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The cost analysis for rearing 100 broilers birds.

Location of the Pen
The pen is located at Bus Shed Street, Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara.
Duration of Project
This project of rearing broiler birds last for six weeks from 16th September to 1st
Description of Activities
The birds were reared by the following activities:
Cleaning and Preparation of the Pen
The pen was clean thoroughly to remove all pathogens as to prevent the birds
from least contact any illness on the 14th September. It was then allowed to air
dried and paddy was used as litter material.

Preparation of Brooder
A brooder was prepared on the 16th September so as to provide additional heat
for the young chicks.

Application of Feed and Water

For the six week period every day the chicks were checked upon. The water
cans were refilled daily with fresh water and feed cans were refilled with
correct feed when necessary. From the 16th to 30th September the chicks were
fed starter feed after which they were fed broiler grower until marketing.

Removal of Litter
Litter was changed when ever it has developed a fouled smell.

Chickens were weighed and sold life on the 1st November
Layout of the Pen
Materials and Equipment

Chicken Feed

Water cans Feed Cans

Schedule of Operation
Date Activities
14th The chicken pen was clean to remove all pathogens
15th A brooder was prepared for additional heat to be provided
September,2015 before the arrival of chicks
16th 100 chicks arrived and water cans was filled with water
September,2015 and feed cans with starter feed
17th Fresh water and starter feed was given to the chicks
18th The water cans were refilled with water and feed cans was
September,2015 refilled with starter feed
19th A dead chick was remove from the pen and water cans and
September,2015 feed cans were refilled respectably
20th The water cans and feeding cans were thoroughly washed
September,2015 and clan, then refilled with fresh water and starter feed
21st September,2015 The water cans were refilled
22nd The water cans were refilled
23rd The water cans and feed cans were refilled
24th The water cans were refilled
25th The water cans were refilled
26th The litter in the pen was removed and was replaced with
September,2015 new one
27th Feed and water were both given to the chicks
28th September The water and feeding cans were washed and clean then
,2015 they were refilled with feed and water
29th The water cans were refilled and additional feed was given
30th Two dead chicks were removed from the pen
01st October,2015 The water cans were refilled and feed was added
02nd October,2015 The water cans were refilled and feed was added
03rd October,2015 The water cans were refilled and feed was added
04th October,2015 The water cans and feed cans were washed and clean.
Then they were refilled with feed and water
05th October,2015 Feed and water cans were refilled
06th October,2015 Feed and water cans were refilled
07th October,2015 A dead chick was removed from the pen and feed and
water cans were then refilled
08th October,2015 Feed and water cans were refilled
09th October,2015 Feed and water cans were refilled
10th October,2015 Feed and water cans were refilled
11th October,2015 Feed cans and water cans were washed and clean then
refilled with fresh water and feed
12th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled
13th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled
14th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled
15th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled
16th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled
17th October,2015 The water and feeding cans were refilled and the litter was
remove and replaced
18th October,2015 The water cans were refilled and the feeding cans were
19th October,2015 The water cans and feeding cans were washed and clean
then they were refilled with fresh water and feed
20th October,2015 The water cans were refilled with fresh water while the
feeding cans were refilled with feed
21st October,2015 The feeding and water cans were refilled and a dead
chicken was removed from the pen
22nd October,2015 The feeding cans were refilled and water cans were
23rd October,2015 The feeding cans were refilled and the water cans were
24th October,2015 The feeding cans were refilled and the water cans were
25th October,2015 The feeding cans and water cans were washed and clean.
Then they were refilled with fresh water and feed
26th October,2015 A dead chicken was removed and the feeding and water
cans were refilled.
27th October,2015 The feeding cans and water cans were refilled
28th October,2015 The feeding cans and water cans were refilled
29th October,2015 The feeding and water cans were refilled
30th October,2015A dead chicken was removed from the pen and the feeding
and water cans were refilled
31 October,2015 The feeding cans and water cans were refilled
01 November,2015 The chickens were weighed and sold live
Projected Income and Expenditure
Projected Expenditure
Item Quantity Unit cost($) Total($)
Chicks 100 150 15000
Starter 2 bgs 5200 1bg 10400
Grower 7 bgs 5100 1bg 35700
Labour 1 person/6 wks 500 wk 3000
Fabuluso 1 small bottle 300 300
Transportation 4 trips 500/trips 2000
TOTAL 66400

Projected Income
Item Total Average Live weight Total ($)
live weight($) cost/lb ($)
Chickens 90 x 5=450 180 81000

Projected Profit
PP =$14600

Actual Expense
Item Quantity Unit cost($) Total($)
Chicks 100 150 15000
Starter 2bgs 52001bg 10400
Grower 7bgs 5100 1bg 35700
Fabuluso 1 small bottle 300 300
Transportation 4 trips 500 1 trip 2000
TOTAL 63400

Actual Income
Item Total average live live weight cost/lb Total
Chickens 93 x 5.02=467 190 88730

Profit = Actual Income –Actual Expenditure
Profit = $88730 –$ 63400
Profit = $25330
Comparison between the Projected and Actual Income and Expenditure
The projected income was $ 81000 but the actual income made after the chickens
were marketed was $ 88730. This was so because there were more chickens to be
sold at a more increase price as projected as a result a higher profit was made. The
chickens also gain a 0.2 more pounds than projected and the price for live chickens
increase. There was a projected morality rate of 10% however the actual mortality
rate was 7%. The difference in mortality percentage was 95%.

The projected expenditure was $66400 but the actual expenditure was
$63,400. This was so because the labor was not paid for since it was done by
students themselves. There was a difference of $ 3000.
The projected profit was $ 14,600 and an actual profit of $ 25, 330 which
was made after the chickens were marketed. The percentage difference was 57%.
General Comments
This project was a successful one since it was very welled planned and accurate
marketing information was obtained before marketing. The chickens were given
adequate feed, water and attention. Since the operations were carried out on a daily
basis the right way the chickens grew well.
In conclusion after six weeks the rearing of 100 broiler birds was completed. The
operation was very successful the chickens were marked and a profit of $ 25330
was made.
After observing the chickens for six weeks some recommendation for better
production include:
 More regular cleaning and disinfecting of the chicken pen – this may have
reduced the mortality rate of the chickens.
 The chicken pen should be enlarge for the chickens to have more space to move
 Inspecting individual chickens on a regular basis – this may also have reduced
the mortality rate.
Table of Contents

Location of Pen ………………………………………………………………...2

Duration of Project ……………………………………………………………..3

Description of Activities ……………………………………………………….4

Layout of Pen ……………………………………………………………….….5

Materials and Equipment ………………………………………………….…...6-7

Schedule of Operations ………………………………………………………..8-10

Projected Income and Expenditure ….................................................................11

Actual Income and Expenditure ……………………………………………....12

Comparison of Actual and Projected Income and Expenditure ………………13

General Comments………………………………………………………....….14

Conclusion …………………………………………………………….........…15

Recommendations …………………………………………………….………16

Name of Candidate: Deviannie Deoroop

Candidate Number:
Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Number:
Territory: Guyana
Name of Examination: May-June 2017
Subject Teacher: Amit Parbat

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