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BECAUSE of the default in the payment of the indebtedness

secured by a Security Deed executed by SHAKTI KRUPA, INC., Grantor, to THE NORTH JACKSON BANK, INC., now known as FIRST
JACKSON BANK, Grantee, dated May 28, 2003, and recorded in Deed Book 3951, Pages 136-167, Whitfield County, Georgia, Deed
Records, the undersigned has declared the entire balance of said indebtedness, taxes, and interest thereon, due and payable in
accordance with the terms of said Security Deed and Note secured thereby, and pursuant to the power of sale contained in said
Security Deed, the undersigned will sell, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, before the Courthouse door in Dalton,
Whitfield County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 2017, (October 3, 2017), the following
described real property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot Nos. 158 and 159 of the 12th District and
3rd Section of Whitfield County, Georgia, including a portion of the Willowdale Subdivision as per plat of said subdivision recorded
in Plat Book 1, Page 107, (Plat Cabinet A, Slide 26), in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Whitfield County, Georgia,
and being more particularly described as Tract 2, on that plat of survey prepared by Joseph R. Evans, Registered Land Surveyor,
dated 8/7/91, revised 8/16/91, 9/24/91 and 6/21/93, said plat being recorded in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 974, in the Office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Whitfield County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron
pin located on the east line of Land Lot No. 158, said iron pin being located north 01 degrees 05 minutes east 617.98 feet from the
southeast corner of Land Lot No. 158; thence north 89 degrees 02 minutes 500.57 feet to an iron pin located on the easterly right-
of-way line of Ramp B-Interstate Highway 75; thence following said right-of-way line the following courses and distances: north 29
degrees 08 minutes east 72.33 feet; north 31 degrees 43 minutes east 141.53 feet; north 35 degrees 11 minutes east 121.58 feet;
north 39 degrees 02 minutes east 110.51 feet; north 41 degrees 39 minutes east 71.81 feet; north 43 degrees 10 minutes east
48.45 feet; north 44 degrees 48 minutes east 60.51 feet; north 46 degrees 42 minutes east 84.45 feet; and north 47 degrees 59
minutes east 53.10 feet to a point; thence leaving said right-of-way line south 50 degrees 29 minutes east 48.68 feet to a point;
thence south 01 degree 05 minutes west 571.72 feet to an iron pin and the point of beginning. ALSO conveyed herein in a
perpetual non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress to said property, said easement running in a southwesterly direction from
Shugart Road to the above described property along an existing asphalt drive, said asphalt drive and easement being more
particularly shown as it crossed Tract 3 on that plat of survey recorded in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 974, to which plat reference is made
for a more complete and accurate description of said easement. SAID EASEMENT HAVING BEEN MODIFIED BY EASEMENT
AGREEMENT dated November 15, 2012, and recorded on December 11, 2012, in Deed Book 5820, Pages 201-206, Clerk's Office,
Whitfield County Superior Court, pertaining to Security Deed between the North Jackson Bank (now First Jackson Bank), as Lender
and Shakti Krupa, Inc., wherein the former easement for access, ingress and egress is terminated and new and relocated area
designated “Relocated Drive” and shown on an attached Exhibit A as “New Easement Area” is conveyed to the Lender under the
terms of the original Security Deed, as follows: The easement for access, ingress and egress serving Tract 2 as shown on plat of
survey for Executive Inn of Dalton by Joseph R. Evans, GRLS No. 2168, dated August 7, 1991, as revised, recorded in Plat Cabinet
C, Slide 974, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Whitfield County, Georgia, shall be terminated in its existing location
and re-located to that area designated “Relocated Drive” as shown on the Georgia Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plans
for Project No NHS00-0000-00(931) dated June 29, 2009, last revised January 3, 2012, a copy of which being attached as Exhibit
A and made a part of “New Easement Area”. Said easement being for access, ingress, and egress and the installation and
maintenance of utilities between Tract 2 as shown on said plat of survey recorded in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 974, and Shugart Road,
twenty-five (25) feet in width, the center line of which is more specifically described on Exhibit A attached to said Easement
Agreement, which easement is over and upon the area labeled “Relocated Drive” as shown on Exhibit A. Subject to Encroachment
Agreement filed and recorded July 11, 1996, in Deed Book 2743, Page 340, Whitfield County Deed Records. Subject to Agreement
filed and recorded September 6, 1996, in Deed Book 2761, Page 075, Whitfield County Deed Records. To the best of the
undersigned's knowledge and belief, the property is in the possession of Shakti Krupa, Inc., and will be sold as the property of
Shakti Krupa, Inc. Said property will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes and/or liens, and as the property of the maker of said
security Deed or its successors and assigns, in bar of all equities of redemption, and will divest all of the title and interest of the
maker thereof, or its successors and assigns, in and to said property and shall invest such title to the purchaser. FIRST JACKSON
BANK, As Attorney-in-Fact for Shakti Krupa, Inc. By: BRENT JAMES, Attorney at Law P. O. Drawer 220 200 McFarland Building
Rossville, GA 30741 (706) 861-0203; Fax: (706) 861-6838 GA Bar No. 388855 If you believe you received this message in error, or
to report abuse, please contact support at

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