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Utilization of Building Debris Using Upcycle Recycle Methods

T Hidayat1, D Susanto2
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia; E-mail:
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia; E-mail:

This study aims to develop recycling methods for the usage of recycled aggregate obtained
from demolition waste. Upcycle is used as a method for recycling throughout the process of
producing new recycled cemented bricks. The result for most recycled material was
considered fall in downcycle category, loosing value in each new cycle, forcing a
product/material into another lifetime where technically it is no longer viable. Downcycle is
certainly not the answer that we look for long terms of waste management, mostly due to the
fact that on each cycle, it reduce the value/quality of the material/product to a point it is
turning into waste. The main purpose of this study is to cut the consumption of natural
resources through recycling program. Recycled ceramic aggregate will be used as the
replacement of sand in the mortar production. The only new material in producing the
recycled bricks is the cement as the main binder. A series of test will be taken to determine
the properties of the new recycled brick, and will be compared with the new brick.
Compressive strength and water absorption test will be taken for both recycled and new
bricks. The recycled brick will go through another test where the material will be crushed
into recycled aggregate and going through all the process of recycling again, in order to
figure out how many repeated cycled that is possible for the recycled brick to be used again
before it turns into waste.

Keywords: Upcycle; Downcycle; Construction Demolition Waste; Brick

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