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Glocal Education Tool Kit

Edun Valdman
Em 202
Culminating part 2
Activity 1

Activity name: Pen Pal

Intended learning outcomes: To connect students from around the world and allow them to
talk about differences in culture, learning and life in different sections of the world. It allows for
a global connection between the spread out world that we have.

Resources required: Internet, Email address

Process/Steps: set up connection with teachers in different parts of the world, either by
previous colleagues, or by individual search. Allow the students to communicate back and forth
for a bout 3 weeks. Encourage them to speak about their style of life, and encourage
questioning of the Pen pals life. At the end of the three weeks, allow students to present 2-3
interesting things they have learned about their Pen pal and how it differentiates from their life
in Canada.
Activity 2

Activity name: International food fair

Intended learning outcome: Students that make up a student body l can be extremely diverse.
Food is very cultural based but also shows very similar aspects through crossover of cultures.
The intended outcome of this activity is to show the diversity of food, and the significance it
plays in peoples lives.

Resources required: internet, access to recipes, parents assistance

Process and steps: The first step to this activity is each student can either select their own
background and culture or choose their own, they must then research a specific dish that has a
relationship to that culture. They must then accumulate a background and history of the
creation of that dish. The final section of this activity is the production of the food to be
brought in and shared with the class. Each student will bring in that dish and share what they
have learned about the food and why it is important to them and their history, or the history of
the people who have created it.
Activity 3

Activity name: Earth day

Intended learning outcome: The intended outcome of Earth day is for students to understand
the impact that they have on this earth. It will provide a valuable lesson for students to
understand how other parts of the world might live with limits to power.

Resources required: Chart paper, markers, carbon footprint calculator

Process/Step: The first step of the activity will be for students to create what they believe are
the impacts of a carbon footprint: they will be required to draw on chart paper in groups all the
things they think impact the environment. They will then be asked to explain which do they
think play the biggest role. The students will then be required to keep track of their daily use of
appliances, electricity and recycling habits for one week. At the end of the week they will put all
the information into a carbon footprint calculator and reflect on what they now believe to be
the biggest challenge for preserving the earth’s resources. They will again be asked to draw out
their footprint and asked to compare and contrast what they previously thought before the
week had begun. The final step of this activity will be a day in which the students and their
familys do not use power for one hour.
Activity 4

Activity name: Sport in a box

Resources required: internet, Cardboard box, paper, pens. Sports equipment or pictures

Intended learning outcome: This activity is a great source for students to appreciate sport in a
global context. It allows students to identify the importance of life long physical activity. It will
allow to compare how sport and physical activity is different worldwide.

Process/steps : the first step of the activity will be for each group of 3-4 student to pick a sport
of their choosing, overlap will occur which can be turned into part of the activity. Each group
will then select a country in which the sport is played. They will then create an activity kit
including some of the things that are required for that sport in that country and how they differ
from sport they are used to. If there is cross over between sports, the groups can present
together and explain why they have in their box might be different than the other groups. On
the final day of the activity the student will be able to teach the class the unique sport, or
adaptions to the rules dependent on country and allow for everyone to see the importance of
sport and how it can be different in parts of the world.
Activity 5

Activity name: Mock united nations

Resources required: Desks, flags, paper pens

Intended outcome: The intended outcome is for students to understand issues of global
context. Being able to understand each countries perspective on issues as well as the countries
contribution to the united nations. The outcome will show the student how difficult it can be to
make a decision that will benefit all the people that are involved.

Process/Steps: Each students will get into pairs or groups of four. They will then be assigned a
country to represent in the united nations. They will be given class time as well as a week to
research about the country and there role that they play in the united nations as well each
group will be deciding on a topic to bring up to the untied nations that their country needs
assitance with. After a week of preparation all student will congregate on decision day. The
teacher will bring up one global issue that will be settled by all parties of the UN. Next each
country will have their chance to speak about how they would settle the problem. Finally, each
country will then bring up their issue and ask for assistance from the classroom.

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