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Mathematics Curriculum
Achieving Mathematical Power -
January 1996
C & I Home Mathematics Content
Frameworks Home The core concept of this Massachusetts Mathematics Framework is that
students develop mathematical power through problem solving,
Search communication, reasoning, and connections. Consider how
Frameworks incorporating problem solving in a mathematics curriculum provides
the context in which students work together and communicate with one
Archived another. Or, imagine ways students communicate mathematically,
Frameworks providing opportunities to explain their reasoning, and to listen to and
understand the reasoning of others. Think of a student's explaining his
Order Frameworks reasoning about fractals to a friend, then discovering that his solution is
based on a diagram while his friend's solution is grounded in number
Contact patterns--this signifies connections between geometry and algebra.
Mathematical power is conceived as consisting of mathematical
abilities (conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, and
problem solving) within a broader context of reasoning and
with connections across the broad scope of mathematical
content and thinking. Communication is viewed as both a
unifying thread and a way for students to provide meaningful
responses to tasks.
-- Mathematics Framework for the 1996 National Assessment
of Educational Progress, U.S. Department of Education

An effective mathematics curriculum is one in which the skills and

knowledge of problem solving, communication, reasoning, and
connections are subsumed. The pages that immediately follow present
models of what teachers, administrators, and districts are working
toward in mathematics education, which is contrasted with what they
are moving away from.

The standards set forth by the National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics (NCTM) and The Massachusetts Adult Basic Education
Math Standards that derive from the core concept of this framework
are also presented. Each of these standards should be an integral part of
each district's mathematics curriculum.

The four content strands in this framework are Number Sense;

Patterns, Relations, and Functions; Geometry and Measurement; and
Statistics and Probability. Each content strand represents a grouping of
the NCTM standards. A chart showing the groupings is found in the
appendix. It is important to understand that the four components of the
core concept (problem solving, communication, reasoning, and
connections ) are embedded and cross-cutting within and among
content strands. That is why the components of the core concept are
found here, in the mathematics content chapter. They cannot be
separated from the conceptual understanding and procedural
knowledge that are also a part of mathematics education.

Following the discussions of problem solving, communication,

reasoning, and connections are the Learning Standards, which identify
what students should know and be able to do across grade spans.
Examples of Student Learning and How It Looks in the Classroom
contextualize some of the learning standards for the reader. They are
not, however, intended as prescriptive or isolated activities.

Problem Solving: PreK-12 and Adult Basic Education

"Problem solving is not a distinct topic, but a process that

should permeate the entire program and provide the context in
which concepts and skills can be learned."
-- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Here is a model of the paradigm shift that summarizes mathematics

education reform:

Moving away from ...

...solving routine word problems

...problems that are computational exercises embedded in a simple
...problem solving as doing problems following introduction and
practice of a specific procedure.
... assuming that complex problems are appropriate for some students,
and too difficult for other students.

Working toward...

...problem solving as the focus of mathematics programs.

...recognizing that all students are capable of solving problems, and are
thereby given many opportunities to solve problems.
...students' developing and using a variety of approaches and strategies
when solving problems.
...students' using multiple strategies to solve the same problem.
...students' realizing that there are multiple pathways to solutions as
well as multiple solutions to some problems.

For example ...

elementary students explore area and perimeter by creating solar panel

roof designs by guessing, estimating, and checking with the aid of a
geoboard, making a drawing, modeling with geometric tiles, or using a
computer program.

Problem Solving

Below are listed the standards that exemplify mathematics as problem


PreK-12 Standards

All students will...

 Use multiple approaches to investigate and understand

mathematical content.
 Formulate problems from everyday and mathematical
 Develop and apply strategies to solve a wide variety of
problems, including multistep and non-routine problems.
 Verify and interpret results with respect to the original problem.
 Generalize solutions and strategies to new problem situations.
 Acquire confidence in using mathematics meaningfully.
 Recognize and formulate problems from situations within and
outside mathematics.
 Apply the process of mathematical modeling to real-world
problem situations.

Adult Basic Education Standards

All students will...

 Explore and use multiple strategies for solving problems.

 Determine, collect, and analyze appropriate data with respect to
the original problem or in new
 problem-solving situations.
 Access and use appropriate problem-solving tools, including
calculators, computers, and measurement devices.
 Generalize problem-solving strategies to a wide range of adult
oriented, real-world situations.

Communication: PreK-12 and Adult Basic Education

"All students should develop and present conclusions through

speaking, writing, artistic, and other means of expression."
-- Massachusetts Common Core of Learning

Here is a model of the paradigm shift that summarizes mathematics

education reform.

Moving away from...

...the primary means of communicating mathematics as one-way--from

the teacher (or textbook) to the students.
...students' solely communicating their knowledge of mathematics by
using taught procedures in response to questions on tests. emphasis on students' memorizing mathematical definitions as the
method of internalization.

Working toward...

...students learning by means of reflecting on ideas and communicating

their thoughts with others.
...students interacting with other students to solve problems, share
strategies, and seek solutions to problems.
...students explaining and justifying their mathematical thinking in
...students exploring mathematical terms by comparing and contrasting
examples with other students before presenting a formal definition.

For example ....

high school students make designs in coordinate planes and challenge

partners to describe them mathematically, using systems of linear
inequalities; and descriptively, using English or another language.


Below are listed the standards that exemplify mathematics as


PreK-12 Standards
All students will...

 Relate physical materials, pictures, and diagrams to

mathematical ideas.
 Reflect on and clarify thinking about mathematical ideas and
 Relate everyday language to mathematical language and
 Use the skills of reading, listening, and viewing to interpret and
evaluate mathematical ideas.
 Model situations by using oral, written, concrete, pictorial,
graphical, and algebraic methods.
 Develop mathematical ideas, formulate mathematical
definitions, and express generalizations discovered through
 Ask clarifying and extending questions related to mathematics
students have read or heard about.
 Appreciate the economy, power, and elegance of mathematical
notation and its role in the development of mathematical ideas.

Adult Basic Education Standards

All students will...

 Develop the appropriate reading, writing, listening, and

speaking skills necessary for communicating mathematically in
a variety of settings.
 Discuss mathematics with others, reflecting and clarifying
individual thinking about mathematical outcomes.
 Make convincing arguments and informed decisions.
 Define everyday, work-related, or test-related mathematical
situations by using concrete, pictorial, graphic, or algebraic
 Appreciate the value of mathematical language and notation in
relation to mathematical ideas.

Reasoning: PreK-12 and Adult Basic Education

"If we would guide by the light of reason, we must let our

minds be bold."
-- Louis Dembitz Brandeis

Here is a model of the paradigm shift that summarizes mathematics

education reform.

Moving away from...

...some students investigating and applying mathematical reasoning,

while others learn mathematics solely by memorization of rules and
...developing mathematical understanding through teacher
explanations, and only elementary students use manipulatives as tools
for learning.
...the notion that basics must be mastered before proceeding to higher
level mathematics.
...the belief that most students are not mature enough to do complex or
abstract reasoning.

Working toward...

...all students' reasoning about mathematics, responding to the

reasoning of others, and communicating their reasoning to others.
...students' making conjectures, thinking about and selecting sensible
ways to solve problems, and justifying their solutions.
...students' recognizing different types of reasoning as they use them.
...students' understanding the degrees of certainty associated with
deductive, inductive, analogic, and statistical reasoning.

For example ...

students find examples of misguiding statistics in the media.


Below are listed the standards that exemplify mathematics as


PreK-12 Standards

All students will...

 Draw logical conclusions about mathematics.

 Use models, known facts, properties, and relationships to
explain mathematical thinking.
 Justify solutions and explain solution processes.
 Use patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical
 Believe that mathematics makes sense.
 Recognize and apply deductive and inductive reasoning.
 Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments.
 Make and test conjectures.
 Follow logical arguments.
 Judge the validity of arguments.
 Appreciate the pervasive use and power of reasoning as a part
of mathematics.

Adult Basic Education Standards

All students will...

 Draw logical conclusions from mathematical situations, using

concrete models and verbal skills.
 Understand and apply deductive, inductive and proportional
reasoning, with special attention to spatial and visual reasoning
with proportions and graphs.
 Pose mathematical questions and evaluate arguments.
 Validate individual thinking and intuition.
 See how mathematics makes sense.

PreK-12 and Adult Basic Education

All students should ...explore the relationship of mathematics to

other areas of knowledge.
-- Massachusetts Common Core of Learning

Here is a model of the paradigm shift that summarizes mathematics

education reform.

Moving away from...

...mathematics content that is broken down into several large strands,

such as arithmetic and geometry.
...mathematics strands that are organized into a series of small,
sequential objectives, which are taught separately, without exploring
the commonalties of reasoning and skills in different strands.
...students learning new content by memorization of facts and
...students believing that mathematics is a collection of many isolated
topics, rules, and procedures.

Working toward...

...mathematics content that is organized into separate standards,

wherein students make connections among mathematical topics and
...students making connections between mathematical ideas and other
...students fostering meaningful connections between mathematical
ideas and students' experiences in their daily lives.

For example ...

students connect their understanding of patterns to measurement when

they make open boxes to explore the relationships of area to surface
area or to volume, and surface area to volume.

Below are listed the standards that exemplify mathematics as


PreK-12 Standards

All students will...

 Link conceptual and procedural knowledge.

 Relate various representations of concepts or procedures to one
 Recognize and value the relationships among different topics in
 Use mathematics in other curriculum areas and in daily living.
 Explore problems and describe results by using graphical,
numerical, physical, algebraic, and verbal mathematical models
or representations.
 Apply mathematical thinking and modeling to solve problems
that arise in other disciplines.
 Recognize equivalent representations of the same concept.
 Relate procedures in one representation to procedures in an
equivalent representation.

Adult Basic Education Standards

All students will...

 View mathematics as an integrated whole, which is connected

to past learning, the real world, adult life skills, and work-
related settings.
 Explore problems by using appropriate technology, and
describe results by using a variety of mathematical models and
 Apply mathematical thinking and modeling to solve problems
that arise in other disciplines and in the real world, including
work-related settings.

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Last Updated: January 1, 1996

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