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Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization

approaches for feature selection problems
Majdi Mafarja a, Ibrahim Aljarah b,∗, Ali Asghar Heidari c, Abdelaziz I. Hammouri d,
Hossam Faris b, Ala’ M. Al-Zoubi b, Seyedali Mirjalili e
Department of Computer Science, Birzeit University, Birzeit, Palestine
King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Computer Information Systems, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan
School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Nathan, Brisbane QLD 4111, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Searching for the optimal subset of features is known as a challenging problem in feature selection pro-
Received 25 September 2017 cess. To deal with the difficulties involved in this problem, a robust and reliable optimization algorithm
Revised 4 December 2017
is required. In this paper, Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA) is employed as a search strategy
Accepted 30 December 2017
to design a wrapper-based feature selection method. The GOA is a recent population-based metaheuris-
Available online xxx
tic that mimics the swarming behaviors of grasshoppers. In this work, an efficient optimizer based on
Keywords: the simultaneous use of the GOA, selection operators, and Evolutionary Population Dynamics (EPD) is
Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm proposed in the form of four different strategies to mitigate the immature convergence and stagnation
GOA drawbacks of the conventional GOA. In the first two approaches, one of the top three agents and a ran-
Feature selection domly generated one are selected to reposition a solution from the worst half of the population. In the
Classification third and fourth approaches, to give a chance to the low fitness solutions in reforming the population,
Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS) and Tournament Selection (TS) are utilized to select the guiding agent
Evolutionary Population Dynamics
from the first half. The proposed GOA_EPD approaches are employed to tackle various feature selection
tasks. The proposed approaches are benchmarked on 22 UCI datasets. The comprehensive results and var-
ious comparisons reveal that the EPD has a remarkable impact on the efficacy of the GOA and using the
selection mechanism enhanced the capability of the proposed approach to outperform other optimizers
and find the best solutions with improved convergence trends. Furthermore, the comparative experiments
demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approaches when compared to other similar methods in the
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction FS methods can be broadly categorized into three main classes:

supervised [7], unsupervised [8], and semi-supervised methods [9].
The existence of thousands of applications of information sys- Supervised FS requires the availability of the class labels to select
tems complicated the role of extracting useful information from proper features and used for classification problems. While in un-
the collected data [1,2]. Data mining plays the main role in ex- supervised FS, the class labels are not required, and used for clus-
tracting the useful knowledge from the collected datasets [3,4]. The tering tasks. On the other hand, semi-supervised methods applied
collected datasets may contain irrelevant and redundant data. Fea- when part of the data is labeled.
ture selection (FS) is one of the major preprocessing phases that There are several supervised, semi supervised, and unsuper-
aims to exclude the irrelevant/redundant data from the dataset be- vised FS algorithms in literature. To name a few, the correlation-
ing processed [5,6]. based feature selection (CFS) [7], fast correlation-based filter (FCBF)
[10], and wavelet power spectrum (Spectrum) [11] are examples
on supervised techniques. While non-negative spectral learning

Corresponding author. and sparse regression-based dual-graph regularized (NSSRD) fea-
E-mail addresses: (M. Mafarja),
ture selection is one of the latest unsupervised techniques pro-
(I. Aljarah), (A.A. Heidari), (A.I. Ham-
mouri), (H. Faris), (Ala’ M. Al-Zoubi), posed by Shang et al. in 2017 [8]. The subspace learning-based (S. Mirjalili). graph regularized (SGFS) technique and self-representation based
0950-7051/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

2 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

dual-graph regularized feature selection clustering (DFSC) are also performance in terms of accuracy of Pareto optimal solutions and
well-established FS techniques proposed by Shang et al. in 2016 the related distribution.
[12,13]. On the other hand, feature selection via spectral analy- Although the metaheuristic algorithms do not guarantee finding
sis, and forward feature selection [9,14] are examples on semi- the best solution in all runs, they can find relatively accurate solu-
supervised FS. tions in a reasonable time [27,54]. Metaheuristics can be classified
FS process can be accomplished in four major steps [15]: sub- into two main families; single-solution and population-based algo-
set generation, subset assessment, ending criterion, and validation. rithms [27,55]. In the former class (e.g., Simulated Annealing), one
From the evaluation perspectives, FS methods can be divided to solution is manipulated and transformed during the search pro-
two groups based on selection strategy: wrapper-based and filter- cess, while a set of solutions is evolved in the former class (e.g.,
based. In filter-based methods, the selection of a subset is per- PSO). Single-solution-based algorithms show more exploitative be-
formed independently from the learning algorithm (e.g., classifi- haviour; which means digging the space around a possible solution
cation). The merits of a feature or a subset of them is estimated whereas the population-based class are more explorative or a mix
with regard to specific characteristics of the information [16]. Ex- of both behavior; which means exploring different regions of the
amples of filter models include Chi-Square [17], Information Gain space [27]. When designing a metaheuristic algorithm, these two
(IG) [18], Gain Ratio [19], and ReliefF [20]. In the wrapper-based criteria should be taken into account. High exploration decreases
methods, the goodness of a subset is evaluated based on a learn- the quality of results and causes an unpromising convergence. This
ing algorithm [21]. Examples of wrapper models include the LVW results in a failure to find the target global optimum. However,
algorithm [22] and a neural network-based method [23]. high exploitation may cause the optimizer to be trapped in Local
Subset generation is considered as a search process to select Optima (LO).
a subset of items from the initial set using complete, heuristic Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are deep-rooted metaheuristics in-
search, or a random search [15,24,25]. The complete search gen- spired by natural processes [56,57]. Genetic algorithms (GA), by J.
erates all possible subsets to select the best one. If the dataset in- H. Holland [58]; and evolutionary programming by L. Fogel
cludes n features, then 2n subsets will be generated and assessed, [59] are two different kind of EA. In recent years, many EA are pro-
which is computationally expensive for the larger size datasets. posed to tackle the optimization problems especially in the field
Random search is another possible policy to select the attributes. of feature selection [60–62]. Ant Colony (AntRSAR) and Genetic
It searches for the next feature subset randomly [26]. The main Algorithm (GenRSAR) are two EAs that have been proposed by
drawback of the random search strategy is that it may perform as Jensen and Shen [63,64] and applied to FS problems. For instance,
a complete search in the worst case [5,27]. a chaos-based genetic FS method (CGFSO) has been proposed in
An alternative strategy to the previous two strategies is the [65]. Two hybrid approaches have been proposed in [66] between
heuristic search. Heuristic search can be clarified as a ‘depth first’ the GA and Simulated Annealing (SA) and in [67] between the
search managed by heuristics. According to Talbi [27], metaheuris- GA and Record to Record algorithm. A Scatter Search-based ap-
tic search methods can be defined as “upper level general method- proach (SSAR) proposed by Jue et al. [68] is another EA-based FS
ologies (templates) that can be used as guiding strategies in de- method. Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO), a recent well-regarded meta-
signing underlying heuristics to solve specific optimization prob- heuristic, proposed by S. Mirjalili in [69], was utilized as a search-
lems” [27]. Various metaheuristics such as Grey wolf optimizer ing mechanism in a wrapper FS method in [70,71]. A chaotic ALO
(GWO) [28,29], Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) [30], Ant approach was proposed for FS in [72]. The GWO, as another re-
Lion Optimization (ALO) [31], Firefly Algorithm (FA) [32], Parti- cent population-based optimizer [29], has been successfully em-
cle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [33], and Ant Colony Optimiza- ployed to tackle several applications like the tuning of fuzzy con-
tion (ACO) [34] may demonstrate superior efficiencies in tackling trol systems [73]. It has been applied to FS problems [74,75] as
feature selection problems when compared to the exact meth- well. Recently, a new wrapper-based FS algorithm that uses a hy-
ods [35,36]. Metaheuristic algorithms have shown improved results brid Whale Optimization algorithm (WOA) with SA algorithm as a
and efficiencies in dealing with many real-life applications such as search method was proposed in [76].
path planning [37], clustering [38–40], neural network optimiza- EAs are modeled to mimic the evolution of individuals from
tion [41–44] and power dispatch [45]. For example, E.S. Ali et al. their initial states to become better adapted to some objectives
applied the ALO to find the best location and sizing of renewable imposed upon them. These revolutionary paradigms apply some
distributed generations [46]. Wu et al. utilized the WOA for path evolutionary operators (mutation and recombination in GA or
planning of solar-powered UAV [37]. Faris et al. also reviewed the pheromone updating rules of ACO) to some selected individuals
recent variants and applications of the GWO [47]. The history of (based on some selection mechanisms; random, tournament, and
metaheuristics is presented in [48]. roulette wheel selection) in the population to generate an off-
The GOA is a new efficient nature-inspired population-based spring. However, these operators affect and manipulate individuals
metaheuristic algorithm [49] proposed by Saremi et al. in 2017 to rather that the whole population. Evolutionary Population Dynam-
inspire the idealized swarming behaviors of grasshopper insects ics (EPD) is another evolutionary operator that manipulates the
in nature. This algorithm can disclose improved results and effi- whole population rather than manipulating individuals [77]. Us-
ciencies on global unconstrained/constrained optimization and var- ing this operator with EAs will omit the worst individuals from
ious real-life tasks. The basic GOA has been applied to realize the the population rather than improving the best individuals in the
best parameters of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) population (e.g., recombination in GA). Extremal optimization (EO)
stack and the results exposed the viability of the GOA-based algo- [78] is a metaheuristic algorithm that works based on the idea of
rithm in dealing with the steady-state and dynamic models [50]. EPD. The EO algorithm has been used in many research fields with
In 2017, Wu et al. [51] proposed a dynamic GOA for optimizing much success [79–81]. The EPD operator is the main feature that
the distributed trajectory of UAVs in urban environments. They enhanced the performance of this algorithm [28].
proved that this algorithm can attain enhanced results and satis- This paper presents an efficient GOA-based optimizer with EPD
factory trajectories. Tharwat et al. [52] developed a modified multi- and selection operators to improve the efficacy of the basic GOA in
objective GOA (MOGOA) with external archive for constrained and dealing with FS tasks. In this work, we have made the following
unconstrained problems. Mirjalili et al. [53] also developed the ba- key contributions:
sic multi-objective GOA and revealed that the proposed algorithm
can tackle several benchmark problem, effectively and with better

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 3

Table 1
List of abbreviations.

Abbreviations Expansions

Acc Accuracy
ACO Ant Colony Optimization
ALO Ant Lion Optimizer
Atts Attributes
CFS Correlation-based Feature Selection
CGFSO Chaos-based Genetic FS Method
CM Crossover and Mutation
DFSC Self-representation Based Dual-graph Regularized Clustering
EA Evolutionary Algorithms
EO Extremal Optimization
EPD Evolutionary Population Dynamics
EPSCO Evolutionary Programming using Self-Organizing Criticality
FA Firefly Algorithm
FCBF Fast Correlation-based Filter
FS Feature Selection
F-score Fisher Score
GOA Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
GWO Grey Wolf Optimizer
GA Genetic Algorithms
IG Information Gain
k-NN k-Nearest Neighbor
LO Local Optima
NSSRD Non-negative Spectral Learning and Sparse Regression-based Dual-graph Regularized
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization
RWS Roulette Wheel Selection
SA Simulated Annealing
SGFS Subspace Learning-based Graph Regularized
SOC Self-Organized Criticality
SSAR Scatter Search-based Approach
StdDev Standard Deviation
TS Tournament Selection
Ts Tournament Size
WOA Whale Optimization Algorithm

• The significant merits of the EPD operator motivated our at- 2. EPD for the GOA
tempts to apply it to the recently proposed Grasshopper Op-
timization Algorithm (GOA) and investigate its effectiveness on 2.1. Evolutionary Population Dynamics (EPD)
FS problems.
• Four variants of GOA with EPD operator are proposed. In the EAs are known as stochastic search methods in which a set of
first two approaches, one of the top three solutions and a ran- solutions (population) is initialized and then gradually improved
domly generated solution are selected to reposition a solution to become better adapted to the objectives imposed upon them.
from the worst half of the population. In the third and fourth Some EAs utilize mutation mechanisms to alter the selected solu-
approaches, and to give a chance to the low fitness solutions to tions, while others employ the crossover operators. These opera-
reformulate the population, two different selection mechanisms tors aim to evolve the top selected solutions that are mostly the
(namely Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS) and Tournament Se- best solutions. The EPD is the process of eliminating the worst
lection (TS) are utilized to select the guiding solution from the solutions in a population by repositioning them around the best
first half. ones. The EPD is basically based on the theory of self-organized
• The proposed approaches have been tested on 22 real bench- criticality (SOC) [82], which indicates that a local change in the
marks datasets to show its efficiency for feature selection tasks. population may affect the whole population and provide delicate
• The hybrid GOA and EPD operator is proposed for the first time balances without external organising force [77]. In the GA, the best
to solve the feature selection tasks. solutions are combined using the evolutionary operators (crossover
• The proposed GOA based approaches have been tested on real and mutation). In contrast, in the EPD, the worst solutions should
datasets with different settings and characteristics to demon- be omitted from the current population. Evolutionary program-
strate its effectiveness and quality of solutions. ming using self-organizing criticality (EPSCO) [83] and Extremal
optimization (EO) [78] are two metaheuristics methods that were
proposed based on the SCO concept. The EPD is a simple and ef-
fective mechanism that can be embedded in different optimizers.
It starts by removing the worst solutions from the swarm and then
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents repositioning the removed solutions around the best search agents.
a background about EPD operator. The basics of the GOA al-
gorithm and the hybridization with EPD operator is given in 2.2. Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA)
Section 2 as well. Section 3 presents the details of the proposed
approaches. In Section 4, the experimental results and analysis The GOA is a recent swarm-based nature-inspired algorithm
are presented. Finally, in Section 5, conclusions and future works [49] proposed by Saremi et al. It mimics the idealized swarm-
are given. Table 1 describes all the abbreviations used in this ing behavior of grasshopper insects in nature. Similarly other
paper. population-based algorithms [84,85], in GOA, a set of candidate

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

4 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Fig. 1. Function s when l = 1.5 and f = 0.5 and closer window when d changes in [0,4].

solutions (each individual represents a grasshopper) are randomly The conceptual model of the comfort zone and the attraction
generated to construct the initial artificial swarm. Next, all candi- and repulsion forces between the grasshoppers is also shown in
date agents are evaluated with regard to the fitness values and the Fig. 3. The gravity force Gi (second component in Eq. (4)) is calcu-
best search agent in the current swarm in considered as the target lated as follows:
or leader. The target grasshopper starts attracting the other indi-
Gi = −g × eg (4)
viduals around its location, and all grasshoppers start moving to-
wards the target grasshopper. where g denotes the gravitational constant and eg is a unity vector
The movement of the ith grasshopper towards the target in the vertical direction of the surface.
grasshopper is denoted as Xi and is formulated as in Eq. (1). The wind advection Ai (third component in Eq. (5)) is calculated
as follows:
Xi = Si + Gi + Ai (1)
Ai = u × e
w (5)
where Si is the social interaction, Gi is the gravity force on ith
where u represents a constant drift and e w denotes a unity vector
grasshopper, and Ai shows the wind advection.The social interac-
in accordance with the wind.
tion Si acts as the main component during the grasshopper move-
In stochastic optimisation, a metaheuristic optimizer must make
ment process. It can be calculated as Eq. (2):
a fine balance between the exploration and exploitation when con-

ducting the search to find a accurate approximation of the global
Si = s di j d ij (2) optimum. Therefore, the mathematical formulation of the GOA,
j=1, j=i which was presented in Eq. (1), should be equipped with special
parameters to achieve to this purpose. The mathematical model
where dij is the Euclidian distance of the ith with the jth grasshop-
proposed by Saremi et al. in this regard is as follows:
 = x j −xi is a unit
per, and it is calculated as d = |x − x |. While, d  
ij j i ij
ub − lbd  d  x j − xi
di j

vector from the ith grasshopper to the jth grasshopper. The s func- Xid = c c d s |x j − xdi | + Td (6)
tion is defined as the strength of social forces, which can be calcu- 2 di j
j=1, j=i
lated as follows:
where ubd and lbd are respectively the upper bound and lower
bounds in the Dth dimension, 
s (r ) = f e l − e−d (3) Td is the value of the Dth dimension
of the target grasshopper. Parameter c is a decreasing coefficient
where f is the intensity of attraction and l is the attractive length to shrink the comfort zone, attraction, and repulsion regions. Note
scale. that S is similar to the s function in Eq. (2). In Eq. (6), gravity force
Fig. 1 illustrates the impact of s-function on the attraction and has been considered equal to Zero (no G component), and the wind
repulsion (i.e., social interaction) of the grasshoppers. In this fig- force (A component) is always towards the target grasshopper  Td .
ure, the distance d has been considered in the interval of [0, 15]. The adaptive parameter c is considered as decreasing coefficient, it
The repulsion force between grasshoppers occurs when the dis- has been used twice to simulate the deceleration of grasshoppers
tance between them is between 0 and 2.079 units. In the case that approaching the source of food and eventually consuming it. The
the distance between a grasshopper and other agents is 2.079, it outer c (first c from the left) has been used to reduce the search
enters to the comfort zone, where neither attraction nor repulsion coverage toward the target grasshopper as the iteration count in-
occurs there, while the attraction starts increasing after 2.079 till creases, while the inner c has been used to reduce the effect of the
4 and then starts decreasing. attraction and repulsion forces between grasshoppers with regard
Fig. 1 shows that while the distance between grasshoppers be- to the number of iterations to shrink the comfort, repulsion, and
comes larger, s-function returns values close to 0. Thus, for large attraction areas.
distances between grasshoppers, s-function is not capable of ap- The parameter c is updated with the following relation, it
plying strong forces to them. To overcome this drawback, the dis- should be inversely proportional to the number of executed iter-
tance between agents are mapped between 1 and 4. The shape of ations. This mechanism increases the degree of exploitation as the
the s-function in the interval [1, 4] is shown in Fig. 1 (right). iteration count increases. It also reduces the comfort zone propor-
Different social behaviors can be obtained for the artificial tional to the number of iterations.
grasshoppers by changing the parameters l and f of s-function in
cMax − cMin
Eq. (3) as shown in Fig. 2. c = cMax − l (7)
Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 5

Fig. 2. Behavior of the function s based on l and f.

Fig. 4. Sigmoidal Transfer function.

convert an algorithm from continuous to binary version without

Fig. 3. Primitive corrective patterns between individuals in a swarm of grasshop- modifying its structure is to utilize transfer functions. In the pro-
pers. posed approach, the transfer function (see Fig. 4) use the first term
in Eq. (6), that is re-defined X in Eq. (8) as the probability for
changing of the position elements.
where cMax and cMin are respectively the maximum and mini-  
 ub − lbd  d  x j − xi
mum values of parameter c, l is iteration, and L is the maximum N

bound of iterations. In [83], the authors used 0.0 0 0 01 and 1 for X = c c d s |x j − xdi | (8)
2 di j
cMin and cMax, respectively. j=1, j=i

Sigmoidal function is a common transfer function proposed by

3. Binary GOA (BGOA) for feature selection Kennedy and Eberhart [88] as Eq. (9):
Finding a minimal feature set has been described as a NP-hard T (Xt ) = (9)
1 + e−Xt
problem [86]. Searching the best combination of features is a chal-
lenging problem especially in the wrapper-based methods. Hence, where X represents the step vector of a search agent at a specific
an intelligent optimization method is required to reduce the num- iteration.
ber of evaluations. The position of the current grasshopper will be updated as ex-
As reported in the literature [53,83], the GOA algorithm can re- pressed in Eq. (10) based on the probability value T(Xt ) obtained
veal a superior efficacy in tackling various optimization cases. The from Eq. (9).

merits of GOA motivated us to propose a binary version of the GOA 1 If rand < T (X )
optimizer and use it as the core search engine in this paper when
Xt+1 (t + 1 ) = 0 If rand ≥ T Xt+1 (10)
( t+1 )
solving FS problems [86]. Based on the NP-hard nature of FS prob-
lems, where the search space can be represented by binary values, In the wrapper FS, a learning algorithm should be involved in
some operators of the GOA algorithm need to be modified. In the the evaluation of the selected feature subset. In this work, the k-
continuous GOA, each individual updates its position based on its Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier [89] is utilized to attain the clas-
current position, the position of the best grasshopper found so far sification accuracy of the solution. The higher classification accu-
(target), and the position of all other grasshoppers as in Eq. (6). racies show that the relevant solution is better. Moreover, since
This behavior of the GOA is similar to other swarm-based tech- the aim of FS is to eliminate the number of selected features, the
niques (e.g., PSO). In the GOA, the first term of Eq. (6) is analogous smaller the number of features in the solution, the better the solu-
to the velocity vector (step) in the PSO. According to the claims tion is. These are two contradictory objectives that should be taken
provided by Mirjalili and Lewis [87], one of the easiest ways to into consideration when designing an objective function for FS al-

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

6 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

gorithms. In this work, the fitness function in Eq. (11) that can bal- depending on a random number. The process is straightfor-
ance among the selected features in each agent (minimum) and ward; a random number is generated Xr in each iteration and
the accuracy of classification (maximum) is used to evaluate the then one of the following four choices will be applied for repo-
selected subsets in all approaches. sitioning of the poor solution: when Xr ∈ [0, 0.25], then the
best solution is used, when Xr ∈ [0.25, 0.5], then the second
F itness = αγR (D ) + β (11) best solution is used, when Xr ∈ [0.5, 0.75], then the third best
|N | solution is employed, and when Xr ∈ [0.75, 1], a random solu-
where γ R (D) is the classification error rate of the known classier, tion is used.
|R| is the number of selected features and |N| is the original num- The selected solution will be used as a starting point to reposi-
ber of features, α and β are two parameters to reflect the role of tion the poor solution. Repositioning the poor solutions around
classification rate and length of subset, α ∈ [0, 1] and β = (1 − α ) the best solutions aims to heighten the median of the swarm in
adopted from [70]. The overall pseudocode of the BGOA algorithm each step. However, this process may cause a premature con-
is described in Algorithm 1. vergence of the algorithm. As a remedy, a randomly generated
solution is used in the first rule to promote exploration and
Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of the BGOA algorithm. prevent trapping in local optima.
2. BGOA_EPD_CM: this version is similar to the BGOA_EPD and the
Initialize the GOA parameters cMax, cMin, and maximum itera-
only difference is that it also uses a crossover and a mutation
tions L
Initialize a set of random solutions Xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n ) as initial
In the second approach, a random number is generated and one
solution is selected similar to the first strategy, then the se-
Calculate the fitness of all agents
lected solution is mutated to improve the exploration tendency
Remark the best solution as the Target
of the algorithm. The mutated solution is then crossover with
Set T as the best solution
the poor solution.
while t < L do
Update c using Eq. (7)
for each individual in the population do 3.1.2. BGOA_EPD with special selection operator
Normalize the distances between grasshoppers into [1, 4] According to the findings of Talbi [27], “it does not mean that
Update the step vectors (X) using Eq. (8) using better solutions as initial solutions will always lead to bet-
Update position vectors using Eq. (10) ter local optima” [27]. The best individuals may bias the search-
Update Target if there is a better solution in population ing process and this may cause a premature convergence and a
t =t +1 loss of diversity. For this reason, instead of selecting one of the
return T three best solutions like the previous versions, two well-regarded
selection mechanism are applied to select a solution from the first
half of the population. For each solution in the second half of the
population, select a solution from the first half using the selec-
3.1. Applying the EPD strategy to BGOA tion mechanism; mutate and then crossover it with the poor so-
lution. In this regard, the alternative method for hybridizing the
As discussed earlier, the EPD eliminates the worst solutions EPD with the BGOA in the BGOA-EPD algorithm is to also employ
from the population and replaces them by generating neighbor so- a special selection mechanism. There are two well-known selec-
lutions around the good ones. The EPD mechanism is a simple but tion techniques: Roulette wheel selection (RWS) [90] and the TS
effective operator for population-based techniques [77], therefore, [91]. These methods are utilized in this work. Therefore, another
it is applied to the conventional GOA here since it is also a stochas- two different strategies that can be developed for the BGOA_EPD
tic population-based optimizer. To equip the GOA algorithm with are:
the EPD technique, the swarm of grasshoppers is divided into two
parts after sorting it based on the fitness values. The half of the 1. BGOA_EPD_Tour: in this version, a solution from the first half
worst grasshoppers is eliminated and reinitialized based on four of the swarm is selected using the TS operator, then the same
different strategies depending on the good half of the population. crossover and mutation operators utilized in the BGOA_EPD
In this paper, four different strategies are utilized to combine version are applied on the obtained solution.
the EPD scheme with the binary BGOA. These versions can be cate- The TS is the most popular selection mechanism used with GA
gorized into two main classes based on the implemented selection due to its efficiency and simple implementation. In TS, a set
operators. of n individuals are randomly selected from the whole popu-
lation, then the best individual among the selected individu-
3.1.1. BGOA_EPD with random selection operator als will be selected to reposition the poor solution. The num-
The first model for hybridizing is to use random selection oper- ber of selected individuals called tournament size Ts. The ad-
ator. For this purpose, one solution among the best three grasshop- vantage of TS is that it gives a chance to all individuals to
pers from the population is selected in addition to a random guide the poor solutions, which preserve the diversity of the
grasshopper. Then, the leader of ‘poor’ solution will be selected BGOA_EPD_Tour algorithm. An example of the TS mechanism
randomly. To implement this idea, two different approaches are de- for the BGOA_EPD_Tour is illustrated in Fig. 6, where three indi-
signed that work based on the random selection technique: viduals are selected (Ts = 3) and the best solution among them
is picked out.
1. BGOA_EPD: it is the simplest hybrid form of the EPD and BGOA After applying the TS operator,the mutation operator with suit-
algorithms. In this approach, the random selection mechanism able mutation rate is applied the selected grasshopper hoping
is employed to select the solutions. This method also uses a to find a better solution in the neighbor of the selected solution
simple mutation operator (see Fig. 5). and to avoid the BGOA_EPD_Tour algorithm from the prema-
In this approach, the top three individuals are selected and ture convergence. After that, the poor solution is repositioned
a fourth solution is generated randomly. Each solution in the around the resulting solution by applying a crossover operator.
worst half is repositioned around any of these four solutions In the BGOA_EPD_Tour, a solution is selected using the TS to

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 7

Fig. 5. The sorted population and related agents that should be repositioned around the best solutions and a random one.

The mutation rate r for all related approaches is shown in

Eq. (12). The parameter r is decremented from 0.9 to 0, linearly,
according to the iteration number i.

(1 − i )
r = 0.9 1 + (12)

where L was the maximum number of iterations.

The main difference between these versions is that they use
Fig. 6. The mechanism of TS.
different selection operators. In addition, the BGOA_EPD_CM uses
the best solutions in the population while BGOA_EPD_RWS and
BGOA_EPD_Tour variants do not use this policy. They use other so-
lutions from the first half of the population.
The overall pseudo code of the BGOA_EPD algorithm is de-
scribed in Algorithm 2. Flowchart of the BGOA_EPD is also demon-

Algorithm 2 Pseudo code of the BGOA_EPD approaches.

Initialize GOA parameters (cMax, cMin, and L)
Initialize a set of random solutions Xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n ) as initial
Obtain the fitness of all agents
Remark the best solution as Target
Fig. 7. Selection strategy with RWS.
while t < L do
Update c using Eq. (7)
for each individual in the population do
give a chance to the lower fitness solution in the first half of Normalize the distances between grasshoppers into [1, 4]
the population to be selected. Update the step vectors (X) using Eq. (8)
2. BGOA_EPD_RWS: This version is similar to the BGOA_EPD_Tour Update position vectors using Eq. (10)
version and the only difference is that it uses the RWS operator
Update Target if there is a better solution in the population
instead of the TS operator.
Sort the population based on the fitness
In the BGOA_EPD_RWS, in each iteration of the BGOA process,
for i = (n/2 ) + 1 to n do
for each solution in the worst half of the population, a solution
Update the position of i − th grasshopper using EPD ap-
from the first half is selected using the RWS operator. In RWS,
individuals are selected with a probability based on their fitness
t =t +1
values. In this selection strategy, a roulette wheel is formulated
with a circumference equals the sum of all fitness values of the return Target
individuals (see Fig 7).
Each individual will have a segment with a size proportional to
its fitness. The probability to select an individual can be seen as strated in Fig. 8.
spinning a roulette wheel, and the segment where the pointer Note that the computational complexity of the proposed
stops is taken and the corresponding individual will be selected. BGOA_EPD is not significantly different from the GOA. The compu-
Obviously, the individuals with the largest fitness (i.e. largest tational complexity of GOA is of O(t × d × n2 ) where t indicates the
segment sizes) have higher probability of being selected than number of iterations, d is the number of variables, and n shows the
those who have lower probability (i.e. smallest segment sizes). number of solutions. The proposed binary operators do not change
The advantage of RWS that it does not ignore any individual in the computational complexity since they have been applied to the
the population, therefore, it preserves the diversity of the pop- position updating mechanism of the original GOA. To re-initialize
ulation. 50% of solutions, however, the additional complexity of O(n/2) is
After selecting a solution using the RWS operator, it is mutated required, so the overall computational complexity of the proposed
to explore more regions of the feature space, then; the resulted BGOA_EPD is O(t × d × n2 + n/2 ). Note that due to the need to re-
solution from the mutation operator is used to reposition a so- evaluate the objective value of half of the solutions, the number of
lution from the second half by applying a crossover operator. function evaluations in BGOA_EPD is n/2 units more that of GOA.

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

8 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Fig. 8. The overall steps for proposed BGOA_EPD approach.

4. Experimental results and discussions ied in several well-established works. The utilized test set cover
different traits and the instances of small to high dimensional
In this section, the efficacy of the proposed hybrid EPD_BGOA datasets and can examine the searching competencies of EA and
versions in dealing with 22 well-regarded datasets with differ- metaheuristics in tackling the FS problems. Different variants of
ent characteristics. Table 2 reports the brief description of the 22 BGOA algorithm were employed to search for the best reduct with
datasets utilized. For more details, interested readers are referred the minimum error rate based on KNN classifier (where K = 5
to the UCI [92] repository. These benchmark cases have been stud- [93]) with the Euclidean distance metric. For evaluation purposes,
each datasets is divided into training and testing sets where 80% of
the instances in the datasets were used for training purposes and
Table 2 the rest of them is utilized for testing tasks [94].
List of used datasets.
All the fair tests and the computed results in this research are
No. Dataset No. of Features No. of instances conducted and prepared on a PC with Intel Core(TM) i5-5200U
1. Breastcancer 9 699 2.2GHz CPU and 4.0GB RAM. The maximum iterations (L) is set to
2. BreastEW 30 596 100 and the number of search agents (N) is 10. Additionally, all
3. Exactly 13 10 0 0 statistical results are recorded over 30 independent runs. The di-
4. Exactly2 13 10 0 0
mension of cases is equal to the number of features in each exper-
5. HeartEW 13 270
6. Lymphography 18 148 imented dataset. The α and β parameters in the fitness equation
7. M-of-n 13 10 0 0 are set to 0.99 and 0.01, respectively.
8. PenglungEW 325 73
9. SonarEW 60 208 4.1. Evaluation of proposed methods
10. SpectEW 22 267
11. CongressEW 16 435
12. IonosphereEW 34 351 In this part, the efficiency, convergence and the quality of the
13. KrvskpEW 36 3196 results of four developed hybrid approaches are deeply measured
14. Tic-tac-toe 9 958 and compared to each other’s to distinguish the preeminent vari-
15. Vote 16 300
ant for more advanced investigations. The four techniques utilizing
16. WaveformEW 40 50 0 0
17. WineEW 13 178 different operators and the random, TS and RWS mechanisms are
18. Zoo 16 101 substantiated and compared to judge and discover the influence of
19. Clean1 166 476 the crossover and mutation strategies and using a specific selec-
20. Semeion 265 1593 tion scheme in preference to the random selection policy on either
21. Colon 20 0 0 62
22. Leukemia 7129 72
the results or efficacy of the proposed variants. The performance of
the proposed optimizers is evaluated and compared in terms of the

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 9

Table 3
Comparison of the BGOA_S with four hybrid versions using Acc and StdDev metrics .


Acc StdDev Acc StdDev Acc StdDev Acc StdDev Acc StdDev

Breastcancer 0.969 0.0 0 0 0.966 0.0 0 0 0.969 0.0 0 0 0.977 0.0 0 0 0.980 0.001
BreastEW 0.960 0.005 0.962 0.002 0.963 0.003 0.964 0.003 0.947 0.005
Exactly 0.946 0.036 0.997 0.006 0.993 0.009 0.999 0.008 0.999 0.005
Exactly2 0.760 0.0 0 0 0.734 0.005 0.744 0.013 0.762 0.0 0 0 0.780 0.0 0 0
HeartEW 0.826 0.010 0.842 0.006 0.841 0.012 0.815 0.008 0.833 0.004
Lymphography 0.815 0.012 0.895 0.013 0.844 0.012 0.878 0.009 0.868 0.011
M-of-n 0.979 0.030 0.997 0.007 0.999 0.004 0.999 0.004 1.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
PenglungEW 0.861 0.015 0.868 0.008 0.839 0.021 0.750 0.012 0.927 0.013
SonarEW 0.895 0.011 0.921 0.007 0.883 0.006 0.922 0.008 0.912 0.009
SpectEW 0.851 0.011 0.850 0.007 0.882 0.006 0.852 0.007 0.826 0.010
CongressEW 0.953 0.004 0.983 0.003 0.974 0.004 0.983 0.004 0.964 0.005
IonosphereEW 0.883 0.007 0.907 0.004 0.922 0.007 0.911 0.005 0.899 0.007
KrvskpEW 0.956 0.008 0.960 0.006 0.959 0.006 0.963 0.004 0.968 0.003
Tic-tac-toe 0.803 0.007 0.797 0.001 0.789 0.0 0 0 0.785 0.0 0 0 0.808 0.0 0 0
Vote 0.951 0.004 0.948 0.006 0.953 0.004 0.960 0.003 0.966 0.003
WaveformEW 0.729 0.009 0.739 0.006 0.743 0.004 0.740 0.004 0.737 0.003
WineEW 0.979 0.004 0.994 0.006 0.993 0.005 0.988 0.003 0.989 0.0 0 0
Zoo 0.990 0.010 0.976 0.008 0.960 0.004 1.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.993 0.009
Clean1 0.883 0.008 0.885 0.005 0.893 0.005 0.885 0.006 0.863 0.004
Semeion 0.975 0.002 0.979 0.001 0.986 0.001 0.974 0.001 0.976 0.002
Colon 0.745 0.010 0.812 0.012 0.712 0.008 0.810 0.010 0.870 0.006
Leukemia 0.928 0.014 0.889 0.0 0 0 0.931 0.014 0.855 0.012 0.931 0.014

Table 4
Average selected attributes using the developed algorithms .


Atts StdDev Atts StdDev Atts StdDev Atts StdDev Atts StdDev

Breastcancer 4.00 0.0 0 0 5.13 0.346 4.17 0.379 4.73 0.980 5.00 0.0 0 0
BreastEW 15.37 2.697 20.00 2.729 17.50 1.889 17.20 2.747 17.33 2.440
Exactly 7.63 0.809 6.60 0.498 6.57 0.504 6.43 0.568 6.53 0.571
Exactly2 1.27 0.450 7.97 0.809 5.67 3.565 1.50 0.509 1.53 0.507
HeartEW 6.77 1.524 6.67 0.922 5.77 0.817 6.13 1.548 8.40 1.037
Lymphography 7.47 2.080 10.60 1.003 10.60 1.522 11.60 1.476 10.63 1.217
M-of-n 7.53 0.973 6.53 0.629 6.57 0.504 6.57 0.568 6.47 0.507
PenglungEW 150.13 8.509 166.53 15.937 198.90 8.707 174.77 15.460 178.33 15.486
SonarEW 28.57 3.191 36.37 3.157 36.03 3.489 35.73 2.778 36.77 4.240
SpectEW 9.93 1.856 14.13 1.995 12.83 2.437 11.93 2.463 11.10 3.044
CongressEW 4.33 1.322 7.67 1.729 6.53 2.145 5.50 1.592 5.77 2.012
IonosphereEW 13.43 3.115 18.93 3.269 17.93 2.420 17.77 3.785 16.40 3.701
KrvskpEW 19.90 3.010 22.33 3.010 22.10 2.551 22.43 2.417 21.67 2.496
Tic-tac-toe 6.83 0.379 5.03 0.183 6.00 0.0 0 0 6.10 0.305 5.00 0.0 0 0
Vote 5.27 2.083 6.73 1.015 6.57 1.995 6.07 1.617 5.43 1.223
WaveformEW 21.20 2.952 25.53 3.082 25.80 3.295 24.93 2.876 26.23 3.451
WineEW 6.33 1.348 7.27 0.944 7.23 0.817 6.83 1.147 8.80 1.472
Zoo 8.13 1.167 7.97 1.426 7.93 1.230 7.77 0.774 9.17 1.967
clean1 82.93 5.948 103.80 6.880 105.20 6.206 96.00 9.127 92.60 7.802
Semeion 134.90 7.662 169.63 11.137 171.50 7.361 159.87 9.885 157.03 11.485
Colon 967.87 23.882 1194.33 89.430 1198.33 97.070 1050.83 70.247 1063.67 64.618
Leukemia 3495.23 48.699 4138.27 373.767 4366.87 288.129 3896.63 292.866 3768.80 224.842

average classification accuracy (Acc), selection size, and fitness val- 100% Acc and 0 StdDev using only 6.47 attributes. From Table 3,
ues, computational times, P-values of the Wilcoxon ranksum test it is observed that the BGOA_EPD_RWS can provide superior
and convergence rates over all runs of each technique. The Acc Acc rates compared to other varieties in tackling the BreastEW,
is measured via the nominated features on the used dataset. The CongressEW, SonarEW, and Zoo datasets. The BGOA_EPD_RWS
standard deviation (StdDev) of all proposed versions is also pro- has attained the Acc of 100% in solving the Zoo test case. The
vided for all metrics, datasets and algorithms. BGOA_EPD_CM outperform others in terms of Acc in dealing with
Table 3 exposes the attained Acc and related StdDev results for the 6 datasets: IonosphereEW, SpectEW, WaveformEW, Clean1,
the BGOA_S algorithm versus other designed versions.Tables 4–6 Semeion, and Leukemia problems. The BGOA_EPD has outper-
also reflect the average selected attributes, fitness, and CPU time formed competitors in realizing the HeartEW, Lymphography,
values along with the related StdDev for the proposed techniques. and WineEW. In tackling the CongressEW, both BGOA_EPD and
From Table 3, it can be detected that the hybrid BGOA_EPD_RWS have reached to a same Acc rate 98.3%, while
BGOA_EPD_Tour can relatively outperform other competitors based on selected attributes in Table 4, the BGOA_EPD_RWS with
in terms of Acc and StdDev metrics in dealing with 10 and 11 5.5 selected attributes has outperformed the BGOA_EPD.
datasets, respectively. The simple binary BGOA_S cannot reveal Regarding the Acc rates, the BGOA_EPD_Tour can outperform
higher accuracies than any hybrid variant over all 22 datasets. the BGOA_S over 19 problems and there is a marked shift in the
For the M-of-n dataset, the BGOA_EPD_Tour has classified with rates for the BGOA_EPD_Tour and improvement varies from 1%

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

10 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Table 5
Average fitness values for proposed versions.


Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev

Breastcancer 0.036 0.0 0 0 0.040 0.0 0 0 0.036 0.0 0 0 0.028 0.001 0.026 0.001
BreastEW 0.045 0.005 0.044 0.002 0.043 0.003 0.041 0.003 0.058 0.004
Exactly 0.059 0.036 0.008 0.006 0.012 0.010 0.006 0.008 0.006 0.006
Exactly2 0.239 0.0 0 0 0.269 0.005 0.257 0.015 0.237 0.0 0 0 0.219 0.0 0 0
HeartEW 0.178 0.009 0.161 0.006 0.162 0.012 0.188 0.008 0.171 0.004
Lymphography 0.187 0.012 0.110 0.013 0.161 0.012 0.127 0.009 0.137 0.011
M-of-n 0.027 0.030 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.0 0 0
PenglungEW 0.142 0.015 0.136 0.008 0.166 0.020 0.253 0.012 0.078 0.012
SonarEW 0.109 0.010 0.084 0.007 0.122 0.006 0.083 0.008 0.094 0.008
SpectEW 0.152 0.011 0.155 0.007 0.123 0.006 0.152 0.006 0.177 0.010
Tic-tac-toe 0.203 0.007 0.206 0.001 0.215 0.0 0 0 0.220 0.0 0 0 0.196 0.0 0 0
CongressEW 0.049 0.004 0.022 0.003 0.030 0.004 0.020 0.005 0.039 0.005
IonosphereEW 0.120 0.008 0.098 0.004 0.082 0.007 0.094 0.005 0.105 0.007
KrvskpEW 0.049 0.008 0.046 0.006 0.047 0.006 0.043 0.004 0.038 0.003
Vote 0.052 0.004 0.055 0.006 0.050 0.005 0.044 0.003 0.037 0.003
WaveformEW 0.274 0.009 0.265 0.006 0.261 0.004 0.263 0.005 0.267 0.003
WineEW 0.025 0.004 0.012 0.005 0.013 0.005 0.017 0.003 0.018 0.001
Zoo 0.015 0.010 0.028 0.007 0.044 0.004 0.005 0.0 0 0 0.012 0.008
Clean1 0.121 0.008 0.120 0.004 0.112 0.005 0.120 0.006 0.141 0.004
Semeion 0.030 0.002 0.027 0.001 0.020 0.001 0.031 0.001 0.030 0.001
Colon 0.257 0.010 0.192 0.012 0.291 0.008 0.194 0.010 0.134 0.006
Leukemia 0.076 0.014 0.116 0.001 0.074 0.014 0.149 0.012 0.073 0.014

Table 6
Average CPU time (seconds) of proposed techniques.


Time StdDev Time StdDev Time StdDev Time StdDev Time StdDev

Breastcancer 3.537 0.248 4.053 0.232 4.370 0.222 4.131 0.214 4.146 0.191
BreastEW 3.780 0.199 5.256 0.221 5.761 0.237 5.427 0.249 5.404 0.241
Exactly 4.874 0.238 6.166 0.301 6.881 0.313 6.155 0.262 6.014 0.277
Exactly2 5.223 0.344 6.204 0.285 6.882 0.351 5.934 0.265 5.942 0.257
HeartEW 2.803 0.164 3.276 0.183 3.667 0.165 3.484 0.190 3.505 0.178
Lymphography 2.540 0.148 3.145 0.144 3.547 0.169 3.413 0.161 3.427 0.162
M-of-n 4.792 0.234 5.641 0.220 6.406 0.288 5.812 0.279 6.173 0.271
penglungEW 2.836 0.164 18.597 0.784 21.038 0.920 19.494 0.756 19.560 0.822
SonarEW 2.713 0.160 5.469 0.263 6.113 0.262 5.774 0.240 5.801 0.245
SpectEW 2.705 0.154 3.465 0.147 3.916 0.189 3.746 0.183 3.775 0.164
Tic-tac-toe 4.226 0.210 4.961 0.210 5.227 0.255 5.214 0.250 5.097 0.222
CongressEW 3.248 0.160 3.835 0.186 4.273 0.207 4.093 0.211 4.109 0.205
IonosphereEW 2.899 0.152 4.441 0.205 4.988 0.207 4.717 0.201 4.735 0.199
KrvskpEW 49.520 1.668 58.357 1.773 62.814 3.055 56.831 1.871 57.043 1.743
Vote 2.799 0.158 3.364 0.164 3.491 0.154 3.618 0.187 3.640 0.179
WaveformEW 123.546 4.381 152.292 4.186 157.271 5.641 145.890 4.420 152.167 4.812
WineEW 2.492 0.151 3.054 0.152 3.176 0.152 3.281 0.176 3.766 0.301
Zoo 2.485 0.145 3.076 0.137 3.182 0.156 3.371 0.186 3.614 0.240
clean1 7.204 0.225 16.423 0.542 16.988 0.566 16.904 0.600 17.220 0.608
Semeion 88.934 1.514 129.229 2.182 130.251 2.154 120.308 2.480 123.254 2.147
Colon 4.964 0.338 100.832 3.628 106.310 4.461 107.901 4.333 112.236 4.364
Leukemia 15.322 0.884 383.067 19.075 379.074 15.501 381.100 15.244 394.688 15.418

to 12.5%.A comparable pattern can be detected from the results ness for IonosphereEW, SpectEW, WaveformEW, Clean1, and Se-
of BGOA_EPD_RWS, it outperform the BGOA_S technique on 17 meion datasets.
datasets, whereas the BGOA_EPD_CM and BGOA_EPD outperform From Table 6, it can be observed that the BGOA_S is the
the basic optimizer on 15 problems. fastest approach in a same computational environment with
According to the selected attributes (Atts) in Table 4, it is other optimizers. When comparing the algorithms with the TS-
seen that the simple BGOA_S is better than the BGOA_EPD_Tour based and RWS-based selection operators, it is seen that for
on 19 datasets. It also is superior to the BGOA_EPD_RWS and 19 datasets, BGOA_EPD_RWS outperforms the BGOA_EPD_Tour.
BGOA_EPD_CM in dealing with 17 problems. For only BreastEW, Exactly, and Tic-tac-toe, the BGOA_EPD_Tour
Inspecting the fitness measures (Fitness) in Table 5, the best op- has a slightly better run speed. In addition, from Table 7,
timizer is the BGOA_EPD_Tour. It shows the lowest values for the BGOA_EPD_RWS and BGOA_EPD_Tour are confirmed that the ob-
objective function in tackling the 10 datasets: Breastcancer, Exactly, served differences are statistically significant for majority of
Exactly2, KrvskpEW, M-of-n, PenglungEW, Tic-tac-toe, Vote, Colon, datasets according to p-values of Wilcoxon ranksum test with 5%
and Leukemia. The BGOA_EPD_RWS has shown a relatively good significance.
performance in dealing with 4 test cases: BreastEW, CongressEW, The average ranking of the proposed binary and hybrid versions
SonarEW, and Zoo. The BGOA_EPD_CM has provided a lower fit- in terms of Acc, Att, and fitness metrics is presented in Table 8. In
Table 8, the rank of each method on a dataset is calculated, then,

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 11

Table 7
P-values of the Wilcoxon test the classification accuracy results of the proposed approaches (p ≥ 0.05 are
underlined, and N/A means not applicable).


Breast Cancer 2.71E−14 2.71E−14 2.71E−14 1.22E−12 N/A

BreastEW 1.42E−04 1.32E−02 2.25E-01 N/A 1.88E−11
Exactly 2.04E−10 9.53E−06 1.21E−04 1.0 0E+0 0 N/A
Exactly2 1.69E−14 1.01E−12 5.37E−13 1.69E−14 N/A
HeartEW 7.62E−09 N/A 2.15E-01 1.29E−11 7.19E−08
Lymphography 1.98E−11 N/A 1.79E−11 6.41E−06 1.89E−11
M-of-n 8.60E−07 4.19E−02 8.15E-02 3.34E-01 N/A
penglungEW 3.75E−12 8.38E−13 5.90E−12 2.63E−12 N/A
SonarEW 4.77E−11 7.19E-01 7.57E−12 N/A 2.11E−05
SpectEW 2.46E−11 1.56E−11 N/A 1.29E−11 1.79E−11
CongressEW 1.35E−11 6.58E-01 3.87E−09 N/A 1.54E−11
IonosphereEW 1.82E−11 2.68E−10 N/A 2.95E−08 5.21E−11
KrvskpEW 3.14E−09 4.23E−06 1.48E−08 3.29E−06 N/A
Tic-tac-toe 1.19E−13 2.71E−14 2.71E−14 1.69E−14 N/A
Vote 9.06E−12 7.00E−12 1.64E−11 2.11E−08 N/A
WaveformEW 3.04E−08 3.16E−03 N/A 3.13E−02 3.73E−07
WineEW 1.07E−10 N/A 4.35E-01 2.50E−05 5.59E−05
Zoo 3.80E−06 1.55E−13 2.71E−14 N/A 6.18E−04
Clean1 1.09E−06 4.81E−07 N/A 2.15E−06 1.94E−11
semeion 1.77E−11 1.80E−11 N/A 1.83E−11 1.96E−11
Colon 9.45E−14 2.39E−13 6.50E−14 1.13E−13 N/A
Leukemia 3.09E-01 4.63E−13 N/A 3.31E−12 N/A

Table 8
Overall ranking results.


Metric Acc Att Fit Acc Att Fit Acc Att Fit Acc Att Fit Acc Att Fit

Breastcancer 3 1 3 5 5 5 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 4 1
BreastEW 4 1 4 3 5 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 5 3 5
Exactly 5 5 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1
Exactly2 3 1 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 3 1
HeartEW 4 4 4 1 3 1 2 1 2 5 2 5 3 5 3
Lymphography 5 1 5 1 2 1 4 2 4 2 5 2 3 4 3
M-of-n 5 5 5 4 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1
PenglungEW 3 1 3 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 3 5 1 4 1
SonarEW 4 1 4 2 4 2 5 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 3
SpectEW 3 1 2 4 5 4 1 4 1 2 3 2 5 2 5
CongressEW 5 1 5 1 5 2 3 4 3 1 2 1 4 3 4
IonosphereEW 5 1 5 3 5 3 1 4 1 2 3 2 4 2 4
KrvskpEW 5 1 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 5 2 1 2 1
Tic-tac-toe 2 5 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 1 1 1
Vote 4 1 4 5 5 5 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 2 1
WaveformEW 5 1 5 3 3 3 1 4 1 2 2 2 4 5 4
WineEW 5 1 5 1 4 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 3 5 4
Zoo 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 2 5 1 1 1 2 5 2
Clean1 4 1 4 2 4 2 1 5 1 2 3 2 5 2 5
Semeion 4 1 3 2 4 2 1 5 1 5 3 5 3 2 3
Colon 4 1 4 2 4 2 5 5 5 3 2 3 1 3 1
Leukemia 3 1 3 4 4 4 1 5 2 5 3 5 1 2 1
Sum of the ranks 88 40 86 63 84 64 62 78 63 57 59 56 54 67 55
Overall rank 5 1 5 3 5 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 3 1
Total sum 214 211 203 172 176
Final ranks 5 4 3 1 2

the sum of the ranks based on each metric is obtained. The total sure, the best is the BGOA_S, while the BGOA_EPD_Tour and
sum shows the sum of the ranks of each optimizer based on all BGOA_EPD_RWS have acquired the second and third places.
metrics. The final rank shows the final average place of each algo- Based on the final ranks, the best two algorithms
rithm in handling all 22 datasets. The utilized ranking system gives (BGOA_EPD_RWS and BGOA_EPD_Tour) have demonstrated very
a lower place to those items that have better value according to a competitive performances and the ranks are 172 and 176, respec-
specific metric. The overall and final ranks are inside [1, 5] interval. tively. There is a notable gap between the ranks of top winners
Table 8 divulges that the BGOA_EPD_RWS and BGOA_EPD_Tour having the RWS and TS selection schemes and the third front-
has achieved to the best places. Regarding the Acc metric, the runner, the BGOA_EPD_CM that runs the mutation and crossover
BGOA_EPD_Tour won the competition and BGOA_EPD_RWS was to relocate the feeble grasshoppers based on top front-runners of
the second winner, while the BGOA_EPD_CM and BGOA_EPD were the population.
both the third front-runners and BGOA_S gained the last stage. The reason might be that the BGOA_EPD_CM and BGOA_EPD
Based on the orders for the Fit measure, the best solvers can be have utilized the best grasshoppers of the population, and this can
spotted as the BGOA_EPD_Tour, BGOA_EPD_RWS, BGOA_EPD_CM, bias the exploration phase, which has instigated premature conver-
BGOA_EPD, and BGOA_S, respectively. Regarding the Att mea- gence and a loss of diversity in the population. This effect of best

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

12 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

solutions has decreased the quality of the outcomes, and conse- Table 9
The parameter settings.
quently, the grades of the BGOA_EPD_CM and BGOA_EPD in the
ranking system have dropped compared to the BGOA_EPD_Tour Algorithm Parameter Value
and BGOA_EPD_RWS. From the other side, BGOA_EPD_Tour inherits GSA G0 100
the advantage of TS, which can preserve the diversity of grasshop- α 20
pers and consequently, the BGOA_EPD_Tour has an advanced po- BA Qmin Frequency minimum 0
tential to retain and recover a stable balance between the explo- Qmax Frequency maximum 2
A Loudness 0.5
ration and exploitation inclinations. In addition, BGOA_EPD_Tour
r Pulse rate 0.5
applies the mutation scheme to the selected grasshopper hoping GWO a [2 0]
to find a better solution in the neighbor of the selected solution
and to avoid the LO. For these reasons, the BGOA_EPD_Tour can
outperform all based on Acc and fitness measures.
performed other methods. It shows that the extra operators as-
Based on final ranks, the best version is the BGOA_EPD_RWS.
sist the BGOA_EPD in fleeing from the LO. When the TS-based
The reason is that this version does not ignore any grasshopper
selection theme has met the BGOA_EPD, it has shown best
in the population, so it is capable of preserving the diversity of
curves on the Tic-tac-toe, Vote, Colon, and Leukemia, whereas the
the agents, which can help the BGOA_EPD_RWS to perform deeper
BGOA_EPD_RWS has not exposed the excellent curves, except on
exploration levels. This fact has enabled the BGOA_EPD_RWS to
the Zoo. The reason is that the TS can enhance and preserve the
avoid LO and discover better results. In addition, after selecting
diversity of the solutions, which can encourage more stable bal-
an agent with the RWS operator, it is mutated to explore more
ance between the local and global search trends. Then, it helps
areas of the feature space, then; the resulted solution is used
the BGOA_EPD_Tour to uncover superior trends on harder cases
again to reposition a solution from the second half by applying the
like the Leukemia with 7129 and Colon with 20 0 0 features. It is
crossover operator. these operators also improve the efficacy of the
seen that the tendencies of BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS
BGOA_EPD_RWS in balancing the exploration and exploitation as
are very competitive on the WineEW and WaveformEW.
compared to other developed versions.
Considering all results, convergence curves and final rankings
The convergence trends for the all proposed variants according
of algorithms, it can be recognized that two best versions are
to the fitness measure on all 22 datasets are also compared and
the BGOA_EPD_RWS and BGOA_EPD_Tour algorithms. In the next
demonstrated in Figs. 9 and 10.
section, the BGOA_EPD_Tour, which is the best hybrid variant of
From Fig. 9, it can be observed that the BGOA_EPD_RWS has
BGOA_EPD ,is considered to be further compared to other well-
exposed the best curves compared to other versions in tackling
established optimizers with regard to the efficacy, performance on
the BreastEW, CongressEW, Lymphography, and SonarEW prob-
different metrics and convergence behaviors.
lems. The BGOA_EPD_Tour can reveal a quicker tendency than oth-
ers in treating the Breastcancer, Exactly2, HeartEW, KrvskpEW, M-
of-n, and penglungEW datasets, while the BGOA_EPD has stag- 4.2. Comparison with other metaheuristics
nated to LO in early steps of the exploration phase, for exam-
ple when solving the Breastcancer, CongressEW, Exactly, HeartEW, In this section, the efficacy and qualitative results of the
IonosphereEW, KrvskpEW, Lymphography, and penglungEW tasks. BGOA_EPD_Tour techniques is compared to the several well-
From the curves on Fig. 9, it can be inferred that the approaches regarded and related optimizers in the FS field from different as-
utilizing the TS and RWS schemes have a head-to-head conver- pects. The binary versions of the GWO (bGWO) [74], GSA (BGSA)
gence proclivity. [95], and BA (BBA) [96] are utilized here to deeply investigate the
It seems that the TS and RWS-embedded variants perform bet- comparative efficiency of these well-established methods against
ter than versions employing random selection and top solutions for the developed BGOA-based version.
rearranging of the worst grasshoppers. This reveals that enhanc- All trials have completed during a same condition and all con-
ing the median of all population using only top solutions and a ditions were similar to the described information in preceding
random grasshopper may increase the chance of BGOA_EPD to be section. The parameters of optimizers are sensibly selected using
easily captivated in LO when penetrating the fruitless regions of many trial and error processes to comprehend the finest feasible
the feature space. The trends of the BGOA_EPD_CM also support settings. Table 9 shows the used parameters.
that the crossover and mutation schemes has heightened the in- Table 10 exposes the attained Acc and related StdDev results for
clusive leaning of the BGOA_EPD in balancing the exploration and the proposed algorithms versus other metaheuristics. Tables 11–13
exploitation traits. Therefore, it is seen that the BGOA_EPD_CM also reflect the average selected attributes, fitness, and CPU time
can converge faster to better results than the BGOA_EPD in ba- values along with the related StdDev for the compared techniques.
sically all cases. And yet, the BGOA_EPD_CM cannot surpass both Table 14 shows the results of Wilcoxon ranksum statistical test for
BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS in terms of convergence re- the accuracy results in Table 10. For the used test, the best tech-
sults, except in solving the IonosphereEW. Therefore, it is seen that nique for each dataset is considered as the base method to be com-
using selection mechanisms has alleviated the unripe convergence pared with other peers, independently.
shortcoming of the BGOA_EPD. In RWS-based version, the door is From Table 10, it is seen that the hybrid BGOA_EPD_Tour can
open for the weak solution in the first half of the population to be evidently outperform all contestants on 20 datasets. The bGWO
selected but the better solutions have more chance. In this regard, also outperform others on 2 problems: BreastEW and Clean1. In
the BGOA_EPD_Tour attains better results than BGOA_EPD_RWS. comparison with the BGSA, the BGOA_EPD_Tour can provide bet-
According to Fig. 10, the convergence shortcomings of the ter rates on a11 problems. In dealing with 21 datasets, the clas-
BGOA_EPD can still be detected. However, it converged to im- sification accuracies of the BGOA_EPD_Tour have improved in the
proved results for the Clean1. The BGOA_S can be better than the interval of 0.5% (Semeion) to 30% (Exactly) in comparison with the
BGOA_EPD regarding the convergence and it shows competitive BGSA. It can also outperform the BBA on all 22 datasets.
trends for all cases. The best and worst average Acc that the bGWO have reached
The BGOA_EPD_CM has revealed enriched tendencies com- is 97.45% and 66.13% on Zoo and Colon datasets, respectively. For
pared to the BGOA_EPD and BGOA_S, mainly on SpectEW, Wave- M-of-n case, the BGOA_EPD_Tour have reached to 100% accuracy,
formEW, WineEW, and Semeion problems, which has slightly out- while bGWO has the accuracy of 89.41%, which shows the su-

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 13

Fig. 9. Convergence curves of the proposed approaches for Breastcancer, BreastEW, Exactly, Exactly2, HeartEW, Lymphography, M-of-n, penglungEW, and SonarEW, SpectEW,
CongressEW, and IonosphereEW datasets.

perior efficacy of the proposed EPD-based optimizer. Based on the better ones in the BGOA_EPD_Tour using the EPD, and during
the overall ranks, the BGOA_EPD_Tour has achieved to the first this process, the selection mechanisms has assisted the proposed
place and bGWO, BGSA, and BBA are the next choices, respec- approach to maintain the diversity of swarm, and then, recover a
tively. several substantial improvements in the StdDev index can fine balance between the exploration and exploitation. Therefore,
also be detected. The main reason for improved efficacy of the in the case of stagnation to LO, they can escape from them using
BGOA_EPD_Tour is that the poor solutions are repositioned around the random nature behind the utilized operators.

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

14 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Fig. 10. Convergence curves of the proposed approaches for KrvskpEW, Tic-tac-toe, Vote, WaveformEW, WineEW, Zoo, Clean1, Semeion, Colon, and Leukemia datasets.

From the results reflected in Table 11, it is evident that the Inspecting the results in Table 12, it is observed that the pro-
BBA algorithm is better than other algorithms on 19 datasets. posed BGOA_EPD_Tour is capable of outperforming all algorithms
The BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGSA algorithms have attained the and revealing the best costs in realizing 20 datasets.
next ranks. For CongressEW and Vote, is observed that the The BGOA_EPD_Tour shows superior costs compared to the BBA,
BGOA_EPD_Tour can show the best results. BGSA, and bGWO algorithms on 90.9%, 95.45%, and 90.9% of the
datasets, respectively. The reason is that the TS-based selection op-

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 15

Table 10
Classification accuracy results of the BGOA_EPD_Tour compared to other metaheuristics.


Acc StdDev Acc StdDev Acc StdDev Acc StdDev

Breastcancer 0.980 0.001 0.968 0.002 0.957 0.004 0.937 0.031

BreastEW 0.947 0.005 0.954 0.007 0.942 0.006 0.931 0.014
Exactly 0.999 0.005 0.809 0.076 0.697 0.060 0.610 0.065
Exactly2 0.780 0.0 0 0 0.743 0.017 0.706 0.023 0.628 0.057
HeartEW 0.833 0.004 0.792 0.017 0.777 0.022 0.754 0.033
Lymphography 0.868 0.011 0.813 0.028 0.781 0.022 0.701 0.069
M-of-n 1.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.894 0.041 0.835 0.063 0.722 0.080
penglungEW 0.927 0.013 0.850 0.014 0.919 0.0 0 0 0.795 0.029
SonarEW 0.912 0.009 0.836 0.016 0.888 0.015 0.844 0.036
SpectEW 0.826 0.010 0.810 0.014 0.783 0.024 0.800 0.027
CongressEW 0.964 0.005 0.948 0.011 0.951 0.008 0.872 0.075
IonosphereEW 0.899 0.007 0.885 0.009 0.881 0.010 0.877 0.019
KrvskpEW 0.968 0.003 0.934 0.015 0.908 0.048 0.816 0.081
Tic-tac-toe 0.808 0.0 0 0 0.754 0.032 0.753 0.024 0.665 0.063
Vote 0.966 0.003 0.944 0.010 0.931 0.011 0.851 0.096
WaveformEW 0.737 0.003 0.723 0.007 0.695 0.014 0.669 0.033
WineEW 0.989 0.0 0 0 0.960 0.012 0.951 0.015 0.919 0.052
Zoo 0.993 0.009 0.975 0.009 0.939 0.008 0.874 0.095
clean1 0.863 0.004 0.908 0.006 0.898 0.011 0.826 0.021
semeion 0.976 0.002 0.972 0.003 0.971 0.002 0.962 0.006
Colon 0.870 0.006 0.661 0.022 0.766 0.015 0.682 0.038
Leukemia 0.931 0.014 0.884 0.016 0.844 0.014 0.877 0.029

Table 11
Average number of selected attributes results of the BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS compared to other meta-
heuristics .


Att StdDev Att StdDev Att StdDev Att StdDev

Breastcancer 5.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 7.100 1.447 6.067 1.143 3.667 1.373

BreastEW 17.333 2.440 19.0 0 0 4.307 16.567 2.979 12.400 2.762
Exactly 6.533 0.571 10.233 1.654 8.733 1.048 5.733 1.893
Exactly2 1.533 0.507 7.333 4.155 5.100 2.107 6.067 2.333
HeartEW 8.400 1.037 8.167 2.001 6.833 1.315 5.900 1.647
Lymphography 10.633 1.217 11.100 1.971 9.167 1.895 7.800 2.203
M-of-n 6.467 0.507 9.633 0.964 8.467 1.432 6.167 2.086
penglungEW 178.333 15.486 166.333 28.232 157.167 7.729 126.167 15.601
SonarEW 36.767 4.240 36.233 8.613 30.033 3.700 24.700 5.377
SpectEW 11.100 3.044 12.633 2.442 9.533 2.300 7.967 2.282
CongressEW 5.767 2.012 7.300 2.136 6.767 2.402 6.233 2.063
IonosphereEW 16.400 3.701 19.233 5.015 15.400 2.513 13.400 2.594
KrvskpEW 21.667 2.496 27.367 3.388 19.967 2.125 15.0 0 0 2.853
Tic-tac-toe 5.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 6.700 1.343 5.867 1.137 4.700 1.489
Vote 5.433 1.223 7.400 2.222 8.167 1.821 6.133 2.177
WaveformEW 26.233 3.451 31.967 4.612 19.900 2.917 16.667 3.304
WineEW 8.800 1.472 8.600 1.754 7.367 1.098 6.067 1.741
Zoo 9.167 1.967 10.367 2.484 8.167 1.177 6.567 2.501
clean1 92.600 7.802 121.267 20.691 83.700 5.421 64.767 10.016
semeion 157.033 11.485 20 0.10 0 31.022 133.533 7.422 107.033 10.947
Colon 1063.667 64.618 1042.100 126.721 995.833 20.021 827.500 55.371
Leukemia 3768.800 224.842 3663.767 294.872 3555.133 39.713 2860.0 0 0 247.642

erator assists the algorithm to maintain the diversity of grasshop- Table 14 shows all datasets that the proposed method provides
pers. It also utilizes top solutions to guide the poor ones and this the best results (20 cases), the improvements are meaningful and
strategy improves the exploitative behavior of algorithm. Hence, accuracy of classification results has significantly increased com-
the BGOA_EPD_Tour an enriched potential to retain and recover a pared to the other competitors.
stable balance between the exploration and exploitation phases in The convergence curves for the compared algorithms on all
dealing with difficult feature spaces. The effect of selection opera- datasets are demonstrated in Figs. 11 and 12. It can be seen that
tors are seen in the background of the improved results. the BGOA_EPD_Tour has an accelerated behavior on all 22 prob-
The proposed BGOA_EPD_Tour has also attained an acceptable lems. Based on the last found solutions, which can be seen from
StdDev values. Regarding the fitness, the bGWO show a good effi- the ending points of the curves, it can outperform all techniques
cacy on 2 datasets. The penglungEW, Colon, Tic-tac-toe, krvskpEW in tackling 20 problems except the BreastEW and Clean1 datasets,
cases can be considered as relatively large datasets and the fitness which no stagnation behavior occurs but the concluding marks
values of the developed EPD-based version is relatively less than are not better than the bGWO algorithm. Premature convergence
other optimizers. behaviors can be detected in the curves of the bGWO, BBA and
Based on Table 13, the BGSA is the fastest approach and the BGSA in dealing with several cases including the Exactly, Vote,
binary BBA is placed at the next rank. Tic-tac-toe, SpectEW, and Zoo cases. For 20 datasets, the curves
BGOA_EPD_Tour are superior to those of other competitors. Based

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

16 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Table 12
Average fitness results of the BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS compared to other metaheuristics.


Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev Fitness StdDev

Breastcancer 0.026 0.001 0.039 0.003 0.049 0.003 0.044 0.005

BreastEW 0.058 0.004 0.051 0.007 0.063 0.006 0.056 0.006
Exactly 0.006 0.006 0.197 0.077 0.307 0.059 0.323 0.074
Exactly2 0.219 0.0 0 0 0.260 0.019 0.295 0.024 0.326 0.017
HeartEW 0.171 0.004 0.213 0.017 0.226 0.021 0.208 0.015
Lymphography 0.137 0.011 0.191 0.028 0.222 0.022 0.226 0.024
M-of-n 0.005 0.0 0 0 0.112 0.041 0.170 0.063 0.171 0.056
penglungEW 0.078 0.012 0.154 0.013 0.085 0.0 0 0 0.168 0.017
SonarEW 0.094 0.008 0.169 0.016 0.116 0.015 0.110 0.021
SpectEW 0.177 0.010 0.194 0.014 0.220 0.024 0.172 0.012
CongressEW 0.039 0.005 0.056 0.011 0.053 0.008 0.064 0.015
IonosphereEW 0.105 0.007 0.120 0.009 0.122 0.010 0.108 0.012
KrvskpEW 0.038 0.003 0.073 0.015 0.097 0.047 0.117 0.047
Tic-tac-toe 0.196 0.0 0 0 0.251 0.032 0.251 0.024 0.257 0.024
Vote 0.037 0.003 0.060 0.010 0.073 0.011 0.071 0.013
WaveformEW 0.267 0.003 0.283 0.007 0.307 0.014 0.304 0.014
WineEW 0.018 0.001 0.047 0.012 0.054 0.015 0.036 0.013
Zoo 0.012 0.008 0.032 0.009 0.065 0.008 0.042 0.015
clean1 0.141 0.004 0.099 0.006 0.106 0.010 0.156 0.013
semeion 0.030 0.001 0.036 0.003 0.034 0.002 0.033 0.003
Colon 0.134 0.006 0.341 0.022 0.237 0.014 0.279 0.035
Leukemia 0.073 0.014 0.120 0.016 0.160 0.013 0.085 0.023

Table 13
Average CPU time (seconds) results of the BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS compared to other meta-


Time StdDev Time StdDev Time StdDev Time StdDev

Breastcancer 4.146 0.191 3.879 0.236 3.461 0.194 3.456 0.184

BreastEW 5.404 0.241 4.602 0.234 3.748 0.173 3.862 0.196
Exactly 6.014 0.277 6.154 0.275 4.876 0.311 4.956 0.272
Exactly2 5.942 0.257 6.050 0.380 5.033 0.374 5.224 0.394
HeartEW 3.505 0.178 2.739 0.174 2.812 0.182 2.767 0.201
Lymphography 3.427 0.162 2.602 0.161 2.589 0.150 2.634 0.145
M-of-n 6.173 0.271 6.157 0.241 5.138 0.293 4.892 0.361
penglungEW 19.560 0.822 7.717 0.432 3.060 0.171 4.166 0.238
SonarEW 5.801 0.245 3.677 0.193 2.703 0.146 2.850 0.191
SpectEW 3.775 0.164 2.869 0.176 2.723 0.162 2.809 0.161
CongressEW 4.109 0.205 3.309 0.172 3.217 0.188 3.244 0.158
IonosphereEW 4.735 4.735 3.564 0.184 2.921 0.145 3.018 0.148
KrvskpEW 57.043 1.743 78.113 4.606 49.534 2.527 47.923 2.576
Tic-tac-toe 5.097 0.222 6.208 0.622 4.344 0.278 4.237 0.278
Vote 3.640 0.179 2.851 0.154 2.824 0.152 2.834 0.178
WaveformEW 152.167 4.812 213.955 13.607 125.804 6.770 119.990 8.169
WineEW 3.766 0.301 2.628 0.173 2.585 0.171 2.624 0.141
Zoo 3.614 0.240 2.623 0.136 2.547 0.158 2.777 0.192
clean1 17.220 0.608 13.683 0.647 7.397 0.288 7.589 0.467
semeion 123.254 2.147 169.538 9.191 90.601 2.212 82.776 5.579
Colon 112.236 4.364 36.694 1.998 5.154 0.242 12.176 0.774
Leukemia 394.688 15.418 130.878 6.366 16.441 0.683 39.379 2.418

on the aforementioned remarks, it can be recognized that the versions of GA and PSO were executed with exact settings in the
novel EPD-based operators have strengthened the overall tradeoff implementation of the authors in [97]. While the results of other
between the exploratory and exploitative steps. Consequently, it al- four approaches (bGWO1, bGWO2, GA, and PSO) in the table were
leviates the immature convergence drawbacks of the BGOA in deal- obtained by the authors with the same datasets in [98].
ing with FS problems. From the results in Table 15, it is evident that the attained
classification rates by the developed EPD-based approach in this
work are higher than other optimizers on 21 datasets and have a
4.3. Comparison with other meta-heuristics in the literature
substantial superiority compared to those of GWO, GA, and PSO
algorithms. The rates of the BGOA_EPD_Tour are better than the
In this part, the classification rates of the proposed EPD-based
results of GA and PSO in [97] for all 22 datasets. In compari-
approach are compared to some reported results from the past lit-
son with the revealed results in [98], the BGOA-based algorithm
erature. Table 15 compares the average classification results of the
provides better classification rates than the PSO, GA, and bGWO1
BGOA_EPD_Tour with other algorithms obtained from the previ-
on all 18 available datasets and it can provide better than the
ous specialized works. The BGOA_EPD_Tour is compared to the re-
bGWO2 on 17 datasets. These results also affirm that the pro-
ported classification results of GA and PSO from [97] and results
posed EPD-based and selection operators in the BGOA_EPD_Tour
of the bGWO1, bGWO2, GA, and PSO from [98]. Note that the first

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 17

Fig. 11. Convergence curves for BGOA_EPD_Tour and other state-of-art methods for Breastcancer, BreastEW, Exactly, Exactly2, HeartEW, Lymphography, M-of-n, penglungEW,
and SonarEW, SpectEW, CongressEW, and IonosphereEW datasets.

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

18 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Fig. 12. Convergence curves for BGOA_EPD_Tour and other state-of-art methods for KrvskpEW, Tic-tac-toe, Vote, WaveformEW, WineEW, Zoo, Clean1, Semeion, Colon, and
Leukemia datasets.

not only enriched its exploitation and exploitation capabilities and 4.4. Comparison with filter-based techniques
alleviated its stagnation problems but also enhanced the quality of
the attained solutions for 22 datasets with various dimensions and In this subsection, the classification of the EPD-embedded BGOA
characteristics. optimizer is compared to five well-known filter-based techniques
[99]: correlation-based feature selection (CFS) [7], fast correlation-
based filter (FCBF) [10], fisher score (F-score) [100], IG [101], and

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21 19

Table 14 datasets, while the IG and F-Score methods have obtained the best
P-values of the Wilcoxon test the classification accuracy results of
results for 2 datasets. It surpassed the supervised univariate ap-
BGOA_EPD_Tour and other meta heurstics algorithms (p ≥ 0.05 are un-
derlined, and N/A means not applicable). proaches such as F-Score and IG, and the supervised multivariate
types such as CFS and FCBF, and the unsupervised Spectrum tech-
nique. Furthermore, the results indicate that the wrapper-based
Breast Cancer N/A 9.46E−13 1.40E−12 1.69E−12 FS procedures can provide superior rates in comparison with the
BreastEW 1.04E−05 N/A 2.89E−08 1.46E−09 filter-based versions since they can utilize both labels and de-
Exactly N/A 2.13E−12 1.70E−12 1.71E−12
pendencies during the selection of associated subsets. It can be
Exactly2 N/A 1.02E−12 1.18E−12 1.21E−12
HeartEW N/A 2.77E−11 1.27E−10 1.44E−11 concluded that the proposed algorithm has merits among other
Lymphography N/A 6.90E−10 1.89E−11 2.11E−11 well-regarded optimizers and outperforms some well-known filter-
M-of-n N/A 1.20E−12 4.54E−12 1.21E−12 based approaches.
penglungEW N/A 4.38E−12 1.31E−03 7.45E−12
Taken together, the results and discussions showed that the bi-
SonarEW N/A 1.74E−11 1.38E−08 8.57E−10
SpectEW N/A 3.51E−06 4.25E−09 1.73E−05 nary operators integrated into the BGOA algorithm were benefi-
CongressEW N/A 1.32E−08 3.56E−08 2.30E−11 cial. The proposed operators slightly change the solutions that ac-
IonosphereEW N/A 2.50E−07 1.65E−08 3.82E−07 celerates local search and convergence of the proposed algorithm.
KrvskpEW N/A 3.69E−11 4.21E−10 2.88E−11 The EPD operator randomly changes the worst solutions, which
Tic-tac-toe N/A 1.13E−12 1.17E−12 1.21E−12
promotes diversity and global search of the proposed algorithm.
Vote N/A 4.12E−11 6.44E−12 7.66E−12
WaveformEW N/A 1.06E−09 2.98E−11 2.99E−11 In feature selection problems, the shape of search space changes
WineEW N/A 7.91E−13 9.49E−13 4.39E−12 for every new dataset. Feature selection is normally considered for
Zoo N/A 1.93E−08 1.66E−12 1.71E−11 problems with medium or large number of features as well. To
Clean1 2.05E−11 N/A 3.08E−05 2.61E−11
handle these difficulties, therefore, we need an efficient optimiza-
semeion N/A 2.00E−07 1.99E−09 2.77E−10
Colon N/A 8.62E−13 3.60E−13 1.25E−12
tion algorithm that shows less local optima stagnation and high
Leukemia N/A 4.43E−11 5.63E−12 7.69E−10 accuracy. Both operators proposed in the method assist BGOA_EPD
in handling these difficulties.

wavelet power spectrum (Spectrum) [11]. These filter-based tech- 5. Conclusion and future directions
niques have carefully selected from two main classes: univariate
and multivariate approaches. The IG, Spectrum, and F-Score are In this study, an efficient GOA-based optimizer with EPD and
from the univariate strategies, which do not reflect the dependen- selection operators was proposed to improve the efficacy of the
cies of the features in the assessment measure. In addition, CFS basic GOA in dealing with FS tasks. The proposed GOA_EPD
and FCBF are from the other category, which can employ the de- approaches were utilized extensively to tackle 22 benchmark
pendencies of the features. These approaches are investigated here datasets. The overall classification accuracy, selected features, fit-
because they have different mechanisms for utilizing the class la- ness, consumed CPU time, and convergence behaviors of all hy-
bels of the training info to realize the relevance of analyzed fea- brid versions were compared in detail to select the best version of
tures. The supervised approaches such as CFS, FCBF, F-Score and IG the BGOA_EPD. The BGOA_EPD_Tour and BGOA_EPD_RWS has ob-
can utilize class labels whereas the unsupervised techniques such tained the best place among four developed hybrid variants. The
as Spectrum cannot handle labels for assessing the features. The BGOA_EPD_Tour technique was utilized and compared in detail to
results for the filter-based techniques after 20 runs are compared various well-known metaheuristic-based and filter-based FS meth-
with the rates of the BGOA_EPD_Tour in Table 16. ods. The comprehensive comparative results and analysis revealed
Inspecting the comparative results in Table 16, it is seen that the improved efficacy of the proposed algorithm for solving differ-
the EPD-based approach can outperform other algorithms on 17 ent FS tasks.

Table 15
Classification accuracies of the BGOA_EPD_Tour versus other meta-heuristics from the specialized literature.

BGOA_EPD_Tour GA [97] PSO [97] bGWO1[98] bGWO2 [98] GA [98] PSO [98]

Breastcancer 0.980 0.957 0.949 0.976 0.975 0.968 0.967

BreastEW 0.947 0.923 0.933 0.924 0.935 0.939 0.933
Exactly 0.999 0.822 0.973 0.708 0.776 0.674 0.688
Exactly2 0.780 0.677 0.666 0.745 0.750 0.746 0.730
HeartEW 0.833 0.732 0.745 0.776 0.776 0.780 0.787
Lymphography 0.868 0.758 0.759 0.744 0.700 0.696 0.744
M-of-n 1.0 0 0 0.916 0.996 0.908 0.963 0.861 0.921
penglungEW 0.927 0.672 0.879 0.600 0.584 0.584 0.584
SonarEW 0.912 0.833 0.804 0.731 0.729 0.754 0.737
SpectEW 0.826 0.756 0.738 0.820 0.822 0.793 0.822
CongressEW 0.964 0.898 0.937 0.935 0.938 0.932 0.928
IonosphereEW 0.899 0.863 0.876 0.807 0.834 0.814 0.819
KrvskpEW 0.968 0.940 0.949 0.944 0.956 0.920 0.941
Tic-tac-toe 0.808 0.764 0.750 0.728 0.727 0.719 0.735
Vote 0.966 0.808 0.888 0.912 0.920 0.904 0.904
WaveformEW 0.737 0.712 0.732 0.786 0.789 0.773 0.762
WineEW 0.989 0.947 0.937 0.930 0.920 0.937 0.933
Zoo 0.993 0.946 0.963 0.879 0.879 0.855 0.861
clean1 0.863 0.862 0.845 – – – –
semeion 0.976 0.963 0.967 – – – –
Colon 0.870 0.682 0.624 – – – –
Leukemia 0.931 0.705 0.862 – – – –

- The results of this dataset are not available.

Please cite this article as: M. Mafarja et al., Evolutionary Population Dynamics and Grasshopper Optimization approaches for feature
selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;January 5, 2018;20:49]

20 M. Mafarja et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 000 (2018) 1–21

Table 16
Classification accuracy results of all filter-based methods versus the BGOA_EPD_Tour algo-

Dataset CFS FCBF F-Score IG Spectrum BGOA_EPD_Tour

Breastcancer 0.957 0.986 0.979 0.957 0.957 0.980

BreastEW 0.825 0.798 0.930 0.930 0.772 0.947
Exactly 0.670 0.440 0.600 0.615 0.575 0.999
Exactly2 0.705 0.545 0.680 0.620 0.660 0.780
HeartEW 0.648 0.648 0.759 0.759 0.796 0.833
Lymphography 0.500 0.567 0.667 0.667 0.767 0.868
M-of-n 0.785 0.815 0.815 0.815 0.580 1.0 0 0
PenglungEW 0.600 0.667 0.800 0.667 0.400 0.927
SonarEW 0.310 0.214 0.048 0.191 0.048 0.912
SpectEW 0.736 0.774 0.793 0.793 0.736 0.826
CongressEW 0.793 0.793 0.908 0.828 0.828 0.964
IonosphereEW 0.857 0.857 0.729 0.800 0.829 0.899
KrvskpEW 0.768 0.934 0.959 0.934 0.377 0.968
Tic-tac-toe 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.010 0.010 0.167 0.808
Vote 0.950 0.950 0.933 0.967 0.850 0.966
WaveformEW 0.620 0.710 0.662 0.662 0.292 0.737
WineEW 0.778 0.889 0.861 0.889 0.889 0.989
Zoo 0.800 0.900 0.650 0.850 0.600 0.993
clean1 0.716 0.642 0.632 0.547 0.611 0.863
semeion 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.868 0.875 0.976
Colon 0.750 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.500 0.870
Leukemia 0.929 0.857 0.980 0.980 0.357 0.931

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selection problems, Knowledge-Based Systems (2018),

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