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soft) by varying the size of your gesture.

You can divide the group so that trusting ensemble and develop spontaneity the pre-requisite for creativity. All the tension is in the body andis seen in the face, especially in the eyes. Rhythm circles
they are doing different patterns and pitches. lt doesn't matter what the Steve Reyno/ds 6. Uber suspense. There is a bomb in the rooml There is a lion sitting on Starling in a full-group circle I starl off a four-count beat which everyone
music sounds like, the fun is that they are all responding to your conducting. lnstant collaboration your sofal There is a snake in the shower! has to make with their feet. lt is important that no-one speeds up and that
Pick a student to conduct when you think they are ready. The ones who There are few things more affecting at an ISTA festival than the image 7. Catatonic. Your body can't move. You are petrifled. The body is solid we are all moving at the same time. From that point on, no-one's feet are
volunteer are ALWAYS ready. Nei/ Ginsberg of a very large group of young people all per{orming one simple action tension. Becky Potterson allowed to stop. I then ask them to move into smaller group circles and flnd
lump together. lt's just so powerful to see so many people united in one moment, Group charades a clapping rhythm that they can do collectively, lf they all sound the same I

Objective: group focus and physical warm up for large groups that With this in mind I often work with full groups to find this synergy. I like to I lovegroup charades. lt works really well in a large space with a run around the groups and ask them to change them, by listening for what
is easyto manage, Plan: participants stand in rows, one behind another ask them to practice tuning into each other - things like walking together, large group, Basically, it's a single game of charades done by four groups they can hear already and trying to fill up the gaps rather than imitating.
with equal numbers per row Standing in neutral position, the rows jump stopping together, even jumping at the same time. Sometimes I will also add simultaneously. The first group to finish wins, lf you have 100 students, divide Depending on how that goes, I will sometimes ask them to also add a vocal
up and down (like a bounce) 8 times in perfect synchronicity, counting in small opportunities for instant collaboration - asking them without talking them into four groups of 25 and place them each in the corners of a large noise to that (it's already quite noisy by this timel), Then after we've listened
aloud together: " | ,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8". When the parlicipants have flnished to create a cerlain number of shapes only usingtheir bodies: 6 circles, 3 space. Have four teachers stand in the middle of the room, facing a grouP, to that for a few moments, I ask them to drop the vocal noise, then drop
jumping B times they immediately jump to the right and jump eight times triangles, I zigzag. I flnd it's a good way to create a language without words with lots of distance in between, Teachers will have a lisi of 25 words (that the clapping, then move back into the original full circle and then I will count
(they will now be in a new row), then again to the right and then one more and build a rapport that will lead them through the festival, Jess lhorpe can be related to the theme of the festival) and each student must sprint to down so that we alltome to a dead stop at exactly the same time. Very
time (counting aloud each time), until they are facing their starting position Dancing puppets the teacher to get the word, spring back to the group and act it out with no very loud. Zaro Nunn
(having bounced 8 times in each direction), Participants now repeat the I love this activity and though it is essentially a pair exercise, it can be words, Once the word is guessed correctly, another student sprints up to the
sequence, counting from I to 7 (ump a total of 7 times x 4 directions). done with a large group, a decent sized space and some speakers. Divide teacher, tells them the word the group guessed. lfthe charade is successful,
Participants continue the sequence, with one less jump per sequence until the group into pairs and explain that this is a completely non-verbal activity lhe student receives the next word, lf it is not correct, they must go back and
they are only jumping once in each direction. Tips/outcome: Parlicipants and that neither parlner should be discussing what they are doing, Ask repeat the previous charade. The first group to finish wins,Jesse Foctor There's a smell of theatre
parlners to decide who is A and B. As will be the puppets llrst and when Raising ghosts
must really concentrate on staying synchronised with each other. lt's a great
physical warm up for big groups and watch out as they speed up towards you say, they should all close their eyes and not open them until instructed. Dim lights (if possible). All the students are flat on the floor with their learning in the 'AiR"...
the end, I've done this activity with 100+ studentsl Steve Reyno/ds Bs are the puppet masters, Once the music starts, they will operate their eyes closed. You are standing, You quietly touch a student on the floor on
Falling leaves puppet through touching a parl of their body e.g. head, elbow, knee, the shoulder "raising" them up to walk with you around the room, Between As part of ISTAs mission to ensure that as many international
This is an "old" Grotowski exercise, developed furlher and modifled. shoulder. When As feel that part of their body being touched, their job is the two of you, identify the one person who will be kept to the end. Do this schools as possible can benefit from unique theatre learning
The ensemble spreads out in the space, Eyes closed, aware of breath, to isolate and move that body parl in time to the music. Bs can continue silently pointing and crossing arms (in other words no touching). You both experiences, our AiR programme offers schools the
Every minute or so a word is called out. Each ador should try to reflect the by touching another par1. As need to keep the first part moving, while also then creep around the room silently touching each student to "raise" them. possibility to have one or more arlists visit your school to
qualities of the words. Sample words: falling leaves, electricity, rock, lighting, moving the new body part in time to the music, but independent of the flrst. They can immediately open eyes and wander - BUT don't forget to point to provide specific theatre learning for students or professional
thunder, mud, gentle breezes etc, Should this work well, the terms could This can build up as long as B wants. However, they can also reset their the person to be left otherwise someone will accidently raise them. When
development for teachers, staff or entire faculty.
become more abstract: harmony, neglect, jealousy etc.Joochim Motschoss puppet at any time by touching their lower back. This signals to A that they you get to the last person lying down (the "victim") all of you creep close but
Points in space should stop all movement and get ready to start the process again. Once the not too close, Trying not to breathe heavily or be remotely heard and on a
So far this academic year we have 145 AiR days booked
It's really great to get started with this high dynamic activity which brings instructions are given, put on a piece of music, with a decent beat and start visual (fingers) count to 3 - all scream the victim's name at once (if known
across four continents with new bookings coming in almost
the participants right into their bodies and enhance a strong mental focus. the exercise, After a couple of minutes, swap round so that B is the puppet or "lSTAl" if you don't know everyone). The response no matter what age is
Everyone finds a parlner. The couples move within the whole space.'The and A is the puppet master. This is a great warm up and lots of fun to see a fab. Tons of laughing and tension broken. Anno Porr daily. So if you are a teacher in Africa or Antarclica, do get in
flrst one focuses on points that they want to touch. The second one follows, big room of dancing puppets. Jo Scott "The Rock-Off" touch.
having the task to touch exactly the same points in the space that their Breathe to ten Ladtes ond gentlemen, boys and grls, welcome to the 296th onnuol Rock-
partner did. The flrst one does not wait for the second one, they keep doing Getting an ensemble to breathe together and not be scared ofthe OffWorld Championships! I know oll of you hove been troining doy-in day-out AiRs can be arranged on the back of festivals and TaPS which
their task of touching points in space, The second one should not imitate power of stillness and silence is a must. I simply ask the students to lie down procticing "rock, poper, scissors" with your friends, mum, dod ond even dog tn reduces the cost to the school as flights are already covered;
the movements of the Tlrst one, just focus on the points. We starting slowly in neutral and find a deep yogic breath. This is initially achieved by the the run up to this event but todoy there can only be one winner! Fkst though, so if there is an event in your area which you are unable to
by walking within the space and touching points, After a while we speed workshop leader counting them in and out on the breath. They breathe in let's remind ourse/ves of the rules. .. The Rock-Off, is a great way to warm attend, this proves a great alternative.
up. This normally comes once the walking and touching points become a through their nose and out through their mouth, In for 2 out for 4; in for 3 up voices and team spirit and the larger the group the better. Basically it's a
bit boring for some as it seems too easy, Once we speed up from walking out for 6 ... When the out breath reaches l0 they produce an ensemble "rock, paper, scissors" tournament. Before you start, clarifr the calling order The feedback from the programme so far this year has been
to running it becomes much more interesting as the second one needs to "ahh" sound. The workshop leader can play with volume, Moiro Arthurs you will use, for example "rock, paper, scissors, SHOOI' for when to great:
pay more attention while at same time keeping up with the same speed as Ensemble relays reveal your weapon. Then everyone finds a partner in the room to be their
their partner. A nice image is that the second one is a big cold shadow and Sure this will be used a lot but I always enjoythese as they are high first opponent. They play the best ofthree rounds ofthe game to decide "Our Artist ln Resldence rnErred ond enthused everyonewho
that the flrst one wants to get rid of this shadow. But the shadow needs the octane and work as ensembles builders whilst still working as a full group the winner. Next is the key bit as the loser of the battle then becomes the
she corne into contoctwith: her professiond/lsrn ond possion
person, This ensures that the first person tries as fast as possibly to touch exercise. My favourite relay is to line up each ensemble against each other: winner's cheer squad, chanting their name and supporting them in their
were evrdent throughout,"
the points and that the second one needs to stick to the flrst one. After The first person at the head of each line then has to run up to a designated next battle. The pair then flnds another ready pair and the two winners
a while you can sayi "Change", and the first one now follows the second point, As soon as they get there, the second person runs up and has to go (flanked by their loud and supporlive cheer persons) then go head-to-head Corin lames, Harrow lnternational School
one who leads now. I always like to give this "change" more than once as a through the following sequence: touch their left toe to the first person's left in another three rounds, The losing pair then joins the cheer squad of the
'AiR is importont because it grves students who ore not lucky
challenge for the participants. Æ the end the activity should not be flnished toe, righttoe to righttoe, left knee to left knee, right knee to right knee, winner and the four set offto flnd another four,
by an abrupt stop. lt should end by stopping to touch points and just walking elbow to elbow shoulder to shouldeç air kiss left, air kiss right and then has And so on and so on until you have just two competitors left each enough to ottend o festivol o chance to get d toste oflSlA.
slower and slower until the breath calms down. We are already experiencing to singHoppy birthdoy, As soon as they have flnished the Tlrst person runs with large cheer squads. Keep an eye out for this moment and pause the Also, it really excites ond motivotes the students, "
physical theatre which is about feeling the body which is guaranteed through back (leaving the second behind) and tags ihe third person who runs up and proceedings just before this happens. Get the cheer squads on opposite Emma Hughes, Koc School
this activity (with great fun as well)l Ulrich Gottlieb does the whole routine to the second person - who then runs back and tags sides of the room with the competitors in the middle. Build up some hype
Touch the fourth. All the way through until everyone has been, and you should with some more "announcer voice" talk, get the squads to cheer the loudest "When you portner with.on /STA AtR, you con be certoin that
Objective: to change physical position/posture as quickly as possible have a winning ensemble. You may need to put an umpire with each line to for their competitor etc, then let the battle commence. After the best of your students will discover their own ortistic brrlliqnce ln the
spontaneously, whilst staying in physical contact with other group members. stop cheating and you can offer any variations on the theme to the routine three rounds give a huge flnal cheer for the runner-up and then the winner honds of outst onding pro ctitioners. "
This exercise is adapted from a Playback Theatre warm up and I've played depending on the participants, /on Pike is crowned The 296th Rock-OffWorld Champion, Corl Robinson
it with around 125 students together, Plan: all parlicipants stand close Seven stages of tension Clear the space...
lohn Mulhall, Hong Kong lnternational School
together and ensure they are touching at least one other person, so that There are several versions of this exercise based on Lecoq's original A simple game to be used early on in a session. The group walk around
So what are you waiting for? Let's get some amazing aftists
the whole group is physically connected. When the facilitator claps her states of tension. lt is essentially an energy building process. The version I the space and follow simple instructions, "Clear the space" means run and
into your school to provide some unforgettable theatre work
hands, the parlicipants must instantly change to a new position/pose and am most familiar with is that which begins with walking around the room at a place a hand on the nearest wall and stay there. From there onwards lots of
freeze, ensuring they are still touching at least one other person, so that neutral speed, then explaining the seven stages: other instructions are given. "Change" means run to the opposite end of the for your students and teachers.
the group remains wholly connected. When the facilitator claps again (wait | . Floppy. This might be describes as being like a Jellyf)sh,,There is no room to another wall, "Reach" means freeze and reach your hands out to
4-5 seconds) the participants change position again, freeze and remain tension in the body at all, Begin in a complete state of relaxation, lf you the flrst person that you make eye contact with and send'them some love. For more information and to view our artist direclory please
connected to at least one other person. This pattern continues with the have to move, it is a real effort. "Point" means freeze and point to your favourite object in the room. The visit: or contact me by
claps gradually speeding up (getting closer) each time .,. until the facilitator is 2. Laid back. Too hot as if you were in Nevada. facilitator can introduce any instructions that they like, for example if there's a emailing: We invite:schools gnd artists to
applaudingthe group (going sofast) and change is no longer possible. Tips/ 3. Takes us backto Neutral or Economy. Nothing more, nothing less. The clock in the room, "clock" could mean run to a position in front of the clock arrange all AiRs through the ISTA offlce,
Outcome: it is very interesting observing students who change position right amount. and sit down. The whole game is played at a quick pace and I flnd helps the
instantly and spontaneously and those that are compelled to pause and think 4, Alert and Curious, Whilst you walk, you look at things as if for the flrst whole group with focus and energy without exposing any one individual, Tom Scott, ISTA
- even just for a second - as they decide which position/who to connect time. It also.has a great sense of chaos with a hundred people running around
with next. The exercise is a great way to break down barriers, build a 5. Suspense. lsthere a bomb inthe room? The crisis is aboutto happen. avoiding each other. Jon Mods

l0 lssue2l20l4-l5January | Scene Scene I lssue2 | 2014-l5January I I


Ensemble building
here: "Forthis piece I have used plastic/polished members to switch chairs flve times before the of the students. Slowly lead the group by leading
glass/old bottle tops/dead fish/road kill etc", After leader sits. lf it is a good group, or if you play it one of the parlicipants (who in turn takes the
a few turns in pairs I join pairs together making frequently, when the leaders sits the person Ieft entire group with them) around the room, moving
groups of four, flve or six. Now the group has to standing is the new 'it'. Mike Coemmerer over and under other group members' hands and
work together all as clay to create the objects Gifts and gripes twisting the circle into a knot, Once the group is

aet rvl t res


name. Again, you can chose objects that derive I often create "ritual" type settings (candle lit, truly tangled, ask the two participants who let go
o o o from themes or the work. General fun things can
be a yacht in sail, any animal, a drum kit, a flower
darkened spaces with recorded chanting in the
background). Objectives: partici pants are given
of each other's hands at the top ofthe exercise
to re-establish their hand clasp, Ask the group to
in a pot etc. The next step is form moving and the opportunity to share openly and honestly the work together to get back to the original circle
working things - a steam train, a working cuckoo things that the group most love and dislike, Plan: a) without dropping hands or changing their grasps,
clock and motorcar,truckltractor etc, A variation The group sit in a circle. They are given a set time Jillian Campana
on this can be to give the objects attitude: a tired (e,g. five minutes) to verbally share their "gripes" Painting the picture
o tracton a conceited sports caç the old cart nobody that is anything that they reol/y dislike. They can ' This activity allows the ensemble to contribute
all..." instruction e.g. "Let's In/out wants etc the possibilities are endless. Now that work on various levels from more universal ("1 hate to an imaginary visual piece of art, An empty wall
lacob's walk "Let's all go hunting in
# I turns to the group have worked through pairs and then in bullies") to more padicular ("1 don't like that my or floor is ideal. Some visual image linked to the
This game is in a way a skeleton that can be the forestl" answered with the group responsel
is Players stand in a circle. Player
"Yes, let's!" quickly followed by 30 keen huntsmen player #7 on the right and says simply: "Elephants smaller groups, I like to llnish with them working dad spends all his time at work" etc). Parlicipants theme of the festival is a good starler. With a large
fleshed out in a virtually infinite number of ways.
are in". Player #2 looks at player # I and says as a whole group. I challenge them to get together can contribute in any order and other participants stick/bamboo cane individuals in the ensemble
The facilitator begins by asking the participants to stalking through an imaginary forest or perhaps a
and make an oblect that I will have to guess and must listen but no conversation (verbal responses) point to a space and suggest what should go there.
walk through the spacé, to meander through it, deer or two, or a particularly animated tree. "Let's something like: "Elephants are out", Then s/he turns
leave the room for a couple of minutes, This is allowed. When one parlicipant finishes their A visual image gradually builds up in everyone's
not walking in clumps or pairs, but balancing the all go to work in a really boring offlcel" "Yes, let's" to player #3 and says: "Ball bearings are in", Player
#3 turns to player #2 and says: "Ball bearings are object often ends up being a picture (the dreaded contribution another in the circle begins. Students head. There are times when suggestions are made
space as a homogenous, flowing whole, Then and suddenlythe foresttransforms into desks,
out". Then player #3 turns to player #4 and says
"basketball game" leaps to mind) but never might choose not to participate verbally and sit and the ensemble may {ind itself in disagreement.
the flrst instruction is added: "Stop". This. is usually potted plants and fax machines, phone calls and
whatever comes to mind flrst is "in". This game mind - the point is for them to be working and silently, ln this section, participants are NOT This is a great opening discussion on how we can
followed by a staggered, cluttered stop in which photocopying, but before they know it: "Let's
cooperating together as a group. There is a good allowed to directltarget gripes at anyone in the offer criticism without offence, how we contribute
everyone looks a little confused. "Go!" you yelp, all become deep sea creatures!", These are all continues to go around the circle until an easy and
just examples of how you can expand the basic immediate flow hour of material right here and it develops well group. b) The same exercise as above, except that to the ensemble and how theatre involves
and gradually the bodies lurch back into their initial is established. Morlorie Duffield
walks. Again: "Stopl". Now it's time for some structure of Jacob's walk, lt is one of my absolute Paper chase from pairs to whole group and through growing the participants have the same amount of time to collaborative negotiation. Moiro ArthurS
favourite exercises because of how adaptable it is The group divided into pairs, A piece of complexity and creativity. Mike West share their "gifts", anything they really love, Some Eye contact
sharpening. Get them to start and stop together, is
paper is given to each pair. Starting with the paper Off my chest may work more universally (e.g. "l love freedom You will need chairs and tennis balls equal to
"Like pausing and un-pausing a video", "active and because ofthe gradual increments offreedom
from the highly structured/prescriptive "stop" and between their foreheads they must get the piece The ensemble stands in a circle, ln random of speech") to more particular ("1 love chocolate" the number of students in the group,
freeze", " complete focus", whatever termi nology
you decide to use, make sure thatthese basic rules "go" to the completely open-ended: "Let's all go to of paper down between their bodies to their feet order, the members "throw" whatever is bothering or "l really love my mom"). ln this section, students A I . Set up a circle of chairs, one chair for each
and then back up again, They can't use their hands. them "off their chest" and into a pile at the centre ARE allowed to target gifts at others in the group member of the group.
are respected, and that all actions from now on the beach!". lf you increase this freedom gradually
lf they drop the piece of paper then they need to of the circle. Use a physical motion to do that. All (e,g, "l really love how X is supportive in group 2. Ask the students to look around at their
are performed simultaneously as a group. Next enough, your participants will get lost in the
items are piled up and collectively moulded into a work" etc). Tips/outcomes: almost always, peers and make eye contact with each other.
comes: "Clap!". Repeat as necessary until the excitement of the activities and won't realise that start again. An addition to the game is that then the
"ball" and "rolled out the door" Joochim Mctschoss this activity generates a new level of trust and 3, lfeye contact has been made, they can
sound is that of a large tree branch snapping in by the end ofthe exercise, they are performing paper is used between parts oftheir body and they .

Manhole cover bonding in groups I have worked with. However, stand up and walk slowly, crossing each other
half, Then: 'lump!". Again everybody in the space complex improvisations together that they may have to move around the room, increasing their
Students stand in a circle. Everyone bends CONFIDENTIALITY is the key, Participants must and changing seats. You should let a few
should leap and land at exactly the same moment. not have had the confidence to join in with at the speed where possible. The group size is gradually
increased from 2 to 4 to B then as many as down together and in unison they lift a giant agree at the start of the exercise that evefihing rounds of this happen before moving onto
lf you shout: "Hello!", they should shout it back beginning. BenVardy
manhole cover which happens to be as big as said is confldential and will not leave the space - a the next task, Usually you will see that once
as an ensemble. The same for "Goodbyel" You Mill and seethe possible, The key is the papers must be in different
This one has many variations. The version places between each member of the group i.e. the circle. lt may be that, for no apparent reason, tough one, but it usually works. Students do have eye contact has been establish for exchanging
can make up any number of additional pairs of I

there are a dozen raw eggs in the middle and as the option of less personal/revealing contributions chairs and the students stand up and start their
instructions e.g. "sky" and "ground", could mean employ has students slowly moving about a room you can't have two people with paper between
a group they will have to lift the giant metal disc ("1 love swimming") to enable them to participate. journey to swap places - they drop the eye
point straight up or touch the floor, You can get exploring the space. Æ any moment a student can their heads. They must work together to move
them to "clear the space" or "clump" in the middle state : " l' m fal ng backwards/fowards/eft/right" or
I i around the space, I have built in a next level ofan without letting any of the eggs roll ofl Concentrate Also key is the teacher modelling potential levels of contact and focus on the goal of sitting on their
"l'm ascending". Upon this bold declaration the obstacle course, lf the paper is dropped they must on keeping the shape, weight and plane consistent, sharing. I tend to contribute/model quite personal friend's chair.
Once the group is comfor{able following these
instructions as an ensemble, you can start giving other students respond by catching the student and starl again, Cotherine Ronkin Stephen Finego/d comments and almost always theatre students B. I n order to keep the eye contact ask the
Chairs respect and take this as their lead, Though one students to stop at the crossing point and make
them more difficult sequences: "Hello, clap, clear setting them back on their way. As with all trust Worst student ever
Version L Everybody gets a chair and places might expect the "gripes" to be intense, it is often eye contact again lust when they are about to
the space" etc. Once they have mastered this exercises, this one has to be carefully explained I ask students to work in groups and devise
it equidistant from others in the space, Place one the "gifts" that is more emotional, Steve Reyno/ds go offto take the seat,
level, it's time to take it up a gear, by reversing and rehearsed beforehand. Daniel Heffernon me short scenes entitled "Worst student you
the meaning of all the pairs of instructions: "stop" lmportant moments in history could ever meet at an ISTA festival". The end additional, empty chair in in the space. The goal Paper island C. To multiply the qualities and effect of eye

now means "go", "go" means "stop", "clap" means I like to help students find their common results usually model all the behaviours we want for the leader is to sit down, The goal for the Each person begins by standing on a sheet of contact you can now give each student a tennis
"jump" etc. You can have a lot of fun with this. ground and look for ways to get them to problem- to avoid e.g, precious princesses, gum chewing, ensemble is to prevent the leader from sitting newspaper in a circle, The group then walks round ball, They will repeat the same task of switching
down by filling the empty chair which of course the circle to music (a bit like musical chairs) and chairs, only this time they will hold a ball in
Keep saying: "Go", and it will take a good 4 or 5 being late, too cool for school etc and are often
solve together. One of my favourite activities is
to divide parlicipants into groups of 7- 10. I ask sharply observed and very funny, lt's a fun way to opens another chair which must be lllled before take a sheet of paper away each time, When the their hand, You will ask them to switch balls
attempts before people manage to suppress the
build some positive values and agreements about the leader sits etc. Basic rules: once you start to music stops, the group has to make sure every when they are at the crossing point. lYake sure
urge to move, Conversely, repeatedly shouting: these subgroups to brainstorm for flve minutes
"Stop!" at a room full of young people who know acceptable behaviour and makes it clear that it's the get out of your chair you must get out. Once person's feet are on the paper and not touching students do NOT drop their eye contact to
about important moments in history | then visit
group, not individuals, who are building the culture you leave your chair you must sit in a diferent the floor: As the paper reduces the challenge the tennis ball - they can see it even when they
that you really mean "go" can be really funny, and each group and side coach, encouraging them to
you can pretend to get angry saying: "Why won't flnd moments in history that all group members of the ensemble .len Tickle chair. No physical contact, No running, The becomes bigger for the group but they need to are not looking at it. The goal is to keep eye
ensemble's initial goal is to keep the leader standing continue to work together to flnd solutions that contact throughout the journey from the chair
you stop? Please stop!" However, as soon as you know about and/or recognise, I also push them to Statues
Splitthe group into pairs, One person will be l5 seconds, Side coaching, Sometimes the most are about community and not about competition. to the crossing point and to have a moment of
sdy: "Go", they should all instantaneously freeze. think of world history the history of human kind,
logical solution will never work, Sometimes the Jess Thorpe separation when they have to turn their backs
These four or five "opposite" rules can continue from prehistoric to present day. I ask them to look the sculptor and one will be the clay. The sculptor
bubbling away as you introduce new aspects to for how we mark history (sadly, war is the most fashions the other student, the clay, into the shape most illogical solution is the most effective. After Group jump to each other to go to the other chair.
the game, "3 knees!" means that everyone forms common delineator). What about great inventions, that s/he wants and the second student has to playing for many rounds, encourage the ensemble Students stand in a circle and jump, they D, After a few rounds you now ask the students
into groups of threes in which each member moments ofgreat change, even pop culture? stay in that position, I usually give the group a title to all stand at once, Then start the game. Watch must land at exactly the same time. At flrst the to switch tennis balls twice. First, at the
to work from, the more general the better e,g. how much better they do. Version 2. Remove the group will need a countdown (3-2- I) to achieve crossing point. Then, they need to take 2-3
puts a knee in the centre ofthe group, so that After the brainstorming period, I ask each group
victory defeat, love, hate, thirst, envy etc and of empty chair. Now the goal is to switch chairs with the jump and the landing at the same time. Once steps away from each other and then look
there are three knees touching in the middle. "2 to choose three moments in history and create a
tableau for each one, By tableau, I emphasise that course any themes that you might be leading to, other members of the ensemble before the leader they get the hang of this they must jump in unison back over their shoulder, make eye contact
toesl" Everyone finds a partner, and touches the
sits down. You can only, and you must, switch without any prompting or counting, they must again and slowly rotate to face each other
ends oftheir feet together, "5 people: a house", while there is no movement, there is great action, The seemingly impossible can be liberating e,g.
After a brief rehearsal time (5 - l0 minutes), we darkness, music, lB exams (as distinct from the chairs when you make eye contact with another feel it. When they have mastered this they must from a few feet away. When eye contact has
means they should get into groups and together
reaction to them). I usually let each pair work four seated member of the ensemble. Consider that then jump in unison and then land without making been established they need to throw the ball
form the shape of a house with their bodies. " l0 share these moments in history with each other; and
there are varying levels of risk: switching with any noise with their feet. How high can the group at the same time and catch each other's tennis
people: a ship" or " 15 people: an ar1 gallery" see if they have created a clear, identiflable theatrical or six times so that they get two or three goes
someone near you, versus someone on the jump while still landing silently? Stephen Finegold ball, A high level of concentration is needed to
etc the possibilities are endless and can even be image. We discuss what works and doesn't work each. A very enjoyable variation on this is for the
adapted to ïit with images or themes relevant to about each tableau and I side coach on the ideas of clay to make a shape and then the sculptor has to other side of the room. The rules are the same, Circle of knots do this task.
the project. You can push a group even fudher essential image, focus, iconography, composition speak briefly on his/her new piece of work and One addition is that you can only switch with Gather the group in a circle and ask them to E. You can continue the exercise without the
give it a title, themes, material used kids get great each person once, The goal is for all ensemble hold hands, Break the circle by disconnecting two chairs, In a very simple and effective way the
by initiating whole-group improvisations using the and emotional,Ârisceral response, Bill Bowers

l2 lssue2l20l4-l5January | Scene Scene I lssue2 | 2014-l5January 13

combination of eye contact and tennis balls can ripple through the "shoal". Once the ensemble is laughing e.g. it might be 6 points of contact and They need to keep track ol l) Who they say: by the original line again. They then only have to chosen is immediate, travelling at speed when
provide concentration, experience and attitude working cohesively sound can be added, created only 3 feet - to encourage them to think creatively "You" to. (2) Who says: "You" to them. (3) Whose come up with one line and a rhyming couplet, chosen is immediate. Try to work towards these
to the fundamental action of eye contact, Once bythe "shoal" and matchingthe rhythm of the about what else they can use. They must always name they say (4) Who says their name. Level which they then put in place of the dummy lyric. two contrasting states being really clear:
we draw attention to this simple daily action we movement, Joo chim Motschoss be connected to the group too. Then it might go 3 - now they need to choose a new person, and lf they are particularly quick there is often time to . Fast enough that there is an element of risk.
can start using it as an "extra-daily-poetic-action" Grand right and left weave lower 4 points of contact only I foot and then "name them" with an animal. lt should not be the also put some "moves" with it. Finally we try all We talk about the risks. Needing to be aware
that combines aesthetics and day-to-day human I recently did this with a middle school 3 points of contact - no feet. Contact, laughteç same as either the person they say "You" to nor togetheç to run the whole thing as one continuous of people at different levels: high, medium
behaviour. Avitol Monor Peleg group that would burst into cheers and applause concentration and fun. Sorted. Anno Porr the person whose name they say. lt's best to do all sequence ofverses. As each verse flnishes, the and low. Staying aware of the space and our
Tallest to shortest/oldest to youngest whenever they completed the full task. You Yes, no, maybe, crap these steps sequentially around the circle, one at whole ensemble repeats the "last line" back, which relationship with other people. This needs to
A useful yet really simple ensemble building need an even amount of bodies, so ifthe group Both this and the next game (ou, name, a time, They now need to keep track of: l) Who not only links evefihing together nicely, but it take place for short bursts it can be exhausting
focus exercise that can be great for establishing is uneven, I join in as we learn, Students should animal, colour) are based on the concept of a they say: "You" to, (2) Who says: "You" to them, means they have to listen. lt also gives whoever is _ GREAT
contact in a very quick way. lt all has to be done in Ïind a partner and stand next to their partner as "closed system", Setting this up is the hardest part, (3) Whose name they say. (4) Who says their going next time to prepare themselves. In theory it . The contrast is being STILL,
complete silence so it is a good one to throw in if the group makes a large circle facing in. Have but also a good chance to work on names. Set-up: name. (5) Whose animal they say. (6) Who says should then be possible to run it without stopping, Add in a change to moving SLOW when
you feel you need to calm things down a bit or get students turn to face their partner and then shake have the students sit in a circle. Stand in the centre their animal, Practice trying to keep all three "cues" Zoro Nunn called out, And when I say slow - | mean slow.
brains going. As a pre cursor to the main event, get right hands with their partner and stay connected. to set up the game, Point at a student and have going simultaneously around the circle, At this stage Giant's house Slow enough that the tension and the control
them to line up in height order with the tallest at Students then gently pull, passing their partner right them tell you their name, "Pat", Then point to a you can also let players repeat cues, ifthey know ln groups of five or six. Leader calls out objects of the muscles required can be felt, lt's great
one end of the room down to the shortest without shoulder to right shoulder (clockwise partner goes student across the circle and have them tell you their person has missed picking up and passing any in the "giant's house" and the group makes these watching students navigate and problem solve
any talking and it having to be done in thirty outside of the circle, counter clockwise parlner their name. "Sally". Pat is watching Sally. That's all parlicular cue. This game demands extreme levels things with their bodies on the count of ten seconds. how to sit down really slowly, Switching between
seconds, This should get them all quickly checking goes inside), Students will now be facing a new Pat needs to remember, John now stands, because of concentration, listening and cooperation to be The only rule is that everyone in the group has to top speed/absolute stillness and slow motion
heights against each other and working together person in front of them, They shake left hands and he knows who he is watching. Repeat. "Sally is successful, Only advanced groups (or large ones) be physically connected e.g. "ln the giant's house demands the students engage with their body and
to beat the clock. Then get them to line up in the pull across (clockwise person goes inside, counter- watching Dinos" (Sally stands). "Dinos is watching are able to move to the fourlh level, which adds is the giant's toothbrush/chair/watch/sunglæses/ mind in different ways: at speed, information flies
opposite direction from oldest to youngest in age clockwise person outside) to flnd a new person in Ted", And so on until everyone knows who they another new person who you cue with a particular souvenir of Eiffel tower", Dlnos Aristidou in quickly; responses are reactive. Slow motion
order and again in complete silence. They will have front of them. Repeat the R and L crossing with are watching. You want to make sure that the last colour, I have also used this exercise as a repeated Stand, walk, sit, lie down, crawl demands a more internal focus - moves can be
to communicate in sign language, helping each the entire circle until you are back in your original person is standing across the circle from the flrst, ensemble warm-up for smaller ensembles working I |ove this exercise, lYany of the fundamental predicted, observed in action. Finish off moving
other to work out the age order, the fun starting places. Every time the group hits a snag, start over. not directly next to them. Play: level l- first, you together in performance to good effecL Tom Schulz principles of movement improvisation can be as a group deciding when to walk, sit, lie down
when two of them discover they were born on Once the groups has it slowly without music, you have to test that everyone was paying attention Bombs and shields/triangles/stop sit... experienced through this exercise. lt often allows or crawl all together: Be careful not to'leave this
the same day and having to work out who came can use music, choosing songs that get faster and and knows who they are supposed to watch, As Everyone has probably played bombs and fruitful dialogue about group mind, individuality for too long. As I bring the exploration to a close
into the world first. /on Pike faster, Jesse Foctor they are now all standing, say: "When the person shields at one time or another but here I often and choice making to emerge. lt also quite quickly we normally circle up and discuss what students
The magic stone Stop! Call! Act! I told you to watch sits down, sit down", Then use it in a very parlicular way. Three games are gives a group and myself a movement vocabulary observed about themselves in the game, Their
I have adapted this from an idea I saw a ïhe teacher divides the group into equal tap one person and ask them to sit, Hopefully used, First the group play "bombs and shield" s that we can use when developing work further. preferences e.g, "l realise that I LOVE moving
colleague use when trying to explain the idea of parts, The teacher then picks one person in each they all end up sitting. Repeat by getting another where you anonymously choose someone to be Exploring space and action. The task starts simply: really fast, my adrenalin is really high now", or
"suspension of disbelief". lt also illustrates how group to be the caller. The caller then gives each person to stand and hopefully they will all end up your bomb and someone to be your shield. You the group are informed that they are to move "The chaos in the room at high speed was quite
important it is to "buy in" to the group work and to group member a number, The caller then says standing. Level 2 now, to demonstrate that it's have to keep your shield between you and your around the room using the movements: walk, scary", or "l found moving to the ground in slow
any ideas that are offered by anyone in the group a number and a word or phrase which could be a closed system, tell them: "When the person bomb with no physical contact. At a given point stand, sit, lie down and crawl only, lt is worth motion hard", The choices they made e.g. "lt
so that we all feel valued, lt requires the facilitator acted out e.g. Ionely boy, standing on one foot, I told you to watch claps, clap". Tap one player I count from five to one and then the bombs demonstrating this; encouraging ind ividuals to made me laugh when everyone was following
to set the tone, usually by using the voice in a smiling. The person who has that number must and get them to clap, The clap should travel explode. This results in a frantic few seconds of commit to the movement they decide and make me around the room. I lay down to see who
conspiratorial voice and asking the group if you can act out the word or phrase without words but around the circle, without stopping, when it running and noise. We then play "triangles" which clear choices to switch between one movement would follow me." Their emotional responses to
trust them because you want to share something may use movement and sounds. After the actions returns to the flrst person they clap again. Once is similar but participants choose two anonymous and the next, The walking in particular needs to situations that arose e,g. 'At one point I went to
very special. I place a small bag (like you might have been perlormed, the callers yell outr "Stop!", something is introduced into the circle, it should group members and have to stay equally distant be encouraged to be purposeful and with energy. lie next to Chris and as soon as I arrived he got up
receive a small crystal or piece of jewellery) in my and then moves on to the next number and word never go away. Level 3 - now the ensemble from both forming triangles, this usually means This task develops through layering in additional and left, lt felt a bit sad." Ruth Spencer
pocket, There can be a small stone in there but or phrase. The game continues until everyone in will attempt to keep four distinct sound/gestures that everyone shuffles around sideways. Finally information, How far along the journey you go Moo!
this is not necessary The group should be seated the group has been called to perform. An extra moving simultaneously around the circle. They the group walk around in silence and at a given depends on the group and the amount oftime lnvite the students to flnd their own spaces
in a tight circle. Once the atmosphere has been challenge for the group could be that they are are: "Yes!" (said with enthusiasm while pumping moment that everyone must simply "feel" with no available. Exploring relationship, The flrst thing in the room and have them get onto all fours on
established, ask the group to raise their right hand. given two minutes to put all the words or phrases your flst in the air), "Nol" (said emphatically while signalling or communication, the whole group must I encourage is for the group to start noticing the floor as if they are cows. Invite the students
Then to place their left hand out, palm up. Then into a story without words. They could per{orm pointing at the ground). "Maybe?" (said uncertainly, stop, sit, freeze, stand and walk off again all at the others in the room as they are moving, To enjoy to close their eyes, Tell students the rules are as
place their right hand palm up, on top ofthe hand of this part before the other groups. Romeo Bryont while shrugging your shoulders). "Crap!" (said same time. I always ask the group for responses seeing the moments of connection arise, patterns follows, | (the teacher) selectthe "Major Moo" by
the person to their right (sounds more complicated Clear the room emphatically while crossing your arms across and thoughts after each exercise which will developing. Do they sit down at the same time as tapping a student on the head. The f4ajor Moo
than it They have now created a chain. The
is). Walk the space. 100 is normal pace (above is the chest). lt's important that the "cues" are very often be the first time that I ask people to make someone else? Do they end up lying down next to stands up, opens her eyes and stands in a wide-
facilitator removes their hands from the chain for a faster and below is slower) Change the numbers clear, both physically and vocally (this is a great individual contributions in a session, so that those someone? ls someone walking in a similar pathway open stance so that the rest of you can crawl
short time to explain that in their pocket, they have to get them going - explain in side coach mode connection to make to performance in general). who wish to speak up can without pressure. At the to them? Do they follow someone else's pathway? through her legs and join her by standing on the
something very special they want to share. The that you will give them instructions to follow. The leader introduces the cues, one at a time, into end we then put all three things together. Without I encourage students to join any patterns they other side to form one line. After the Major Moo
imaginary "magic stone" is then removed from the Æsembly: sitting at the front of the room (arms the circle, How quickly you can do this depends any communication or signalling the group move see emerging, I also encourage students to leave has been selected and is standing, she becomes
bag, held in the hand and placed very carefully in the and legs crossed). Clock: all moving fast as an both on the ability of your ensemble to all stay around and just observe what they see happening. developing patterns whenever they choose and the strong and silent type and she does not ever
palm of the person sitting to their left, The facilitator ensemble near to the clock and pointing with the focused on just the person they are supposed to lfthey think the group is speeding up, then a make a different choice. I ask them to notice: what speak a word. Those of you remaining on hands
then askes the group to pass the stone around same arm at the same time, Togethen as close watch and also the size of your group (the more game of "bombs and shields" is starting and they makes you choose to join what someone else is and knees and with your eyes closed try to find
the circle and back to them. lt is impoftant for the as you can in the middle of the room shoulder to players, the easier it is to keep more cues going, must join in, lf they think that the group is shuffling doing? What triggers you to leave? We don't stop the Major lYoo. Move around the room mooing,
facilitator to maintain the pretence and the tension shoulder. Purple: ïinding the colour somewhere as there is more "lag time"), Rather than stad over sideways then it's "triangles", if the group is slowing and theorise over it, I allow the question to land, lf you call out by mooing and hear another
by using facial expression and holding their breath and staring at it. Cosyr finding a cosy place in the each time a cue drops out, have the ensemble down then it's "stop/sit". The whole thing is inform or be ignored. Allow time for the "game" "Mool" you know you have not been successful
(remember that trust is crucial to this exercise). room. Clear the spacei to move as fast as possible keep what they have going and add the missing allowed to run until the group are working silently ofthis task to be discovered by the group. I can in finding the Major Moo. If you "Moo!" and do
When the stone has been passed around, allow the away from the middle to the sides of the room, one(s) back in, until the group can sustain all four. together like a shoal of fish changing seamlessly usually feel when the group are starting to "play", not hearthe response of a "Mool" you crawl
group to relax and discuss what has just happened. Encourage a sense oftiming and urgency to the When done properly this exercise has a nice Philip from one game to another with nobody taking an to enjoy the moments of togetherness, incidental through the Major lYoo's legs and stand on the
Think about the atmosphere and the tension that is work, A great focuser too. Use music here to help Glass kind of musical text quality to iL Tom Schulz active lead,/on Moris happenings, I usually join in and play alongside other side creating a Major Moo "tunnel" through
usually evident and the sense oftogetherness that with the energy. Anno Porr You, name, animal, colour Speed song writing: the fifteen minute song the students. I hear moments of laughter when which other students must now crawl. Once on
has been created. Becky Potterson Points of contact Level | -the set up forthis game starts as I normally do this in the flrst session, moments of togetherness spontaneously arise e.g, the other side, you open your eyes and, as you
Shoal of fish In groups offive or six inform the students that above, Each person in the circle has one person parlicularly if after the group has discovered we're half the group lies down simultaneously or two are now assimilated into Major Moo, you remain
ln a shoal if flsh all the flsh move together there are many points of contact to the ground. who they point at, and say: "You" to. lt's a closed going to be writing songs/singing they all look at me people travel and then drop to sitting at the same silent with your eyes and legs open. Eventually,
but you can't tell who is leading. This is a great Your hands - yourfeet your head your bottom system, and once "you" (point) is started, it should like rabbits in headlights, I give them three minutes time. Exploring dynamics. Time to switch it up. I the entire class is assimilated and standing in one
never go away. Level 2 - it quickly becomes much pause the game for a moment and tell the students line. Of course, there are always a couple of cows
ensemble exercise. Whole group runs together: -your back and so on. Each one ofthem counts in groups of 5 or 6 to llnd out some information
Try not to have a leader. The ensemble moves like as I (ifyou lieflaton the floor-thatcounts as l). more complicated. After the "you" is established, about each other or decide upon something about that we will continue but this time they are only that cannot find the line. lt is important that the
a shoal of flsh, Start marching, Ensemble leader Give them a range of points of contact now. Starl sit them back down. The flrst person now has to them collectively or about the festival. Then I allowed to move at TOP Speed or absolute line remains silent so that students can truly flnd
taps one actor on the shoulder and they have to quite high (easier) and then work down to very choose whose name they will say (as the second teach them a really simple melody with a dummy stillness. I demonstrate, A lot of information can be the line by playingthe game, The remaining cows
little, lt inevitably leads to people being carried "cue"), but it can't be the same person who they also need to go through the entire chain of legs to
change the rhythm. This person can be anywhere - lyric, structured so that the first line is repeated communicated through physically demonstration
in the "shoal", The change of pattern will be people on backs - lots of physicality and lots of point and say: "You" to, Practice these two cues, twice, followed by a rhyming couplet followed - particularly quality of movement. Stillness when come out the other side, Toro Brodin

14 lssue 2 | 2014-15 January | Scene Scene I lssue2 | 2014-l5January 15


Activities ba,sed on
to the imagination. The leader can then easily use that everyone has a chance to both perform and your eyes and listen: to the sounds in the room, to
different aspects of the festival's theme and see what spectate./o Scott the sounds within your own body, to your thoughts
happens. Parlicipants are spread out in the working Group story and to the space around you. After a period of
space, walking in a neutral way, relaxed but focused. ïhe group are split into fours or flves. The "stilling" your mind and of observation, open your
The leader will glve them different situations that will leader starts the story with a simple shoft sentence eyes and write. Do not allow the pen to lift from the

the theme of the

affect the way they walk, Here are some examples: which references the theme to be explored. page, Try not to think consciously about what you
you are walking in the street, on the pavement. Avoid "once upon a time"-style beginnings, go for are wrrting. Allow for a fluid and open connection
The temperature is pleasant. A light breeze crosses something a little more abstract like: 'After falling for to your responses and impulses. Write, Allow 2-3
the street. There are more and more people and what seemed like minutes, the pig saw the ground minutes to pass, Continue writing, but start a new
you end up walking in the middle of a crowd. lt coming up at it incredibly fast". The first group then paragraph beginning with: "When I grow up,.. ".

stafts to rain, large puddles form on the pavement,
There is so much water it creates a sea. You walk
with water up to your ankles, then to the knees,
then to mid-thigh. You come out of the sea and you
wander on a sandy beach. The sand becomes hot
pebbles, lt is very hot. The pebbles become eggs
have to act out the sentence without discussing it
between themselves. After this the next sentence
ofthe story is spoken and the second group act this
out and so on. Stephen Finegold
Theme machines
These are great for exploring themes and
Allow 2-3 minutes to pass. Continue writing, but start
a new paragraph beginning with: "l remember,..
". AIlow 2-3 minutes to pass. Continue writing, but
start a new paragraph beginning with: "When I think
of (devising topic, idea or theme) , . . ", Allow 2-3
minutes to pass, Stop. Take a moment and walk away
which gradually transformed into a thick mud, The questions and I'm always amazed at the creativity from the space where you have been sitting. Leave
Using three ideas/words Collage of images/phrases/inspirations The facilitator or the group decides on a Tnud turns into hot tar, The tar cools down and of the ensemble. Everyone stands in a circle, One the pen and paper behind. Let what you have written
Sometimes to get ideas flowing, I get a long Creating a collage of images, phrases and hierarchy relevant to the theme of the festival with becomes compact. You're back on the pavement, ensemble member goes into the centre and begins wash back through your mind. Return to your paper
piece of white paper and hang it up on the wall. We inspirations from the theme and gradually turning four or flve levels. For example, if the theme was but it's increasingly cold, lt starts to snow. Now you the exercise with a movement and sound that is and read through the last response: "When I thrnk of
write the theme at the top of the papeç and then these into song lyrics with the participants, who chocolate, the different levels could be: are walking in the snow. The snow melts, You are linked to the theme orthe proposed question, S/ (theme or topic)... ".
I ask one or two students to serye as scribes. I ask each end up wrlting their own song on the theme of l, Cocoa bean on a wet and slippery ground. The sun comes back, he keeps repeating this until the whole machine Exercise two, After reading "When I think of
the parlicipants to call out the words or images that the festival in small groups. Rebecco Applin 2. Melted chocolate you are walking alone. The temperature is pleasant. is complete, A second member joins the machine (theme)... ", try to locate two of the following in
come to mind as they ruminate on the theme, The Mental photos/sounds/conversations 3. Chocolate bar Cendrine Belleux with a movement and sound which complements, your last response: a sound, an emotion, a thought,
scribes write down all these ideas. Then I break to go on the out and about and
I like students 4. Human eating the chocolate Signs One by one the rest of the group quickly joins in a body sensation. Write these separate words,
the group into subgroups, and ask each group to collect mental photos and snapshots ofsounds and For each level, Ilnd a movement and a sound. It always feels important to me that the young until the machine is complete. This activity can phases or thoughts on a new piece of paper and
choose three of the ideas that are now written on conversations. Fragments and impressions recorded Everyone starts at level L ln orderto reach level 2, people Tind a way to make a personal connection also be explored in groups with each group being "dreaming" laterally develop a simple topic from
the paper. We circle them as they are chosen by in the mind or possibly even on camera or phone. a game of "rock, papeç scissor" needs to be played with the theme of the festival. I always try to create allowed time to prepare a machine which is then them, which involves: a loose event, a location, a
each group, Each sub group finds a place to work Back in the ensemble we play with these memories with someone at the same level. Whoever wins an opportunity for them to invest in the central ideas shown to, or physically explored by, the other possible question the idea might pose or entertain.
the game of "rock, paper, scissor" can then move we are exploringtogether and find real meaning in ensemble members. lf appropriate, signals can be Exercise three - devising task, Create a mini
and they create a performance inspired by the three - making a slideshow of still images based on the
words they chose, They must use shape, sound and photos, creating soundscapes from the noises and up to the next level and {lnd someone else at the the work we eventually create. In order to achieve devised to control speed and volume levels. This piece of theatre, You will now use this topic as the
movement in their per-formance (sometimes I might conversations we heard and overlaying the still same level to play the game with, The person who this I often use an exercise called Signs. For this I is also an interesting active response to external starting pointto direct a small piece of theatre. ldeally,
speci! that no words can be used, only sounds). images on these. Depending on the nature of the loses the game either stays where they are at level give each individual a sheet of plain A4 paper and productions, Moiro Arthurs aim to work in groups of three. ln your groups
Rehearsal time should be limited to 5- l0 minutes, ensemble and what they are interested in we might I or moves down a level if they are at levels 2-4. a marker pen. They are then asked to create a Captain's coming nominate A, B and C. A will direct their piece first,
so there is a sense of urgency and purpose, We take patterns from walls, shadows and windows Once level 4 has been réached, one more game sign with an idea or question that they feel stems At a recent primary festival with the starting B will then have time to direct their piece and C

share these pedormances and talk about how they and make them into pathways on the flool walking of "rock, paper: scissor" is played, The winner of from the theme - something that they find most point of the ocean we played the lovely old warm will finish the exercise directing their piece. Recipe:
connect and support the theme, What did you ïind through them and possibly even creating some this game has reached the top ofthe hierarchy and interesting or relevant and to then share these signs up game in both ensembles and full group of l0 minutes individual planning time, l0 minutes
surprising, compelling? What did you want to see simple dance moves. But l'm not a good dancer so therefore can step out of the game, victorious. This to music with the rest of the group. ln this way each Captain's coming, There are many variations but rehearsal time with your actors. ln your groups of
more of,,l There is usually a lively discussion that I'd have to have a really supportive ensemble before is a great activity when looking at themes with social person has the opportunity to position themselves these are a few instructions - when you shout: three, each director will have two actors to work
ensues and we identify some ideas that we want to l'd dare tread that path. len Tickle hierarchies, as the ensemble can experience how as part of the wider dialogue and to share their "Captain's coming" everyone has to salute, When with. At the end of the exercise each group will have
pursue and enlarge. Bi// Bowers Performing a scene it feels at each level and explore notions of power. thinking with the group. Jess lhorpe you shout: "Starfish", five people have to make three pieces to present, Everyone will have directed
Theme motifs Try the following ideas in small groups: Georgo Munnion Mini installations a starfish shape legs sticking out of a circle. "Man one and will act in two other short pieces. lngredients
This is the clæsic exercise with the leader giving . Peform a scene in which no one is allowed to Tableau An activlty I like to do to get thinking about overboard" means three people have to look like (must include): flve scenes, Each scene can last
instructions and the group following - standard is touch the ground, I very often explore ensemble group dynamics and making a relation to a festival theme is to get one person swimming under water. "Captains ball" from | -20 seconds. Each scene will be defined by a
North, South, East, West, climb the rigging, Captains . Per{orm a scene in which all the text is taken or festival themes using tableau or Boal's lmage students to work individually to generate their means that two people have to dance together. blackout (to be called by the director: "Eyes open,
coming, sharks, scrub the decks etc, You can adapt from a newspaper, Theatre techniques, For instance, early on in own rolling installations. Æk participants to work "Captain's table" means one person is the table on eyes shut", the audience to follow the director's cue),
this for any story or theme e,g. Snow White. . Perform a scene in which all the performers are ensemble work I might ask the students to: individually to formulate a movement in response all fours with the other two eating off it. And finally There are to be no words used. Theatrical poetry to
Directions: mirror mirror, move to castle, skip tied together. a) Work in groups to create a frozen group to the theme or an aspect of it - this can be abstract shouting: "Shark" means everyone has to runs be employed. Deliberate use of tempo for theatrical
to cottage, run away from the witch, march in a . Perform a scene in which each character only imageltableau that show their understanding or representational, but it should have a clear around panicking, A good icebreaker which forces effect. A broken expectation. Deliberate use ofspace
single line to the gold mine. Actions: witch offers has a one-sentence vocabulary of the theme itsell Each group presents their opening, development and ending, so they can loop different per'formers to work together. /cn Plke and architecture to stage your piece, A revelation
the apple, 7 dwarves (middle on knees), glass coffin . Perform a scene on a stage that is three feet image in turn and the ensemble discusses it. After this, ask the students to develop a sound Connect and create one picture of space. Clear beginning, middle and ending. You
(one person lies and one person stands), Dlnos square, their understanding ofthe theme and the which is also a response to or representation of We created an image of the Hong Kong skyline must take the audience on ajourney. Try to work
Aristidou These starting points can give inspiration for effectiveness of the image form used to the theme or aspect of it. Finally, they are asked to and harbour front on the count of I to | 0 and back on your feet by testing ideas and see if they work,
Starting with the main elements interesting locations or situations. Sometimes communicate it. generate a line of text, which is again a response to to l. The students had to be connected and create instead of using your time to talk about your idea.
To begin with I usually take the theme of the they create a world similar to our own but slightly b) Students stand in a space individually, The the theme, Once they have their material, students one picture. This could include the buildings, the hills, After rehearsing all works, present the pieces, After
festival and break the idea down into its main twisted. The most successful scenes are often the teacher asks them to simultaneouslylndividually are asked to formulate the three elements into a the water, the lights and then dissolve. This can be performing regroup and go "offline", Æk everyone
elements e,g, love, family, jealousy, friendship etc. Æ ones where people have turned the restriction into create a solo imageÂableau that communicates sequence which can be repeated or looped exactly adapted to anywhere, ofcourse. Then worked on to close their eyes and to share aloud the moments
a large group (or in smaller groups) we discuss these an inspiration. When the restriction in the scene's their personal response to the theme, The and repeatedly, Finally, they are asked to position a long railing in the park wrapping ourselves around, or images that stayed with them from all the pieces.
elements and try to create a story based on these world becomes a metaphor for a restriction in ensemble then sits together and in turn, each their installation in the space. Once they have tried on, over and under, all connected and able to stay Often the images or moments that are strongest,
themes, Once a story has been established - in the the real world things get really interesting. Joachim student comes out into the pedormance area this out a few times, separate the group into two safe. The body shapes were then taken away from for a variety of reasons, will stay "burnt" in the minds
case of smaller groups, the best ideas of each story Motschoss and presents their image. They hold the image and ask the flrst halfto stay in position and the the railing and recreated in the space only. This of those who viewed the work. In response to
can be incorporated into make one main story | Think, pair, share for 4-5 seconds then return to the ensemble other halfto act as audience. I often introduce the created beautiful decisions to be made and brought each piece, elicit a question from each person that
split the ensemble into smaller groups and ask each This is a great exercise to see where everyone without comment. This process is repeated in performers as living artworks in a collection which is again into the drama space and reworked using lights they wish to pass on to the director of that work.
group to perform the story using different acting is interms of the theme at the beginning of the turn until everyone has individually presented exploring the theme and tell the audience that they and silhouettes et voilal The ISTA dragon, Anno Pon Encourage participants to find a way to phrase advice
methods. festival. Each person has a post-it, they get 45 their images. The ensemble then discuss their are encouraged to move around the space and get An approach to devising on improving the piece as a question. This is neutral,
. Narration only. Using chorus repetition and seconds to write
few words down about the
a responses together (not doing so during the close to the "artworks" but not to touch them. The Devising or creating theatre can sometimes be less imposing of individual aesthetics and opinions and

different levels to create drama. theme. They get 45 seconds to discuss it with their presentation of individual images allows for a artworks themselves have to loop their sequence a tricky beast to navigate. Drawing from director provides the author of the work the opportunity to
. Tableaux/still images. Thinking about the neighbouç and then they have to tell the rest ofthe nice flow from one student to another - and continuously, so everyone has a chance to see Anne Bogart's approach to devising theatre, and decide what may be useful to answer. Asking the right
transitions from one picture to the next. group what their neighbour told them. ldeally the is a safe format for students to share their them. Once everyone has had a good look round, from various sources on dramaturgical practice l'd question may provide the key to help the creator
. MovementÆance, Restricted to abstract post-its can be kept, photographed, stuck up in the responses who are reluctant/lacking confldence there is an option to discuss what is emerging from like to share a few short activities I often use to kick find the key to unlock the piece and to assist its
interpretations of the story room so that participants can see where they were to share verbally). lt is almost like a physical the installations - which aspects of the theme are offthis creative process and to start developing development into the nexi stage. Before going further
. Free st7le. The students must use a at the beginning and see how far they've come. mood board. Steve Reynoids engaging, as well as discussions as to the nature of "sparks" that will fuel the journey, we discussed the process of the first composition
combination of ALL the above methods in their Body work/imagination performing/spectating in these circumstances, Once Exercise one - stream of conscious wdting, Find task and articulated some points to assist the process.
Jomes Copp
retelling of the story Sydney Smith "Rock, paper, scissor" adaptation This is an activity using body work in relation this is done, swap round and repeat the activify, so a comfortable place to sit with pen and paper, close ShaneJones

l6 lssue2l70l4-l5January | Scene Scene I lssue2 | 2014-l5January 17

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