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I. Objectives
1.1 to determine the effect of concentration in solution toward electrical conductivity
2. 1 to determine the equilibrium constant of weak acid by measuring its conductivity

II. Introduction
At fixed temperature, conductivity of a solution depends on the concentration of
ions and ion-ion mobility in solution. The nature of electrical conductivity of an
electrolyte usually follows ohms law written by the formula:
V=IxR ........................................................... (1)
where : V is voltage (volt)
I is electric current (ampere)
R is resistance (ohm)
Conductivity of a solution (L) is defined as the inverse of conductivity
L= .......................................................... (2)

Conductivity type (X) is the conductivity of a solution that lies within a cube with side
1.0 cm between two parallel surfaces. If for two parallel surfaces of area A m2 and is lm
from each other, then apply the relationship
X .A
L= .......................................................... (3)
Conductivity measurements are also necessary in a cell constant (k) which is a number,
when multiplied by the conductivity of a solution in the cell in question will provide a
conductive type of the solution, so
X=kxL= .......................................................... (4)
From equations 3 and 4 can be a relationship that is k = a constant for a cell.
Molar conductivity (  ) is defined as the delivery of a solution containing 1 mol of
electrolyte and placed between two parallel electrodes are separated by 1 meter from each

other and have an area such that there is between the two surfaces of 1 mole of
 x 10 3
Where C is the concentration of the solution in a mol/m3. At infinite dilution
molar conductivity applies to the activity of the conducting ions in accordance with the
law Kohlrusch. A weak electrolyte solution is not completely ionized in water, but there
is equilibrium between the ions. The relationship between the degree of ionization (α)
with molar conductivity (  ) is expressed by the formula:
Where:  C is the molar conductivity at a concentration of C
 O is the molar conductivity at infinite concentration.

For weak electrolytes, the equilibrium constant prices expressed by the formula:
Ka =
From the above equation, only the degree of dissociation of an electrolyte
solution can be known, so the price is the equilibrium constant (Ka) can be calculated.
Obtained the equilibrium constant prices will be different for different concentrations.
Price thermodynamic equilibrium constant (K) is a function of Ka and activity
coefficients of the ions. To the solution at infinite dilution, the activity coefficient is 1, so
the actual price of the equilibrium constant can be expressed by the formula:

Log Ka =log K + 2   C
Ka is the equilibrium constant
K is the equilibrium constant of the actual (thermodynamic)
 is constant
α is the degree of dissociation
C is the concentration of the solution

The equation reveals that the rules of log Ka toward  C is a straight line, so the
results extrapolated to the value C = 0 will be obtained log price K. (Suardana, 2003)

Plot of molar conductivity toward C of the electrolyte in the form of a straight
line for a strong and steep curve for a weak electrolyte. Kohlrousch law defines free
migration of ions, the molar conductivity of each electrolyte at infinite dilution is the sum
of the molar conductivity of ions at infinite dilution, ie
 o = o   o  (Dogra, 1990)

III. Equipments and Materials

Equipments Amounts Materials Amounts
Conductometer 1 piece KCl 0,1000 N Enough
Conductivity cell 1 piece solution Enough
Thermometer 1 piece CH3COOH Enough
Beaker glass 100 mL 15 pieces solution Enough
Spray bottle 1 piece NaCl Enough
Drop pipette 2 pieces CH3COONa
Volumetric flask 250 2 pieces HCl
mL 3 pieces
Volumetric flask 100 1 piece

IV. Procedures
1. Washed cell with water and determined the conductivity in water. The cell washed
again and conductivity determined until show the results of which remain.
2. Cell was rinsed with 0.1 N KCl solutions and determined the conductivity in the KCl
3. Temperature of KCl solution is determined. Conductivity type 0.1 N KCl solution at
various temperatures are presented in the following table:
T(0C) x (ohm-1m-1) T(0C) x (ohm-1m-1)
21 1.191 26 1.313
22 1.215 27 1.337
23 1.239 28 1.362
24 1.264 29 1.387
25 1.288 30 1.412

4. Weak acid solution made by each concentration 0,1 N; 0,05 N; 0,025 N; 0,0125 N;
0,00625 N; 0,00312 N; and 0,00156 N.
5. Conductivity from each solution determined accurately

V. Observation Results

Table of Observation Result

Substances Conductivity (L) Temperature
water 234 μs 250C

KCl 0.1 N 10.59 ms 250C

Picture 1. KCl 0.1 N

KCl, mass = 0.74 gram

NaCl 0.1N, mass = 5.844 gram
CH3COONa 0.1N, mass = 8.02 gram
HCl 0.1 N, V= 8.26 mL
CH3COOH, V= 3 mL in 500 mL water
Substances Conductivity (L)
HCl solution 0.1 N= 30.4 ms
(concentration 0.1N, 0.05 N = 14.42 ms
0.05N, 0.025N, 0.025 N = 7.57 ms
0.0125N, 0.00625N, 0.0125 N = 3.57 ms
0.00312N, 0.00156N) 0.00625 N = 1734 μs
0.00312 N = 818 μs
0.00156 N = 544 μs

Substances Conductivity (L)

NaCl solution 0.1 N= 9.15 ms
(concentration 0.1N, 0.05 N = 5.07 ms
0.05N, 0.025N, 0.025 N = 2.61 ms
0.0125N, 0.00625N, 0.0125 N = 1247 μs
0.00312N, 0.00156N) 0.00625 N = 706 μs
0.00312 N = 332 μs
0.00156 N = 160.9 μs

Substances Conductivity (L)

CH3COONa solution 0.1 N= 5.44 ms
(concentration 0.1N, 0.05 N = 2.99 ms
0.05N, 0.025N, 0.025 N = 1598 μs

0.0125N, 0.00625N, 0.0125 N = 860 μs
0.00312N, 0.00156N) 0.00625 N = 511 μs
0.00312 N = 267 μs
0.00156 N = 137.9 μs

Substances Conductivity (L)

CH3COOH solution 0.1 N= 368 μs
(concentration 0.1N, 0.05 N = 278 μs
0.05N, 0.025N, 0.025 N = 197.6 μs
0.0125N, 0.00625N, 0.0125 N = 146 μs
0.00312N, 0.00156N) 0.00625 N = 90.6 μs
0.00312 N = 60.7μs
0.00156 N = 40.7 μs

VI. Discussion
1. Determination of Conductometry Constant
L standard = L water = 234 μs = 234 x 10-6 mhom
= L KCl = 10.59 ms = 0.01059 mhom
L KCl =
k =
1.412mho m 1
(10.59x10 3  234 x10 6 ) mho

1.412mho m 1
=  136.346 m-1
0.010356 mho
2. Determination of Molar Conductivity of HCl
[HCl] Conductivity LHCl-Lwater K=kxL Λ=K/C
0.1 0.0304 mhom 0.030166mhom 4.113 41.13 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.05 0.01442mhom 0.014186mhom 1.934 38.68 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.025 0.00757mhom 0.007336mhom 1.000 40 mho m2
mhom m-1 mol-1
0.0125 0.00357mhom 0.003336mhom 0.455 36.4 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00625 0.001734mhom 0.0015mhom 0.204 32.64 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00312 0.000818mhom 0.000584mhom 0.0796 25.51 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00156 0.000544mhom 0.00031mhom 0.0423 27.11 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1

HCl Conductivity Figure 1. The
conductivity graph of
40 HCl. Absis is

30 y = 127.52x + 30.881 concentration and

R² = 0.5352
coordinate is

0 0.05 0.1 0.15

The intersection of this curve is in 31 mho mol-1 m2so the Λo price of NaCl is 31 mho
mol-1 m2.
3. Determination of Molar Conductivity of NaCl
[HCl] Conductivity LNaCl-Lwater K=kxL Λ=K/C
0.1 0.00915mhom 0.008916mhom 1.216 12.16 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.05 0.00507mhom 0.004836mhom 0.66 13.2 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.025 0.00261mhom 0.002376mhom 0.324 12.96 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.0125 0.001247mhom 0.001013mhom 0.138 11.04 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00625 0.000706mhom 0.000472mhom 0.064 10.24 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00312 0.000332mhom 0.000098 mhom 0.0134 4.29 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.00156 0.0001609mho -0.0000731mhom -0.00996 -6.38 mho
m mhom m-1 m2 mol-1

NaCl Conductivity
Figure 2. The

10 conductivity
8 graph of NaCl.
6 y = 78.402x + 6.9047
R² = 0.3115 Absis is
2 concentration
and coordinate
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Concentration is conductivity.
The intersection of this curve is in 7 mho mol-1 m2 so the Λo price of NaCl is 7 mho
mol-1 m2. The molar conductivity value of 0.00156 N is minus, so it mean no conductivity
take place.
4. Determination of Molar Conductivity of CH3COONa
[CH3CO Conductivity LCH3COONa-Lwater K=kxL Λ=K/C
0.1 0.00544mhom 0.005206mhom
0.7098 7.098 mho
mhom m-1 m2 mol-1
0.05 0.00299mhom 0.002756mhom 0.375 7.5 mho m2
mhom m mol-1
0.025 0.001598mhom 0.001364mhom 0.186 7.44 mho
mhom m m2 mol-1
0.0125 0.000860mhom 0.000626mhom 0.085 6.8 mho m2
mhom m mol-1
0.00625 0.000511mhom 0.000277mhom 0.038 6.08 mho
mhom m m2 mol-1
0.00312 0.000267mhom 0.000033mhom 0.0045 1.44 mho
mhom m m2 mol-1
0.00156 0.0001379mho -0.0000961mhom -0.013 -8.33 mho
m mhom m -1 m2 mol-1
The molar conductivity value of 0.00156 N is minus, so it mean no conductivity take

CH3COONa Conductivity
9 Figure 3. The
7 conductivity graph

6 of CH3COONa.
4 Absis is
y = 47.7x + 3.8419
R² = 0.3002 concentration and
1 coordinate is
5. bghggjhjh 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 conductivity.

The intersection of this curve is in 3.8 mho mol-1 m2 so the Λo price of NaCl is 3.8
mho mol-1 m2.
5. Determination of molar conductivity unlimited dilution of CH3COOH
Λo CH3COONa= 3.8 mho mol-1 m2
Λo NaCl = 7 mho mol-1 m2
Λo HCl = 31 mho mol-1 m2

Reaksi : CH 3 COONa  HCl  CH 3 COOH  NaCl
Λo CH3COOH = Λo CH3COONa + Λo HCl - Λo NaCl
Λo CH3COOH = 3.8 + 31 – 7 mho mol-1 m2
Λo CH3COOH = 27.8 mho mol-1 m2
6. Determination of molar conductivity CH3COOH
The determination of Λo CH3COOH could be calculated by using ΛCH3COOH
= ΛCH3COONa + ΛHCl – ΛnaCl. The result as presented on the table below:
0.1 7.098 mho m2 41.13 mho 12.16 36,06 mho m2
mol-1 m2 mol-1 mho m2 mol-1
0.05 7.5 mho m2 mol- 38.68 mho 13.2 mho 32,98 mho m2
m2 mol-1 m2 mol-1 mol-1
0.025 7.44 mho m2 40 mho m2 12.96 34.48 mho m2
mol-1 mol-1 mho m2 mol-1
0.0125 6.8 mho m2 mol- 36.4 mho m2 11.04 32.16 mho m2
mol-1 mho m2 mol-1
0.00625 6.08 mho m 32.64 mho 10.24 28,48 mho m2
mol-1 m2 mol-1 mho m2 mol-1
0.00312 1.44 mho m2 25.51 mho 4.29 mho 22.66 mho m2
-1 2 -1
mol m mol m2 mol-1 mol-1
0.00156 0 27.11 mho 0 27.11 mho m2
2 -1
m mol mol-1

7. Determination price of degree constant, Ka, log Ka and √αC

ΛC α 2c
The determination of degree constant by formula α  , Ka  , log Ka, and √αC.
Λ0 1 α

ΛC α 2c Log Ka √αC.
α Ka 
Λ0 1 α
1.297 -0.5656 ̰ 0.360
1.186 -3.7795 ̰ 0.2435
1.240 -0.160 ̰ 0.1760
1.157 -0.1063 ̰ 0.1203
1.024 -0.273 ̰ 0.08
0.815 0.0112 -1.9508 0.0504
0 0 ̰ -


0 y = -1393.4x + 2786.9
0 2 4 6 8 R² = 0.1667

-10000 Log Ka
log Ka

Linear (Log Ka)




VII. Conclusion
1. In general, the conductivity of a solution decreases with the decreasing
concentration of the solution while molar conductivity generally increases with
increasing concentration solution. This indicates that the concentration is
proportional to the conductivity and inversely proportional to the molar
2. The equilibrium constant of CH3COOH at each concentration was 0.0112 at the
concentration is 0.00312N. The K price was 0.0796 mhom m-1.

Dogra, S. 1990. Kimia Fisik dan Soal- Soal. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.
Giancoli, Douglas C. 2001. Fisika Jilid I. Jakarta: Erlangga
Suardana, I Nyoman dan I Nyoman Retug. 2003. Buku Ajar Kimia Fisika III. Singaraja: IKIP
Negeri Singaraja.

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