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When you share personal information online, make sure you never use your real address or phone number. When you put your ersonal information out on the ternet. everyone that uses the internet can now access your information and find out who you are and where you live. https: // ducation/blog/4-great-lesson-pla ns-for-internet-safety A digital footprint is the data of every single thing you have posted, shared, liked, sent, etc. When you are first building your online footprint, you want to make sure that everything you are posting is appropriate and does not harm you or anyone around you that sees it. Cee eae lee ay eee tenets ge hl ‘Sometimes people arent always ‘ who they say they are in cyberspace. If someone one you don't know talks to you, you should not respond and immediately notify your parent or teacher so the matter can be handled appropriately. https:// ernet-safety-younger-elementary- mary-beth-hertz About me Scan code below to learn more!

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