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Platelets and Blood Type - Overview
Cardiac structure and function - Hemostasis: 3 stages
Blood Type
11/11/09 - RBC antigens and plasma antibodies
- ABO and Rh blood groups

Platelets Hemostasis:
(thrombocytes) process of blood clotting
3 stages:
• Cell fragments
1) vascular spasm
• Megakaryocytes
megakaryocyte platelets
2) platelet plug formation

3) coagulation
• Aid in blood clotting
Figure 17.12 Figure 17.13

process of blood clotting Factors affecting clots
3) coagulation: 3 phases to fibrin mesh Promoting
1. Intrinsic and extrinsic pathway to Prothrombin activator - procoagulents: factors promoting clotting
2. Common pathway to Thrombin - over 30 factors involved
3. Common pathway to Fibrin

1. Inhibiting
Prothrombin Prothrombin - anticoagulents: enzymes that inhibit clotting
activator - e.g. antithrombin III
2. - e.g. heparin: inhibits thrombin
Fibrinogen Fibrin

Disorders Blood Type

• RBC antigens (agglutinogens): surface glyoproteins
• Thrombus: large clot that blocks blood that promote agglutination (clumping)
vessel • Ie. ABO and Rh
• Plasma antibodies (agglutinins): act against foreign
• Embolus: a thrombus that breaks away into RBC antigens and cause agglutination
the bloodstream (emoblism: if thrombus
gets stuck)

Blood Type
Blood RBC antigens
Blood that can
Blood Type
group (agglutinogens) (agglutinins) be received

A Recipient (A) Donor (B)

Plasma antibodies
(agglutinins) attack RBC
O antigens (agglutinogens) =

Table 17.4

Blood Type Blood Type

Recipient (A) Donor (A) Recipient (AB) Donor

Donor (O)
No plasma antibodies
AB is the universal recipient

O is the universal donor

Blood Type
• Rh groups
– Rh+ (D antigen): 85% • Platelets are cell fragments that aid in
blood clotting which occurs in 3 stages.
– Rh- (no D antigen)
The final coagulation stage involves
common pathways to fibrin.
• Rh- recipient and Rh+ donor
– produce anti-Rh antibodies in 1st transfusion • Blood transfusions must match blood
– reject Rh+ blood in 2nd transfusion types ABO and Rh based on antigens to
– same for pregnancy ensure that recipient plasma antibodies do
not clump the foreign RBCs.
Erythroblastosis fetalis (anemia in the fetus):
fetal RBCs destroyed by maternal antibodies

Size and Location

• Anatomy
– Size and location
– Walls and coverings
– Chambers
– Blood Circuits • Size of fist (5x3”)
– Ventricles • 250-350 g
• Physiology • 2nd rib - 5th intercostal space
– Intrinsic conduction system • 2/3 to left of midline
• Mediastinum
Figure 18.1

Walls and coverings Chambers
Coverings of heart: Pericardium 4 chambers
1. Outer fibrous layer: tough, CT 2 atria (R and L): receiving
2. Serous membrane 2 ventricles (R and L): discharging
a. parietal layer fibrous
b. visceral layer visceral
Walls of heart: 3 layers
1. epicardium (outer)
2. myocardium (middle) RV LV
3. endocardium (inner)

Figure 18.2

Blood Circuits Blood Circuits

Systemic circulation 2a. L pulmonary artery 2b. R pulmonary artery
Pulmonary circulation
heart  lungs  heart heart  body  heart
3. pulmonary veins:
3. R 1a. Superior oxygenated blood
2. lungs 1. L vena cava LA
atria from lungs
(no O2) ventricle
3. L (O2)
1c. Coronary RA
1. R atria sinus 4. Ascending
ventricle (O2) LV aorta: to body
R L 1b. Inferior RV
(no O2)
vena cava
2. body 2. Pulmonary
Which side has deoxygenated blood? trunk: to lungs
Figure 18.5

Blood Circuits Valves
Coronary circulation: heart  heart Function:

Atrialventricular (AV) valves

Right coronary artery: right
1. Tricuspid (R)
heart, posterior ventricles
2. Mitral (L)
Left coronary artery: left LA
atrium, anterior ventricles Semilunar (SL) valves RA R3 L
3. Pulmonary (R) 42
4. Aortic (L) LV
Cardiac veins  RV
coronary sinus 
heart (R atrium)
Figure 18.5
Figure 18.7a

Valves Physiology:
intrinsic conduction system
Heart Sounds: 1. Sinoatrial (SA) node: pacemaker
initiates heartbeat with impulse (action potential)
Lub – closure of AV valves
2. Atrioventricular (AV) node
Dup – closure of SL valves
3. AV Bundle (Bundle of His): purkinje fibers
LA interventricular septum to ventricle walls for contraction
Heart murmur: incomplete 42
1 AR AL SA node
closure of valves
RV LV AV node
V V AV bundle
(of His) Purkinje fibers

Figure 18.5 septum
Figure 18.14a

Physiology: Summary
intrinsic conduction system
• Blood flows through the chambers of the
Autonomic nervous system: extrinsic control
heart and the body via the pulmonary,
sympathetic: speeds up
systemic and coronary circuits.
parasympathetic: slows down

• The heart has its own intrinsic conduction

SA node mechanism to keep it contracting
AV node rhythmically.
AV bundle
Purkinje fibers
(of His)
Figure 18.14a

Next time

Cardiology part 2:
the cardiac cycle and
controlling heart rate

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