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Sessions designed for Professionals by Akhshay Gandhi

Theatre Artist & Practitioner (TedX Speaker)

For professionals in Business, Corporate, Education, Leadership, Management

Working with Self, Others & Imagination
Art of Speaking:

Art of Speaking, it is a unique workshop designed to enhance your vocal performance which
includes voice, articulation, dynamicity, resonance, energy, connection with thoughts &
emotion and a very strong vocal presence for influential speaking.
We bring in various tools & techniques & methods to first unlock various blocks & bring
awareness to these multiple aspects of speaking and then cultivate them further all the way
towards a convincing, persuasive, and influential speaking.
Though speaking is a natural act, but speaking in front of an audience is not natural and yet it
demands to feel like natural with strength & presence. Art of Speaking aims at facilitating
space where everyone can take that leap to become a grounded speaker with capacity to

A practical workshop on voice & speaking techniques delving into key areas such as Voice-
Culture, Grounding, Rhetoric, Dynamicity, Articulation etc for enriched vocal performance
The workshop will address:
1. How does voice exist in the body?
2. How to develop command over your voice & speaking system?
3. How do develop deeper understanding of text for impacted delivery?
4. How to integrate aspects of speaking like tone, expression, rhetoric, impact, dynamicity?
5. How to cultivate strong vocal presence in space?
Liberated Body:

Liberated body as a process developed in response to our urban living and future of our work
& life. As we are engaged primarily at desk with work demanding only certain part of our
intellect, avoiding connection with body, emotion, imagination and many other human
intelligences we seem move further away from a fuller human experience. Added to this
disconnection is our access to technology as a primary source of experience.
Very intuitively we all know and now also supported by research we know that our experience
is a result of inter-connected functioning of all these human capacities and even our behavior,
actions & intellect is informed by these psychological, physical, emotional, creative, conscious
& sub-conscious faculties.
Let's move, feel, inspire & connect with Self & Others.

Connect with your body, mind, breath & imagination in a session filled with guided somatic
and sensorial activities. It nurtures physical awareness, emotional balance, alignment of the
mind and unlock various physio-psychological blocks.
The session takes the participants through
i. Somatic body work.
ii. Practicing multiple viewpoints.
iii. Imagination & Playfulness.
iv. Interactive techniques.
v. Expressive wholeness through creations.
Theatre Immersion:

Theatre is an artistic medium, which allows one to bring oneself without any preconditions,
without any additional skills to explore what it is to be a human? It connects us through
stories, it allows us to express our inner feelings, it cultivate various human skills, like
empathy, working together, creativity etc and most importantly it makes us feel alive.
As theatre is closet art form to life itself, it makes the individual experience various contours of
human life and develops a deeper awareness towards Self, Others and a relationship between

Immerse in world of theatre with creative and engaging games and activities to bring mindful
awareness towards various aspects of being a human. These activities allows one to connect
with multiple perspectives, empathy towards fellow being, cultivate deep listening and
channelize one's expressive self.

The session is designed to include,

i. Theatre games and playfulness.
ii. Activities around working together and interaction.
iii. Building your own short theatre performance.
iv. Appreciating performance and human expression.
Applied Arts:

Artistic Practices have evolved over centuries of work Artists in different disciplines have
created, from Cave Man paintings to International Music. An Artists engages with imagination,
go through various processes, bring in various technical & structural ideas as s/he composes a
work of Art. These processes and techniques are conducive for creativity, cohesion &
experience and are very helpful for professional in any discipline as individual contributors,
manager or in leadership position.
We bring you application of various artistic processes, like devising, composition, storytelling,
performance, post-modernism etc in a tailored workshop to tackle different individual or
organizational limitation.

Collaborative Thinking:

Multiple sessions facilitated through devising process of creating work collaboratively. Where
multiple minds align themselves to look at and relook at a product, an issue or an idea from
various perspectives and bringing out solutions and connecting dots which exist or are freshly
discovered. In these sessions, we facilitate, using various tools of thinking, imagining and
brainstorming from Theatre practices and offer various structures and techniques to organize
and create sense from emerged ideas into their final form as a solution.
Storytelling for Business:

Stories are most powerful and most influential tool we posses as humans. Telling story drives
human forces, spark energy and align entire community. With human, the art of telling story
has also evolved. Stories though are not facts, they are rooted in beliefs and values and it is
very important for businesses and individuals to understand what makes stories compelling
and how should they use the tool of telling a tale for contributing through the values of your
organization and connecting more people to your company and product.

Contact us if you would like to have a tailored workshop of Applied arts at your organization
on leadership, creativity etc.

Recent workshops:
Gender Intelligence at Infosys (Engineering Services)
Collaborative thinking about Online Learning Platform at Mind Matrix Lab
Art of Speaking at Still Space Theatre


Our facilitation methodology is driven with curiosity, exploration & research. The workshops
are intended to nurture various human faculties with practices developed in various
performing and theatre pedagogies around world over centuries.

Three phases in our work and training are,

i. Mindful awareness ii. Cultivating potential of faculties, iii. Creative Engagement
About the facilitator:

Akhshay Gandhi is a theatre artist, collaborating with artists from various disciplines around
world to create & perform theatre. An alumni of Saratoga International Theatre Institute, New
York and BITS-Pilani, he is recipient of prestigious Tata Scholar Grant and BITSAA 30u30 award.
With wide range of experience in Theatre & Movement arts he has been conducting
workshops for Artists at various stages, professionals, executives, academicians, leaders and
students. His trainings are aimed at cultivating a deeper association with self, others &

About Still Space Theatre:

Still Space Theatre is a Multi-disciplinary Arts Organization engaging
with the arts has its artistes sharing and contributing to the core
principles of Practice, Create, Exchange with a focus on interdisciplinary
Still Space is the shoonya with infinite potential and boundless
possibilities, which encompasses the moment just before. Theatre is the
space which contains this potential of multiple possibilities

Akhshay Gandhi
Theatre Artist & Practitioner (TedX Speaker)
Artistic Director - Still Space Theatre | +91-7829765688 |

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