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By, Joseph Verla

APRIL 11, 2018

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Hi my name is August and I am a wealth patrician in Palintine Hill. I live here in my

beautiful villa with my wife and four children. Right now my wife educates my children but soon

we will have a private tutor come. My wife runs our house directing our slaves, today we have

had fresh rain and the pool in the atrium is full, the water will be used all over the house.

For breakfast and lunch I ate bread dipped in oil. My slaves will bring diner for my

family this evening. The food will consist of more bread, grapes, cheese and wine. Meat is so

expensive we only eat it on special occasions

I own a shop that is well visited in the front of my villa. My villa is well decorated with

marble paneling and columns. We have our own shop in the villa where we sell wine and oils

that we produced in our farm. We have just closed up the shop for the afternoon and I will be

leaving shortly to go to a bath. The baths are full of all types of people both wealthy and poor. I

have even seen many Etruscans around town. The Etruscans are scoundrel sea pirates! and as

Romans descended from Romulus and Remus we must get rid of them. We are the superior


In my family and in my community we are very pious. I think that family and devotion to

the gods is the most important thing in life. My wife does not wander around on her own or talk

to other men, she is so virtuous. I have heard about the rape of Lucretia and I hope to someday

rid our great city of these mad tyrants.

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