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Student-Teacher: Shamma Faisal Alhammadi

Date: 06-3-2018

Course: EPC 2403

Grade Level: year 2- Al Qasimi

Subject: Math
Strand: Review the fractions name, half, and shapes.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
 2.3.a.2 Recognise, find, name and write fractions 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity (KPI)

 2.3.b.1 Recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2 (^)

 2.3.c.1 Write simple fractions (^)

 1.3.a.2 Recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

 Fraction activity (worksheet)  Printing papers

 White board  Paper plates
 Plastic plates  Data show are working
 Colors & marker  Every activity are in it groups
 Projector
 Bell
 Dice Key vocabulary
 Fraction
 Ordering
 Equivelant
 Half
 Numerator
 Denominator

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

o First I will ask the student to sit on the carpet and gets all their attention.

o Then I will display the data show and revise with the students the fraction as to warm up
Q: How many different ways of coloring a half can you find?
And I will let 3 students to answer the question by shading the squares into different way.
Time: 15 min

o After the warming up, I will explain what each group will do and each group have a different activity
based o their level and giving the instrunctions such as : when you hear the teacher ring a bell it’s
means you need to work silently.

o Then I will divided the groups into four groups, However two students need different activity

Learner A: he in the high but higher as he doing his best, after finishing the activity gives him another
activity that suit his level
Learner B: he kind of a little behind from other students level so, I will give him a fraction activity
that suit his level as well.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

o The low level group that I will sit with them, the first activity is I will help and play with them a
BINGO game and before start the game I will exmplain for them and solve for them one box of
BINGO game.

o Then I will give them a activity ‘Ordering fraction’ to order the fraction from smallest to largets as to
glue the shapes and stick it into correct box.

o Then after the game finish I will give them a second activity that they will roll a dice until they gets the
same what is on the paper then coloring.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Time: 15 min

The middle group, I will give them the activity and explain for them the activity.

o The activity is the stuents will roll a dice until they gets the same where is on the paper then color and
write the fraction beside the picture.

o If they finish the activity I will give them white board to write a fraction and draw the shape and color
by using markers.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

o The high group, the students will make a ‘fraction flower’ by using a paper plates as giving to the
students a card that tells them what fraction flower they will make.

o After the students finish their ‘fraction flower’ , I will give them card with fractoins questions and the
students will answer their question on their math book.

Note: Learner A, will get different card to solve besides he can solve the cards same as his students

o At the end I will ring a bell and gather the students and let them sit on the carpet with their attention as
Time: 15 min

o Then I will ask them if did they enjoy the math fraction and then open the math fraction question on
the data show and let the students solve the questions.

o After that I will give the student a star.

o If any student didn’t complete their worksheet, they take it to home and solve it as a homework.

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