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7A GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive Complete each sentence with to +a verb from the list. Write your answers in the infinitives column. ask be build ery get go lea lock make notknow not tell s print. say see stort swim tumoff use _not worry 1 Are you ready Iam work now? __tostart 2. tt’snot difficult mmm the first exam. 3. Promise lll anyone about this. It's 2 secret. ‘Theyre planning lll a supermarket there. gael abibon Can you show me how lll the new coffee machine? aus You need lll your boarding pass before you goto the airport eo x Don't forget ill the computer when you leave. = Does he know where Illgl when he arrives? oo 9. She shouldr't pretend Ill happy if she isnt. pees 10. sit safe mmmmin this river? 11 Try mm about your test. Youll pass easily 12 What's the best way Illa new language? 13. Did you remember lM the door? 14 twas really nice mmm you again 15 Icanit think of what lll her for her birthday. soso 16 He tried to tell her that he was leaving her, but she started Il 17 tvs really important lla good impression on your first day in a new job 18 He called her ll that he wes sorry. 19. | don't know who Ill for advice. 20 Don't worry. it's very normal lll the answers. eh © Cover che infinitives column. Read the sentences aloud with the missing infinitives. ‘American Engh ile nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiabe © Oxforé University Press 2019 7B GRAMMAR infinitive or verb + -ing? ‘Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses with the infinitive or a verb + -ing. 1 Icantt promise tobe (be) on time. 2. Swimming (swirn is better exercise than running 3 Would you like ___ (come) tomy party? 4 Doyoumind____(not talk) so loudly? 5 [twas very interesting ___ (see) my old school again. 6 He works on weekends _ (earn) more money. 7 On Sundays she likes. — and ____ (relax, not do} anything, 8 Wewere unhappy with the service, so the restaurant offered _____ (give) usa free dinner. 9 ‘sitdifficult____ (learn) Japanese? 10 He's very competitive. He thinks _____ (win) is the most important thing. 11 She tried _______(not hit) the man, but she was driving too fast. 12 They spent allnight_______ coffee and_____(arink, talk 13 Doyouneed ___ (go) to the bathroom? 14 They drove without __(stop) for 6 hours. 15 Were thinking of _____ (go) to Mexico for our vacation next year. 16 Imvery happy _ (be) here again. 17 I decided ____ (go) camping because | didn't have much money. 18 —_______[eat) candy and junk food will make you fat. 19 He pretended ___ (not understand) the police officer. 20 Are you good at____ (remember) people's names? Score: 16-20 Excellent. You can use the infinitive and verb + -ing very well. 11-15 Very good, but check the rules in the Grammar Bank (Student Book page 138) and look at the exercise again, 1-10 Thisis difficule for you, Read the rules in the Grammar Bank (Student Book page 138) ‘Then ask your teacher for another photocopy and do the exercise again at home ‘American English Fle 2nd ection Teacher's Book 2 Photocoplabe © Oxford University Press 2013 7C GRAMMAR have to, don't have to, must, must not, can’t © Complete the sentences with have to {don't have to | must | must not +a verb from the list be come drive pay(x2) play put take touch tumoff wear (x2) You must tur off your phone. Children pth nec Tie ee a jacket You the door. You anything now: You. os tes photos. You__________ over 18to sce this movie. otsine a obi basketball here a night flee tn toe your feet on the seats. You — to cass on Fridays You a in one direction. seul athletic shoes here. © Test your memory. Cover the sentences, Look a the signs and remember the sentences. ‘American English File 2d edition Teachers Book 2 Photocopabe © Oxford University Press 2013 8A GRAMMAR should © Look at pictures 1-10. Use should | shouldn't + a verb from thelist to complete dialogues 1-10. ask go(x2) get getup lea say sit tell think we 1A What are you doing? B rmtrying to open this package. ‘A You shouldn’t use a knife! Youtleut yourself! 2 A I cant do ths exercise. t's too affcut. B You __ the teacher for some help, 3A Imreally annoyed with Pauia, B why? ‘A. Because she's always on the computer. She never talks to me! B You her how you feel. Maybe she doesnt know, 4A Angela's leaving work at the end of the month, ‘She's going to have a baby. B We __hera present 5 A You____soclose to the television. B Why not? ‘A t's not good for your eyes. 6 A Imiss the bus for school nearly every day. B You earlier. 7 Good luck with the game! B Thanks, but 'm sure fm going to lose. ‘A You____tke that! Be positive! 1B What do mean? A You to yourself, Tm going to win! tm going to win!" 8 A Come on. Get up. t's 9:30. B Butrm tired. ‘A You___tobedso late, A Canyou make me an omelet, please? B Make it yourself ‘A don't know how to. B You how to cook, then! 10 A Tlove to travel eround the world, B Do you have enough money forthe trip? A Well, yes. B Thenl think you © Test your memory. Cover the dialogues. Look atthe pictures and remember the advice. “American Engish File 2nd edton Teacher's Book 2 Photocopible © Oxford University Press 2013 8B GRAMMAR if + present, will+ base form (first conditional) © Complete the stories withthe correct form ofthe verbs in parentheses 1 Ifyou 'do ‘wet. (nor tal AL (esraining!) umbrella, you* Ifyou» ESO pret pga tee cold. (get, catch) Ifyou _ acold, you‘ well on your exam tomorrow: (catch, not do) Ifyou __well on your exam, you 5 10 a good college. (not do, not get) Ifyou"____ me $5,000,1 (row much?!) ». ‘good computer. (lend, buy) If1"\__a good computer, LE “ eee eran, Ear 3 ier borrow your dress, 1 to the party. (not can, not go) ie ___to the party anyone. (not go, not meet) (Ym sorry. burticis my HP! anyone, 1* a dress. / married. (never meet, not get) 11 married, you" any grandchildren. (not get, not have) 7 Tean'eealk 4 Te the bus. (talk, miss) Ry | et ____— ther bs,1@__ } JY) lme or work (iss) If1__late for work, my boss angry with me. (be, be) to you now, 1*__ Wino) tay boo ___—___ angry with me job (be ie) © Cover the stories and look at the pictures, Try to remember the stories. 1 Ifyou don’ take an umbrella, 3 Iffcan'tborrow your dress, 2. fyoulend me $5,000 4 Wltalktoyonnow, 184 ‘American English File 2nd exition Teacher's Book 2 Ftocopiable © Oxford Univesity Press 2013, A 8C GRAMMAR possessive pronouns eo fhe correct word in the dialogues. a 1 Als that Bill's camera? aA B No, it’s our /Qur Why? = 2 A She says she's 25. A B 25! That's not her / hers real age. a 3 A Can you move your / yours cer, please? B Sorry. That's not my / mine car. = 4 A Andy and Gine’s cat is so sweet! When did they get it? A B Idontt think it's their / theirs. t's the neighbors. a, 5 A Ilove this motorcycle! Is it your / yours? & B No, it's not my / mine, unfortunately A 6 A Have you seen this photo in the newspaper? B Walt a minute! Theyre our / ours children! © Complete the sentences with the correct subject or object pronouns (I, me, you, ete) and possessive adjectives or pronouns (ny, mine, etc) 1 If Andrew doesn't leave soon, he'll miss ____ train. | think you should tell _ to hurry. 2 My sister and | work in the same office. _______ usually have lunch together. hours are the same, so 3. Do you know where Sally is? __isr't at __ desk, and one of the assistants is looking for. 4. My parents live near me in Springfield. My apartment is very small, but ___ is huge. often tell___ that don't need all that space. A 5. Look at that dog. looks really sick and ___ legis hurt. A 6 A Is that your phone ringing? qn B No, has a different ringtone. Isr it 2 Fi ‘A No, ___phone’s in _ bag. - B It's probably Anne's. Could____call___? think the bathroom. - © Write four sentences thatare true for you using J, me, my, and mine ‘American English Fle 2nd elton Teacher's Book 2 Photccopisle © Oxford Unversity Press 2013 9A GRAMMAR if + past, would + base form (second conditional) . (x i tL © Write second conditional sentences for the pictures. 1. Which would you choos if you could only 2 You. better if you have one? (you choose, can) — more exercise. (feel, get) ier ifthey 4 1__thereif in that cage. (be, not live) 5 [___somebody if pp NYSE SC = es. the money? (she buy, have) - 7 lfshe__sick, she 8 He scared if towork, (not be, go) —sobig. not be, not be) © Firscor second conditional? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1 Whar will we do tomorrow if rain (sain)? 2. Ifthada lot of money, Id buy (buy) horse 3. She'd pass her testif'she ____ (study) harder. 4 I'm sure she ___ (lend) you the money if you ask her nicely. 5 Tdlike your dog more if he ______ (not be) so noisy! 6 If|___{(nor see) you this evening, ll see you on Friday. 7 1 (not say) anything to Julio if you don’t want me to. 8 Ifyou___(not hurry up), we'll miss the train. 9 Iflwere you, 1_________{not go) to Canada in the winter. 10 What______you____(do) ifyou found a snake in your bed? Els © Cover the sentences in a and look at the pictures. Remember the second conditionals. ‘Aerican English File 2nd ection Teacher's Book 2 Photacopible © Oxford UnvertyFress 2013, 9B GRAMMAR present perfect + for and since © Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verb given + for or since if necessary. work 1A How long has your daughter worked in New York? B She's worked there forfour years. have 2 A Howlong you your cat? Sia es, afew weeks now. afew weeks be married 3A Howlong____you lee 19a know 4A How long. they each other? B They each other 50 years. 50 years live 5A How long you here? B we here _ 2008, have 6 A Howlong_______you this phobia? a ! e1__ie__ about 2010. | A Hom, about 2010, be 7A How long you = on this team? fat B onit. was 17. @ Test your memory. Cover the sentences. Look at the pictures. © Write four sentences about yourself, wo with the present perfect + for, and two with the present perfect + since “Amercon English Fle nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photocriable © Oxford Unversity Press 2013 9C GRAMMAR present perfect or simple past? © Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the simple past. 1A How long have you played (play) the violin? B Since! was (be) four. |____(love] music ally life. ‘A was ita difficult instrument to learn? B Yes.|_ {not be) very good when | (start). 2a your brother (finish) college? B Yes, he _____ {finish three weeks ago. ‘A What's he going to do now? B He___{not decide) yet. 3A Where do your parents ive? B They_______(ve) in Arizona since last year. But before that they __ (ive) in Michigan, A Why ____they (leave) Michigan? B Because my dad ___(retre). 4 A |______(Ge) Olver yesterday. He___ (tel) me about your plans to move toBejing. B Yes, Im vary excited... and alittle nervous, too. A you ever z (lve) abroad before? B No, never.|____ (never be] very interested in foreign trevel ‘A How about your wife? 8 Oh, Sofia loves traveling! She (visit a lot of cifferent counties. SA you (hear) about Andy and Francesca? B No. What? A They (separate). B Really? That's a shame,|_____ (think) they were very happy together. 6 A Is your brother married? B Yes,he (be) married for along time. About ten years. He___(fal) in love with Sarah when they were both in high school They ______ (get) married when they (be) only 18, ina witha partner. © Writea four-tine dialogue beginning with Have you ever. .2 za American Enlih Fle 2nd elton Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiable © Oxford Univesity Press 2013, 10A GRAMMAR passive © Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with present or past passive. z 1 Romeo Must Die is based on Romeo and Juliet. (base) 2. The symbol of the Olympic Games in 1912. (design) 3 Allbags very carefully at airports these days. (check) 4 The Pyramids —__ nearly 5,000 years ago. (build) 5 About 350 movies —__ lathe Bertin Film Festival every year (show) 6 Péisa very small new moon that in 2011. (discover) 7 Seacteln eso eee in planes until the 1930s. (not use) 8 These suits by Elvis Presley. (wear) 9) The first smartphone in 1992 by IBM. (invent) 10 Pétangue —__ ba alotall over France. (play) 1 This by Picasso, (paint) 12 How ______this name ? (pronounce) © Cover the sentences. Look at the pictures, Can you remember the sentences? your country Write two past passive sentences about inventions or discoveries made by someone from. 2. Write two present passive sentences about things that are produced, grown, or made somewhere in your country “Ametican English Flee ection Teaches Book 2 Phatacapiaba © Oxford University Press 2013 10B GRAMMAR used to © Look arhow Alice and johnny have changed. For each person, write eight sentences using tse to | did't use to about what they were like inthe pase 1. Sheused to wear dresses. tattoo on her arm, 2 the violin, 6 —_very calm and quiet. 3 _a motorcycle, 7 —____jeans and T-shirts. 4 — glasses. 8 _____the guitar. 9 TVall day. 3 —_____—alitele overweight. 10 any sports. 14 ___jeans. Tigeeeeedaens a suit and tie 15 ______ healthy food, 2 abeard and 16 —__ long hair. Look at the pictures. Make sentences with used to and didn’t use to about Alice and Johnny. pi y © Write two sentences with used to and two sentences with didn’t use to about yourself. ‘American English File 2nd eiton Teachers Book 2 Photocopable © Oxford Unversity Press 2023 10C GRAMMAR might Complete the dialogues with might or might not + a verb from the list. es i) be (x2) buy fall go(x2) take like meet call say 1A I think might this Tshirt Dont be sily's much too smal for you. 2 A Ate yougoing to go to the party? B Imnot sure. My ex-boyfriend ___________ there, and I really dor't want to see him. 3. A What's this? It looks very strange. B t's special dish from my country. Ty it, you = it 4 A1_________to class tomorrow. think fl have to work late. B OK. Mlltext you and tell you about the homework. 5 A Areyougoing to bein this evening? B tmnot sure.|_____some friends for dinner. © A Look, Mommy, ican ride a bicycle without using my hands! B Oh, be carefull You 1 7. A Where are you going for your vacation? B I don't know. fm really busy at work, so|___________a vacation this year 8 A Areyougoing to send Adam an email? NNo,Ithink]______ him. t's quicker. How are you going to get there? |______ by train.. put maybe it's better to drve...| don't now. Come on = youneed to make a decision! > o> 10 Aare you going to tell Anna about seeing Mike in the cafe? B I donttknow.|__ anything. nal _____late tomorrow. tm seeing the doctor at 8:30. B OK. Thanks for telling me. © Practice the dialogues ina witha partner. © Write owo things you might do next weekend, and two things you might not have time to do tomorrow. ‘American English Fe 2 ection Tanchar’s Book 2 Photocopabe © Oxford University Press 2033 11A GRAMMAR expressing movement © Complete the sentences witha preposition of movement 1A police helicopter flew over the houses. 2. The rock star threw a TV _____ the window 3 Abird flew 4 They danced. 5 The sheriff walked saloon. 6 Thecatran the bridge. the fire. the the wall, 7 The road goes the village. 8 ‘The boy is climbing the tee. 9 Hejumped ___the swimming 10 The dog swam the river. 11 The police officers fell the stairs. 12. The skiers are skiing the © Test your memory. Cover the sentences, Look atthe pictures and remember the sentences. ‘American English Fie 2nd elton Teachers book 2 Proocplebe © OxTU University Press 2023 11B GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs © What are the people doing? Complete each sentence with a phrasal verb. Use one word from list. get (x2)_go look pick put take throw turn write ‘away 02) down for off on onGx2) upi2) his shoes, the questions. her books. for the weekend. is newspaper her phone. ___eatty her coat, 10. They're well © Circle the right answer. Check () if both are correct. 1 Can try on this jacket / try this jacket on, please? ¥ 2. Iean'thear the music. Can you turn i¢up | turn up it? 3 They're my sister's children, 'm looking after them | looking them after. 4 Jane called when you were out. Can you eall her back / call back her? 5 Turn offyour cell phones / Turn your cell phones off before the exam begins. 6 Your clothes are all over the floor. Please pick up them | pick them up. 7 Icant find my car keys. Can you help me look for them look them for? 8 fend you the money, when will you pay me back / pay back me? © Cover the sentences ina. Look at the pictures and say what's happening. ‘American English File 2d elton Teacher's Bock 2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 11C GRAMMAR so, neither + auxiliaries © Complece the dialogues with So + auniliary + Lor Nether + auxiliary + 1A | don't like that new building much, B Neither do | It ooks tke a spaceship. 2 A Ipassed the exam! B Sodid Ni got 92%. 3A Icant swim. By, " lessons. Maybe we should take 4 A tmnot very hungry. 8 ___Mljust have a sandwich 5. A Ive finished college 8 {Im ooking for ajob now! 6 A Icidnt tke the movie. B __. twas too slow. 7 ® (was bornin 1989 B Really? 8 A I don't have any brothers or sisters. 8 But have alot of cousins 9A tmgoing to stay at home this evening. 8 _____.tmvery tired. 10 A Ihave to goto work on Saturday. 8 hate working on the weekends. © Practice the dialogues ina witha partner u 12 4 15 16 v7 1a 19 20 AA Idon't get along with Lycia very well B ___. We ont really have much AA | got married in 2005. Bee ae But | got divorced a year ister | was working in San Francisco last year. _. What a coincidence {havent been to South America. but id ove to go. | want to go to the beach today. : its a beautiful day | wontt go to that restaurant again, The food was awful. {im going to stop using Facebook I spend too much time onit. Tike to go to New Zealand, ‘They say it's beautiful Hlldo my homework on the bus. Its very easy, Ihave a twin siater. o> o> a> 2> o> o> D> Oe That's amazing! © Write a wo-tine dialogue with So + auxiliary +[,and another with Neither + auxiliary + ‘American Engish Fie 2nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photacopicbe © Oxford University Press 2013, 12A GRAMMAR past perfect © Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, Use the simple past and past perfect. 1 When they gat (get) tothe station, the train had alecad lft already leave) 2 She__ (be) very cald because she____(not rake) her coat 3. The printer___(not work) hecause he ______ (not rurn it on). 41 __(n0t take) a photo of the crocodile because | (forget) 0 charge the battery. 5 They_____(never ly) before, and they _______ (be) very nervous. 6 Whenhe_____(arrive) atthe pool, he realized he _______ (not bring) his swimsuit. 7 She {just have) dinner, so she ___ (not be) hungry. 8 She______(have to) pay again because she________ (lose) her ticket. 9. The waitress_____(run) after him because he _______ (not pay) the ill. 10 ‘The fire engine _(arrive) after the fire go ow). 11 They (can) speak French because they (learn) it in school 12 She. (be) tired because she (be) inline all night. Bee © Cover the sentences. Look atthe pictures and remember the sentences. © Continue chese sentences with the past perfect Iidn't recognize him because Myfather was really angry because. When goto school today, I realized that ‘American English Fle 2nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiable © Oxford Uriversity Press 2013 12B GRAMMAR reported speech © Change che direct speech to reported speech ear @ 1 She said that she couldn't see anything 2. Hetold her that 3 He told his father that 4 The man said that © Change the reported speech to direct speech. ‘The nurse told the man th: hur. 3. He told the police thac it was his mother's car. 4. She said that she had finished her homework. 5 She said thar 6 He told his wife that 7 Hetold her that. 8 Shesaid thae 6 He told her that he would always love her. 7 They said thar they wanted to check out. 8 He told the woman that he didn’t speak English. ‘Arica English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiabe © Oxford Uivesty Prats 2033 12C GRAMMAR questions with and without auxiliaries © Make questions using the simple present of simple past. Then@EBehe correct answer. 1 Where / polar bears /ive bears live? ENTE the South Pole 2. Who / dec / the movie Hugoin 2011 ‘Who directed the movie Hugo in 20112 Woody Alen / Martin Scorsese 3. Who / paint / The Scream : 2 Gustav Kit /Edvard Munch 4) Where / mange comics / come from Japan / China 5 Who/iment / the world Wide Web BillGates / Tim Berners-Lee 6 Wich country / have / ablue and yellow flag? 2 Greece / Sweden 7. When the Second World War / end 2 1945 / 1955 8 Which country / win / the 2010 World Cup ee) tealy / Spain 9. Which superhero movie / Christopher Nolan drect in 2008 2 Elektra / The Dark Knight 10 Howmany countries / belong to / the United Nations =ocueee 2 127/193 11 Who / Justin Tinbertakein 2012 / marry ee Jessica Biel / Mila Kunis 12 Where / people / speak / Yorubs 2 West Africa /East Africa © Test your memory. Cover the questions. Look at the answers. Can you remember the questions? American Englith Fe 2nd ction Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiable © Oxford Uriversity Press 2013 7A COMMUNICATIVE I'm going to tell you about. © Choose six topics and think about what you're going to say. Talk toa partner. Giveand ask for something you the best way to learned to do as learn a language a child but can't do now something you sometimes forget to do before you go tobed something you think is important to teach young children something you need to buy soon why tourists come to your country something you've decided to do in the future the things you do to relax after a hard day something you find difficult to do in English asport you tried to play but couldn't something you neyo what you want to do this weekend you were younger the best way to make new friends somebody you would like to meet something you things that are started to do important to do but decided to if you go for a job stop doing interview a movie that's good to watch when you're feeling sad the things you think are important to do for ahealthy life “Amorican Elis File 2nd edition Taschere Rook 2 Photacapiahl© Oxford University Press 2013 7B COMMUNICATIVE Find someone who @ Find someone who answers “yes” to your questions. Then ask for some more information. 1 thes getting up early raid of fying, 3 doesn't mind waiting for people wha arelate, 4 hated going to school when he or she was younger 5 _ enjoys reading in bed. 6 is good at cooking 7 has started doing anew activity recently @ thinks exercises borin, 9 spends more than an hour walkng every da, | 10 has stopped doing an activity recently | | a2. erjoysteing soe 12 has thought about playing a dangerous sport. eseaEs 13. thinks playing computer games teaches you something. 14 tied eating fruit and vegetables as a child 15. is thinking of getting anew haircut soon, _ eee zz] ‘American English Fe 2nd edton Teachers Book 2 Photacopable © Oxford Universit Press 2013

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