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In this module the student is expected to understand the complication

process of C language program as high level to low language which can be

executed by machine and able to understand assembly language and analyze the
language by GCC and also understand the use of stack memory in each procedure

In this practicum praktikan expected to be able to understand the

representation of information in bit level which is stored in memory, using
operator in C language to process information and do pointer in its
processing by know also function of pointer of course. In this lab also needs
GCC and Code block compilers. Sehinnga praktikan can understand the structure
and presentation in the C language.

In the practicum of Digital Signal Processing this time students use MATLAB
Software is expected to understand the representation of discrete time-
signals, the various cascade in MATLAB and operation in it So students as
practicum practitioners can understand the operation and discrete time-system
as one of the concepts of linear system .

In this fourth practicum module praktikan is expected to understand MIPS32 and its execution datapath,
make ALU from MIPS32 in VHDL code and make Control Unit (CU) from MIPS 32 and simulate it with
Quartus II v9.1sp2. with practicum tools available in the practicum module is also expected to do well.

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