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In the experiment, dry dog food sample was analyzed using proximate analysis with

the objective of being able to determine the true nutritional value it contains and to be able
to compare it to the manufacturers claim and also with other similar products. Five
components were analytically determined and the first was the determination of the moisture
content, determined using two methods, one was the conventional oven drying yielding an
average moisture content of ______ and the other was by using a moisture teller machine
yielding an average moisture content of _____ (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the process).
The second one was the crude protein determination, determined using semi-micro
Kjeldahl distillation and the average protein amount of the product was calculated to be
_____ (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the process). The third component was the
average amount of crude fat in the sample and this was calculated to be _____, determined using
Soxhlet extraction (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the process). Another component, the
crude fiber content was determined by treating a given amount of sample in acid and alkali
yielding an average crude fiber content of _____ (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the
process). The last component analytically determined was ash or mineral content of the sample,
and this was determined using dry ashing method and the mineral content of the sample was
calculated to be _____ (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the process). And lastly, a
component not analytically determined but was calculated by difference, the nitrogen free
extract or the amount of soluble carbohydrate contained in the sample was calculated from
the results of the previous analyses (insert conclusion on the accuracy of the process).

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