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With the aim of observing the operation of a perceptron

1) develope a function called 'showData' to show a distributed set of learning patterns on the
plane R2 linearly separable. Create a random training set consists of two disjoint classes for a
perceptron (outputs 0 and 1), each class possessing a total of 15 patterns.

2) Once satisfied that the classes of the training set are linearly separable, use the perceptron
to classify the inputs in two differents classes.Use different sets of initial weights and observe
the result of training.Discuss the results.

3) On the figure showing the training patterns on the plane, draw the separating hyperplane
resulting from perceptron learning achieved and analyze the separation

4) Create a function 'hypercep' that sinthesize the points 1,2 and 3

5) Check that the perceptron is capable of performing the 'OR' and 'AND' logic function, but
not the 'XOR'.

6) Suggest an improvement in the perceptron methodology to correctly classify XOR.

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