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Oxygen availability and motor unit activity in


Article in European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology · November 1992
DOI: 10.1007/BF00843767


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5 authors, including:

Toshio Moritani Minoru Shinohara

Kyoto University Georgia Institute of Technology


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Eur J Appl Physiol (1992) 64:552-556
Joumal of Applied
Physiology and Occupational Physiology
© Springer-Verlag1992

Oxygen availability and motor unit activity in humans

Toshio Moritanil, W. Michael Sherman 2, Masashi Shibata i, Tamaki Matsumoto I, and Minoru Shinohara 3
1 Laboratory of Applied Physiology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan

2 School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
3 Department of Health and Physical Education, Kyoto College of Art, Kyoto 606, Japan

Accepted January 30, 1992

Summary. Six men were studied to determine the inter- Clamann 1981; De Luca et al. 1982). It has been well
relationships among blood supply, motor unit (MU) ac- documented that MU recruitment and firing frequency
tivity and lactate concentrations during intermittent (rate coding) depend primarily upon the level of force
isometric contractions of the hand grip muscles. The and the speed of contraction. When low-threshold MU
subjects performed repeated contractions at 20°7o of are recruited, this has resulted in a muscle contraction
maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 2 s followed characterized by low force-generating capabilities and
by 2-s rest for 4 min with either unhindered blood circu- high fatigue resistance. With requirements for greater
lation or arterial occlusion given between the 1st and force and/or faster contraction, high-threshold-fatigua-
2nd min. The simultaneously recorded intramuscular ble MU have been recruited (Freund et al. 1975; Henne-
MU spikes and surface electromyogram (EMG) data in- man and Mendell 1981). However, Kukulka and Cla-
dicated that mean MU spike amplitude, firing frequency mann (1981) and Moritani et al. (1986a) have demon-
and the parameters of surface EMG power spectra strated in human adductor pollicis muscle that for a
(mean power frequency and root mean square ampli- muscle group with mainly type I fibres, rate coding
tude) remained constant during the experiment with un- played a more prominent role in force modulation. For
hindered circulation, providing no electrophysiological a muscle group composed of both type I and II fibres,
signs of muscle fatigue. Significant increases in mean MU recruitment seems to have been the major mecha-
MU spike amplitude and frequency were, however, evi- nism for generating extra force above 40% to 50% of
dent during the contractions with arterial occlusion. maximal voluntary contraction (MVC; De Luca et al.
Similar patterns of significant changes in the surface 1982; Kukulka and Clamann 1981; Moritani et al.
EMG spectra parameters and venous lactate concentra- 1986a; Moritani and Muro 1987).
tion were also observed, while the integrated force-time During cycling exercise, an increase in plasma lactate
curves remained constant. These data would suggest concentration has been shown to be already apparent at
that the metabolic state of the active muscles may have approximately 50%-70% of the rate of maximal oxygen
played an important role in the regulation of MU re- uptake (1202max) and well before the aerobic capacity is
cruitment and rate coding patterns during exercise. fully utilized (Jorfeldt et al. 1978; Wasserman et al.
1985; Sahlin et al. 1987). During an incremental exercise
Key words: Motor unit - Recruitment - Rate coding - test on a cycle ergometer, however, Sjogaard (1978) has
Metabolism - Electromyogram frequency power spec- shown that the peak force for a pedal thrust was less
tra than 20% MVC at exercise intensities eliciting l)'Ozm~x
at 60 rpm. Despite these relatively low force outputs and
moderate speeds of contraction during cycling, glycogen
content of types IIa and IIb fibres has been found to be
Introduction progressively decreased (first in type IIa and finally type
IIb fibres) during prolonged submaximal exercise (Vol-
Since the size principle of Henneman et al. (1965) was lestad et al. 1984). Furthermore, Gollnick et al. (1974)
first proposed for results from cat motoneurons, strong have also shown that in isometric contractions, slow
evidence has been presented that in muscle contraction twitch units are the only ones to be depleted of glycogen
there is a specific sequence of recruitment in order of at force developments up to 15%-20% MVC. Above
increasing motoneuron and motor unit (MU) size (Miln- this level, fast twitch units are also depleted of glycogen.
er-Brown et al. 1973; Freund et al. 1975; Kukulka and This would suggest that with this type of muscle con-
traction the availability of oxygen and the developed
Offprint requests to: T. Moritani force has influenced recruitment of fast-twitch units

since b l o o d flow has b e e n s h o w n to be u s u a l l y restricted time storage oscilloscope (Tektronix, Texas, USA). The force sig-
d u r i n g sustained c o n t r a c t i o n s o f a b o u t 20% M V C nal was digitized at a sampling rate of 100 Hz via an A-D convert-
er. The surface EMG and intramuscular spike signals were digi-
( H u m p h r e y s a n d L i n d 1963). T h u s , these available data,
tized at sampling rates of 1 and 20 kHz, respectively, with 16-bit
w o u l d suggest that n o t only the force a n d speed of con- fast A-D converters paced by precision pulse train cards and
traction, b u t also the availability of oxygen m a y affect stored on a floppy disk by the use of an HP 9836 desk-top com-
the r e c r u i t m e n t of high threshold M U . puter (Hewlett Packard, Colorado, USA). The digitized force data
The p u r p o s e of the present study was, therefore, to were then processed off line for every 15 s for calculation of the
d e t e r m i n e the inter-relationships a m o n g oxygen availa- force-time integral by the computer.
bility, m o t o r u n i t activity a n d b l o o d lactate c o n c e n t r a -
Surface EMG and intramuscular spike analyses. Our EMG instru-
tions d u r i n g i n t e r m i t t e n t isometric c o n t r a c t i o n s o f the mentation and analysis procedures have been described elsewhere
h a n d g r i p muscle. in more detail (Moritani et al. 1985, 1986b). Briefly myo-electric
signals were recorded from bipolar surface electrodes (6-ram pick-
up diameter with 2-cm interelectrode distance) placed over the bel-
Methods ly of the flexor carpi radialis-palmaris longus muscle. Intramuscu-
lar MU spikes were also recorded from high impedance bipolar
fine wire electrodes inserted approximately 1.5 cm under the skin.
Subjects and experimental protocols. Six male subjects volun- After correcting for DC offset, the simultaneously digitized sur-
teered for this study. They were fully informed about the nature face EMG signals and intramuscular spikes were displayed on a
of the experiments including possible risks and gave their written
computer screen for pattern recognition by the experimenter and
informed consent. The subject was in a prone position on a table.
then subjected to further data processing.
The maximal voluntary grip strength was then measured three
To quantify the surface EMG signal amplitude and frequency
times with a modified grip strength dynamometer previously de-
components, analyses of the frequency power spectra were per-
scribed (Moritani et al. 1984) and the highest value was recorded
formed. For this purpose, a series of 2048 ms EMG data, time-
as maximal voluntary grip strength (MVC). In the control situa-
locked to the onset of force production associated with contrac-
tion (CON), the subject performed repeated intermittent isometric
tion, were processed with the Hanning window function and 512
contractions at 20% of MVC (2-s contraction followed by 2-s rest
point fast Fourier transform (FFT) to obtain power spectra. Thus,
period) for 4 rain. In the experimental situation (EXP), the subject
each EMG power spectrum corresponding to each contraction was
performed the identical repeated intermittent isometric contrac-
used to determine the mean power frequency (MPF) and the root
tions for 4 min but with the circulation occluded between the 1st
mean square (rms) value of the signal amplitude. Similarly, the
and 2nd min and given unhindered circulation during the last
time-locked intramuscular MU spikes were isolated by a window
2 rain (Fig. 1). The arterial occlusion was induced by a pressure
discriminant subroutine and the total number of spikes and mean
cuff around the upper arm which was inflated to 200 mmHg
intramuscular MU spike amplitude were thus determined. These
(26.7 kPa) within 4 s by a cuff inflator. Care was taken to elimi-
data were averged for every 15 s for each subject during the 4-min
nate movement of the upper body by tightly strapping down the
intermittent isometric contractions under CON and EXP, respec-
subject's chest and lower torso to the table. Venous blood samples
tively. The data were pooled for the purpose of allowing statistical
were obtained from a catheter inserted proximally into the bra-
chial vein. Samples were taken every 30 s during CON and at ev-
ery 15 s during EXP. Blood was analysed for lactate enzymatically
Statistical analysis. The results were analysed using the Student's
in duplicate and averaged. The two experimental conditions were
t-test for paired data. A significance level of P_0.05 was chos-
chosen at random interspersed by 30 min.
Force and electromyogram recordings. During the whole experi-
ment, the force signal was amplified through a DC amplifier
(Grass 7P122, Massachusetts, USA) and displayed on a digital os- Results
cilloscope (Kikusui 5020A, Tokyo, Japan) placed within view of
the subject for visual feedback. The level and duration of the tar- Lactate concentrations and force changes
get force were marked on the oscilloscope. The force and EMG
signals were visually and continuously monitored by the experi-
menter for any artefacts by means of a Tektronix 4-channel, dual G r o u p data o n lactate c o n c e n t r a t i o n s a n d force-time in-
tegral changes are presented in Fig. 2. D u r i n g C O N , ve-
n o u s p l a s m a lactate c o n c e n t r a t i o n s showed a slight ini-
EXERCISE PROTOCOLS tial increase which was followed by a n almost c o n s t a n t
value of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 . 9 m m o l . 1 - 1 . D u r i n g E X P ,
however, the lactate c o n c e n t r a t i o n s showed large a n d
statistically significant increases of a p p r o x i m a t e l y
3 m m o l - 1 - 1 , shortly after the release o f the arterial oc-
EXPERIMENTRL CONDITIONS CHOSEN RT RRNDOM clusion a n d r e m a i n e d significantly elevated d u r i n g the
rest o f E X P . I n contrast, n o significant changes in the
C0 N free circulation force-time integrals were observed t h r o u g h o u t the 4 - m i n
i n t e r m i t t e n t isometric c o n t r a c t i o n s either d u r i n g C O N
EXP or d u r i n g E X P (Fig. 2).

occlusion at 200mmHg Changes in M U activities

Fig. 1. Diagram of experimental conditions and exercise protocol.
MVC, Maximal voluntary contraction; CON, control; EXP, ex- A typical set of changes in the i n t r a m u s c u l a r M U spike
perimental conditions recordings is s h o w n in Fig. 3. O n l y 1-s samples o f M U


~IQ 200
n- IT 3
U 2
_J _.1 o_] 100

~ so
B B 2 3 4
I 2 3 4 1
0 1 0 3 4 0 I ~ 3 4

5@ 50
z ~ 300 ~ 200
20 ,9 26 10o L~100
10 IB b_ 50 50

l 2 3 4rain 00 l 2 3 4min 00 1 2 3 4rnin 00 1 2 3 4min


Fig. 2. Changes in force-time integrals and blood lactate concen- Fig. 4. Group data (mean and SEM, n = 6) showing the changes in
trations (mean and SEM, n = 6) during experiments with unhin- motor unit spike amplitudes and firing frequencies observed dur-
dered circulation (control) and arterial occlusion given between 1st ing unhindered circulation (control) and arterial occlusion (experi-
and 2nd rain (experimental) mental) trials

lease), the large MU spikes had disappeared and only
800 15s the low-amplitude MU spikes similar to those observed
488 at the beginning of the experiment without occlusion
0 seemed to be involved. During CON, on the other hand,
BBO [ 30s no such spontaneous changes in MU amplitude and
4BE] spike frequency were observed, but the analysis showed
almost constant MU activities with low-amplitude spikes
880 I 45s throughout the entire 4 min of intermittent isometric
480 exercise (Fig. 4). These finding were consistent and in-
6 ,gh,h,,*~*,L,.,d, = • variant features in all the subjects tested.
B00 60s Group data on mean MU spike amplitude and firing
400 frequency (number of MU spikes per second) are shown
B in Fig. 4. Nearly constant MU amplitude and firing fre-
I I si s s

i5 i
t 0 .5 1 .5 10 . 1 quency were maintained throughout the entire period of
TIME TIME TIME TIME exercise during CON. There were, as expected, no sig-
nificant differences in the MU spike amplitude and fre-
Fig. 3. A typical set of changes in the intramuscular spikes ob- quency between CON and EXP prior to the arterial oc-
served during experimental conditions (unhindered circulation clusion. However, significant increases in both MU
plus occlusion between 1st and 2nd min). In this figure only 1-s spike amplitude and firing frequency were observed not
samples of motor unit spikes obtained at every 15-s interval (raw only during the period of contractions with the occlu-
data) are given for clarity. Thus, in this figure each column repre-
sents 1 min of repeated intermittent isometric contraction sion, but also during the period of recovery up to 1 min
from the release of the occlusion (Fig. 4). During the 3rd
and 4th min into recovery, the mean MU spike ampli-
tude and frequency were still greater after occlusion
spikes obtained at every 15-s interval are presented for than during CON but these differences were not statisti-
clarity. During EXP, a consistent pattern of MU activity cally significant.
with similar low-amplitude spikes could be observed pri-
or to the arterial occlusion (Fig. 3, left panel and first
column top to bottom). There were, however, large and Surface EMG changes
progressive increases in both MU spike amplitude and
firing frequency during the period of arterial occlusion Figure 5 gives group data on the results of the analyses
(Fig. 3, second column top to bottom), suggesting new of the surface EMG power spectra during CON and
MU recruitment and increased MU discharge rate of re- EXP. The rms value of E M G amplitude and MPF
latively high-threshold units. It is noteworthy that the showed no systematic changes and stayed almost con-
large MU spike amplitudes observed during the occlu- stant at the end of the 2nd min until the end of the ex-
sion were still seen even 30 s after the complete release periment during CON. During EXP the relatively con-
of occlusion (e.g. Fig, 3, third column top three rows). stant rms values observed at the beginning of the experi-
By the end of the 3rd min (1 min after occlusion re- ment, however, showed progressive and significant in-

SURFACE EMG nied by a significant increase in the rms value of the

CONTROL EXPERIMENTRL EMG amplitude and a progressive MU recruitment as
150 [ 158[
evidenced by an increased number of MU with relatively
1281- ,
large intramuscular spike amplitudes (Moritani et al.
5- 1986b). These results and the present findings of signifi-
w 68 r¢ 6 8 ~
cant increases in MU firing rate and MU spike ampli-
3 38 tude associated with arterial occlusion thus suggest that
0 t 2 3 4 88 I 2 3 4 not only the force and speed of contraction but also the
availability of oxygen may have affected the recruitment
of high threshold MU. In good agreement with this hy-
pothesis, the 31p nuclear magnetic resonance experi-
ments (Bylund-Fellenius et al. 1981) have demonstrated
~-~ 98 Ix.
that the rate of recovery in phosphocreatine:inorganic
phosphate during the contraction was dependent on
30 oxygen delivery. These results and recent evidence (Id-
88 [ 2 3 4 rain B l ~ 3 4 min str6m et al. 1985; Katz and Sahlin 1987) would suggest a
TIME TIME causal relationship between oxygen supply and energy
Fig. 5. Group data (mean and SEM, n = 6) showingthe changes in state in the contracting as well as in recovering skeletal
surface electromyogram (EMG) amplitude (root mean square, muscles. In consideration of this evidence, it might be
rms) and mean power frequency(MPF) during unhindered circu- suggested that oxygen availability may have played an
lation (control) and arterial occlusion(experimental)trials important role in regulating MU recruitment and firing
frequency as there has been shown to exist a close link
between the state of energy supply and the types of mus-
creases during the last 30 s of occlusion and reached cle fibres being recruited (IdstrOm et al. 1985; Bigland-
quite high values (approximately twofold increase) for Ritchie et al. 1986; Moritani et al. 1985, 1986b).
the next 60 s. These rms changes were followed by a pro- At present, the specific messenger to which the motor
gressive decline but the differences in the rms values be- control system respond with varying patterns of MU re-
tween CON and EXP were still significant even at the cruitment and firing frequency has not yet been clearly
end of the 4-min period (Fig. 5, top right). The MPF established. There is some evidence that the order of
data also indicated similar results in that the relatively MU recruitment might be modified by changes in the
stable MPF values observed during CON and prior to proprioceptive afferent activity (Grimby and Hannerz
the occlusion during EXP decreased significantly during 1976; Garnett and Stephens 1981; Kitsch and Rymer
the last 30s of occlusion and remained depressed 1987). The observed large and progressive increases in
throughout the rest of the experiment. both MU spike amplitude and firing frequency during
the period of arterial occlusion would suggest new MU
recruitment and an increased MU discharge rate of rela-
Discussion tively high-threshold units. This might thus have been
the result of such changes in the proprioceptive afferent
In the present study, the constancy of both intramuscu- inputs of the affected muscle fibres to the motoneurons
lar MU spikes and surface EMG activity during isomet- as a consequence of severely reduced oxygen availability
ric contraction indicated no electrophysiological signs of and/or a strong pressure applied during the arterial oc-
muscle fatigue when the circulation was unhindered. clusion. However, the large MU spike amplitudes seen
However, significant changes in these parameters were during the occlusion were still seen, even after the com-
evident during contractions with arterial occlusion. plete release of occlusion, for more than 30 s. Results
Since the availability of oxygen and blood borne sub- from a recent study (Rotto and Kaufman 1988) have
strates, e.g. glucose and free fatty acids, were severely also shown that very large concentrations of sodium lac-
reduced during occlusion, a progressive recruitment of tate (much larger than the lactate changes we observed)
additional MU might have taken place to compensate were required to stimulate group III and IV muscle af-
for the deficit in force development (Bigland-Ritchie et ferent nerves. Therefore, any effects of increased pres-
al. 1986; Moritani et al. 1986b). This may have occurred sure or metabolic by-products on the group III or IV af-
if MU had become depleted of glycogen (Gollnick et al. ferent nerve fibres that might modify MU recruitment
1974; Vollestad et al. 1984) or affected by some degree patterns could not have been major mechanisms for the
of intramuscular acidification (Wilkie 1986; Metzger increased MU recruitment and firing frequency of rela-
and Moss 1987). This in turn would have interfered with tively high-threshold units.
the excitation-contraction coupling with a subsequent Other and possibly more likely explanations might be
decrease in the force developed. that the stretch receptors in muscle spindles and Golgi
During a wide range of submaximal contractions not tendon organs have signalled the need for adding more
all of the available MU pool is recruited. We have de- MU (Enoka and Stuart 1985; Nelson and Hutton 1985;
monstrated that there was a progressive decrease in Hutton and Nelson 1986; Kirsch and Rymer 1987) as a
MPF of the surface EMG signal during sustained con- result of a decrease in the contractility of some MU af-
tractions at 50o7o of MVC but this decline was accompa- fected by the reduced oxygen supply and/or depletion of

i n t r a m u s c u l a r glycogen stores ( G o l l n b i c k et al. 1974; Hutton RS, Nelson DL (1986) Stretch sensitivity of golgi tendon
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