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Carers Partnership Board

13 February 2018

Garden Room, Meadows Community Centre,

Cambridge CB4 3XJ

KC Kadie Chapman Carer Representative
SC Sally Cleghorn Administration Officer, CAIL
CC Charlotte Currie Young Carers Project Worker, Centre 33
SP Stuart de Prochnow Carer Representative
HE Helen Eves Young Carers Project Worker, Centre 33
SH Sue Honour Chair, Carer Representative
NH Nicky Hornsby Young Adult Carers Senior Support Coordinator,
Carers Trust CPN
JJ Jill Johnson Lead Service Manager, Integration & Practice
JK Jackie King Partnership and Participation Officer, Pinpoint
EK Ela Kosowska Young Carers Assessment Team, CCC
PM Pauline Mansfield Service Manager, Making Space
JM Joanne Maxwell Early Help District Manager, City
LMc Lee McManus Commissioner, Adults Children Families
LM Lisa Murphy Schools Intervention Service
CP Cat Papastravou-Brooks Young Carers Project Worker, Centre 33
MS Mike Smith Carer Representative

Fen House, Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1UN

Tel: 0300 111 2301
Registered Charity No. 1132290 Company limited by guarantee No 06861653
1. Welcome, introductions, apologies
Apologies: Cllr Kevin Cuffley, Lisa Riddle, Helen Duncan, Ella McKenzie,
Heather Davison, Laura Green, Graham Lewis.

2. Feedback from Carer Representatives

2.1 MS raised the issue of lady with MS who was assessed as needing a new
accessible kitchen. It remains unfinished after over a year. She keeps being
given a different date for completion.
LMc will speak to MS after the meeting to try and resolve this.
2.2 SH knows a carer with multiple health issues and difficulties with transport.
She needs support for herself and her children. Where can she go?
Nicky Hornsby will speak to SH and put her in touch with Laura Green.
2.3 KC highlighted that there has been a change in how PA training is paid for
by someone with a Personal Budget. Individual employers now have to apply
to Skills for Care which is very time-consuming. Timings of applying for a grant
and the dates of training are not the same. She said she can never be sure
that she will get the grant retrospectively. If a PA can’t make the training she
still has to pay. Social worker has told her she can’t use her social care budget
for that. KC emphasised that PAs have to meet certain training standards and
these are staffing costs. Adult Social Care needs to get the message about
training out more quickly so that people can prepare.

Action: LMc will liaise with SC to discuss raising this at the next ASCF.
Action: JJ also offered to take it to the Transforming Lives Practice
Governance Group which meets 14 February.
Action: LMc proposed that Jill Johnson join the Carers Partnership Board.
Action: SC to add JJ to circulation list. Request for confirmation to be on
Agenda for April 10.

3. Early Help, Joanne Maxwell Early Help District Manager, City

 The way the service from Children’s Centres is run will change from
April 2018
 More working together with other organisations in 2018
 Family work takes place when there is Early Help needed with
parenting, behaviour, signposting.
 Work with young people from age 13 on self-esteem issues, advice on
transition, supporting those at risk of not being in education,
employment or training
 Education Welfare Officers aim to improve school attendance by
looking at underlying reasons
 Education Inclusion Officers support and challenge academies to meet
the needs of the most vulnerable students
 Support the national Troubled Families programme

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 Aim to minimise transfers so that an individual does not have to tell the
same story more than once


SH - what happens if a child lives in one district and goes to school in another?

JM it depends on what the issue is but response is to each individual family.

KC – is it based on where you pay Council Tax?

JM – we might use a worker from each district.

NH asked about personal budgets.

JM – it’s £10,000 per district. It comes through Early Help or Social Care. Up to
£1,000 per family can be used for items like beds, bikes, washing machines.

KC – how do people hear about the Evidence Based Parenting Programme?

JM – via the County Council website, through schools. We can do one-to-one

bespoke parenting sessions. We also run taster sessions on sibling rivalry and

Action: SC to circulate Early Help presentation.

4. Young Carers presentation from Centre 33

 Gave overview of Centre 33’s work with Young Carers using the ‘My’
series – My Community, My Plan, My Time, My School, My Future, My
Free Time. They focus on Year 6 and Year 9. Where schools are doing
choices in Year 8 they would adapt to that.
 My Plan is individual to each young person using nationally recognised
tools Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Caring Activities (MACA) and
Positive and Negative Outcome of Caring Activities (PANOC). A
PANOC is completed at the beginning and end of a set of sessions on
average six per person.
 Young carer issues are around bullying, isolation, finance, stress,
exhaustion, low aspirations.
 Young carers outlined several case studies to help the Board
understand these issues and how Centre 33 support workers help.

KC asked if they include sibling carers.

HE thought they had a mix of carers of siblings and parents.


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5. Young Carers presentation from Carers Trust CPN
 NH said Young Adult Carers are in the age range 16 – 25. CTC
prepares about 75 Transition Plans per year. These can be done at
home. Feedback on them says they have helped young adults reflect
and figure out what to do next, helped with funding and training.
 Nicky and Kirsty handed out Transition Plan forms for Board members
to work on a case study.
 Kirsty described her experience. She did not initially recognise herself
as a carer. As the sole carer for her mother she has to come home
frequently from university.
 NH – even though she is out of county CTC can still offer support via
 Kirsty can show her Transition Plan to her GP and to the Mental Health
adviser at university. National initiatives such as a simple box to tick on
the UCAS form have been really helpful.
 More could be done to support young adult carers who care for
someone with a mental health issue – for example, to be involved in the
care plan and to know more about the medication.
 She identified a gap in that government and NHS seem to forget about
young adult carers. Could the Carers Partnership Board help with this?
 NH is working with a 26-year old at ARU who is awaiting a diagnosis
around autism.

KC - there is a gap after 25. She has spoken to LMc about this.

SH – the Board is looking at this.

Action: SC to circulate presentation on Young Adult Carers

6. Jill Johnson Lead Service Manager, Integration and Practice, Young

Carers Lead, CCC
 Responsible for Young Carers Service, helps to identify people who
may need services. There have been some staffing changes and they
have reviewed how they do their work.
 CCC needs to focus on more complex cases, help people navigate
school inclusion, mental health services. Are working with Early Help
Hub for ‘one front door’ access.
 Launching a revised Referral Pathway for Young Carers, to be based at
Chord Park Peterborough using the Think Family approach. Children’s
Services have approved this and it will now go forward to Committee
stage. Once approved there will be a relaunch of the Council’s Young
Carers’ Service which will raise Young Carers profile within Adult Social

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 LMc added that the good news is despite reduced income,
consultations on preventative services have shown that early
identification and support for Young Carers means there will be less
need for support later on.

Action: Board agreed that LMc should speak on early identification of Young Carers
at the next meeting 10 April.

7. Adult Social Care Forum – items for and items from

7.1 JJ will raise the issue of how PA training is paid for at the Transforming
Lives Practice Governance Group.
7.2 LMc gave feedback from Helen Duncan about carers assessments. She is
aiming to have more consistent assessments.

Action: SC to check if HD agrees for her clarification on Carers Grants to be

circulated to the Board.

8. Minutes of last meeting (28 Nov 2017) & Action Log

8.1 Item 6 PIP – KC asked for a clarification to be made on p.6. The paragraph
beginning “Mike Smith says… will now end as follows: “Heather and Kadie
mentioned their children who have limited or no verbal communication”.
8.2 Dates for 2018 – October should read October 2nd.
Apart from these amendments the Board agreed the Minutes.

Minutes of 3 Oct 2017 meeting: SC explained that Helen Duncan had clarified
what she had said at this meeting in Item 3.1 Respite and Carer Funding as
“…KC raised the point of carers being spouses or partners – separating you
from the ones you love and care for is not the norm. Some don’t qualify for
funding unless it is away from those cared for.
HDu said that this should not be the case as it is on an individual basis.
KC thought that personalisation of the form has disappeared – form filling is
LMc asked if it is a problem across all service areas.
HDu commented on language use, support away should also be provided
where identified as a need. She will look into this.”

9. Any other business

Hold the date: Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk AGM on
13 June. Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk request
nominations for Carers awards.

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2018 meeting dates

April 10 1:30pm – 3:30pm Papworth Everard, Village Hall CB23 3RD

June 12 10.30am – 12.30pm Orchard Park Community Centre, Cambridge CB4 2EZ

July 31 1:30pm – 3:30pm Focus on Young Carers, Papworth Everard, Village Hall
CB23 3RD

October 2 10.30am – 12.30pm Orchard Park Community Centre, Cambridge CB4 2EZ

November 27 1:30pm – 3:30pm Papworth Everard, Village Hall CB23 3RD

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