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Scarlett Johansson’s Custody Battle: What Happens Next?

March 9, 2017
Summary: This article talks about the two-year marriage of Scarlett Johannson and Romian
Dauriac’s that came to end and the conflict in gaining child custody of their two-year-old
daughter. As of now, according to the article, the two legal teams have been negotiating a
settlement privately. The article states that Johansson wants the New York Court to decide on the
matter and not the one in France, where Dauriac is from. The article supports her need by giving
evidence from the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act, which states that the
court of jurisdiction is wherever the child has resided for the past 6 months. Afterwards, the case
got transferred to a New Your family judge where the judge appointed someone to help evaluate
their child. In the past, it was near impossible for fathers to get custody. Mothers tended to have
the upper hand. Times are changing and both parents, ideally, have an equal chance for custody.
Project Topic Connection: My project is about filing for parentage. This article is connecting to
my project because the parents are fighting for parentage over their child. Although, my project
involves paternity tests to determine parentage, but the common goal in my project and this
article is to determine who gets custody and who pays child support. In my project, I am going to
explain all the steps parents take part in to get custody which was briefly mentioned in this
article. The difference is that they know who the father is and there was conflict on which court,
either New York or French court to decide. There might be slightly different way of going about
child custody with paternity tests but I will learn if that is true as I continue my mentorship. But,
I believe its mostly the same.
Personal Response: I didn’t know Scarlett Johansson was married or had a child. I commend her
decision to fight for New York Court to decide who gets custody. It might have given her an
upper hand but I’m not saying the father shouldn’t get custody at all. It is obvious that the legal
teams are negotiating privately. However, I was surprised to read about what the Uniform Child
Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act was. I didn’t know that was a thing until now. The
divorce wasn’t uncommon in my opinion. Many celebrities before her have gotten divorced with
a nasty battle for child custody, take Kelly Ruthford for instance. She lost nearly all her money
due to her losing the battle of custody over her two children.
Puente, Maria. “Scarlett Johansson's Custody Battle: What Happens next?” USA Today, Gannett

Satellite Information Network, 9 Mar. 2017.

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