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Case report


Ahmad Brata Rosa, Harsan H

Introduction three types of feeding vessel in AVM: direct

feeders, transit feeders and indirect feeder
Spontaneous Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) (artery en passage). Direct feeders are arteries
is one of the disease with high mortality rate that end directly and exlusively in the nidus.
in the world. Many factors that cause the Transit feeders are the arteries that supply
occurence of spontaneous ICH. One of them,
blood to the normal brain but they pass
expecially that attack young age, is through the nidus. Indirect feeders are the
arteriovenous malformation (AVM). arteries that supply blood to the normal brain,
Hemorrhage from cerebral venous pass through the nidus and also contribute to
malformation represents 2% of all the shunt before supply blood to normal
hemorrhagic stroke, which one of the causes
brain. In a similar manner to the arteries, for
of non-hypertensive spontaneous ICH. 1 the draining vein, one should note the
AVM is congenital lession of the complex number, size, and locations of the major
tanggle of the blood vessel (arteries and veins. Like the transit arteries, it is important
veins)connected by one or more fistulae. It to recognize the possible existence of normal
can occured in all over the body including veins draining functional cerebral tissue that
brain and spinal cord. Normally, the blood wil may be adjacent to the lesion.
flow to whole area of the body from the heart
by large artery. Then become samller until a
small cell capillary that supply nutritions and
oxygen to the cell. The place of exchanging
nutrition or oxygenitation is capillary bed. CO2
and other residual of cell metabolisme will be
transfered to vein by capilary bed, and the
back to the heart. But in AVM, arteries direcly
connect to the vein without capilary bed
betwen them. Because theres a different
pressure between arteries (high flow) and the
veins (low flow, then will develop a problem
was called high pressure shunt. The veins will
not be able to withstand a high pressure flow.
So it wil scretch and became larger and thin,
and will be vulnerable to rupture.
Fea ture 1. Arteriovenous malformation. Showed a nidus,
AVM consist of three component. Feeding
s ome feeders a rteri es a nd dra i ni ng vei n
vessels, nidus and darining veins. The vascular
conglomarate is called the nidus. Size of nidus When AVM ruptures, it will has nine fold risk
is resemble the size of the avm. There are for rerupture in the first year.2 A clear
understanding of the diagntic and treatment AVM. It affects male and female in the same
of the AVMis imperative. rate.

Epidemiology Pathological squelae

Insidence of AVM is vary in each country. In AVMs make neurological defficites through 3
New York island insidence of AVM is about main mechanisms. 11 First, hemorrhage may
1,34 per 100.000 person-years. Theres a occur in the subarachnoid space, the
report that insidence rate from australia and intraventricular space or, most commonly, the
sweden is 0,89-1,24 per 100.000 person- brain parenchyma. Second, in the absence of
years, and in scotland about 18 per 100.000 hemorrhage, seizures may occur as a
persons-years.3 Al-shahi et al (2001), from his consequence of AVM: approximately 15-40%
systematic review, found that insidence of of patients present with seizure disorder.
AVM is 1 per 100.000 persons per year in Finally, but rarely, a progressive neurological
unselected population, and in adult is 18 per deficit may occur in 6-12% of patients over a
100.000 person-years. AVMs account for few months to several years. These slowly
between 1 and 2% of all strokes, 3% of strokes progressive neurological deficits are thought
in young adults, 9% of subarachnoid to relate to siphoning of blood flow away
haemorrhages and, of all primary from adjacent brain tissue that is called the
intracerebral haemorrhages, they are "steal phenomenon", a concept that has been
responsible for 4% overall, but for as much as recently challenged. Neurological deficits may
one-third in young adults. be explained alternatively by the mass effect
of an enlarging AVM or venous hypertension
Many factors make the AVMs vurnarable to in the draining veins.
rupture. Small nidus and single draining vein is
common factor. Also thre’s connection Seizure is the second most commont
between size of the AVM and rupture rate. presenting symptom, assosiated with
Smaller the AVM higher chance to rupture. supratentorial AVM. Aproximately 15%-30%
May be it’s because the small has the higher AVM patient With focal or generelized
feeding pressure compared to larger AVM, the seizure.12,13,14 Angiographic characteristics of
high pressure can make the AVM easy to epileptogenic AVMs include cortical location
rupture.4 The other factors that assosiated of the nidus or feeding artery, feeding by the
with the risk of rupture are previous rupture, middle cerebral artery, absence of aneurysms,
infratentorIal, and deep location. 5,6 presence of varices in the venous drainage,
and association of varix and absence of
AVMs are the most common cause of intranidal aneurysms. Other factors
spontaneous ICH in young adult. Maybe significantly associated with the onset of
because the lessions are congenital lession. seizures include AVMs fed by the external
Aproximately it occured on the age of 20-
carotid artery and a temporal or parietal
40.7,8,9 Risk of bleeding can be simply cortical location. 15
approximated with the linier formula10 :
Another pathological squelae is headache.
% lifetime risk = 105 – patient’s age
Headaches are the presenting symptom in
For example 25 years old man has % lime time approximately 15% of patients without
risk of bleeding by 80%, at least once in a life evidence of rupture. 12 Headache and seizure
time. There’s no distinc between sex for the also can be assosiated to the hemorrhage.
Classification and Grading System in diagnostic and management of AVM. MRI not
only can visualize the AVM but also can show
AVM included into category of dysplastic better visualization of location of the AVMs and
vascular malformation, where there have surrounding structure that relate to AVM. On T2-
been four pathological entities: weighted images, hypointense signal of the lession
developmental venous anomalu (venous are indicated to flow void. Peripheral to the nidus,
angioma), cappilary telangiectasias, cavernous hypointense on T2 and gradient echo can also
malformation, and AVM. 16,17,18 One of them can show hemosiderin depocites that sign a previous
follow another, altough it’s rare.
Non contrast CT scan cannot visualize AVM clearly.
Avm may be classified as : But, it’s necessary to recognize the key feature
1. Parenchymal AVM around hematoma that was suspected AVM. 25%
a. Pial to 30% AVMs have calcium depocition
b. Subcortical (calsification) that may be seen even in the mass of
c. Paraventricular 19
the hematoma. CTA and MRA can deliniate the
d. Combined nidus and assosiated vessel s without exposed any
2. Pure dural AVM complication of angiography.
3. Mix parenchimal and dural AVM
But in CTA and MRA, is very hard to determine
The AVM is classified to know the outcomes after dinamic aspec of malformation. because in MRA
surgery. So the surgeon can predict the risk of CTA the vessels enhance contrast simultanly. So,
permanent neurological deficits after surgery. It’s its dufficult to see where is the nidus, feeding
“Spetzler-Martin Scale” that be used. Grade 1 and arteries and draining veins. For that angigraphy is
2 has very low risk of morbidity after surgery, but required. Angiography, expecially digital
the grade 4 and 5 has higher risk of neurological substraction angiography (DSA), can substract out
deficits after surgery. It very usefull for surgical static components of the image, so we can clearly
decision making. visualize nidus, feeder artries and darining veins.
Structure visualized in every phase during DSA are
seen on the table 2 below. But the angiography is
lack of geometrical of the nidus.


Unlike the anuerisme, risk of rebleeding imediately

for AVM rupture is very rare. Although surgical
evacuation of the hematoma caused by AVM
rupture for life treatening is must be done
imediately, resection of the AVM can be delayed
until hematoma is resol ved and the AVM stabilize
its form. And then wait until swelling decreased for
easier surgical intervention. But if if neurological
deficits happen progressively, surgical intervention
must be done urgently.

The definitif treatments for AVM including:

1. Medical or symptomatic therapy
Diagnostic Radiology
2. Embolization
Many imaging technic can visualize a AVM, 3. Microsurgery
including: MRI, MR angiography (MRA), CT, CT 4. Radiosurgery
Angiography (CTA) and angiography. MRI is usefull 5. Multi modal therapy
Ta bl e 2. Structure vi s ua l i zed duri ng DSA

That must be considered for treatment of the AVM embolization in patients with an AVM of
are: Spetzler-Martin grade IV or V with venous
1. Size of the AVM outflow obstruction or true steal
2. Location phenomenon in order to reduce arterial
3. Vascular anatomy inflow to control edema or to reduce the
4. Age amount of shunt, respectively.
5. Medical condition
The current American Heart Association Medical treatment
multidisciplinary management guidelines for the
treatment of brain AVMs recommend the Indications for medical treatment including:
following approach:
1. Malformation is very extensive
1. Surgical extirpation is strongly suggested
2. Deep location in the brain
as the primary treatment for Spetzler-
3. Primary blood supply origin from deep
Martin grade I and II if surgically
perforating vessels
accessible with low risk.
4. Advance age
2. Radiation therapy alone is recommended
5. Poor medical condition. (such as: advance
for Spetzler-Martin grade I or II if the
heart disease, insuficiency respiratory, or
AVM is less than 3 cm in size and surgery
cancer with metastatic.
has an increased surgical risk based on
location and vascul ar anatomy. Embolization
3. Brain AVM of Spetzler-Martin grades III
can often be treated by a multimodal Embolization is used for pre operative, pre
approach with embolization followed by radiosurgery or paliatif embolization. Embolization
surgical extirpation. If the lesion has a involves occluding blood flow to an arteriovenous
high surgical risk based on location and malformation by using endovascular catheters to
vascular anatomy, radiation therapy may deposit occlusive materials into the feeding
be performed after embolization. arteries and nidus. It can be used to reduce size of
4. AVMs of Spetzler-Martin grade IV and V the AVMs, and symptoms. Embolization can be
are often not amenable to surgical curative in a minority of cases, particularly for
treatment alone because of the high lesions less than 1 cm in diameter that are fed by a
procedural risk. These AVMs can be single artery. It is usually inadequate by itself
approached by a combined multimodal to treat the AVM, because it may recanalize later.
approach of a combination of AVMs that are embolized have a rate of
embolization, radi osurgery, and/or permanent morbidity between 4% and 14%.
surgery. If the embolization is followed by surgical
5. In general, embolization should only be intervention, the surgery can be done 3-30 days
performed if the goal is complete AVM after embolization. If its followed by radiosurgery,
eradication with other treatment the surgery can be done 30 days after the
modalities. The only exception is palliative embolization.
The agents for embolization are classified to three Ta bl e 3. Percentage of defici ts a fter s urgery ba s ed on
Spetxel -ma rti n gra de.
cathegories, they are: occlusive devices,
microparticles, and liquids. Occlusive devices
include balloons for large vessel occlusions,braided
silk threads which are highly thrombogenic, and
coils. Many earlier reports of embolizations used
particles, specifically, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
(Counter PVA particles, Boston Scientific, Fremont,
CA). Two liquid agents are currently in use in the
Case report
United States for embolization: NBCA and EVOH
(Onyx). Improved obliteration rates (of A 42 years-old man was pressented with
approximately 20%) have been reported for the spontaneous inrtracerebral hemorrhage 3 moths
use of a recently developed embolic agent ago. He was underwent surgery for evacuation clot
(Onyx). emergency. No history of hypertension before.
Patient has hystory of the seazure 2 years ago,
twice, generelize seizure, but controled by the
drug. He complaint mild headache sometimes, but
Radiosurgery is an option that is generally used to
it didn’t really disturbe his daily activities. Phsisical
treat AVMs that are approximately 3 cm in
diagnostic was normal and neurological state in
diameter or less. Proton beam, linear accelerator,
the normal range.
or gamma knife methods are used to deliver a high
From the CT finding shows calsification feeture on
dose of radiation to the AVM, while minimizing the
the left temporal near the remains of hematoma.
effects to surrounding brain tissue; a single dose
Susupicious for the AVM. The MRI was done, and
generally is given. AVMs with nidal volumes less
showed some heterogen lession with a flow void
than 10 mL (diameter <3 cm) are frequently
feature. And from CTA showed a tanggle of some
curable by radiosurgery, with rates of obliteration
26,27 vessels that refers to AVM with size aproximately
at 2 years estimated at between 80% and 88%.
5.6 cc. From angiography found involvement of
Radiosurgery may take 1-3 years to achieve
two feeder arteries branch of MCA and one
thrombosis of an AVM, thus the patient remains at
darining vein.
risk for hemorrhage from AVM during the
treatment period.

Surgical treatment
Decisions as to which lesions are most amenable
to surgery are commonly based on the Spetzler–
Martin scale. Grade I, II, or III AVMs were found to
have low treatment-associated morbidity. In case
series for grade I – III, reported rates of permanent
weakness or paralysis, aphasia, and hemianopsia
are 0 to 15%, and most report no deaths.
However, grade IV lesions conferred 31.2%
treatment-associated morbidity, and grade V
lesions had 50% new treatment-associated
morbidity. Surgery is recomended for all grade I
and II lesions. Grade III lesions should be treated
on a case-by-case basis. Grade IV and V lesions
require a multidisciplinary approach with Fea ture 2. Non contra s t CT s ca n of the pa ti ent a fter
individual analysis. Surgical outcome predicted by previ ous s urgery, s hows s ome ca l ci fi ca ti on on l eft
Spetzler–Martin scale are showed on the table tempora l .
The patient was diagnosed with arteriovenous resection. No significant neuroligical deficits was
malformation. And performed surgery for AVM found after surgery.
resection. And the AVM was resected by en-block

Fea ture 3. MRI a xial section of the patient. T1 (l eft) shows some heterogen lession like a tanggle of vessels. T2 (ri ght) shows
s ome fl ow voi d ni ea r the l es s i on.

Fea ture 4. CTA recons tructi on. Shows AVM fea ture, wi th ni dus a nd s ome a s s os i a ted ves s el s .

Fea ture 4. Non contra s t CT s ca n a fter res ecti on of the AVM.

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