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The Wo rld Race Seven:Eleven (Mark 7:11)

Ratchaburi, Th ailand Corban (a gift devoted to God)

(7) Servants Devoted to God for (11) Months
October 1-6, 2007
Malleable Ministry
After their arrival in Ratchaburi, Thailand, Team (seven:eleven) quickly realized
that flexibility is a valued quality when pursuing ministry in a foreign country.
A haze of expectations seemed to circulate amongst the group, yet when
provided a schedule of ministry options, this misty mountain of “where, who,
how, when, and what...” slowly mitigated as divine appointments transacted into

Brandon, Cameron, Christie, Haley, Mark, Pam, and Sarah spent last week
working with English Clubs within a high school and university. During their
days, the majority of time was spent assisting students articulate the English
language through casual conversations which enabled individuals to build
relationships and share their faith in various formal and informal settings.
However, the “soil” here is filled with the weeds and thorns of Buddhism which
prohibits the word of truth from producing fruit, yet by the work of the Spirit,
these hearts are being prepared for the harvest. Cultural conformity to
religiosity is being confronted with its lack of relationship to God. Rather than
presenting religion, (seven:eleven) is carrying the gospel into Thailand as the
greatest love story ever lived. “But God demonstrates His loved for us that
while we were sinners, Christ died for the us.” Romans 5:8

Gracious Giving
Have you ever been lost, unable to communicate, paralyzed by ignorance, stifled
by miscommunication, or surrounded by unfamiliarity? Just one of these would
make one succumb to discomfort and frailty. Yet when confronted with these,
Brandon and Christie found themselves resting in the lap of a culture of genuine

Picture this…it’s about 45 minutes until darkness prevails and you’re in a city
that is about 30 miles away from your current living quarters with no form of
transportation to carry you that distance before the moon’s countenance
appears. As you stand at the bus station, sudden fears seem to suffocate any
thought of hope. The few people around you only speak another language, the
emergency number you’ve been given is incorrect, and you have no idea how to
return home. So here is where Christie and Brandon found themselves last
week, when they took the wrong bus home. They found themselves diving into a
trip of faith and fortitude.
Longing for a touch of divinity, the two found themselves at the mercies of the
unknown. Much to their surprise, in a matter of minutes God provided an
unscheduled bus that would carry them from unfamiliarity to the city that
provided them with security. Yet within this transaction of transportation,
thoughts were provoked to consider the magnitude of such an unexplainable
event. In reality, they had just experienced the hand of God, but inside this
hand they witnessed a culture of selflessness. A culture that walked past
obligation and journeyed into a realm of grace that has rarely been experienced
and never expected. When encountered, this grace renews the mind to realize
that giving goes beyond what is expected and reaches to grasp nothing but
release the offering that is not required yet needed.

May this simple act of cultural grace remind us of the grace that has be given to
us from Our Father in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer Requests:
Cameron’s Finances
Team Debrief in Bangkok
Travel to Cambodia
Cambodia Ministry
Team Unity
Protection and Safety

Picture of worship service held at a Korin Village near the Burma border.
Team seven:eleven found this to be one of their highlights as they were able to worship
God in the midst of three different languages.

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