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Practical Exam

Life Time Sports Fly fishing final

Students Name________________________________

Casting (11pts)

- Student correctly pieces rod together. 1pt_____

- Correctly holds and strings the rod. 1pt_____
- Explain the correct range of the cast. 45-90 degree. 2pts_____
- Appropriate timing on forward/back cast. 2pts_____
- Uses weight on fly line to bend rod for further casts. 2pts_____
- Successfully gets fly line 15ft in front of them. 2pts_____
- Hits hula hoop target. 1pt_____

Total ____________

Nail knot (5pts)

- Student can identify when knot is used. 2pts_____

- Student makes an over hand loop 1pt_____
- Student brings tag end through loop twice. 2pts_____

Total ____________

Double Clinch knot (5pts)

- Student can identify when knot is used. 2pts_____

- Student pulls tag end through eye with 3+ twists 2pts_____
- Student pulls tag end through 2 loops into a slip
free knot. 1pt_____

Total ____________
1. You are about to fish a small river in January the water is 2ft deep. You forgot your
streamer box at home but you have dry flies, nymphs, and terrestrials. What will be the
most effective method to catch fish?

Student selects nymph from fly box. 2pts _____

Student correctly ties nymph on using double clinch knot. 2pts _____

Student attaches strike indicator. 2pts _____

Student attaches strike indicator 3 ft (depth & a half) above top fly. 2pts _____

Student correctly explains the action of how nymph is fished. 2pts _____

2. You are fishing a holding body of water that contains Blue Gill. You can see dead trees in
the water on the side of the pond that is opposite you, there are also tall weeds growing
out of the water on your side of the holding water. It is still a little hot out but evening is
approaching and you are starting to see rises from fish. As you are getting ready to fish
you notice you leader is only 4ft in length. Please explain the best method for successful

Student selects popper from fly box. 2pts _____

Student ties surgeon’s knot to lengthen leader. 2pts _____

Student correctly ties on popper using double clinch knot. 2pts _____

Student can identify areas of structure where Blue Gill typically hide. 2pts _____

Student can correctly explain the action of how a popper is fished. 2pts_____

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