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QN 1 Plot the parabola f(x) = x2 from –3 to 3


Open the mathematica notebook

Mathematica automatically puts us into Input mode. This means that anything we type
and enter is sent to Mathematica’s kernel to be processed or calculated.
But before we write something or use some command in the input cell, We need to
evaluate the expectation of the given question. i.e plot the the parabola f(x) =x^2 in the
range x=-3 to x=3 which has obviously single variable
We need to Simply Plot command as input language for plotting its graph
Since we are given to plot it in the range of x axis as {-3,3}
To Plot f(x) use following command in the Mathematica nb
Type f[x_]:= 2 ; and press Enter Key
Type: Plot[f[x],{x,-3,3}] and press Enter Key together with Shift Key.
This command is accepted mathematica and returns the following figure as the OutPut

3 2 1 1 2 3

QN 2 Plot the parabola f(x) = x2 and g(x) =9- x2 from –3 to 3.


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There are two functions = = 9 − having same variables x and the
question is to plot both equations within a single graph.
It is more advantage for us that since we plot two functions at once or in a single graph
we may ascertain whether or not these intersect as well as at which points
To plot both f(x) and g(x) within the same graph type the following in the input cell
_ : = ; and press Enter Key
_ ≔9− and press Enter Key
Since both functions have same variable so we plot it in same range and Simply Plot
Command works Properly.
Type: Plot[{f[x],g[x]},{x,-3,3}] and press Enter Key
Then Mathematica returns the following figure as the Out Put

3 2 1 1 2 3

QN 3 Plot a function f(x) = 5 + x4 whose axes origin is (1,6).


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We have given an algebraic function f(x)=5 +
Type f[x_]:=5 + ; and Press Enter Key
To plot the equation we use Simply Plot command and in addition, for plotting this
function AxesOrigin Command will be used because by default, the internal Axes origin
is (0,0)
AxesOrigin->{a,b} allows us to specify the intersection point as (0,0).
To perform complete action type following command in the input cell and then Press
shift +Enter Key
QN 4 Plot the graph of y= x E-x from x = 0 to x = 5


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First ensure that the functions and range of variable
Such as f(x)= and range x =0 to x=5
Since there is single variable function so we use Plot command only for plotting it
Use following command in order to plot it
Plot[f[x],{x,0,5}] and press Shift +Enter Key

QN 5 Plot the graph of y= Abs[1-Abs[x]]on the interval [-3,3].


Open the mathematica notebook

Mathematica automatically puts us into Input mode
First ensure that the functions and range of variable
Such as f[x]=Abs[1-Abs[x]] and range x=-3 to x=3
Type f[x_]:=Abs[1-Abs[x]]; and press enter Key
Since there is single variable function so we use Plot command only for plotting it
Use following command in order to plot it
Plot[f[x],{x,-3,3}] and press Shift +Enter Key

QN 6 Plot the graph of standard normal curve from x = -3 to x = 3.


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First ensure that the functions and range of variable

Since we know that the equation of Standard normal Curve f[x]= and range, x=-

3 to x=3
Use following command to plot it

Type: f[x_]:= ; and Press Enter Key

Plot[f[x],{,x, -3,3}] and Press Shift+ Enter Key

QN 7 Plot the graph of x2, -x2and Sin[10 x] on the interval [-2π, 2π].

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First ensure that the functions and range of variable
Since we are given there functions having single variable to plot in a single graph we
generalize it in more than three it also
Type: f[x_]:= ; and press Enter Key
g[x_]:=- ; and press Enter Key
h[x_]:=Sin[10 x]; and press Enter Key
But all have same variable so Plot Command works properly
Use following command for plotting it
Plot [{f[x], g[x], h[x]},{x,-2Pi, 2Pi}] and press Shift +Enter Key

QN 8 Plot a function Sin(x-y) ranged from (-3 to 3) in 3D


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First ensure that the functions and range of variable
Given that the trigonometric function having two variable x, and y so that Plot Command
can’t work properly
We need to apply range for both variables x and y
So we need to use Plot command with 3D
To perform complete action type: Plot 3D[Sin(x-y),{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3}] and Press Shift+
Enter Key

QN 9 Plot a parametric curve (Sin(t), Cos(t), t/3) , the value of 't' ranged from 0 to 13 in

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First ensure that the functions and range of variable,
Given function as in the form of parametric so that there is necessary to use
ParametricPlot3D because it has the basically two argument: first is the given function
we wish to plot is a list of three coordinate functions and second is iterator for the
independent variable.
We add an AxesLabel Command option to make it easy to identify which direction is
which after we rotate the figure with our mouse.
To perform complete action type: ParametricPlot3D {Sin . , Cos . , }, {., 0,13} and
press Shift +Enter Key
Other options ,Mesh ,MeshFunctions, MeshShading will be used.

QN. 10 Sketch the surface of revolution generated when the curve z = x from x=, 0 to
x = 4, is rotated about the z-axis.


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First understand the given question and range of variable
For plotting revolution plot we may need to plot first curve and then its alongside the
Since revolution is motion and it needs to 3D command
Thus use following command for the purpose of plotting curve together with its
To perform the complete action type the following command and press Shift+ Enter Key
Plot √ , { , 0,4}, AspectRatio → 1, AxesLabel
→ {"x", "z"} RevolutionPlot3D √ , { , 0,4}, BoxRatios → 1, ViewPoint
→ {1, −5,1}, AxesLabel → {"x", "y", "z"}

QN 11. Use Manipulate to control the graph of f(x) = a sin (b x + c), 0 ≤ x < 2 π, with
controls for a, b, and c varying between 1 and 10. Move the sliders and observe the
affect upon the graph.


Open the mathematica notebook

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First understand the given question and range of variable
Since given function has single variable x and three parameters a, b, and c so that Simply
plot Command does not work properly
Type:f[x_]:=a Sin(b x+c)
And we need to manipulate the parameters within a given range.
In order to perform complete action we use following command
Manipulate[Plot[f[x],{x,0, 2Pi}],{a,1,10},{b,1,10},{c,1,10}] and press Shift +Enter Key

QN. 12 Show that the function f(x)= (x^3+2x^2+15x+2) Sinπx satisfies Rolle's Theorem on
the interval [0, 1] and find the value of c referred to in the theorem

Open the mathematica notebook
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First to test whether given equation satisfies Rolle’s theorem or not
Type f[x_]:= 3 + 2 + 15 + 2 Sin G
Then calculate f[0] and f[1]
Now to find root use following command and then press Shift+Enter key
To plot the [x] and f[c] together we use the following command
Plot[{f[x],f’[c]},{x,0,1}] and press Shift +Enter Key

QN. 13 Sketch the graph of f (x) = x4-50x2+300 and its derivative, on the set of axes for-


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In or der to plot the function together to its derivative we use the following language

Type f[x_]=x^4-50x^2+300
then use the following command for complete action
Manipulate[ Show[Plot[{f[x],t[x,h]},{x,-10,10},PlotStyle-

QN14 Area enclosed by two curves two Curves


To find area between these curve using mathematica ,we need to see where they intersect
and if so where by plotting graphs
x_ = 1 − ^2
x_ = ^4 − 3 ^2
Notice that f is graphed in red where g is in blue
Filling option in the command fills in the reason between two graphs in Yellow. The
bounded reason between two curves seems to lie between x=-2 and x=2 To ascertain this,
we solve for the intersection points in order to obtain limits of the integration
Make a sure that Solve command works properly due to both are algebraic equations.
To solve type: point = Solve ==
Hence, the intersection points are: and noting that f(x) is greater than g(x) in that
interval[-2, 2]
We need to single integral for calculating area between these two curves and on [ -2, 2]
the area given by
IK − //M and Press Shift +Enter Key

QN.15 Binomial distribution


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In put the parameters of binomial distribution
such as n=2; p=0.5;q=1-p; and press Enter Key
write D= ProbabilityDistribution[Binomial [n,x]p^x q^(n-x), {x,0,n,1}] and Press Shift
+Enter Key
In order to Check the truthiness of distribution function write
PDF[D, x] and Press Shift + Enter Key
For calculation Mean of Binomial Distribution write
Mean[D] and then, press Shift+ Enter Key
Note: if mean value is in the form of fraction we can use %/. Command for change it into
decimal form.
For Calculating variance,
Write Variance[D] and then press Shift +Enter Key
To make table value of f(x) write
TableForm[{Table[PDF[D,x],{x,0,n,1}]}, TableHeadings-> {{“f(x)”},
Table[x,{x,0,n,1}]}] and press Enter Key with Shift
To Plot graph use the following command
of X”, “Probability of f(x)”}]

QN 16 Plot the straight line 2x+3y=1 in mathematica using Contour Plot. Show axes and
axes level.Take a range from -2 to 2


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To plot straight line in the mathematica we use Contour Plot command because there are
two variable
When we use ContourPlot Command for Straight line we use == for making balance
between the equation
Then make a sure that the range values of both x and y variables such as {x, -2, 2}, {y,-2,
To show X and Y both Axes visible in the graph we use Axes-> True ,Command
For clarifying X-Axis and Y- Axis ,we use AxesLabel-> {“X-Axis”, ”Y-Axis”}
Finally ,write the following command in order to perform the complete action:
ContourPlot[2x+3y==1,{x, -2, 2},{y,-2, 2}] and press Shift+ Enter Key

QN 17 Solve and Plot two linear equations, x+y=7 and x-y=1 in mathematica using solve
and contour plot command. Show Axis and intersection point. Take range from -6 to 6.


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Since two equations are given in the form of linear equation we use ContourPlot
Command using same to plot two functions within single graph
But if we interested to calculate its intersect points and show it in our figure then we first
need to calculate these two equation for their intersecting value
For calculating the values of x and y we use Solve command first such as
Solve[x+y==7&&x-y==1, {x,y}] and press Shift + Enter Key
Then to show intersecting point in the graph we use Show Command with Graphic
Command by which we can choose Point size and point which is going to be shown in
the graph.
Thus, Type the following command in order to perform complete action:
Show ContourPlot { + O == 7, − O == 1}, { , −6,6}, {O, −6,6}, Axes
→ True, AxesLabel → {S − Axis, T − Axis}, AxesStyle
→ Directive Orange, 12 , Graphics {PointSize 0.03 , Point {4,3} }
QN. 18 Plot the hyperboloid x2+y2-z2=1 using contour plot 3D. Take the range jof plot
from -2 to 2. Show Axes lable and plot label


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Since the given to hyperboloid which has three variables so ContourPlot Command
cannot work Properly we use ContourPlot3D Command
For the purpose of showing and dragging the Axes in the figure we use Axes and
AxesLabel Command
In addition, we use PlotLabel Command also
Type the following for completing best plot
ContourPlot3D + O − Y == 1, { , −2,2}, {O, −2,2}, {Y, −2,2}, AxesLabel
→ { , O, Y}, PlotLabel → + O − Y == 1

QN 19 Plot a helix ( a Sin[u],a Cos[u],u/10) using parametric plot 3D. And manipulate the
parameter 'a' from 1 to 5.

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Since we are given that parametric form of Helix
First we decide variable and parameter
To plot helix we use ParametricPlot Command
But since there is parameter a so there is necessary to manipulate it and for this we use
Manipulate Command Such as
Manipulate[ParametricPlot[f[u],{u, 0,20}],{a,1,5}] and press Shift+ Enter Key

QN 20 Plot the surface, (u+v, u-v, u2+v2) ,using parametric plot D,where u and v ranges
from -3 to 3

Surface plot is same as the plot of aforementioned Helix

To Plot surface we use ParametricPlot3D command
In addition we use the following commands BoxRatio-> {1,1,1,} in order to show figure
within Cube
We can use Plot Styles and AxesLabel Command as well as ImageSize command.
Type the following command in order to perform complete action and press Shift+ Enter
ParametricPlot3D {Z + [, Z − [, Z + [ }, {Z, −3,3}, {[, −3,3}, BoxRatios
→ {1,1,1}, PlotStyle → Yellow, AxesLabel
→ {S − Axis, T − Axis, ] − Axis}, ImageSize → Large

QN 21 Sphere Plot


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Sphere plot is same as the plot of surfacePlot
To Plot sphere we use ParametricPlot3D command
In addition we use the following commands PlotStyle ->Opacit[0.5] in order to show
figure within Cube
We can use Plot Styles and AxesLabel Command as well as ImageSize command.
Type the following command for complete action and press Shift+Enter Key
ParametricPlot3D {Sin Z Cos [ , Sin Z Sin [ , Cos Z }, {Z, 0, G}, {[, −G, G
+ }, PlotStyle → Opacity 0.5
QN 22 Cylinder Plot


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To plot straight line in the mathematica we use Contour Plot command because there are
two variable
When we use ContourPlot Command for Straight line we use == for making balance
between the equation
Then make a sure that the range values of both x and y variables such as {x, -2, 2}, {y,-2,
To show X and Y both Axes visible in the graph we use Axes-> True ,Command
For clarifying X-Axis and Y- Axis ,we use AxesLabel-> {“X-Axis”, ”Y-Axis”}
In addition we use the following commands BoxRatio-> {1,1,1,} in order to show figure
within Cube
Finally ,write the following command for this
ContourPlot[(x-1)^2 +y^2 ==1,{x, -2, 2},{y,-2, 2},{z, -1, 1},BoxRatio->{1, 1, 1},
AxesLabel->{X-Axis,Y-Axis, Z-Axis},PlotRange->Full] and then press Shift+ Enter Key
QN 23 Tangent Plane Plot

To plot Tangent Plane and measure its movement in the surface we use the following
And other well-known Commands which we use in the foregone section
To perform the complete action type the following command and press Shift +Enter Key
Manipulate Show ParametricPlot3D {Z + [, Z − [, Z
+ [ }, {Z, −3,3}, {[, −3,3}, BoxRatios → {1,1,1}, PlotStyle
→ Yellow, AxesLabel → {S − Axis, T − Axis, ] − Axis}, ImageSize
→ Large , Graphics3D {Red, PointSize 0.02 , Point {Z + [, Z − [, Z
+ [ } }/. {Z → a, [
→ b} , Graphics3D Arrow {{Z + [, Z − [, Z + [ }, {1 + Z + [, 1 + Z
− [, 2Z + Z + [ }}/. {Z → a, [
→ b} , Graphics3D Arrow {{Z + [, Z − [, Z + [ }, {1 + Z + [, −1 + Z
− [, Z + 2[ + [ }}/. {Z → a, [
→ b} , ParametricPlot3D {Z + [, Z − [, Z + [ } + {1,1,2Z}
+ c{1, −1,2[} /. {Z → a, [ → b}, { , −2,2}, {c, −2,2}, PlotStyle
→ Blue , {a, −3,3}, {b, −3,3}

QN 24

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To Plot Two Surfaces within single graph is same as the plot of two simple functions
within a graph but command is different.
To Plot surface we use ParametricPlot3D command
In addition we use the following commands BoxRatio-> {1,1,1,} in order to show figure
within Cube
We can use Plot Styles and AxesLabel Command as well as ImageSize command.
To perform complete action type the following command and then press Shift+Enter
ParametricPlot3D {{4 + 3 + Cos [ Sin Z ,4 + 3 + Cos [ Cos Z ,4 + Sin [ }, {8
+ 3 + Cos Z Cos Z ,3 + Sin [ ,4 + 3
+ Cos [ Sin Z }}, {Z, 0,2G}, {[, 0,2G}, PlotStyle → {Red, Green}

QN 25 Continuous probability


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First input the range value of the function
Such as a= 1;b=4; and then press Enter Key
F[x]=x^2 /21; and then Press Enter Key
Now Type D= ProbabilityDistribution[x^2 /21,{x,a,b}]; and then press Enter Key
In order to check correctness of our function Write PDF[D,x] and press Shift+Enter Key
For calculating Total Probability ,write Integrate[PDF[D,x],{x,-inf,inf}] and press
Shift+Enter Key
For Mean
Mean[D] and if it is in the form of fractional then use %/. Command for approximation
For variance,
Variance[D] and if it is in the form of fractional the use%/. Command for approximation
If we need to calculate area under certain range [c,d] the we use
Integrate[PDF[D,x],{x,c,d}] and Press Shift +Enter Key
To plot it in the form of graph we use the following command

QN. 26 Discrete Probability


Open the mathematica notebook

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In put the values of variable and function distribution as like below
a=1; b=3; and press Enter Key
and f[x]=x^2 /14;and press Enter Key
write D= ProbabilityDistribution[x^2 /14,{x,a,b,1}] and Press Shift +Enter Key
In order to Check the truthiness of distribution function write
PDF[D, x] and Press Shift + Enter Key
For calculation Mean of Distribution write
Mean[D] and then, press Shift+ Enter Key
Note: if mean value is in the form of fraction we can use %/. Command for change it into
decimal form.
For Calculating variance,
Write Variance[D] and then press Shift +Enter Key
To make table value of f(x) write
TableForm[{Table[PDF[D,x],{x,a,b,1}]}, TableHeadings-> {{“f(x)”},
Table[x,{x,a,b,1}]}] and press Enter Key with Shift
To Plot graph use the following command and press Shift+Enter Key
of X”, “Probability of f(x)”}]

QN 27 The Explicit representation of space curve

The parametric representation of the space curve is x=1+t, y=t3, z=t2 .

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First we need to identify the explicit representation of the space curve as the coordinate
form having single parameter t
Then we need to manipulate the given parameter and show it using Show Command
with Graphics3D
We use following commands
Show with Graphics
And other well-known commands such as BoxRatios->{1,1,1}
Then arrange the following command for best graph
Manipulate Show ParametricPlot3D {. + 1, . 3 , . }, {., −2,2}, BoxRatios →
{1,1,1}, AxesLabel → {S − Axis, T − Axis, ] −
Axis} , Graphics3D {PointSize 0.03 , Red, Point {. + 1, . 3 , . } }/. {. →
parameter} , {parameter, −2,2}

QN 28 Viviani Curve: implicit form


To plot implicit form of Vivian we use ContourPlot3D Command

There is also necessary for PlotRange->Full Command
To perform the complete action type the following command and press Shift+ Enter key

2,2},BoxRatios->{1, 1, 1},AxesLabel->{X-Axis,Y-Axis,Z-

QN 29 Unit tangent Vector


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To calculate the unit tangent vector first write the equation in the form
r[t]={t^3,t^3 +7t+4t^2 ,t^2} and press Shift+ Enter Key
Then type r’[t] and press Shift+Enter Key
Again, input tangent=FullSimplify[r’[t],t belongs to Reals} and then Press Shift+Enter
For calculation Magnitude
Type magnitude=FullSimplify[Norm[r’[t]],t belongs to Real s] and press Shift +Enter
To calculate Unit tangent Vector
Type unittangentvector=tangentvecor/magnitude and press Shift+Enter Key
We get unit Vector in this way

QN 30 Plot a helix (a Sin[u], a Cos[v], uv) using Parametric Plot 3D. And Manipulate the
parameter 'a' from1 to 5.

Open the mathematica notebook

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Since we are given that parametric form of Helix
First we decide variable and parameter
To plot helix we use ParametricPlot Command
But since there is parameter a so there is necessary to manipulate it and for this we use
Manipulate Command Such as
Manipulate[ParametricPlot[f[u],{u, 0,20}],{a,1,5}]

QN 31 Limit of a function


To calculate limit of the function we use Limit command

If we simply calculate the Limit by using following
Limit[f(x),x->a]without specifying the direction then by default ,mathematica calculates
as right hand limit.
So direction is important to calculate the limit value in by the way of mathematica
For calculating Left Hand Limit we use following command
Limit[f[x],x->a, Direction->1] and press Shift+ Enter Key
To calculate Right hand limit we use following Command
Limit[f[x],x->a ,Direction->-1] and then press Shift +Enter Key
If the function is the form of f(x)=x^a , as x-> infinity, we use following command
Limit[f[x],x->infinity, Assumption-> a<0]

QN 32 Limit of a function plot


To Plot and manipulate the limit of a function we use following commands

Manipulate Plot { Sin 1⁄ c , Abs , −Abs }, { , −1,1}, PlotRange
→ {−5,5} , {{ , 1, "Amplitude"},1,5}, {{c, 1, "Periodicity"},1,5}

QN 33 Test of Limits


To test Left hand and right hand limit, we calculate both in separate way but first we are
going to calculate limit of a function for this
Type limit=Limit[Abs[x] /x, x->0]and press Shift + Enter Key
For calculating Right Hand limit, we use the following
rightlimit=Limit[Abs[x] /x, x->0,Direction->-1] and press Shift +Enter Key
for calculating Left Hand Limit, we use following commands
leftlimit=Limit[Abs[x]/x,x->0,Direction->1] and press Shift+Enter Key
to check these all are equal or not
type limit=rightlimit=leftlimit and press Shift+ Enter Key
if the result is false then these values are not equal , true these are equal

QN 34 Derivative of a function by using first Principle


Open the mathematica notebook

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Input the given function as in the following
To find out its first derivative by using first principle
Type Limit[(f[x+h]-f[x])/h, h->0] and press Shift+ Enter Key

QN 35 Application of Integration
Consider the semi circle x2+y2=16, y>= 0 shown in the figure. Find the height h, so that the
shaded area is 25% of the total area.

First we plot the given equation of semicircle using ContourPlot command and also use
manipulate command for manipulate the height h
For this type Manipulate[ContourPlot[{x^2 +y^2 ==16,y==h}, {x,-
4.1,4.1},{y,0,4.1},AspectRatio->Automatic], {h,0,4}]
To find out the value of y we use solve command as
Solve[x^2 +y^2 ==16,y] and press Shift+ Enter Key
The we get two values of y but we take only positive value
Now we can define function as f[x_]:= Sqrt[16-x^2]; and press Enter Key
In order to find area of the function we use the following Command
2*Integrate[f[x],{x,0,h}, Assumption->0<h<4] and press Shift+Enter Key
Since our area base fully dependable in the value of h so we input it as A[h_]:=
And type A[4] and press Shift +Enter Key
To plot it in the graph we use simply Plot Command as
Type Plot[A[h],{h,0,4}] and press Shift+ Enter Key
To find the value of h
Type FindRoot[A[h]==2pi,{h,1}] and Press Shift +Enter Key

QN 36 Formula Expansions


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To expand the formula we use Expand Command
But if we expand and manipulate the expansion of binomial expression we use the
following commands as
Manipulate[Expand[(a+b)^n], {{n, 1,”Power of (a+b)”},1,10,1}] and press Shift +Enter

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