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February 2018

Thoughts From Teacher: tine’s Day approaches. Each stu-

dent, if interested, will bring
This week each student
in any type of candy they
will bring home a permis-
please to class and will pass
sion slip for our upcoming
out their treats to each student
field trip to the local post
in our class. I will let the stu-
office. I will also provide a
dents know how many stu-
list of things they will
dents we have in class. I will
need to bring along with
also send out an email that will let par-
them that day. Students are also par-
ents notify me of any allergies before
ticipating in a candy gram as Valen-
Feb. 10th. Have a great week!

Upcoming Events: What’s Planned: other. Students will

learn how to send out a
Feb. 10th - Candy Gram Students will be able to letter by learning how to
enjoy the thought of giv-
ing during our upcoming write a specific address
candy gram. Students on an envelope. Each
Feb. 14th - Valentine’s
will all have the chance to student will also be pro-
hand out candy they vided with a stamp! The
brought to class! For our post office staff will
Feb. 20th - Field Trip upcoming field trip. Stu- teach the students how a
permission slips due dents will all participate post office works and
in a learning experience how mail is sent out.
by writing a letter to each This is a great lesson for
your child! Enjoy!

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