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Since our Inception, Global talent farm

has been totally focused on building a strategic, quality search practice.

Global Talent Farm is young organization Establish in 2014 with a vision to cover the gap
between the organization and the jobless people across the globe. We are Expert for the
recruitment solutions, Head Hunting and other HR activities

Recruiting and retaining is critical to the stability and success of any organization. At globe
talent farm, this is what we do the best with our expertise lying
ineffectively and understanding the need of the recruitment's, We ensure the selected candidate
has the desired profile to match best with the given profile. The focus maintained ensures that
are Clients receive most suitable candidates for that organization.
We have a passionate and experienced staff that is ready to provide you with Talent and
business solutions ,
That reduce your time and expenses .
We Offered Below services.
 Recruitment for various clients
 Temporary Hiring services to the clients
 Managed Services Solutions
 Hiring Strategy Option
 Permanent Hiring To The Clients
 Provide Labor Law Services

 Training and Development
 RPO Solution
 Executive Search
 Professional Staffing for IT/ITES /KPOs
We Will Work to understand your Business Needs Our services are
part of your company Human resources Strategy

Practice Areas
 IT & Telecom
 Communications & Entertainment
 Marketing & Communications
 Financial & Professional Services
 Architecture
 Design & Engineering
 Retail and marketing
 Energy
 Resources & Infrastructure

We are a Recruitment Firm Specializing in Staffing ,IFM and Senior Level Executive
Our core Sectors of expertise are professional services, financial services markets,
technology and outsourcing.


The managment process thought which goods and services move from concept to customer. It
includes the coordination of four elements called the 4P’’ of marketing.

The set of controllable tactical tools;

A project ,price ,place and promotion (4p;s) that the firm blends to produce the responce it
wants in the target market .These are following 4ps.

;-Products:-That could meet the identified needs of chosen consuming.

;-Price;-Product price determined.

;Place;-If performs various function like transportation, warehousing channel management ect
.so the products easily reach the consumer.

;-Promotion;-The firm carries out a no measure +like personal selling, advertising and sale

Promotion programmed with view to communicate to the consumer and promoter of the

Objective of marketing :-
1. Creation of Demand.
2. Customer satisfaction.
3. Market Share.
4. Creation of Goodwill and public image.
5. Generation of Profits.
Need And Importance of Marketting:-
1.Identifying problem and opportunities in The market.
2.Formulating market strategies.
3.Improve selling activities.
4.For sales forcasting.
5.Determine export potentials.
6. Managerial decision making.

 Ways of Data Collection

1. Primary Data : First time collected data. As a internee accumulated from primary data
a) Observation of Employees : Here primary data are collected through spending 45
days in the Global talent farm during the working hour. Here. I observed the total company
b) Direct Involvement in work.
c) Informal Discussion.
2. Secondary Data : The secondary data had been collected from the data file of the
Global talent farm . To clarify different secondary sources such web site , files . In this regards
internal sources :
a.Company Report 2016- 2017.
b. Previous reports and journals relevant to industry.
c. Instruction circulation of Head office.
d. Company issues seminar papers etc.

The duration of the study was a very short span time. It was very much hard to complete a
report as well as assigned task by the company. So I had to complete this study facing very
much time pressure. This report are cover only Marketting Department and General Company
Activities of Global talent farm.

 Limitation Of Study :
I. In experience on practical to do so.
II. Not proper to perfectly represents on this task.
III. Study is mostly secondary based data .
General Objective:-
1. To qualify for the degree of master of business administration.
Specific objective:-
1. To find out the company’s position in the market.
2. To find out the market share .
3. To get the analysis of current market trend, demand force

Marketing Research: Scope, Advantage and Limitations |Marketing

Marketing Research: Scope, Advantage and Limitations!
Scope of marketing research means the possible applications of marketing research in corporate
environment. Bulk of research is done to measure consumer needs and wants. Besides,
marketing research is carried out to assess the impact of past marketing actions. Some research
is done to understand the competitive, technological, social, economic, cultural, political

Another way of looking at the scope of marketing research is the look at the particular decision
area, where research results are used

, conduct preliminary interviews and coordinate hiring effo rts with managers responsible for
making the selection of candidates.

Scope of marketing

1. Goods:
Physical goods constitute the major part of a country’s production and marketing effort.
Companies market billions of food products, and millions of cars, refrigerators, television and

2. Services:
As economies advance, a large proportion of their activities is focused on the production of
services. Services include the work of airlines, hotels, car rental firms, beauticians, software
programmers, management consultants, and so on. Many market offerings consist of a mix of
goods and services. For example, a restaurant offers both goods and services.

3. Events:

Marketers promote events. Events can be trade shows, company anniversaries, entertainment
award shows, local festivals, health camps, and so on. For example, global sporting events such
as the Olympics or Common Wealth Games are promoted aggressively to both companies and

4. Experiences:
Marketers create experiences by offering a mix of both goods and services. A product is
promoted not only by communicating features but also by giving unique and interesting
experiences to customers. For example, Maruti Sx4 comes with Bluetooth technology to ensure
connectivity while driving, similarly residential townships offer landscaped gardens and
gaming zones.

5. Persons:
Due to a rise in testimonial advertising, celebrity marketing has become a business. All popular
personalities such as film stars, TV artists, and sportspersons have agents and personal
managers. They also tie up with PR agencies for better marketing of oneself

6. Places:
Cities, states, regions, and countries compete to attract tourists. Today, states and countries are
also marketing places to factories, companies, new residents, real estate agents, banks and
business associations. Place marketers are largely real estate agents and builders. They are
using mega events and exhibitions to market places. The tourism ministry is also aggressively
promoting tourist spots locally and globally.

7. Properties:
Properties can be categorized as real properties or financial properties. Real property is the
ownership of real estates, whereas financial property relates to stocks and bonds. Properties are
bought and sold through marketing.

Nature of marketing:-

1. Marketing is an Economic Function

Marketing embraces all the business activities involved in getting goods and services , from the
hands of producers into the hands of final consumers. The business steps through which goods
progress on their way to final consumers is the concern of marketing.

2. Marketing is a Legal Process by which Ownership Transfers

In the process of marketing the ownership of goods transfers from seller to the purchaser or
from producer to the end user.

3. Marketing is a System of Interacting Business Activities

Marketing is that process through which a business enterprise, institution, or organisation
interacts with the customers and stakeholders with the objective to earn profit, satisfy
customers, and manage relationship. It is the performance of business activities that direct the
flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.

4. Marketing is a Managerial function

According to managerial or systems approach - "marketing is the combination
of activities designed to produce profit through ascertaining, creating, stimulating, and
satisfying the needs and/or wants of a selected segment of the market."

According to this approach the emphasis is on how the individual organisation processes
marketing and develops the strategic dimensions of marketing activities.

5. Marketing is a social process

Marketing is the delivery of a standard of living to society. According
to Cunningham and Cunningham (1981) societal marketing performs three essential functions:-
1. Knowing and understanding the consumer's changing needs and wants;
2. Efficiently and effectively managing the supply and demand of products and services.
3. Efficient provision of distribution and payment processing systems.

6. Marketing is a philosophy based on consumer orientation and satisfaction
7. Marketing had dual objectives - profit making and consumer satisfaction


Compliance with labor and employment laws is a critical Marketing function. Noncompliance
can result in workplace complaints based on unfair employment practices, unsafe working
conditions and general dissatisfaction with working conditionstate employment laws such as

Work of market maneger in the Company

Market manager are work in company for marketing research,market ability nd market demand

A marketing manager oversees the marketing department. She plans and

coordinates marketing activities, such as identifying potential customers, developing marketing
campaigns and organizing focus groups. She is responsible for developing marketing plans that
align with the business’ strategy.

2.0 Weekly Progress Report Structure.
Status of Work Assigned


1s To know about the communication skills Accomplished

2nd To learned about the temporary hiring services to the Accomplished

Week clients.

3rd Week To work on marketing policies in the market. Accomplished

4th To know about the recruitment procedure for various Accomplished

Week clients.

5th To learn how to implement different Strategy. Accomplished


6th To know about the training and development Accomplished


7th Week To understand what are the resources in the company. Accomplished

Weekly Work Practical Report

 1st week details:-

Work Assignment

To know about the communication skills

Objectives:-To improve the communications skills.

In this week .I visit Global Talent Farm and met with Mr. Amit sharma .After little bit
interaction with him he asked me to show the training letter from your college side.Mr.Amit
Sharma has told about the rule nd regulation and little intro with other staff member of
department . In this week I learnt about the leave rules and attendance record and know how to
achieve the goal of company.

Communication Skills:-

Top 10 Communication Skills

Here are the top 10 communication skills that will help you stand out in today's job market.

1. Listening
Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. No one likes
communicating with someone who only cares about putting in her two cents, and does not take
the time to listen to the other person. If you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to
comprehend what you're being asked to do.

Take the time to practice active listening. Active listening involves paying close attention to
what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and rephrasing what the person
says to ensure understanding ("So, what you're saying is…"). Through active listening, you can
better understand what the other person is trying to say, and can respond appropriately.

2. Nonverbal Communication
Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone all color the message you are trying
to convey. A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you
appear approachable, and will encourage others to speak openly with you.

Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you
are focused on the person and the conversation (however, be sure not to stare at the person,
which can make him or her uncomfortable).

Also pay attention to other people's nonverbal signals while you are talking.

Often, nonverbal signals convey how a person is really feeling. For example, if the person is
not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth.

 Nonverbal Communication Skills

 How to Use Nonverbal Communication During a Job Interview

3. Clarity and Concision

Good communication means saying just enough - don't say too little or talk too much. Try to
convey your message in as few words as possible. Say what you want clearly and directly,
whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email. If you ramble on,
your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want. Think about
what you want to say before you say it; this will help you to avoid talking excessively and/or
confusing your audience.

 Verbal Communication Skills

4. Friendliness
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your
coworkers to engage in open and honest communication with you. It's important to be nice and
polite in all your workplace communications. This is important in both face-to-face and written
communication. When you can, personalize your emails to coworkers and/or employees - a
quick "I hope you all had a good weekend" at the start of an email can personalize a message
and make the recipient feel more appreciated.

 Interpersonal Skills List

 Life Skills List
 Personal Skills List

 Social Skills List

5. Confidence
It is important to be confident in all of your interactions with others. Confidence ensures your
coworkers that you believe in and will follow through with what you are saying. Exuding
confidence can be as simple as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone (avoid
making statements sound like questions). Of course, be careful not to sound arrogant or
aggressive. Be sure you are always listening to and empathizing with the other person.

 How to Show Your Personality at an Interview

6. Empathy
Even when you disagree with an employer, coworker, or employee, it is important for you to
understand and respect their point of view. Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you
are coming from" demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their

7. Open-Mindedness
A good communicator should enter any conversation with a flexible, open mind. Be open to
listening to and understanding the other person's point of view, rather than simply getting your
message across. By being willing to enter into a dialogue, even with people with whom you
disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations.

8. Respect
People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their
ideas. Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening
when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated. On the phone, avoid distractions
and stay focused on the conversation.Convey respect through email by taking the time to edit
your message. If you send a sloppily written, confusing email, the recipient will think you do
not respect her enough to think through your communication with her.

9. Feedback
Being able to appropriately give and receive feedback is an important communication skill.
Managers and supervisors should continuously look for ways to provide employees with
constructive feedback, be it through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates. Giving
feedback involves giving praise as well - something as simple as saying "good job" or "thanks
for taking care of that" to an employee can greatly increase motivation.

Similarly, you should be able to accept, and even encourage, feedback from others. Listen to
the feedback you are given, ask clarifying questions if you are unsure of the issue, and make
efforts to implement the feedback.

 Motivational Skills
 Team Building Skills
 Teamwork Skills

10. Picking the Right Medium

An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use. For
example, some serious conversations (layoffs, changes in salary, etc.) are almost always best
done in person.You should also think about the person with whom you wish to speak - if they
are very busy people (such as your boss, perhaps), you might want to convey your message
through email. People will appreciate your thoughtful means of communication, and will be
more likely to respond positively to you.

Learning of the weeks:-

 First week I learned the technical knowledge of the marketing
 To learn the communication skills.

 2nd week details

Work Assignment; learned about the temporary hiring services to the clients.
Objectives:- To take a responsbility as a Marketing manager &doing whole Marketing work
Work description:-

In this week temporary hiring services to the clients. Scion Staffing is an award-winning
temporary staffing service listed in the Business Times list of top staffing firms for over eleven
years running!From top corporations to prestigious nonprofit organizations, we supply new
exceptional temporary staff daily with a wide range of skills, experience, and knowledge. No
matter the size of your team, budget, or required timeline, our experienced temporary staffing
managers stand ready to meet your needs.
Hiring procedure :-
Step 1: Application
Initial Step
To be considered for any position, you must create a profile through the NS Careers page. The
profile serves as your resume and includes contact information and work experience. Mailed
and emailed resumes will not be considered.

To create a profile, register as a first-time applicant here. The system will prompt you to create
a new profile by entering your desired user name, password, and email address. The email
address will be used as the main method of contact. If you do not have an email address, free
email accounts are available through Google, Hotmail, and Yahoo. As a returning applicant,
you will be prompted to sign in with your user name and password.

Once your profile is complete, you can submit an online application through the website. The
Human Resources department reviews applications and contacts selected applicants for the next
steps. You will receive a confirmation email after you apply. All correspondence regarding
application status is sent via email.

The profile and application take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

One application per job is sufficient; however, you can submit an application for any number of
jobs. With the “Add Favorite” option, you can add job postings to your list of favorites.

Step 2: Assessment

The Assessment Process - Co-ops & Interns, Management Training, and

Professional Jobs

After initial screening by the Human Resources Department competitive candidates will
receive an email containing a link to the Norfolk Southern Management Assessment (NSMA).
If you are interested in continuing the hiring process, you must complete the assessment by the
deadline outlined in the email. The assessment typically takes an hour to complete.

First-time users must complete the registration process by creating a username and password to
enter the testing. Candidates can reopen and complete the assessment at a later time, if
necessary. You will need your username and password to log back in.

The Human Resources department will review the results and notify candidates of their
progress via email within several weeks.

The Assessment Process - Operations Careers

After initial screening by the Human Resources department, competitive candidates will be
invited to a career day session in the local area. At that time, interested candidates will be
provided a written assessment. The assessment lasts approximately 75 minutes and will be
reviewed on site.

Step 3: Interview

Interview Process

Norfolk Southern’s interview process is comprehensive and varies by position. We use various
interview methods, including telephone, on-campus interviews, telepresence, departmental
interviews, and on-site interviews. As you move through the process, a Human Resources
representative will contact you via email with status updates. Most notifications are sent to your

email account on file. Depending on the position, the length of the interview process can vary
from a few weeks to several months.

If you are not successful during this process, you can apply for other positions in which you
might be interested.

Step 4: Offer

Final Steps

Congratulations! You have received a conditional offer with Norfolk Southern. There are a few
more steps in the process before you can become a NS employee.After the initial offer, you will
receive a series of emails requesting additional information. These requests include any
criminal history and a complete driving record. NS will conduct a background check that may
require an in-person meeting with a NS police officer. Additionally a physical exam and drug
test, which includes hair testing, are required. You will receive notification when all steps are
completed successfully and a start date will be established.

Learning of the week:-

 In this weak I learned hiring services to the clients.
 Learn to creating new processes, ideas or when they facing challenges.

 3rd week details

Work Assignment:-To work on marketing policies in the market.
Objectives:-To take responsibility marketing department of the company.
Work description:-

I can work on marketing policies marketing positioning marketing. I can handle the new
Marketing intern and I explained the whole company details such as first of all inform the
company policies and whole round of the each departments. Inform the trainees of andriod
students then all are pay the fees in time limit. I can work on marketing policies marketing
positioning marketing

Marketing Policies:-A marketing policy is similar to a business code of ethics. Although
some are more specific than others, each addresses aspects of responsible marketing the
business considers most important. For example, the Friendly’s Ice Cream marketing policy
focuses mainly on nutrition guidelines and guidelines for marketing to children, while Coca-
Cola’s marketing policy, which also focuses on children, includes guidelines for the different
marketing channels it uses as well as for product placement in schools and youth organizations.

Positioning:-A marketing strategy is an action plan that serves to accomplish two

objectives; the first is to position the business, and the second is to promote its
products and services. Positioning refers to how well ingrained the business is in
the minds of customers and how quickly customers think of the business when
making buying decisions. Academic program manager of the Post University
MBA program and director of the Post University Business Institute Doug Brown
underscores the importance of an ethical marketing policy with a statement he
made in an undated article on Brown says, “The first thing to remember
is that people prefer to buy from those they know and trust.” Many businesses
follow this assertion by making their marketing policy available to the public and
by incorporating it into product labeling and promotions.

Learning of the weeks:-

 I can learn this week increase my confidence level to handle the Marketing intern.
 I learned marketing policy.

 4th week details

Work Assignments:-To know about the recruitment procedure for various client.
To Communicate the different person in the market.
Work description:-
I have learned about the recruitment procedure for various clients. Recruitment (hiring) is a
core function of human resource management. It is the first step of appointment. Recruitment

refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs
(either permanent or temporary) within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to processes
involved in choosing individuals for unpaid positions, such as voluntary roles or unpaid trainee
roles. Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with
carrying out recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial
recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the
process. Internet-based technologies to support all aspects of recruitment have become
Recruitment procedure:-

Conduct of a job analysis

Basically, this step will allow the human resources manager, hiring manager, and other
members of management on what the new employee will be required to do in the position that
is currently open for filling up. This has to be done in a systematic manner, which is what the
job analysis is for.According to human resource managers, the position or job description is the
core of a successful recruitment process. After all, it is the main tool used in developing
assessment tests and interview questions for the applicants.

a. Build a job description.

Before anything else, the organization must first know exactly what it needs. Or who it needs. It
could be that the organization deemed a need for a job that is not included in the current roster
of jobs. Hence, the need to create a new one.

Job analysis involves identification of the activities of the job, and the attributes that are needed
for it. These are the main parts that will make up the job description. This part has to be done
right, since the job description will also be used in the job advertisement when it is time to
source out talents.

The job description generally includes the following:

 Title and other general information about the position

 Purpose of the position in the unit, department, and organization as whole
 Essential functions of the job or position
 Minimum requirements or basic qualifications

b. Review the job description.

Once the job description has been created, it is a good idea to review it for accuracy, and to
assess whether it is current or not. Also, in cases where job descriptions are already in place,
there is a need to revisit them and check their accuracy and applicability with respect to the
status quo. What if the job description is already outdated? A review will reveal the need to
update the job description, for current applicability.

There are three positive outcomes from conducting a review of the job description:

 To ensure continuous improvement of the organizational structure. This

can be an efficient way of conducting organizational audit, to determine which jobs are
redundant and thus no longer needed, and which ones are needed.
 To evaluate competencies for each position. Jobs evolve. In as much as
circumstances and work conditions change, so will the requirements for the job. It is
possible that a job may require a new competency from the worker that it did not need
before. By evaluating the competencies, the impact of the job within the organizational
structure is ensured.
 To evaluate the wages or compensation for each position. Without
management knowing it, the worker or employee performing a specific job may be
undercompensated, leading to dissatisfaction. By reviewing the job description,
management can assess whether the job is getting paid an amount that is commensurate
to the skills and competencies required.

c. Set minimum qualifications for the employee who will do the job.

These are the basic requirements that applicants are required to have in order to be considered
for the position. These are required for the employee to be able to accomplish the essential

functions of the job. Therefore, they should be relevant and directly relate to the identified
duties and responsibilities of the position.

The organization may also opt to include other preferred qualifications that they are looking
for, on top of the minimum or basic qualifications.

d. Define a salary range.

The job must belong to a salary range that is deemed commensurate to the duties and
responsibilities that come with the position. Aside from complying with legislation (such as
laws on minimum wages and other compensation required by law), the organization should also
base this on prevailing industry rates.

For example, if the position is that of a computer programmer, then the salary range should be
within the same range that other companies within the same industry offer.

Step 2: Sourcing of talent

This is the stage where the organization will let it be known to everyone that there is an open
position, and that they are looking for someone to fill it up.

Before advertising, however, the organization must first know where to look for potential
candidates. They should search out the sources where the persons that can potentially fill the
job are going to be available for recruitment. That way, they will know where to direct their
advertising efforts.

Various methods are employed by organizations in order to advertise the open position.

 Networking. Word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising, and when it takes the
form of networking, it becomes more effective. In recruitment, this is often done
through representatives of the company attending college and career fairs, letting them
know about the opening in their organization. This is a tactic employed by large
software and tech companies that want to hire fresh, young and brilliant minds into their
organization. They personally visit colleges, targeting the top students. They also use
their connections within the industry to attract the attention of talents with the highest
 Posting. Recruitment often involves the application of candidates both from within
and outside the company. Thus, in order to attract the best possible talents, it is
recommended that the posting of the open positions be made internally and externally.
Internal posting usually takes the form of the vacancy announcement being displayed in
bulletin boards and other areas within the business premises where the employees and
visitors to the company are likely to see it. Posting externally may be in the form of
flyers being distributed, or vacancy notices being displayed in other areas outside of the
business premises. Companies with websites often post open positions on their
company site, while some also use job boards.
 Print and media advertising. One classic example of this would be the
Classifieds section of the local daily or weekly newspaper. Companies looking for
people to fill up open positions make the announcement in the newspapers, providing
the qualifications and the contact details where prospective applicants may submit their
application documents. When trying to attract the attention of suitable candidates, the
organization makes use of various tools and techniques. If it wants to get the best
candidates, then it should not be haphazard about things.
 Developing and using proper techniques. The company may include various
offerings in order to attract the best candidates. Examples are attractive salaries, bonus
and incentive packages, additional perks and opportunities that come with the job,
proper facilities at work, and various programs for development.
 Using the reputation of the company. Perhaps the best publicity that the
company can use to attract candidates is its own reputation in the market. If the
company is known for being a good employer – one that aids in its employees’ personal
and professional growth and development – then it is a good point for the company to
capitalize on in advertising its open positions.

Step 3: Screening of applicants

This is most probably the part of the recruitment process that requires the most amount of
work. This is where the applicants’ skills and personalities are going to be tested and evaluated,
to ascertain whether they are a good fit for the job and its description.

 Preliminary screening. It is often the case, especially in large organizations, where

one open position will receive hundreds to thousands of applications from candidates.
In an ideal world, it would be good for the hiring managers to be able to interview each
and every single one of them. However, that is also impractical, and very tedious. Not
really advisable, especially if the organization is in need of manpower in the soonest
possible time. Thus, there is a need to shorten the list of candidates, and that is done
through a preliminary screening. Usually, this is conducted by going through the
submitted resumes and choosing only those that are able to meet the minimum
qualifications. It is possible that this would shorten the list of applicants, leaving a more
manageable number.
 Initial interview. The candidates who were able to pass the preliminary screening
will now undergo the initial interview. In most cases, the initial interview is done
through phone. There are those who also conduct interviews through videos using their
internet connection. Often a basic interview, this may involve the candidates being
asked questions to evaluate or assess their basic skills and various personal
characteristics that are relevant to the open position.
 Conduct of various tests for recruitment. The hiring managers may conduct
tests on the skills of the candidates and how they use these skills and talents. Other tests
that are often employed are behavioral tests and personality assessment tests.
 Final interview. Usually depending on the number of candidates for the job, and the
preference of the hiring managers and senior management, a series of interviews may be
conducted, gradually narrowing down the list of candidates. This may go on until the
company has finally come up with a shortlist of candidates that will undergo a final
interview. Often, the final interview requires a face-to-face meeting between the
candidate and the hiring managers, as well as other members of the organization. Top
management may even be involved during the final interview, depending on the job or
position that will be filled up.

 Selection. In this stage, the hiring managers, human resources representatives, and
other members of the organization who participated in the process meet together to
finally make a selection among the candidates who underwent the final interview.
During the discussion, the matters considered are:
o Qualifications of the candidates who were able to reach the last stage of the
screening process
o Results of the assessments and interviews that the final pool of candidates were
subjected to

There will be no problem if they have a unanimous decision on the candidate that the job will
be offered to. In case of varying opinions, the majority will prevail.

If they do not arrive at a decision, there may be a need to restart the recruiting process, until
such time that they are able to reach a decision that everyone will be satisfied with.

Step 4: Finalization of the job offer

The last step of the previous phase involves the selection of the best candidate out of the pool
of applicants. It is now time for the organization to offer the job to the selected applicant.

 Making the offer: To make things more formal, a representative of the company or
of the human resources department will contact the candidate and inform him that he
has been selected for the job. In this stage, complete details of the compensation
package will also be made known to the applicant.
 Acceptance of the offer by the applicant: The applicant should also communicate
his acceptance of the offer for it to be final. Take note that, if the selected applicant does
not accept the job offer and declines it, the recruitment process will have to start all over

Step 5: Introduction and induction of the new employee

The moment that the applicant accepted the job offer, he has officially gone from being an
applicant to an employee of the organization. The induction process will now begin.

Usually, the beginning of the induction process is marked by the signing of the employment
contract, along with a welcome package given to the new employee. The date for the first day
that the employee will have to report for work and start working in the company will be
determined and communicated to the newly hired employee.

However, it doesn’t end there. The employee will still have to undergo pre-employment
screening, which often includes background and reference checks. When all these pre-
employment information have been verified, the employee will now be introduced to the

Learning of the week:-

 This week I have learned the Marketing work and what are the recruitment process.

 5th week details

Work Assignment
In this week I learned how to implement different Strategy in the market.

Objectives:- To Work for what are the marketing strategy.

Work description:-

Strategy:- It takes a lot of time and effort to develop and maintain a marketing campaign that
resonates with your intended audience. As a strategic thinker, however, the development of a
marketing campaign takes even more consideration. After all, we're always searching for ways
to gain the oh-so important competitive edge.

There are times, though, when we all hit the proverbial wall. If you find yourself in that
situation, then you may want to check out these fifteen marketing strategies that will definitely
spark your creative energy.

1. Partner with allies.

Marketing partnerships have a number of benefits to push a marketing campaign. For starters,
when you collaborate with someone else, you tend to deliver better content. On top of that,

marketing partnerships are cheaper to create, see success more quickly, and expose your brand
to a new audience.

For example, prior to being acquired by eBay, worked the town of Halfway, Oregon,
to change its name to in exchange for stock, Internet access, and other giveaways.
The tactic gained a lot of attention for the textbook rental company. Another example was when
Converse teamed up with Guitar Center to record music entitled "Rubber Tracks." The content
was then used to create a series of YouTube videos that focused on the musicians.

2. Embrace user generated content.

According to a survey of 839 millennials, they spend "5.4 hours a day with content created by
their peers. This represents 30 percent of their total media time and is rivaled only by all
traditional media types combined (print, radio, and television, at 33 percent)." In the same
survey, "Millennials reported that UGC is 20 percent more influential on their purchase
decisions than other media."

You can achieve this by having customers share personal stories (Estee Lauder's
international breast cancer action campaign), exchange ideas (Salesforce's Idea Exchange), and
by giving them the tools to make an ad for you (Nissan's VersaVid campaign that was shared on
Instagram and Vine) or through humor (Doritos Roulette bags).

3. Collaborate with influencers.

Another way to gain a new audience and extend brand awareness is by collaborating with the
top influencers in your industry. Home improvement store Lowe's allowed "top designers and
mom bloggers to take over its Instagram account for a few days at a time." By allowing these
influencers to share inspirational content, Lowe's was able to tap into a new audience.

4. Help customers solve a problem.

As perfectly stated on HubSpot, "You're in business because you provide solutions." Some of
the ways you can help customers solve a problem is by: creating how-to-content; offering
exclusives that make their lives easier; listening/responding to them; or creating apps/tools.

5. Let customers interact.
No matter the product or service you're offering, your customers want to interact with your
company, or at least other customers. AMC, for example, created an online tool that allowed
you to Mad Man Yourself. American Express connects small-business owners to each other and
helpful resources through its OPEN Forum.

Learning of the week:-

 To learned how to implement the marketing strategy.

 6th week details

Work Assignment:-To know about the training and development
Object:-To know about how to trained the employees
Work description:-

To know about the training and development process. Training and development or learning
and development" as many refer to it now is one of the most important aspects of our lives and
our work. Many people view training as an activity that produces the result or outcome of
"learning and learning is typically viewed as new knowledge, skills and competencies or

Training process:- Training Process. Needs assessment: The first step in the training
process is to assess the need for training the employees. Deriving Instructional Objectives:
Once the needs are identified, the objectives for which the training is to be conducted are

Development process:- A software development process or life cycle is a structure
imposed on the development of a software product. There are several models for such
processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during
the process.

Learning of the week:-

 To learn about the training activity.
 Learn to use theoretical knowledge in practical working situation.

7TH Week details

Work Assignment:-To understand what are the resources in the company.

Objectives:- To understand the company resources.

Work description:-

To know about the resources and infrastructure of the company. In this week understand about
the resources and infrastructure of the company.All business activities depend upon
the infrastructure, planning and projects to ensure its effective management are typically
undervalued to the detriment of the organization. Infrastructure is "the basic physical and
organizational structures needed for the operation of society or enterprise or the services and
facilities necessary for an economy to function." It can generally be defined as the set of
interconnected structural elements that provide framework supporting an entire structure of

The Company Resources:-

Business resources also include any tangible good that helps the company operate, such as
property or rent, production machinery, supplies for final product, transportation, and overhead
such as Internet and electricity.

Concentrating Resources:-
Through the processes of converging resources ona few clearly defined and consistent goals;
focusing the efforts of each group, department, and business unit on individual priorities in a
sequential fashion; and targeting those activities that have the biggest impact on
Customers‟ perceived value.
Accumulating resources:-
Through mining experience in order to achieve faster learning and burrowing from other firms
accessing their resources and capabilities through alliances, outsourcing arrangements, and the
Complementing resources:-
Involves increasing their effectiveness through the linking them with complementary resources
and capabilities. This may involve blending product design capabilities with the marketing

capabilities needed to communicate these to the market, and balancing to ensure that limited
resources and capabilities in one area do not hold back the effectiveness of resources and
capabilities in another.
Conserving resources:-
Involves utilizing resources and capabilities to the fullest by recycling them through different
products, markets, and product generations; and co-opting resources through collaborative
arrangements with other companies.

Learning of the week:-

 I learn about the company resources.

 I learn about the different resources in the company.




The employees of any organization are its life blood, without doubt. With the dawn of
this realization upon the present day business organizations, there appears to be a major
shift towards marketing management. In fact, the employees of today are encouraged to
participate in the major decisions and thus play a vital role in the Management of the
The performance of the organization depends on the efficiency that its employees exhibit.
Hence it is of crucial importance that employees with the most suitable qualifications be
selected. This is where the processes of recruitment and selection come in. It is difficult
to separate one from the other. The various company illustrations given in this report
indicate that these processes require a great deal of thought and advanced planning. In fact, it
is not only the marketing department that is involved. The marketing department
provides the budget for the processes and the manpower gap is determined
by inputs fromall the departments. Alsothe gruelingprocedure through which the candidate goes
through is, in itself, a n indicator of the significance of these processes in the efficient
functioning of the organization.


The duration of intership for 45 days and during the course internship there were various
lessons and I am able to learn. The internship was a grate opportunity for me to face real life
work scenarios after two semesters in classroom and it must be said that it was a grate learning
experience . some of the lessons learn during the time of internship are summarized below
Since our Inception, Global talent farm
has been totally focused on building a strategic, quality search practice.
Global Talent Farm is young organization Establish in 2014 with a vision to cover the gap
between the organization and the jobless people across the globe. We are Expert for the
recruitment solutions, Head Hunting and other HR activities
Recruiting and retaining is critical to the stability and success of any organization. At globe
talent farm, this is what we do the best with our expertise lying
ineffectively and understanding the need of the recruitment's, We ensure the selected candidate
has the desired profile to match best with the given profile. The focus maintained ensures that
are Clients receive most suitable candidates for that organization.

Learning of the weeks in 45 days

 I Learn the various policies of Marketing
 I learn about the different elements of the infrastructure

 I Learn to use theoretical knowledge in practical working situation.

 I learn the how to implement different Strategy rule and regulation in tha market.
 This week I can learn the Marketing work
 I can learn the different type of knowledge
 First week I learned the technical knowledge of the marketing
 To learn the communication skills
 Eye contact with company employees and my confidence level will be increase.


1. Adrian, Payne and pennie frow (1999),”Relationship Marketing ;key issues for the utilities
sector’,Journal of Marketing .

2. ASEAN Indian synergy sectors Report 2005.

3. Akhil Gupta (2002),”importance of competition in Telecommunication,;

4. Associated chamber of commerce and industry of India 2005.S


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