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Weimar Republic after that Stabilisation of the Mark 1923-1933 (-1934)

After the inflation years of the economic rest started, but already in 1929 were
strongly affected the world and particularly Germany
by the worldwide economic crisis. The deflationary policy Br�nings throttled, in
addition, the economy, so that the unemployment figure
on more than 6 millions rose. The appointment of Hitler the Chancellor of the Reich
on the 30. 1. 1933 brought the end of the Weimar republic.

Currency relations:

In autumn, 1923, as the paper marks to the worthless ones Arithmetic size had sunk,
became the attempt of a stabilisation
the mark undertaken. Around the trust of the population and to win also of the
foreign countries for the new marks, one sought
of a persuasive cover possibility (the gold reserves of the imperial bank were
totally exhausted).That's why one established on
the 15. 10. 1923 the German pension bank in Berlin. The capital of 3. 2 milliard DM
first became by the load of the agriculture,
the industry, of the craft, trade and the banks to the possibly same parts angry.
The pension letters issued over here formed the cover for the pension bank notes
and coin.
These showed no legal currency, there was none acceptance duty for private
The pension bank notes knocked over from 15. 11. 1923 to the course of 1 pension
mark = 1 billion paper mark.

The coin law of the 6/1/1909 was valid at first wide, however, became by In
emergency orders and in laws of the Weimar republic makes holes.
So if the �order of the imperial president about the stamping authorised from coins
in the nominal amount of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 50 pension pfennigs�
from the 11/8/1923 (an emergency order for the purposes of the article 48 of her
Imperial constitution) the imperial minister of the finances,
for the stamping of the coins called in the order of the coin law of the 6/1/1909
to deviate.
With the order from the 11. 2. 1924 became the copper ones 1-and 2-pfennig pieces
of the empire to the pension pfennigs equal.

With the �law about the stamping of new imperial silver coins� from 20. 3. 1924
which intended the issue of coins more than 1, 2 and 3 DM
(the coinage of the 2-mark piece ceased), was determined again, to deviate for the
called values from the coin law of the 6/1/1909.

Because of the changed relations became on the 30. 8. 1924 the old coin law from
the 6/1/1909 substitutes with a new one.
With this law led one the "imperial marks" as a legal currency one. After �2 had to
go are coined:
1. Golden coins to 20 and 10 imperial marks (not carried out); 2nd silver coins to
from 1 to 5 imperial marks and 3rd, pieces 1, 2, 5, 10 and 50
imperial pfennigs (later complements for the 4 imperial pfennigs Piece). The golden
coins had to do the same weight and the same one
mixing proportion like the suitable golden coins of the empire have.

After �4 were valid the 10-and 20-mark pieces of the empire, 1-and 3-mark pieces of
silver (No. 311 and 312),
everybody on pension pfennig of being ones Coins and the copper 1-and 2-pfennig
pieces of the empire to the nominal value further.
All protrudingly called coins were valid from the introduction of the new coin law
as legal currencies, namely golden coins unrestrictedly,
silver coins up to 20 imperial marks, all the others up to 5 imperial marks.

With �15 became all imperial coins distinctive on account of former laws of nickel,
aluminium, iron and zinc except course sedate.
The coin law from the 30. 8. 1924 came into force on the 11. 10. 1924.

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