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\AD ely Sil jai National Grid OFFICE OF THE PROTECTION ENGINEERING DIV.- CENTRAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Pa Fifth Floor, Granada Building-A-2, Riyadh E-mail: ‘@ 0118077529 - & 0118077352 Ref. #: 30502101/01R/8917/ AEN /7 G16 Date 17 10112016G ( © 7 104/1437H) TO: Manager, Protection, Testing, SCADA& Telecommunication Division-Hail Subject: PROTECTION RELAY SETTINGS ISSUE NO. 14839 Greetings, Please find attached relay setting sheet for the following: S/S 8917: 33KV Feeders Al Dohaibia 1&2 1- distance ,Protection relay type SEL421 These settings should be applied on site and your records updated accordingly Regards, Sey [i/o Eng. Abdul ‘AL- Zoman MANAGERY PROTECTION ENGINEERING DIV. CENTRAL os Att: 5+1Pages CLIENT : Natial Graid SA-COA-PED REV: 0.0 HAIL PROT. MODIFICATION 132kv - PROTECTION SETTING -S/S8917 CONTRACT NO. 10931179/00 33 KV LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION ICIRCUIT 7916 A&B [SUBSTATIONS ‘SIS 8917 FUNCTION LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION JRELAY TYPE/MAKE SEL4214411X4H21XXXXX / SCHWEITZER SYSTEM DATA foltage level 33 kv Frequency [60 Az Max. SIC current 26 |KA/1 sec ICT Ratio BOU-ADOTTA , SP20 30 IVT Ratio (33/V3)(0.100N3) 0.100/V3_ KV CTRITR a [2.4242 [OHL Line Data: Line Length = 19.743 km Line positive seq, Impedance o.4924509/_ 66.77" lon Line Zero seq. Impedance 1.42/__74.8° [ayKM OHL Positive seq. Resistance - a/Km lo.194 Positive seq. Reactance - a/Km_ 10.452 Positive seq.impedance -0 Km 0.4820 |Zero seq. Resistance -a/Km __|= 10.3723 Zero seq. Reactance - a/Km 437 Zero seqimpedance -a/Km |= 1.4200 |Positive Seq.impedance of line:| (Protected section) : Pos. Seqimpedance /Km = 0.194 4 0.452 la Distance FE 19743 km [Total impedance of Line = 3.830142| + 8.923836 lo | |Total Z1 Primary = 9.7140 66.77|Deg | | |\Zero Seq.impedance of Li | (Protected section) | Zero Seq.impedance Km = 0.3723 41 1.37 a | Isuued by :AEA/ALAA = A page 1 of SDate-14/01/2016G(04/04/1437h) Issued #14839 CLIENT : Natial Graid SA-COA-PED Rev :0.0 HAIL PROT. MODIFICATION 132kv PROTECTION SETTING -S/S8917 CONTRACT NO. 10931179/00 [Distance F 19.743, Km FTotal impedance of Line = _|7.a50a19| 4 _| 27.04791 a Total Z0 Primary a [28.0286/_74.8° a 1.0 [Distance Protection setting: _|(With Quadrilateral charecteristics for both P/F & E/F) Phase Fault Quadrilateral Zone Reach Seti [Zone 1 Setting : [Coverage [0.85 Line Impedance (Py) a [Zonet X setting(XP1) lo [Zone 7 RP# reach set to 136.36. la [Charecteristios JQUADRILATERAL IZ Time delay lo [Cycles Direction 3 Forward ji__|Zone 2 Setting : [Coverage =|Full Linexi.2 Line Impedance (Py) 82 a [Zone 2 (X) setting (XP2) 25.96 lo [Zone 2 RP2 reach set to = [48.8485 ICharecteristics QUADRILATERAL [Z2 Time delay F 24 (Cycles Direction Forward Zone 3 Setting = [Coverage =[Full Line +0.7 Transformer impedance Line impedance (Py) 8.92 }Q [Transformer impedance 49 Ia [Zones X setting - sec FE 29.95 a [Zone 3 RPS reach set to [60.64 [Charecteristics, 5 |QUADRILATERAL [The Zone 3 Timer setting a8 [Cycles Direction Forward lv [Zone 4 Setting = [Coverage Full Line + 100% Transformer impedance)1.2 Line impedance (Py) = 02 la [Transformer impedan [a9 io [Zone4 X setting - sec [40.24 a Zone 4 RP4 reach set to 60.61 lo [Charecteristics |QUADRILATERAL [Z4 Time delay 30 [Cycles Direction =| Forward Isuued by saints page 2 of SDate-14/01/20166(04/04/1437h) Issued #14839 CLIENT : Natial Graid SA-COA-PED REV:0.0 HAIL PROT. MODIFICATION 132KV - PROTECTION SETTING -S/S8917 CONTRACT NO. 10931179/00 1.2 [Earth Fault Quadrilateral Zone Reach Settings = [Zone Setting = ICoverage 2 Line Imp. (Py)__ = 8.92 a Zonet _settingXGt 18.39 io Zonet RG1 reach setto 148.48. 0 | ICharecteristics [QUADRILATERAL | Direction = Forward ii__|Zone 2 Setting : [Coverage =|Full Line x1.2 Line Impedance (Py) 8.92 a [Transformer impedance 49) a | EC Zone 2 (X) setting (XG2) 25.96 a | [Zone 2 RG2 reach set to 48.48 |Z2 Time delay [24.00 [Cycles { Direction E [Forward [Zone 3 Setting : [Coverage = Full Line + 0.7Transformer impedance Line Impedance (Py) le.92 la Transformer Impedance lao io Zone 3 (X) setting (XG3) = 29.95 a Zone 3 RG3 reach set to 25 | [Charecteristics = QUADRILATERAL [The Zone 3 Timer setting [48 [Cycles Direction = Forward iv [Zone 4 Setting = [Coverage 2(Full Line + 100% Transformer Impedance) Line Impedance (Py) =[.02 a [Zoned X setting(XG4) a Zone 4 RG4 reach set to a [Charecteristics [24 Time delay Cycles Direction iv [Earth fault Compensation factor: [Zero seq, current compensation factor (KO1) Koim z] 08 [Zero seq, current compensation factor Angle (KOTA) =[74.76 -66.77 7 Isuued by seanuncsf page 3 of SDate-14/01/2016G(04/04/1437h) Issued #14839, CLIENT : Natial Graid SA-COA-PED REV :0.0 HAIL PROT. MODIFICATION 132KV PROTECTION SETTING -$/S8917 CONTRACT NO. 10931179/00 : | 73 [Load Encroachment Ruoao Primary jminV3 Imax | (0.9 x 33000/(13 x 640) | =|(By considering Imax as 50% of CT rating) | a ! Roan Secondary io | a { [Min PF_Coso eax | Snax Setting 6.86" + 5° 74 |Switch Onto fault setting : i. [zone § Setting : _|(For SOTF Trip) [Coverage =[100 % | Line Impedance Py) 2 a Zones X setting(XP5) =| 2163] o | Zones R reach set to =_ [48.48 a [Charecteristics |QUADRILATERAL | [25 Time delay IGycies Direction Forward [E323 Direction Control [Auto EBFL1 Breaker 1 failure Logic rf E79 Reclosing Y ELOP Loss- of - Potential Y ‘Order Ground Dir Element Priority (combine QV.)_[V [EPO Pole Open Detection 52 ISPOD Single Pole Open Dropout Delay [0.5 [SPOD Single Pole Open DropoutDelay___[0.5 [SOFP1 PhaPickup-BKi ot [BFPU1 Breaker Failure Time Delay-BK1__|t0 RTPUT Retrip Time Delay -BKT la BFIDO? Breaker Failure Iniiate Dropout Delay-BKT 75 BFISP1 Breaker Failure Initiate Seal-in Delay-BK1 2| N3PSHOT Number of Three Pole Reclosures 1 [ESPR1 Three-Pole Reciose Enable-BK1 _|PLTO6 BKCFD Breaker Close Failure Delay 300 [ULCL Uniatch Closing for Breaker 7 52AAT AND S2ABIAND 52AC1 SPMRCD Manual Close Reclaim Time Delay 900) BKICLSD BKi Reciose Supervision Delay 7200] [SPOIDT There-Pole Open Interval 1 Delay 180 Isuued by :AEA/ALAA aL page 4 of SDate-14/01/2016G(04/04/1437h) Issued #14839 CLIENT : Natial Graid SA-COA-PED REV:0.0 HAIL PROT. MODIFICATION 132KV PROTECTION SETTING -S/S8917 CONTRACT NO. 10931179/00 [SPRCD There-Pole Reclaim Time Delay Em) [SPRI Three-Pole Reclose Initiation] 3PT AND NOT(M2PT OR Z2GTOR M3PT ORZ3GT ORSOTFT) [SPICLS Three Pole BK 1 Reclose Supenvisio] 1 Isuued by :AEA/ALAA ay page 5 of SDate-14/01/2016G(04/04/1437h) Issued #14839, yn O. aepetie sass ioe Coes Protection Engineering Department Ve Austad HS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REQUESTER UserName: ob Tite Badge No. Manager protection testing SCADABTELECOMM. DMSION HAIL BL Sector ‘Dept Die Sec/ Unit Relay Replacement | (Deactivate Relay study Setting Cl Temporary Change tt / 1 20 AL PROTECTION MODIFICATIONS. Revised Setting | Bother Gres Protection relay Info. Full Name est Protective Equipment | 33KV Feeders 7916 A&B | SET No. Mae Voltage level 13KV Circuit Breaker S710 Manufacture | SEL ane subd a rte | SURAT Tn New Protection relay Info. (Only for Relay Replacement) [New Ordering Code ‘Other Changes New Manufacture Note REQUESTER DIV. MANAGER Name! ‘ob Tite: ‘Signatur: Date protectiontesting SCADAATELECO.D.Hall__ | DIV. Manager 120 TO BE COMPLETED BY PROTECTION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Protection Englneer Name: ‘Badge Ho. histor: ‘Alaa Asayad SOF-AASAYAD EDC Perna Br Revised setting Issued 4/1/ 2016 C1 Request On Hold iRequest Canceled PROTECTION ENGINBERING DIV, MANAGER] Name! histor Date Engr. Abdulah A. Alzoran EDC E717 200 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REQUESTER & RETURN BACK TO PED Follow up Implementation process Nate ile has been uploaded to IPS. 1 Or Native fe has been provided to PED (i S/S notin IPS). Se to ete

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