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Cellulite is the fat deposits underneath the skin, which gives a dimpled effect on

the skin. It can be seen on any part of the body, but the legs and bottom are most
common. Cellulite occurs in over 80 percent of the female population, with much
fewer occurrences in men.

There many factors that causes cellulite like excess estrogen, hormonal
imbalances or excess weight, imbalanced blood glucose levels, and also stress
plays a huge roll in the development of cellulite. Other causes include genetic
predispositions, your sex, your race, underlying medical conditions, and your
lifestyle. Science says argue there may be no cure for cellulite, but we can battle
its appearance.

Here are best 10 foods to eat that help fight cellulite, and helps you look best.
These foods also help eliminate excess fat and useful in weight loss.

1. Grapefruit
Unique amino acid composition of grapefruit ,helps to boost metabolism, blood
circulation and detoxify your body. It is low in calories, makes perfect snack. Try
to eat grapefruit to help fight against cellulite.

2. Apple
Malic acid found in apple helps to metabolize the body heat, and prevent
deposition of excess fat to the body. The calcium content in apple helps to
metabolize excess body salt too. The water-soluble fiber know as pectin, can help
to solve your constipation problem , promote bowel movement and your body
will feel light.

3. Kiwi
Kiwi has many health and beauty benefits. One of them is rich in vitamin C, fiber
and cellulose content which helps to absorbs moisture and produce satiety. In
addition, the kiwi fruit fiber can help speed up the decomposition of fatty acids.
This helps to avoid accumulation of excess fat , so eat kiwi to avoid cellulite.

4. Seaweed
Vitamin A, B1, B2 and minerals and cellulose, found in seaweed can promote
metabolic drainage, that helps to make your leg slender and promote good blood

5. Red beans
Red beans is rich in the alkalis composition. Eating red beans can help increase
gastrointestinal motility, reduce constipation, promote urination, and remove leg
edema. In addition to this, it is a rich in cellulose, can quickly help excrete excess
body salt, fat and other waste, which is good news to help fight against cellulite.

6. Egg
Eat more eggs can also helpful for the legs with cellulite. The vitamin A, can make
the skin tender and vitamin B2 can help eliminate fat. Other nutrients include
phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, niacin, that also plays beneficial role in eliminating
the lower body fat.

7. Celery
Celery has a lot of calcium carbonate, which can easily absorbed by the body.
This makes celery best vegan supplement of calcium, which is perfect for your
bones. Celery is good for heart of good, potassium rich content helps to
prevent lower body edema, swelling or water retention issues too.
8. Spinach
Eat more spinach as it promote smooth flow of blood circulation through out the
body. This helps to bring fresh nutrients and oxygen to the legs, restoring the
vitality of the legs naturally.

9. Papaya
Papaya is rich in proteolytic enzymes, which can help break down fat, and helps
reducing the workload of gastrointestinal. The pectin found in papaya also
promote intestinal function of whole intestine, helps to purify the blood and has
amazing beauty benefits for glowing skin. In nutshell, it makes you lose weight
and cellulite.

10. Banana
Banana has more potassium. It is very low in fat and sodium. This nutritional
fruit is perfect to make your body or legs slim and reduces cellulite.

Read about other interesting fruits

Acai berry Ambarella Avocado Bael Banana

Bilberry Cocunut

Cantaloupe Cashew apple Dragon Fruit Durian Fig Jack

fruit Jamun

Kiwi Lychee Malay apple Mango Mangosteen Miracle

fruit Pomelo

Papaya Passion fruit Phalsa Pineapple Plum


Prickly pear Quince Rambutan Roselle Santol


Sea buckthorn Sour Orange Soursop Sweet Lime Star


Star Apple Strawberry Surinam Cherry Sweet lime

Tamarind Tomato

Tree tomato Wampi Watermelon Wood apple

Read about herbs and spices

Allspice Alfalfa Ashwagandha Bay leaf Black cohosh

Black onion seeds Black pepper Cayenne pepper Celery

Chamomile Clove Coffee senna Coriander Curry leaf


Eucalyptus Fennel Fenugreek Garlic Ginger Gotu


Hibiscus Holy basil Jasmine Kava Kava Lavender Licorice

Long pepper Lotus Majoram Marigold Mugwort Mustard


Neem Nutmeg Oregano Peppermint Red clover Rose


Sage Sensitive plant St.John's wort Tarragon Thyme

Triphala powder

Turmeric Vetiver grass Wheat grass Wild amarnath

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