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This chapter presents the general introduction of the study. It includes the

background of the study, the reason for choosing topic, the assumption, the

problem statement, the objective of the study, the scope and limitation of the

study, the hypothesis, the research methodology, the significance of the study, and

the definition of terminology.

I.1 The Background of the Study

According to Lems, Miller & Soro (2010, p. 33) reading is an interactive

process that takes place between the text and the reader’s processing strategies

and background knowledge. Reading is one of the skills which have to be learned

by the students in order to master English well. Reading is included into receptive

skill besides listening. Receptive skill is the way in which people extract meaning

from the discourse they see or hear (Harmer, 2001, p. 199). To achieve the

purpose of reading, which is to get general or detailed information from the text,

the students have to comprehend the text in order to understand the information


According to Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2010, p.86)

comprehension is ability to understand something. “Reading comprehension is the

process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes

that include the word reading, word and world knowledge and fluency” (Klingner,


Vaughn, & Boardman, 2007, p. 2). After that, Swan (1999, p. 1) said that reading

comprehension is reading accurately and effectively to get the maximum

information from a text with the minimum of misunderstanding. Moreover, prior

knowledge will affect reading comprehension. As statement of Klinger, Vaughn

& Boardman (2007) that our knowledge and experiences related to key ideas in

the text we read influence what we learn and remember about what we read. Thus,

teachers should use appropriate approach and strategies that are applied in

teaching reading comprehension in order to get teaching and learning effectively.

Therefore, contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach can be implemented

as an appropriate approach to teach reading comprehension in this present study.

Some studies that used the CTL approach had been conducted in

Indonesian students’ classroom setting (see Fatmawati, 2009; Muhlison, 2011;

Satriani, Emilia & Gunawan, 2012). From their studies, it was revealed that CTL

effectively improved students’ comprehension, interests, and competence in

writing and reading skills. Some experts define contextual teaching and learning

as a concept that helps teachers and students to relate real world situations with

the subject matter in the right way (Johnson, 2002; Sears, 2002). Besides the

previous definition, Nurhadi (2000) has argued that the constructivism philosophy

is the reason why teachers choose CTL as an alternative teaching and learning

approach. In this case, the students are expected to learn through experiencing not

by memorizing the subject matter.


Based on statements above, it is expected that contextual teaching and

learning approach have influence on students’ reading comprehension. It is also

expected that contextual teaching and learning approach can motivate and interest

the students in learning reading comprehension. Then, this research investigates

how far contextual teaching and learning approach influences students’ reading


I.2 The Reasons for Choosing Topic

There are two reasons for choosing the topic in this research. First,

teaching reading comprehension needs appropriate teaching and learning

approach that will increase students’ reading comprehension. Students’

knowledge and experience affect their reading comprehension. Thus, contextual

teaching and learning approach is expected to give influence on students’ reading


Second, a learning process today still uses a teacher-oriented approach.

Teachers transfer their knowledge to their students actively. Meanwhile, their

students are given various kinds of knowledge, which sometimes they do not

understand. Teachers should discover creative strategies to enhance students’

interests to learn English. Therefore, CTL can be implemented in this study.

I.3 The Assumption

The writer will conduct this study based on assumptions relating to the

topic as follows:

1. Contextual teaching and learning approach can influence students’ reading


2. Students will be motivated and interested to learn reading comprehension with

contextual teaching and learning approach.

I.4 The Problem Statement

Related to the background of this study, there exists a problem that will be

investigated. The problem is formulated in the following question:

“Is there any influence of contextual teaching and learning approach on

students’ reading comprehension?”

1.5 The Objective of the Study

Based on the problem mentioned above, the researcher defines for aim of

the study as follows:

“To find out the influence of contextual teaching and learning approach on

students’ reading comprehension”

I.6 The Scope and Limitation

In this study, the writer will try to specify the study, which is focused on

the influence of contextual teaching and learning approach on students’

comprehension in reading hortatory exposition text. The writer would like to try

to limit the study to second grade students of Senior High School Ciledug Al-

Musaddadiyah Garut enrolled in 2013/2014 academic year.


I.7 The Hypothesis

Since this study uses quantitative method, the writer would like to create

hypothesis. Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (1932) mention that a hypothesis is, simply

put, a prediction of the possible outcomes of a study. Then, the null hypothesis

(H0) and Alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study are as follows:

1. H0 : There is no influence of Contextual teaching and learning approach on

students’ reading comprehension.

2. Ha : There is influence of Contextual teaching and learning approach on

students’ reading comprehension.

I.8 The Research Methodology

Research is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information

to answer. According to Dawson in Practical Research Method (2002, p.14),

“research methodology is the philosophy or the general principle which will guide

your research”. In conducting this study, the methodology that will be used is

quantitative research. According to Creswell (2009: p. 4) “quantitative research is

a mean for testing objectives theories by examining the relationship among

variables”. Then, Dawson (2002) states quantitative research generates statistics

through the use of large-scale survey research, using methods such as

questionnaires or structured interviews. According to those statements,

quantitative research is employed due to the writer intended to find out the

influence of contextual teaching and learning approach on students’ reading

comprehension. Besides, the data will be collected by pre-test and post-test

The population of this study will be the second grade students of Senior

High School Ciledug Al-musaddadiyah Garut enrolled in 2013/2014 academic

year. The number of population is 175 students. For the sample of this study, the

writer will take all of students from class XI IPA 2 (28 students) in order to get

the data for this research.

I.9 The Significance of the Study

The outcomes of this study are expected to be significant theoretically,

practically, and professionally. Theoretical significance means that this study is

purpose to prove the theory about whether there is influence of contextual

teaching learning approach on students reading comprehension. Practical

significance shows the benefit of this study in the real class practically. While,

professional significance demonstrates the contribution of this research finding in

the working life.

1.9.1 Theoretically

This finding of the study is expected to prove the theory that contextual

teaching influence students’ comprehension, interests, and competence in writing

and reading skills. The finding of the study is also expected to give beneficial

reference for further study which is concerning about contextual teaching and

learning approach and students’ reading comprehension and enrich the literature

on influence of contextual teaching and learning approach on students’ reading


1.9.2 Practically

The result of the study is also expected to provide the English teachers

some benefits in teaching reading comprehension to students by using contextual

teaching and learning approach. Furthermore, it is also hoped that this study can

motivate the students to learn English so that they are more interested in learning

and helping their reading comprehension knowledge. Finally, the result of the

study is hoped to facilitate the teachers and the students with an effective

learning-teaching language process.

1.9.3 Professionally

The result of this study is also expected to give meaningful contribution

for candidate of English teachers so that they are ready to apply contextual

teaching and learning approach when they teach reading comprehension.

I.10 The Definition of Terminologies

To avoid misunderstanding the terminologies, which are used on this

study with other topic subjects, the writer feels that it is necessary to explain them.

The terminologies are as follows:

1. Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by

coordinating a number of complex processes that include the word reading,


word and world knowledge and fluency” (Klingner, Vaughn, & Boardman,

2007, p. 2).

2. “Contextual teaching and learning is a system of instruction based on the

philosophy that the students learn when they see meaning in academic

material, and they see meaning in schoolwork when they connect new

information with prior knowledge and their own experience” (Johnson, 2002,

p. vii).

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