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Community Circle Transcript

Teacher: Who can share with me what you and your partner talked about. How were you thinking
flexibly today?

Student 1: We were thinking flexibly because we wanted to make the nest like a hat, but that didn’t
work. We forgot how to make, so we talked and we think we can make the paper into one box.

Teacher: So you had a plan, and the plan didn’t work. You didn’t get stuck and give up. You used flexible
thinking to come up with a new plan. Who else?

Student 2: I think, I actually think the box can have a this (motions to show a cover over the box) with
straws but today I think it won’t work. The straws will fall down, so I take a new plan.

Teacher: So you thought your plan wouldn’t work and instead of saying “Ah, we’re done” you tried
something new. Very good, good flexible thinking.

Student 3: I think when we do the nest like this, when we build in the middle part, we didn’t have
enough straws to finish so we had a new plan to make it like a triangle.

Teacher: Ah! You came up with a new plan. You used flexible thinking. Very good, we will continue to
think about flexible thinking this week.

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