, Science 4, Survival 2, Thrown 3

Supernatural Powers:
Boons - Aegis, Come Running, Consequence, Fundamental, Intuitive Adaptation, Literati, Proper
Tool, Unseen Shield, Vigil Brand, Ward, Warning Line
Epic Attributes - Epic Strength 2 (Uplifting Might, Holy Bound), Epic Stamina 4 (Holy Fortitude,
Solipsistic Well-Being, Inner Furnace, Devourer), Epic Intelligence 5 (Fast Learner, Star Pupil,
Concept to Execution, Language Mastery, Instant Translator, Math Genius, Perfect Memory,
Know-It-All, Well-Read Virgin)
Forge Birthright - A Telchine is a master craftsman, capable of forging Birthright relics. With a few
days of work, some amount of legendary material to work with and the expenditure of a Legend
point, a Telchine can forge a Birthright for a Scion.

Join Battle: 8

Clinch - Accuracy 4, Damage 4B, Parry DV --, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy - Accuracy 3, Damage 7B, Parry DV 1, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light - Accuracy 5, Damage 4B, Parry DV 3, Speed 4
*Telchines typically possess any number of weapons as well. Some of these may be relic
weapons and are up to the Storyteller to determine.

Soak: 4A/9L/11B (Many Telchines may also possess various armor, both mundane and relic)
Health Levels: -0x13/Incap

Dodge DV: 6
Willpower: 7
Legend: 6, Legend Points: 36

Other Notes: Telchines often posses shields which allow them access to their Guardian Boons.
Though they do not need to use these relics to gain access to these Boons, they gain a benefit
for doing so, as if they were true Gods.

To say the Atlantean Underworld has fallen into disrepair would be an understatement.
Some information can be found in Demigod on pages 214 to 217. But the mountain which leads
up to the Overworld is a part of what used to be the great Atlantean Underworld. Most of it was
destroyed in Oceanus' onslaught on the gods of death after he took Badarus' power. And with the
power of Scire on his side, that which was destroyed was also forgotten.
What little remains is now buried thanks to Oceanus. But more than that, it's been
consumed by another Underworld entirely. Proteus did indeed escape the onslaught of the gods
upon Atlantis. And since then, he has roamed the world in secrecy. He saw the devestation that
was wrought upon the Atlantean people and knew it was in his best interest to lay low. And then,
he heard a story which had been retold to him by a passing beggar. This beggar had heard it
from a passing merchant, who had heard it from a street vendor, etc. Proteus finally traced the
story back to the source and learned that it had come from Plato, who had heard it from his
ancestors who had supposedly found the story buried in the shelves of a great library in Egypt.
He knew the story of course. All too well since he had a hand in writing it. Knew it better
than Plato who was retelling it. And yet, it gave him ideas on how to ensure his father might yet
keep control of the Overworld by keeping Versak imprisoned. Long ago, he'd witnessed what
Akhenaten had wished to do to the world with the power of Fatebinding, and he'd heard the
stories of what the Hebrew people had done to their storm god. And so he set about, under cover
of disguise, to spread Plato's misheard and misquoted story. "Of course, the Atlantean people
were an offshoot of the Greek people." "Of course they worshipped the same gods." Lies all of it,
but Proteus told them as easily as anyone else might breathe.
The Overworld was too far away to be affected by these stories and falsehoods. And the
gods too distant to be changed. But the Underworld was another matter. Slowly, the shores of
the river Acheron began to encroach upon the lands of the Atlantean dead. With no ghosts below
to ensure the survival of the Atlantean culture in the Underworld, it steadily eroded. And what
does that mean for the lost god Versak? It means that his palace, his throne he's chained to, and
his great halls of judgement, now lie buried under centuries of silt and mud below the banks of the
river Acheron. The realm of Hades has been slowly overlapping the justice god's domain to the
point that now, Hades' palace rests atop the buried ruins of Versak's throne room, unknown even
to Hades himself.
There are a few options to possibly reaching Versak's palace and freeing him. The
obvious way would be to travel to Hades, and ask the Lord of the Dead to allow the Scions to dig
into his basement and unearth an ancient rival he thought long gone. The realization that his
palace has been sitting upon the imprisoned Versak all this time may break even the iron calm of
Hades. And the chances of getting his approval to go digging up his palace to bring back an old
foe is slim. Though, if the Scions are convincing enough and can use some proper leverage,
then there is still a chance Hades may concede.
Another, riskier option, would involve attempting to sneak into Hades' palace to unearth
Versak. This proposition is perhaps more insane than simply asking Hades about Versak, since if
the characters are caught, they are most assuredly going to be dealing with an angry lord of the
The last and most difficult option (though perhaps the safest) would involve an excavation
from the banks of the river Acheron in what's left of the Atlantean Underworld. As described in
Demigod, the river forms the border where one Underworld has begun taking over another. If the
characters were to begin digging in the Atlantean side of the river and simply excavate below the
river and to the basement of Hades' palace, it is more likely they will avoid Hades' ire. However,
such a journey would be long, arduous and ultimately frought with a lot of heavy lifting and risk of
cave in. Additionally, the prospect of digging beneath the unimaginably vast width of the Acheron
should be enough to give even the most daring of gods pause. Though, the rushing floodwaters
may be easier to handle than the wrath of Hades.
Regardless of how, should the characters actually reach the ruins of the Hall of Versak,
they will find that the silt and debris from above have almost choked all windows and doorways in
and out of the palace. The palace is crumbling, collapsing beneath the weight of the other
Underworld pressing down upon it. Advanced architeture and impressive achievements of
structural integrity are all that keep the palace from having already caved in upon itself. The halls
of the palace are many, winding around a central chamber that seems to have many entrances.
What the rooms were once for has been lost to the ages and many of them have been overcome
by the crushing weight. Even the advanced technology of the Atlanteans couldn't keep the
universal powers from destroying everything.
The central chamber has held up the best. High, domed ceiling, with scenes depicting
the advancements in Atlantean justice done in fading mosaics along the walls and up along the
ceiling. The detail and intricacy of the art far beyond many others of their time. There, in the
center of this great room, sits a simple, yet elegent throne crafted of gold and iron.
There, in the sole surviving room, the Scions will find Versak. In order to survive the
centuries of imprisonment, he has let himself become immaterial. Though he is still unable to
leave his palace. He will materialize again for any Scions who appear, though at a weakened
state using the Avatar Birthright, so as to conserve his precious Legend. At first, he may treat the
Scions as hostile. Though with his power over the Justice Purview, it's unlikely he'll attack the
Scions that are there to aid him, his centuries of confinement have made him paranoid and
confused. Versak has long given up hope of being freed and may see the intrusion as an attack
to finish the job. Fortunately, in his attempt to conserve power, manifesting in his Avatar form will
keep him on a managable scale by the Scions that have come to save him and he's hesitant to
use many of his Boons and Knacks as they may exhaust his power.
If the Scions manage to get through to him, one way or the other, Versak will inform them
that the magic that holds him here will not allow him to leave. In truth, since Oceanus conformed
the Fate Prison to the floorplans of the palace, the binding has slowly shrank as the palace was
destroyed. Now, the binding is only on the throne room. If the Scions can destroy the throne
room, then Versak would be freed. Naturally, they should be careful or risk a cave in on
themselves, and Versak is likely to revert to his immaterial form to avoid harm from this process.
If Versak is freed, he would be a potent ally against the Titans. He'd be unable to return
to the Atlantean Overworld just yet, due to Oceanus' influence. But as a god on earth, he'd be
able to aid Heshon and Demosia in their fight until the barrier around the Overworld can be
breached once more. He would also be free to set about restoring the Atlantean Underworld to
its former glory, perhaps by convincing Hades to withdraw the river Acheron so that the Atlantean
realm of the dead can be reclaimed as it once was.
As the sole surviving god of death from Atlantis, he would be fully in charge of the
Underworld now and would assume roles far beyond what he used to fulfill for the Atlantean gods.
No longer in charge of the dead who died when their fates caught up with them, he would take
charge of all the dead, and perhaps find new minor gods among Atlantean Scions to fill minor
roles among the new Underworld.

The Atlantean Overworld was once a place of peace, prosperity and scientific
advancement. A mountain, set at the center of a perfectly circular island, the mountain itself was
carved into a great palace in honor of the Atlantean gods. With spires that reached high into the
sky and bridges which spanned the space between these spires, the entire palace was a complex
structure with intricate networks for travel throughout.
Around the island was a great moat, with another beyond it twice the width. A third and
final moat lay beyond the second, three times the width of the original. Each moat was perfectly
circular and separated by land of proportionately decreasing width. Everything seemed laid out in
perfect, mathmetical precision. For ease of travel, a great canal was built along one part of the
moats, running from the central moat, out beyond the outermost ring and to the edge of the great
island and the great ocean beyond.
Great bridges once spanned the moats so that the homes and shops and other buildings
built by the lesser immortal inhabitants of the Overworld could be easily reached and accessible.
These spirits populated the Atlantean city here and served as model examples of how the
Atlantean people should ascribe to be. Many dead who had proven themselves as exemplary
members of Atlantean society were also among these spirits that kept the city thriving. And for
travel by boat, intricately carved and carefully sculpted tunnels were worked beneath the ground
of the moats, providing water access for smaller boats passing between the different rings of the
And beyond the moats lay the wild, untamed lands which served as the domain of
Heshon and stretched in verdant acres of wild forest and unmastered wilderness. This land
stretched out to the shores of the great ocean which surrounded the Overworld island for as far
as any eye could see.
Though a few worthy dead were brought here, this wonderous paradise served not as a
reward for the Atlantean people who would die and come to heaven, but rather as a model of how
the Atlanteans should live on earth.
That's how it used to be, anyway.
Oceanus' control has caused the Overworld to fall to chaos. The bridges that once
stretched between the spires of the palace and across the great expanses of the moats have
crumbled and are falling apart. Some may still be sturdy enough to support the weight of
travellers, but many of them seem to be giving way under the heavy loads carried back and forth
upon them and the centuries of neglect and misuse. The tunnels, while still viable options for
travel, are crumbling within and have strange algeas and other fugus growing along the inner
walls. Rumor among the locals speak of creatures which stalk the tunnels, waiting for prey. And
the vast stretches of tunnel are no longer lit by the torchlight that used to be within them. To
travel them is to move through almost total darkness.
The water in the moats and along the canal is stagnant, smelling of strange chemicals
and the rotting fish which float on the surface. The shops and homes that used to be so grand
are almost non-existant now. Either having fallen apart and vanished into the vile waters ages
ago, or converted into other, more "useful" buildings such as armories, prisons and barracks.
Smoke pours from the windows of the palace, blotting the sun and casting the island into
an almost perpetual gloom. The inner chambers have all been converted into forges, where the
residents of the Overworld toil away endlessly to craft weapons, armor and other tools of war for
their new master. Skaft is among them, working in the central forge on the most powerful
weapons of the new Atlantean armies.
The only chamber within the palace that retains anything resembling its original function
is the bedchamber of Oceanus and Amnis. But none save Oceanus may enter there, and Amnis
is never seen coming out. Though some days, the workers passing by may hear the sounds of
weeping from within. And those days are much better than when the sounds of screaming may
be heard.
At the base of the palace sits what looks to be a monument of sorts. Perfectly shaped
and formed, the statue of Kuros sits in a central courtyard, a crowning achievement of what
Oceanus has accomplished.
The throne of Oceanus, a great towering monstrosity formed of what seems to be bone
and corral, has been erected outside the palace, overlooking the stone Kuros. There Oceanus
can be found at all times, sitting and looking out upon his Overworld, directing the creation of new
weapons to be used when he is ready to send his armies out to aid the other Titans.
Surrounding the island, the seas rage and swirl with angry torrents of water and thrashing
waves. The waves toss violently, turning the once peaceful shores into rocky cliffs, perilous to
any traveller. Water spouts reach up to the heavens, raging and twisting in an endless dance
among each other. It's the untamable sea and violent waves which cut off the Atlantean gods
from the outside Overworld and keeps others from entering.
Perhaps the only ray of hope within the Overworld is the forest. With Oceanus on the
throne, the forests and wild places seem to have turned against him. The trees and vines crowd
the outer moat of the city and stretch as far to the shore as they possibly can before the sea
batters them away. No member of Oceanus' entourage dares to enter the forest's depths as no
enemy of the two free goddesses is ever seen again once they enter Heshon's domain.
And as for the people which once populated this great island? There are two kinds now:
soldiers and slaves. The soldiers are those lesser immortals and Atlantean ancestors who have
seen the degredations of Oceanus and decided that there was no way to defeat him. They have
given up. Surrendered their hope and sided with the great Titan, giving themselves to him and
becoming his army. Their worship of Oceanus has corrupted them. Like the Atlantean Elites in
the World, the soldiers of Oceanus have piscine appearances. They carry razor-edged tridents
and train animals simlar to those found on earth to ensure their dominance of the sea. They also
build great warships and arm them with the advanced weaponry which Oceanus forces Skaft to
create. Such weapons, even Prometheus would be envious of. Should these ships reach the
World or Overworld, then most assuredly the Titans would be victorious. But for the moment,
Oceanus bides his time, wanting everything to be perfect when he makes his triumphant return.
And the storm around the island still rages.
As for the other Atlantean spirits, they form the other category, the slaves. Even now they
hold out hope that the free goddesses will win. They hope and pray to them in their silent hours
and wait for salvation. And in the meantime, the soldiers, under the direction of Oceanus, work
them like dogs. The crack of whips and torture on the rack are only the mildest of punishments
compared to what can be dealt out to their immortal ichor. And day after day, more and more of
them break under the lash and join the ranks of soldier instead.
But all hope isn't lost. The three imprisoned gods may yet be freed. The chains which
bind Skaft may be broken and the forge god set free once again. That is perhaps the easiest
part, for while his chains are forged of magical orichalcum, they only keep him from breaking
them. An outside agent such as another god or Scion can break his chains as easily as breaking
mundane ones.
Kuros will be harder to free. Bound by a magical spell, it will require magic to free him.
Someone who knows the Transform Person (Magic 7) Spell, may attempt to undo the magic
using the normal system for counter magic. The individual must be able to overcome Oceanus'
power, however. The Divine Unweaving (Magic 10) Spell may also be used to undo the magic.
But again, the spell must overcome the power of Oceanus' magics. Regardless of which method
is used, assume that Oceanus achieved 40 successes in the casting of the original magic, though
the Storyteller may alter this number as needed.
Finally, there is Amnis. While getting to the bedchamber and getting into it might be easy,
drawing her out of the hopeless stupor she's fallen into due to the constant rape and abuse of
Oceanus is the tricky part. Characters are free to use their imaginations to come up with ways to
snap her out of it, but it will take something colossally impressive to get her to react with more
than a simple blank stare. Perhaps if other freed gods were to be with them, such as her son,
Kuros, when the Scions confront Amnis, the chances would be better, but if the Scions approach
the Queen of Atlantis alone, they had best pull out all the Epic Socials they can muster.
Should all the gods be freed once more, then Atlantis has a true fighting chance. But that
still leaves the question of what to do about Oceanus and whether there is still anything of
Badarus left within him...


Ambition 5, Malice 3, Rapacity 3, Zealotry 2

Dice Pool: 22

Supernatural Powers:
--Avatars: The Flood, The Mirror, The Way, The Wyrd
--Boons: Every one- to eight-dot Boon from every Purview -except- Fire. Oceanus also has all
Boons from the Magic, Moon, Psychopomp and Water Purviews.
--Epic Attributes: Epic Mental Attributes at the 10-dot level (with all appropriate Knacks). Other
Epic Attributes are at the eight-dot level (with all appropriate Knacks).
--Stolen Power: Due to his stolen form of Badarus, the Atlantean God, Oceanus has access to
three other Purviews, the 10-dot levels of Animal (Sea Snake), Mystery, Scire and Earth and their
Avatars. However, as he has not fully subsumed these powers into himself, he must pay a cost
of 10 Legend every time he attempts to use one of these Boons, in addition to any other costs.
Additionally, since Earth is normally denied him, he must pay a permanent dot of Willpower each
time he uses a Boon of this Purview, as he must allow the God's ichor to overcome his own
during those moments and weaken his own essence. While The Beast and the Wyrd with
Mystery may not cost him anything special beyond the extra Legend cost, calling upon the
Shaper would result in him immediately losing himself and being permanently consumed by the
God within himself.

Join Battle: 22
Clinch - Accuracy 22, Damage 12L, Parry DV --, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy - Accuracy 21, Damage 15L, Parry DV 39, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light - Accuracy 23, Damage 12L, Parry DV 41, Speed 4

Soak: 8A/35L/40B
Health Levels: -0x39/Incap

Dodge DV: 46
Willpower: 6
Legend: 11, Legend Points: 121

Notes: If the Oceanus/Badarus Amalgam is ever killed, rather than destroying a Titan Avatar as
would normally happen, the destruction of the Titan/God will result in the unleashing of his
Avatars, including The Shaper, as if he were a normal God (since Badarus has technically been
killed as well). With The Shaper unleashed, the Avatar's essence will be subsumed into the
God's in such a way that Badarus will now carry the Titan's essence within himself and be free of
Oceanus' influence. Then Badarus' Ultimate Stamina will trigger and he will be resurrected with a
fragment of Oceanus within himself. Thus, the concept which Oceanus represents would be
preserved while returning independence to Badarus at the same time.


Ambition 5, Malice 4, Rapacity 5, Zealotry 3

Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5

Charisma 5, Manpulation 6, Appearance 8
Perception 6, Intelligence 8, Wits 6

Academics 4, Animal Ken 5, Art (Mutations) 6, Athletics 5, Awareness 4, Brawl 5, Command 3,

Craft (Life) 7, Empathy 4, Fortitude 5, Integrity 3, Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Marksmanship 4,
Medicine 6, Melee 5, Occult 6, Politics 3, Presence 4, Science (Pathology) 4, Stealth 3, Survival
4, Thrown 4

Supernatural Powers:
--Boons: Water Breathing, Potability, Water Control, Changing States, Create Water, Dessicate,
Drown, Water Mastery, Water Vortex, Unerring Orientation, Where Are You?, Unbarred Entry,
Come Along, Spirit Lamp, Terra Incognita, Marathon Sprinter, Heart of the Maze, Rainbow Bridge,
Magic 7, Fundamental, Literati, Inuitive Adaptation, Consequence, Proper Tool, Remote Control,
Masterful Vector
--Spells: All spells in Hero, Demigod and the Companion, as well as a few more which are of his
own devising and subject to the Storyteller's needs.
--Epic Attributes: Epic Strength 4 (Holy Bound, Crushing Grip, Divine Wrath, Titanium Tools), Epic
Dexterity 5 (Untouchable Opponent, Roll With It, Escape Artist, Trick Shooter, Shot to the Heart,
Omnidexterity), Epic Stamina 4 (Solipsistic Well-Being, Self-Healing, Regeneration, Skin-
Shedding), Epic Charisma 4 (Hapless Cool, Charmer, Crowd Control, Boys Will Be Boys), Epic
Manipulation 5 (Overt Order, Advantageous Circumstances, Hard Sell, Instant Hypnosis, Return
to Sender), Epic Appearance 7 (Perfect Actor, My Eyes Are Up Here, Detail Variation, Undeniable
Resemblance, Unusual Alteration, Doin' Fine, Tailor Made), Epic Perception 5 (Parallel Attention,
Scent the Divine, Unfailing Recognition, Broad-Spectrum Reception, Rarified Electromagnetic
Perception), Epic Intelligence 7 (Fast Learner, Star Pupil, Concept to Execution, Speed Reader,
Language Mastery, Instant Translation, Perfect Memory, Know-It-All, Well-Read Virgin, Blockade
of Reason, Math Genius, Multitasking, Telepathy), Epic Wits 5 (Social Chameleon, Perfect
Imposter, Instant Assessment, Eternal Vigilance, Monkey in the Middle)
--Shapeshifting: In addition to his shapeshifting abilities garnered from his Epic Appearance and
Epic Wits, Proteus also has the ability to mimic any animal he wishes. There is no size limitation,
he simply spends a Legend and assumes the form of any animal he chooses to change into for
the duration of a scene.

Join Battle: 10

Clinch - Accuracy 11, Damage 6L, Parry DV --, Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy - Accuracy 10, Damage 9L, Parry DV 16, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light - Accuracy 12, Damage 6L, Parry DV 17, Speed 4

Soak: 4A/10L/12B
Health Levels: -0x13/Incap

Dodge DV: 21
Willpower: 10
Legend: 8, Legend Points: 64

-New Magic-
Find What's Lost - Level 5 Spell
Roll: Perception + Occult
Cost: 1 Legend per specification
The spell was devised by Heshon and Demosia so that they could both look into the
World once again, and be able to find specific targets that they might be looking for. In order to
use this Spell, the caster must first specify what requirements the user is looking for. For
Demosia and Heshon, this typically includes finding Scions who carry the ancient blood of Atlantis
within them. The magician then spends the requisite Legend and makes the roll. The difficulty
starts at 1 and each specification adds 1 to 10 to the difficulty, depending on how difficulty it is to
find that particular something. Finding a person who just happens to be a Scion and also just
happens to hold the potential of an Atlantean bloodline and just happens to be of sufficient age to
be provided a Visitation and who hasn't yet been Visited, is typically difficulty 5. However,
Storytellers are free to increase or decrease this difficulty for the needs of the story. If successful,
then the caster of the spell is able to then watch and observe the target of the spell found for the
rest of the scene. The target and caster are also considered to have a level 1 Fatebinding now.

Old Blood - Level 8 Spell

Roll: Manipulation + Empathy
Cost: 15 Legend + 1 Willpower
This spell, though not as potent as the final spell they created, is perhaps the most
important of the new spells in the arsenal of Demosia and Heshon. If not for this spell, then there
wouldn't even be Atlantean Scions now. The caster of the spell must be able to see the target of
the spell before it can be cast. This usually involves using the above spell first, though other
options are possible. Additionally, the target of the spell must fit certain requirements: 1) The
target of the spell must be a direct descendent of the bloodline in question. It is difficult to find
direct descendents of the Atlantean gods, though with billions of people in the world, even a one
in a million chance leaves something to hope for. 2) The target must be the Scion of another god
so that there is active divine blood to take advantage of. Then this spell is cast and the requisite
Willpower and Legend are spent. The roll is made at a difficulty of the Legend of the OTHER god
which the target must be a Scion of. If the roll is successful, then the divine blood within the
potential Scion is then altered to bring the latent Atlantean nature to the surface as well, basically
making both gods potential parents of the Scion. If the original god performs a Visitation upon the
Scion before the Atlantean god can, then the spell is wasted as it's that god who grants the Scion
power. However, it gives the Atlanteans at least a chance to awaken true Scions of Atlantis once

Visitation Substitution - Level 9 Spell

Roll: Intelligence + Presence
Cost: 20 Legend
This final spell is the most potent of the new spells created by Demosia and Heshon.
This magic allows the two free goddesses to serve as a replacement for the Visitation of another
Atlantean god's Scion while still allowing that Scion to gain the power of the original Atlantean
god. In this way, Heshon and Demosia are able to perform Visitations for Scions of Skaft,
Badarus and any other Atlantean god. The target of the spell must be the descendent of the
particular god in question (as detailed above in the Old Blood spell). So when Old Blood is used,
it awakens the blood of Badarus, Versak or one of the others. Additionally, this spell may only be
cast -during- a Visitation. Given the trapped nature of the two goddesses, this usually means
using it in tandem with the Transient Visitation spell, making the effort all the more costly.
However, if the Legend is spent and the Intelligence + Occult roll succeeds at a difficulty 20, then
the new Scion is considered to have recieved a Visitation from another god, rather than Heshon
or Demosia. This spell may only be performed within pantheon. The Atlantean goddesses may
only perform this spell on behalf of other Atlanteans. Should a member of the Pesedjet learn it,
she could only use it on behalf of other members of the Pesedjet, or an Aesir could use it for other
Aesir, etc. Note also that when Heshon or Demosia stumble across their own bloodlines, they
need not use this spell to perform the Visitation. Transient Visitation is usually enough.

Self-Sustaining Change - Level 10 Spell

Roll: Intelligence + Occult
Cost: 30 Legend + 1 Willpower
This spell is one developed by Oceanus to keep his changes in the Overworld and Underworld
thriving without his presence. Using this spell, the caster may tie the Fate of an effect to the
supernatural powers of a realm rather than to the user himself. This makes the magic self-
sustaining as the power is now tied to the realm and is a natural part of it. This spell is cast in
conjunction with an All Purpose Purview which normally has a duration on it. Instant effects such
as Heal/Infect or Dessicate are not applicable. However, when cast in conjunction with a Boon
which normally has a set duration, by succeeding at a difficulty equal to the (level of the Boon x 5)
when casting the spell, the effect may be extended to a duration of "indefinately." However, in
doing so, the caster loses control of the Boon during that time. If cast upon a Water Vortex to
keep the water spout spinning forever, the user may no longer control the Water Vortex as it
rages out of control from then on and may damage the original user of the power. In order for the
original caster to take control of the effect once again, he must unweave his own spell using the
normal rules for such. When doing so, the user then takes control of the effect once more where
he left off. Others who know the spell may also unweave the magic. Doing so causes the effect
to simply dissipate, however, rather than being able to take control of it. When this spell is first
cast, it must be done as a multiple action alongside the casting of the initial effect. All Legend
and Willpower costs must be paid then and the Intelligence + Occult or other appropriate pool for
the other effect (whichever is lower) suffers the usual -4 penalty for being a multiple action.
Finally, this spell may only be cast in the Overworld, Underworld or Terrae Incognitae. The
mundane World does not have the energies necessary to empower the magics to work on their

The Spell to Combine Gods...

... has been lost. After Oceanus used the spell to merge his essence with that of Badarus, he
then wrote down the spell in a book he was keeping and used Badarus' stolen power of Scire to
erase the knowledge of the spell from the world. Though everyone knows he used "Magic" to pull
it off, the particular spell he used is gone. This is the same book which Oceanus then wrote the
names of the fallen Atlantean gods in before he burnt it. So any chance of remembering the
particulars of the spell that was used are also gone. He has ensured that no one will be able to
undo (or replicate) what he did to Badarus using Magic.

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