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Doveear: Optimization of Multimodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

RATIMIR DOVECAR, D. Se. Technology and Management of Traffic

Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet Preliminary Communication
Pot pomorscakov 4, 6320 Portoroz, Republika Slovenija U. D. C.: 656:621.3
E-mail: Accepted: Jun. 30, 2003
Approved: Apr. 6, 2004


ABSTRACT software generation based on the integration of object

technology and econometric engineering provides a
The basic aim ofthis treatise is to research relevant features substantial change, thus reducing the complexity and
of multimodal transportation chains, their advantages and dis- time of carrying out applications. The software com-
advantages as well as the problems of the synchronization of
ponents, which bridge the gap between the linear and
work of all the participants in multimodal transport. With the
development of information technology the method of optimi-
limitation programming, are based on the generation
sation of multimodal transportation chains is more and more of automatic codes. With the development of informa-
based on the computer programs being representative tools in tion technology the methods of optirnisation of trans-
solving of comprehensive tasks. port are increasingly based on the application of
It is believed that the present research, the methodology ap- spreadsheets. Accordingly, a hypothesis is proposed:
plied and its findings should promote and improve multimodal The electronic Excel spreadsheet, being a representative
transportation chains in order to cope with the complex con- packet for mathematical programming in the function of
temporary logistic demands ofglobal economy. solving the transportation problems, enables effective op-
timisation of multimodal transportation chains.
KEYWORDS In order to prove the proposed hypothesis the fol-
lowing methods are used: analysis, synthesis, system,
optimisation, multimodal transportation chains, information
technology mathematical modelling and mathematical program-

A transportation chain is an integrity of technical, TATIVE ANALYSIS
technological and organisational operations, synchro-
nised in space and time (e. g. packaging, loading, dis- The spreadsheet includes computer programs that
charging, transhipment, warehousing and delivery of may be used for computation and publication of the
goods), providing fast, secure and optimal flow of quantitative analysis. A spreadsheet may compute the
goods from their raw basis to the consumer. This re- majority of mathematical problems totally or partially.
search focuses on the container transportation chain Even though there are numerous spreadsheet pro-
with the aim of optirnising it and identifying its advan- grams available on the market, the most popular is the
tages. Even though the system of optimal functioning Excel spreadsheet. The standard spreadsheets, which
of international transportation chains depends on sev- solve the problems of quantitative analysis, are further
eral factors (traffic infrastructure, modern transporta- supported by specialised programs in order to widen
tion technologies, development of foreign trade ex- their capacity. They are called "add-in" programs and
change etc.), it seems that the integral information once they are added, they may be used as an integral
system based on modern information technology rep- part of the spreadsheet. An example of an "add-in"
resents its fundamental precondition. program is the Solver. It is used to solve problems with
Constant development and the quality improve- many variables and assists in finding a combination of
ment of computer hardware and software for the opti- variables, which raise the target value to the maximum
rnisation and algorithm technology paves the way for or reduce it to the minimum. The Solver also enables
faster and more sophisticated software solutions of the setting of one or more constraints - conditions
the problems occurring in traffic systems. The new that have to be fulfilled for a satisfactory solution.

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R. Doveear: Optimization of Multimodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

The quantitative analysis is a scientific approach 3. RELEVANT FEATURES OF

for the managerial decision-making. Concepts, emo- MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION
tions and guessing are not considered to be part of
such analysis. This approach begins with data. These
are, like raw materials in factories, handled, i. e. trans-
formed in information used by managers at all levels Being a subsystem of the international system, the
of decision-making. Such handling of raw data, shap- programmed multimodal transport should provide un-
ing them into important information is the essence of disturbed functioning of the door-to-door transporta-
the quantitative analysis. The approach of the quanti- tion chain. The latter represents in fact an integrated
tative analysis consists of defining the problem, devel- chronological transportation process from the manu-
oping a model, acquiring inputs, developing solutions, facturer to the consumer. Since the process includes
testing them, analysing results and applying them. The several traffic branches, technological integration of
transportation problems take an important place in all links in the chain should be guaranteed in time and
the operation research as well as in the application of space. Should one link in the whole door-to-door pro-
quantitative methods for the solution of complex cess fail, the costs would rise and the multimodal or
problems. The transport problem of linear program- combined transport would prove to be ineffective.
ming occurs when the transport of definite goods from The timing of multimodal transport as well as the
several points of departure and several points of desti- synchronisation of all the participants in the transpor-
nation has to be programmed (e. g. transport of con- tation chain represents an important factor in provid-
tainers with cargo from production points to seaports ing regular, safe and fast functioning of modem trans-
and from there to consumer points) with minimum port. Therefore, without considering the established
costs. It should be pointed out here that addressing criteria - the synchronisation and co-ordination of
the transportation problems has a wider application work, the accomplishment of individual functions and
and greater importance than usually believed. relations - the transportation chain cannot work. Im-
Namely, apart from the transport problems different portant conditions for the formation of a transporta-
other problems may also be methodologically solved tion chain are as follows:
in a similar way, as they are formally manifested in the - exact establishment and synchronisation of possible
same way. transport combinations on the basis of qualitative
The problem of transport is shown in Table 1 - advantages as well as acquiring procedures of crite-
quantity of transport, followed by the matrix of costs - ria evaluation;
Table 2. - the choice of the most favourable variant, i. e. an op-
timal solution of forming the transportation chain
Table 1 - Quantity of transport considering the interests of all participants in it and

S~a~~ing Destination point Quantity avoiding risks at the same time;

nt Bl B2 ... Bn despatched - co-ordination of functions of the industrial and pub-
... Xln lic or general transport, particularly during ware-
Al xn X12 =al
housing of goods and loading/discharging opera-
A2 x21 x22 X2n
=a2 tions of containers, swap bodies, vehicles, trailers or
Am Xml Xm2 000
Xmn =am - regular provision (without standstills or waiting) of
Quantity necessary transportation capacities in the chain of
= b1 = b2 = ... = b0
received different traffic branches;
- provision of uninterrupted, regular and fast flows of
Table 2 - Matrix of costs goods in the process of reproduction, so that no
phase is affected in "its production";
Starting Destination point
- use of modem unified technical and technological
point Bl B2 000
Bn means in transport, production, despatch, packag-
Al en c12 ... Cln ing, warehousing etc .
A2 c21 c22 000


The quantities of dispatch at starting points are CHAIN
distributed to the quantities at destinations, so that the
obtained optimal program yields the minimum trans- The international multimodal transport operator
portation costs. is often faced with the problem of continuous distribu-

134 Promet Traffic Traffico, Vol. 16,2004, No. 3, 133-138

R. Doveear: Optimization of Multimodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

tion of containers with heterogeneous or homoge- In order to simplify the complicated multi-index
neous cargoes from numerous starting and destina- problem of container transport (all in TEU) in the
tion points using several different traffic branches, multimodal transport chain comprising four traffic
meeting the entire supply and demand with minimal branches with their technical, technological, organisa-
manipulation and transportation costs. In that case tional, economic and legal specificity, first, four indi-
the operator may first identify partial transportation vidual, partial problems are formulated. Then, after
problems for the individual traffic branch and then for having solved these problems and after having found
the whole transportation chain. the optimal solutions, the problem is formulated for
Further, partial theoretical problems of container the whole multimodal transport chain. Each partial
transport in TEU are formulated. It is presumed problem of the multimodal transportation chain has
that the multimodal transport operator should ar- generally been formulated in Tables 1 and 2.
range dispatch of a greater number of containers with In Table 3 the first partial problem is formulated,
cargo from several shore terminals in the US by regarding container transport (TRANS-1) by road ve-
road vehicles through several US ports (i. e. port con- hicles from four American continental container ter-
tainer terminals); from there to the European ports minals (i. e. ACCT1, ACCT2, ACCT3, ACCT4) to five
(i. e. port container terminals); further to distribute American port container terminals (i. e. APCT1,
containers with cargo by rail to several shore termi- APCT2, APCT3, APCT4, APCTs). The price is given
nals (i. e. rail-road terminals); and finally from these in hundred € per 20-foot container unit.
terminals, the distribution would continue by road The second problem (cf. Table 4) shows transporta-
vehicles to consumers in the countries of Eastern Eu- tion and distribution of containers with cargo
rope. (TRANS-2) by container ships of the fourth and fifth
Table 3 - The model of the transport problem of containers with cargo - TRANS-1

APCf1 APCf2 APCf3 APCf4 APCT5 ai
ACCf1 2.2 3.1 3.4 2.7 2.5 8200
ACCf2 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.3 8 500
ACCf3 2.9 3.4 2.5 3.3 4.2 8000
ACCf4 3.2 2.7 2.9 3.4 3.8 8 300
bj 6 500 6 600 5 400 6200 8 300 33 000

Table 4- The model of the transport problem of containers with cargo- TRANS-2

j EPCf2 EPCf3 EPCf4

EPCf1 ai
APCf1 15 17 19 20 6 500
APCf2 19 17 15 21 6 600
APCf3 14 18 17 19 5 400
APCf4 21 20 19 18 6200
APCT5 19 15 14 16 8 300
bj 6500 6 600 5 400 6 200 33 000

Table 5 - The model of the transport problem of containers with cargo - TRANS-3

ECCf1 ECCf2 ECCf3 ECCf4 ECCf5 ai
EPCf1 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 8200
EPCf2 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 8 500
EPCf3 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.2 8 000
EPCf4 2.0 2.1 2.3 1.9 2.2 8 300
bj 6 500 6 600 5 400 6200 8 300 33 000

Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 16,2004, No. 3, 133-138 135

R. Doveear: Optimization of Multirnodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

Table 6 - The model of the transport problem of containers with cargo - TRANS-4
ECCf1 ECCf2 ECCf3 ECCf4 ECCT5 ECCf6 ECCf7 ECCf8 ECCf9 ai
ECCf1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 6500
ECCf2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 6600
ECCf3 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.2 5 400
ECCf4 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.3 6 200
ECCT5 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.4 8 300
bi 3 800 3 600 3 500 3 700 3 750 3 850 3 600 3 600 3 600 33 000

generation from five American port container termi- Table 7 - The model of the transport problem of
nals (i.e. APCf1, APCf2, APCf3, APCf4, APCf5) containers (TRANS-1)
across the Atlantic Ocean to four European port con- 11
tainer terminals (i.e. EPCf1, EPCf2, EPCf3, EPCf4). "' I
The third partial problem (cf. Table 5) of transpor- I
tation and distribution of containers with cargo I
(TRANS-3) shows transportation of containers by rail
from four European port container terminals (i.e.
0 I i

~ ] 5
I ~

EPCf1 EPCf2 EPCf3 EPCf4 EPCf5 to five Euro- E8l: Em: -sa:c &:m BJX:
31 31 2] 25
pean c~ntinental cont.tiner te;minals (i.e. ECCf1, 2) 2 3:! 3.)

ECCT2, ECCT3, ECCf4, ECCf5). ,'

2J 3,A
31 ,.

The fourth partial problem (cf. Table 6) of trans- D 0 (!

portation and distribution of containers with cargo c::J

(TRANS-4) shows transportation of containers by
road vehicles from five European continental con-
tainer terminals (i.e. ECCT1, ECCT2, ECCT3, ECCT4,
ECCT5) to nine European continental container ter-
minals (i.e. ECCT1, ECCf2, ECCT3, ECCT4, ECCf5,

address containing the target function is selected; in

5. OPTIMISATION OF MULTI-MODAL the window Equal the option Minis selected consider-
TRANSPORTATION CHAINS WITH ing the tendency to have minimal costs; in the window
THE APPLICATION OF SPREAD- By Changing Cells the address series is entered con-
SHEET taining all the variables; and the necessary constraints
are entered in the window Subject to the Constraints.
The multi-index problems of transport generally as When all parameters are entered, the key Solve on
well as the problems of container transport in the the chart Solver Parameters is clicked, thus activating
multimodal transportation chain are solved by differ-
ent methods (simplex method, stepping-stone
method, Vogel method, MODI method or the modi-
fied method of distribution, Hungarian method as
well as other linear or non linear methods). Table 7
shows the solution to a transportation problem by
means of Excel software Solver. The model is set up
for the first partial problem of container transport
from four starting points to five destination points.
The data and formulae are arranged in the addresses
of the working list prepared for the computation of
minimum costs.
In order to solve the given problem it is necessary
to set up the chart Solver Parameters, so that the set Figure 1 - Solver solving the problem of
target is entered in the window Set Target Cell or the container transport TRANS-1

136 Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 16, 2004, No. 3, 133-138

R. Doveear: Optimization of Multimodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

the Solver program, which calculates the decisive vari- Table 8 shows that the total cost of container distri-
able values in the address series. The most important bution is 84,560.00 €. Analysing the optimal solution
result is calculated in the address representing the re- to the problem of container transport and distribution
sult of the transport problem TRANS-1. The decisive (TRANS-1) from the operator's viewpoint, it can be
variables calculated in the address series C2: F4 define concluded that it is necessary: 1) from the starting
the cheapest transport route. Table 7 has shown the point ACCT2 to transport 6500 TEU per unit price of
optimal solution to the problem with the application 190 € to the destination point APCT1; 2) from the
of MS Excel. starting point ACCT2 to transport 1900 TEU per unit
price of 230 € to the destination point APCT2; 3) from
Table 8- Optimal solution to the problem of con-
the starting point ACCT4 to transport 4700 TEU per
tainer transport TRANS-1
unit price of 270 € to the destination point APCT2; 4)
8 c 0 H
Odrodoflt from the starting point ACCT3 to transport 5400 TEU
c 0 0 0 8200
per unit price of 250 € to the destination point APCT3;

liWl I~ 0 0 100

2600 0
5) from the starting point ACCT3 to transport 2600
11 w. sa QOO lllll TEU per unit price of 330 € to the destination point
1 Odrodo.,•
8 I 2 3 A s APCT4; 6) from the starting point ACCT4 to transport
9 f6l) !BD 5AOJ 6Dl B.lCO
10 &'00 2.) 3.1 3• 2J 2{> 3600 TEU per unit price of 340 € to the destination
11 .:wn lfiOO 1,9 ~.3 2.7 3.2 3,3
I:Z «m 21) 3,4 2,5 ),3 42 point APCT4; 7) from the starting point ACCT1 to
ll e:m 3,2 'l 2,9 34 3Jl transport 8200 TEU per unit price of 250 € to the des-
I. 8-1$ 1235 17!:6 1)50 21112 ;w3
IS tination point APCTs; 8) from the starting point
18 mm T • 8*.Bl.OO
17 ACCT2 to transport 100 TEU per unit price of 330 0.
11 UpouM (u"""" • - u l.cSE•colu
lt In such distribution the costs are minimal and they are
» 8:1-> = I'M~ (Cl G1J C1 • -•• ICl"Ct O•Cl"CII •C.. Ct 1• t~·ctl
lower than those obtained by the (least favourable)
21 1!2 -· EOfT,I:()py
22 63 05 -• EOITII'ASlE
CU -• roti'CQPY
014 G 4 -> EOIT!P.asTE
empirical program by 27%. Such substantial saving in
l4 C5->•SUIH~2C4! transport costs is extremely important in setting com-
:15 CS-> E!lfl~PV Bt4~>SI-t• tttGI4J
lB C5 G6 - >EOITIPASTC petitive sale price of exported goods.


minT1 minT2 minT3

~T = 8 456 000 + 51 630 000 + 5 382 000 + 3 202 000 + 68 670 000 €

Figure 2 - Distribution of containers (TEU) presented by all four optimal programs:

TRANS-1, TRANS-2, TRANS-3, TRANS-4 with the number of containers
and the sum of the manipulating transport costs

Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 16, 2004, No. 3, 133-138 137

R. Doveear: Optimization of Multimodal Transportation Chains in The Kaleidoscope of Information Technology

The second, third and fourth partial transport RATIMIR DOVECAR, D. Se.
problems are solved according to the same pattern Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
with the same procedures as elaborated in the previ- Pot pomorscakov 4, 6320 Portoroz, Republika Slovenija
ous program TRANS-1. These procedures therefore E-mail:
do not need to be repeated. The costs of optimal par-
tial distribution programs and their comparison with SAZETAK
the (least favourable) empirical program will be dis-
cussed in more detail in the conclusion of this study. OPTIMALIZACIJA MULTIMODALNIH
Further in the text the distribution of containers TRANSPORTNIH LANACA U KALEIDOSKOPU
(TEU) is illustrated in all four optimal programs: INFORMATICKIH TEHNOLOGIJA
TRANS-1, TRANS-2, TRANS-3 and TRANS-4 to-
gether with the number of containers and the total Temeljni cilj ove znanstvene rasprave jest istraiiti rele-
manipulation and transportation costs. vantna obiljeija multimodalnih transportnih lanaca, njihove
prednosti i nedostatke te problematiku sinkronizacije rada svih
sudionika u multimodalnom transportu. Razvojem informa-
tickih tehnologija metode optimalizacije muldimodalnih trans-
6. CONCLUSION portnih lanaca sve se viSe temelje na uporabi racunalnih pro-
grama kao reprezentativnoga alata u rjesavanju sloienih vise-
The development of utilitarian orientational pro- indeksnih problema optimalizacije multimodalnih trans-
grams for the quantitative analyses to be applied in the portnih lanaca.
optimisation of transport shows the extension of possi- Po svojim obiljeijima, primijenjenoj metodologiji i rezulta-
bilities of the program and the solving of complex stra- tima istraiivanja, dobivene spoznaje u ovoj raspravi trebaju
tegic transport problems. The example is the multi-in- pred.stavljati kvalitetna polaziSta za promicanje multimodal-
dex transport problem presented in this study. The to- nosti, optimalizaciju multimodalnih transportnih lanaca, od-
nosno efikasno odvijanje mutimodalnoga transporta kako bi
tal manipulation costs amount to 68,670,000 € or
bio u stanju zadovoljiti sve sloienije logisticke zahtjeve globalne
2080.9 € per container unit (TEU) of multimodal ekonomije.
transportation chains for 33,000 full containers (TEU)
carried from the shipper somewhere in Central USA
to numerous consignees at the ports of destination in
Eastern Europe by road, sea, rail and road again.
optimalizacija, multimodalni transportni lanci, informaticke
If the optimal program for the distribution of the tehnologije
whole quantity of containers (33,000 TEU) is com-
pared with the least favourable empirical programs of
distribution of the same quantity, the multimodal LITERATURE
transport operator shipping containers under FIATA
Bill of Lading may save even up to 25,426,773 €. This [1) BarkoviC, D.: Operacijska istraiivanja, second revised
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saving derives from the following calculation of four
Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet Osijek,
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Least favourable program LT = 8 456 000 € nosti Sveucilista u Zagrebu, Portoroz - Trieste - Za-
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LT = 71 708 333.3 € Znak, Zagreb, 1997.
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LT = 6 900 000 €
[5) PasagiC, H.: Matematicko modeliranje i teorija grafova,
Least favourable program LT = 5 382 000 € Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Fakultet prometnih znanosti,
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138 Pro met- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 16, 2004, No. 3, 133-138

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