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A proposal

Arranged by :

Wa Ode Sardiyanti Sri Nikmatiah (16522024)

Ashim azhar (17522)

Muhammad hafiz brillian (16522212)

International program

Universitas Islam Indonesia


1. Introduction

1.1 Study Background

The term perception is often referred to as a view,

picture, or assumption, because in perception there is a
response of a person about one thing or object. in a large
dictionary of psychology, perception is defined as an
observation process of a person to the environment by
using their senses so that they become aware of
everything that exists in their environment. Perception is
one of the important psychological aspects for humans in
responding to the presence of various aspects and
symptoms around it. Perception contains a very broad
sense, concerning the internal and external one. Experts
have given a diverse definition of perception, although in
principle it has the same meaning.
Freedom of religion will not become a problem as
seeing Indonesia with the diversity of tribes, religion,
customs and language. Currently we often encounter that
Islam is viewed as a religion of terrorism that cause chaos
everywhere. Especially a woman who uses hijab and niqab
is often regarded as a symbol of terrorism. The existence
of veiled women still cannot be fully accepted by the
community, there is a negative perception of the
community about the use of the niqab. People also
assume that women wearing a veil are just a mere mask,
they assume that women who wear veils are terrorists or
adherents of heretical sects and there are also some
people who think that veiled women do not want to
socialize with other communities.
UII as one of the biggest moslem University in
Indonesia has many student that wear a niqab. With this
reason, student perception about wearing niqab in
campus should become one of the topic of research.

1.2 Problem Formulation

How is Student’s perception about women that wears a


1.3 Objective

Student’s perception about women that wears a niqab

2. Theoretical Review

Rahmat on Psychology of Communication had explained that

perception is an experience about an object, event or
relationships that has been obtained by making a conclusion of an
information and translating a message. Perception that has been
shaped for each individuals isn’t the same that is because there
are factors that influence about perception. Dedy Mulyana on
Ilmu Komunikasi:Suatu Pengantar has explained that there are
factors that influence the shaping of perception which are cultural
background, past experience, life value and the news that spread
Religion is human way of life to face their problem so they can
get peace in mind. Religion also become a great factor in shaping
personality and behavior to understand each other. Tanra has
stated that religion has a big role to shape person’s behavior,
good and bad, right or wrong.
Indonesia is one of the country that has a moslem majority. In
2005, according to population census Indonesia has 218.868.791
residences with 88.58% are moslem. However, according to
Clifford Geertz especially at Java, moslem community has been
classifies as priyayi, santri and abangan. Because of this matter
there is a term “Islam KTP”. How to life an Islam way become a
vague matter because of the cultural mixing from the ancestor.
Ratri has stated that postulate from Quran and Hadist has been
bent to Indonesian culture such as hijab, hijab is viewed as an
arabian culture and does not fit with Indonesian culture. Using
hijab is viewed as fanatic that can jeopardize a country with
According to Urip Santoso, students instead of studying they
also has a role as critics that happened on community whether on
campus or public space. This role is a social control which student
have to be sensitive about what happened around them.

3. Research Method
3.1 Research Design
This research will use 2 research method which are
qualitative and quantitative methods. On this research, 15
questionnaires are for quantitative about student
perception about women that wears a veil and 5
participants for interview. This two methods hopefully can
be a source for information about student perception
about niqab.

3.2 Data Analysis

The researchers will effectuate analysis data using the 2

methode which is, interview as a qualitative reaserach
and analysis as quantitave reserach. The data collection of
student perspective, using an interview and analysis its
will be present using qualiative and quantitative methode.
The research will present by collecting data in form
diagram, e.g.,pie chart and bar chart, for the analysis as a
quantitave methode, and describtion of some quoting,
interview of a participants for the qualitative methode.
Then, the reaserch will be analyze the data from
participants about student wearing niqab in campus.
3.3 References

Mulyana, D. (2007). Ilmu Komunikasi: Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Remaja


Rahmat, Jalaludin. 2003. Psikologi Komunikasi. Bandung: Remaja


Santoso, Urip. 2015. Apa Tugas dan Peran Mahasiswa?,

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