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March 28, 2018

the H e ral d
No 4

Maundy Thursday Communion

and meal
Inside this issue:
March 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Christian Eudcator 2
At Unity Presbyterian Church
Lectionary/ 3
Kevin’s words 4 Good Friday service
Session notes 5 March 30 at noon
Youth News 6

HEMEfund update 7 Easter Sunday

Spring Retreat/ 8
April 1, 2018

Calendar 9 Sunday school for all ages 9:30

Church Happenings 10 Worship 10:30
Special music by choir and orchestra

“This is Church” is this year’s theme for One Great Hour of Sharing. We share — with
women who were once trafficked for domestic labor and now own their own business. This is

We share — with people through land rights training and improvements to farming methods.
This is church.

We share — with those whose lives are adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events, stay-
ing for the long-term. This is church.

The church is happening right now, all around us — because we share Christ’s love.

The One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received Sunday, April 1.
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Christian Educator Notes — Cheryl Moles

Sunday School 2017-2018

Classes meet each week from 9:30 – 10:20 am.
Preschool (3-5 year olds) Room 108
Kindergarten – 1st grade Room 202
2nd – 5th grades Room 103
Middle School Room 201
High School Room FH classroom B
Adults – Reading the Prophets Room 200
Marriage & Family Room FH classroom C
There will not be Sunday School classes on Easter Sunday.

Parents’ Night Out is on April 13. Our nursery attendant, I ndianapolis 500
Princess Maggie Glowinski will be leading fun activities about the 500! Childcare
with supper is at the church from 5:30 – 9:00 pm. Please notify the church office if
your children are attending.

T3EM supper w ill be April 17. Supper is served from 5:15 to 7:30 pm to
provide a meal for everyone attending a meeting and their family. Please note that
this is organized by CN as a church event and help with clean-up is welcomed and

The family prayer group meets on Mondays at 11:00 am at the church. If you
cannot attend yet have needs for prayer, please email

Welcome to our newest nursery attendant, Alyssa Henderson. Please stop by the
nursery and tell her hello!

The all-church PYOCA SPRING FAMILY RETREAT will be April 27-29. This fun event
is for all ages and abilities. It is held at beautiful Pyoca Camp, Conference and Re-
treat Center in Brownstown, IN. The weekend activities include relaxed fellowship
and fun with church family, working to help the camp prepare for summer (this
year will include a lot of planting and landscaping), and worship. Please register by
April 15.

GRADUATE INFO NEEDED: Are you or a family member (w ith a connection

to CPC) graduating from high school or college this spring? Please send information
to the church office. Graduate recognition will be May 13.

SURRELL SCHOLARSHIP – Central is blessed with funds to provide book scholar-

ships to high school graduates and current college students that are members or
friends of CPC. An application is required and is available in the church office or
from the church website beginning April 1. Applications are due back to the church
office (paper or electronically) by May 1, and will not be accepted after that date.
Scholarships will be announced and distributed on May 13.
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The Moles/Goltry family will host an Easter pitch-in dinner at church follow-
ing the fellowship time on Sunday, April 1. Anyone that would like to join is
welcome. Please bring a dish or two to share. Meat and drinks will be pro-
vided. A sign-up sheet is in fellowship hall to help us know numbers of peo-
ple and what foods are being brought. Help with clean-up is requested.

The Surrell Scholarship is a book scholarship for Central members and

those that regularly attend made possible by a designated fund. High
school graduates that will be attending college this fall and current col-
lege students are welcome to apply. Applications are available in the church office or on the
church website beginning April 1 with a deadline of May 1 to be returned (paper or electronically).
Applications will not be accepted after this date. Scholarships will be announced and distributed
during worship on May 13. For more information, see Alvin Stinnett or Cheryl Moles.


APRIL 2018
April 1—Resurrection of the Lord/Easter
Acts 10:34-43 or *Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18 or *Mark 16:1-8
April 8—2nd Sunday of Easter April 15—3rd Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:32-35 Acts 3:12-19
*Psalm 133 Psalm 4
1 John 1:1-2:2 1 John 3:1-7
*John 20:19-31 Luke 24:36b-48

April 22—4th Sunday of Easter April 29—5th Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12 *Acts 8:26-40

*Psalm 23 Psalm 22:25-31
1 John 3:16-24 *1 John 4:7-21
John 10:11-18 John 15:1-8

*--denotes probably texts for the day.

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As a congregation is moving toward the end of its interim period, the main focus is on
the future. This focus is not only on the call of your next installed pastor, it is also a
time to continue to think about how God calls you. The future is the mission and min-
istry of this congregation and how you as a community of lay, officers, and pastor can
respond to God’s calling. The hope is that you as a congregation can articulate clearly
to your new pastor how you perceive God’s calling. I will continue to work with the of-
ficers, through sermons, and conversation to help refine that calling.

With an awareness of this focus on the future, I realize that I may have been remiss in
expressing this focus over the last few months. I am gratified that many of you do lis-
ten to my sermons and that you picked up, a few weeks ago, a reference to my depar-
ture. As an interim and transitional pastor, the session and I develop and sign a con-
tract for my service. The first contract began on September 15, 2016 and ended on
September 14, 2017. In June of 2017, the Session and I agreed to extend the contract
for another year and the newer contract will expire on September 14, 2018. Ideally
there should be no reason to renew the current contract and my hope is that you will
have called your next installed pastor before that time.

Being an interim pastor is a bittersweet experience. Just as I am getting to know you, it

is time to leave. Gratification comes in seeing you embrace your identity and call so
that you can articulate those things to yourselves, to all who may want to join you in
your ministry, and to the one who will serve as your pastor. Over next few months, I
will begin to focus helping you move on and embrace the one who comes to serve you.
Thank you for your support and grace.

Yours in Christ’s love,


Please mark your calendars for our 5th Sunday lunch which will be held
on April 29th immediately after worship service. Please bring a dish to
share and CLCA will provide the meat and rolls. We hope that you will
be able to attend and share in this fellowship.
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Session Notes from March for the April Herald

During its March meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committees and transacted routine business.
The meeting began with the examination of the officers who had not yet met with session: deacon Phil Farmer and
elders Joyce Cook and Kevin Christ.

The following persons were nominated and elected as church and corporate officers for the coming year.
President: Robert Guell
Vice President: Alan Harder
Clerk and Secretary: Connie McLaren
Treasurer: Beth Christ

Interim Pastor’s Report: A request from Rev. Wendy McCormick from Evansville to fill the pulpit on April 15 was

Treasurer’s Report: The report for the month of February was approved. We can confirm that there are no invest-
ments that involve any companies that make weapons.

Operating Fund Sum- Month of February Balance Sheet Summary 2/28/2018

Beginning of Month $66,924.58 Current Assets $750,990

Income $41,292.57 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Expenses $26,518.04 Short Term Liabilities $2239
End of Month $81,699.11 Long Term Liabilities $405,000
Net Worth (Fund Balance) $3,323,751

Deacons: the first Sunday of each month will be name tag Sunday, beginning on April 1. Easter cookie bags will be
distributed on March 31.

Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions: Please send updated commission/committee mem-
bership and officer lists to Sarah Kelsheimer.
Christian Nurture: The commission requests that those attending the T3EM dinners help with clean up.
Church Life-Church Action: The commission expressed a concern about the lack of coverage for Central in the
Tribune Star church briefs section. Cheryl will begin working on this again.
Facilities: The commission has two estimates for conducting a building appraisal and will determine which to select.
Technology needs are being reviewed.
Worship: Ushers will be convened to update teams and discuss their responsibilities as emergency plan leadership.
Nominating: There is an open deacon position that will be filled in the fall.
Pastor Nominating Committee: Some PIFs have been received.
Commissioner to Presbytery: Alan Harder reported that the March 1 Assembly included a remembrance of for-
mer stated clerk Larry Jackman.
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Youth news — Connor Scanlon

Past Events
We finished our better than one series where we looked at how God designed friendship for our
lives, with what we should look for in friends and how we can be a Godly friend.
With wrapping up better than one we concluded our relationship theme for the school. We focused
on our relationship with ourselves, others, and God. We talked about how God designed each one
of those and how do we maximize each of those areas so that we are always taking steps closer to
Christ to be a kingdom worker.
I took 2 students to a conference here in town hosted by Maryland Community Church called break
away. There was a main speaker, small group discussion questions, a time to go into the city and
do random acts of kindness, ISU rec center, neon glow dance party, deeper connections grown
between me and the students that I took and steps taken towards Christ.
Coming up
We will be spending April planning our youth Sunday for May 6th and 13th.
We also will be heading to Nashville TN for the mission trip this year from July 15th to July 20th.
From now until then we will be having fundraisers to raise around $1500 for 12 students and 3
adults to go.


Centenary Methodist is having a family fun night to

raise funds for our 7th Cents Youth Group mission trip
to Nashville, Tennessee and everyone is invited!
It is on April 15 with an appetizer supper and live auc-
tion of gently used items.
As you are spring cleaning and come across an item
that you no longer need but someone else would want/buy, please donate it to the
All proceeds from the auction will benefit the mission trip expenses and reduce the
cost that the families must cover.

Bring auction items to Centenary by 5 pm on April 15.

Please bring an appetizer to share - eating begins at 5:30
Live auction begins at 6:30 pm.
Please join the fun even if you don't have an item to do-
See Connor Scanlon for more information.
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Exciting News on the HEMEFund

By Josh Powers, Chair, Mission Committee

Very pleased to relay that William Seo’s goal of raising $5,000 while he was here a few weeks ago
was achieved, in part from the generosity of this church! Those resources have been instrumen-
tally important in realizing a new space and equipment leases/purchase for the recently launched
DTI Fashion (short for Dream the Impossible) operation that is a clothing producer providing
product to a local wholesaler and that employs some of the HEMEFund vocational school gradu-
ates. The revenues raised after expenses are designed to accelerate the vocation school operation
to greater sustainability.

The space is in the basement of a new building and William will be living on the 2nd floor, separat-
ed from the business. As you may recall, in the previous location, he made his living space availa-
ble for the operation, and as an unmarried man with women coming and going, it was not cultur-
ally acceptable and potentially dangerous for him. This new circumstance prevents that while also
allowing him and others to come and go at the basement business that will soon be officially regis-

For your reference, under the CPC Mission link, you will find the just published HEMEFund Annu-
al Report. Please read it to get a full perspective on the progress of this importance mission pro-
ject helping to bring lasting peace to Afghanistan.

In closing, William offers a hearty Happy New Year to CPC friends as they just celebrated the
Afghan new year called Nawroz, in honor of the start of the year 1397 (their calendar is about
600 years behind ours)! A few pictures included with this article for you to enjoy!
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Come catch a breath of fresh air as you rest,

worship, play and work with your church family at Pyoca

Who: Members & friends of the Central Church family – of all ages

When: Friday, April 27, 7:00 pm to Sunday, April 29, 1:00 pm

Where: Pyoca Camp, Conference, & Retreat Center

Brownstown, IN (2 hour drive from Terre Haute)
All weather cabins with 4 rooms; each room has 3 bunks and a bathroom

What: Fellowship, Worship, Sabbath time, and service work for Pyoca
Special activities for children and childcare during work times

Cost: $40 per person for adults and children 11 years & older
$25 5–10 years; free for younger children
($30 and $18 for one night)
This covers two nights lodging, snacks, Saturday breakfast & lunch,
and Sunday breakfast. The cost of a Sat. pizza supper will be shared.

April Birthdays —
3—Judy Duffy
9—Teddy Perry, Greg Simmons
10—Beth Whitaker
11 — Andrew Simmons
12 — Doug Shepherd
13 — Christopher Ennis, Bob McLaughlin, Nathan Paul-Bonham
16—Kendra Scanlon
17—John Ramer
18—Elinor Cleveland, Linda Harder, John Moulton
20—Stella VanDyke, Molly Wadsworth
23—Margaret Tamar
25 — Miller Bough, Mary Ann Clem, Mike Wadsworth
26 — Frank Bailey
27—Bill Green
28 — William Merrill
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April 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Choir 9:00 2 Family Prayer 3 4 5 6 7
Group 11:00
Worship 10:30

8 Choir 8:45 9 Family Prayer 10 11 Deacons 5:00 12 13 Parents’ Night Out 14

Group 11:00
Sunday school 9:30 Session 7:00 5:30
Worship 10:30

15 Choir 8:45 16 Family Prayer 17 T3EM supper and 18 19 20 21

Group 11:00 childcare 5:15
Sunday school 9:30
Worship 10:30 meetings

22 Choir 8:45 23 Family Prayer 24 Seekrs & Searchers 25 26 27 28

Group 11:00 Bible study 10:00
Sunday school 9:30
Worship 10:30

29 Choir 8:45 30 Family Prayer

Group 11:00
Sunday school 9:30
Worship 10:30
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Rev. Kevin Buchanan, Interim Pastor

Fax: 812-232-5040 Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate
Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary


Church Happenings

Women’s Book Club

Please be
The Women’s Book Club will sure that
be meeting on April 5 at 7:00 the church
in the church lounge. The office has
book to be discussed is The the names of 2018 gradu-
Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane ates in your family. W e
by Lisa See. All who are in- will honor high school and
Next Herald college graduates on May
terested are welcome.
Deadline — 13.

April 23, 2018 Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study will
meet on April 24 at 10:00 a.m.
at the church. This study will
conclude The Last Week by
Borg & Crossan discussion.
Brenda Green will be the
hostess and Rev. Kevin Bu-
chanan will lead the discus-

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