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Tiempo Verbal Futuro: BE GOING

Existe una diferencia entre estas dos formas de expresar el
futuro. Generalmente "to be + going to" se usa para
acciones que van a suceder muy pronto o para expresar un
plan que se tiene. "Will" se usa para expresar una
promesa, una predicción o algo que se quiere hacer en el

"Going to":
El tiempo futuro con "going to" se usa más comúnmente
en el lenguaje hablado cuando se quiere hacer referencia al
futuro inmediato, es decir, a algo que está por ocurrir.
 She is going to pay with a credit card = Ella va a pagar
con una tarjeta de crédito (algo que está por ocurrir).
 I am going to drop off my prescription over there = voy
a dejar mi prescripción médica allá.

También se emplea para hablar de intenciones o planes

para hacer algo:

 I’m going to learn English = voy a aprender inglés.

Se forma con el verbo"to be" conjugado para la persona

correspondiente, seguido de "going to" y el verbo base.

"To be" + "going to" + verbo:

 I am going to pay = yo voy a pagar.
 You are going to pay = tú vas a pagar.
 He is going to pay = él va a pagar.
 She is going to pay = ella va a pagar.
 It is going to pay = eso va a pagar.
 We are going to pay = nosotros vamos a pagar.
 You are going to pay = ustedes van a pagar.
 They are going to pay = ellos/ellas van a pagar.

El futuro con "will" se utiliza para hablar de decisiones que
se toman mientras se habla:
 I need to get my medicine. I will go to the pharmacy
Necesito comprar mi medicina. Iré a la farmacia esta
 I need some cash. I will pay with my debit card and ask
for cash back.
Necesito algo de efectivo. Pagaré con mi tarjeta débito y
pediré efectivo de vuelta.
También es usado para decir predicciones de carácter

 I’m sure it will rain tomorrow.

Estoy seguro de que va a llover mañana.
 Gerardo Gómez will win the election.
Gerardo Gómez va a ganar las elecciones.

Se forma con el verbo "will" + verbo:

 I will pay later.
 You will pay later.
 He will pay later.
 She will pay later.
 It will pay later.
 We will pay later.
 You will pay later.
 They will pay later.

Ejemplos sin contracción:

1. I am going to see you tomorrow. (Yo voy a verte mañana)
2. He is going to visit her next week. (Él la va a visitar la
siguiente semana)
3. They are going to eat out tonight. (Ellos van a comer
fuera esta noche)
4. She is going to leave for Europe on Monday. (Ella va a
partir a Europa el lunes)
5. She is going to wait me after the show. (Ella va a
esperarme después del espectáculo)
6. I am going to get up early tomorrow. (Yo voy a
levantarme temprano mañana)
7. It is going to rain today. (Va a llover hoy)
8. You are going to study to be a lawyer. (Tú vas a estudiar
para ser un abogado)
9. We are going to stay home tonight. (Nosotros vamos a
quedarnos en casa en la noche)
10. They are going to build a summer home. (Ellos van a
construir una casa de verano)
11. Jane is going to start her new job next week. (Jane va
a comenzar su nuevo trabajo la próxima semana)
12. Donald is going to move the store to the suburbs.
(Donald va a mudar la tienda a los suburbios)
13. It is going to be a cood day. (Va a ser un día fresco)
14. You are going to do it. (Tú vas a hacerlo)
15. They are going to spend the day together. (Ellos van a
pasar el día juntos)
16. She is going to give him a kiss. (Ella va a darle un
17. Lynda is going to get married with me in December.
(Lynda va a casarse conmigo en diciembre)

Ejemplos con contracción:

1. I’m going to see you tomorrow. (Yo voy a verte mañana)
2. He’s going to visit her next week. (Él la va a visitar la
siguiente semana)
3. They’re going to eat out tonight. (Ellos van a comer fuera
esta noche)
4. She’s going to leave for Europe on Monday. (Ella va a
partir a Europa el lunes)
5. She’s going to wait me after the show. (Ella va a
esperarme después del espectáculo)
6. I’m going to get up early tomorrow. (Yo voy a levantarme
temprano mañana)
7. It’s going to rain today. (Va a llover hoy)
8. You’re going to study to be a lawyer. (Tú vas a estudiar
para ser un abogado)
9. We’re going to stay home tonight. (Nosotros vamos a
quedarnos en casa en la noche)
Hello Cathy!!
-Hi!!How are you?
-Fine, thanks, what about you?
-I am so good...Today I am going to the circus!!The clowns,
the elephants...can you imagine how exciting will it be?
- Unfortunately, I can imagine it since i am not going,
because i am punished.
- What a pity!!What happened?
-My father caught me when i was going to leave home to
buy him his birthday present and he thought that i was
going out with my friends, instead of studying and without
asking for permission!!
-Oh my god, what an unfortunate event!!Have you tried to
tell him what you were going to do?
-I haven´t because he is so angry at me that he doesn´t
speak to me anymore. But i think i should do it. I am going
home and i am going to explain him what happened.
-I am sure he is going to be so proud of you that he will let
you come. OK see you!

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